
Hip or Knee Replacement?The Disability Tax Credit allows for a 2,500 Yearly Tax Credit 20,000 Lump Sum Refund (on avg)Healthy Seniors at HomeNutrition ServicesCOPD, arthritis, and many other disablingconditions that cause Restrictions inWalking or Dressing may qualify.ForFor ExpertExpert Help:Help:Expert nutrition care in thecomfort of your own home204-453-5372FREECOPYJoin Senior Scope on:Dietitian servicesare covered bythe majority ofhealth insurers.Check with yourprovider today.As we get older our foodhabits change; this can bedue to things such as: multiplemedications, chronic disease,changes in chewing or swallowing, dehydration, digestiveissues, weight loss, or eating,shopping or cooking for one.Tiffany Nicholson RD, MSc.Registered Dietitian specializingin geriatric nutritionCall 204-471-4777 for infohealthy seniors at home @gmail.comAvailable in Winnipeg and rural Manitoba - over 700 locationsGet your copy at your local public library or read online at: www.seniorscope.com204-467-9000 kelly goodman@shaw.caVol. 14 No. 14Jul 7 - Aug 3/16204 - 691-7771GETTING OLDER GETTING FIT GETTING HEALTHY GETTING IT TOGETHERGETTING THE MOST OUT OF LIFE BY GETTING ACTIVE1320 Portage AvenueWinnipeg MBENERGY SOCKS by Dr. SegalBrandon, MB played host to nearly 1000 athletesand participants at the Manitoba 55 Plus Games.The results are in!See Pages 6-7-8 & 16Photos by Karyn HeidrickBuy One Get One Half Off onMen’s & Women’s Energy SocksUntil July 29 Adaptive Pants, Capris, Shorts Openback Dresses Wrap-around Skirts Undershirts Front-closing Brassieres Nightgowns Wheelchair Capes andShawls Slippers Diabetic andCompression Socks www.AdaptiveClothingStore.caLAMB’SWindow CleaningResidentialEaves CleaningVinyl Siding WashingBocce Ball made a comeback at the 55 Plus Games in Brandon, MB this year.As the theme – ‘Young at Heart’ –of this year’s Liquor andLotteries 55 Plus Games held inBrandon, Manitoba implies, the athletes and participants proved theywere not only young at heart, butalso at sport and competition.There were indoor and outdoorevents – some fast-paced racingand some slower and more strategiccompetitions. The idea of the Gameswas to encourage eveyone to keepactive and move regardless of age orability.Those who were able ran track,swam, played pickleball matchesand slo-pitch tournaments. Thenthere was a 3 km PredictedWalk/Run and a 1 km Nordic PoleWalk. Others golfed, lawn bowled,floor curled, floor shuffled, andplayed bocce ball and horseshoes.Snooker, 5 pin bowling, bridge, cribbage and scrabble were among otherResidential & Commercialindoor competitions. There was evenan Arts & Crafts event. There was literally something for everyone ‘Promoting Healthy, Active Aging.’This was the 34th annual Gameslead by the Active Living Coalitionfor Older Adults in Manitoba(ALCOA-MB) since 2011.The 2017 Games will be held inKillarney, Manitoba.See the results of this years’ 55Plus Games inside this issue. Window CleaningSpecialists 20.00O FF204-226-2046TIRES COST LESSTIRES COST LESS TIRES COST LESS AT STONEWALL TIRE TIRES COST LESS AT STONEWALL TIRE TIRES - SALES & SERVICE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR MOBILE TIRE REPAIR ACCESSORIES 1-800-461-3209 377 1st Street E Stonewall, MB TIRES COST LESS AT STONEWALL TIRE TIRES COST LESS AT STONEWALL TIRE 204-467-5595

Page 2Senior Scope 204-467-9000 kelly goodman@shaw.caJuly 7 - August 3, 2016 V14N14

July 7 - August 3, 2016 V14N14Senior Scope 204-467-9000 kelly goodman@shaw.caPage 3Communauté Francophone News:Comme vous le savez, le programme Nouveaux Horizons pourles aînés appui les projets inspirésou dirigés par les aînés dans leurcollectivité et dans la vie des autres.Le programme Nouveaux Horizonspour les aînés a été lancé en octobre2004. Les projets financés aident lesaînés à devenir des membres actifsde leur collectivité en les encourageant à se servir de leurs compétences, de leur expérience et de leursagesse au profit de leur collectivité.Le programme Nouveaux Horizonspour les aînés accepte maintenant lesdemandes de financement pour lesprojets communautaires jusqu’au 29juillet 2016. Les organismes admissibles comprennent les organismessans but lucratif, les gouvernementsmunicipaux, les conseils de bande ouconseils tribaux, et autres organisations autochtones, les organismes etles instituts de recherche, les établissements d’enseignement, les conseils scolaires et les arrondissementsscolaires, les coalitions, les réseaux etles comités spéciaux communautaires. Consultez notre site Webpour obtenir d’autre informationimportante sur l’admissibilité d’organismes: demandeurs admissibles peuvent recevoir jusqu’à 25 000 parannée sous forme de subvention etdoivent viser un ou plusieurs descinq objectifs du programme : promouvoir le bénévolat auprèsdes aînés et les autres générations; inciter les aînés à participer à lavie de leur collectivité en encadrant d’autres personnes; accroître la sensibilisation auxmauvais traitements envers lesaînés, y compris l’exploitationfinancière; appuyer la participation sociale etl’inclusion des aînés; fournir une aide à l’immobilisation pour les projets et/ou les programmes communautaires nouveaux ou existants destinés auxaînés.On peut consulter les renseignements détaillés du programmeNouveaux Horizons pour les aînés, ycompris les demandes et les guidesde financement à cet égard On peutégalement composer le 1 800 2779915 en appuyant sur le « 0 » pourparler avec un agent (ATS : 1 800255-4786) pour de plus amplesinformations.Veuillez envoyer les applicationscomplètes au Centre de Spécialisation en Traitement situé à Calgary enAlberta :Nouveaux Horizons pour les aînésService Canada100-6712 rue Fisher Sud-EstCalgary, AB T2H 2A7New Horizons for Seniors Program Call for Proposal 2016As you may know, the NewHorizons for Seniors Program supports projects led or inspired by seniors who make a difference in theircommunities and in the lives of others.The New Horizons for SeniorsProgram was launched in October2004. Projects funded are helpingseniors become active members oftheir communities by encouragingthem to use their skills, wisdom andexperience to benefit other people intheir communities.The New Horizons for SeniorsProgram is now accepting applications for community-based projectsfunding until July 29th, 2016. Eligibleapplicants include not-for-profit organizations, municipal governments,band/tribal councils and otherAboriginal organizations, researchorganizations and institutes, educational institutions, school boards/school districts, community-basedcoalitions and networks. See ourwebsite for other eligibility information: applicants can receive up to 25,000 per year in grant funding andmust address one or more of the program's five objectives: promoting volunteerism among seniors and other generations; engaging seniors in the communitythrough the mentoring of others; expanding awareness of elder abuse,including financial abuse; supporting the social participationand inclusion of seniors; and providing capital assistance for newand existing community projectsand/or programs for seniors.Details about the Program, including application forms and fundingguides are available on the Web You canalso call for more information: 1-800277-9914 and select “0” to speak withan agent (TTY: 1-800- 255-4786).Please send all completed applications to the Specialized ProcessingCentre located in Calgary, AB:New Horizons for Seniors ProgramService Canada100-6712 Fisher Street South-EastCalgary, AB T2H 2A7Vital Seniors - Little Sprouts'Grow A Salad' in St. VitalArticle submitted by lesleykrsmith@gmail.comPhoto by IfeTayo AremuA third intergenerational projectAll faces were smiles afterwards,'Container Gardening - Grow A Salad'as seniors and families sharedattracted eight families to St. Marypizza and snacks made possible byMagdalene Anglican Church, Maycommunity supporters. 28, to try their hand at containergardening. With supervision fromtheir parents, the little sprouts,aged 1 - 9 yrs. of age, planted easyto grow donated tomatoes, cabbages, herbs, grapes, lettuce, onions,and strawberries, to name but afew.The seniors got down and dirtytoo. Instructor, Jerry, nicknamed'Ish', a retired teacher from DakotaCollegiate and avid gardener withties to the farming community, ledthe group, sharing his secrets ofsuccess, and answering questionsabout common tomato ailmentslike bottom rot.Submit your ‘local’ stories to kelly’ll do our best to include it in the ‘next’ issue of Senior Scope.In home computer repairsand 1 on 1 computer training!Unit 12A–2188 McPhillips St. Wpg204-586-7953www.coreyscomputing.comCOUPON 40 OFFComputer/LaptopRepairs Programme Nouveaux Horizons pourles aînés - Appel de propositions 2016or the purchase ofUsed Computers& LaptopsCannot be combined withany other offer. Couponhas no cash value.We fixMacs!Offer expires August 31/16 Computer & laptop repairsWe make house calls. New and used laptops & computers Computer training Services for Home & Business 10 Main Street South (at River) / renamed 10 Queen Elizabeth Way We are the only trained and certified Geneva 2000 Clinic in Manitoba Denture Repairs (while you wait) Denture Relines (same day)Complete and Partial Dentures Partial Upper and Lower DenturesMetal Free Partials (totally natural) Repelling Magnetic Dentures (tighten loose dentures)Cutter Bars (will offer you a better chewing experience) Soft Cushion Denture Base (for more comfort)Ultra-Suction Valves (reduce coverage of palate for better suction)Implant Supported Dentures - Dental Implants are giving pleasure to thousands of denture wearers worldwide.Ask us for more information. Tooth Extractions and Dental Implants performed in office Home and Institutional Visits AvailableCall us today for your free consultation or second opinion

Living Made Easy Ltd.Home Healthcare Products New & UsedFusion 2-in-1 Walkerand Transport WheelchairYes, you can pay less taxon retirement income.Wheelchairto Walker Padded Seat & Backrest Side Folding Swing & Lock Footrests Supports up to 300 lbs Available in 3 Seat Heights 425.00 Lightweight - 17.1 lbs665 Archibald Street Wpg(204) 231-1746Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 10-2Drawing income from traditional non-registeredinvestments can create a sizeable annual tax bill.Now there are alternatives. Call now for details.(204)257-9100 Island Shore Blvd Winnipeg.Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Insurance products and services distributed through I.G. InsuranceServices Inc. Insurance license sponsored by The Great-West Life Assurance Company. Trademarks, includingInvestors Group, are owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. (02/2014)Page 4Looking.for more customers?Want.better cash flow?Call or CUREYOURFUTUREIf a move or relocation to Teulon,MB could be in your future, youcan keep your options open.There are only 6 of these countrysized lots left (110 ft x 150 ft).Paved streets, sewer, telephone,natural gas and underground hydro– all services to the property line.No building timeline.Invest in your future – nice lotsat a nice price - 45,000.For more information:204-886-7632jpgoodman415@gmail.comOCD CLEANSATISFACTIONGUARANTEEDDISCOUNTS AFFORDABLECHEMICAL FREE AVAILABLE(NORWEX)BASIC / DEEP/ CLEANING& ORGANIZINGCall or Text204-651-1182Readingsby WendyPalmistryPrivate Appointments:1 Person Reading 402 for 75, 3 for 100Call or Text:204-206-0081Tarotto book an appointmentShirley HillExecutive Financial ConsultantInvestors Group Financial Services Inc.Senior Scope 204-467-9000 kelly goodman@shaw.caJuly 7 - August 3, 2016 V14N14Are you your estate’s worstenemy?- Shirley Hill, CFP - Executive Financial Consultant, Investors GroupIn some of my previous articles Ihave written about the work that wedo in preparing heirs for an inheritance. I am now starting to noticethat there is another equally important part of the equation that is notdrawing much attention: preparingthe decision maker to seek soundadvice and knowing when to let go. Iam starting to see a trend as I chatwith more and more retirees, executors and family members. I will referto this decision maker as the “LoneRanger.”So what does this personality typelook like? In most cases I have seen the gender of the lone ranger is male They are usually very well educated They usually hold or held a prominent position in an organization orwere self-employed They are the decision maker in thefamily when it comes to finances They will often have brokerageaccounts at several firms for whatthey refer to as “asset allocation”or “diversification” They have built up a substantialportfolio of mostly random holdings They are very proud of theiraccomplishments They will never spend this moneyand the management of the portfolio is now a hobby They tend to be price-sensitiveBy many definitions this personis very successful and should becongratulated. However, success ismeasured in various ways. If theintention was to accumulate wealth,then they have been very successful.If the intention was to have an integrated financial plan that someoneother than the Lone Ranger (a familymember, spouse or executor) couldmanage, then this method for theaccumulation of wealth would notbe considered a success story. Thisclient could be very difficult to dealwith from a planning perspective asyou would have no clue as to thedirection this account may go.The desired end result is usuallywell thought out by the Lone Rangerbut rarely executed properly. Thisperson usually has expectationsthat either a spouse, family memberor an accountant will have the ability and knowledge to look af

Ultra-Suction Valves (reduce coverage of palate for better suction) Implant Supported Dentures - Dental Implants are giving pleasure to thousands of denture wearers worldwide. Ask us for more information. Tooth Extractions and Dental Implants performed in office Home and Institutional Visits Available 10 Main Street South (at River) / renamed 10 Queen Elizabeth Way Call us today .