Beginner’s Fingerpicking Guitar - WordPress


Beginner’sFingerpickingGuitartaught byFred Sokolow

Tuning “String-to-String” 1st string2nd3rd4th5th6th EBGDAE5Chords for “STEALIN’”CC‡FG‡BASIC FINGERPICKING PATTERN FOR “STEALIN”j œjjj œjj Fœœœœ‰‰ œ œœ œœ œ& C œ œ œœœœCÔ1003T10033ITMTIT112MNote: Stems Up means pick with fingers;Stems Down means pick with thumb.21312

STEALIN’C‡Fj œj œj œjjjjjjjjœœœœœœœœ‰œœœbœœ œ ‰œ œ œ œ œ œ& C œœœœœœCPut your arms around me like a circle ’round the sun,Ô010103103lieve I’m sinkin’,œj31311231‘2*Note: The ‘ sign means repeat the previous bar‘‘You don’t be-lieve I love you, look at the fool I’ve been.0100‘look at the hole I’m in.033I wanna love you baby, like your easy rider done.You don’t be-3œj œj œ œj‰œ& œœœœÔ13C10‘‘‘0‘3C‡Fj jj jjjjjjjjjœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ& œ œ œ œœœœœCStealin’,Ô1stealin’,00103103pretty mama jjjj œj œjjjjjjjœœœœœœœœœœœœ ‰ œœœœ ‰ œœœœ& ‰œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œœœœœœœCstealin’Ô13back0to103mysame old0003used1to00be.11033301030003100310

ALTERNATING BASSj jjj jj G7j jj Fœœœœœœœœœ‰‰ œ œ‰ œœ œœ œœ œ& C œ œ œœœœœœœCÔ1301001031121023310003BASS RUNSC to F& œÔ0C to G‡œœ23œœ20G‡ to Cœ3œœœ023STEALIN’Put your arms around me like a circle ’round the sun,I want to love you baby, like your easy rider done.Chorus:You don’t believe I love you, look what a fool I’ve been.You don’t believe I’m sinkin’, look at the hole I’m in.Stealin’, stealin’, pretty mama doncha tell on me.I’m stealin’ back to my same old used to be.Woman I love she’s so far away,Woman I hate, I see her most every day. (Chorus)Woman I love she’s about my size,She’s a married woman comes to see me sometimes. (Chorus)410

STEALIN’(WITH ALTERNATING BASS)C‡Fj œj œj œjjjjjjjjœœœœœœœœ‰‰œœœbœœœ œœœœœ& C œœœœœœœCThe woman I love,Ôshe’s so far away.010103j œjjœœ‰œ œ& œ œ œœlieve I’m sinkin’,œj3112You don’t be-1‘23‘‘You don’t be-lieve I love you, look what a fool I’ve been.01031‘look at the hole I’m in.0330I see her every day.3CÔ1331010The woman I hate,‘‘‘0‘3C‡Fj jj jjjjjjjjjœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ& œ tty mama j œj œj Cj œj œjjjjjjjœœœœœœœœœœ ‰ œœœœ ‰ œœœœ ‰ œœœœ& ‰œ œ œœœœœœœœCstealin’Ô13back to0103mysame old000used10to00be.11033501030003100010

STEALIN’(WITH BASS RUNS AND ALTERNATING BASS)& CC‡Fj jjjjjjjjj‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœœœœœœC Œ œ œ œPut your arms around me like a circle ’round the sun,Ô032easy rider done.13223020010j‰ œ œ œ œœ310‘‘j œjjœœ‰ œ œœ œœœback0G‡œtomy‰ œ œœ0203003610œj 23used to112on123j jj‰ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœœ œsame old1Fpretty mama doncha3CI’m stealin’223‘0311You don’t be-lieve I love you, look what astealin’,312‘C‡jjjjj‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ œ œœœœ0131me.œjC0œj œ œj Ó& œ œ œ œÔ331010313look at the hole I’m in.Stealin’,0130013j jj‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœ0fool I’ve been.30C120131œj œ œj & œ œœ œÔ0You don’t be-lieve I’m sinkin’,C1103œj œ œj Ó& œ œ œ œÔ01I wanna love you baby, like your23010300

WABASH CANNONBALLFj œj œjœœj œ œj ‰œœœ œ œ œœœœœj œj œj œjœ ‰œœœœ& C‘Œ œ œ œ œœCShe came down from Birmingham one galfrom1Minne0103-sota,‘j œjj œjœœ‰œ œœ œ&œœG‡She’s0thecombi1000-nation‘œj œœ00‘37223j jj‰ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœ“There’s a0103003j œjjœœ‰ œ œœ œœœF00œ102œj Ó3112123j jj‰ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœCœ œcalled the Wabash111and she’s tall.332sheC0Lord she’s long‘310121œj œ œj œ œ œ œ0001the people say:3œj œ œj œj œ œj œj& œ œœœ30‘CÔœ100œj Óœœ œyou could hear all3Ôœj œAs133j œjj œjœœ& ‰ œ œ œ œ œœ01‘0December day,etc.Cannon - ball.”110023010300

WABASH CANNONBALLShe came down from Birmingham one cold December day,As she pulled into the station, you could hear all the people say:“There’s a gal from Minnesota, she’s long and she’s tall.She’s the combination called the Wabash Cannonball.”Chorus:Listen to the jingle, the rumble and the roarAs she glides along the southland, through hills and by the shore.Hear the mighty rush of engines, hear the lonesome hoboes call,Travelin’ through the jungles on the Wabash Cannonball.Oh, the Eastern states are dandy so the Western people say,From New York to Chicago, St. Louis by the way.From the hills of Minnesota where the rippling waters fall,No chances can be taken on the Wabash Cannonball.Here’s to Daddy Claxton, may his name forever stand,And may he be remembered in the courts throughout our land.When his earthly race is over and the curtain ’round him falls,We’ll carry him on to victory on the Wabash Cannonball.BASS RUN&#D‡ to Gœœœ023GÔ8D‡

NINE POUND HAMMERj œjj œjj œœœ‰ œœ œœ œœœœ œœœœj œj œœj‰ œœœœœG#& C ÓThis 3kill0G‘2œj œjœjœ œœ œœœœjbuddy,30‘00gonna2030Œœ210Roll on,300003jœj # œ œ&œœœpullyour03333Ô03me.001ain'tGœj œjœj œj# ‰ œœ œ&œœœÔ0me,0301j œjj D‡j œœœœ‰ œ œ‰ œ œœ œœœœœœ20Henry.Ggonna3John33# œj œœj & œœœCloadj jj jj‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœCœofcoal.3How10020103390103canœI0020

GD‡jj œjj œjj jjGœj œœj ‰œœ# ‰œœœ‰ œœ œœ œœ œœ&œ œ œ œœœœœœœpullÔ0when the wheel won't30233031022020etc.go?21‘30003‘03NINE POUND HAMMERThe nine pound hammer is a little too heavy, for my size, buddy for my size.Chorus:Roll on, buddy, doncha roll so slow. How can I roll when the wheel won’t go?This old hammer, it killed John Henry,ain’t gonna kill me, ain’t gonna kill me.Chorus:Roll on, buddy, pull your load of coal. How can I pull when the wheel won’t go?There ain’t no hammer in this tunnel that can ring like mine, that can ring like mine.Rings like silver and it shines like gold. Rings like silver and it shines like gold.I’m goin’ on the mountain for to see my baby, never comin’ back, never comin’ back.It’s a long way to Harlan and a long way to Hazard to get a little brew, little home brew.BASS RUNS#3& 4G to CD to Gœœœ023œœœ023Ô10D

WABASH CANNONBALL(WITH PINCHES)jj œœœœŒœ œ& CœœœOh, the easternstates3Ôare0dandysoœthe03New YorkChi - cago,32people0andSt.3‘byœjhillsof3Ô003D#& Œœsota‘0can2be30takenontheœ œ2œj 11fall,3No0010GCannon-03etc.ball.320020jjœœœŒ œœ œœœ200jjŒ œœ œ œ œ œœœœj œ œj Óœ œœ œ030333theCœ where the rippling3œ œj œœj œœ œœ20-œ3chancesÔMinne‘Œœ03œœ20G3Gthe0jœj œ# œ œ œ œ&œœœœ201003From00Louis22say,œj œ œj Óœ œœ œ‘jjŒ œ œ œ œœœœœCœ œ3to2œ œœj eastern‘0Dœj œ# Œ œ œj œœ& œ œ œ0‘303ÔœjG#3330

“CALIFORNIA BLUES” PATTERN&####j œœj‰nœœCœ œœ œœœE‡0Ô1220E0310E‡A‡12B‡

CALIFORNIA BLUESE‡j j#### C ‰œ n œ œj œœœœ œ&œœœI got the lues and I’m sure gonna leave you here.‘12‘3‘20E‡œjI ain’t22030blinds,0I might0220the2‘jj j‰a œ œ n œ œ œ œ œœœœœB‡ÔI got theE‡#### ‰œ œ œj œj œjœœ&aœœœœride‘0A‡0‘‘2# # # # ‰ œ œ œj œ œj œjnœ&œ œœ œÔ‘and I’m sure gonna leave you here.30jœjjœ œ œœ n œ œ œ œ œœœ‘got no railroadetc.fare.00‘1‘12&E‡ to A‡œœ020E to B‡nœ #œœœ#œœ0012BASS RUNSÔ3134320####03

CALIFORNIA BLUES(WITH BASS RUNS)E‡&œ n œ œj œj jœ œœ œ œ ‘œœ#### ‰Portland,Maine0Ô1isjustthe same as sunnyTennes - 221I2024hang201my221hat020place303132001E‡‰ œ œ n œ œj œ œjœœœœis home sweet home to me.2010B‡old2‰a œ œ n œ œj œ œj œ œ œ n œ Óœœœ œ #œœœœœj ‘# # # # ‰ œ œ œj œj œ œ œ œ œj œ œj œjœœ&‘œ aœ œ œœ œ œ œAny0is just the same as sunny Tennes - see.200E‡020‘0# # # # œ œ œ œj œ j j&nœœ œ ‘nœ œ œ œÔœœj œj œœjjœœ nœ #œœœj ‘0122‘1014032201

CALIFORNIA BLUESI’m goin’ to California where they sleep out every night.(Repeat)I’m leavin’ you sweet mama, ’cause you just don’t treat me right.Chorus:I got the California Blues and I’m sure gonna leave you here.(Repeat)I might ride the blinds, I ain’t got no railroad fare.Let me tell you something, mama, that you don’t know.(Repeat)I’m a do-right papa, got a home everywhere I go.Listen to me mama, sing this lonesome song.(Repeat)You got me worried now, but I won’t be worried long.&####E to Aœœ24œBASS RUNÔ150

NINE POUND HAMMER(WITH BASS RUNS)&####Eœj œœj . œœœœœC ŒœI’mgoin’0Ôon the002A#### oll on,000211j jj jjjœ œœ œ œœ œ œœ .œœœœœœœœcomin’back.wheelwon’t go?2#œback,pull0220B‡j jj E##œ œ œœ Œ& ## ‰ œ œœœœœ22jj jj jjEjjœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œœ œœœœœœœœ0020neverHowwhen000œœÔœfor toseemypullyourload ofmountainbuddy,baby,coal.Ô‘20œj œœj œœœ2001600200020.

D#Œ& #c œ“SLOOP JOHN B.”PATTERNÔjœ œ œj œœœœœ20223023JOHN B. SAILSWe come on the sloop John B., my grandfather and me.Around Nassau town we did roam.Drinkin’ all night, got into a fight.I feel so break-up, I wanna go home.Chorus:So hoist up the John B. sails, see how the main sail sets,Call for the captain ashore, let me go home.Let me go home. I want to go home.I feel so break-up, I wanna go home.The first mate he got drunk, broke up the people’s trunk,Constable had to come and take him away.Sheriff Johnstone, please let me alone.I feel so break-up, I wanna go home.The poor cook he got the fits, threw away all of my grits,Then he took and he ate up all of my corn.Let me go home, I wanna go home,This is the worst trip I ever been on.17

SLOOP JOHN B.&##j œœ œ œj œœœœœDc ŒœWe come on2Ô0## œ&the sloop John B.,23220my3Nassau town‘## Œ& œD‡night,0Ô2022320Dfeelœ n œ œj œ œj Œœ œ œœ2302ÔA‡intoa2120œj œ œj t.œ œ œj œ œj Œœœœœbreak - up,‘0œ œ œj œ œj Œœ œ œœ2‘20303## Œ& œ‘02GgotA -Drinkin’ all‘œ œ œj œ œj œœ œ œœ‘me.we did roam.0Dand‘0Ôgrandfatherj œœ œ œj œ œ œj œ œj œœ œ œ‘home.So 220223023‘

STAGOLEEStagolee shot Billy De Lyons, what do you think of that?Shot him down in cold blood ’cause he stole his Stetson hat.Chorus:He’s a bad man, that cruel Stagolee.Stagolee oh Stagolee, please don’t take my life.I’ve got two little kids at home and a darlin’ lovin’ wife.What do I care about your two little kids, your darlin’ lovin’ wife?You just stole my Stetson hat and I’m bound to take your life.Judge said, “Stagolee, what you doin’ here?You done shot Mr. Billy De Lyons, you’re gonna die in the ’lectric chair.”Twelve o’clock they hanged him, head reached up high.Last thing that poor boy said, “My six-shooter never lied.”A‡19

STAGOLEE&##œj œj œœj œj œœj œj œ .‰œcœœœœœœœœj œj œjn œj # œœœœœœœStagoleewhatDÔkilled230that?Ôdo oldblood,’causehe303j## œ&inof2320thinkGjjœj œjœj œjœ œœ ‰ œœ œœœœœœœœ#& # œœ232Billy‘03A‡j œjjjjjœœjœœœ‰ œ œœ œnœ #œ œœ œœœœœD‘stolehisÔStetsonhat.He’s a3‘02230bad2man,1223220320Dj jj jj# # 6 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . c n œj # œ œj œj œ œj œj œ œj œj œ œjœœœœ œ œœ œ œ& 02330223022

“JAMAICA FAREWELL” PATTERNœœ œ œj œ œ œjœ### c Œ&œA0Ô02220A20JAMAICA FAREWELLA### c . Œ.&œœœDownIthetook0.Ôœj œœœwaya0E&œœœ10jœ hen I320œj œœœon themountainImadea00œœŒœ0œsunreachedD220### Œwheretripon22œœjjœ œœœjœ .top,stop.But I'm 02202.

BASS RUNS###&E to AA to Dœœ24œÔœœ24œ00JAMAICA FAREWELL(WITH BASS RUNS)&###Aœœc . ŒœDownAkethe00E### Œ&œœcryrumoutis0Ô10youfish2canarejœ � � œ.œœjœ œœœjœ .bearyear.But I’m 02202.

JAMAICA FAREWELLDown the way where the nights are gay,and the sun shines brightly on the mountain top,I took a trip on a sailing shipand when I reached Jamaica I made a stop.Chorus:But I’m sad to say I’m on my way,Won’t be back for many a day.My heart is down, my head is turning around,I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town.Sounds of laughter everywhereand the dancing girls sway to and fro.I must admit my heart is there’though I’ve been from Maine to Mexico.Down at the market you can hearladies cry out while on their heads they bearAke rice, salt fish are nice,and the rum is fine any time of year.23

ST. JAMES INFIRMARYIt was down in old Joe’s barroom on the corner by the square.The drinks were served as usual and the usual crowd was there.On my left stood big Joe McKennedy, his eyes were bloodshot red.He took a look at the crowd around him, these are the words he said.I went down to St. James Infirmary, I saw my baby there.Stretched out on a long white table, so still, so cold, so fair.Let her go, let her go, God bless her, wherever she may be.She may search this wide world over, never find another man like me.When I die, please bury me in my hightop Stetson hat.Put a 20 gold piece on my watchchain so the boys’ll know I died standing pat.And now that you’ve heard my story, I’ll take another shot of booze.If anyone should happen to ask you, I’ve got the gambler’s blues.AmDm24

ST. JAMES INFIRMARYAmE‡jœœ ‰ œœ‰ œœ& c .œœOn myrightgo,stood Big Joe Mc - Kennedy,let her go,God bless01.ÔœDmjœ Am œjjjjjœœjœœ œœ œœœœ œœ œœœœ ‰ œœœ ‰ œœœœœœœœœœ010003003E‡jœœœœ ‰ œœ otmay1300130E‡Amjjœœ ‰ œœ œœ ‰ œœœœj œœj œœœœj‰ œœœœœœœœœœlook atsearch01thethisbarwide01030a - 3030him,01E‡AmE‡jjjœœœœ ‰ œœ œœ ‰ œœœœ ‰ œœ œjœ .‰& 0

CARELESS LOVE&####cE‡Œœœœœj œ .œœn œj œj œ .œ.œœœœI0Ô0&####0B‡night00and thenight2Ô2œœœ2criedÔ0#### n œ&œ2lastœ.œnight0œœ00œj œ .œœIÔœ333222œ œ nœœœ00and the00n œj œ . œœœ03000be0EŒœœœ0œj œ .œœcriedlast0-œ2600œœœj œ .œœ2222Œnœœj œ ht0000I020œj œj œ .œœœ2lastfore.0000œœcried00œj œ .œœ0-œœœj œ .œœ00Œ22#### Œ&be0Eœ030œj œ .œœœœŒœ00Œ00

#### Œ&œAœœœj œ .œœnightbe0Ô0#### Œ&œB‡night,Ô00œœ.œj œœœthen2-0cryno0Gonna3300Œœœœœœj n œ .œœœœj œ .œœcryto00Œ00œœn œj œ .œœœœ0-000œetc.more.02E0E22œfore.002Œœœ

Guitar taught by Fred Sokolow. 2 Chords for “STEALIN’” E B G D A E 1st string 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ‘ ‘‘‘‘ 6th 5 Tuning “String-to-String” BASIC FINGERPICKING PATTERN FOR “STEALIN” C Cà F Gà & C Ô ä ˇ C ˇj ˇj ˇ ˇj ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ T I TM T I TM 00 11 00 33 äˇ ˇjˇj ˇ Fˇj ˇˇˇˇ 11 11 22 33 Note: Stems Up means pick with fingers; Stems Down means .