Indiana State UniversityCollege of Health and Human ServicesBaccalaureate NursingKaplan Nursing – Integrated Testing (IT) Deluxe ProgramFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is Kaplan? Kaplan Nursing is an educational partner that offers resources to increase contentlearning and test preparation throughout the program. Kaplan Resources are required and utilized from the sophomore to the senior year inthe undergraduate nursing program. Focused Review (FR) tools can help students prepare more efficiently, as well asincrease confidence and familiarity with content and computerized NCLEX-RN. Integrated Testing (IT) provides an assessment of learning, as-well-as identification ofstrengths and weaknesses in each course. Kaplan also includes orientation to resources, e-books, online tutorials, topicalremediation, NCLEX-RN style question banks, clinical resources, and a robust NCLEXPrep course with a study plan.When do I take Kaplan Examinations?Kaplan Testing is required in the following coursesLPN to BSN Distance TrackCourse NumberKaplan TestsPrior to Admission into the majorKaplan’s Admission Test (KAT)NURC 208FundamentalsNURC 304Wellness/Physical AssessmentNURC 338PsychosocialNURC 324Medical Surgical 1NURC 424Medical Surgical Comprehensive 2NURC 444Community TestNURC 470Management/Professional IssuesNURC 484Pharmacology/Parenteral TherapiesNURC 490Kaplan Secure Predictor
Traditional BSN Campus TrackCourse NumberPrior to admission into majorKaplan TestsKaplan’s Admission Test (KAT)NURS 224FundamentalsNURS 338PsychosocialNURS 324Pharmacology/Parenteral TherapiesNURS 424Medical Surgical ComprehensiveNURS 470Management/Professional IssuesNURS 444Community TestNURS 490Kaplan Secure PredictorAccelerated Second Degree Nursing TrackCourse NumberPrior to admission into majorKaplan TestKaplan’s Admission Test (KAT)NURS 338PsychosocialNURS 350FundamentalsNURS 380NURS 444Medical Surgical ComprehensivePharmacology/Parenteral TherapiesCommunity TestNURS 470Management/Professional IssuesNURS 490Kaplan Secure PredictorI’m a transfer student requesting credit for nursing courses from another institution and havenot taken Kaplan examinations. Can I receive equivalent credit for transfer NURS courseswithout taking the corresponding Kaplan examinations? Transfer students are held to the same Kaplan assessment requirements asmatriculating students. Transfer credit will not be awarded for approved nursing courses until the designatedexams are satisfactorily completed.
See the Kaplan Test Placement table above for a list of Kaplan examinations that arerequired with specific nursing courses.I am taking my Nursing (NURS) Courses in the sophomore year. How should I use my Kaplanresources? In conjunction with respective course assignments, you can use the appropriate FocusedReview resources as a means to help you study and assess your learning. In coursesdesignated for Kaplan examination, a list of non-proctored computerized practiceexaminations will be provided by the instructor. The practice examination resultsprovide a structure for focused review. Near the end of the course, you will take acomputerized comprehensive proctored examination. This will tell you how you did incomparison to other nursing students from nursing programs across the nation. Aportion of your course grade will reflect this performance (see Kaplan Nursing –Integrated Testing (IT) Deluxe Program Policy and Procedures). You will be required to do additional remediation if you did not achieve the minimumrequired individual score. This is further explained in the Kaplan Nursing – IntegratedTesting (IT) Deluxe Program Policy and Procedures document. The number of Kaplan examinations required in a nursing course varies and depends onthe course content or level in the program.What is a percentile ranking? Nurse-educator content experts and independent Psychometricians participated insetting percentile rankings that allow comparison to students across the nation. Kaplan works with ISU to set benchmarks appropriate to each courses’ IntegratedKaplan Test.What is Remediation? Remediation means to review what you got correct and incorrect on an examinationand to clarify or improve knowledge in areas in which your knowledge is deficient.Information on remediation is located in the Kaplan Nursing – Integrated Testing (IT)Deluxe Program Policy and Procedures. In addition, deficient areas should also bereviewed using respective textbooks and lecture notes.I didn’t pass the second attempt of my Kaplan Test. How are points calculated for havingcompleted all of the required remediation between attempts? If the minimum second-attempt benchmark is not achieved, and the studentsuccessfully completes all required remediation as determined by course faculty, a scorewill be calculated as follows: Points Awarded (Score on Second Attempt / BenchmarkSecond Attempt) X 75% X total points possible on Kaplan Assessment in course.Here is an example:
In this example, let’s say the minimum score to pass the second attempt was 79% andthe course points for the Kaplan test are 50. If the student earned a 76% on the secondattempt, here is how the math looks:76/79 x 75% x 50 36.07 If the student does not successfully complete all required remediation and does notachieve the minimum second attempt benchmark, a score of zero will be earned. Important Note: Remediation points do not apply to the Secure Predictor.What about when I am a senior preparing to graduate? During your last semester in the nursing program, you will receive additional onlineNCLEX-RN Prep resources. You will also take a comprehensive predictor examination.The Secure Predictor Assessment is a 150-item assessment designed to reflect thecontent areas of the current NCLEX-RN licensing examination blueprint. This toolprovides information on the student’s probability of NCLEX success, as well as detailedinformation about strengths and weaknesses. Students are required to meet thebenchmark for this examination to receive a grade in the designated course and tocomplete the Baccalaureate Nursing Program.How do I purchase the Kaplan Program? Students will receive an email from Kaplan with payment instructions and deadline. Students will make payments via their Kaplan online accounts under the ManageAccount option or by calling 877-572-8457. LPN to BSN track students are required to make full payment upon admission into theprogram. Kaplan fees for non-LPN students will be paid in equal increments and are due earlyeach semester. Accounts not paid by the deadline will be deactivated until payment isreceived. Deactivated students will need to call 877-572-8457 to make payment in fulland request reactivation of the account. Failure to make Kaplan payments can result in course failures due to missing requiredcourse assignments and tests and also could result in dismissal. Late assignments ormake-up exams due to nonpayment will not be accepted.What if I cannot take my scheduled Kaplan examination due to a class conflict or anemergency? Prior to the scheduled examination, you must notify your instructor and the TestingAssistant or designee (812-237-2726) of your inability to test in order to makearrangements for another testing opportunity. In order to be permitted an alternatetesting date and time, the absence must meet all course requirements as an excusedabsence. If the absence is not an excused absence, you will not be able to reschedulethe test and will receive 0.
Due to multiple factors (adequate time to verify practice and remediation, length oftime required for administration of examinations, multiple examinations to beadministered, large number of students testing), there may be limited availability ofTesting Office staff, testing dates, and/ or space for re-scheduling examinations.Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the TestingCoordinator in a timely manner.Rescheduling after the end of the semester is restricted to emergency circumstances.Students who do not complete a required Kaplan examination by the end of thesemester (other than in emergency circumstances) will not receive any of the possiblepoints assigned by the instructor to the missed Kaplan examination.What if I am repeating or re-enrolling in a dropped course that has required Kaplan testing? All students repeating or re-enrolling must also repeat all Kaplan examinationsrequired for that course. This includes students who have been successful in meeting or exceeding the requiredbenchmark specific to the repeated course.Examination Scenario(first time in course)Semester in Which RepeatingPurchased but never took Kaplan examination for aspecific content area.Repeat proctored examinations are available.No action needed.Purchased and have taken only one proctoredexamination for a specific content area.Repeat proctored examination available.If a second examination is required, contact TestingAssistant for information.Purchased and have already taken the two proctoredexaminations for a specific content area.Contact Testing Assistant in beginning of semester forinformation regarding examination for that specificcontent area.Approved by Department of Baccalaureate Nursing 8/19/16Approved by Department of Baccalaureate Nursing Completion 8/22/16Edited by Department of Baccalaureate Nursing 12/5/16Approved by Department of Baccalaureate Nursing Completion 10/03/17. Vote 6/0/0Edited and approved by Department of Baccalaureate Nursing 11/13/2017 Vote 11/0/0Edited and approved by Department of Baccalaureate Nursing Curriculum Committee 2/6/19 Vote 7/0/1Edited Approved by Department of Baccalaureate Nursing Curriculum Committee 04/22/2020 Vote 9/0/0Approved Baccalaureate Nursing Completion 04-28-20 Vote 7/0/0Edited 1/22/21
Indiana State University College of Health and Human Services Baccalaureate Nursing Kaplan Nursing – Integrated Testing (IT) Deluxe Program Frequently Asked Questions What is Kaplan? Kaplan Nursing is an educational partner that offers resources to increase content learning and test preparation throughout the program.