August 12 to 19, 2005 Volume 12, Issue 31
IN THIS ISSUELetters (Cruise Ship Debate)Unicollege Opens MondayEnvirowatch-Sand Stripped fromEast Side, Turtle Nest LostTurtles Nest in SlagbaaiAccolade Award to Bruce Bowker1st Ethienne Windsurf CupBalance for Bonaire FollowupRFK, Jr. -Shoreline Targets forExploitationDietitian (Nutrition & Food Tips)Marelva Soliano 30 Years at DiviX RBTT Bank has loaned Air Jaaire and Curaçao have passports but only50-60% of Aruba and St Maarten tourists do.Dutch PM Jan Peter Balkenendeand Democratic Party Leader JopieAbraham at June meeting in HollandThe Government of the Netherlands Antilles has notified the USConsul General of its “serious concern”about the intention to make it mandatoryfor Americans to use passports whentraveling to and from the Caribbean, effective January 1, 2006, because it maydiscourage tourism. This issue was alsodiscussed in Holland recently (duringmeetings in June 2005) with Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ben Bot.A release by the Central GovernmentInformation Service referred to the“grave consequences” that this measurewill have on tourism from the US. Iturged that the US delay the effectivedate for the Netherlands Antilles for twoyears to January 1, 2008, as is the casefor Canada and Mexico.Up to now, many Americans travel tothe Caribbean with only a birth certificate and picture ID. It’s estimated that80-90% of American travelers to Bon-Page 2X On Monday Continental Airlines(NYSE: CAL) announced modifications in its free checked-bags policyfor international travel, to reflect newweight limits of 50 lbs. (22 kg) each forup to two pieces. Maximum linear dimensions: 62 inches (157 cm) each.However, OnePass Elite members areallowed two pieces of free checked baggage up to a maximum weight of 70 lbs.(32 kg) each; Maximum linear dimensions: 62 inches (157 cm) each. BusinessFirst or First Class customers areallowed three pieces of free checkedbaggage up to a maximum weight of 70lbs. (32 kg) each; maximum linear dimensions: 62 inches (157 cm) each.Continental will begin flying non-stop toBonaire from Houston in December.X Last week Jamaican Transport andWorks Minister Robert Pickersgill saidthat the re-certification of Air Jamaicaand Air Jamaica Express by the USFederal Aviation Administration wascomplete. The FAA has reaffirmedCategory One status for the JamaicaCivil Aviation Authority.He said the process began in Marchand that during the procedure the airlinehad to pay “hefty fines” when the FAAsaid Air Jamaica did not have a propersystem of defining how its policies wereto be enforced. "The fines have beenpaid," he confirmed.maica US 125 million, with guaranteesfrom the Jamaican government, bringingto US 325 million, the amount ofmoney the recently re-nationalized airline has borrowed within the last 30 daysto help with its cash flow and restructuring.X This past weekend the Chamber ofCommerce of Curaçao issued a pressrelease recommending that the government of the Antilles or Curaçao not enter the airline business or finance anairline. They cited the decades-longmoney losing operations of ALM andDCA as a significant justification fortheir action. Approximately 30% of thehuge national debt can be assigned toairline losses. The Chamber feels thatgovernment funds can be better put towork elsewhere in the economy.WEEKLY FEATURES:Flotsam & JetsamAMFO/NGO Platform:BONAI Students in TrinidadVessel List & Tide TablePicture Yourself (DominicanRepublic)ClassifiedsReporter MastheadPets of the Week(Amber Jasperson & puppies)What’s HappeningDodo (Mr.& Mrs. Smith)Shopping & Dining GuidesOn the Island Since(Urwin Juaquin )Sky Park(Scorpius, Sagittarius)Isla oil refinery in CuraçaoX Districts downwind of the oil refinery in Curaçao had to endure a heavyfuel stench for several days last week.Isla Refinery management said the problem was caused by a shortage in power5788991011131826910121414151516171919supplied by its Build, Own and Operate(BOO) utility, forcing the refinery toshut down three facilities including the“sour water stripper” and the “diesel hydro treater.” Gregorio Donata, Environmental Manager of Isla, said the disabled units were restarted and running.Nevertheless the stench and the blacksmoke remained.(Continued on page 4)Bonaire Reporter - August 12 to 19, 2005
2005 The Bonaire ReporterPublished weekly. For information about subscriptions, stories oradvertising in The Bonaire Reporter, phone (599) 717-8988, 7917252, fax 717-8988, E-mail to: Reporter@bonairenews.com TheBonaire Reporter, George DeSalvo, Publisher. Laura DeSalvo,Editor in Chief. Address: Kaya Gob. Debrot 200-6; Bonaire, Neth.Antilles. Available on-line at: www.bonairereporter.comReporters: Bonai Trinidad Team, Captain Don, Daisy de Jongh,Jack Horkheimer, Greta Kooistra, Ann Phelan, Angélique Salsbach,Michael Thiessen, Natalie A.C. WangaFeatures Editor: Greta Kooistra Translations: Peggy Bakker,Sue Ellen FelixProduction: Barbara LockwoodDistribution: Yuchi Molina (Rincon), Elizabeth Silberie (Playa);Housekeeping: Jaidy Rojas Acevedo. Printed by: DeStad Drukkerij, CuraçaoBonaire Reporter - August 12 to 19, 2005Page 3
(Flotsam and Jetsam. Continued from page 2)X Last week the Federation of St. Kittsand Nevis requested the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to study the possibility of establishing an oil refinery on St.Kitts.X There are reports that the Triboncar ferry, which had a brief career on theBonaire-Curaçao route, will return to service running between Venezuela and theABC Islands, and include Bonaire on itsroute when needed.X NOAA says there is a 95% to100% chance of an above-normal 2005Atlantic hurricane season. This is according to a consensus of scientists at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The updated outlookcalls for an extremely active season, withan expected seasonal total of 18-21 tropical storms (usual is 10), with 9-11 becoming hurricanes (usually there are 6), and5-7 of these becoming major hurricanes(usually there are 2-3). The predicted seasonal totals include the considerable activity that has already occurred prior tothis update (7 tropical storms and 2 majorhurricanes). Therefore, for the remainderof the season, they expect an additional 79 hurricanes with 3-5 of these becomingmajor hurricanes.Since 1995, all of the Atlantic hurricaneseasons have been above normal, with theexception of two El Niño years (1997 and2002). This contrasts sharply with thegenerally below-normal activity observedduring the previous 25-year period, 19701994.X Rotary Club of Bonaire President,Page 4Rotary Club PhotoEdsel Winklaar, and Secretary, EdwinVrieswijk, handed over a HandicappedEquipped car to Rignald Saragoza(above). With the assistance of SASOwhich provided the license plates and insurance, Rotary Club bought a speciallyequipped car for Mr. Saragoza, which willallow him to drive to work, visit family,go shopping etc. Mr. Saragoza's car brokeand was un-repairable and after a requestmade to Rotary Club Bonaire his wishwas fulfilled.Waves from Hurricane Ivan smashing on Bonaire’s east coast.X Hurricane Ivan, which cut a swathe of destruction across the Caribbean lastSeptember and battered Bonaire’s coasts, generated ocean waves more than 90feet (27 meters) high, researchers said last Thursday. They may have been the tallest waves ever measured with modern instruments, suggesting that prior estimatesfor maximum hurricane wave heights are too low.course runs from 8 to 9 pm every Mondayand Tuesday. This is a chance to meetlocal people and at the same time contribute to a better understanding and communication with Bonaireans.Interested? Call Alex Semeleer at 7173320 or 786-0761.X On August 17th the Antillean com-X CKB, a foundation to improve business practices and help local persons intheir own business, and FEBILA, a foundation dedicated to life-long education,are looking for volunteers to serve asconversation guides during their coursein English conversation.Volunteers must be native speakers ofthe English language. Make an appointment for the evening you can come. Themunity in the Netherlands will commemorate the slave population rebellionwhich took place on Curaçao 210 yearsago under the leadership of slaves Tulaand Bazjan Karpata. The Antillean priestSimon Wilson, a well-known clericamong Antilleans, will conduct the commemoration mass in the Emmaus churchin Den Bosch. The events are organizedby the Antillean and Arubian association,Nos Baranka (Our Rock).Ronnie Martina, a famous columnist,writer, Papiamentu expert and historian,will present a lecture on the history ofTula and Bazjan Karpata. Martina feelsthat the Antillean /Aruban communityshould know of their past and what happened exactly on that day back in 1795.The Antillean poet Charlton Marcos willrecite his poem De Zwangere Slaaf (ThePregnant Slave) in Dutch as well as inPapiamentu. (Contributed by Natalie A.C.Wanga)X American resident Al Curry, whoshot and wounded a man in his homewhom he alleged had betrayed his trustand was stealing from him, was sentenced on Monday to one year in jail,plus time served. Curry has been in jailfor the last eight months after being arrested for shooting and wounding the manwho had been the consort of his recentlydeceased daughter. The Prosecutor hadasked for a three-year confinement insteadof the usual six because of the circum(Continued on page 5)Bonaire Reporter - August 12 to 19, 2005
L E T T E R S : THE Op-E d PAGEThe cruise ship Oriana was once aregular caller at BonaireOUR VALUABLE CRUISE SHIPVISITORSI have worked as a tour guide for cruiseships from almost the beginning of theirarrival on the Bonaire scene. Tourismpioneer L.D Gerhardts was my first"boss!” I find the "cruisers" exciting, interesting, enthusiastic and anxious tolearn about Bonaire. I think there is a verywrong impression about our cruise shipvisitors. They do not just get off the shipto go shopping or eat or drink.What about the snorkelers, the beachsun worshippers, the divers, the birdwatchers, the cyclists, the excursions tothe mangroves, wind surfing, day sailingtrips and trips to Washington Park? Thisis just to mention a few alternative activities to shopping that "cruisers" enjoy during their stop here.Many times a tour has resulted in achange of vacation plans. Only last year Ihad a group of seven from the UnitedKingdom (avid divers) who while herechanged their upcoming trip from anotherCaribbean dive destination to Bonaire.I see many of the people I have guidedreturn to Bonaire for a "land" vacation.Recently I worked with a couple from theUS who, on the spot, bought a house before they left the island. There are manyways to measure the impact of cruise shipvisitors rather than on how much theyspend on shopping.Tourists are Bonaire’s greatest resourcefor a bright economic future. Does itmake any difference how they arrive? Ifthis is so, why not limit snorkelers as theydon't rent equipment and use dive shopservices? How about the shore divers? rental car - no boat trips. I think it is important for all of us to appreciate what wehave of the Caribbean market rather thanfinding fault. We all want a prosperousBonaire.Petri HausmannNO CRUISE SHIPS FOR MEYou asked for reader’s opinions oncruise ships in the last edition of The Bonaire Reporter.Unfortunately, people on many islandsare led to believe that cruise ships are going to bring a great deal of revenue to theisland. From what we have observed onother islands, the people on the cruiseships spend very little on their excursionsto the island and the majority of eatingand drinking is done on the ship. They doseem to generate a huge amount of trashon the oceanfront. The ships also damagethe reefs as do the large groups of inexperienced divers. One island that I visit frequently, Cozumel, has changed drasticallyBonaire Reporter - August 12 to 19, 2005(Flotsam and Jetsam. Continued from page 4)stances, as well as the age and health of thedefendant. Curry is 73 years old. ChiefJudge de Lannoy questioned Curry beforepronouncing sentence and considered hisresponses in granting a lesser jail term.X The support organization, StichtingOntwikkeling Nederlandse Antillen(USONA), signed a financing agreementwith TCB Director Ronella Croes, whorepresented Tourism Director Burney elHage, for a new “Tourism AwarenessProgram.” The project is designed toraise the awareness of Bonaireans regarding the significance and effects of tourismon their island. It’s hoped it will providelocal people with knowledge of their heritage which they will pass on to the island’svisitors.X Ann Phelan, who jointly conductedthe successful Windsurfing Diva class lastmonth, was approached by some women,all in their 30s to 60s who wish to learn thecalming yet challenging sport of windsurfing. Ann is putting together a three-dayDiva Windsurfing Clinic August 28 to 30for beginners only. If you are keen onlearning to windsurf in the most perfectsetting of Lac Bay, this is the time. Theprice is NAƒ250 and includes the Clinicand gear rental. There will be an 8-personminimum. Contact her at www.bonairecaribbean.com or 011-599-7863134.since the cruise ships started visiting. Allkinds of new shops have opened, but themajority aren’t owned by the people fromCozumel, and they employ people fromthe mainland, not from the island. If anything, the people are worse off than before the cruise ships.X Want to get the true feeling of Bonaire? Do it with the friendly staff of theDivi Flamingo Beach Resort & Casino.Enjoy authentic Bonairean dishes in a typical Bonairean atmosphere every Sundayfrom 6 to 9 pm, with a Bonairean NightBuffet featuring typical Bonairean dishes,live “kriollo” music and folk dancing. Thebuffet costs NAƒ 35, which includes a welcome drink. Kids up to 12 pay their age indollars. For reservations call 717-8285,ext. 444.X This Saturday, August 13, Movieland Cinema presents “Magic and aMovie.” Famous Magic Ed starts at 3 pmwith an all new Magic Show that willleave you wondering. Directly after theshow, the film, “Herbie Fully Loaded” willbe shown. Tickets are available on Saturday for NAƒ15, including fresh popcorn. Anice opportunity to say goodbye to thesummer vacation! Come join the fun andmake sure to arrive early because there areonly so many seats available. Magic and aMovie this Saturday at 3 pm!X This week’s Benetton models fromJong Bonaire are Joemy Ricardo and Remison Makaai. The Benetton ad is on page13. G./L.DI recently purchased a home in Bonaireand hope that the government will eitherrestrict or eliminate cruise ships in thefuture.Barbara PetersenPage 5
COVERSTORYWhat AreNGOsAll About?Bonai photoA c t i v i t i e s o fA M F O a n d t h eN G O P l a t f o r mBonairean High SchoolersMake the Island ProudWe are the SGB students whogot to represent Bonaire BONAI at the International Association forCaribbean Archaeology (IACA) 21stCongress at the University of the WestIndies in Trinidad, July 24-30, 2005.Our group, called BONAI, consists ofabout 20 high school students who overthe last two years have worked on science projects such as Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology and Biology underthe direction of Dr. Jay Haviser. Dr.Haviser is also the current president ofIACA and was able to make it possiblethat the BONAI group could present apaper at the 21st Congress of IACA.We - Douglas Abraham, Fleur Veldkamp, Mireille Nicolaas and CrisMaldonado - were selected to be therepresentatives of the BONAI group andmake the presentation. AMFO and thePrins Bernhard Culture Funds generously sponsored our participation in thisinternational congress of professionalPage 6archaeologists from around the world.Bonai photoBONAI Students and Dr. Haviserwith the President of the Republic ofTrinidad and TobagoThe IACA congress is held every twoyears in a different country of the Caribbean and is the world’s largest gatheringof archaeologists who specialize in research in the Caribbean. In the Trinidadcongress there were about 250 partici-BONAI students during their IACA Presentationpants and about 120 papers presented,including ours. These papers are basedon the most up-to-date professional research and results ranging from Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, Ethnology and Paleo-biology (ancient plant,animal and environment studies). During the congress there not only were papers presented but also discussions wereheld about the contents of the papers.There were several receptions in theevenings, including one at the palace ofthe President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the Chancellor’s houseat the University, and also at the National Museum. After the closing of theCongress we had two field trips, one tothe island of Tobago and the otheraround Trinidad.Our 20-minute presentation was aboutthe activities and projects the BONAIgroup has done over the past two years.We divided the presentation into foursections, with each of us presenting onesection. We created and used a PowerPoint presentation with pictures of ourgroup and activities. Afterwards therewere questions and discussions from theaudience to which we responded.One of the most important experienceswe gained from this trip was the opportunity to meet and socialize with worldrenowned archaeologists about their research and experiences over the years.This was a great honor for us and a perfect opportunity to gain knowledge fromthem, as well as to inform them about(Continued on page 7)Bonaire Reporter - August 12 to 19, 2005
Bonai (Continued from page 6)the BONAI projects. We received manyvery positive compliments and weretold that our project is an importantmodel for the youth of the region. Wehave therefore accomplished one of themain goals as BONAI, to create a dynamic youth and science program.It was not only all serious and professional, we also got to have fun socialexperiences, such as dancing at one ofthe receptions, eating a lot of the localfood like roti, flying to Tobago, meeting different local people and talking tothem about their island and exploringthe large UWI university campus. It wasalso nice that our hotel was full of theIACA delegates and so we got to sometimes sit around the pool and personallysocialize in the evenings. Throughoutthe congress both the presentations andthe social events were well organized.We were delighted to have receivedthis opportunity to represent Bonaire inan international congress and at thesame time increase our own personalknowledge about archaeology. We alsohave established a network of professional contacts which will help us in thedevelopment of our future careers.None of this would have been possiblewithout the full support and dedicationof Dr. Jay Haviser who gave his time,energy and passion, as an inspiration tohelp us develop ourselves. Although Dr.Haviser will be moving on to work inSt. Maarten, the BONAI project willcontinue under the guidance of Ms.Jacky Bernabela, who has also been agreat support from the beginning of theproject. Next year’s BONAI studentswill continue in the beginning of thenew school year.We are proud that, not only were weable to develop ourselves, but the BONAI project has been able to enrich ourcommunity with an appreciation ofBonaire’s culture and nature. And thatthe BONAI project which started onBonaire, has now become an international model for youngsters of the Caribbean. Bonai Trinidad TeamDr. Jay Haviser, the organizer of Bonai, had this to add:“After being back for only a day theBonai students wrote their report forThe Bonaire Reporter! I am so veryproud of them, and indeed the entirecommunity of Bonaire should be proudof the very mature and confident manner in which they acted during the congress. The professionals at this congresswere amazed at the serious effortswhich these students made, and indeedmany thought they were university students. Clearly, we did establish Bonaireas the pioneer island for this kind ofyouth and archaeology project.”AMFO: Kaya Gob. N. Debrot #31, Bonaire. Tel. 717-7776, Fax 717-7779, website:www.samfo.org, email: info-bon@samfo.orgNGO Platforma Bonaire: New address as of August 1: Plaza Terras, KayaGrandi 23, Rooms E,F,G. Tel. 717-2366, Fax 717-2367, website: www.ngobonaire.org,Bonaire Reporter - August 12 to 19, 2005The Board of Directors of the StichtingVooruitstrevend Voorgezeten Hoger Onderwijs(UniCollege-Bonaire Foundation) welcomes Ingebordvan der Linden, as Principalof this new HAVO/WVOlevel school.Ms. van der Linden comesto UniCollege after havingheld the position of Dean ofthe Stedeliyk Gimnasium ofLeiden, The Netherlands.This school has been evaluated during three consecuIngebord van der Linden, Principal of the newtive years as one of the topHAVO/WVO High School.three secondary schools ofHolland.Besides her 20 year experience as an educator, Ms. van de Linden’s professionalbackground includes school level orientation (“deecan”), Student Counselor, andSchool Proctor for supervision and orientation of older students (15-18 years old).UniCollege is a progressive school that seeks to provide academically inclined Bonaire children with the opportunity to complete their HAVO/VWVO level secondaryeducation without leaving their homeland and severing their family ties.As previously reported, the school seeks to teach through innovative teaching methods now being applied by the UniC School of Utrecht, which shall also provide supportand resources to UniCollege. The UniC concept, which is geared to encourage individual initiative and learning through research and group projects, is officially recognizedby the Dutch government.UniCollege-Bonaire opens its doors August 15, 2005. Persons interested in obtaininginformation on this new school can phone 717-0864 and/or log in to the UniCollegewebsite at info@unicollege.org.The Board of the Foundation is gratefulPlease send donations to:for those companies and individuals whoThe Foundation’s Bank Accounthave been providing financial support forMADURO & CURIEL’S BANKthis praiseworthy effort, but UniCollege(Bonaire)needs additional financial help to accomStichting Vooruitstrevend Voorgezet enplish its goals. Press releaseHoger OnderwijsAccount Number: 112.649.00Page 7
OPhoto Credit Ramon DeLeonThis scalped area was once a sandy beachSand mining has been outlawed by law on Bonaire for some time. However,on Monday, The Bonaire Marine Park Manager photographed sand miningoperations at one of Bonaire’s most well-knowncultural sites, BocaPhoto Credit Ramon DeLeonOnima, close to the ancient Indian Inscriptions.He has presented the caseto the Prosecutor.The operation was anenvironmental outrage.At the spot where truckloads of sand were stolenfour turtle nests hatchedlast year, and Sea TurtleConservation Bonaire hadalready discovered onenest there this year.Illegal mining enforcement is lax. If the policefind a driver without upto-date auto tags theytake his/her keys and towthe car away, not to return it until tags and fineare paid. Governmentofficials from the DROBEnvironmental SectionSea Turtle Conservation Funchi Egbrachts lookswere on the scene, but nosadly at the remains of a turtle nesting area.police appeared.G.D.Page 8n Saturday night, July 30th, theAbdul family and some friendswere spending the night at Slagbaai andhad the chance to see the hatching ofthe first reported nest in that area thisyear.While barbequing, the group noticedhatchlings emerging from theirnest. But instead of heading to theocean, the hatchlings started marchingtowards the saliña, apparently attractedby the light of the barbeque fire.Recognizing that there was a problem, they contacted the Park’s ChiefRanger George “Cultura” who advisedthem what to do. The family membersand friends collected all the hatchlingsin a bucket and successfully releasedthem into the sea. Chief Ranger“Cultura” immediately called MabelNava, the Project Director for Sea Turtle Conservation (STCB) about the incident.The next morning MabelNava traveled to the Parkand surveyed the nowempty nest. As part ofSTCB's on-going research program, shecounted the hatchedshells as well as thenumber of eggs that didnot hatch.This episode provides us allwith a snapshot of how much ourcommunity cares about sea turtles andsea turtle conservation. STCB wouldlike to express their sincere appreciation to everyone involved withthe rescue. Because of theirprompt and positive action, 94 hatchlings madeit into the sea!Please remember that ifyou see any activitywhere sea turtles mightbe in trouble, contact SeaTurtle Conservation Bonaire on 717-2225 orSTINAPA on 717-8444.Press ReleaseBonaire Reporter - August 12 to 19, 2005
YA C H T I N G A N D WAT E R S P O R T S PA G ELast Sunday at Sorobon, Ethienne Soliano, one of Bonaire’s topOlympic Class and FormulaClass racers, organized aregatta exclusively for thisclass of windsurfer. In recent years the popular focushas been on the FreestyleClass, which uses differentequipment, and contestantsare rated on their ability toperform stunts on theirEthienne (left) with some winnersboards. In the FormulaClass, speed counts. Thenew style Formula boards are 2 meters-30 cm long and a wide 1 meter in width.They really move! Ethienne was satisfied with the turnout and hopes more sailorswill join next year. Daisy de JonghResults.Junior:Men:1. Elton “Taty” Frans2. Christiaan “Keke” Dammers3. Ronald “Ro” MejerCapt. Don presents the Accolade to Bruce BowkerCapt. Don explains the meaning of the Accolade“We believe that it takes a very special type of person to be involved inocean and reef conservation or any program pertaining thereto. These people mustbe totally committed. There is no room for bleeding heart liberals. There is noroom for once-a-year conservationists. Because all the room has been reserved foraround-the-clock, sincere, and totally dedicated ECO warriors fighting for the ongoing health of our oceans. And what we feel here is an overwhelming dedication,a camaraderie amongst you, who in my opinion, are the indisputable pioneers ofour earth’s last frontier.Accolade Recognition to Bruce Bowker“Bruce Bowker, you are an extraordinary environmentalist. Hidden behind yearsof service, few know of the enormous tasks which you have accomplished. Yourinvolvement with Klein Bonaire is well known. Less well known is your role in1972 in founding Bon “Y” to teach Bonaireans to dive and learn the art of protecting the undersea environment.The installation of the first moorings with chain and engine blocks and yourenormous guidance in founding UPEC (Underwater Preservation of the EighthContinent) which became CURO, which from amongst its hidden roots arose theMarine Park – are only two more of your pioneering efforts.You have walked a long trail of so many firsts. The Bonaire reefs salute you foryour kind hand in preserving their life for others to share and for the training soothers too would understand and share your strong beliefs about the oceans.Bruce, your footprints on diving safety and reef savvy are island history.We thank you.Captain Don, Founder“The Accolade Foundation”1. Arthuro “Payo” Soliano2. Jeager Sint Jago3. Demenson “Kiri” Thode4. Bjorn Saragoza5. Harvey Piar6. Raymison EllisKRALENDIJK TIDES (Heights in feet, FT)Remember: Winds and weather can further influence the local tidesDATE8-128-138-148-158-168-178-188-19TIME HEIGHT4:58 1.0FT. 19:165:33 0.9FT. 19:516:04 0.8FT. 20:286:34 0.8FT. 21:157:11 0.8FT. 22:017:47 0.8FT. 22:458:18 0.8FT. 23:360:21 2.0FT. 2FT.772.1FT.880.9FT. 13:39 1.1FT. 15:36 1.0FT. 97Bruce answers:“I am honoured to receive this award from Don Stewart, a person who has somuch foresight. There are far too many people whose only concern is how muchmoney can be made today with no thoughts of any of the consequences for tomorrow. Let us hope this program will be a shining light to this world and especiallyBonaire, and we can preserve Bonaire’ most valuable and most fragile asset – itscoral reefs.VESSELS MAKING A PORT CALL:Alter EgoAndrenAngieAnything GoesAugustineBluestarBright SeaCamissa, Chan Is.Cape lenoaEndangered SpeciesEndorphinEva LunaFlamFlying Cloud, USAFreestyleGuaicamar I, Ven.Jan GerardusJosinaKey LaraLuna C. USALa BaronneLa SerenaMarisolMimoMoanaMoonglowNelsonNatural SelectionOrionPamala JeanPapeetePyewacketSanta MariaSandpiper, USASeascapeSea of TimeSea WitchShalimarSilvestreSintellaSiriusSola 2Bonaire Reporter - August 12 to 19, 2005SaprtivartSportiventoSylvia KSylvestreThetisTi Amo, USATishTothillTriumphant LadyUlu Ulu, USAUnicorn, NorwayVaredhuni, Ger.VentosoYa-T, BVIYanti ParatziZenitudePage 9
Balance For Bonaire Follow-upA modern high rise hotel on the Sunset Beach Hotelproperty might look like this.Recently, The Bonaire Reporterran a reader survey along withthe last two articles in its ‘Finding Balance for Bonaire’ series on island development. Thirty-one valid questionnaires were tabulated, with 75% comingfrom tourists and almost all of thosefrom the US. This is not surprisingsince The Reporter is an English language paper.Obviously, the survey cannot be seenas a random sample of Bonaire’s tourists but more a snapshot of loyal American tourists who read The Bonaire Reporter. But it is at least a start to offerideas about what research needs to bedone and what efforts for improving theBonaire experience might be considered.What Our Readers SaidThe respondents were primarily 40 to60 years old and, no surprise, are mostlyscuba divers. However, almost 1/3 arenow windsurfers even though only onecame to Bonaire for the first time as awindsurfing tourist. Only seven respondents discovered Bonaire in the past fiveyears to be considered ‘new’ visitors; allthe others have been coming to the island for many years.Satisfactions LevelsThe respondents to the survey are basically happy customers, rating theirBonaire experience a 3.6 out of possible4 points. And the thing that scoredhighest on the questionnaire was the‘friendliness
Bonaire Reporter - August 12 to 19, 2005 Page 3 2005 The Bonaire Reporter Published weekly.For information about subscriptions, stories or advertising in The Bonaire Reporter, phone (599) 717-8988, 791- 7252, fax 717-8988, E-mail to: Reporter@bonairenews.com The Bonaire Reporter, George DeSalvo, Publisher.Laura DeSalvo,