MCOM 4363.001 Public Relations Case Studies Syllabus Fall 2021 Faculty .


Page 1MCOM 4363.001 Public Relations Case StudiesSyllabus – Fall 2021I. Faculty InformationA. Dr. Marsha Little Matthews1. CAS 2252. Office Hours: Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. – Noon, and by appointment3. Phone: 903-566-70994. E-mail: mmatthews@uttyler.edu5. Twitter: @MCommProfII. Course DescriptionA. MCOM 4363 Public Relations & Advertising Campaigns: Application and analysis ofpublic relations principles in cases in business and industry, government, institutions,trades, and professions. Pre-requisites: MCOM 3395 Writing for PR/Advertising, plusMCOM 2375 Introduction to Public Relations.III. Student Learning OutcomesA. Students will be able to1. Write correctly and clearly using the formats and styles appropriate for publicrelations/integrated communication or multimedia journalism audiences.(Competency: Writing/Storytelling)a) Develop and write a public relations campaign plan and other relatedtools.b) Write concise critiques of public relations and advertising cases.2. Conduct research and evaluate information using method appropriate to publicrelations/integrated communication or multimedia journalism professions.(Competency: Analysis & Systematic Inquiry)a) Demonstrate the ability to think critically through the evaluation ofpublic relations and advertising case studies.b) Determine an appropriate research strategy for a campaign byoutlining the strategy.3. Be able to construct a persuasive message, adapted to the audience, purpose,and context of the situation. (Competency: Argument)a) Demonstrate the ability to plan strategically for various types ofcampaigns.b) Develop a budget and timeline for a campaign4. Understand and apply concepts and theories in the use and presentation ofimages and information using tools and technologies appropriate for publicrelations/integrated communication or mediated journalism. (Competency:Mediated Presentation)MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021

Page 2a) Understand and utilize the creative process, which includes curiosity,senses, synesthesia, whole-brain thinking, divergent/convergentthinking, flexibility, problem finding, intuition, mindfulness, tolerancefor ambiguity, and the willingness to learn from mistakes.5. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of communication withinorganizations. (Competency: Complex Organizations)IV. Course RequirementsA. Texts1. Center, A.H., Jackson, P., Smith, S., & Stansberry, F. (2014). Public RelationsPractices: Managerial Case Studies and Problems, 8th Edition, Upper SaddleRiver, NJ: Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 978-0-13-312764-5)2. Gilliland, R., & Hagley, T.R. (2017). Writing Winning Proposals: PR Cases,3rd Edition. San Diego, CA: Cognella. (ISBN: 978-1-5165-1636-0)3. Marsh, C., Guth, D.W., and Short, B.P. (2021). Strategic Writing: MultimediaWriting for Public Relations, 5th Edition. New York: Routledge (ISBN: 978-03678-9540-2)4. You should already have a copy of the AP Stylebooka) Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual.B.C.D.E.F.G.Written Assignments and Creativity NotebookDiscussionsExamsCampaign Proposal ProjectCase Study Analyses/PresentationsReadingsV. Evaluation and Grade CalculationExamsCase Analysis ionAssignments/Creativity NotebookCampaign Proposal ProjectTotal20%20%15%15%30%100%I. Assignment Categories with List of Assignments –DO NOT FREAK OUT! MOST OF THESE ARE NOT VERY LONG. WE AREBUILDING KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS. SOME ASSIGNMENTS ARE BROKENDOWN INTO STAGES OR PHASES. BABY STEPS TO SOLIDIFY KNOWLEDGE,CRITICAL THINKING/ANALYSIS SKILLS, AND HOW A PR PLAN IS CREATED.A. Exams and Quizzes – Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 31. All quizzes and exams test knowledge and the ability to apply the principlesand information studied. They are based upon the assigned readings anddiscussions.MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021

Page 32. List of quizzes:a)b)c)d)e)f)g)h)i)j)k)Center: Chp 1 & 2Gilliland & Hagley – Part 1: 2 & 3Center – Chp 3G&H Part 1, Sec. 4, 5, 6Center – Chp 4Center – Chp 5Center – Chp 6 – Case 6-2Center – Chp 6 – Case 6-3Center – Chp 7Center – Chp 8Center – Chp 9B. Cases Papers/Presentations – Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 51. The assignments in this category engage and develop writing, research,strategic planning, critical thinking, and analysis skills by reading cases,answering questions that should be considered and addressed as research toanalyze and develop a response to the situation. Skills are developed andrefined in the areas of presentation planning, rehearsal, and delivery using theassignments in this category2. List of assignments:a)b)c)d)e)f)g)h)i)j)k)l)m)n)o)p)q)G&H: Part IV: Case 1: Mysterious Sound in DeschambaultG&H: Part IV: Case 2: Accountability in Event Planning: GettingNothing for SomethingCenter Chp 3 Case PresentationsG&H: Part IV: Case 3: Employee Communication: Quality Out ofControlCenter Chp 3 Case AnalysisCenter Chp 4: Case 4-2 Hospital Closing PR Plan – Individual –Questions ResponseCenter Chp 4: Case 4-2 PR Plan PowerPointCenter Chp 6 – Problem 6A/6CContaminated Lagoon – Plan – PreliminaryContaminated Lagoon – Plan – Phase1Contaminated Lagoon – Plan – Phase 1 – Individual WorkContaminated Lagoon – PowerPoint – Phase 1Contaminated Lagoon – Plan PowerPoint – Phase 2Contaminated Lagoon – Plan – Phase 2Contaminated Lagoon – Plan – Phase 3Contaminated Lagoon – Plan – Phase 4Peer Reviews for Final ProjectsC. Journals/Discussions/Participation1. Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021

Page 42. Journal entries are NOT a summary or notes from the readings. Journal entriesARE about reading, thinking, and finding connections – whether apparent ornot – especially connections that are not apparent – and writing your thoughts,impressions and connections, and THE NEW QUESTIONS ALL OFTHAT CREATES.3. The Discussions help you learn to listen to the ideas of others, discuss how toincorporate, build up, modify, and/or eliminate possible solutions, strategies,approaches, etc. to a problem, challenge, or opportunity presented in thereadings or cases study.4. Assignments in this category:a)b)c)d)e)f)g)h)i)j)k)Journal 1Discussion Journal 1Journal 2Discussion Journal 2Journal 3Discussion Journal 3Journal 4Discussion Journal 4Journal 5Discussion Journal 5Roll Call Attendance is part of this category because this is part of theparticipation grade for this course.D. Assignments/Creativity Notebook – Learning Outcomes 4 and 4a1. Public Relations – and life in general – is a creative endeavor, yet most peoplehave no idea about how creativity works. Students will learn about thecreative process and how to utilize the creative process professionally andpersonally. The creative process includes curiosity, all senses, synesthesia,whole-brain thinking, flexibility, PROBLEM FINDING, mindfulness,tolerance for ambiguity, and a WILLINGNESS TO MAKE MISTAKES.This category also includes assignments which will demonstrate knowledge,understanding, and application of the concepts studied and the parts of the PRplan.2. Assignments in the category:a)b)c)d)e)f)g)h)i)j)Creativity Notebook – CuriositaDimostrazione Creativity Notebook AssignmentSensazione Creativity NotebookHomework Assignment #1 STATEMENTHomework Assignment #2 SITUATIONSfumato Creativity NotebookHomework Assignment #3 GOALHomework Assignment #4 FOCUSHomework Assignment #5 OBJECTIVECreativity Notebook – Arte/ScienzaMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021

Page 5E. Final Project Plan – Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 51. This category is a team project. It brings together everything that has beencovered throughout the semester. Each team will be assigned a PR Case andwill develop a PR plan, PowerPoint, and make a team presentation. Elementsof the plan also include writing/creating tools for the plan.2. Assignments in this category:a)b)c)d)e)f)Final Project Preparation – Mind MapMemo, Blog Post, or Email MemoQ&A, News Release, or MemoScript or Radio PSAFinal Project – Campaign PlanFinal Project - PresentationI. Course PoliciesA. Course Withdrawal: The last date to withdraw from classes without penalty isNovember 2, 2021.B. Final Examination Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2021, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.(subject to change when the finals schedule is published).C. Electronic Devices: Turn off all electronic devices including cell phones and MP3players. Allowing a cell phone or other device to ring during class is rude and disruptsclass. No text messaging or checking the time on your cell phone during class. Keepthese devices in your backpack during class.D. Use of Computers in Class: Do not use computers during class for reading/writinge-mail, surfing the Web, playing games, working on assignments for other classes, orwriting letters. You may use a laptop computer only for taking class notes. If you useyour laptop for any other purpose, I will require you to immediately close thecomputer.E. Assignment Policy:1. Assignments will be given throughout the semester. Students are responsiblefor all course materials, including, but not limited to, class lectures, handouts,workbook, and textbook reading assignments.2. Assignments and due dates may be changed at the instructor’s discretion withfair notice to students.3. Students must complete all assignments in order to pass the course. This doesnot mean that merely completing all assignments guarantees the student willpass the course.4. Unless otherwise specified, assignments are due at the beginning of class.5. ALL PAPERS MUST BE TYPED OR WORD-PROCESSED USING THEFORMAT REQUIRED FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.6. SPELLING, GRAMMAR, AND NEATNESS COUNT!MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021

Page 67. Staple or paperclip multiple pages together. It is your responsibility to see thisis accomplished.F. Late Assignments: Late assignments will not be accepted. Assignments are due atthe beginning of the class period on the date specified.G. Attendance and Tardiness Policy: Students are expected to attend class. Fourabsences are allowed – this includes illness, university-sponsored activities, etc. Afifth absence will lower the final grade by 5 percentage points. The seventhabsence will lower the grade by 10 percentage points (example: if your finalgrade is 85, with seven absences your posted grade will be 75 or “C”. See thecurrent UT Tyler catalog for the university’s policy on student responsibility formissed classes and assignments. Be familiar with the university’s drop policy.Students who anticipate being absent from class due to religious observance oruniversity-sponsored activities should inform the instructor by the second classmeeting. Students over 15 minutes late are considered absent. If a student mustbe absent the day an exam or presentation is scheduled, he/she must notify theinstructor before class time. No make-up tests or presentations will be allowed ifthe instructor is not given a legitimate excuse before the time of the exam orpresentation.MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryPage 1WhatDueDay DueDate DueWeek 1Tuesday8/24/21HandoutsSyllabusStudent ScheduleTopicAssignmentsThursdayMegacreativity Chp 1 & 2 - HaikuCenter Chp 1 The Purpose of PRChp 2 How PR Deals with Problems &OpportunitiesTuesday8/31/21Center - Online Tests Chps 1 & 2Tuesday8/31/21Gilliland & Hagley - Sec. 1-1 - Importance ofPlanning (p.1-2)Sec, IV - Public Relations Case StudiesCase 1 - Community Relations - MysteriousSound in Deschambault - p. 79-82Complete the Assignment p. 80-82 - upload toCanvas due by 11 a.m.Thursday8/26/218/26/21HandoutsDue:MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021NoneMysterious Sound in Deschambault p 80-82Due

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDatePage 2CategoryTopicsWhatG&H Section 1 - 1. Importance of PlanningMysterious Sound in DeschambaultClass discussion of assignment results.Megacreativity continuedJournals & DiscussionsDueAssignmentsGilliland & Hagley - Part 1 Sec 2 Understanding the Planning Process - p 3-4G&H - Part 1 Sec 3 - Grasping the Challengesof the Planning Environment - p 4-11DueMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Day DueDate DueTuesday9/2/21G&H - Part IV - Case 2 - Accountability inEvent Planning: Getting Nothing forSomething - p 82-85READ CLASS ROLE PLAY CLOSELY THEN ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON P. 8283.UPLOAD TO CANVAS BY 11 A.M. 9/2/21Be prepared to participate in the classdiscussionTuesday9/2/21Journal 1 - Center 1 & 2, G&H 1 & 2,Creativity lectures/discussions currentevents, etc. - by 11:59 p.m. (also upload toDiscussion)Sunday, 11:59 p.m.Journal 1 Discussion Be prepared toparticipate in the class discussionWed.,11:59 p.m.8/29/219/1/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryPage 3WhatDueDay DueDate DueWeek 2DueSunday8/29/21Tuesday8/31/21HandoutsJournal Entry 1 by 11:59 p.m. (also uploadto Discussion)Creativity Notebook Assignment CuriositaSelf-Assessment CuriositaDueTopicCenter - Online Tests Chp 1 & 2Megacreativity Chp 4Intro 7 Da Vincian PrinciplesPPT ue:DueMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Creativity Notebook CuriositaParticipation inDiscussion - Journal 1 by 11:59 p.m.Journal 1 - G&H Chp 2DueThursday,bring toclass9/9/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryTopicAssignmentsMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021WhatG&H - Part IV - Case 2 - Accountability inEvent Planning: Getting Nothing forSomething - p 82-85READ CLASS ROLE PLAY CLOSELY THEN ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON P. 8283.UPLOAD TO CANVAS BY 11 A.M. 9/2/21Be prepared to participate in the classdiscussionPage 4DueDay DueDate DueG&H - Part 1, Sec. 2 - Understanding thePlanning ProcessG&H - Part 1, Sec 3 - Grasping theChallenges of the Planning EnvironmentG&H - Part IV - Accountability in EventPlanning: Getting Nothing for SomethingCenterChp 3 Employee RelationsDueOnline Test Center Chp 3Tues, by11 a.m.9/7/21G&H Part 1-Sec 4 - Writing with Integrity - p 11-12Part 1-Sec 5 - Writing with Accountability - p12-15Part 1-Sec 6 - Writing with Clarity - p. 15-16Thursday9/9/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryPage 5WhatG&HPart IV-Case 3 - Employee Communication:Quality Control Out of Control - p 86-89READ EVERYTHING.THEN COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT P. 87This is an ANALYSIS - NOT A SUMMARYOF FINDINGS. What do you learn from theresearch as a whole?9/5/21Tuesday9/7/219/5/21Journal 2 Discussion - participationWed by11:59 p.m.9/8/21RECAP - Reverse Engineering Case AnalysisProcessAdventures in PR - Chp 2 - Analyzing CaseStudiesDueTopicOnline Test Center Chp 3Center - Chp 3 discussionOverview Analyzing Case StudiesMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Date Due9/9/21Sun. by11:59 p.m.Due: Journal 2 - Center 3, G&H Part 1,Sections 4, 5, & 6, creativitylectures/exercises, class discussions, currentevents, etc.HandoutsDay DueThurs. by11 a.m.Journal 2 - Center 3, G&H Part 1, Sections 4,5, & 6, creativity lectures/exercises, classdiscussions, current events, etc.Week 3SundayDue

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryAssignmentsPage 6WhatDueCases & Case Analysis - Analyze using theRECAP method.ANALYZE USING THE RECAP METHOD INDIVIDUAL WORK Upload to Canvas (NOTGROUP WORK)YOU WILL THEN WORK AS A GROUP TOPREPARE FOR YOUR CLASSPRESENTATION OF YOUR COMBINEDANALYSIS RESULTS.DueCase 3-1: Communicating through Acquisition:Southwest Airlines Takes on AirTran andBlends Employee Cultures (p. 29)Case 3-2: Buffeted by Management Changesand a Rocky Economy, a StrategicCommunication System Keeps EmployeesFocused (p. 33)Journal 2 Discussion - participation - by y Notebook Curiosita - BRING TOCLASSG&H PART IV - CASE 3 EmployeeCommunication: Quality Out of Control AnalysisMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Day DueTues., by11 a.m.Date Due9/14/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryTopicAssignmentsPage 7What9/13/21Tuesday9/14/21G&H QuizzesPart 1: 2 & 3Part 1: 4, 5, & 6DueMon. by11:59 p.m.9/16/219/21/21Center - Panel Presentations Case 3-1 - 10 minutes each teamCase 3-2 - 10 minutes each team9/16/21Dimostrazione Self-AssessmentExamining ExperienceDueRECAP Analysis of either Case 3-1 or 3-2TopicDimostrazione – A commitment to testknowledge through experience, persistence,and a willingness to learn from mistakes.MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Date DueG&H Part II - Sec 1 - The Frog: A WhimsicalStory to Introduce the Components of a PublicRelations Plan - p 17-19G&H Part II - Sec. 2 - Developing Better Plans- p. 19-23G&H Quizzes by 11:59 p.m.HandoutDay DueG&H Part 1Section 4 - Writing with IntegritySection 5 - Writing with AccountabilitySection 6 - Writing with ClarityCase 3: Employee Communication Out ofControlWeek 4MondayDue

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryPage 8WhatAssignmentsCreativity Notebook – DimostrazioneDueDueDate DueTuesday9/21/21Thurs. by11 a.m.9/16/21Center - Chp 4 online testTuesday9/21/21Journal 3 - Center 4, G&H Part II, Sections 1& 2, creativity lectures/exercises, classdiscussions, current events, etc.also upload to DiscussionSun. by11:59 p.m.9/19/21Discussion Journal 3 - by 11:59 p.m.Wed. by11:59 p.m.9/22/21Panel Presentations - Center: Case 3-1 andCase 3-2Team Summary of Group Analysis- due Thurs., 9/16/21 by 11 a.m.ThursdayDay Due9/16/21DueG&H QuizzesPart 1: 2 & 3Part 1: 4, 5, & 6Center: Case 3-1 and Case 3-2Team Summary of Group Analysis - dueThurs., 9/16/21 by 11 a.m.TopicAssignmentCenter Case 3-1/3-2 PanelsCenter - Chp 4 Community RelationsWeek 5Sunday9/19/21Tuesday9/21/21MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Journal 3 by 11:59 p.m. - and upload toDiscussion 3Due

Fall 2021Course enter - Chp 4 online testPage 9DueDay DueDate DueCreativity Notebook DimostrazioneExamining Self Experience & PracticingInternal Anti-Commercial Martial ArtsTopicG&H Part II - Sec. 1 - The Frog: A WhimsicalStory to Introduce the Components of a PRPlan - p. 17-19In-Class Center Chp 4Case 4-2: Community RelationshipsMaintained During Hospital Closing (p. 61)AssignmentsCenter Chp 4 Case 4-2 Hospital ClosingPowerPointAnswer scenario questions from the PPTaddressing the issues you discovered.Upload your INDIVIDUAL answers to thescenario questions.DueMonday9/27/21Create a plan and a PowerPoint with yourteam for Center Case 4-2 Hospital Closingscenario questions.Presentations - 9/30/21DueThurs. by11 a.m.9/30/21Thurs. by11 a.m.9/30/21G&H Part II - Sec 4 - Creativity in PlanWriting - p 26-29Part II - Sec 5 - Questions for EvaluatingSome of the Components of a PR Plan - p.29-30Part III - Sec 1 - Introductory Statement - p45-47MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021

Fall 2021Course 1CategoryPage 10WhatDueDay DueDate DueJournal Discussion Participation by 11:59p.m.NO CLASS MEETINGTopicAssignmentsG&H - Part II (continued)Sec. 1 - The Frog: A Whimsical Story toIntroduce the Components of a PR PlanSec. 2 - Developing Better PlansPart II - Sec. 5 - Creativity in Plan Writing - p26-29Part II - Sec. 5 - Questions for EvaluatingSome of the Components of a PR Plan - p.29-30Part III - Sec 1 - Introductory StatementDueThursday9/30/21DueTuesday10/5/21Week 6Due Individual answers to Center Chap 4Case 4-2 Hospital Closing - questions fromPPT by 11:59 mentsSensazione AssessmentSensazione: The continual refinement of thesenses, esp. sight, as a means to enlivenexperience.Creativity Notebook - SensazioneCenter- Chp 5 Investor RelationsMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/202110/5/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayThursdayDateCategoryWhatCenter - Chp 5 Online TestPage 11DueDay DueDate Due10/5/21Journal 4 - Center 5, G&H Part II, Sections4 & 5, Part III, Section 1, creativitylectures/exercises, class discussions,current events, etc.Sun. by11:59 p.m.10/3/21Discussion Journal 4Wed by11:59 p.m.10/6/21G&HPart III Sec. 2 - Situation Analysis - p 47-50Tuesday10/5/21Homework Assignment #1: Statement - seehandout - memo with instructionsTues. by11 a.m.10/5/219/30/21HandoutsHomework Assignment #1 - StatementDueCenter Case 4-2 Group PowerPointTopicCenter Case 4-2 Group Power PointG&H - Part II Sec 4 - Creativity in Plan WritingPart II Sec 5 - Questions for Evaluating Someof the Components of a PR PlanPart III Sec 1 - Introductory StatementHow to Write a MemoAssignmentsWeek 7Sunday10/3/21Tuesday10/5/21Journal 3 due by 11:59 & upload to DiscussionHandoutsMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Homework #2: Situation Analysis

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryDueWhatCenter - Chp 5 Online TestPage 12DueDay DueDate DueCreativity Notebook - SensazioneDiscussion Journal 4TopicAssignmentsDueWed.10/6/21GG&H - Part III Sec 2 - Situation AnalysisHomework #2: Situation AnalysisThursday10/12/21Tuesday10/12/21G&H Part III - Goal - p. 50-54Wednesday10/6/21Thursday10/7/21Discussion Journal 4 participation by 11:59p.m.HandoutsHomework #2: Situation AnalysisSfumato AssessmentDue:TopicAssignmentsHomework Assignment #1: StatementSfumato - literally "going up in smoke". Awillingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, &uncertaintyHomework Assignment #2: SituationAnalysisGilliland & Hagley - Rules for WritingComponents - Goal - p. 164-168Creativity Notebook - SfumatoWeek 8Tuesday10/12/21HandoutsMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Homework Assignment #3: GoalDue10/12/21Thursday10/14/21

Fall 2021Course work Assignment #2: SituationAnalysisPage 13DueDay DueDate DueHomework #1: StatementG&H Part III Sec 3 - Goal p 50-54Customer Relations - Customer DelightAssignmentsCenter - Chp 6 - Consumer RelationsTuesday11 a.m.10/19/21Teams will be assignedCenter - Problem 6A Wine Bar NeedsRepositioning - p. 139Center - Problem 6C - Turning CustomerComplaints to Customer Delight - p 140141Each team will write an Issue Statement,Situation Analysis, & Goal. You will showyour Word document to the class Tuesday10/19/21Tuesday11 a.m.10/19/2110/14/21DueCreativity Notebook - SfumatoCenter 6A or 6C - Issue Statement,Situation Analysis, & Goal - Word docMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021TuesdayCenter - Chp 6 - Online TestsTWO QUIZZESCENTER 6 - CASE 6-2CENTER 6 - CASE 603Homework Assignment #3: GoalThursdayDue10/19/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryTopicAssignmentsPage 14WhatDueDay DueDate DueCenter Chapter 6Problem 6A and 6C - DiscussionG&H Part III Sec 4 - Focus/TargetAudience(s)p 55-56Part IV Case 7 - Community Relations: TheContaminated Lagoon - p 108-118DueTuesday10/19/21DueThursday10/21/21Week 9Tuesday10/19/21HandoutsDueHomework #4: FocusHomework Assignment #3: GoalCenter - Chp 6 - Center - Online TestsTopicGilliland & Hagley - Rules for WritingComponents - Focus of a Plan - p. 168-170Center Chp 6 - Teams present Issue, SituationAnalysis & Goal - DiscussionAssignmentsMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Homework #4: FocusG&H Part III Sec 5 Objectives p 56-62Be prepared to discuss 10/21/21ThursdayG&H Part IV Case 7 - Contaminated LagoonINDIVIDUAL WORKWrite Problem/Opportunity/ChallengeStatementWrite Situation AnalysisSat. by11:59 p.m.10/23/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryPage 15WhatDueDay DueTues, by11:59 p.m.DueTuesdayTEAM WORKWrite Problem/Opportunity/ChallengeStatementWrite Situation AnalysisNO INDIVIDUAL WORK SUBMITTED THEN NO GRADE FOR THE TEAMASSIGNMENT FOR THAT INDIVIDUAL.Thursday10/21/21HandoutsDueHomework Assignment #5: ObjectiveHomework #4: FocusReturnRevision Homework #1: StatementTopicG&H Part III Sec 5 Objectives p 56-62Campaign Parts breakdownAssignmentsHomework Assignment #5: ObjectivePart III - Sec 6 - Strategies p 62-66SaturdayINDIVIDUAL WORKG&H Part IV Case 7 Contaminated LagoonIssue Statement, Situation Analysis10/23/21Week 10TuesdayDate Due10/26/2110/26/21HandoutsDueMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Arte/Scienza AssessmentHomework Assignment #5: Objectiveby11:59 p.m.10/26/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryPage 16WhatDueDay DueDate DueTEAM WORKG&H PART IV Case 7 ContaminatedLagoonWrite Problem/Opportunity/ChallengeStatementWrite Situation AnalysisTopicAssignmentsArte/Scienza - The development of thebalance between science & art, logic &imagination. "Whole-brain" thinkingCreativity Notebook - Arte/ScienzaDueThursday11/2/21Center - Chp 7 Online TextThursday11/4/21Final Project PreparationCreate a MindMap over the case you have been assignedfor the Final Project. DO NOT CONSULTWITH YOUR TEAM MATE.Tues. by11a.m.bring to class11/2/21Tuesday11/2/21Center - Chp 7 Media RelationsThursday10/28/21HandoutsHomework Assignment #6: StrategyReturnRevision Homework #2: SituationReturnHomework #4: FocusTopicAssignmentsG&H Part IV-Case 7 Contaminated LagoonPart III - Sec 5 Objectives, p 56-62Part III - Sec. 6 - Strategies - p 62-66G&H Part III - Activities (Tactics) - p 67-70Contaminated Lagoon Individual Work -Revised Statement &Situation Analysis - ADD GOALMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021DueFriday10/29/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayFridayDateCategoryWhatTEAM: PHASE 1 OF CONTAMINATEDLAGOON PLANRevise Statement & Situation Analysis and add GOALMonday11/1/21Tuesday11/2/21Sun. by11:59 p.m.10/31/21Discussion Journal 5Wed by11:59 p.m.11/3/21DueDueJournal 5 (also uploaded to Discussion by11:59 p.m.Team - Contaminated Lagoon - Phase 1 Revised Statement & Situation Analysisplus GoalDueLagoon PowerPoint for each TeamCreativity Notebook - Arte/ScienzaFinal Project - Mind Map - bring to classTopicMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021Date Due11/1/21Journal 5 - Center 5 & 7, G&H Part II, Sec 26, creativity exercises, class discussions,current events, etc.Contaminated Lagoon Individual Work - REVISED STATEMENT &SITUATION ANALYSIS AND ADDED GOAL10/31/21Day DueMondayTuesdayWeek 11SundayDueLagoon Phase 1 - PowerPointand Team PresentationDue10/29/21Page 17Lagoon - Teams present Statement,Situation11/2/21

Fall 2021Course 1CategoryAssignmentsWhatPhase 2 - Revision of Lagoon Statement,Situation, & Goal - Add Plan FocusPresentation - Thurs. 11/4/21Page 18DueDueDay DueThursdayDueTuesday11/9/21Contaminated Lagoon - Phase 3Revise Statement, Situation Analysis, Goal,& Focus - ADD OBJECTIVES &STRATEGIESTues., by11 a.m.11/9/21Final Project Campaign Proposals &PowerPoint - Presentations begin 11/18/21Tues.DueDiscussion Journal 5 - by 11:59 p.m.DuePhase 2 - Revision of Lagoon Statement,Situation, & Goal - add FocusDate Due11/4/21Center - Chp 7 - Online TestTopicFinal Project Overview - TeamsPhase 2 Lagoon - Teams present revisedStatement, Situation, Goal plus Plan FocusNext Objectives and StrategiesG&H Part III Sec 7 Activities (Tactics)AssignmentsMCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021G&H Part III Sec 8 Execution Timeline p 7074Part III Sec 9 Evaluation p 74-75Part III Sec 10 Budgets p 76-7811/16/21

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayDateCategoryPage 19WhatDueDay DueDate DueWeek 12Tuesday11/9/21DueThursdayPhase 3 Contaminated Lagoon - RevisedStatement, Situation Analysis, Goal & Focus added Objectives & StrategiesTopicPhase 3 - Lagoon presentationsDiscussion - Objectives & StrategiesActivities, Timeline, Budget & EvaluationAssignmentsContaminated Lagoon - Phase IVRevise everything - ADD ACTIVITIES &EVALUATIONNO POWERPOINT11:59 p.m.11/14/21Center - Chp 8 - Center - Online TestsTuesday11/16/21Final Project - Plans, PowerPoint, &Individual WorkPresentations begin 11/18/21Tues., by11:59 p.m.11/16/2111/11/21TopicAssignmentsFinal Project & other topicsCenter - Chp 8 - Public Issue Campaigns &DebatesWeek 13Contaminated Lagoon - Phase IVRevise everything - ADD ACTIVITIES &EVALUATION - NO POWERPOINTSunday11/14/21MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docxSyllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021

Fall 2021Course ScheduleWeek/DayTuesdayDateCategoryPage 20WhatDueDay DueDate Due11/16/21DueCenter - Chp 8 - Center - Online TestsFINAL CAMPAIGN PROPOSALS DUE &PPTTopicAssignmentsNO CLASS MEETING TODAYCenter - Chp 9 - Crisis ManagementCenter - Chp 9 - Online TestsThursday11/18/21DueCampaign Presentations2 teams 15 minutes eachWeek SGIVINGWeek 15Tuesday11/30/21DueTopic

MCOM 4363 PR Advertising Cases Syllabus F20.docx Syllabus and Course Schedule subject to revision. Revised: 8/17/2021 MCOM 4363.001 Public Relations Case Studies Syllabus - Fall 2021 I. Faculty Information A. Dr. Marsha Little Matthews 1. CAS 225 2. Office Hours: Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. - Noon, and by appointment 3. Phone: 903-566-7099 4.