Css Api Documentation V3 10-2020


CSS IMPACTFinancial EcosystemsAPI DocumentationCSS, Inc.Oct - 2020CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems1API DOCUMENTATION


CSS IMPACT FINANCIAL ECOSYSTEMS REST APICreated On: June 21, 2016Updated: May 13, 2020This document describes the RESTful web services Application ProgrammingInterface (API) for CSS Impact! HD 2.0 (Impact). Using this API, callers can accessImpact business logic, data, and processing to support automation and integration.The API is built on open standards (HTTP, SSL, Basic Authentication) and industryconventions (REST).The Impact API is a request/response model whereby an HTTP request will producean HTTP response. The API is partitioned by URL with each URL mapping to aparticular Impact entity such as an account or a demographic. Each request must beauthenticated using Basic Authentication and the communication must beconfidential and encrypted through SSL.COMMON ELEMENTSThis section describes API elements that apply to all calls.ENDPOINTSEach Impact customer is provided its own test server. This test server is the targetendpoint of all Impact API requests. In this document, the hostname “testserver.cssimpact.com” will be used for clarity. This hostname does not point to a realserver and must be substituted for a customer-specific host value.Using test-server.cssimpact.com as a host, each Impact API request begins with ervices/apiThe scheme is always https. Host is the hostname of the test server. Port is either8080 or 8443. /css-impact-web-services/api is a fixed path “/css-impact-webservices/api”.For -impact-webservices/api/udws/account/AGX?dbtNo 100000923CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems3API DOCUMENTATION

Has a scheme of https, a host of test-server.cssimpact.com, and a port of 8443. Theport is followed by the fixed “/css-impact-web-services/api” path. The remainder ofthe path and query string (/udws/account/AGX?dbtNo 100000923) is specific to thecall.AUTHENTICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITYEach Impact API request must include a valid username and password from theImpact User Screen. This username / password is submitted using standard BasicAuthentication.This technique passes the credentials in an HTTP header“Authorization” where the value is the fixed string “Basic” plus a Base64-encodedstring of the form username:password. username:password is a user code from theUser Screen, a colon “:”, and a password from the User Screen. In a raw request, thislooks likeAuthorization: Basic QVYxMDM6MTcxODMxWhere the string starting with QVY is an encoding of a username:password.All requests to Impact API that are not on a private VPN must be made using theHTTPS protocol to maintain a confidential connection.API ACCESSIn addition to the Basic Authentication described in the previous section, integratorsmust provide an API Key along with each request. The API Key is passed in a customHTTP Header. An example follows.Impact-API-Key: IMPACT10145The API Key is generated by an Impact administrator. Both the API Key and the BasicAuthentication credentials must be supplied or a 401 or 403 error will result.METHODSThe Impact API supports the following HTTP methods and general conventions.GET – Queries for data but does not change any entitiesPUT – Updates data of an existing entityCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems4API DOCUMENTATION

DELETE – Removes an existing entityPOST – Creates entities and executes back-end processesAll requests will accept parameters as part of the path. GET will also acceptparameters in a query string.POST requests will also accept parameters in the request body.RETURN VALUESThe Impact API uses HTTP status codes to communicate the results of the RESTfulcall. The following are returned in successful invocations200 – Ok204 – No contentThe following are returned in error conditions400 – Bad request; usually invalid parameters401, 403 – Authentication errors404 – Not found; the service was not found or one or more referenced entities werenot found500 – General server error; an unspecified error was generated in the Impactbusiness logicThis version of the Impact API returns JSON and accepts JSON in the body of POSTrequests.Requests resulting in an error will contain a JSON object with error details. This errorobject includes an errorType which is a further refinement of an error condition.There are four error types which work with the HTTP codes. UNSPECIFIED ERROR – The default VALIDATION ERROR – A 400 error cause by passing bad arguments to the call PROCESSING ERROR – A 400 or 500 error that was caused by invalidarguments or and bad configuraiton SYSTEM ERROR – A 500 error that indicates an untrapped problem with thecallCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems5API DOCUMENTATION

USER-DEFINED WINDOWS SERVICEGET /udws/account/{udwCode}A User Defined Window (UDW) is a collection of custom fields that can be associatedwith an entity in Impact. Since the defintion is custom, the specific fields returned bythe service will vary. The UDW is specified as a path parameter. Additionalparameters that select the specific UDW instance are passed on the query string.Currently, only Account Level UDWs are supported.The UDW Service URL contains the fixed path /udws/account and the variableudwCode. See the following sample act-webservices/api/udws/account/AGX?dbtNo 100000923Where web-services/api is thecommon prefix for all services. /udws/account selects the Account Level UDWService. “AGX” is a udwCode. The query string contains a single parameter “dbtNo”which selects the account.The following is a sample HTTP requestGET webservices/api/udws/account/AGX?dbtNo 100000923 HTTP/1.1Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflateAuthorization: Basic QVYxMDM6MTcxODMxHost: test-server.cssimpact.com:8443Connection: Keep-AliveUser-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.1 (Java/1.8.0 74)The following response was returnedHTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1X-Powered-By: Servlet 2.5; JBoss-5.0/JBossWeb-2.1Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 14:06:58 GMTContent-Type: application/jsonTransfer-Encoding: chunkedCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems6API DOCUMENTATION

[{"test date ","test alpha field 2":"FIRST","test alpha field 3":"19AV-CV-09-4629","test alspha field 1":"DAKOTA"}]Recall that the return value will be completely customized for the Impact customer.“test alpha field 2”, etc will not likely be part of an actual response.MAKE PAYMENT SERVICEPOST paymentWhere web-services/api is thecommon prefix for all services. /payments/makepayment identifies this service.The Make Payment Service is parameterized by a JSON message passed in therequest body.Field NameDescriptionFormatdbtNoAccount9 digitnumbernumberAmount toNumericbe chargedstringamountCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems7API DOCUMENTATION

feeAmountFeeNumericamountstringadded tochargepostDateDate ofyyyyMMddpostingaccountNumberCredit cardNumericor bankaccountnumberholderNameName ofTextcardholderholderAddrAddress 1TextofcardholderholderCityCity ofTextcardholderholderStateUS state ofTextcardholderholderZipPostalTextcode ofcardholderholderPhonePhoneTextnumber ofcardholderCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems8API DOCUMENTATION

entryDateDate ofyyyyMMddtransactionentryTimeTime ofHHmmtransactiontypeCredit card“2” for ACH orindicator“4” for creditcardccExpDateExpirationMMyy (fordate ofcredit card)credit cardccAuthCodeSecurityInteger (forcode ofcredit card)credit cardroutingNumberBankNumeric (forroutingACH)numberbranchNumberBankNumeric (forbranchACH); mustnumberbe “0” if notspecified forACH onlysourceSourceText, 40systemcharacterinitiator ofmaxpaymentidentifier;default isWEBSVCCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems9API DOCUMENTATION

achSECCode[ACH Only]POP,POS,PPDNACHA,TEL,WEBdesignatorof howtransactionisauthorizedThe following is a sample request for a credit card paymentPOST webservices/api/payments/makepayment HTTP/1.1Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflateContent-Type: application/jsonContent-Length: 426Host: Keep-AliveUser-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.1 (Java/1.8.0 74){"dbtNo": "000000006","amount": "25.00","feeAmount": "2.00","postDate": "20160610","accountNumber": "5412102988179999","holderName": "Ron Roberts","holderAddr": "1928 Tivoli St","holderCity": "Simi Valley","holderState": "CA","holderZip": "93065","holderPhone": "","entryDate": "20160610",CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems10API DOCUMENTATION

"entryTime": "1400","type": "4","ccExpDate": "0718","ccAuthCode": "123"}And a successful response to this request will be{"message": "Transaction Successful - Not Posted to Payment Provider Yet"}The successful responses will vary based on the Impact configuration.Alternatively, a successful response could also be{"message": "Transaction Successful – AuthCode: 123456", “retval”: “123456”}This response includes the retval field which is a call-specific return value. In thiscase, the Make Payment Service will return an authorization code in retval.RETRIEVE PAYMENT ARRANGEMENT SERVICEGET /payments/paymentArrangements/{dbtNo}/{type}The Retrieve Payment Arrangement Service retrieves an abbreviated version of thePayment Arrangement of the specified type for the specified account.The Retrieve Payment Arrangement Service requires two path parameters: dbtNoand type. dbtNo identifies the account of the Payment Arrangement. type willgenerally be “1” unless this is a Loan Payment.The response will be a 200 Ok and a JSON document using the following fields.Field NameDescr.FormatCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems11API DOCUMENTATION

initialPaymentDateDate onwhich adownpaymentis erintervalpaymentDecimalrecurringDayMonthDay ofmonth ofrecurringpaymentIntegerrecurringStartDateDate onwhichtherecurringpayments berIntegertypePaymentArrangementType (1isregular,2 is loan)IntegerCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems12API DOCUMENTATION

recurringNumberOfMonthsThenumberofmonthsof thepaymentplan (canbe 0)IntegeraccountLastFourThe lastfourdigits ofthemethodofpaymentsuch as acreditcardnumberIntegerRESPONSEThe following is a sample response of the Get Payment Arrangement Service.{"dbtNo": "000003932","type": "1","status": null,"initialPaymentDate": null,"initialPaymentAmount": 0.0,"recurringPaymentAmount": 45.0,"recurringDayOfMonth": 6,"recurringNumberOfMonths": 0,"recurringStartDate": "2012-05-23T04:00:00.000 0000","recurringEndDate": "2016-06-23T04:00:00.000 0000",CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems13API DOCUMENTATION

"accountLastFour": null,"paymentInfo": null}UPDATE PAYMENT ARRANGMENET SERVICEPUT /payments/paymentArrangements/{dbtNo}/{type}The Update Payment Arrangement Service updates and existing PaymentArrangement with the following data elements1. First scheduled payment date2. Down payment amount and date3. Payment method information such as credit card numberThe Update Payment Arrangement Service requires two path parameters: dbtNo andtype. dbtNo identifies the account to be updated. type will generally be “1” unlessthis is a Loan Payment Arrangement.The Update Payment Arrangement Service is parameterized by a JSON messagepassed in the request body.Field NameDescription.FormatinitialPaymentDateDate on which a downyyyy-MM-payment is madedd'T'HH:mm:ss:SSSZ(optional); only yyyy-MMdd will be used, avoidingtimezone differences thatproduce dates differentthan what the userentered; timezone isrequired and may beused in a future releaseinitialPaymentAmount*CSS IMPACT Financial EcosystemsDown payment (optional)14DecimalAPI DOCUMENTATION

recurringPaymentAmountPer interval paymentDecimalrecurringDayMonthDay of month of recurringIntegerpaymentrecurringStartDateDate on which theyyyy-MM-recurring payments willdd'T'HH:mm:ss:SSSZstarts; only yyyy-MM-ddwill be used, avoidingtimezone differences thatproduce dates differentthan what the userentered; timezone isrequired and may beused in a future releaseppaAcceptedWhether or not the userBoolean (true,false);accepts the paymentdefault is falsearrangement; sets aspecial Impact flagpprCodePayment plan rule codeString (3 character)(optional); if not supplied,default to existing ruleapplied to paymentarrangementgenerateDownPaymentPhonePay Generates a phone payfrom the down payment;Boolean (true,false);default is falsewill be false if noinitialPayment, noinitialPaymentAmountCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems15API DOCUMENTATION

interestRateInterest rate to use forDecimal (default ispayment arrangementto use accountinterest rate)paymentInfo.accountNumberCredit card number or16 digitsbank account numberpaymentInfo.routingNumberBank account numberInteger(not used for credit card)paymentInfo.type4 for credit cardIntegerpayments; 2 for ACHpaymentInfo.ccExpDateExpiration date of creditMMYYcard (not used for ACH)paymentInfo.ccAuthCodeVerification code of creditIntegercard (not used for ACH)paymentInfo.debitIndicates the cardBoolean (true,transaction is for a debitfalse); default iscard; ignored for checkfalse* If an initialPaymentAmount is 0 but an intialPaymentDate is set and it is earlier thanthe recurringStartDate, the update will flag the arrangement as having a enerateDownPaymentPhonePay flag to be ignored.CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems16API DOCUMENTATION

Sample Request #1The following is a sample request to update a Payment Arrangement. The PaymentArrangement will be rebuilt with a down payment of 125 and will generate a phonepay. This request provides a PPR Rule “MN1” which will override what was setpreviously.{"initialPaymentDate": "2017-04-28T05:00:00.000 0500","initialPaymentAmount": 500.0,"recurringPaymentAmount": 510.0,"recurringDayOfMonth": 31,"recurringStartDate": "2017-05-31T05:00:00.000 0500","ppaAccepted": true,"pprCode": "MN1","generateDownPaymentPhonePay": true,"paymentInfo": {"accountNumber": "4242424242424242","type": "4","ccExpDate": "0718","ccAuthCode": "123"}}A successful response is indicated by a 204 No Content status code.CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems17API DOCUMENTATION

Sample Request #2The following is a sample request to update a Payment Arrangement.This will use the original pprRule set on the Payment Arrangement whenthe Payment Arrangement was created. No down payment is set forthis request.{"initialPaymentDate": null,"initialPaymentAmount": 0.0,"recurringPaymentAmount": 100.0,"recurringDayOfMonth": 2,"recurringStartDate": "2011-02-02T05:00:00.000 0000","ppaAccepted": true,"paymentInfo": {"accountNumber": "4242424242424242","type": "4","ccExpDate": "0718","ccAuthCode": "123"}}CALL RESULTS SERVICEPOST /dialer/callResultsThe Call Results Service provides third-party vendors with the ability to update theImpact database based on the outcome of a call. This information includes1. A code describing the outcome of the call,2. Metrics about the call,3. Call identification, and4. A link to a recording of the call.CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems18API DOCUMENTATION

The Call Results Service can operate in a batch mode and will accept up to 500records in a single JSON submission. For submitting a single call's results, define aone-element JSON array.Because of the need for high availability, the actual processing of call results isperformed on a message queue. There may be a delay processing the request. Theexpected response code for a successful request is 204 No Content.A validation error will result with a 400 if basic data type conformance checks are not met.Note that a 204 No Content will be used if there is a business logic-level problem.These errors are captured in Impact.VALIDATE ONLY MODEBecause of the large number of fields in the payload, the service can operated inValidate Only Mode. This means that Impact will inspect the payload for basicconformance to data types and codes. To enable this mode, add a validateOnly truerequest parameter as inPOST /dialer/callResults?validateOnly trueA 204 No Content indicates that the request passes validation.PAYLOADThe Call Results Service is parameterized by a JSON message passed in the requestbody. The following table describes the JSON fields and their expected values.For fields identified as flags, the values are either true or false.Field NamedbtNoDescriptionAn account numberSample Value000000064in ImpactdemIdtyNoA contact identifier89belonging to theaccountphoneNumCSS IMPACT Financial EcosystemsPhone number192402888381API DOCUMENTATION

Field NamecallDatedispCodeDescriptionSample ValueDate and time that03/01/2017the call was placed05:51:01:977A result codeSALEdefined by theexternal systemfilenameA URL for a lDirectionInbound orOutboundOutbound indicatingwhether the dialer(Outbound) or thecaller (Inbound)initiated the callcallTypeManual or CampaignManualdescribing theorigination of thecallcalldurationsecDuration of the callsin secondscallIDExternal interface749125identifier of the callrecordCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems20API DOCUMENTATION

Field NametenantIDDescriptionExternal interfaceSample Value150identifier of thebilling customercampNameText identifierTESTdescribing activityunder which the callis operatingcampaignIDNumeric identifier1324describing activityunder which the callis operatingleadIDNumeric identifier412describing the batchunder which the callis operatingleadRowExternal interface4identifier of the callsource recorddialedNumberPhone number2402888381dialedtransferredToAFlag indicatinggentwhether the call wasfalsetransferedagentIDNumeric interface of555the agentCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems21API DOCUMENTATION

Field NamedispositionIDDescriptionCall result code fromSample Value90the external systemdispositionNaText description ofmeresult code from theSALEexternal systemsystemDispositRaw call result codeionfrom the externalSALEsystemuserAgent namencastillocontactFlag indicatingfalsecontact was madesuccessFlag indicating thatfalsethe operation wassuccessfuldroppedFlag indicatingfalsewhether the call wasdroppedtalkTimeSecsTime in seconds0spent talkingworkTimeSecsTime in seconds0spent in work modeconnectedFlag indicating thatfalsethe call connectedCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems22API DOCUMENTATION

Field NameabandonDescriptionFlag indicating thatSample Valuefalsethe call wasabandonnedqueueFlag indicating thatfalsethe call was queuedqueueDurationTime in seconds thatSecscall was queuedholdDurationSTime in seconds thatecsthe call was heldwrapupSecsTime in seconds that000the agent waswrapping up the callansMachFlag indicating thatfalsean answeringmachine was dialednoAnsFlag indicating thatfalsethat there was noanswerceptFlag indicating thatfalsecept tones werereceivedbusyFlag indicating thatfalsethe line was busyCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems23API DOCUMENTATION

Field NamefaxDescriptionFlag indicating that aSample Valuefalsefax line was dialedoutOfServiceFlag indicating thatfalsethe number was outof serviceusedTTSFlag indicating that afalseTTS was usedrecordedCallFlag indicating thatfalsethe call wasrecordedoutboundANIOutbound phone5124667387number identifier tobe used in displaywaitTimeSecsTime in seconds0spent waitingnotesAdditional freetextnotenotesrevenueRevenue collected as0part of calisCellFlag indicating thattruephone number is fora cell phoneCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems24API DOCUMENTATION

Sample HTTP HeadersThese are sample HTTP headers that describe the JSON payload. Sample securityheaders are also included.POST ebservices/api/dialer/callResults HTTP/1.1Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflateContent-Type: application/jsonAuthorization: Basic QVYxMDM6d123NDE4Tk4kImpact-API-Key: 999999101Content-Length: 2365Host: someserver.cssimpact.com:8443Connection: Keep-AliveSample PayloadThe following JSON payload shows the submission of two call result records toImpact.[{"dbtNo": "000000064","demIdtyNo": "89","phoneNum": "2402888381","callDate": "03/01/2017 05:51:01:977","dispCode": "SALE","filename": "http://www.bekwam.com/wav/130 rock 8beat 002.wav","callDirection": "Outbound","callType": "Manual","calldurationsecs": "74","callID": "9125",CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems25API DOCUMENTATION

"tenantID": "150","campName": "TEST","campaignID": "1324","leadID": "412","leadRow": "4","dialedNumber": "2402888381","transferredToAgent": "false","agentID": "555","dispositionID": "90","dispositionName": "SALE","systemDisposition": "SALE","user": "ncruz","contact": "false","success": "false","dropped": "false","talkTimeSecs": "0","workTimeSecs": "0","connected": "false","abandon": "false","queue": "false","queueDurationSecs": "0","holdDurationSecs": "0","wrapupSecs": "0","ansMach": "true",CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems26API DOCUMENTATION

"noAns": "false","cept": "false","busy": "false","fax": "false","outOfService": "false","usedTTS": "false","recordedCall": "false","outboundANI": "5034571197","waitTimeSecs": "0","notes": "note","revenue": "0","isCell": "true"},{"dbtNo": "000000064","demIdtyNo": "89","phoneNum": "2402888381","callDate": "03/01/2017 05:51:01:977","dispCode": "SALE","filename": "http://www.bekwam.com/wav/130 rock 8beat 002.wav","callDirection": "Outbound","callType": "Manual","calldurationsecs": "74","callID": "9126",CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems27API DOCUMENTATION

"tenantID": "150","campName": "TEST","campaignID": "1324","leadID": "412","leadRow": "4","dialedNumber": "2402888381","transferredToAgent": "false","agentID": "555","dispositionID": "90","dispositionName": "SALE","systemDisposition": "SALE","user": "ncruz","contact": "false","success": "false","dropped": "false","talkTimeSecs": "0","workTimeSecs": "0","connected": "false","abandon": "false","queue": "false","queueDurationSecs": "0","holdDurationSecs": "0","wrapupSecs": "0","ansMach": "true",CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems28API DOCUMENTATION

"noAns": "false","cept": "false","busy": "false","fax": "false","outOfService": "false","usedTTS": "false","recordedCall": "false","outboundANI": "5034571197","waitTimeSecs": "0","notes": "note","revenue": "0","isCell": "true"}]RUN STRATEGY ON DEMAND SERVICEPOST /strategies/{sodCode}/runningA Strategy On Demand (SOD) is a set of custom business rules used to transformdata within Impact. These rules are authored by manipulating shapes in the ImpactUI. Once the rules and transformation are tested, they can be called from an externalsource such as an enterprise scheduler like Control-M, a web application, or aWindows bat script.PAYLOADThe Run SOD Service uses a path parameter to designate the SOD to be run.Some SODs will return data that is the result of the business rules evaluation. Thereis an optional limit parameter which can be used to reduce the number of recordsreturned by the service. This parameter is specified as JSON in the body of the POSTrequest.CSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems29API DOCUMENTATION

Even if the limit parameter is not specified (or even relevant), a JSON body must bespecified.For fields identified as flags, the values are either true or false.FieldDescriptionSampleNamelimitValueA number indicating a10maximum number ofrecords to be returned; onlyrelevant in data-returningSODs (optional)Sample HTTP HeadersThese are sample HTTP headers that describe the JSON payload. Sample securityheaders are also included.POST ebservices/api/ strategies/TFXS/running HTTP/1.1Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflateContent-Type: application/jsonAuthorization: Basic QVYxMDM6d123NDE4Tk4kImpact-API-Key: 999999101Content-Length: 2365Host: someserver.cssimpact.com:8443Connection: Keep-AliveSample Payload #1 – Limit{"limit": 10}Sample Payload #2 – Empty BodyCSS IMPACT Financial Ecosystems30API DOCUMENTATION

An empty body must be submitted if the limit is not specified.{}RESPONSEThe response of the Run SOD Service is JSON. The following sample is from aWorkflow SOD which runs a set of business rules and data transformationsexternally. The Workflow SOD does not return evaluation results.Field NameDescriptionSampleValuelimitRepeats passed-in10value (see payload);can be nullsodCodeRepeatsTFXSQUERY STRINGparameterdialerResultsStructured data usedmoreRecordsonly in DLRSOD call recordsrequestsselectResultsFOR FUTURE USE-resultCountThe number of10results returnedprocessIdA correlationAn

Interface (API) for CSS Impact! HD 2.0 (Impact). Using this API, callers can access Impact business logic, data, and processing to support automation and integration. The API is built on open standards (HTTP, SSL, Basic Authentication) and industry conventions (REST). The Impact API is a request/response model whereby an HTTP request will produce