Government Of Papua New Guinea National Public Service Human Resource .


Governmentof Papua New GuineaNational Public ServiceHuman ResourceBusiness ProcessManualOctober 2014

HR Business Process Manual 2014Page 2

Table of ContentsTable of Contents. 3Introduction by Secretary DPM . 7Responsibility of the Manual . 8General Order 1 – Staffing Arrangements & Other Personnel Management Matters InProvincial & District Administrations. 9Business Process 1.1: Recruitment, Selection, Acting and Terminations for ProvincialAdministrators. 11Business Process 1.2: Recruitment, Selection, Acting and Terminations for DistrictAdministrators. 17General Order No. 2 - Organisational Design, Establishments and Staffing Budgets. 23Business Process 2.1: Major Organisational Changes/Reviews . 25Business Process 2.2: Minor Organisational Changes/Reviews . 35Business Process 2.3: Staffing Establishment & Budget Review . 43General Order No. 3 - Recruitment, Selection, Appointment and Staff Reporting . 49Business Process 3.1: Recruitment, Selection & Appointments . 51Business Process 3.2: Conditional Offer Requirements . 65Business Process 3.3: Instructions for Recording Unattached/Excess Staff . 69General Order No. 4 - Probationary and Permanent Appointments, Retirements andTerminations . 74Business Process 4.1: Probationary Officer to Permanent . 76Business Process 4.2: Resignations of Probation and Permanent Officer . 82Business Process 4.3: Transfers of Permanent Officers and Probation Officers . 86Business Process 4.4: Retirement. 92General Order No. 5 – Staff Development, Career Path Planning and CompetencyBased Performance Appraisal . 100Business Process 5.1: Staff and Career Development . 102Business Process 5.2: Performance Management . 108General Order No. 6 – Training and Development . 113Business Process 6.1: Capacity Needs Analysis . 115Business Process 6.2: Further Studies to upgrade Qualification . 121Business Process 6.3: Overseas Training . 127General Order No. 7 – Part-time and Casual Employees. 135HR Business Process Manual 2014Page 3

Business Process 7.1: Casuals Categorisation . 137General Order No. 8 – Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators . 143Business Process 8.1: Appointment of Departmental Heads and ProvincialAdministrators. 145Business Process 8.2: Acting Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators . 149Business Process 8.3: Suspensions - Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators. 151Business Process 8.4: Revocations - Departmental Heads and Provincial Administrators. 153General Order No. 9 – Contracts for Senior Officers Appointed to ManagementPositions. 155Business Process 9.1: Initial Contract – Senior Officers . 157Business Process 9.2: Contract Variation – Senior Officers . 163Business Process 9.3: Contract Review – Senior Officers . 167Business Process 9.4: Discipline – Senior Officers . 171Business Process 9.5: Termination – Senior Officers. 175General Order No. 10 – Short Term National Contracts . 179Business Process 10.1: Initial Short Term Contract . 181Business Process 10.2: Renewal of Short Term Contract . 185Business Process 10.3: Termination of Short Term Contract . 189General Order No. 11 – Employment of Non-Citizens . 191Business Process 11.1: Recruitment of Non-Citizens . 193Business Process 11.2: Renewal of Non-Citizens Contract . 201Business Process 11.3: Variation of Non-Citizens Contract . 205Business Process 11.4: Discipline of Non-Citizens . 209Business Process 11.5: Termination of Non-Citizens Contract . 213General Order No. 12 – Engagement of Consultants. 217Business Process 12.1: Engagement of Consultants . 219General Order No. 13 – Salaries and Allowances . 223Business Process 13.1: Salaries and Allowances . 225General Order No. 14 – Officers’ Leave Entitlements . 231Business Process 14.1: Recreation Leave and Leave Fares . 233Business Process 14.2: Other Leave . 241General Order No. 15 – Officers’ Discipline (Non-Contract) . 249HR Business Process Manual 2014Page 4

Business Process 15.1: Discipline (Non-Contract) . 251General Order No. 16 – Redundancy and Retrenchment in the Public Service . 257Business Process 16.1: Retrenchment . 259Business Process 16.2: Redeployment . 265Business Process 16.3: Retrenchment Appeals . 269General Order No. 17 – Public Officers’ Superannuation . 273Business Process 17.1: Commencement of Superannuation . 275General Order No. 18 – Workers Compensation . 283Business Process 18.1: Workers Compensation . 285General Order No. 19 – Government Office Accommodation and Public ServiceHousing . 289General Order No. 20 – Engagement in Business Activities Outside of Public ServiceEmployment and Other Important Provisions Governing Conduct . 291Business Process 20.1: Gender Equity and Social Inclusion . 293Business Process 20.2: Business Activities Outside the Public Service and OtherImportant Provisions . 297General Order No. 21 – Industrial Relations in the Public Service . 299General Order No. 22 – The Public Service Commission . 301General Order No. 23 – Management of Personnel Records . 303Business Process 23.1: Creation of Personnel Files . 305Business Process 23.2: Managing Personnel Files . 309Acknowledgements . 313HR Business Process Manual 2014Page 5

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Introduction by Secretary DPMI am very proud to present this Government of Papua New Guinea Public Service HumanResource Business Process Manual. For the first time Human Resource (HR) BusinessProcesses have been developed by my Department in consultation with key stakeholders,to underpin the Fourth Edition National Public Service General Orders 2012. This Manualhas been compiled to provide a current source of reference to employees of governmentagencies, provincial and district administrations and statutory authoritiesIt is important to recognise the critical role of Human Resource (HR) as a driver of theorganisation’s capacity to deliver sustainable and quality services. Following the devolutionof HR functions, GoPNG HR practitioners need to build on their understanding ofrelationships between HR business activities and agency core business needs, to ensureeffective HR decision making directly contributes to business outcomes.Therefore there is a need for further capacity enhancement of HR practitioners within lineagencies to support devolved responsibilities and allow agencies to operate independentlyyet in an effective manner.These HR Business Processes will guide our Senior Executive Managers and HRPractitioners in their role as service delivery agents to our Public Servants and assistmanagement in the delivery of human resource policies, processes, services, programs andpractices in a fair, equitable, and consistent manner. They will provide HR Practitioners withstep by step instructions and include: Scope of nsibilitiesTimeframes.Compliance with these instructions will enable Senior Executive Managers and HRPractitioners to successfully deliver Human Resource functions and improve themanagement of personnel emolument budgets.I would like to congratulate and thank all the stakeholders who supported the Department ofPersonnel Management in the development and validation of these Business Processesand encourage you to use this information to enhance your performance in deliveringHuman Resource activities across the Public Service.HR Business Process Manual 2014Page 7

Responsibility of the ManualThe Department of Personnel Management is responsible for the development andmaintenance of the Business Process Manual. The Department will ensure that the manualis available electronically to employees. If agencies require hard copies of the Manual, it istheir responsibility to establish and maintain them in an up-to-date manner.All updates, corrections, and revisions will originate from the Department of PersonnelManagement and will be distributed electronically. Employees are responsible for readingthese revisions. Revisions will include two types of review:1. Ad hoc or as needed - these types of reviews are due to changes in legislation,public sector reforms etc. They may also result from practical problems with theapplication of existing Public Service General Orders. This could be ambiguity in apresent policy or the reality that the application of the policy presents unforseenproblems.2. Planned reviews - these reviews will be conducted every three years. These types ofreviews can be staggered for the various policies and processes and are done toensure that the policies and processes are still current and are still in harmony with“the big picture.”While we have strived for accuracy in the contents of this Manual, the information providedis superseded by applicable legislation. Additional information and interpretation of theBusiness Processes contained in this Manual may be obtained from the Department ofPersonnel Management. This manual also references relevant legislation, policy, and termsand conditions.Enquiries or suggestions on improvements to the Manual may be made by contacting theHuman Resource Advisory Services Division in Department of Personnel Management.HR Business Process Manual 2014Page 8

General Order 1 – Staffing Arrangements & Other Personnel ManagementMatters In Provincial & District AdministrationsDescriptionThis General Order covers recruitment, selection, appointment and termination, terms &conditions of employment and other personnel management matters pertinent to Sections58 to 64 of the Public Services (Management) Act.Business Process 1.1: Recruitment, Selection, Acting and Terminations for ProvincialAdministratorsBusiness Process 1.2: Recruitment, Selection, Acting and Terminations for DistrictAdministratorsHR Business Process Manual 2014Page 9

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Business Process 1.1: Recruitment, Selection, Acting and Terminations for Provincial AdministratorsKEY POINTSHow is the appointment of Provincial Administrator determined? Section 61 of the PSMA 2014 details the procedure for appointment of Provincial AdministratorRecruitment and Selection is prescribed in Section 61Who is responsible for Advertisement of the Provincial Administrator post in the Province? Vacancy is advertised by Secretary for Personnel Management in consultation with the Provincial Governor and Secretaryfor DPLLG & AAdvertisement if placed in the National Media and Internal publicationWhat is the composition of the selection committeeThe composition of the Ministerial Executive Appointment Committee (MEAC) shall comprise of the following members:(a) Minister for Public Service : Chairperson(b) Secretary for Personnel Management: Member(c) Secretary, Department of National Planning & Monitoring: Member(d) Secretary, Department of Provincial & Local Level Government : Member(e) Attorney General (or nominee)A Secretariat within the Department of Personnel Management is responsible for the compiling a shortlist. At least 5 candidates willbe submitted to the MEAC.When is the announcement of the Provincial Administrator made and by who? The NEC at its sole discretion shall advise the Head of State to appoint a Provincial Administrator The appointment is based on the minimum selection criteria and pursuant to Section 61 as Deemed Departmental Head The Head of State shall execute a contract of employment under Section 62 of the ActHow is the termination processed?HR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.1 Version 1.0 October 2014Page 11

The termination of the Provincial Administrator shall be determined by the Provincial Government in accordance with the contractterms and conditions of the contract as prescribed in GO.1.23 and the Public Service RegulationsREFERENCESSOURCEOrganic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments(OLPG&LLG) – Appointment of Provincial Administrator.Public Service (Management) Act 2014 – Sec DPM in implementation of Sec 73 (3)of OLPG&LLGGeneral Order 1 –Staffing Arrangements & Other Personnel Management Matters inProvincial AdministrationsGeneral Orders 8 –Recruitment, Selection, AppointmentGeneral Orders 13 – Salaries & AllowancesSelection CommitteeSalaries Remuneration & Monitoring ConditionsTerms & Conditions of EmploymentActing AppointmentSECTIONSection 73 (3)Sec 61, Sec 60Sec 2-3 GO 1.23 to 1.37GO 8.GO 13.33Sec 40 (2)(a)SRCSec 62Section 4: GO 1.40 to 1.44DELEGATIONFUNCTIONDELEGATED AUTHORITYRecruitment, Selection, Appointment and Termination of Provincial AdministratorMinister for Public ServiceSelection Committee and consultation with MEACSecretary for Personnel Management/Secretary for DPLG & ADeliberation on the Short-list of five preferred candidatesMEACHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.1 Version 1.0 October 2014Page 12

Submission from the Secretary for Personnel ManagementMEACAppointment of the Provincial AdministratorHead of State/Minister for Public ServiceOVERVIEW OF PROCESSRecruitment and eRecordsActingDPM arrangesactingappointmentSubmit toMEACSubmit to NECNEC appointscandidateUpdate RecordsTerminationExpiry of ContractTerminationEntitlements calculatedFinal Payout processedRecords Updated &Files closedPROCESSSTEPACTIONRESOURCES1. Establishment of Vacancy1.1Provincial Governor declares vacancy in the Office of Letterthe Provincial Administrator1.2Informs Secretary for Personnel ManagementLetterHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.1 Version 1.0 October 2014RESPONSIBILITYRECOMMENDEDTIMEFRAMEProvincial Governor1 dayHR Manager1 dayPage 13

STEP1.3ACTIONSecretary for Personnel Management confirms and Letterverifies details of vacancy2. Recruitment2.1DPM consults with the Provincial Administration HRand facilitate advertisement of vacancy2.1Position of the Provincial Administrator is advertisedin the National Media and Internal publication3. Selection Committee3.1Selection committee convene to short-list suitablecandidates based on the Merits based criteria3.2Selection Criteria is established3.3Report on preferred five candidates complied andsubmitted to PSC4. Secretariat Consultation4.1Short-list deliberated by Secretariat4.2Applicants invited for interview by Secretariat4.34.4RESOURCESHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.1 Version 1.0 October 2014RECOMMENDEDTIMEFRAMESES/HR Manager1 dayAdvertisementSES1 dayNational MediaSES5Job ApplicationJDSelection CriteriaReport/CVSecretary for DPM1 daySecretariatSecretary for DPM1 day1 daySecretariatSecretariat1 day1 daySecretariat5 daysSecretariat1 dayMEAC ReportPEC SubmissionMEACProvincial Governor1 daySubmissionDPM Secretary1 dayPEC submissionNEC1 rtInterview formalities are completed including police Police Report &clearance & medical checksMedical ClearanceShort-list of preferred 5 names submitted to MEACMEAC Report5. MEAC Consultation5.1MEAC deliberates on the 5 short-listed candidates5.2Preferred candidate submitted to NEC via office ofSecretary for DPM5.3Secretary prepares submission and present to NECfor deliberation and appointment6. NEC Consultation6.1NEC deliberates on the recommendation by theRESPONSIBILITYdaysPage 14

STEP6. advise the Head of State to appoint thecandidate as the Provincial AdministratorInstrument of Appointment is signed by the Head ofStateAppointment is Gazetted in the National GazetteExecution of Contract of EmploymentContract of Employment is executedRESOURCESHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.1 Version 1.0 October 2014RECOMMENDEDTIMEFRAMENEC DecisionNEC/DPM1 dayInstrument ofAppointmentNational GazetteHead of State3 daysNEC5 daysDPM Secretary5 daysDPM Secretary1 dayContract ofEmploymentHead of State executes signing of contract of Contract ofemploymentEmploymentProvincial Administrator appointedSigned Contract ofEmploymentRecording KeepingHR Payroll system records updated (including New HR Payroll systemFile numbers)ACTING APPOINTMENT1The Provincial Governor advises Secretary forDepartment of Personnel Management to arrangeacting appointment to Provincial Administrator’s officefor short period of time.2DPM submit to MEAC at least five names forconsideration3MEAC deliberates and submit to PEC names ofRESPONSIBILITYSubmissionSubmissionLetterDPM Secretary1 dayDPM2 daysProvincial Governor/DPM Secretary5 daysDPM SecretaryMWAC/PEC10 days5 daysPage 15

AMEpreferred candidates45PEC considers the five candidates and recommend 3preferred short-list and submit to NECNEC to appoint the most suitable candidate to act fora period not to exceed 90 daysTERMINATION1Expiry of Contract/Non-Renewal2Final Termination Entitlements calculated, checked &verified3Final Payout on HR Payroll system4Records updated/Files closedHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.1 Version 1.0 October 2014SubmissionPEC5 daysInstrument of ActingAppointmentNEC5 daysPersonal filesPersonal filesDPM SecretaryDPM Secretary5 days5 daysPVAsPersonal filesDPM SecretaryDPM Secretary5 days5 daysPage 16

Business Process 1.2: Recruitment, Selection, Acting and Terminations for District AdministratorsKEY POINTSHow is the appointment of District Administrator determined? Section 73(3) of the Organic Law determines that the appointment of the DA shall be the same as the public servants Section 64 (1) of PSMA provided that the Secretary for Department of Personnel Management shall convene a selectionhearing for purpose of selecting and appointing District AdministratorsWho is responsible for announcing the vacancy in the office of District Administrator? The Provincial Administrator is responsible for notifying both Secretaries for DPM & DPL G& A when a vacancy occurs. In consultation with both Secretaries, the PA will advertise the vacancy internally and externally in the mediaWhat is the composition of the selection committee?The composition of the selection committee shall comprise of the following members:(a) Provincial Administrator: Chairperson(b) Secretary, Department of Provincial & Local Government Affairs or representative: - Member(c) Senior Officer responsible for District Planning activities: - Member(d) Senior Officer responsible for Staff Development activities: - Member(e ) DPM as technical Adviser to the chairpersonThe successful candidate is then notified by Secretary for Personnel Management upon recommendation from the PA on thepreferred candidate.Who is responsible for administering the Senior Management Contract?Secretary for Personnel Management is responsible for drawing up Senior Management Contract pursuant to Section 40(2)(b) andSection 41 of PSMA to be signed by the Provincial Administrator and the delegate of Secretary for Personnel Management.When is the contract terminated?Contract can be terminated by Secretary for Personnel Management on advice from the Provincial Administrator and inconsultation with the Secretary for DPLG & AHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.2 Version 1.0 October 2014Page 17

Who is Eligible to Act as a District Manager? Permanent civil servants, temporary appointees to management and leadership positions and officers who are employed for acontinuous period in excess of 6 months Acting appointment shall be done in consultation with Secretary for Personnel Management and DPLG & A Such appointment shall not exceed 90 daysWhat are the General Conditions? In the event that an Office of District Administrator becomes vacant for a short period of time due to the absence of thesubstantive job holder or due to permanent vacation of the Office by a substantive job holder. The acting appointment to District Administrator shall be made by the Provincial Administrator in consultation with the Secretaryfor Provincial & Local Level Government Affairs (DPLLGA) and the Secretary, Department of Personnel Management (DPM). Such an acting appointment shall not be made for a period in excess of 90 days, and shall not be subject to the contract termsand conditions made under Section 41 of the Act. The acting appointee shall enjoy the following allowances and benefits as provided under the General Orders:(a) where a substantive job holder is in office, Higher Duties Allowance plus contract allowances related to office functionsonly, including telephone and entertainment allowances, and use of a vehicle; or(b) where no substantive job holder is in office, Higher Duties Allowance and all contractual allowances, other than Contractgratuity.REFERENCESSOURCEOrganic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments(OLPG&LLG) – Appointment of District Administrator similar to the appointment ofofficers in the Public Service.Public Service (Management) Act 2014 – Sec DPM in implementation of Sec 73 (3)of OLPG&LLGGeneral Order 1 –Staffing Arrangements & Other Personnel Management Matters inProvincial &District AdministrationsGeneral Orders 3 –Recruitment, Selection, Appointment & Staff ReportingGeneral Orders 13 – Salaries & AllowancesActing AppointmentHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.2 Version 1.0 October 2014SECTIONSection 73 (3)Sec 64 (1)Sec 8 GO 1.57 to 1.60GO 3.17GO 13.33GO 1Page 18

Contract of EmploymentSection 40(2)(b) & Section 41 of PSMADELEGATIONFUNCTIONDELEGATED AUTHORITYRecruitment, Selection, Appointment & Termination of District AdministrationProvincial AdministratorAppointment & TerminationDPM, SecretaryActing AppointmentDPM SecretaryExecution of Contract of Employment , Section 41 of PSMAProvincial AdministratorOVERVIEW OF PROCESSRecruitment and tract ofEmploymentOn boardingUpdated recrodsActingVacancyPA Consultation withDPM & DPLLGActing AppointmentagreedRecords UpdatedTerminationContract TerminatesExecute TerminationHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.2 Version 1.0 October 2014Refer to Step 1Page 19

PROCESSRECRUITMENT AND SELECTIONSTEPACTION1. Establishment of Vacancy1.1HR Manager is informed of a vacancy in theOffice of the District Administrator1.2Provincial Administrator then informs theSecretary for Personnel Management on theoccurrence of a vacancy2. Recruitment Consultation2.1Position is advertised in consultation with DPM &D& LLGA2.2Culling of Application and short-listing2.3Conduct Interviews and rank applicants in orderof preference3. Selection Committee Convene3.1Organise selection committee3.2Prepare selection Decision Forms and Files3.3Convene selection hearing4. Appointment4.1Notify Secretary for Personnel Management ofpreferred candidate4.2Letter signed by Secretary for PersonnelHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.2 Version 1.0 October 2014RESOURCESRESPONSIBILITYMemorandumHR ManagerSubmissionProvincial AdministratorRECOMMENDEDTIMEFRAME2 days1 dayNational Media/Internal CircularHR Manager3 daysApplicationProvincial Administrator/HR ManagerHR Manager/DPM5 daysInterview report10 sSelection ReportProvincial Administrator/HR ManagerHR Manager/1 daySelectionReport/DecisionLetterChairperson3 daysDPM Secretary3 days1 daysHRManager/Establishments 1 dayOfficerPage 20

STEPACTIONRESOURCESManagement is sent to successful candidateCandidate advice of his/her intension to accept or Letterdecline offer5. Execution of Contract of Employment5.1Prepare Contract of EmploymentContract Template5.2Signing of Contract of EDTIMEFRAME4.3HR Manager30 days3 days3days5.3DPM SecretaryProvincialAdministrator/Section 41Delegate of DPMSecretaryHR ManagerSigned contract is returned to Secretary for DPMfor records purposes6. On boarding6.1Compilation of New Hire Documents6.2Compliance checks and prepare minute to MIS6.3Uploading onto HR Payroll system7. Update Records7.1Position Occupancy Register is updatedACTING APPOINTMENT1Establishment of Vacancy2Provincial Administrator Consults withSecretaries for DPM & P& LLGA3Acting appointment is agreed and does notexceed 90 days4Records UpdatedHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.2 Version 1.0 October 2014ContractAgreement1 dayPVA/ContractHR ManagerAgreementComplianceDPMcheck-listMinuteDPMHR Payroll system1 dayPOR-Form RS3.17HR Officer1 dayPORSubmissionProvincial AdministratorProvincial Administrator1day1 dayInstrument/LetterDPM-Secretary1 dayPORHR Manager2 days2 days1 dayPage 21

STEPACTIONTERMINATION1Termination of Contract in consultation withSecretary for P&LLGA2Execution of FRAMELetterDPM Secretary1 dayContract Terms &Condition ofContractDPM-Secretary5 daysRefer back to Step 1 once the contract isterminatedHR Business Process Manual 2014 – BP1.2 Version 1.0 October 2014Page 22

General Order No. 2 - Organisational Design, Establishments andStaffing BudgetsDescriptionThis General Order covers all matters relating to the determination by Departmental Headsunder devolved powers of organisational structures and establishing the number and paygrades of positions within departments/ agencies. It covers the establishment of staffing andpersonnel emolument cash ceilings, establishing and reclassifying positions and otherorganisational matters, required by Sections 33 and 34 of the Public Services(Management) Act.Business Process 2.1: Major Organisational Changes/ReviewsBusiness Process 2.2: Minor Organisational Changes/ReviewsBusiness Process 2.3: Staffing Establishment & Budget ReviewHR Business Process Manual 2014Page 23

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Business Process 2.1: Major Organisational Changes/ReviewsKEY POINTSWhat is Organisation Design?Organisation Design is the process that involves Realignment of an orga

I am very proud to present this Government of Papua New Guinea Public Service Human Resource Business Process Manual. For the first time Human Resource (HR) Business Processes have been developed by my Department in consultation with key stakeholders, to underpin the Fourth Edition National Public Service General Orders 2012. This Manual