Useful and ReliableTechnology for PSPCAutomated SolubleSalt MeasurementandFurther Challenges BeyondNovember 2010
Today’sy Topicp Issues for PSPC, shipbuilding industry is facing Countermeasures and Action Further Challenges Beyond for PSPC2
Outline of PSPC(Performance Standard for Protective CoatingsCoatings)) IMO Resolution MSCMSC.215215((8282))PSPC for Seawater Ballast Tank IMO Resolution MSCMSC.28888((87)PSPC for Cargo Oil Tank(Non ‐ mandatory guideline) PSPC for Void space PSPC for PMA Guidelines for Maintenance and repair3
Major Requirements by PSPCfor SBT and COT Blasting for 2nd surface treatmentApproved coating systemMulti‐coating320 micronion DFT underd 90/10 rulelDFT to be measured at many pointsEdge treatmentSoluble Salt MeasurementCoating Technical File (CTF)4
Soluble Salt MeasurementPSPC required:Water soluble salts limit, equivalent to NaCl : 50 mg/m2Conductivity measured (ISO 8502‐9:1998)Blister5
Method of Soluble Salt measurementrequired by PSPCISO8502‐9: Breslel Patchh Methodh dInjecting6
Method of Soluble Salt measurementrequired by PSPCExtracting7
Method of Soluble Salt measurementrequired by PSPCMeasured y ofWater soluble salts(mg/m2 ) 50 mg/m28
Water LeakageFailure with about 20%*20% chance!*NAMURA’s data9
GLUE remains on steel surface10
We have a GOOD METHOD !11
Automated methodCopied from ARP web site12
Automated methodD t tDetectorElectricStirrerMagnetDistilledi ill d waterMain Unit13
Automated methodInjecting Distilled water into Cell14
Automated methodExtraction – Stirring Commences15
Automated methodMeasurement at block stageMajority of Japanese shipyards are alreadyusing Automated tool extensively.16
Comparison of Measurement MethodsISO 8502‐98502 9Bresle patch methodAutomated method17
Comparison of Measurement MethodsITEMDetectionMethodp g e Patch methodAutomated methodElectric Conductivity methodElectric Conductivity method1250 mm21250 mm2・ConductivityCal to NaCl concentration・Cal.Water, Patch・Conductivity・Convert to NaCl concentrationAutomaticallyWater18
Comparison of Measurement MethodsBresle patch methodAutomated methodGLUE remainedNO GLUE19
Advantages of Automated methodReliability Less human error Reliable resultsQuality No Glue remainedEnvironmental friendly Less consumables (Patches)20
However ・・・・Bresle Patch methodISO8502 9ISO8502‐9Automated methodAvailableAvailable*AvailableNOT ListedCOT PSPC(MSC 288(87)(MSC.288(87)SBT PSPC(MSC 215(82)(MSC.215(82)* After adopted at MSC.8821
Action byy JapanpSubmitted a paper toIMO DE51DE51 (20082008//2)Proposed to use ofAutomated ISO 8502‐8502‐9(for SBT PSPC)22
Action byy NACE InternationalDeveloped and proposed the standard:SP0508‐‐2010 “Standard practice methods ofSP0508validatingldequivalencelto ISO 8502‐8502‐9 onmeasurement of the levels of soluble salts”SSubmittedb itt d a paper IMO MSC.88(2010/12)MSC 88(2010/12)and will be acceptedpfor COT PSPC.23
Action by NACE for COT PSPCEQUIVALENCEISO 8502‐9Breslepatch methodAutomated method24
Comingg Action at ISOOctober 2010 ISO/TC8/SC8: “Ships and marine technology –Protective coatings and inspection method –Measuring method water soluble salts”(for SBT PSPC & COT PSPC)Proposed by JAPAN (JASTRA)Secretariat: KOREA (KATS)Target date for availability: July 201325
Road to IMOISO Standard for “Automated method”for SBT PSPC and COT PSPCProposing to revise SBT PSPCfor availability“Automated soluble salts method”26
Alternative Technology / Systemfor PSPCRetain andd improve,・Quality of ship (Tank coating)・Safety of ships’ operation・Protection of the environmentAlternative technology should be proposedthrough the review of PSPC.PSPC27
Further Challenges BeyondNOW Shipbuilding industry shouldNOW,address to verify the PSPC throughsome experiences,in orderd to improve theh qualityl anddproductivityy of ship’spp construction.28
Further Challenges BeyondAsian shipbuildingh b ld industrydshouldh ld continue tocooperatepand work well togethergin・Sharing perceptions,・Addressing to reviewand revise the PSPCfor our future.29
Comparison of Measurement MethodsBresle Patch methodAutomated methodSamplingBresle Patch and injectorFix to plate withpowered stirringDetectionMethodElectric Conductivity methodElectric Conductivity methodWork Time10 min.3 min.Pure WaterConsumption10 ml10 mlSSamplingli AreaA1250 mm21250 y MeasurementC l lto NNaClCl・CalculateconcentrationWater, Patch・Conductivity MeasurementCto NaClN Cl concentrationi・Convertby softwareWater33
Salt Concentration in Relation toC d i iConductivityISO 8502-9 Figure 135
Measured Surface Can beA OAnyOrientationi t tiDownwardinclined surfaceDownwardhorizontal surfaceVertical ace362010/11/2536
Automated Methodsfor ISO 85028502-6/9NST Center :HEDON/ARP :S l bl SSaltSolublel MMeterFrom ARP Website2010/11/25S l SmartSaltSFrom IMCS 2008NST presentationDKK-TOA : SurfaceSalinity Meter3737
Automated Methods for ISO 8502Automated Methods for ISO 8502--6/96/9 HEDON/ARP : Slbl SlM NST Center : Sl S DKK-TOA : Surface Soluble Salt Meter Salt Smart Salinity Meter 37 2010/11/25 37 From ARP Website From IMCS 2008 NST presentation. Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - 071 final ASEF PSPCppt_OBATA [互換モード] Author : kajitsuka Created Date: 11/25/2010 10:11:00 AM .