Voir Dire - EScholarship


For 2 Sopranos, 2 Percussionists, and 1 ContrabassistVoir dire(To Speak the Truth)For New Music On The Point 2018premiered bypercussionists Niki Johnson & Colin McCall, sopranos Anna Elder & Elizabeth Gartman, and bassist Robert BlackMichele ChengApril, 2018Copyright MMXVIII Michele Cheng

Program NoteThe legal term, Voir dire, which means to see to speak in French and was translated by John Winter Jones to to speak the truth, is “thequestioning of prospective jurors by a judge and attorneys in court. Voir dire is used to determine if any juror is biased and/or cannotdeal with the issues fairly, or if there is cause not to allow a juror to serve.” (Legal Dictionary)There are four sections: Epilogue, How to Get Out of Your Duty, Voir dire, and Prologue (And yes, Epilogue then Prologue is not a typo).This piece is based on real cases, a personal experience as a selected juror for a criminal case, and field research.Durationc. 7 minuetsImportant Notes* If not specified, the sopranos should sing without vibrato or as little as possible for the entire piece.* Players read from full score.* The voice of the performers should be amplified. Amplification for contrabass is strongly suggested.* Questions can be sent to flcomposer@gmail.comPercussion DistributionPlayer 1: Crotales, Triangle (w/ a pair of triangle beaters), Kick Drum, Snare Drum, Vibraphone, Musical SawPlayer 2: Bongos, Flexatone, Ratchet, Musical Saw, Tom, Triangle, Kick Drum

StagingI. EpilogueIII. Voir dire & IV. PrologueII. How to Get Out of Your Duty

ScriptsA. EpilogueFront Desk (Percussion I): “Next person in line!”Narrator (Contrabassist): In the southeast corner of the Wonderland Forest, the male black bear, Mr. Teddy, was caught in a cave with a female black bear,Ms. Winnie, who has a record for illegally mating with other bears in exchange for fish. Mr. Teddy and Ms. Winnie have a cub together. The policeconfiscated .6 ounces of magic mushrooms and a bear claw weapon. Ms. Winnie claimed that the weapon was hers and that she brought it from the street. Mr.Teddy is accused of pandering Ms. Winnie and intending to sell magic mushrooms while armed. This is a criminal case and the trial is expected to last for onemonth.Front Desk (Percussion I): “Next person in line!”B. How to get out of your dutyJurors (Soprano 1): I intentionally ignored my summons. I’m going to pretend the mail was lost.Jurors (Soprano 2): I moved to this country twenty-five years ago, but I’m going to pretend I can’t understand the language so I can get out of it.Jurors (Soprano 1): I put on my fancy dress and luxury heels and my driver drove me to the court. I cut in line and told the front desk I have a busy life. I’mnot going to waste my afternoon tea time sitting in a boring trial.Jurors (Soprano 2): I don’t care who was killed and who is responsible.Jurors (Soprano 1): I told them I have to stay home and take care of my young kids. Even though they have been with their babysitter all the time.Jurors (Soprano 2): I told them I am retired and have financial hardship. It’s true there’s not that much money in my account but that’s because most of it is inthe foreign accounts.Jurors (Soprano 1): I hate police. Can I go now?Jurors (Soprano 2): I’m going to play dumb so the lawyers will get rid of me.Jurors (Sopranos): People who are involved with police, they are guilty. Amen.Jurors (Sopranos): I’m so sorry (so sorry) to hear that you had been selected as a juror.

C. Voir direJudge (Contrabassist): Sustained or overruled, that is the question.Prosecutor (Percussion 1): You don’t make the same mistakes twice. And Mr. Teddy, has been making mistakes over and over again.Jurors (Sopranos): Uh-huh, uh-huh!Defender (Percussion 2): As you might have noticed, Mr. Teddy and myself are the only Black Bears at this court. The police, including our prosecutor here,are Polar Bears. Do you think it might be a concern for you?Jurors (Sopranos): Err Attorneys (Percussions): Tell me, tell me your personal information so I know if you can help me win this case.Juror (Soprano 1): I I live in the Northwest Wonderland Forest.Attorney (Percussion 1): Upper-middle class, check!Juror (Soprano 2): I am married.Attorney (Percussion 2): Uh-huh.Juror (Soprano 1): I have 3 kids: a 5-year-old, 8-year-old, and 10-year-old. And I live with my domestic partner.Attorneys (Percussions): Uh-huh, uh-huh.Juror (Soprano 2): My husband is a physician and he works at the Wonderland Hospital.Attorney (Percussion 2): Nice income, check!Juror (Soprano 1): I am 66.Attorney (Percussion 1): Too old.Juror (Soprano 2): I am a finance analyst.Attorney (Percussion 2): Too logical.Juror (Soprano 1): Engineer.Attorney (Percussion 1): Nice guy.Juror (Soprano 2): Musician?

Attorney (Percussion 2): Too sensitive.Juror (Soprano 1): My sister is an attorney.Attorney (Percussion 1): Nope.Juror (Contrabassist): I am a retired judge.Attorneys (Percussions): We definitely don’t want THAT guy!General Public (An audience or contrabassist): Question! Is there species unfairness in the way the Office files criminal cases?Narrators (Sopranos): Our Species and Prosecutions study found small differences in the filing rates of criminal cases against defendants of different species.Yet there are higher percentages of Black Bear defendants and of Grizzly Bear defendants than those groups’ percentages of the population, and a lowerpercentage of Panda defendants. The representation of Polar Bear in the population of criminal defendants most closely matched that group’s part of theWonderland Forest’s species makeup. Why we studied Species and Prosecutions and what we were trying to find out is we wanted to know how many differentspecies we are prosecuting. And we wanted to share that information with the public. Of course, answering some questions about species and prosecutionsleads to the asking of more questions. This study is the beginning of what will be an ongoing review of these issues.General Public (All except sopranos): I mean, we are all bears. And we should look at each other equally without biases.D. PrologueNarrator (Contrabassist): Mr. Teddy was born and raised in the Lalaland Forest, in which was known for the gang, drug, and the poor living conditions. Atnine years old, he was bear claw whipped by a similar aged cub. He received surgery from the assault. As a young bear, he was introduced to magicmushrooms by his former stepfather. Mr. Teddy struggled to adjust in school and got into frequent fights which resulted in him dropping out. He was arrestedthe first time for robbing 3 fishes to pay his debt. This juvenile adjudication is charged as the first strike of two prior strikes. He later got involved with otheraccusations of armed robbery, domestic violence, and assault. At age 22, he met Ms. Winnie and they started a romantic relationship. Besides his own cubwith Ms. Winnie, Mr. Teddy has been raising Ms. Winnie’s other cubs from her previous relationships. He was arrested for the Wonderland Forest offensewhen he was 23 years old. There were no physical injuries or monetary loss in the offenses, but it was considered to be his third strikes. At 27, it wassuggested that he be sentenced to 100 years to life in order to protect the community and hold himself accountable.Narrators (All except contrabassist): “Next person in line” (whispering)

voir direScore in C(to speak the truth)q c 96 Shout Œε Next per - son in line! Michele ChengCrotalesPercussion 12%3Percussion 2„ 32Soprano 1% 32Soprano 22%3Contrabass 32Per 1Per 26‘6‘%„6S1%S2% 6D.B. ι caught in a cave with a fe - maleApril, 2018EpilogueA3 ”3Triangle Muffle on restœ œ œ ο Œ‘Kick Drum‘Œ33 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ x x x x œ xœ x œ x ‘‘ ‰ŒƒοHigh-pitched exaggerated coloraturaBody movments & facial expressions are in slow motion33 ξSay these words in order: Black. Marijuana. Cocaine. Heroin. Gun. Violence.ƒ Ahhhh !!!ο Extend the consonants in slow motions with random tone/pitch. Loop if you finish the list before A section ends.Body movments & facial expressions are in slow motion 33 Say these words in order: Violence.Gun.Heroin.Cocaine. Marijuana. Black. ο Extend the consonants in slow motions with random tone/pitch. Loop if you finish the list before A section ends.ƒ Shu bi du ba Shu bi du ba Shu bi du bi ba Speak like a judge while at the same time making slides on the E string to imitate your speakings., , , Œ33 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ α œ œ µ œ ‰œœ ‰ œ 3ƒIn the south - east cor - ner of the Won - der - land fo - restA black male bear Mis - ter Ted - dy, wasΕCrotales Shout ‘‘Œε Next per-son in line!TapBongosOn the Edge‘ ι black bear ‘ ‰ Miss Win - nie who has a re - cord‘pizz. ‰ for il - le - gal - ly mat - ting with o - ther bears2018 Michele Chengin ex-cahnge for fish

2voir direand somtimes.% ‰‰ ‰Ε 10Per 1Œ„ œ œ x x x x‰ŒŒ‘33Œx‰ xœ x xœ x x x œ œ x x xŒŒand somtimes.310Per 2310S1%S2%3arco 10D.B.3xœ x xœ x x xŒ‘‘Œ‰ œ] œ] ”‘‘Œ‰ œ] œ] ”pizz.Œ ‰ ‰ ‰ Mis - ter Ted - dy and Miss Win - nie have a cub to - ge - ther θ arco ] ]‰‰ ‰ Œι The po - lice con - fis - ca - ted point six oun - ces of ma - gic mush - rooms and a bear claw wea - ponMissCrotales15Per 1%‘15Per 2„‘‘ ε‘ΕNext per- son in line!66Materials provided plus free improv66œœœœœœœœœœœœœœ œ œx œ œœxœœœMaterials provided plus free improv15S1%S2% 15D.B. Win - nie claimed that ] ] the weapon- ‰ was hers that she brought it from the street‰Œ” , , , 3 Mis - ter Ted - dy was a - ccused of pan - der - ing Miss Win - nie

voir dire19Per 1%‘19Per 2„‘‘‘‘3 Crotales‘‘ε‘ Next per-son in19S1S2%Δ% ‰ 19D.B.and in-ten-ding to sell ma-gic mush-roomsBPer 1%24Per 2S1S2Δarco ‰ Œ ‰ Œ ” ‰while armedStop Stop This is a cri - mi - nal case and the tri - al is ex - pec - ted to last for amonthHow to get out of your dutyMusical SawImprovise long and slow materials inspired by these patterns:οTriangle„ ?œ After striking the triangle, froze. Prepare to and play the instrument in slow motion. Switching between freeze and slow motion.Ο24Sudden change from slow motion to normal.œΤœ œ%Ε% 24D.B.‰ pizz. I,in - ten - tion - ally ig - nored my su - mmons.I'm go - ing to pre - tend the mail was lost. ΤœSudden change from slow motion to normal.Play the materials again on the instrument and play as if you were speaking in slow motion. Long and slow slides on different strings.Swinging grace-notes are welcomed. If the section ends before you finishing the materials, that's fine. οIn the south - east cor -ner ofthe, , , 3Won - der - land fo -restŒ‰ AΕI black malemo - ved to this coun - try twen - ty - five years a - go, bear ‰Mis - ter Ted - dy was

4voir dire27Per 1%Τœ }}}}}}}Flexatone27}„}}}}}}Per 2Ε27S2%Τœ%but I'm go - ing to - trr pre - rrr ι 27D.B.caughtin a cave- tend I can't - trr ι with a fe - male black bearIun - der - stand the lan - guage so i can ge - e - e - e - trr out of Miss ‰ Win - niewhoœ œ αœ µœ œœ put on my fan - cydressœanditpizz. Push Soprano 2 out of the way and step in front of them.Aggressive and arrogant.3œ̆œ œ œ œ œ Θ}}}}}}}S1Τœ has a re - cord for ‰ il - le - gal - ly mat - ting with o - ther bearsin ex-cahnge for fish30Per 1%œ Triangle30Per 2„30S1%Muffle on restœœ œ œ3% 30D.B.œ arco ‰Mis - ter Ted - dyœSpeaklu - xu - ry hee - ls and myS2‰ dri - ver drove me to the court. ‰and Miss Win - nieœœ œ œ œ œ œ œFast and impatientœ œ œ œœ œ œI cut in line and told the front desk I have a bu - sy life.I'm High screechNOTgo - ing to waste my af - ter - noonpizz. have a cub to- ge- therŒ ‰ The po - lice con - fis - ca - ted point six oun - cesarcoof ma - gic

5voir dire33Per 1%Ratchet33Per 2„œ?œœœœS1%teaS2time sit - ting in a booo - rrr - ingtrial.Pop your head out from behind Soprano 1. After you're done, froze there.Plain and robtic% θ33D.B.-ι ‰‰mush - rooms and a bear] clawI,] I don't care who was killed and who is res - pon - si - ble‰Œ wea - ponMissWin- nieclaimed that theœœ œ œ œ œœtold themœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ] œTender and sweet33Ihave to stay home and] wea - pon washers36Per 1Per 2S1%36Triangle36ο„%œœœtake careS2œofmy œœ Œyoung kids. œE- œœ venthou-œ œ ghthey% 36D.B.œSprechstimme‰ that she brought it from the street‰ Œ ,αœœ œ α œ3have been with their , , 3Mis - ter Ted - dy was a - ccused of pan - der - ing Miss Win - nieα œ œ œ ba - bysitWhisper- œ ter all‰ and in - ten-ding to sell ma-gic mush-roomsι the‰ while

6voir dire39Per 1%39Per 2„ι% 39S1time.Pull Soprano 1 behind you.Hold nose (while sing and speak)S2%ΤœI, 39D.B.pizz. œtold them I am re - ti - red and have fi - nan - cial hard - ship.arco ‰ ‰ armed This is a cri - mi - nalcase and theIt's true there's not that much mo - ney ‰ tri - al is ex - pec - ted to last fora monthin my acc - ountbutthat's be - cause most of it‰ 42Per 1%œ œ ‰Kick Drum42Per 2„%I hate po - lice.S2D.B. Can I go now?is in the fo - reign acc - ounts.Chromatic glissν ν œ œ œ œ œ ΤϖlipsmackRegular singing voice hand trem etc.‰%42œ Push Soprano 2 away. Both of you are standing next to each other.Regular loud speaking voice42S1‰ ?œ œFlexatoneœI'm go - ing to playι - œ ‰dumbœ œœ œœœ œœœso the law - yers will get rid of meœ- Ι

7voir dire48Per 1%Sudden stopbefore "hear" „ œ48 TrianglePer 2Triangle ΤSpread your arms as if express your sympathy.48S1%œ œ œ œ œœPraying hand gesture (Joined hands)œ œ œœ œ œPeo - ple who are in - volved with po - lice,they are guil - ty.Praying hand gesture (Joined hands)S2% œ œ œ œ œœΤœœ œ œœ œ œPeo - ple who are in - volved with po - lice,Τœthey are guil - ty.Τ̇Τ̇A - menΤ‰ ‰ 33so sor - ryso sor - ry to hear33 so sor - ryso sor - ryhearso sor - rySpread your arms as if express your sympathy.Dramaticspeaking voice which turns into singing3 A - men3ƒaccel. 48D.B. ?ƒΤtrem. ?I'm so sor - ry accel.Τ trem.Dramatic speaking voice which turns into singingSudden stopbefore "hear"CVoir dire Crotales53Per 1%ε53Per 2„% 53S1Τ œΕYou don't make the same mistakes twicetrem.Dramatic sparking voiceGo to the side and sit on the chair (if there's one)that you have been se - elec - ted as a juror% S2 53D.B.Τœtrem. Dramatic sparking voicethat you have been se - elec - ted as a jurorœ] œ]Kick DrumGo to the side and sit on the chair (if there's one), (Slide) Œ œ œ œ µ œ œ(Œ œ œ Œ ‰Œ‰‰ε Sus - tained or Over- ruled, That is the ques - tion.Speak like a judge3pizz.And Mr. Teddy, has

8Ÿ}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Snare drum58Per 1%been making mistakes over and over [and over]58Per 2„voir direœ̆εagain!œœS2%(turn your head in a circular motion) œœœAs you might have noticed,œœMr. Teddyœœand myself are the only Black Bears atΕ Uh - huh uh - huh!%(turn your head in a circular motion)œ œ œ œarco Ε œ œœ œpizz.Uh - huh uh - huh!Εœ œœ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ̆ œ̆Kick Drum63Per 1œSpeak(nod)58D.B.εSpeak(nod)58S1Tom%ƒTell me63Per 2„(Out of time)œœ œΙ œ œ œthis court.3The police,œœœœincluding our prosecutor here, are PolarœœœBears. Do you think it might be63S1œ%œœa concern for you ?œ œœœœ œΤ Err Τ -Random rolled pitchS2% œ œ63D.B.œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œƒErr -Tell me yourœ̆ œ̆Tell meRandom rolled pitchεεTell me your--

9voir direTriangle69Per 1%personal imformation so I know if you can help me win this case.„personal imformation so I know ifS2%% Ι‘ Ι ”Up - per mi - ddle class. Check! x ‰Continue the rhythm.Improvised embellishments are welcome.‘‘SpeakA little bit timid69S1ŒŒŒ‰ œ ‰ x ‰ œ œ x ‰ œ œ ‰ x ‰œ ‰ x ŒŒ”you can help me win this case. οBongosTap69Per 2‰ ‰ ο Muffle on restContinue the rhythm.Improvised embellishments are welcome.------ --ΕI.I live in the Northwest Wonderland Forest.69D.B.ε75Per 1%‘„ ŒPer 2‘y y‰ ”75Sustained!‘(nod) œ α œ75S1S2%œ œ αœ%Ε I'm ma - rried. 75D.B.Speakœ œ 3 3‘(nod)Uh - huh Uh - huh‘Uh - huhSprechstimme ‘‘y y y y(nod) œ œ œ µ œ œ α œ œαœ œ œ3SprechstimmeUh - huh Uh - huh33I have three kids five years old, eight years old, ten years old, and I live with my do - mes - tic part - ner.ProudlyColoraturaœ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œι œ œ œpizz. My hus - band is a phy - si -cian, and heœOverruled

10voir dire80Per 1%‘80Per 2„‘‘‘‘3Nice guy.‘‘Nice in - come. Check!S1S2%%œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 3SpeakI am six - ty six.Engineer.SpeakSpeakRaise your hand and askMusician?3work at the Won - der - land Hos - pi - tal.I am a finance analyst.œœœpizz. 80D.B.‘y yyyToo lo - gi - cal.SpeakHold nose80 ‘Too old!y y y yΙ‘ Crotales87Per 1% Θ‘ œTurn your head to the audiences and shouty y y y y y y y yyNope.87Per 2„ y y yy87S1S2%% We de - fi - nite - ly don't want that guy!‘œToo sen - si - tive.We de - fi - nite - ly don't want that guy!SpeakMy sisteris an attorney.87D.B. Turn your head to the audiences and shout(raised your hand)I am a retired judge.An audience memebr (or contrabass)raise their hand and ask:"Question! Is there speciesunfairness in the way theOffice files criminal cases?"

11voir direΕ Renaissance singing (madrigal straight tone)% ‰ αœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ αœ œœ97S1Our Spe - cies and Pro-se - cu - tionsS2Ε%Œœ œSpe - cies and Pro-se - cu - tions3%3 œS1thereS2œœ1023% 3 œareœthereareandS2Speak% 109a œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œlo - wer per - cen - tage of Pan - da œ œ fil - ing rates of cri - mi - nal ca - sesa - gainst de - fen - dants of di - fferent spe - cies.œde - fen - dants andof3 œ œ œ œ3de - fen - dants andœ œ œŒ3Œde - fen - dants œ œ œ Œ3‰ œtheŒ3Grizz - ly Bearœœ œ œofGrizz - ly Bear% œœ œ œ3œ œ œ œ œ œ œ6de - fen - dants than those groups' percen- -ta-ges ofαœ œ œ œ re - pre - sen - ta - tion of Po - lar Bear inthepo - pu - la - tion33033œ33re - pre - sen - ta - tion of Po - lar Bear in Œ 63œ3theœ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ3œde - fen - dants than those groups' percen- -ta-ges of most close - ly matched that group's part of the Won - der - land Fo - rest's spe - cies make - up.S2œœ œ œ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œde - fen - dants œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ 3thepo - pu - la - tion033 œ 3œ œœ œœœ œ œ œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ lo - wer per - cen - tage of Pan - da% œ œ œ œandS1aœœ œ œ œ œa - gainst de - fen - dants of di - fferent spe - cies.3stu - dy fround small de - fferen - ces in theœ œ œ œ œ µœ% αœ œ œ œ3αœ œfil - ing rates of cri - mi - nal ca - ses3high - er per - cen - ta - ges of Black Bear105S13high - er per - cen - ta - ges of Black Bearœαœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œStu - dy fround small de - fferen - ces in theRenaissance singing (madrigal straight tone)œ œ œ œœ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œYet033 œ 3œ œYetœœ œ œ œthepo-pu - la-tion,œœ œ œ œthepo-pu - la-tion,33œ œ œ œ œ œ œ33of cri - mi - nal de - fen - dantsœ œ œ œ œ œ œ33of cri - mi - nal de - fen - dants3 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ333Spe - cies and Pro - se - cu - tions and what we were try - ing to30 α œ œ œ œWhy we stu - died33 œ α œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ33Spe - cies and Pro - se - cu - tions and what we were try - ing to

12113S1% œœ œ œ œœ œ3find out is we wan - tedS2%œ αœ œ œ µœ3S1Of course,S2Of course,œœœ œdi - fferent spe - ciesœ œ œ œ œœ œdi - fferent spe - ciesœ œ œ œ œ œ3ans - wer - ing some ques - tions a - bout spe - cies andœ ‰ œ œ œ œ% œœto know how ma - nyœ ‰ œ œ œ œ% œœ œ œ œ œto know how ma - nyœ œfind out is we wan - ted116œœ œ œ œ œ œ3ans - wer - ing some ques - tions a - bout spe - cies andvoir direœ œ œ œ œ œ‰ Œ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œwe are pro - se - cu - tingœ œ œ œ œ œ‰ ŒAnd we want-ed to share that in - for - ma - tion with the pub - lic.‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œwe are pro - se - cu - tingœ œ œ œAnd we want-ed to share that in - for - ma - tion with the pub - lic.θœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ3pro - se - cu - tions leads to the ask - ing of more ques - tions. This stu - dy is the be - gin - ning of what will be an œ œ œ œθœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ3pro - se - cu - tions leads to the ask - ing of more ques - tions. This stu - dy is the be - gin - ning of what will be anDVibraphoneL.V.%I mean, we are all bears.And we should look at each other equally without biases.œ ΙTriangle119Per 2„I mean, we are all bears.And we should look at each other equally without biases.Ε%œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ119S1Εϖ ϖϖϖΟ}}}}}}}119Per 1Prologue (Lullaby)3on - go - ing re - view of these i - ssues.%œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ3S2 on - go - ing re - view of these i - ssues.119D.B.I mean, we are all bears.And we should look at each other equally without biases.ΕθœνΕœνΘœνΘMis - ter Ted - dy was born and raised in the La - la - land Fo - rest,

voir dire127Per 1%π127Per 2„%S2% in129Per 1%θœνwhich was known forœ œ œ œtheœνΘgang, drug, andtheœœœœœœœœΘθœνpoorli - vingcon - di - tion.œ „% S2%œœœœœœAtnine years old,hewas bear claw whip - pedbyasi - mi - lar agedœœœ}} œ œ 129D.B.cub.He recei - ved sur - ge - ry from the as - sault.Asayoung bear, hewasœ13Keep making harmonics through sliding on different strings }}} œπS1œœ Musical SawMelody implies: Brahms' Lullaby129œœKeep improvising these patterns in different orders129Per 2œœ π127D.B.œœHum a very loose and out of tune Brahms' Lullaby127S1œœin - tro - duced ma - gic mush - rooms byhisfor - mer step - fa - ther

14œœαœ œ œ œœ œ œ œœvoir dire132Per 1%œœS1% œ œ S2%132Per 2„132œœœœœœœœ }}}} œ œœœ }}}}} œœ œ œ œ œ 132D.B.Mis - ter Ted - dy stru - ggled to ad - just in school and got in - to fre - quent fights which re - sul - ted in him drop - ping out135Per 1%135Per 2„œ œ αœ œœ }}}} œKeep improvising these patterns in different ordersœ‰ œ }}}}}}} Hum a very loose and out of tune Brahms' Lullaby135S1%S2%He was ar - res - ted the first time for rob - bing three fi - shes to payœ œ œ œ 135D.B.his debt.This ju - ve - nile ad - ju - di - ca - tion is charged as the first strike of two prior - strikesHela - ter got in - vol - ved with o - ther accu - sa - tion of armed rob -

voir direœ138Per 1%138Per 2„ % 138S1S2œ œœ%be - ry, do - mes - tic vio - lence, and as - sault.Per 1%œS1% œ œ S2%œœPer 2„œ }}} œœœœ3œœœ3œAtœœ œ œœ33œœ age twen - ty - two, heœœ met Miss Win - nie and they star - tedœœ œ œ œ3œ }}}}œ œ œœ œœ aro - man - tic re - la - tion - ship.Keep improvising these patterns in different ordersœ141œ3œ π 141œHum a very loose and out of tune Brahms' Lullaby138D.B.œ141œœœœœœœœœ œœœ }}}}}}} œ œœ œ }œ œ œ 141D.B.15Be - sidehis own cub with Miss Win - nie, Mis - ter Ted - dy hasbeen rai - sing Miss Win - nie'so - ther cubs from herpre - vious re - la - tion - ships. ”œ œ

16144Per 2„œœœœ }}}}}} œ‰œ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} œ œœ % œ144Per 1voir direœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœœ œœ144S1%S2% œœ 144D.B.He was ar - res - ted for the Won - der - land Fo - rest o - ffense when hePer 1%ϖ ϖϖϖϖϖL.V.147Per 2There were no phy - si - cal in - ju - ries or mo - ne - ta - ry loss in the o - ffen - ses,}}}}}}}147was twen - ty three years old.„yTriangleyy147S1%S2% 147D.B.but it was con - si - dered to be his third strikes.At twen - ty se - ven, it was sugges - ted - that he be sen - tenced toa hun - dred years to life in or - der to pro - tect the com - mu - ni -

voir dire 17Crotales23150Per 1%Τy150Per 2„Œ 32 Œ WhisperNext23 Œ150S1%xS223 Œ% 32150D.B.tyandholdhim - selfac - coun - ta- x per - sonWhisperNextxper - sonWhisperNext per - sonWhisperNext per - son inline.xxinline. inline. inline.ble.Lights fade out

Attorney (Percussion 2): Too sensitive. Juror (Soprano 1): My sister is an attorney. Attorney (Percussion 1): Nope. Juror (Contrabassist): I am a retired judge. Attorneys (Percussions): We definitely don't want THAT guy! General Public (An audience or contrabassist): Question! Is there species unfairness in the way the Office files criminal .