“The Jenna Thing”Episode #102Written ByMarlene KingDirected ByLiz FriedlanderProduction Draft – 1st Revision (Blue)April 12, 2010All rights reserved. 2010 Warner Horizon Television Inc. This script is the property of HorizonScripted Television Inc. No portion of this script may be performed, reproduced or used by anymeans, or disclosed to, quoted or published in any medium without the prior written consent ofWarner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Pretty Little Liars“The Jenna Thing”Episode #102Aria MontgomeryEmily FieldsHanna MarinSpencer HastingsAlison DiLaurentisAshley MarinByron MontgomeryElla MontgomeryEzra FitzMaya St. GermainBenDetective WildenJenna MarshallMelissa HastingsMona VanderwallPam FieldsPeter HastingsSean AckardWrenMike MontgomeryJockJock #2Reporter (O.S.)Waiter
Pretty Little Liars“The Jenna Thing”Episode #102Set ListINTERIORSAria’s HouseDining RoomEntrywayLiving RoomHanna’s HouseKitchenEXTERIORSStreet Outside Rosewood GrillStreet Outside Music ShopStreet Outside Boutique (omitted) *Residential Rosewood StreetEmily’s HouseBedroomSpencer’s HouseBackyard PatioSpencer’s HouseBedroomHallwayEmily’s HouseFront PorchRosewood GrillRosewood HighPractice FieldParking LotRosewood HighHallwayCafeteriaPrincipal Henchman’s OfficeMr. Fitz’s ClassroomBen’s CarRosewood Movie TheaterEzra’s CarRosewood Mall (new) *Parking GarageCavanaugh’s HouseBackyardRosewood Movie TheaterStreet Outside Coffee Shop
Pretty Little Liars“The Jenna Thing”Episode #102Script DaysNight One:Scenes 1-4Day Two:Scenes 5-14, 17-18Night Two:Scenes 19-23Day Three:Scenes 24-28Night Three:Scenes 29-33Day Four:Scenes 34-43, 45-49FlashbacksScenes 15-16, 44
PRETTY LITTLE LIARSEp. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.101TEASERFADE IN:1EXT. STREET - ROSEWOOD GRILL - NIGHT (N1)1It’s a quiet night in Rosewood and most of the town’s shopsare closed and empty. Through the pane glass window of theRosewood Grill, we see EMILY, ARIA, SPENCER and HANNA wearingtheir black funeral dresses, sitting at a table. They are theonly patrons in the restaurant, creating an iconic EdwardHopper-like image.2INT. ROSEWOOD GRILL - NIGHT (N1)2Except for a few servers and one OLDER COUPLE, the place isempty. However, the girls talk in hushed tones.ARIAWhy was Jenna there?SPENCERI guess she’s back.HANNAThat cop acted like we weresuspects or something.EMILYDo you think we looked guilty?ARIAWhy would we? We haven’t doneanything wrong.HANNA-- except lie about “The JennaThing.”SPENCERWe promised we’d never bring up“The Jenna Thing” again. Remember?It never happened.ARIAHave you found a way to forget?still wake up sometimes in themiddle of the night --ISPENCERAria, it was an accident.(CONTINUED)
2PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.102Emily looks down at a friendship bracelet and nervously playswith it. She hasn’t forgotten.Hanna dumps the last of the booze from her silver flask intoher diet coke. The OLDER MALE PATRON sees this. Hanna catcheshis look HANNAIt’s medicinal.He continues to judge her with his stare Cramps.HANNA (CONT’D)He finally looks away.EMILYI don’t get it. How does “A” knowsomething about me that only Alisonknew?They share a look.ARIAAli knew all of our secrets, but wedidn’t know any of hers.Spencer reveals SPENCERI knew some.They all snap their attention to Spencer Go on.Talk.I can’t.2ARIAHANNASPENCERSpencer is reluctant to share more.ARIASpence, you are not going to drop abomb like that and clam up.SPENCERShe’d so kill me if I told you.(CONTINUED)
2PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED: (2)Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.102HANNAShe’s dead!Off their looks, recovering.SPENCERAli was seeing someone that summer.EMILYI knew she was keeping somethingfrom me. From us.ARIAWhy didn’t she want us to know?SPENCERHe was an older boy. And he had agirlfriend.EMILYWho was it?HANNACan we at least have initials?SPENCERShe never told me his name.HANNAThat’s only half a secret.SPENCERIt’s more than you ever got fromher.ARIAHow was it that Alison told usnothing and we told her everything?EMILYShe made us feel like we were apart of something special.We were.HANNAARIAI miss that.Me, too.3SPENCER(CONTINUED)
2PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED: (3)Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.102EMILYI miss Ali.Moment. A server refills Spencer’s coffee cup and drops apacket of sugar onto the table.ARIAShe’s gonna need more than that.EMILY(off the server’s look)She hates the taste, but loves therush.He drops three more packets and, sure enough, Spencer poursall of the sugar into her coffee.As Emily hands Hanna a spoon, Hanna notices a friendshipbracelet that Emily wears.HANNAI can’t believe you still wearthat.EMILYWe swore we’d never take them off.Alison still wears hers. Wore.After a moment.ARIASo for the entire year I was gone,Jenna was away?SPENCERShe left Rosewood that night andnever came back.ARIAIf Jenna is “A” then this is aboutrevenge.HANNASorry, but “A” is “watching” us andthat rules out Jenna.The girls shoot Hanna a look.their looks -4Did she just say that?Off ofHANNA (CONT’D)Those sunglasses aren’t a fashionstatement. She’s blind.(CONTINUED)
2PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED: (4)Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.1052Hanna grabs a sweet potato fry from the communal plate on thetable. She mindlessly munches on it.Emily continues to nervously play with her friendshipbracelet. Spencer watches this and the discussion takes aturn down memory lane.SPENCERWhen Ali didn’t come home I knewsomething terrible must havehappened to her, but there was apart of me that imagined somedayshe would just show up.ARIAI used to think maybe Ali had runoff with some guy.EMILYThat she was laying on a beachsomewhere HANNAGetting a tan with that hotlifeguard who worked at the pool.ARIAWhat was his name?HANNAWho cares? “Save me!”They laugh and for a moment they’re just four friends again.And then, after the laughter fades, Spencer almost cracks.SPENCERI can’t believe she’s gone.Then the rhythmic sound of a repeated TAP TAP grows closerand louder. The girls look in the direction of the sound.ANGLE ON: A white cane with a red tip tapping back and forth.PAN UP TO REVEAL -JENNA, wearing dark sunglasses, as she stands in the doorwayof the restaurant.Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily practically hold their breathas they watch Jenna find her way to a seat at the counter.She is far enough away that they don’t hear her order fromthe server. The PLLs exchange silent looks. Spencer is thefirst to stand. Her friends silently follow her lead.(CONTINUED)
2PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED: (5)Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.1062The PLLs don’t utter a sound as they walk past Jenna and outof the restaurant.3EXT. ROSEWOOD GRILL - NIGHT (N1)Spencer, Aria, Hanna and Emily file out of the restaurant andwalk off in four different directions. CAMERA rests on theimage of Jenna, who wee see through the front window, sittingalone.END OF TEASER3
PRETTY LITTLE LIARSEp. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.107ACT ONEFADE IN:4EXT. MUSIC SHOP - ROSEWOOD COMMERCIAL STREET - NIGHT (N1)Having just left her friends, Aria walks home alone. Shesees, up ahead, EZRA walking toward his parked car. He hastaken off his tie, but still wears the dark suit he wore toAli’s funeral. As he is about to climb into his car, helooks up and sees Aria. They lock eyes for a long moment.Then he offers a charming and disarming smile that invites asmile from Aria.EZRAI thought about you all day.you okay?I will be.AreARIAEZRAIt’s hard to lose someone you’reclose to. It changes you.ARIAWe lost Alison a year ago. Todaywas more about admitting it toourselves.After a moment EZRAI’d offer you a ride ARIA- but I’d have to say “no.” Imeant what I said, Ezra. I’d neverdo anything that would get you intotrouble.EZRAAnd being alone with you in my carwould probably lead to trouble.She considers the kind of trouble they would get into and aflirtatious smile comes across her face.Yeah.ARIA(CONTINUED)4
4PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.104EZRA(playfully teasing)But if it’s only a few miles.Now they are both thinking about the kind of trouble theywould love to get into and it’s sizzling.ARIA(playfully prudent)Ezra.Aria notices the small shopping bag he’s holding.ARIA (CONT’D)So what did you buy?He pulls out a CD.B26.It’s The Fray.EZRAThe look they share tells us they both recognize thesignificance of his purchase. He wanted to savor theirmoment.BETH, a female student from Rosewood High, approaches andrecognizes both of them.Hi, Aria.STUDENTHey, Mr. Fitz.Both Aria and Ezra shift their personas to a student-teacherdynamic.Hey.ARIACute car.8Hi, Beth.STUDENTAria locks eyes with Ezra.EZRA(CONT’D)This sucks.ARIAGood night, Mr. Fitz.He wants to grab her and kiss her but EZRAI’ll see you at school.She watches him get into his car and drive away.
PRETTY LITTLE LIARS5Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.109EXT. SPENCER’S BACKYARD PATIO - HASTINGS’ HOUSE - MORNING (D2)Spencer sits at the outdoor dining table. She peruses aHOLLIS COLLEGE CLASS CATALOGUE as she pours a lot of sugarinto her coffee cup and eats a healthy breakfast.ANGLE ON the CATALOGUE where Spencer circles an INTERIORDESIGN CLASS.PETER HASTINGS, Spencer and Melissa’s father, walks out ofthe house. Dressed for work in a well-fitting suit and tie,he joins Spencer at the table.PETERYou’re thinking about a collegecredit class, Spence? That’s agreat idea.MELISSA and WREN approach from the barn and join theimpromptu family meal.MELISSAI took a Poli-Sci class at Hollismy junior year. It was fun.SPENCERThat’s what I was thinking.looking for something fun.I’mPETERFor a local college, Hollis has anexcellent Economics program.WRENEconomics, that sounds like abloody load of fun.Melissa gives him a playful shrug.MELISSALike her older sister, Spencer ison the fast track to an Ivy Leagueeducation.PETERSpence, I really do like the idea,but I want to make sure you havetime for the commitments you’vealready taken on. Class Presidenthas always been a big undertakingfor you.(CONTINUED)5
5PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.10105SPENCERNominations are today, Dad. Idon’t even know if I’m in therunning.WREN(playfully)A modest Hastings. Now that’ssomething one doesn’t see everyday.PETERThe Hastings girls are ambitious,Wren. That’s why they’re sosuccessful.His tone suggests he doesn’t appreciate Wren’s humor.knows to back off.WrenPETER (CONT’D)So what are you thinking, Spence?Poli-Sci or Econ?Spencer closes the catalogue.SPENCERI haven’t decided yet.6INT. HANNA’S KITCHEN - MARIN HOUSE - MORNING (D2)6With the television BROADCASTING LOCAL NEWS in thebackground, Hanna, dressed for school, refills her coffeecup. ASHLEY, dressed for work, enters, sets her mug on thecounter and opens the refrigerator. Hanna tops off hermother’s cup as Ashley empties the nonfat carton into both oftheir mugs.ASHLEYThat’s the last of the milk.HANNAIt’s on the list.Hanna and Ashley do a last minute vanity check and share awall mirror. Ashley applies a dusting of face powder asHanna colors in her lips.REPORTER (O.S.)Rosewood Detective Darren Wildenheld a press conference thismorning.Hanna freezes and in the mirror we see reflected -(CONTINUED)
6PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.10116ON TELEVISION - DETECTIVE WILDEN makes a statement.WILDENThe coroner released his findingsthis morning and although AlisonDiLaurentis’ body did show signs ofa blunt force head trauma, thecause of her death was suffocation.ANGLE ON - Ashley who picks up the remote and turns off thetelevision. They both watch the screen go dark. After abeat ASHLEYAre you okay going to school today?HANNAI’ll be fine.ASHLEYI don’t want to think about whatthe police are saying and youshouldn’t either. Try to rememberAlison as the beautiful girl youknew.HANNAI’m sorry, Mom.For what?The cop.ASHLEYHANNAAshley wants to forget about it.ASHLEYIt’s over, okay. We both wantedsomething and we both got what weneeded.End of discussion.Ashley watches Hanna apply her lipstick.ASHLEY (CONT’D)Is that Amber Rose?Ashley applies a smile.ASHLEY (CONT’D)It’s a great color for you.Hanna applies a similar smile as WE PAN OFF OF the mirror to -
PRETTY LITTLE LIARS7Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.1012INT. ARIA’S DINING ROOM - MONTGOMERY HOUSE - MORNING (D2)Aria sits at the table with her mother, ELLA.refills their coffee cups -As EllaELLAI had to look twice to make surethat was Hanna.Right?ARIAELLAThat was some funeral dress. Hermother didn’t buy that at CurvyGirl.BYRON walks into the room BYRONWho shops at Curvy Girl?ELLANo one anymore.Byron walks into the kitchen, then walks back out with a togo cup. He’s on the move this morning.ELLA (CONT’D)No time for breakfast?He pours himself a cup of coffee.BYRONNo, and I’ll probably be latetonight, too.ELLALate nights already?back.You just gotARIAYeah, what’s that about?Ella’s tone was joking, but Aria’s is serious.BYRONWhat’s it about? Being gone for ayear. Playing catch-up. Facultymeetings, changing my curriculum,demanding students.(CONTINUED)7
7PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.10137ARIAMaybe your family’s demands shouldcome first.They exchange a look.ARIA (CONT’D)I’m gonna be late.She kisses Ella on the cheek.ARIA (CONT’D)Love you, Ella.She leaves without looking at her father.Byron.Ella turns toELLAWhat was that about? You two gotalong so well when we were gone. Idon’t get it.BYRONShe’s a teenage girl, Ella. Aren’tthey all moody and unpredictable?As Byron quickly packs up to leave CUT TO:8EXT. EMILY’S FRONT PORCH - FIELDS’ HOUSE - MORNING (D2)Emily, dressed for school, reads To Kill A Mockingbird as shesits on her front porch. She looks up and finds herselfsmiling as MAYA approaches.As Maya sits next to Emily MAYASo, are you okay?Emily doesn’t have an immediate answer.MAYA (CONT’D)That was a dumb question. Ofcourse you’re not okay. I thoughtabout going to the funeral, but Ididn’t know her and it didn’t feelright.EMILYI understand.Maya glances toward Emily’s coffee cup.(CONTINUED)8
8PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.10148MAYACan I have a sip?Sure.EMILYYou want your own?MAYAI’d rather share yours.Emily hands Maya the cup. For a brief moment their handstouch. As Maya takes a sip of coffee -EMILYYou look tired.MAYAI haven’t slept much. My mom foundanother box of Alison’s things inthe basement. There were picturesof her in my room. Her room.Maya’s usual perky exterior falls away.MAYA (CONT’D)She’s everywhere. And that poster.EMILYSomeone should take down theposters. It hurts way too much tolook at them.Emily is on the verge of breaking down.MAYAEmily, I’m so sorry.Maya hugs her friend.Comforts her.PAM, wearing tennis whites and looking extremely fit after apractice match, walks up the front walk.PAMIs everything okay?Emily breaks their hug and inches away from Maya. She looksfor a reaction on her mother’s face then realizes she hasdone nothing wrong.EMILYMom, this is Maya St. Germain.Maya, hi.PAM(CONTINUED)
8PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED: (2)Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.10158Pam offers her hand to say hello, but Maya surprises her witha friendly hug. Pam accepts the hug and offers Maya a warm,reassuring smile.PAM (CONT’D)I’d say welcome to the neighborhoodbut EMILY- it’s kind of hard when yourbackyard is a crime scene.Still?PAMMAYAIt’s where people come to be closeto her. They light candles andleave teddy bears. I get it but itstill feels like “her” house.EMILYI can understand why you’re notsleeping.PAMMaya, maybe you should stay with usfor a few days. You can sleep inEmily’s room.*Pam does not register the “I can’t believe this is happening”look on Emily’s face as we CUT TO:9EXT. PRACTICE FIELD - ROSEWOOD HIGH - MORNING (D2)9Ten field hockey balls are perfectly lined up on the grass.CLOSE ON - focused and intense eyes, lining up the shot.CLOSE ON - fingers gripping the hockey stick.CLOSE ON - hockey stick lining up with the ball.Then WHACK.TILT UP to see Spencer (wearing her plaid skirt and apractice T-shirt) as she watches the ball fly into thepractice net.Spencer tilts her head from side to side, obviouslystretching a sore neck. She lines up the next shot thenWHACKS the ball. It soars quickly and directly into the net.Nice.EMILY (O.S.)(CONTINUED)
9PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.10169Spencer looks up to see Emily and Maya as they walk towardschool. They stop to talk.EMILY (CONT’D)I heard you’re gunning for varsitycaptain.SPENCERI have a shot, so.EMILYIf a Hastings has a shot, she takesthe shot.MAYAIs that a drinking game?Spencer appreciates Maya’s humor.fresh air in Rosewood.She’s like a breath ofSPENCERIt should be.Emily makes the introductions EMILYSpencer, this is Maya Spencer immediately registers the name.Oh -SPENCERMAYAYeah. New girl who moved into deadgirl’s house.For a moment they fall silent.It’s extremely awkward.MAYA (CONT’D)I can’t believe I just said that.SPENCERI can’t believe you did either.MAYAI think Brad Pitt and I are missingthe same sensitivity chip.It’s fine.SPENCERSpencer cracks a warm smile.(CONTINUED)
9PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED: (2)Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.10179SPENCER (CONT’D)We’re all trying to find a way todeal with it.EMILYMaya and I are going for caffeine.Wanna join?SPENCERI’d kill for a latte Then she has second thoughts.SPENCER (CONT’D)- but this is my only time topractice.EMILYWe’ll catch you later.Spencer returns her focus to her practice shots. CAMERAstays with Maya and Emily, heading toward the entrance of theschool.MAYAShe’s intense.EMILYIf you knew her parents you’dunderstand.As they round the corner WE CUT TO -10INT. HALLWAY - ROSEWOOD HIGH - MORNING (D2)10The halls are almost empty. Ezra walks slowly toward hisclassroom while reviewing his lesson plan.ARIACan I talk to you?He looks up to see Aria as she approaches. He smiles sweetlythen catches himself. He looks around. They are alone.Of course.EZRAARIAI’d like to transfer out of yourclass.His face reads surprise and disappointment.(CONTINUED)
10PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" BlueA FEW STUDENTS saunter down the hall.his classroom -4.12.101810He opens the door to*EZRAWill you come inside, for just aminute?11INT. MR. FITZ CLASSROOM - CONTINUOUS - (D2)Aria follows Ezra into the empty classroom.close the door behind her.11He decides toEZRAI understand where you’re comingfrom, but I wish you could stay inthe class.ARIAThis isn’t an easy decision, but Ifeel like it’s the right thing to do.EZRAI can keep my feelings in check.ARIAI can’t. And even if I could, Idon’t want to.She looks at him longingly.ARIA (CONT’D)It’s too hard to sit in this roomeveryday and call you “Mr. Fitz.”I can’t pretend like I don’t knowyou.She hands him a school form.ARIA (CONT’D)Will you sign it?He glances down at the document which reads: CLASS TRANSFERREQUEST.EZRAAre you sure?I’m sure.ARIA(CONTINUED)
11PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.101911He reluctantly signs the paper then hands it back to her.Thank you.12ARIA (CONT’D)INT. HALLWAY - ROSEWOOD HIGH - MORNING (D2)12Students are filtering in for the day.ANGLE ON - Hanna, who stands with MONA, but looks past herfriend to see Ezra, standing in the doorway of his classroom.He watches Aria walk away. The look on Ezra’s face is one ofinterest and adoration. Hanna is intrigued.Mona, who’s in a perpetual scan-the-crowd mode, comments onanother STUDENT walking by. She steals back Hanna’sattention.MONAI’m all for boob jobs but when Isee those I want to “Moo.”Hanna shifts her gaze to see the cow boobs but then MONA (CONT’D)I spy a Sean.Hanna spots him.HANNA(to Mona)See you at lunch.SEAN, Hanna’s hottie boyfriend, approaches. Gifted with goodlooks, brains and athletic ability, he is Rosewood High’smost likely to succeed at everything he tries. Sean givesHanna a morning kiss and they peel off together.ANGLE ON - Emily who closes her locker and turns into a KISSfrom her swimmer-boyfriend, BEN. He’s all boy and all jockand the kiss surprises Emily. She pulls back.BENWhat’s wrong?EMILYYou surprised me.BENAre we still on for the movie?(CONTINUED)
12PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.102012EMILYMy mom invited Maya to stay with ustonight He imagines a fantasy moment for himself BENWhat kind of jammies do you thinknew girl wears?Emily is unnerved by the question.EMILYHow would I know?He gives her a quick kiss.BENSee you at practice Ben exits leaving Emily with a clear view of Maya, who hangswith some Girls at the end of the hall. She talks to astudent, laughs and smiles. What kind of jammies does shewear? An ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE OVER THE P.A. SYSTEM.ADMINISTRATOR (O.S.)Will the following students pleasecome to the office? Emily Fields,Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastingsand Hanna Marin.Emily’s look reads “what now?”First BELL RINGS and students disperse to their classes,leaving only the PLLs standing in the hallway. Together theystart the long walk toward the office. Aria’s phone RINGS andthey stop in their tracks. Aria as she pulls the phone fromher purse and looks at the screen.ARIAIt’s from “A.”She shows them her phone. Hanna reads the text.HANNA“Dead Girls Walking.”The four girls walk the long hall to the principal’s office.END OF ACT ONE**
PRETTY LITTLE LIARSEp. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.1021ACT TWOFADE IN:13INT. PRINCIPAL HENCHMAN’S OFFICE - ROSEWOOD HIGH - MORNING (D2) 13Looking and feeling like four guilty little girls, the PLLssqueeze together on the couch. Detective Wilden stands whilehe questions them.Wilden reviews his notes then WILDEN(to Spencer)You thought you heard her “scream.”SPENCERI said that, yeah.He looks to Aria, Emily and Hanna WILDENAnd when you three woke up in thebarn - Alison was gone but so wasSpencer?SPENCERYes, I woke up before them and Irealized Ali was gone WILDEN(recounting her statement)- So you went to look for her?SPENCERThat’s what happened.WILDENWas this a slumber party?SPENCERIs this an interrogation?WILDENNo. Just a routine follow-up. Whydid you all fall asleep?ARIAI guess we were tired.WILDENIs that how it was, Hanna?(CONTINUED)
13PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Yes.Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.102213HANNASPENCERWe’ve told you everything we know.Just like we did the night she wentmissing.WILDENYeah, I know. It’s almost exactlywhat you said last year. Almostlike it was rehearsed.After a long beat and a stare down ARIALike Spencer said, we’ve told youeverything we know.Off of their looks WE CUT TO:14INT. CAFETERIA - ROSEWOOD HIGH - DAY (D2)14The PLLs sit together at a table. Their lunches are in frontof them, but no one is interested in eating.ARIAHe knows we’re lying.HANNALying’s not a crime.SPENCERIt is when you’re giving falsestatements to the police. It’scalled obstruction of justice -HANNAOh, please. We lied about drinking.The truth that matters is we don’tknow anything about what happenedto Ali that night.SPENCERWe also know about someone whomight have wanted to hurt her.EMILYWe should have told the police thetruth about Jenna’s accident thenight it happened.(CONTINUED)
14PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.102314HANNAI wanted to, remember?ARIAWe had a chance to do more thantell the truth. We had a chance tostop Ali.*SPENCERBut we didn’t.As they exchange a remorseful look, Mona, carrying her lunchtray, approaches. She sees Hanna sitting with her old BFFs.Hurt, she walks away.SPENCER (CONT’D)Telling the police now about whathappened to Jenna isn’t going tomake her see again. It’ll justruin our lives.Aria looks past Emily and sees Jenna, standing alone, carrying her lunch tray.HANNAOh, my God, she’s back in schooltoo?A boy, who’s not paying too much attention, bumps into Jenna.She’s vulnerable. Lost. Without a second thought, Ariastands and approaches her. The PLLs watch as Aria approaches Jenna.ARIAJenna, it’s Aria.to join us?Would you likeThe invitation surprises Jenna. After a moment:Sure.JENNAAria leads Jenna toward the PLLs who can’t believe she isheading their way.ARIAHere’s a chair. You’re betweenHanna and Spencer and Emily isdirectly across from you.Jenna and Aria both sit down.(CONTINUED)
14PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED: (2)Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.102414JENNASo this would be Alison’s chair?EMILYNo. We’re not even sitting at thattable.JENNAYou know she came to see me in thehospital after the accident.SPENCER(incredulous)Alison did?Hanna nervously pops a tater tot into her mouth as the PLLsshare an extremely surprised look toward Jenna.Jenna is pleasant as pie.JENNASo many people misunderstood her.But I knew exactly who Alison was.What else does she know?SPENCERWhen did you get back, Jenna? Weheard you were in Philadelphia at aschool for the visually impaired.JENNAYou can say blind, Spencer.not a dirty word.It’sThe girls exchange remorseful looks JENNA (CONT’D)(playfully)So quiet. This used to be the funtable. What happened to you girls?We see the sorry look on Spencer’s face as she remembers SMASH CUT TO:15INT. EMILY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT - FLASHBACK15It’s July 4th. One year ago. The PLLs and ALISON listen tomusic and try on festive outfits for tonight’s festivities.Emily innocently looks on as Alison pulls on a skimpy, summertop. Alison catches Emily’s gaze in the mirror and shootsher a fun smile. Hanna watches Alison as she models the top.(CONTINUED)
15PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.10Is she studying her? Alison whips around and glares!shit she can be scary.The PLLs all snap back.HolyWho is she pissed at and why?ALISONI see you!!!!!!Alison storms over to the window and throws it open.looks outside at a tree -SheALISON (CONT’D)Oh, my God. I can’t believe it!The other girls run over.EMILYWho was it, Ali?What did you see?ALISONHe was in that tree, spying on us.I am so creeped out!Outside the window - the tree branches still shake.SPENCERWho was it?ALISONThat perv Toby Cavanaugh.ARIAAre you sure?Yes, Aria.ALISONHe was right there!Alison shakes of the creeps like you shake off cooties.ALISON (CONT’D)I’m sure he saw us all naked.Hanna cringes at the thought of it.ARIAWe should tell someone.We could.idea.ALISONBut I’ve got a better2515
PRETTY LITTLE LIARS16Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.1026EXT. CAVANAUGH'S BACKYARD - JULY 4TH - NIGHT - FLASHBACK16Fireworks explode in the distance. Alison leads the chargeas the PLLs follow her and sneak across the lawn, toward afree standing garage.As they near the garage, Alison pulls a stink bombfirecracker from her pocket.ARIAAre we sure he’s not in there?**ALISON(looking at the dark barn)He’s not, okay? You’ve got thelighter, right Spencer?***EMILYLet’s wait a second.They stop.Alison, annoyed, turns to her.ALISONWhat, Emily?EMILYI don’t want to do this.ALISONFine. Go back. You’re on your own.She doesn’t want to be on her own and Ali knows it.ARIAMaybe Emily’s right. If we tell thepolice they’ll bring him in.They’ll take care of it.ALISONWhat’s the fun in that?(nobody answers, then:)Toby Cavanaugh is a freak and weneed to teach him a lesson. If hethinks he can come and spy on uswhile we’re in your bedroom, Emily,he needs to know that his “domain”is no longer a safe little hideout.**Alison looks over at the garage.ALISON (CONT’D)Who knows what he does in there allday, that freak.(CONTINUED)
16PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.102716SPENCERAre you sure it was Toby?ALISONYes, and it’s a stink bomb forGod’s sakes. We’re not nuking theplace. Now let’s do it.She sneaks closer to the garage. The PLLs exchange cautiouslooks, but then one-by-one they follow their leader.When they reach the garage, Alison opens the top half of the*Dutch door and peaks inside. ALISON’S POV: the garage is Toby’s *lair. Exercise equipment. Computer stuff. Cool band postersdecorate the walls.ALISON (CONT’D)Give me the lighter.Spencer hands Ali, who is gleeful, the lighter. She ignitesthe firecracker fuse and when it sparks, she tosses it intothe garage. She takes one last look inside. For a beat shelocks eyes on something (Spencer clocks her). Then Alisonsnaps her attention back to the PLLs.**ALISON (CONT’D)Let’s get out of here.She runs back across the yard and the PLLs run along side ofher. What they don’t see is that behind them - inside thegarage - flames have erupted. Then they hear it, the soundthat changes their lives forever - A TEENAGE GIRL’S TERRIFIEDSCREAM.Alison and the PLLs stop dead in their tracks as the garageburns behind them.SMASH CUT TO:17INT. CAFETERIA - ROSEWOOD HIGH - DAY (D2)17We see Spencer reflected in Jenna’s dark sunglasses. As WEPULL back to reveal the PLLs are all still sitting at thelunch table with Jenna, their cell phones and blackberry’ssimultaneously sound.Jenna picks up Spencer’s phone which vibrates on the table JENNAAren’t you going to get that?She hands the phone to Spencer.the text they just received.The PLLs all look down at(CONTINUED)
17PRETTY LITTLE LIARSCONTINUED:Ep. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.10CLOSE ON SPENCER’S PHONE. The text reads: “If only she couldsee how guilty you look.” - AOff of Spencer’s guilty look we CUT TO END OF ACT TWO2817
PRETTY LITTLE LIARSEp. 102 "The Jenna Thing" Blue4.12.1029ACT THREEFADE IN:18INT. MR. FITZ’S CLASSROOM - ROSEWOOD HIGH - MORNING (D2)Ezra writes on the chalkboard, then turns to the class.EZRALet’s take our seats, people.Emily, Spencer and Hanna huddle together near Spencer’s desk.EMILYWhere’s Aria?Hanna glances at Ezra.HANNAMaybe you should ask Fitz.They give her a look. What does she know that they don’tknow? The girls take their seats as the door opens.Everyone turns to see - Mona. She realizes everyone islooking at her.Am I late?MONAEZRAIt’s Mona, right?MONAThat’s right, Mr. Fritz.The class laughs.What?MONA (CONT’D)EZRATake your seat, Mona, please.She sits down and Hanna whispers to her.HANNAIt’s Fitz not Fritz.Oops.MONAThey crack up as Fitz pa
Night One: Scenes 1-4 Day Two: Scenes 5-14, 17-18 Night Two: Scenes 19-23 Day Three: Scenes 24-28 Night Three: Scenes 29-33 Day Four: Scenes 34-43, 45-49 Flashbacks Scenes 15-16, 44 . TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. STREET - ROSEWOOD GRILL - NIGHT (N1) 1 It's a quiet night in Rosewood and most of the town's shops are closed and empty. Through the pane glass window of the Rosewood Grill, we see .