Annual General Meeting. Ref: Scrip Code: BSE - 533296 And NSE - FMNL.


August 24, 2022The ManagerListing DepartmentNational Stock Exchange of India LimitedExchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051Dept of Corporate Services (CRD)BSE LimitedPhiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,Dalal Street,Mumbai - 400 001Dear Sir/Madam,Sub: Newspaper advertisement – 14th Annual General Meeting.Ref: Scrip Code: BSE – 533296 and NSE – FMNL.In terms of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,2015, please find attached herewith newspaper cuttings of the advertisement inrelation to the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held onThursday, September 22, 2022 and the same is also being displayed on the websiteof the Company viz. acknowledge the same.Thanking youYours faithfullyFor Future Market Networks LimitedAnil CherianHead – Legal and Company SecretaryEncl: a/a

12THE FREE PRESS JOURNALHDFC BANK LIMITEDZĞŐĚ͘ KĸĐĞ͗ , & ĂŶŬ ,ŽƵƐĞ͕ ĞŶĂƉĂƟ ĂƉĂƚ DĂƌŐ͕ ŽǁĞƌ WĂƌĞů ;tĞƐƚͿ͕ DƵŵďĂŝ ϰϬϬϬϭϯ͘ ŽƌƉŽƌĂƚĞ /ĚĞŶƟĮĐĂƟŽŶ EƵŵďĞƌͲ ϲϱϵϮϬD,ϭϵϵϰW ϬϴϬϲϭϴ ĞͲŵĂŝů͗ ĨĐďĂŶŬ͘ĐŽŵ tĞďƐŝƚĞ͗ ǁǁǁ͘ŚĚĨĐďĂŶŬ͘ĐŽŵ dĞů EŽƐ͘ ϬϮϮ ϯϵϳϲϬϬϬϭ ͬ ϬϬϭϮ NOTICEEŽƟĐĞ ŝƐ ŚĞƌĞďLJ ŐŝǀĞŶ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ ĞƋƵŝƚLJ ƐŚĂƌĞ ĐĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞƐ ŚĂǀĞ ďĞĞŶ ƌĞƉŽƌƚĞĚ ĂƐ ďůĞ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ ŚŽůĚĞƌƐ͛ͬĐůĂŝŵĂŶƚ ŚĂǀĞ ĂƉƉůŝĞĚ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ĂŶŬ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ŝƐƐƵĞ ŽĨ ĚƵƉůŝĐĂƚĞ ƐŚĂƌĞ ĐĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞƐ͘ Sr.L/FNo.No.ϭ ϬϬϴϮϱϬϱName of the Shareholder(s)Dist. NosFrom ToϯϲϰϱϬϮϭͲϯϲϰϲϬϳϬCert No ofNo. SharesϮϭϴϰ ϭϬϱϬEŝƌĂŶũĂŶ ƵƌĞƐŚ WƌĂĚŚĂŶ :ŽŝŶƚůLJ ŚĞŝůĂ ƵƌĞƐŚ WƌĂĚŚĂŶ Θ DĂĚŚĂǀŝ ƵƌĞƐŚ WƌĂĚŚĂŶ ŶLJ ƉĞƌƐŽŶ;ƐͿ ǁŚŽ ŚĂƐͬŚĂǀĞ ĂŶLJ ĐůĂŝŵ ŝŶ ƌĞƐƉĞĐƚ ŽĨ ƐƵĐŚ ƐŚĂƌĞ ĐĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞͬƐ ƐŚŽƵůĚ ůŽĚŐĞ ƐƵĐŚ ĐůĂŝŵͬƐ ŝŶ ǁƌŝƟŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ Ăůů ƐƵƉƉŽƌƟŶŐ ĚŽĐƵŵĞŶƚƐ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ŽĸĐĞ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƌƐ ĂŶĚ dƌĂŶƐĨĞƌ ŐĞŶƚƐ ǀŝnj ĂƚĂŵĂƟĐƐ ƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ŽůƵƟŽŶƐ ŝŵŝƚĞĚ͕ ŚĂǀŝŶŐ ĂĚĚƌĞƐƐ Ăƚ WůŽƚ EŽ͘ ϱ͕ WĂƌƚ ƌŽƐƐ ĂŶĞ͕ D/ DĂƌŽů͕ ŶĚŚĞƌŝ ; ĂƐƚͿ͕ DƵŵďĂŝ ϰϬϬ Ϭϵϯ ǁŝƚŚŝŶ ϭϱ ĚĂLJƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƉƵďůŝĐĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŚŝƐ ŶŽƟĐĞ ĂŌĞƌ ǁŚŝĐŚ ŶŽ ĐůĂŝŵ;ƐͿ ǁŝůů ďĞ ĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶĞĚ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƌƐ ǁŝůů ƉƌŽĐĞĞĚ ƚŽ ŝƐƐƵĞ ƚŚĞ ĞƩĞƌ ŽĨ ŽŶĮƌŵĂƟŽŶ ŝŶ ĂĐĐŽƌĚĂŶĐĞ ǁŝƚŚ / ŝƌĐƵůĂƌ EŽ͘ /ͬ,KͬD/Z ͬD/Z ͺZd D ͬWͬ /ZͬϮϬϮϮͬϴ ĚĂƚĞĚ :ĂŶƵĂƌLJ Ϯϱ͕ ϮϬϮϮ͘ dŚĞ ĞƩĞƌ ŽĨ ĐŽŶĮƌŵĂƟŽŶ ƐŚĂůů ďĞ ĚŝƐƉĂƚĐŚĞĚ ďLJ ŽƵƌ ZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƌƐ sŝnj͘ ĂƚĂŵĂƟĐƐ ƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ŽůƵƟŽŶ ŝŵŝƚĞĚ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƌĞƋƵĞƐƚ ƐŚĂůů ďĞ ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐĞĚ ŝŶ ĂĐĐŽƌĚĂŶĐĞ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ĂĨŽƌĞƐĂŝĚ ŝƌĐƵůĂƌ͘ ĐĐŽƌĚŝŶŐůLJ ƚŚĞ ŽƌŝŐŝŶĂů ƐŚĂƌĞ ĐĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞƐ ƐŚĂůů ƐƚĂŶĚ ĐĂŶĐĞůůĞĚ͕ĂŶLJ ƉĞƌƐŽŶ ĚĞĂůŝŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ŽƌŝŐŝŶĂů ƐŚĂƌĞ ĐĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞ;ƐͿ ƐŚĂůů ďĞ ĚŽŝŶŐ ƐŽ Ăƚ ŚŝƐͬŚĞƌ ŽǁŶ ƌŝƐŬ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ĂŶŬ ǁŝůů ŶŽƚ ďĞ ƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďůĞ ĨŽƌ ŝƚ ŝŶ ĂŶLJ ǁĂLJ͘ &Žƌ , & E /D/d ƐĚͬͲSantosh Haldankar ĂƚĞ ͗ ϮϮ͘Ϭϴ͘ϮϬϮϮ ƌ sŝĐĞͲWƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ ; ĞŐĂůͿ Θ ŽŵƉĂŶLJ ĞĐƌĞƚĂƌLJPublic Notice For E-Auction Cum Sale (Appendix - IV A) (Rule 8(6))(Multi State Scheduled Bank)Recovery Department : Everest Annex, Above Dwarka Hotel, Near Dombivli Railway Station, Dombivli (West)- 421 202.NOTICE OF AUCTION SALESale by Public Auction under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcementof Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) and Rules made thereunder of the under mentionedproperties mortgaged to Dombivli Nagari Sahakari Bank Limited (the Bank) for the advances grantedto the Borrower viz. M/s. Naushad Ice-cream and Soft Drinks, (Partnership firm) for the recoveryof Rs.5,13,83,717.34 (Rupees Five Crore Thirteen Lakh Eighty Three Thousand Seven HundredSeventeen & Paise Thirty Four only) as on 31/05/2017 plus further interest at the contractual rate alongwith the costs, charges and expenses, till recovery of the loan. The Bank is having Physical Possession ofthe said Secured Assets under SARFAESI Act. The Bank has decided to carry out Auction of the followingproperties for recovery of its dues.Description of Property1. Land & building bearing City Survey No. 1448/B.Building consist of (Two Shops on Ground Floor)One shop formerly known as Hotel Jagdamba andother shop formerly known as Naushad Ice-creamParlour alongwith attached basement & mezzaninefloor and Flat on 1st floor, Flat on 2nd floor and oneRoom on 3rd floor situated at Akluj-Temburni Road,Savarkar Chowk, Opp. Sub District Hospital, Akluj ,Dist Solapur.(Total area of the land is 118.10 sq.mts. Totalconstructed area is 445.35 sq.mtrs builtup including76.24 sq.mtrs temporary structure)2.Factory Land & building (formerly known as M/s.Naushad Ice-cream & Soft Drinks) situated on PlotNos.48, 49 & 50, Survey. No. 142A/1 142A/2/1 141/1B 143/2B, Shankarrao Mohite Patil Co-op IndEstate Ltd., Akluj, Dist. Solapur.(Total area of all Plots is 1299.70 sq.mtrs. TotalConstructed Area is 1557.52 sq. mtrs builtupincluding 1299.55 temporary shed)Place ofAuction :-Reserve Price(Rs. in Lakhs)EMD ( Lakhs)Date & Time Date & Timeof Inspection of Auction161.0016.1008.09.202210.00 3.00 p.m.11.00 a.m.28.09.202294.459.4508.09.202210.00 a.m. to3.00 p.m.1.00 p.m.28.09.2022Sale of Immovable property mortgaged to IIFL Home Finance Limited (Formerly known as India Infoline Housing Finance Ltd.) (IIFL-HFL) CorporateOffice at Plot No.98,Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV,Gurgaon-122015.(Haryana) and Branch Office at:- IIFL House, Sun Infotech Park Road No. 16V, PlotNo.B-23 , Thane Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, Thane - 400604 & Shop No.201,The Edge,2nd floor Behind Prakash Talkies,near ICICI BankPalghar (W) - 401404. under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002(hereinafter "Act").Whereas the Auhorized Officer ("AO") of IIFL-HFL had taken the possession of the following property/ies pursuant to the notice issued U/S 13(2) of theAct in the following loan accounts/prospect nos. with a right to sell the same on ''AS IS WHERE IS BASIS & AS IS WHAT IS BASIS'' for realization ofIIFL-HFL's dues, The Sale will be done by the undersigned through e-auction platform provided at the website: of the ImmovableBorrower(s)/ CoDemand NoticeDate of SymbolicReserve Priceproperty/ Secured AssetBorrower(s)/ Guarantor(s)Date and AmountPossession09-June-202219-Feb-2022All that part and parcel of the propRs.18,94,900/-(Rupees1.Mr. Manish ZomalRs.25,07,688/- (Rupees Twenty erty bearing Flat No. 301, On ThirdEighteen Lakh Ninety FourTotal Outstanding AsGuptaFive Lakh Seven Thousand SixNine Hundred ring5342. Mrs.SushilaHundred Eighty Eight Only)Sq.Ft In The Building Known AsManish GuptaEarnest Money Deposit (EMD)Rs.26,71,470/Bid Increase AmountGulshan Palace, Situated At Village (Rupees Twenty Six LakhRs.1,89,490/-(Rupees One(ProspectRs.25,000/-(Rupees Twenty Kulgaon , Taluka Ambernath , Dist Seventy One Thousand Four Lakh Eighty Nine ThousandNo.907815)Hundred Seventy Only)Five Thousand Only)Thane.Four Hundred Ninety Only)All that part and parcel of the prop28-Mar-2022Rs.21,85,400/ofSymbolicDate1.Mr. Gaurav Kiriterty bearing Flat bearing No.203 onRs.28,90,994/Possession(Rupees Twenty One Lakhthe 2nd floor in, admeasuring areaMehta(Rupees Twenty Eightof 509.62 sq. ft. i.e. 47.37 sq. mtrs.&Eighty Five Thousand Four09-Jun-2022Balcony area of of 94.99 sq. ft. i.e.Lakh Ninety Thousand2BhavishaHundred Only)8.83 sq. mtrs built-up area in theNine Hundred NinetyTotal OutstandingBuilding No. 2 known as 'VrundavanIndustriesEarnest Money Deposit (EMD)Heights' constructed on the Plot No. As On Date 19 - Aug - 2022Four Only)3.Mr.Kirit10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 having SurveyRs.2,18,540/Rs.30,98,823/Bid Increase AmountNo. 380/1,2, 381, 832/3/4, situated(Rupees Two Lakh EighteenBhagwanbhai hNinetyRs.25,000/Thousand Five HundredDistrict Palghar and within .the of4. Mrs.Sejal G MehtaEightThousand Eight(Rupees Twenty FiveGram Panchayat Mahim, TalukaForty Only)Panchayat· Samiti Palghar, 401404,(Prospect No.845548)Thousand Only)Hundred Twenty Three Only)Maharashtra,IndiaDate of Inspection of propertyEMD Last DateDate/ Time of E-Auction30-Aug-2022, 1100 hrs -1400 hrs02-Sep-2022 till 5 p.m.06-Sep-2022 1100 hrs-1300 hrs.Mode of Payment:- All payment shall be made by demand draft in favour of "IIFL Home Finance Limited" payable at Gurugram or through RTGS/NEFT The accounts details are as follows: a) Name of the account: IIFL Home Finance Ltd., b) Name of the Bank: Standard Charted Bank Ltd., c)Account No: 53105066294, d) IFSC Code: SCBL0036025 or through Payment Link: https://quickpay.iiflfinance.comTERMS AND CONDITIONS:1. For participating in e-auction, Intending bidders required to register their details with the Service Provider, well inadvance and has to create the login account, login ID and password. Intending bidders have to submit/ send their "Tender FORM" along with the payment details towards EMD, copy of the KYC and PAN card at the above mentioned Branch Office.2. The bidders shall improve their offer in multiple of amount mentioned under the column "Bid Increase Amount". In case bid is placed in the last 5minutes of the closing time of the auction, the closing time will automatically get extended for 5 minutes.3. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (after adjusting EMD) within 24 hours of the acceptance of bid price by the AO and the balance 75%of the bid amount within 15 days from the date of confirmation of sale by the secured creditor. All deposit and payment shall be in the prescribed mode of payment.4. The purchaser has to bear the cess, applicable stamp duty, fees, and any other statutory dues or other dues like municipal tax, electricity charges, landand all other incidental costs, charges including all taxes and rates outgoings relating to the property.5. Bidders are advised to go through the website and tion for detailedterms and conditions of auction sale & auction application form before submitting their Bids for taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings.6. For details, help procedure and online training on e-auction prospective bidders may contact the service provider E-mail ID:,Support Helpline Numbers: @ 7291981124/ 25/ 26 and any property related query Mr. Jitendra Gupta @ 91-9372258003, Email: jitendra.gupta1@iifl.com7. Notice is hereby given to above said borrowers to collect the household articles, which were lying in the secured asset at the time of takingphysical possession within 7 days, otherwise IIFL-HFL shall not be responsible for any loss of property under the circumstances.8. Further the notice is hereby given to the Borrower/s, that in case they fail to collect the above said articles same shall be sold in accordance with Law.9. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful bidder / auction purchaser within the above stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled andthe amount already paid will be forfeited (including EMD) and the property will be again put to sale.10. AO reserves the rights to postpone/ cancel or vary the terms and condition of tender/auction without assigning any reason thereof. In case of anydispute in tender/ Auction, the decision of AO of IIFL-HFL will be final.15 DAYS SALE NOTICE UNDER THE RULE 9 SUB RULE (1) OF SARFAESI ACT, 2002The Borrower are hereby notified to pay the sum as mentioned above along with upto dated interest and ancillary expenses before the date of Tender/Auction, failing which the property will be auctioned/ sold and balance dues if any will be recovered with interest and cost.Sd/- Authorised Officer, IIFL Home Finance LimitedPlace:- Thane/Palghar , Date: 23-Aug-2022Auction will be conducted at Shop situated at Land & building bearing City SurveyNo. 1448/B, situated at Akluj-Temburni Road, Savarkar chowk, Opp. Sub DistrictHospital, Akluj, Dist. Solapur for both properties.TERMS AND CONDITIONS :1. The Bid form and the terms and conditions of sale of the property can be obtained from our Bank’swebsite i.e. The duly filled in bid form in sealed envelope along with the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) by the wayof Pay order/Demand Draft of any Nationalized or Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of Dombivli NagariSahakari Bank Limited payable at Mumbai should be submitted at the place of Auction on 28.09.2022between 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Bid without EMD and/or below Reserve Price or not confirming to theterms and conditions of sale will not be entertained. The sealed envelopes of Bid will be opened at theplace and time of Auction mentioned herein above.3. The Bidder will have to submit self-attested photo copy of KYC documents like Pan Card/Proof ofResidence along with Original for verification and one Passport size photograph.4. The bidders must participate in auction in person, however if the bidder has authorized any person toparticipate on his /her /its behalf, then such authorized person must produce Authority Letter/BoardResolution issued by the bidder in his /her/its favour.5. The Sale of properties are strictly on “AS IS WHERE IS BASIS AND WHATEVER THERE IS BASIS”.The intending bidders may make their own enquiries as regards any claim, charges, taxes, levies,dues and/or any other liability/ies accrued against the properties. Such liability/ies shall be borne bythe successful bidder. The present accrued liability/ies, if any, on the property/ies are not known tothe Bank, except there is noting of the dues of the Recovery Officer of Babanrao Shinde GraminBigarsheti Sahakari Patpedi Ltd., Madha, Solapur on property at Serial No. 1. DNS Bank is havingfirst exclusive Mortgage charge on all properties which have been put for Auction.Hence DNS Bank has exclusive rights to auction the properties and the Auction purchaser will get valid& legal title along with physical possession of the said property.6. In the Auction process, Bidding will start from the amount of highest Bid Amount received by theAuthorised Officer and thereafter bidder will be allowed to enhance Bid by minimum of Rs. 1.60 Lakhin the case of 1st property and Rs. 1.00 Lakh in the case of 2nd property.7. The successful bidder will have to pay 25% of the bid amount (Inclusive of EMD) immediately uponacceptance of his/her/its Bid i.e. on the same day or not later than 5.00 p.m. of the next working day andthe balance amount within 15 days from the date of Auction.8. In event, if the successful bidder fails to pay the 25% of the bid amount as mentioned in clause (7) above,the earnest money deposited by him/her/it shall be forfeited and the sale shall be treated as cancelled.Similarly, Authorised Officer shall forfeit the 25% of the bid amount or any amount subsequentlydeposited if the bidder fails to pay the balance75% amount within15 days from the date of Auction.9. The Successful bidder shall deduct 1% of sale price as TDS in the name of the Bank and remit thesame to the Income Tax Department within stipulated time. PAN details of the Bank will be shared withsuccessful bidder. Soon after payment of TDS as above the successful bidder shall submit a copy ofchallan-cum – statement of form No. 26QB to the Bank.10. After receipt of entire bid amount as mentioned in clause 7 above and form No 26QB the AuthorisedOfficer will execute Sale Certificate in favour of the Successful Bidder and the Successful Bidder shallbear all taxes, stamp duty, registration fees and incidental expenses for getting the Sale Certificateregistered in the name of the successful Bidder.11. The Authorised Officer will handover possession of the subject properties to the auction purchaser onlyon receipt of entire bid amount within stipulated time.12. The Authorised Officer reserves the right to accept or reject any offer/bid or postpone/cancel the auctionwithout assigning any reason and also to modify the terms and conditions of sale without prior notice.13. The intending bidders can contact the undersigned Authorized Officer on Mob No. 9870995621STATUTORY 30 DAYS SALE NOTICE UNDER SARFAESI ACT, 2002The Borrower, Mortgagor and Guarantors are hereby notified that as per the provisions of Sub-Section 8of Section 13 of SARFAESI Act, they are entitled to redeem the security by paying the outstanding dues,costs, charges and expenses at any time before the sale is conducted, failing which the property will be soldin auction and the balance dues, if any, will be recovered from them with interest and : DombivliAuthorized OfficerDate : 23.08.2022Dombivli Nagari Sahakari Bank Ltd.,e-TENDER NOTICENo. AESWM GN/1930/Dated : 17.08.2022The Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai invites item rate e-tender forthe following works returnable on 25.08.2022 @ 16.00 P.M. from all the contractorscarrying out the similar type work of MCGM for the same magnitude and havingoffice in Mumbai & having vendor no. from M.C.G.M.E-tenders are required to be submitted in A, B & C packets systems inwebsite of MCGM.Sr.No.Name of the workTenderNo.E.M.D.Cost of(Rs.) e-tender Copy1 Invitation of e-tendering for Hiring of 7200035380Rs.Rs.1416/Motor Boat operated pontoons and life11,000/- (Rs. 1200/- guards during Ganpati Festival 2022 at9% SGST various immersion locations on Dada9% COST).& Mahim Chowpaty under AE SWMG/North Ward.1. Mode of pay- Bidders shall pay Earnest Money Deposit online throughment of E.M.D. payment gateway on or before due date and time prescribed.As per Circular No. CA/F/FAR/FI/502/201 5-1 6 dt.02.11.20152. Period for sale From 17.08.2021 to 25.08.2022 @ 16.00 p.m. The details ofof Blank tender e-tender are displayed on MCGM website Date of receipt The e-Tender sale will start from : 17.08.2022 from 18.00 PMof tenderThe last date of e-Tender sale will be : 25.08.2022 upto16.00 PMSubmission of e-Tender : 25.08.2022 upto 16.00 PMThe packet 'A' will be opened on 25.08.2022 16.00 PMThe packet 'B' will be opened on 25.08.2022 @ 16.10 PMThe packet 'C' will be opened on 26.08.2022 @ 16.00 PM4. Date of openingPacket - A & Bof Tenders25.08.2021 16.00 & 16.10 PMPacket - C26.08.2022 @ 16.00 PMPRO/1135/ADV/2022-23Sd/Assistant CommissionerLet's together and make Mumbai Malaria freeMUMBAI TUESDAY AUGUST 23, 2022

14‘w§ B , ‘§Jidma, 23 Am JñQ 2022The spirit of Mumbaiis now93 years old!ewpÜXnÌñQ oññS A ñgoQ g² dgwbr emIm, ‘w§ B (05168):- 6 dm ‘Obm,{X B§Q aZ eZb, 16, ‘hfu H d} amoS , MM JoQ , ‘w§ B -400 020,Q o.: 022-22053163/2205 3164/22053165, B ‘ob Am¶S r:ÜXnÌH n¶m H O Xma 1) ñH m¶ yH A S ñQ oeZar àm.{b., 2) lr. XrnH JmoaI m‘ao Am{U lr‘. {edmZrXrnH m‘ao Am{U 3) lr. JmoqdX nr. nm§S o¶ Am{U lr‘. ‘{Zfm nm§S o¶ À¶m g§X m V 19.08.2022 amoOrhçm d ÎmnÌm§‘ܶo àH m{eV ñWmda {‘iH VrMo {dH« s H arVm {dH« s gyMZoMm g§X ¿¶mdm. H n¶m B -{bbmdmMrVmarI 30.08.2022 À¶m EodOr 08.09.2022 Agm dmMmdm. BVa Vnerb OemM Vgm amhrb.ghr/àm{YH V A{YH mar{XZm§H : 22.08.2022ñQ oQ H Am ’ B§{S ¶m{R H mU: ‘w§ B www.freepressjournal.inH O dgwbr ݶm¶m{YH aU H« . 1 ‘w§ B ( maV gaH ma, {dÎmr¶ ‘§Ìmb¶)2am ‘Obm, Q o{b’ moZ dZ, Hw bm m ‘mH} Q , Hw bm m, ‘w§ B -400 005(5dm ‘Obm qg{X¶m hmD g, bmS BñQ oQ , ‘w§ B -400001)Amo.E. H« . 240 gZ 2019â¶wMa ‘mH} Q ZoQ d³g {b{‘Q oS H m nm}aoQ Am¶S opÝQ Q r Z§ a (grAm¶EZ) Eb45400E‘EM2008nrEbgr179914Zm XUrH V H m¶m b¶ Zm boO hmD g, í¶m‘ ZJa, OmoJoídar-{dH« moir qbH amoS , OmoJoídar nyd ,‘w§ B - 400060, ’ moZ 022-40552200, ’ ³g 022-40552201B ‘ob, do gmB Q[a. 21g Q b H Am ’ B§{S ¶m{déÕH moa EÁ¶wwHo eZ A ÝS Q o³Zm bm Org {b. Am{U AݶàVr,.AO Xmaà{VdmXr H moa EÁ¶wwHo eZ A ÝS Q o³Zm bm Org {b. Am{U Aݶ ,ãbm H 1Amo. 1-8, B‘maV H« .4, go³Q a-3, {‘bo{ZA‘ { PZog nmH ,Z§. 1‘hmno, Zdr ‘w§ B 400710Am{U ¶oWo gwÕmbmoQ g ZrbH ‘b { PZog nmH , 10dm ‘Obm, ’ Z [anpãbH Odi,A§Yoar qbH amoS bJV, A§Yoar(npíM‘), ‘w§ B 400096g‘ÝgAm{U {ZYm [aV Agob.‘m¶m hñVo Am{U gXaݶm¶m{YH aUmÀ¶m {e³³¶mZo02 Am JñQ , 2022 amoOr {Xbo/Omar.à §YH ,H O dgwbr ݶm¶m{YH aU-1,‘w§ B Zm XUrH V H m¶m b¶- {W«gwa PmoZb H m¶m b¶, Om br ‘oH a M a 2, 4 Wm‘Obm, {dZ¶ Ho emh ‘mJ , Z[a‘Z nm BªQ , ‘w§ B - 21,B -‘ob ga’¡ gr A{Y{Z¶‘mÀ¶m H b‘ 13(2) AÝd¶o ‘mJUr gyMZmà{V,1. lr. AemoH gwaOZàgmX ¶mXd2. lr. gw{Zam AemoH ¶mXdImo H« . 475, lr. ¶mXd H§ nmD§ S , XmdS r amoS , XmdS r lr. AemoH gwaOZàgmX ¶mXd ¶m§Mr nËZrJmd, S m { dbr nyd , R mUo, ‘hmamï 421203Imo H« . 475, lr. ¶mXd H§ nmD§ S , XmdS r amoS , XmdS rJmd, S m { dbr nyd , R mUo, ‘hmamï 4212033. lr. {gÕZmW gwaOZàgmX ¶mXd4. lr. amOoe Hw ‘ma ¶mXdImo H« . 475, lr. ¶mXd H§ nmD§ S , XmdS r amoS , XmdS r Imo H« . 475, lr. ¶mXd H§ nmD§ S , XmdS r amoS , XmdS rJmd, S m { dbr nyd , R mUo, ‘hmamï 421203Jmd, S m { dbr nyd , R mUo, ‘hmamï 4212035. lr‘. AZwamYm {gÕZmW ¶mXMlr. {gÕZmW gwaOZàgmX ¶mXd ¶m§Mr nËZrImo H« . 475, lr. ¶mXd H§ nmD§ S , XmdS r amoS , XmdS r Jmd, S m { dbr nyd , R mUo, ‘hmamï 421203‘hmoX¶,Vwåhmbm g§‘V Ho boë¶m H«o {S Q gw{dYoÝd¶o mdr ì¶mOmgh grEg r H {b{‘Q oS nydm}º X H Wmo{bH {g[a¶Z H {b. A§Yoar npíM‘ emIm ¶m§Zm H e H«o S rQ {b{‘Q H arVm 05.06.2022 amoOr a ‘ ê .24,56,295.51 (ê n¶o Mmodrg bmI N nÞ hOma XmoZeo n§À¶mÊUd Am{U n¡go EH mdÞ ’ º )WH mH s XoUo {e„H Amho. Vwåhr aUm H aʶmgmR r H gyadma R aë¶m‘wio, 05.06.2022 amoOr Vw‘Mo ImVodJuH V H aʶmV Ambo Amho. {X. 22.06.2022 amoOr a{OñQ S E/S r Vwåhmbm ga’¡ gr A{Y{Z¶‘mÀ¶m H b‘13(2) AÝd¶o nmR dʶmV Ambr hmoVr, H s Vwåhr gXa gyMZm àmárÀ¶m VmaIonmgyZ 60 {XdgmV gXa H O ˶mdarb mdr ì¶mO Am{U Xamgh naV’o S H aʶmg An¶er R aë¶mg, H Imbr {Xboë¶m Ho À¶m ZmdoVw‘À¶mÛmao {Z‘m U Ho boë¶m VmaU {hVg§ §YmÀ¶m A‘b OmdUrgh A{Y{Z¶‘mÝd¶o gd dm H moU˶mhr h m§Mmdmna H AemoH gwaOZàgmX ¶mXd, lr. {gÕZmW gwaOZàgmX ¶mXd Am{U lr. amOoe Hw ‘ma ¶mXd Ûmao ‘mbH sMoS m { dbr {gQ r gìh} VmbyH m H ë¶mU, {Oëhm R mUo, ‘hmamï Mm Jmd JO §YZ nmWmbu Am{U grQ r gìh} H« .9034E Am{U 9035 Vo 9042 Mm O‘rZ YmaH ìh} H« . 67E, {hñgm H« . 13 mJ Am{U gìh} H« . 23, {hñgmH« . Eg/1 mJ da m§Ybobo AmZ§X ‘§Jb H mo-Am naoQ rìh hmD qgJ gmogm¶Q r {b{‘Q oS Zmdo kmV gmogm¶Q rÀ¶mVi‘Obm, em n H« . 5/13, Vi‘Obm, ‘moO‘m{nV 500 Mm¡.’y . { ëQ An joÌMo gd Vo mJ Am{U {d mJAm{U gr‘m Õ: nyd}bm qH dm ˶m{XeoZo: JUoe {Zdmg , X{jUobm qH dm ˶m{XeoZo: {ed ‘§{Xa amoS /OoE‘ Xe ZgrEMEgEb, npíM‘obm qH dm ˶m{XeoZo: C‘m ‘hoe grEMEgEb, CÎmaobm qH dm ˶m{XeoZo: Bída dZ.{X. 22.06.2022 amoOrMr hr gyMZm naV Amë¶m‘wio, Amåhmbm hr gyMZm àH m{eV H amdr bmJV Amho.Vwåhmbm ¶mÛmao gXa gyMZoÀ¶m 60 {XdgmV darb Z‘yX Xm{¶Ëd XoʶmgmR r darb A{Y{Z¶‘mÀ¶m H b‘ 13(2)AÝd¶o mobm{dʶmV ¶oV AgyZ H gyadma R aë¶mg, H A{Y{Z¶‘mÝd¶o VmaUmMr A§‘b OmdUr H aob. darbA{Y{Z¶‘mÀ¶m 13(13) À¶m AQ rZwgmaXoIrb Vwåhmbm gyMZm XoʶmV ¶oVo H s, Vwåhr darb Z‘yX VmaU ‘Îmogh{dH« s ñdê nmV, mS onQ² Q m dm Aݶ ñdê nmV H moUVohr hñVm§VaU H ê Z¶o.H m¶ÚmÀ¶m Aݶ H moU˶mhr VaVwXrÝd¶o dm Aݶ H moU˶mhr H m¶Xoera à{H« ¶oÝd¶o WH mH s dgwb H aʶmMm Ho Mm h AgyZ gXa gyMZm hr nyd J«hXÿ{fVm{edm¶ Amho.{XZm§H 23.08.2022àm{YH V A{YH marñWi ‘w§ B (grEg r H {b{‘Q oS )Omhra gyMZm‘mPo A{eb {‘S b BÝH ‘ J«wn H moAm nao{Q ìh hmD qgJ gmogm¶Q r J«wn II{b{‘Q oS ¶m§À¶m dVrZo ¶mÛmao gyMZm XoʶmV¶oVo H s, lr. {dZm¶H ‘wHw§ X ‘YoH a ho‘¶V g mgX lr‘. ‘mbVr E‘.‘YoH aÁ¶m§Mo H moUVohr Zm‘{ZX}eZ Z H aVm {ZYZPmbo, ¶m§Mo EH H m¶Xoera dmagXma ¶m§Zr˶m§À¶m Zmdo H ënVé ñnmH b Aem kmVgmogm¶Q rÀ¶m B‘maVr‘Yrb E qdJ, âb Q H« .23, gmogm¶Q rÀ¶m m§S db/{‘iH Vr‘Yrb g mgXËd, eoAg Am{U{hVg§ §YmMo hñVm§VaUmgmR r gmogm¶Q rbmAO Ho bm Amho.Oa H moUVrhr 춺 s Á¶m§Zm gmogm¶Q rÀ¶mB‘maVr‘Yrb E qdJ, âb Q H« .23,gmogm¶Q rÀ¶m m§S db/ {‘iH Vr‘Yrbg mgXËd, eoAg Am{U {hVg§ §YmÀ¶mg§X m V hñVm§Va qH dm Xmì¶m§gmR rXmdo/AmjonH mhrAgë¶mg,˶mÀ¶m/{VÀ¶m/˶m§À¶m Xmdo AmjonH mhr Agë¶mg Vo Xmì¶m/ Amjonm§À¶mg§X m V nwîR çW Aer H mJXnÌm§À¶màVtgh gXa gyMZoÀ¶m à{gÜXrnmgyZ 14{XdgmV KmoJao A ÝS H§ , 9E/9B , 2am‘Obm, AmoëS Amo[aE§Q b B‘maV, 65,E‘.Or.amoS , ’ moQ , ‘w§ B -400001¶oWo ‘mJ{dV Amho. da {Xboë¶m ‘wXVrVOa Xmdo/ Amjon àmá Pmbo ZmhrV, Vagmogm¶Q rÀ¶m Cn{dYrVrb VaVwXr‘Yrb{Xboë¶m‘mJm Zogmogm¶Q rÀ¶m m§S db/{‘iH Vr‘Yrb ‘¶V g mgXmMoeoA g d {hVg§ §YmMo hñVm§Va ghgmogm¶Q rÀ¶m Cn{dYrVrb VaVwXrZwgma‘¶V g mgXm§Mo darbgXa H m¶XoeradmagXmam§À¶m Zmdo g mgXËd Am{U âb Q H« .23 Mo hñVm§Va H aʶmg gmogm¶Q r‘moH ir Agob.{‘S b BÝH ‘ J«wn H mo- Am nao{Q ìhhmD qgJ gmogm¶Q r J«wn II {b{‘Q oS À¶m dVrZo Am{U H [aVmdH sb gwaO Eg. KmoJao{R H mU : ‘w§ B {XZm§H : 23.08.2022CH àr ½bmo b hmD qgJ ’ m¶ZmÝg {b{‘Q oS Zm XUrH V Am{U {ZJ‘ H m¶m b¶ 502, Q m da-E, no{ZÝgwëbm { PZog nmH , goZmnVr mnQ ‘mJ , bmoAa naob, ‘w§ B -400013.gH b H m¶m b¶ nÎmm - 9 r, 2am ‘Obm, nwgm amoS , Zdr {X„r - 110060‘mJUr gyMZm{g³¶w[aQ r B§Q aoñQ (BÝ’ mog ‘ Q ) éëg, 2002 Mo {Z¶‘ 3(1) ghdmMVm {g³¶w[aQ m¶PoeZ A ÝS [aH ÝñQ ³eZ Am ’ ’ m¶ZmpÝe¶b AgoQ² g A ÝS BÝ’ m g ‘ Q Am ’ {g³¶w[aQ r B§Q aoñQ A ³Q , 2002 Mo H b‘ 13(2) AÝd¶o. {ZåZñdmjarH ma ho {g³¶w[aQ m¶PoeZ A ÝS [aH ÝñQ ³eZ Am ’ ’ m¶ZmpÝe¶b AgoQ² g A ÝS EÝ’ mog ‘ Q Am ’ {g³¶w[aQ r B§Q aoñQ A ³Q , 2002 (gXa A ³Q ) AÝd¶o H àr ½bmo b hmD qgJ ’ m¶ZmÝg {b{‘Q oS (grOrEME’ Eb) Mo àm{YH V A{YH mar AmhoV. gXa A ³Q Mo H b‘13(12) ghdmMVm {g³¶w[aQ r B§Q aoñQ (EÝ’ mog ‘ Q ) éëg, 2002 Mo {Z¶‘ 3 Mo AÝd¶o àmá Ho boë¶m A{YH mam§À¶m AmYmao {ZåZñdmjarH mam§Zr gXa A ³Q Mo H b‘13(2) AÝd¶o ‘mJUr gyMZm Omar H éZ Imbrb H O Xmam§Zm (""gXa H O Xma'') ¶m§Zm g§ §{YV ‘mJUr gyMZoVrb Z‘yX aH ‘oÀ¶m naV’o S rH [aVm gm§{JVbo Amho. Or ¶oWoImbr gwÜXm XoʶmV Ambr Amho. darb g§X m V Agë¶mg H O Xmam§Ûmao {Zînm{XV Ho bobm H O H ama ghdmMVm BVa XñVmdoO/{b{IV AÝd¶o Xo¶, àXmZ Am{U/dm dgwbrÀ¶m VmaIon¶ªV Imbrb Z‘yX VmaIonmgyZ bmJy Agboë¶m nwT rb ì¶mOmgh, ¶oWo Imbr Z‘yX Ho bobr a³H ‘, ô¶m gyMZoÀ¶m à{gÜXrÀ¶m VmaIonmgyZ 60 {Xdgm§À¶mAmV grOrEME’ Ebbm àXmZ H aʶmgmR r gXa H O Xmam§Zm ¶mÛmao nwÝhm EH Xm gyMZm XoʶmV ¶oV Amho. H Om À¶m Xo¶ naV’o S rH [aVm VmaU åhUyZ, H O Xmam§Ûmao, AZwH« ‘oImbrb ‘Îmm grOrEME’ EbH S o JhmU R odʶmV Amë¶m AmhoV.A.H O Xma/h‘rXmamMo Zmd‘mJUr gyMZmVmaU ‘ÎmoMo dU ZH« .{XZm§H Am{U(ñWmda {‘iH V)a³H ‘1 (H O ImVo H« .12/08/2022 IS H mio, VmbwH m ‘mdi, {Oëhm nwUo, ‘hmamï ¶oWo pñWV amo hmD g H« . 22E/2, joÌEbEZgrOrgrnr¶wEZQ rEb0000009152é.‘moO‘m{nV 101.91 Mm¡. ‘r. ˶mgh IS H mio, VmbwH m ‘mdi, {Oëhm nwUo ¶oWo pñWVnwUo emIm)5819249/- ßbm Q H« . 22 EHy U joÌ ‘moO‘m{nV 500.09 Mm¡. ‘r., gìh} H« . 54/1E/1 54/1E/âbod[aQ² P (H O Xma)2 54/1 r 51/ 2/2 n¡H s Cn ßbm Q H« . 22E ‘moO‘m{nV 250.09 Mm¡. ‘r. n¡H slr.g§O¶ Amo‘àH me ggmUo,O{‘Z ‘moO‘m{nV 125.04 Mm¡. ‘r. Mo gd mJ Am{U {d¡. ggmUo nm¡{U ‘m g§O¶IS H mio, VmbwH m ‘mdi, {Oëhm nwUo, ‘hmamï ¶oWo pñWV amo hmD g H« . 22 r/4, joÌ(gh-H O Xma)‘moO‘m{nV 101.91 Mm¡. ‘r. ˶mgh IS H mio, VmbwH m ‘mdi, {Oëhm nwUo ¶oWo pñWVßbm Q H« . 22 EHy U joÌ ‘moO‘m{nV 500.19 Mm¡. ‘r., gìh} H« .54/1E/1 54/1E/2 54 /1 r 51/2/2 n¡H s Cn ßbm Q H« . 22 r ‘moO‘m{nV250.09 Mm¡. ‘r. n¡H s O{‘Z ‘moO‘m{nV 125.04 Mm¡. ‘r. Mo gd mJ Am{U {d mJ.2 (H O ImVo H« ‘m§H 20/08/2022 A‘amdVr ‘hmZJanm{bH m, ‘hmamï - 444605 À¶m hÔr‘Yrb ‘m¡Oo OodmS , àmJUoEbEZgrOrgrEE‘E‘Q rEb0000009143é. S Zoam, VmbwH m Am{U {Oëhm A‘amdVr ¶oWo pñWV {’ ëS gìh} H« . 12 n¡H s boAmD Q Am{U EbEZE‘B EE‘Ama0000291953677441/- ßbm Q H« . 1, EHy U joÌ ‘moO‘m{nV 2881 Mm¡. ’y . åhUOoM 267 Mm¡. ‘r. YmaH Am{U EbEZE‘B EE‘Ama000048855O{‘ZrMo Vo gd mJ Am{U {d mJ. gr‘m ÕVoà‘mUo: nyd}bm: gpìh g boZ, npíM‘obm:A‘amdVr emIm) A‘Z XÿY S oAarañVm, CÎmaobm: añVm, X{jUobm: ßbm Q H« . 2(H O Xma) AaqdX Ho edàgmX {‘lm, Ho edam‘Zaoe {‘lm, gw{Zb Ho edàgmX {‘lm,[aQ m AaqdX {‘lm (gh-H O Xma)Oa gXa H O Xmam§Zr darb Z‘yX Ho ë¶mà‘mUo grOrEME’ Ebbm àXmZ H aʶmV H gya Ho ë¶mg grOrEME’ Eb A ³Q Mo H b‘ 13(4) Am{U bmJy Agbobo éëg AÝd¶o,n[a춶 Am{U n[aUm‘mà‘mUo gXa H O Xmam§À¶m nyU nUo OmoIr‘rda darb VmaU ‘Îmm§À¶m àVr H m¶ dmhr H arb. gXa H O Xmam§Zm grOrEME’ Eb À¶m nyd boIr g§‘Vr{edm¶{dH« s, mS onÅ m dm Aݶ ‘mJ} darb gXa ‘Îmm§ hñVm§VaU H aʶmnmgyZ A ³Q AÝd¶o ‘ZmB H aʶmV ¶oV Amho. H moUVrhr 춳Vr Or gXa A ³Q dm ˶mA§VJ V Z{dboë¶méëgÀ¶m VaVwXrMo C„§KZ H arV Agë¶mg dm C„§KZ H aʶmgmR r àmoËgmhZ XoV Agë¶mg, A ³Q AÝd¶o VaVyX Ho ë¶mà‘mUo H mamdmg qH dm {ejog nmÌ Agob.{R H mU nwUo {XZm§H - 23/08/2022ghr/- (àm{YH V A{YH mar) H àr ½bmo b hmD {g§J ’ m¶ZmÝg {b{‘Q oS H [aVmgyMZm ¶mÛmao XoʶmV ¶oVo H s, H§ nZrÀ¶m g mgXm§Mr 14 dr dm{f H gd gmYmaU g m (EOrE‘) hr H§ nZrA{Y{Z¶‘, 2013 {ZJ‘ ì¶dhma ‘§Ìmb¶mÛmao Omar OZab g³¶w bg åhUOoM 14/2020, 17/2020,20/2020, 22/2020, 33/2020, 39/2020, 02/2021, 10/2021, 20/2021 Am{U3/2022 Am{U {ZJ‘ ì¶dhma ‘§Ìmb¶, maV gaH ma Am{U {g³¶w[aQ rO A ÊS E³ñM O moS Am ’ B§{S ¶m(go r) Ûmao Omar g³¶w bg Am{U gd BVa à¶moÁ¶ H m¶Úm§À¶m AZwnmbZm§V gXa EOrE‘bm mobm{dUmè¶mgyMZoV Z‘wX Ho bobo H m‘H mO H aʶmgmR r pìh{S Amo H m Ý’ aqgJ (ìhrgr)/AXa Am {S Amo pìhÁ¶wAb{‘Ýg (AmoEìhrE‘) ‘m’ V ‘§Jidma, 22 gßQ a, 2022 amoOr Xþ. 2.00 dm. KoʶmMo {Z¶mo{OV Amho.darb g³¶w b g À¶m AZwnmbZmV EOrE‘À¶m gyM ZoM r Bbo³Q m {ZH àV hr H§ nZr/{S nm {PQ arnm{Q {gn§Q g²H S o B ‘ob nÎmo Zm X{dboë¶m gd g mgXm§Zm nmR {dʶmV ¶oB b. {S ‘Q o[a¶bmB ÁS ñdénmV ˶m§MoeoAg YmaU Ho boë¶m mJYmaH m§Zm ˶m§À¶m {S nm {PQ ar nm{Q {gn§Q g² ‘m’ V ˶m§À¶m g§ §{YV {S nm {PQ arH S o˶m§Mm B ‘ob nÎmm Am{U ‘mo mB b Z§ a Zm X{dʶmMr {dZ§Vr H aʶmV ¶oV Amho. à˶j ‘mܶ‘mZo eoAg YmaU Ho boë¶m g mgXm§Zm ¶oWo H§ nZrMo eoAa Q mÝñ’ a EO§Q , qbH BZQ mB ‘ B§{S ¶m H S o ˶m§Mo B ‘ob nÎmo Am{U ‘mo mB b Z§ a Zmo X{dʶmMr {dZ§Vr H aʶmV ¶oV{f H Ahdmbmgmh EOrE‘Mr gyMZm H§ nZrMr do gmB Q ñQ m H E³ñM OMr do gmB Q AZwH« ‘o Am{U Am{U EZEgS rEbMr do gmB Q da gwÕm CnbãY Amho.g mgXm§Zm Bbo³Q m {ZH ‘VXmZ nÕVr‘m’ V EOrE‘À¶m gyMZoV Z‘yX Ho boë¶m H m‘H mOmda [a‘moQ br ˶m§Mo‘VXmZ H aʶmMr g§Yr Amho. {S ‘Q o[a¶bmB ÁS ‘mܶ‘ Am{U à˶j ‘mܶ‘mZo eoAg YmaU Ho bobo Am{UÁ¶m§Zr ˶m§Mo B ‘ob nÎmo Zm X{dbobo ZmhrV ˶m§À¶mgmR r XÿañW ‘VXmZmMr nÕV EOrE‘À¶m gyMZoV {XbobrAmho. Vn{eb H§ nZrÀ¶m do gmB Q da gwÕm CnbãY H aʶmV ¶oB b. g mgXm§Zm Agm Vn{eb àmáH aʶmgmR r bm oQ XoʶmMr {dZ§Vr H aʶmV ¶oV Amho.EOrE‘Mr gyMZm ¶WmdH me ˶m§À¶m B ‘ob nζmda à¶moÁ¶ H m¶ÚmZwgma H§ nZrÀ¶m g mgXm§Zm nmR {dʶmV¶oB b.â¶wMa ‘mH} Q ZoQ d³g {b{‘Q oS H [aVmghr/{R H mU ‘w§ B A{Zb Mo[a¶Z{XZm§H 22 Am JñQ , 2

37TH NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND E-VOTING INFORMATION NOTICE is hereby given that the Thirty-Seventh (37 th) Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of the Company will be held on Friday, September 16, 2022, at 11.00 A.M. through Video Conference (VC) / Other Audio-Visual Means (OAVM) and at the registered office of the Company.