Local Authorities & The Valuation Office Agency - GOV.UK


Local Authorities & The ValuationOffice Agency:Working Together to Support Our SharedCustomersLocal Authorities & the Valuation Office Agency (VOA)together play an essential role in the administrationof Business Rates, Council Tax and Housing Benefits.This document sets out how we can work together todeliver an effective, efficient and consistent service.Working togetherWe will work with each other to make the best use ofour resources, consulting with each other to ensure wehave a clear understanding of our respective roles.We will share updates with one another regularlyabout any changes to our processes where it affectsthe other or our shared customers.Our respective responsibilities for the delivery ofservices and functions are set out at the end of thisdocument.Customer firstWe will work together to provide the best possibleservice to our shared customers. We will seek outopportunities to improve the customer experiencewhilst ensuring we deliver value for money forthe taxpayer, by providing a quality, efficient andsustainable service.ResponsivenessThe VOA provides a single contact route for generalBA enquiries, in addition to alternative routes for morespecific enquiries such as Local Authority Gatewayand BAR submissions, where applicable, we endeavourto deal with these in line with our agreed timelinesstargets.Getting things rightWe will ensure that the information we share witheach other is accurate and complete, and we willexplain our decisions and actions clearly. If mistakesoccur, we will correct them as soon as possible.

Data and securityWe will work together to improve the range andquality of data that we are able to provide and theway in which we share it. We will share data safelyand securely in compliance with the law, protectingour shared customers.AccountabilityWe will seek out areas for improvement, particularlythose which will benefit our shared customers.We will also seek improvements to the ways in whichwe work together, making the most of opportunitiessuch as our stakeholder forums or working groups.If you would like to know more about these or wantmore information about how to get involved thenplease email stakeholderengagement@voa.gov.ukWe will identify and raise any issues as soon aspossible, and we will try to resolve them as fairly andas quickly as we can. There can be no financial redressconsidered between public bodies.Welsh LanguageThe VOA has a duty under the Welsh Language Act1993 and the Welsh Language Measure 2011 toprovide all customer services in Welsh, and to treatEnglish and Welsh on a basis of equality. The VOA iscommitted to treating Local Authorities in the samemanner in which it treats individuals, and as such wewill work with Local Authorities in Wales in English,Welsh or bilingually where appropriate. More detailson our commitment to delivering in Welsh can befound in the VOA’s Welsh Language Scheme.

VOA Contacts and InformationGeneral queries:LAs should send all general enquiries to: baenquiries@voa.gov.ukLocal Authority Engagement TeamThe VOA’s Local Authority Engagement Team is thekey corporate and strategic contact point for LocalAuthorities and will continue to focus on ways we candevelop and improve our strategic and operationalrelationships. The Local Authority RelationshipManagers can provide help and advice on Council Taxand Business Rates matters. They can be contacted viaLAengagement@voa.gov.uk.also be considered, where they align with a qualifyingpurpose. Further information can be found on GOV.UK,or from the Local Authority Engagement Team.Welsh ServiceWe have a service for Local Authorities or individualsto contact should they require services in Welshor translations of documents currently availableonly in English. This can be reached at welshlanguageiaithgymraeg@voa.gov.ukRent Officer FunctionsFor all queries regarding Rent Officer Functions,including Fair Rents and Housing Allowance, the ROFteam can be contacted via helpdesk@voa.gov.ukLocal Authority Information GatewayFurther linksThe Local Authority Information Gateway is providedunder the 2016 Enterprise Act to allow the VOAto share NDR information with Billing Authoritieswho have signed up to our Information SharingAgreements. This includes building plans, occupierdetails, and locations of properties. Other requests willThe VOA’s Billing Authority submissions standardsprovide further details on report submission andsubmission contacts. Further information for localauthorities can be found as guidance on GOV.UK.VOA’s operational service standards can be foundwithin its published Annual Business Plan.

VOA and LA FunctionsNon-Domestic Rating and Council TaxThe VOA compile and maintain statutory lists of therateable values for non-domestic properties andstatutory lists of Council Tax bands for domesticproperties.ActionBilling Authorities are responsible for billing andcollection, as well as notifying the VOA of changesto the lists. This includes submitting Billing AuthorityReports (BARs) and Occupier Lists.Business The VOA will:AreaBilling Authority NDR & CTReport (BAR)Submission Notify Local Authorities whenwe no action or reject a BAR(via BATrans) giving a reasoncode to explain why.Aim to meet the timelinesstargets set out in our currentbusiness plan found here.Local Authorities will: Changes to thelistsNDR & CT Occupier ListsNDR CertificatesNDR Update the Non-DomesticRating or Council Tax valuationlist within two weeks, uponagreement or decision.Notify Local Authorities viaBATrans of any reports whichhave resulted in a change tothe list.Publish the dates for updateschedules via BATrans regularly.Notify the Local Authorities of any change to the frequency ofoccupier list submission. Issue Transitional Certificates(England only) whereappropriate.Aim to provide renewableenergy certificates as soon asreasonably practicable afterreceiving your request. If we areunable to provide a certificate,we will tell you why.Aim to issue Section 44acertificates within 28 days ofyour request.Provide regular submissions ofreports meeting the BAR SubmissionStandards.Provide Billing Authority referencenumbers when requests aresubmitted or within three workingdays of a request.Submit BARs using the online BARssystem.Make use of the online services andguidance.Provide occupier lists on a regularbasis (Wales).Occupier lists arenow required quarterly on orbefore January 15th, April 15th,July 15th and 15th October(England). The email address for allcontact regarding these, includingsubmission is occupierlists@voa.gov.ukMake all requests for certificates tothe centralised BA Enquiries inbox orsubmit as a BAR.

ActionBusiness The VOA will:AreaEstimatesNDR Local Authorities will:Issue estimates of rateable value where requested for ratesretention purposes.Submit appropriate requests forestimates as a BAR - includingsufficient information to enableestimates to be provided – whereapplicable.Rent Officer functionsLocal Housing Allowances (LHA) for England, the VOAproduces LHA rates in over 150 Broad Rental MarketAreas (BRMAs).Together we support the Department for Work andPensions (DWP) in Housing Benefit (HB) andThe VOA will:Local Authorities will: Aim to meet the timeliness targets set out in our current business plan found here. Determine Housing Benefit cases (withoutinspection) within the period specified withinour Service Level Agreement with DWP.Refer all cases that are exempt from LHA,providing full details of the claim to allow theRent Officer to make the required determinations. Refer any case where the rent includes anyamounts for board and attendance so that therent officer can determine whether these amountsare a substantial part of the rent under thetenancy. Where care and support is provided, the rentreferred will be net of any amount that the localauthority has determined as attributable to careand support. The local authority will indicateclearly on the referral the amount that theyhave deducted for care and support where thesecircumstances apply. Determine Housing Benefit cases (which needinspection) within the period specified withinour Service Level Agreement with DWP. Determine PTD cases within the period specifiedwithin our Service Level Agreement with DWP. Consider redetermination cases within the periodspecified within our Service Level Agreementwith DWP. Provide appropriate substitute determinations in cases where an error has been identified Monitor LHA Datashare uploads and issuereminders where the upload is not provided,and provide feedback where it appears technicalissues have arisen.Indicate clearly on the form if there is a nonresident carer. Aim to refer cases in line with our Service LevelAgreement. Provide a unique identifying reference number forall referrals. Provide the landlord’s name, address and contactdetails in all PTD cases. Provide the relevant information to VOA about“potentially violent people” (PVPs) that theyidentify and whom VOA staff are likely to comeinto contact with. Upload ‘LHA Datashare’ via LHA direct or EISwithin five working days of the start of themonth, to provide details of all LHA claims madeirrespective of whether they are successful orunsuccessful.

The VOA has a duty under the Welsh Language Act 1993 and the Welsh Language Measure 2011 to provide all customer services in Welsh, and to treat English and Welsh on a basis of equality. The VOA is committed to treating Local Authorities in the same manner in which it treats individuals, and as such we