Western Nevada College FoundationAnnual Report and Unaudited supplemental InformationFiscal Year Ending June 30, 2011Ref. WNC-2(WNC FOUNDATION 12/02/11) Ref. WNC-2, Page 1 of 8
Western Nevada CollegeAnnual Report to the NSHE Board of RegentsFiscal Year ending June 30, 2011It is with pleasure that the Western Nevada College Foundation provides this annual report to theBoard of Regents. Fiscal Year 2011 was a successful year for the Foundation due to continued effortsto retain donors and generate community support for WNC programs.Despite current economic conditions in the state of Nevada, WNC Foundation operating revenueincreased by 36% compared to the prior year. Several factors contributed to this increase. A generousdonation to the WNC "Always Lost: A Meditation on War" project has enabled staff and students toreplicate a compelling photo and poetry exhibit about the costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflictsfor exhibition in Washington D.C. in 2012. The provocative exhibit, which began as a class project in2009, offers a solemn, eloquent look at the personal and collective costs of war, and has captured theattention of colleges, universities, and veterans organizations across the country. The project hasdrawn significant community support and we anticipate that the display in Washington D.C. will havea lasting impact on the college, as well as the WNC students, alumni and staff who have put theirhearts and dedication into the project.This fiscal year the WNC Foundation also received a substantial in-kind donation of two high-techmannequins for the nursing program, a significant technology enhancement that will help WNCnursing students develop the critical thinking skills necessary to excel in their careers. The mannequinsoffer students a learning experience similar to treating live patients, as they can simulate symptomsand ‘interact’ with students through a microphone.A successful fundraiser to honor the retirement of previous Foundation Director Helaine Jesse Morresalso raised additional funds for WNC athletics, performing arts, scholarships and the Jack C. DavisObservatory. Each of these programs greatly enhances the college experience for students here atWNC and the programs rely heavily on Foundation support for their continued success.This year the Western Nevada College Foundation engaged an independent accounting firm in areview of its financial statements rather than a full audit. The NSHE policy that allows for auditexemptions in alternate years provides considerable savings to the Foundation’s budget, particularlysince this service is paid for out of unrestricted funds that are challenging to replenish. We greatlyappreciate the opportunity to conduct a review this year and we are pleased to note that the reviewrevealed no management points warranting reporting.Although this year represents a time of transition within the Foundation and at the college, we areconfident that efforts taken to build new partnerships within the community, to appreciate and stewarddonors, and to enhance campaigns and improve long-term development strategy and goals in responseto this new era will allow the Foundation to continue to function successfully and maximize resourcesfor WNC. Our board of trustees and donors remain loyal supporters of the college and are committedto their role in the advancement of education here at Western Nevada College.(WNC FOUNDATION 12/02/11) Ref. WNC-2, Page 2 of 8
KAl'OURY. ARMSTRONG & CO.A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONCERTIFIED PUBLIC VCCOU1MTANTSServing our clients since 1941.September 30, 2011To the Board of Regents of theNevada System of Higher EducationWe are the independent accountant's for the Western Nevada College Foundationfor the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011. In connection with our review engagement,we did not identify any items of significance that we believe should be reported tothe Foundation in a management letter. The Foundation will be forwarding to you acopy of the reviewed financial statements.If you have any questions relating to this document please feel free to contact me at775. 423.6505 or at liackson@kafoury.com.Sincerely,KAFOURY, ARMSTRONG & Co.Laurel D. Jackson, GPAEngagement Shareholderi.\sw; ;\sIIVAO301 WEST TOLAS HACK. KUl.OiY NEVADA. 8940H775.423.6505 PAX: 775.423-4799 \vu\\.k;iliniry.nnn(WNC FOUNDATION 12/02/11) Ref. WNC-2, Page 3 of 8
Western Nevada CollegeUnaudited supplemental informationGift Report for the Year ended June 30, 2011A. ContributionsJack C. Davis ObservatoryAlways Lost ProjectIntercollegiate AthleticsWildcats SoftballWildcats BaseballFamily Services CenterPerforming ArtsNursing ProgramLone Mountain WritersLatino ClubFallon performing artsChemistryASWN – WNC Student GovernmentArt program – CarsonArt program – FallonSave our Students Book FundDistance Learning NetworkDisability SupportCounseling ServicesRecycling FundFallon Phi Theta KappaBiologyMachine Tool Technology ProgramConstructionCampus ConnectComputer Advancements/equipmentAmerican Sign LanguageAutomotive – Carson CampusDouglas CampusEducation FundDrivers EducationJack Walter’s Memorial GardenClassified Council FundraisersLifted CaféOther Nevada Art Exhibit Fundraiser 13,295 111,761 22,465 18,306 27,723 5,630 16,749 10,751 423 2,085 625 1,000 240 583 55 800 1,200 590 360 711 358 300 5,150 70 178 20 10 10 143 365 10 10 1,232 110 75ScholarshipsAl Hack Memorial ScholarshipAmerican Association of University Women ScholarshipAnne Berlin ScholarshipAmerican Association of Critical Care Nurses ScholarshipAmerican Legion Auxiliary #4 Post 9/11 ScholarshipBAWN/Edd P. Furgerson Memorial ScholarshipBessie L. Miller Memorial ScholarshipCatharine “Sue” Fitz Scholarship 1,515 1,500 500 1,000 1,000 2,875 200 2001(WNC FOUNDATION 12/02/11) Ref. WNC-2, Page 4 of 8
Western Nevada CollegeUnaudited supplemental informationGift Report for the Year ended June 30, 2011Jess & Ruth Blas Memorial ScholarshipCarson & Sierra Coleman ECE ScholarshipCarson Tahoe Auxiliary ScholarshipCV Quilt Guild ScholarshipNational Society for Colonial Dames ScholarshipBernice Sheldon Memorial ScholarshipDaughters of the American Revolution ScholarshipGreenwave for Golf Grads ScholarshipHelen Devereaux Memorial ScholarshipCarson City Emblem Club #507 ScholarshipESL ScholarshipSagebrush Chapter Model A Ford Club ScholarshipDr. Walter L. Dillard Memorial ScholarshipNancy Gaskill Memorial ScholarshipGlady Coleman Memorial ScholarshipHelen Close Foundation ScholarshipHelen F. Harpin Memorial ScholarshipHope ScholarshipIndigenous Native American ScholarshipJason Bertocchi Memorial ScholarshipJesse Clift ScholarshipJeremy Williams Memorial ScholarshipKennametal Foundation ScholarshipKatharine Harris Quilici ScholarshipKorean War Veterans ScholarshipJoe Lushina Nursing ScholarshipMark Dorio Memorial ScholarshipMichael Calabro Memorial ScholarshipUnited Methodists Men ScholarshipClark A. Morres Baseball ScholarshipMinden Rotary Foundation ScholarshipNevada CPA Society ScholarshipNative & Newcomers Club of Carson City ScholarshipOrmsby Sportsman Association ScholarshipLeisure Hour ScholarshipPEO Sisterhood ScholarshipMarilyn C. Potter ScholarshipRamsdell ScholarshipRhianna Redwine Memorial ScholarshipSauerhage ScholarshipSoroptimist International of Carson Valley ScholarshipMelba Silver ScholarshipSoroptimist International of Carson CityMargaret Hersey ScholarshipSoroptimist International of Carson City –Marge Patterson ScholarshipSoroptimist International of Carson City – 710 250 10,000 1,000 500 150 500 50 200 1,000 2,805 750 575 375 500 2,500 175 4,080 300 240 1,500 2,530 2,640 100 2,000 500 2,385 300 1,500 500 2,000 1,200 1,000 750 5,000 2,500 4,000 1,150 10 200 1,500 1,000 1,000 4,0002(WNC FOUNDATION 12/02/11) Ref. WNC-2, Page 5 of 8
Western Nevada CollegeUnaudited supplemental informationGift Report for the Year ended June 30, 2011Trade & Industry ScholarshipNV Energy ScholarshipSunset Rotary Club ScholarshipMike & Dick Stoddard Memorial ScholarshipAl Teixeira Memorial Baseball ScholarshipS.S. White Nursing ScholarshipZola Scholarship FundGeneral Foundation Scholarship fundFallon General Scholarship fund 2,000 10,000 2,000 500 650 1,000 500 6,180 1,350Endowment additions:Kandee Ann Kahn Memorial Scholarship EndowmentLesch Nursing Scholarship EndowmentLew McCrigler EndowmentMiller-Neverett Memorial Scholarship EndowmentBonnie Parnell Public Service Scholarship EndowmentTestolin Family Scholarship EndowmentSub-total 10,500 10,000 5,000 10,100 17,000 4,900 399,788In-kind contributions (salaries & fringe benefits) 348,951In-kind donation (mannequins for nursing program) 42,195Total Contributions: 790,9343(WNC FOUNDATION 12/02/11) Ref. WNC-2, Page 6 of 8
Western Nevada CollegeUnaudited supplemental informationAdministrative Expenses & Program ExpensesFor the year ended June 30, 2011B. Administrative (supporting) expensesYearly auditCampus chatManagement feesAnnual Board retreatBoard insuranceMembershipsNewspapers in EducationOffice expensesProduction & printingSalaries & related fringe benefitsCredit card chargesBank chargesAllowance/discount on pledge receivableMiscellaneousTotal supporting administrative expenses: 20,000 350 25 419 1,881 705 100 168 8 348,951 523 1,025 47,385 598 422,138C. Program expensesScholarshipsAthletics programMannequins for nursingAlways Lost ProjectSpecialty Crop Institute - FallonNursing programSarah Winnemucca bronze statueFamily Services CenterObservatoryBiologyPerforming artsLatino clubClements groupClassified councilCommunity appreciation concertASWN – WNC Student GovernmentChemistryConstructionArt Program – CarsonPerforming Arts - FallonLifted caféSave our Students Book FundMickey Wade Award of ExcellenceTotal program expenses 115,097 113,907 42,195 37,031 17,674 9,184 7,020 5,255 3,776 2,535 2,128 2,085 1,810 1,606 1,600 1,396 1,094 957 843 625 585 500 75 368,9784(WNC FOUNDATION 12/02/11) Ref. WNC-2, Page 7 of 8
Western Nevada CollegeUnaudited supplemental informationTop Ten PayeesFor the year ended June 30, 2011D. Top Ten Payees1. Board of Regents (includes disbursements toWestern Nevada College for scholarships and programs) 317,7282. Charles Schwab (includes transfer of funds intoendowment accounts and transfers from checkinginto short-term Investment account) 123,5403. Kafoury & Armstrong (annual audit of financialStatements) 20,0004. Peppermill Hotel & Casino (event fees for athleticsFundraiser) 11,4195. Eagle Valley Golf Course (event fees for Annual GolfTournament fundraiser) 5,9276. Carson Nugget Casino (event fees for Helaine JesseMorres Roast Fundraiser) 5,0327. Scenic West Athletics (annualConference registration dues for athletics program) 4,9038. Sherrins, Inc (rental fee for practice facility forWNC softball team) 3,9009. R.J. Calvert Company (auction items for athleticFundraising event) 1,94510. Clements Group (major gifts campaign consulting) 1,8105(WNC FOUNDATION 12/02/11) Ref. WNC-2, Page 8 of 8
Western Nevada College Unaudited supplemental information Top Ten Payees For the year ended June 30, 2011 5 . D. Top Ten Payees . 1. Board of Regents (includes disbursements to . Western Nevada College for scholarships and programs) 317,728 . 2. Charles Schwab (includes transfer of funds into . endowment accounts and transfers from checking