Dedoose Tutorial Pdf Free Printables


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Dedoose tutorial pdf free printables

Free Dedoose Introductory Webinar – Asia-Pacific, April 21st, 2022 The Dedoose Team As always, feel free to send us an email to [email protected] or give us a call at 866-680-2928 with any questions! You can even share us around on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.; You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 7 to 12 are not shown in this preview. Onechallenge we face together, is that different people use different words to ‘describe’ the same thing get it ‘describe?’ The world of descriptors can be large, small, complex, or extremely simple. Values—the data points that distinguish one case from another these cases might be individuals, settings, cities, whatever your level of analysis 3. Eachmedia file comes from a case, so this relationship (or link) in Dedoose is very important AND, you can have many media files linked to a descriptor (ex. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 103 to 113 are not shown in this preview. This means that if you have a computer with speakers and a microphone you will be able to talk to us directly. Dedoosewas designed, in part, to help you manage, excerpt, code, search, filter, and retrieve coded qualitative data the stuff most people do with their qualitative data most of the time. Have we mentioned that it can help to think of descriptors as data you would commonly store in an Excel spreadsheet? Commonly these are information like a participant IDnumber, gender, age group, test score, and, perhaps ratings on some scales anything you might want to use to describe the differences between participants, settings, dyads, or any particular level of analysis. We are currently looking for topics! Email [email protected] with any and all ideas! For our next topical webinar on May 12th, join Dr. EliLieber, our Co-Founder and CEO, as he leads a deep dive into Dedoose's analytical features for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods data. Hope this is helpful and our wishes for happy and useful describing in your Dedoose projects. Linked Media—this information tells you how many times the given descriptor has been linked to a media file(your qualitative data files). Please visit this link to sign up for your free trial: Below are the dates and links! Thanks, Friday, April 15th, 2022 3:00 - 4:00 PM PDT Tuesday, April 19th, 2022 1:00 - 2:00 PM PDT Thursday, April 21st, 2022 3:00 - 4:00 PM PDT Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 1:00 - 2:00 PM PDT Friday, April 29th, 2022 3:00 - 4:00 PM PDTTuesday, May 3rd 2022 3:00 - 4:00 - PM PDT Thursday, May 5th, 2022 1:00 - 2:00 PM PDT Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 1:00 - 2:00 PM PDT Friday, May 13th, 2022 3:00 - 4:00 PM PDT Tuesday , May 17th, 2022 1:00 - 2:00 PM PDT Thursday, May 19th, 2022 3:00 - 4:00 PM PDT Wednesday, May 25th, 2022 1:00 - 2:00 PM PDT Friday, May 27th, 20223:00 - 4:00 PM PDT Tuesday, May 31st, 2022 3:00 - 4:00 PM PDT For our users whose schedules may not match with these, we also have monthly webinars more fitting to those living in Australia and Asian-Pacific countries. Descriptors (plural)—the sets of values for all cases in your study 6. What is your gender (‘option list’-type field with valid valuesof ‘male’ and ‘female’? You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 121 to 124 are not shown in this preview. Get it? Descriptor (singular)—the set of values for a case based on the defined fields (ex. We will also briefly discuss some mixed methods research topics and how to incorporate mixed methods dimensions into your project with Dedoose. Feel freeto share these with friends and colleagues. What ID number (‘number’-type field) did we assign to you? You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 25 to 30 are not shown in this preview. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 16 to 18 are not shown in this preview. field ‘gender,’ valid values ‘male’ or ‘female’ 4. When you bring these data into aDedoose project, you can do more ‘mixed methods’ analysis, and we LOVE mixed methods analysis. What is your birth date (‘date-type’ field)? It is worth noting that you can have multiple descriptor sets in a study. Now we’re going to work this from the specific to the general. 11/14/2014 Are you confused by descriptors? Sign up here for the 11 AMPDT Analysis webinar on May 12th, 2022. There are four types of fields: text or string, date, number, and option list or categorical and, if option list, the definition will also include the valid values (ex. While you will not be able to ask questions live, you can certainly watch this recording to get a first look at the program. If you do not have VOIPcapabilities, that is perfectly fine. So, common fields for people are gender, ethnicity, and age and fields can comprise more than just demographic information, but dates, survey measure responses, test results, anything that you typically store and manage as more ‘quantitative’ data. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 37 to 45 are not shown inthis preview. Workspace—where all Dedoose Descriptor management takes place 2. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 156 to 157 are not shown in this preview. You can still chat in your questions throughout the demo. You can have multiple sets in Dedoose if you have information at different levels of analysis (a nested type of research design), soyou might have one for interviewee students and one for schools—students vary on one set of fields or variables and schools on another set .or one for patients and one for hospitals. How cool do you think Dedoose is (‘option list’-type field with valid values of ‘strongly disagree,’ ‘disagree,’ neither agree or disagree,’ ‘agree,’ ‘strongly agree’? If that’senough, great, if not, you aren't alone, and below we’ll flush this out a bit further. You might also use the term 'case.' Descriptor Sets – The containers to hold each group of descriptors. While this session will be generalized, we will show you how to import documents, excerpt and code sections of text, and touch on how to bring your analysis to lifewith easy to use charts, graphs, and filters. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 89 to 97 are not shown in this preview. Finally, from a broader Dedoose perspective, here’s what you see when you visit a Dedoose project Descriptor Workspace and what lives in each panel: ‘Descriptor Sets’ – This panel contains the list of descriptor sets you havecreated most projects will only have one, but, if you need more, you are most likely to have just 2 or 3 ‘Set Fields’ – This panel contains the list of fields that you have created for the currently selected (or highlighted) set ‘Descriptors in Set’ – This panel will show all the descriptors you have created or imported for whichever set is selected. The morethe merrier! We also do free topical webinars. Basically, this is the area of Dedoose where most descriptor stuff happens. In other words, these are the answers to the questions you ask your research participants or use to describe difference between the things you are studying, be they people, settings, families whatever your level of analysis. If youhave not already done so, we recommend that you sign up for the 30-day trial of Dedoose prior to attending this webinar so that you can follow along with us from your own computer and ask informed questions. 1/23/2020 Our team at Dedoose offers free Dedoose demos for new and prospective users. Again, we like to simply think about a ‘set’ as anExcel file with appropriate columns for fields and rows for cases. Ex. my ID number is ‘3,’ my gender is ‘male,’ my response to ‘how much do you agree that Dedoose is Cool?’ is ‘strongly agree,’ and my score on the ‘how much do I love data analysis on a scale of 1 to 10?’ is ’10.’ So, my data points or values are: 3, male, strongly agree, and 10. Thecolumn headers are your ‘fields‘ (or variables), and the rows are your descriptors, each filled with the values or data points for each case. No worries, many people are, but they can be very useful in seeing your qualitative data from entirely new directions. That said, if you need a quick refresher course with our data analysis software, you are alsowelcome! Below are the registration links for the next few weeks. So, what is your name (‘text’-type field)? Fields—these are the defined ‘holders’ for the descriptor values, the variables that we use to distinguish cases from each other. My data points describe me, yours describe you, and person with ID ’88,’ describe him or her. Can you picture it?You can click on the button to see which files are linked, or edit which files are linked. Descriptor Fields (many people call them ‘variables’) — you can think of these as the closed-ended questions you ask—with the answers being the data points or values we just talked about. Data Point or Value – This is the actual piece of information that describessomething. as in a longitudinal study where you interviewed people multiple times). You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 147 to 150 are not shown in this preview. Set—the ‘container’ that holds all the descriptors and is comprised of fields, field definitions, and values for all cases in the study. You can check out our recorded demo here For these livesessions, we will be using a VOIP connection. Each session will last approximately one hour. However, if you want to use them well, you’ll first need to know what all the terms mean, and in this post we are going to lay it all out in terms of Dedoose terminology if these terms aren't the ones you use, we’ll hope you can map, or translate, them to the

terms you might use more regularly in your work. For the visual learners, you can check out this Dedoose descriptors video tour. person ID 88 is named Steve (text type field), who is 28 years old (number type field), married on December 3, 1988 (date type field), and is male (option list type field) 5. We will start with a basic overview of Dedoose ( ),including some of the advantages of how this web-based application can support qualitative and mixed methods research analysis completely online ( . You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 131 to 138 are not shown in this preview. You might have one set that distinguishes each person in a study, but if you are studying people from different cities,you might also have a set that distinguishes each city from which the individuals come. Quick Reference, Cheat Sheet: Descriptor 1. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 142 to 143 are not shown in this preview. Well, we’re here to help and with this blog we offer up a good starting point—the terms. If you don’t want to wait, or you just want totake a look before attending a live demo, check out this recorded demo. Finally, for a much more extensive description of all things descriptor in Dedoose you can check out this other blog on descriptors, but here’s the gist: The Descriptor Workspace – the descriptor aspect of the main areas in Dedoose where you go to get things done and that youaccess with the icons in the main menu bar. Yet, these qualitative data all come from somewhere and descriptors are the data that ‘describe’ these sources. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 54 to 83 are not shown in this preview. We also want people to understand how valuable such analysis can be, but we understand that the idea of usingdescriptors can feel daunting. With Dr. Lieber's rich history in the research field, this focused webinar will propel your mastery of Dedoose's analysis functionality--focused primarily on the Analysis Workspace and the specific analytic options themselves. Descriptor (SINGULAR) – the pieces of data you use to uniquely identify (or describe) the sourcesof your qualitative data (or media files). If you do wish to attend a live demo, the schedule and registration links are at the bottom of this page.Ximuvufu disalojoyo zosifihenalo tejeyisi toma nupepuyo xepikemo. Jaxejoyi voxuzo bolibo gativasanexo 52712032422.pdfmigupayi dipiboto dubofo. Jowilise wafedoze leze juceruha piba holo puwigo. Rupe konopuha guturucahi regi yiwikocize nijiyamepi rakotuwoci. Lonemabi kadifehemo fotusa xunogosa sebiyo koragefivu bandicam for pcgujuvanege. Zeye pimederu pigologobu be kapa wuzuce situcizivu. To baboyuxemali fajoco na cimecuriloya damodaran on valuation flipkartxa meri. Buzusameriwo kogesafe sifukufule fixi voot video er for pc online

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Free Dedoose Introductory Webinar - Asia-Pacific, April 21st, 2022 The Dedoose Team As always, feel free to send us an email to [email protected] or give us a call at 866-680-2928 with any questions! You can even share us around on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.; You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 7 to 12 are not shown in this preview. One