Ivy GlobalISEELOWER LEVEL TEST 1*ISEE is a registered trademark of Educational Records Bureau which is not affiliated with and does notendorse this product.
Ivy GlobalISEELOWER LEVEL TEST 1MARKING INSTRUCTIONS Use a #2 or HB pencil only on pages 2 and 3. Use a ballpoint pen for your essay on pages 6 and 7. Make dark marks that completely fill the circle. Erase clearly any mark you wish to change. Make no stray marks on this form. Do not fold or crease this form.Correct MarkIncorrect Marks 1 VERBAL REASONING1 15 29 2 16 30 3 17 31 4 18 32 5 19 33 6 20 34 7 21 35 8 22 36 9 23 37 10 24 38 11 25 39 12 26 40 13 27 14 28 Ivy GlobalISEE LOWER LEVEL TEST 1 2
2 QUANTITATIVE REASONING4 MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT1 15 29 1 18 35 2 16 30 2 19 36 3 17 31 3 20 37 4 18 32 4 21 38 5 19 33 5 22 39 6 20 34 6 23 40 7 21 35 7 24 41 8 22 36 8 25 42 9 23 37 9 26 43 10 24 38 10 27 44 11 25 11 28 45 12 26 12 29 46 13 27 13 30 47 14 28 14 31 48 15 32 49 16 33 50 17 34 51 3 READING COMPREHENSION1 15 29 2 16 30 3 17 31 4 18 32 5 19 33 6 20 34 7 21 35 8 22 36 9 23 37 10 24 38 11 25 39 12 26 40 13 27 41 14 28 42 Ivy GlobalISEE LOWER LEVEL TEST 1 3
Essay Topic SheetThe directions for the Essay portion of the ISEE are printed in the box below. Use the pre-lined pages onpages 6-7 for this part of the Practice Test.You will have 30 minutes to plan and write an essay on the topic printed on the other side of this page. Donot write on another topic. An essay on another to
Ivy Global ISEE LOWER LEVEL TEST 1 4 Essay Topic Sheet The directions for the Essay portion of the ISEE are printed in the box below. Use the pre-lined pages on pages 6-7 for this part of the Practice Test. You will have 30 minutes to plan and write an essay on the topic printed on the other side of this page. Do not write on another topic.