Verse KJV NIV TNIV - King James Video Ministries


LordKJVNIVTNIV1. Genesis 8:21 -Versethe Lordomitomit2. Genesis 16:10 -the angel of the Lordthe angelthe angel3. Genesis 18:3 -My Lordmy lordmy lord4. Genesis 19:13 -the Lordhehe5. Genesis 39:23 -the Lordomitomithe said to himhe said to him6. Exodus 6:29 -the Lord spake unto Moses7. Exodus 12:23 -the Lordhehe8. Exodus 14:31 -believed the Lordput their trust in himput their trust in him9. Exodus 16:7 -the Lordhimhim10. Exodus 16:8 -the Lordhehe11. Exodus 19:20 -the Lordomitomit12. Leviticus 24:11 -the name of the Lordthe Namethe Name13. Leviticus 24:16 -the name of the Lordthe Namethe Name14. Numbers 3:4 -the Lordhimhim15. Numbers 3:51 -the Lordomitomit16. Numbers 5:21 -the Lordhehe17. Numbers 9:18 -the Lordhishis18. Numbers 9:20 -the Lordhishis19. Numbers 9:23 -the Lordhishis20. Numbers 11:1 -the Lordhehe21. Numbers 11:33 -the Lordhehe22. Numbers 14:43 -the Lordhehe 1

VerseKJVNIVTNIV23. Numbers 15:25 -the Lordomitomit24. Numbers 23:15 -the Lordhimhim25. Deuteronomy 1:45 - the Lordhehe26. Deuteronomy 4:10 - the Lordhehe27. Deuteronomy 6:15 - the Lordhishis28. Deuteronomy 7:8 - the Lordhehe29. Deuteronomy 9:5 - the Lordhehe30. Deuteronomy 9:8 - the Lordhehe31. Deuteronomy 10:10 - the Lordhishis32. Deuteronomy 13:3 - the Lord your Godhimhim33. Deuteronomy 13:18 - the Lord thy Godhishis34. Deuteronomy 15:4 - the Lordhehe35. Deuteronomy 15:20 - the Lordhehe36. Deuteronomy 16:1 - the Lord thy Godhehe37. Deuteronomy 16:6 - the Lord thy Godhehe38. Deuteronomy 16:10 - the Lord thy Godomitomit39. Deuteronomy 16:11 - the Lord thy Godhehe40. Deuteronomy 17:1 - the Lord thy Godhimhim41. Deuteronomy 19:1 - the Lord thy Godhehe42. Deuteronomy 23:2 - the Lordomitomit43. Deuteronomy 23:3 - the Lordomitomit44. Deuteronomy 23:5 - the Lord thy Godomitomit45. Deuteronomy 25:19 - the Lord thy Godhehe46. Deuteronomy 26:10 - the Lord thy Godhimhim47. Deuteronomy 28:11 - the Lordhehe48. Deuteronomy 28:63 - the Lordhimhim 2

NIVTNIV49. Deuteronomy 29:20 - the LordVerseKJVhishis50. Deuteronomy 30:3 - the Lord thy Godhehe51. Deuteronomy 30:5 - the Lord thy GodHeHe52. Deuteronomy 30:6 - the Lord thy Godhimhim53. Joshua 5:6 -the Lordhehe54. Joshua 6:19 -the Lordhishis55. Joshua 14:10 -the Lordhehe56. Joshua 14:12 -the Lordhehe57. Joshua 22:16 -the Lordhimhim58. Joshua 22:29 -the Lordhimhim59. Joshua 23:15 -the Lord your Godhehe60. Judges 2:13 -the Lordhimhim61. Judges 2:15 -the Lordomitomit62. Judges 2:15 -the Lordhehe63. Judges 2:18 -the Lordhehe64. Judges 3:9 -the Lordhehe65. Judges 3:12 -the Lordomitomit66. Judges 3:15 -the Lordhehe67. Judges 6:1 -the Lordhehe68. Judges 6:8 -the Lordhehe69. Judges 6:13 -my Lordsirmy lord70. Judges 6:15 -my LordLordmy lord71. Judges 10:7 -the Lordhehe72. Judges 13:18 -the angel of the LordHeHe73. 1 Samuel 3:17 -the Lordhehe74. 1 Samuel 3:21 -the Lordhehe 3

KJVNIVTNIV75. 1 Samuel 3:21 -Versethe Lordhishis76. 1 Samuel 12:14 -the Lordhishis77. 1 Samuel 12:15 -the Lordhishis78. 1 Samuel 12:15 -the Lordhishis79. 1 Samuel 13:13 -the Lordhehe80. 1 Samuel 13:14 -the Lordomitomit81. 1 Samuel 14:35 -the Lordomitomit82. 1 Samuel 15:18 -the Lordhehe83. 1 Samuel 25:39 -the Lordomitomit84. 2 Samuel 16:12 -the Lordomithis85. 2 Samuel 17:14 -the Lordomitomit86. 1 Kings 8:11 -the Lordhishis87. 1 Kings 13:22 -the Lordhehe88. 2 Kings 10:10 -the word of the Lorda worda word89. 2 Kings 11:7 -the house of the Lordthe templethe temple90. 2 Kings 12:4 -the house of the Lordthe templethe temple91. 2 Kings 12:11 -the house of the Lordthe templethe temple92. 2 Kings 12:13 -the house of the Lordthe templethe temple93. 2 Kings 12:14 -the house of the Lordthe templethe temple94. 2 Kings 17:25 -the Lordhehe95. 2 Kings 21:22 -the Lordthe Lordhim96. 2 Kings 22:5 -the house of the Lordthe templethe temple97. 2 Kings 25:13 -the house of the Lordomitomit98. 1 Chronicles 28:13 - the house of the Lordomitomit99. 1 Chronicles 29:21 - the Lordhimhim100. 2 Chronicles 17:4 - Lord GodGodGod 4

NIVTNIV101. 2 Chronicles 20:4 - the LordVerseKJVhimhim102. 2 Chronicles 23:18 - the house of the Lordthe templethe temple103. 2 Chronicles 24:7 - the house of the Lordomitomit104. 2 Chronicles 24:12 - the house of the Lordthe templethe temple105. 2 Chronicles 33:15 - the house of the Lordthe templethe temple106. 2 Chronicles 34:10 - the house of the Lordthe templethe temple107. Job 1:9 -the Lordomitomit108. Job 2:1 -the Lordhimhim109. Job 2:4 -the Lordomitomit110. Job 42:7 -the Lordhehe111. Job 42:10 -the Lordomitomit112. Psalm 45:11 -thy Lordyour lordyour lord113. Psalm 110:1 -my Lordmy Lordmy lord114. Psalm 118:5 -the Lordheomit115. Isaiah 51:22 -thy Lord the Lordyour SovereignLordyour SovereignLord116. Isaiah 63:7 -the Lordhehe117. Jeremiah 1:9 -the Lordomitomit118. Jeremiah 8:14 -the Lordhimhim119. Jeremiah 17:7 -the Lordhimhim120. Jeremiah 29:32 - the Lordmeme121. Jeremiah 31:38 - built to the Lordrebuilt for merebuilt for me122. Jeremiah 34:12 - the Lordomitomit123. Jeremiah 42:20 - the Lord our Godhehe124. Jeremiah 44:23 - the Lordhimhim125. Jeremiah 52:17 - the house of the Lordomitomit 5

KJVNIVTNIV126. Ezekiel 9:4 -Versethe Lordomitomit127. Daniel 12:8 -my LordMy lordMy lord128. Amos 7:15 -the Lordomitomit129. Zechariah 8:22 - the Lordhimhim130. Matthew 13:51 - Yea, LordYesYes131. Matthew 18:26 - worshipped him, saying, Lordomitomit132. Matthew 25:11 - Lord, LordSir!, Sir!Sir!, Sir!133. Matthew 28:6 -the Lordhehe134. Mark 9:24 -Lord, I believeI do believeI do believe135. Mark 10:51 -LordRabbiRabbi136. Mark 11:10 -that cometh in the nameof the Lordomitomit137. Luke 2:38 -the LordGodGod138. Luke 7:31 -the LordomitJesus139. Luke 9:57 -Lord, I will follow theeI will follow youI will follow you140. Luke 13:8 -LordSirSir141. Luke 13:25 -Lord, LordSirSir142. Luke 17:6 -the Lord saidHe repliedHe replied143. Luke 19:16 -Lord, thy pound Sir, your mina Sir, your mina 144. Luke 19:18 -Lord, thy pound Sir, your mina Sir, your mina 145. Luke 19:20 -LordSirSir146. Luke 19:25 -LordSirSir147. Luke 22:31 -the Lord saidomitomit148. Luke 23:42 -Jesus, LordJesusJesus149. John 4:1 -the LordJesusJesus150. John 6:34 -LordSirSir 6

KJVNIVTNIV151. John 8:11 -VerseLordsirsir152. John 9:36 -Lordsirsir153. Acts 7:30 -an angel of the Lordan angelan angel154. Acts 7:37 -the Lord your GodGodGod155. Acts 9:5 -the Lord saidhe repliedhe replied156. Acts 9:6 -Lordomitomit157. Acts 9:6 -the Lordomitomit158. Acts 9:29 -he spake boldly in thename of the Lord JesusHe talkedHe talked159. Acts 10:48 -the LordJesus ChristJesus Christ160. Acts 16:10 -the LordGodGod161. Acts 17:27 -seek the Lordseek himseek him162. Acts 18:25 -the LordJesusJesus163. Acts 21:20 -glorified the Lordpraised Godpraised God164. Acts 22:16 -the name of the Lordhis namehis namehis Sonhis Son165. Romans 1:3 -his Son Jesus Christ our Lord166. Romans 6:11 -God through JesusChrist our LordGod in Christ JesusGod in Christ Jesus167. Romans 14:6 -the Lordomitomit168. Romans 16:24 -The grace of our Lord Jesus omits whole verseChrist be with you all, Amen.omits whole verse169. 1 Corinthians 5:4 - In the name of our LordJesus Christomitomit170. 1 Corinthians 15:47 - the second man is theLord from heaven.the second manfrom heaven.the second man isof heaven.171. 2 Corinthians 4:10 - the Lord JesusJesusJesus172. Galatians 6:17 -JesusJesusomitomitthe Lord Jesus173. Ephesians 3:14 - Lord Jesus Christ 7

NIVTNIV174. Ephesians 5:29 - the LordVerseKJVChristChrist175. Colossians 1:2 -omitomit176. Colossians 3:16 - the LordGodGod177. 1 Thessalonians 1:1 - from God our Father,and the Lord Jesus Christ.omitomit178. 1 Timothy 1:1 -Christ JesusChrist Jesus179. 1 Timothy 5:21 - the Lord Jesus ChristChrist JesusChrist Jesus180. 2 Timothy 2:14 - the LordGodGod181. 2 Timothy 4:1 -the Lord Jesus ChristChrist JesusChrist Jesus182. Titus 1:4 -the Lord Jesus ChristChrist JesusChrist Jesus183. Philemon 20 -the LordChristChrist184. Hebrews 10:30 - the Lordomitomit185. James 1:12 -the LordGodGod186. James 2:1 -the Lord of gloryomitomit187. 2 John 3 -the Lord Jesus ChristJesus ChristJesus Christ188. Jude 4 -the only Lord Godonly Sovereignonly Sovereign189. Revelation 16:5 - O Lordthe Holy Onethe Holy One190. Revelation 19:1 - the Lord our Godour Godour Godthe Lord Jesus ChristLord Jesus Christ“And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? Shesaith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord,and I know not where they have laid him.”(John 20:13) 8

JesusKJVNIVTNIV1. Matthew 8:29 -VerseJesusomitomit2. Matthew 9:28 -Jesus saithhe askedhe asked3. Matthew 13:36 -Jesushehe4. Matthew 16:20 -Jesusomitomit5. Matthew 17:20 -Jesus saidhe repliedhe replied6. Matthew 17:22 -Jesus saidhe saidhe said7. Matthew 18:2 -Jesus calledHe calledHe called8. Matthew 24:2 -Jesus saidhe askedhe asked9. Mark 2:15 -Jesushimhim10. Mark 5:13 -JesusHeHe11. Mark 7:27 -Jesus saidhe toldhe told12. Mark 11:14 -Jesus answeringhe saidhe said13. Mark 14:18 -Jesus saidhe saidhe said14. Luke 7:19 -Jesusthe Lordthe Lord15. Luke 7:22 -Jesus answeringhe repliedhe replied16. Luke 10:41 -Jesus answeredthe Lord answeredthe Lord answered17. John 4:16 -Jesus saithHe toldHe told18. John 4:46 -Jesus came againOnce more he visitedOnce more he visited19. John 8:20 -JesusHeHe20. John 9:1 -Jesus passed byhe went alonghe went along21. John 11:14 -said Jesushe told themhe told them22. John 11:39 -Jesus saidhe saidhe said 9

KJVNIVTNIV23. John 19:38 -Versethe body of Jesusthe bodythe body24. John 20:15 -Jesus saithhe saidhe asked25. John 21:5 -Jesus saithHe called outHe called out26. John 21:21 -saith to Jesushe askedhe asked27. Acts 3:26 -his Son Jesushis servanthis servant28. Acts 7:45 -JesusJoshuaJoshua29. Acts 8:37 -Jesus Christwhole verse omittedwhole verse omitted30. Acts 9:29 -he spake boldly in thename of the Lord JesusHe talkedHe talked31. Acts 19:10 -Lord JesusLordLord32. Romans 1:3 -his Son Jesus ChristOur Lordhis Sonhis Son33. Romans 15:8 -Jesus ChristChristChrist34. Romans 16:18 -Lord Jesus ChristLord ChristLord Christ35. Romans 16:24 -Lord Jesus Christwhole verse omittedwhole verse omitted36. 1 Corinthians 5:5 - day of the Lord Jesusday of the Lordday of the Lord37. 1 Corinthians 16:22 - Lord Jesus ChristLordLord38. 2 Corinthians 4:6 - face of Jesus Christface of Christface of Christ39. 2 Corinthians 5:18 - Jesus ChristChristChrist40. Galatians 6:15 -For in Christ Jesusomitomit41. Ephesians 3:9 -God, who created allthings by Jesus ChristGod, who createdall thingsGod, who createdall things42. Ephesians 3:14 -Father of our LordJesus ChristFatherFather43. Colossians 1:2 -Lord Jesus Christomitomit44. Colossians 1:28 -Christ JesusChristChristomitomit45. 1 Thessalonians 1:1 - God our Father, andthe Lord Jesus Christ 10

KJVNIVTNIV46. 2 Timothy 4:22 -VerseLord Jesus ChristLordLord47. Philemon 6 -Christ JesusChristChrist48. 1 Peter 5:10 -Christ JesusChristChrist49. 1 Peter 5:14 -Christ JesusChristChristJesus’KJVNIVTNIV50. Matthew 15:30 -VerseJesus’ feethis feethis feet51. Luke 10:39 -Jesus’ feetthe Lord’s feetthe Lord’s feet52. John 13:23 -Jesus’ bosomomitomit“Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, hewill keep my words: and my Father will love him, and wewill come unto him, and make our abode with him.”(John 14:23) 11

ChristKJVNIVTNIV1. Matthew 23:8 -VerseChristomitomit2. Mark 13:6 -I am ChristI am heI am he3. Luke 4:41 -Christ the Son of Godthe Son of Godthe Son of God4. Luke 21:8 -I am ChristI am heI am he5. John 4:42 -the Christomitomit6. John 6:69 -that Christomitomit7. Acts 2:30 -Christ8. Acts 4:26 -ChristAnointed OneAnointed One9. Acts 8:37 -Christomits whole verseomits whole verse10. Acts 9:20 -Christomitomit11. Acts 15:11 -Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus12. Acts 16:31 -Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus13. Acts 19:4 -Christ JesusJesusJesus14. Acts 20:21 -Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesushis Sonhis Sonthe gospelthe gospelGod’s judgment seatGod’s judgment seat15. Romans 1:3 16. Romans 1:16 17. Romans 14:10 -one of his descendantshis Son Jesus Christ our Lordthe gospel of Christthe judgment seat of Christone of his descendants18. Romans 16:20 -Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus19. Romans 16:24 -Lord Jesus Christomits whole verseomits whole verse20. 1 Corinthians 5:4 - Lord Jesus ChristLord Jesusomit21. 1 Corinthians 9:1 - Jesus Christ our LordJesus our LordJesus our Lord 12

NIVTNIV22. 1 Corinthians 9:18 - the gospel of ChristVerseKJVthe gospelthe gospel23. 1 Corinthians 16:22 - Lord Jesus ChristLordLord24. 1 Corinthians 16:23 - Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus25. 2 Corinthians 11:31 - Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus26. Galatians 3:17 -God in ChristGodGod27. Galatians 4:7 -God through ChristGodGod28. Galatians 6:15 -Christ Jesusomitomit29. Ephesians 3:9 -by Jesus Christomitomit30. Ephesians 3:14 -Lord Jesus Christomitomit31. Ephesians 3:19 -the love of Christthis lovethis love32. Ephesians 4:20 -learned Christto know Christthe way of life you learned33. Philippians 4:13 - through Christthrough himthrough him34. Colossians 1:2 -the Lord Jesus Christomitomit35. Colossians 3:13 -the Lordthe Lord36. 1 Thessalonians 1:1 - from God our Father andThe Lord Jesus Christomitomit37. 1 Thessalonians 2:19 - Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus38. 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus39. 1 Thessalonians 3:13 - Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus40. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 - Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus41. 2 Thessalonians 1:12 - Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus42. 2 Thessalonians 2:2 - Christthe Lordthe Lord43. 1 Timothy 2:7 -the truth in Christthe truththe truth44. 2 Timothy 2:19 -Christthe Lordthe Lord45. 2 Timothy 4:22 -Lord Jesus ChristLordLord46. Hebrews 3:1 -Christ JesusJesusJesusChrist 13

KJVNIVTNIV47. 1 John 1:7 -VerseJesus ChristJesusJesus48. 1 John 4:3 -Jesus ChristJesusJesus49. 2 John 9 -doctrine of Christthe teachingthe teaching50. Revelation 1:9 -Jesus ChristJesusJesus51. Revelation 1:9 -Jesus ChristJesusJesus52. Revelation 12:17 - Jesus ChristJesusJesus53. Revelation 22:21 - Lord Jesus ChristLord JesusLord Jesus“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”(1 John 2:22) 14

The wordKJVNIVTNIV1. Numbers 4:45 -Versethe word of the Lordthe Lord’s commandthe Lord’s command2. Numbers 11:23 -my wordwhat I saywhat I say3. Numbers 20:24 -my wordmy commandmy command4. Numbers 22:18 -the word of the Lordthe command ofthe Lordthe command ofthe Lord5. Numbers 22:35 -the word that I shall speakwhat I tell youwhat I tell you6. Numbers 22:38 -the word that Godputteth in my mouthwhat God puts inmy mouthwhat God puts inmy mouth7. Numbers 36:5 -the word of the Lordthe Lord’s commandthe Lord’s command8. Deuteronomy 4:2 - Ye shall not add untothe wordDo not add to whatI command youDo not add to whatI command you9. Deuteronomy 9:5 - the word which thewhat he sworewhat he swore10. Deuteronomy 34:5 - according to the wordof the Lordas the Lord hadsaidas the Lord hadsaid11. Joshua 8:27 -according unto theword of the Lordas the Lord hadinstructedas the Lord hadinstructed12. Joshua 14:10 -the Lord spake this wordhe said thishe said this13. Joshua 19:50 -According to the wordof the Lordas the Lord hadcommandedas the Lord hadcommanded14. Joshua 22:9 -according to the wordof the Lord by thehand of accordance withthe command ofthe Lord accordance withthe command ofthe Lord throughMoses.15. 1 Samuel 9:27 -shew thee the wordof Godgive you a messagefrom Godgive you a messagefrom God16. 2 Samuel 7:25 -O Lord God, theword that thouhast spokenLord God, keepforever the promiseyou have madeLord God, keepforever the promiseyou have made 15

KJVNIVTNIV17. 1 Kings 2:4 -Versethe Lord may continuehis word which he spakeconcerning methe Lord may keephis promise to methe Lord may keephis promise to me18. 1 Kings 6:12 -then will I performmy word with theeI will fulfill throughyou the promiseI will fulfill throughyou the promise19. 1 Kings 8:20 -the Lord hath performedhis wordthe Lord has keptthe promise hemadethe Lord has keptthe promise hemade20. 1 Kings 12:24 -according to the wordof the Lordas the Lord hadorderedas the Lord hadordered21. 1 Kings 14:18 -according to the wordof the Lord, which hespake by the hand ofhis servantas the Lord hadsaid through hisservantas the Lord hadsaid through hisservant22. 1 Kings 17:5 -according unto theword of the Lordwhat the Lordhad told himwhat the Lordhad told him23. 1 Kings 18:36 -have done all thesethings at thy wordhave done all thesethings at yourcommandhave done all thesethings at yourcommand24. 1 Kings 22:5 -Enquire, I pray thee,at the word of theLord to dayFirst seek the counselof the LordFirst seek the counselof the Lord25. 2 Kings 7:16 -according to theword of the Lordas the Lordhad saidas the Lordhad said26. 1 Chronicles 11:3 - according to theword of the Lordas the Lordhad promisedas the Lordhad promised27. 1 Chronicles 11:10 - according to theword of the Lordas the Lordhad promisedas the Lordhad promised28. 1 Chronicles 12:23 - according to theword of the Lordas the Lordhad saidas the Lordhad said29. 1 Chronicles 16:15 - the word which hecommanded to athousand generationsthe word he commanded,for a thousandgenerationsthe promise hemade, for a thousandgenerations30. 1 Chronicles 17:6 - spake I a worddid I ever saydid I ever say 16

NIVTNIV31. 2 Chronicles 6:10 - the Lord therefore hathperformed his word thathe hath spokenVerseKJVthe Lord has keptthe promise hemadethe Lord has keptthe promise hemade32. 2 Chronicles 18:4 - Enquire, I pray thee,at the word of theLord to dayFirst seek the counselof the LordFirst seek the counselof the Lord33. 2 Chronicles 35:6 - according to the wordof the Lord by the handof Moseswhat the Lordcommanded throughMoseswhat the Lordcommanded throughMoses34. Nehemiah 1:8 -the word that thoucommandedstthe instructionyou gavethe instructionyou gave35. Psalm 17:4 -the word of thy lipsthe word of your lipswhat your lipshave commanded36. Psalm 105:8 -the word which hecommanded to athousand generationsthe word he commanded,for a thousandgenerationsthe promise hemade, for a thousandgenerations37. Psalm 106:24 -they believed nothis wordthey did not believehis promisethey did not believehis promise38. Psalm 119:38 -Stablish thy wordunto thy servantfulfill your promiseto your servantfulfill your promiseto your servant39. Psalm 119:41 -according to thywordaccording to yourpromiseaccording to yourpromise40. Psalm 119:50 -thy word hathquickened meYour promisepreserves my lifeYour promisepreserves my life41. Psalm 119:58 -according to thywordaccording to yourpromiseaccording to yourpromise42. Psalm 119:76 -according to thywordaccording to yourpromiseaccording to yourpromise43. Psalm 119:82 -thy wordyour promiseyour promise44. Psalm 119:116 -according to thywordaccording to yourpromiseaccording to yourpromise45. Psalm 119:123 -the word of thyrighteousnessyour righteouspromiseyour righteouspromise 17

KJVNIVTNIV46. Psalm 119:140 -VerseThy word is very pureYour promises havebeen thoroughlytestedYour promises havebeen thoroughlytested47. Psalm 119:148 -I might meditate inthy wordI may meditate onyour promisesI may meditate onyour promises48. Psalm 119:154 -quicken me accordingto thy wordpreserve my lifeaccording to yourpromisepreserve my lifeaccording to yourpromise49. Psalm 119:162 -I rejoice at thy wordI rejoice in yourpromiseI rejoice in yourpromise50. Psalm 119:170 -according to thywordaccording to yourpromiseaccording to yourpromise51. Psalm 138:2 -thou hast magnifiedthy word above allthy have exalted aboveall things your nameand your have so exaltedyour solemn decreethat it surpassesyour fame.52. Psalm 148:8 -stormy wind fulfillinghis wordstormy winds thatdo his biddingstormy winds thatdo his bidding53. Proverbs 13:13 -Whoso despiseth theword shall be destroyedHe who scornsinstruction willpay for itWhoever scornsinstruction willpay for it54. Isaiah 9:8 -The Lord sent a wordThe Lord has senta messageThe Lord has senta message55. Isaiah 30:12 -ye despise this wordyou have rejectedthis messageyou have rejectedthis message56. Jeremiah 7:2 -proclaim there thiswordproclaim thismessageproclaim thismessage57. Jeremiah 10:1 -the word which theLord speakethwhat the Lord saysto youwhat the Lord saysto you58. Jeremiah 13:2 -according to the wordof the Lordas the Lorddirectedas the Lorddirected59. Jeremiah 13:12 -speak unto themthis wordsay to themsay to them60. Jeremiah 22:1 -speak there this wordproclaim thismessage thereproclaim thismessage there 18

KJVNIVTNIV61. Jeremiah 23:28 -Versespeak my word faithfullyspeak it faithfullyspeak it faithfully62. Jeremiah 29:10 -perform my good wordfulfill my graciouspromisefulfill my goodpromise63. Jeremiah 32:8 -according to the wordof the Lordjust as the Lordhad saidjust as the Lordhad said64. Jeremiah 34:4 -hear the word ofthe Lordhear the promise ofthe Lordhear the Lord’spromise65. Jeremiah 34:5 -I have pronounced theword, saith the LordI myself make thispromise, declaresthe LordI myself make thispromise, declaresthe Lord66. Jeremiah 38:21 -the word that the Lordhath shewed mewhat the Lord hasrevealed to mewhat the Lord hasrevealed to me67. Jeremiah 46:13 -The word that theLord spakethe message theLord spokethe message theLord spoke68. Ezekiel 12:25 -the word that I shallspeak shall come to passit shall be fulfilledwithout delayit shall be fulfilledwithout delay69. Ezekiel 12:25 -I say the word, andwill perform itI will fulfillwhatever I sayI will fulfillwhatever I say70. Ezekiel 33:30 -hear what is the wordthat cometh fromthe Lordhear the messagethat has comefrom the Lordhear the messagethat has comefrom the Lord71. Hosea 1:2 -the word of the Lordby Hoseathe Lord began tospeak through Hoseathe Lord began tospeak through Hosea72. Joel 2:11 -he is strong thatexecuteth his wordmighty are those whoobey his commandmighty is the armythat obeys his command73. Habakkuk 3:9 -even thy wordomitomit74. Haggai 2:5 -According to the wordthat I covenanted withThis is what Icovenanted with youThis is what Icovenanted with you75. Matthew 13:19 -the word of thekingdomthe message aboutthe kingdomthe message aboutthe kingdom76. Luke 2:29 -according to thy wordas you havepromisedas you havepromised77. Luke 4:4 -but by every word of Godomits all 6 words!omits all 6 words! 19

KJVNIVTNIV78. Luke 5:5 -Verseat thy word I will letdown the netbecause you say so,I will let downthe netsbecause you say so,I will let downthe nets79. Luke 10:39 -heard his wordlistening to whathe saidlistening to whathe said80. John 8:31 -continue in my wordhold to my teachinghold to my teaching81. John 8:43 -ye cannot hear mywordyou are unable tohear what I sayyou are unable tohear what I say82. John 15:20 -Remember the wordthat I said unto youRemember the wordsI spoke to youRemember what Itold you83. John 15:25 -the word might beFulfilledthis is to fulfillthis is to fulfill84. Acts 2:41 -they that gladly receivedhis wordThose who acceptedhis messageThose who acceptedhis message85. Acts 4:4 -heard the wordhear the messageheard the message86. Acts 10:36 -The word whichGod sentthe messageGod sentthe messageGod sent87. Acts 10:37 -That wordomitomit88. Acts 11:16 -Then remembered Ithe word of the LordThen I rememberedwhat the Lord hadsaidThen I rememberedwhat the Lord hadsaid89. Acts 13:26 -the word of thissalvationthe message ofsalvationthe message ofsalvation90. Acts 14:3 -the word of hisgracethe message of hisgracethe message of hisgrace91. Acts 15:7 -the word of thegospelthe message ofthe gospelthe message ofthe gospel92. Acts 17:11 -they received thewordthey received themessagethey received themessage93. Romans 9:9 -the word of promisethe promisethe promise94. Romans 10:8 -the word of faiththe word of faiththe messageconcerning faiththe message of wisdoma message of wisdom95. 1 Corinthians 12:8 - the word of wisdom 20

NIVTNIV96. 1 Corinthians 12:8 - the word of knowledgeVerseKJVthe message ofknowledgea message ofknowledge97. 2 Corinthians 5:19 - the word ofreconciliationthe message ofreconciliationthe message ofreconciliation98. 2 Corinthians 6:7 - the word of truthtruthful speechtruthful speech99. Philippians 1:14 - speak the wordspeak the wordproclaim the gospel100. Colossians 3:16 - the word of Christthe word of Christthe message of Christ101. 1 Thessalonians 1:6 - received the wordwelcomed themessagewelcomed themessage102. 1 Thessalonians 1:8 - the word of the LordThe Lord’s messageThe Lord’s message103. 2 Thessalonians 3:1 - the word of the Lordthe message ofthe Lordthe message ofthe Lord104. 1 Timothy 5:17 - they who labour inthe word and doctrinethose whose workis preaching andteachingthose whose workis preaching andteaching105. Titus 1:3 -manifested his wordthrough preachingbrought his word tolight through thepreachinghas brought tolight through thepreaching106. Titus 1:9 -Holding fast thefaithful wordhold firmly to thetrustworthy messagehold firmly to thetrustworthy message107. Hebrews 4:2 -the word preachedthe message theyheardthe message theyheard108. Hebrews 5:13 -the word ofrighteousnessthe teaching aboutrighteousnessthe teaching aboutrighteousness109. Hebrews 7:28 -the word of the oaththe oaththe oath110. Hebrews 11:3 -the worlds were framedby the word of Godthe universe wasformed at God’scommandthe universe wasformed at God’scommand111. 1 Peter 2:2 -the sincere milk ofthe wordpure spiritualmilkpure spiritualmilk112. 1 Peter 2:8 -stumble at the worddisobey the messagedisobey the message 21

KJVNIVTNIV113. 2 Peter 1:19 -VerseWe have also a moresure word of prophecyAnd we have the wordof the prophets mademore certainWe also have theprophetic messageas somethingcompletely reliable114. 1 John 2:7 -the word which yehave heard from thebeginningthe message youhave heardthe message youhave heardkept my commandkept my command115. Revelation 3:10 - kept the word“Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, hewill keep my words: and my Father will love him, and wewill come unto him, and make our abode with him.”(John 14:23) 22

HolyVerseKJVNIV1. Exodus 12:16 -holy convocationsacred assemblysacred assembly2. Exodus 12:16 -holy convocationanother oneanother one3. Exodus 28:2 -holysacredsacred4. Exodus 28:4 -holysacredsacred5. Exodus 28:38 -holyomitomit6. Exodus 28:38 -holysacredsacred7. Exodus 29:6 -holysacredsacred8. Exodus 29:29 -holysacredsacred9. Exodus 29:31 -holysacredsacred10. Exodus 29:33 -holysacredsacred11. Exodus 29:34 -holysacredsacred12. Exodus 30:25 -holysacredsacred13. Exodus 30:25 -holysacredsacred14. Exodus 30:31 -holysacredsacred15. Exodus 30:32 -holysacredsacred16. Exodus 30:32 -holysacredsacred17. Exodus 30:35 -holysacredsacred18. Exodus 31:10 -holysacredsacred19. Exodus 35:19 -holyomitomit20. Exodus 35:19 -holysacredsacred21. Exodus 35:21 -holysacredsacred22. Exodus 37:29 -holysacredsacred 23 TNIV

KJVNIVTNIV23. Exodus 38:24 -Verseholyomitomit24. Exodus 39:1 -holyomitomit25. Exodus 39:1 -holysacredsacred26. Exodus 39:30 -holy crownsacred diademsacred emblem27. Exodus 39:41 -holyomitomit28. Exodus 39:41 -holysacredsacred29. Exodus 40:13 -holysacredsacred30. Leviticus 6:16 -holy placeholy placesanctuary31. Leviticus 6:26 -holy placeholy placesanctuary32. Leviticus 6:27 -holy placeholy placesanctuary33. Leviticus 7:6 -holy placeholy placesanctuary34. Leviticus 8:9 -holysacredsacred35. Leviticus 10:13 -holy placeholy placesanctuary36. Leviticus 10:17 -holy placesanctuarysanctuary37. Leviticus 10:18 -holy placesanctuarysanctuary38. Leviticus 14:13 -holy placeholy placesanctuary39. Leviticus 16:4 -holysacredsacred40. Leviticus 16:4 -holysacredsacred41. Leviticus 16:24 -holy placeholy placesanctuary42. Leviticus 16:32 -holysacredsacred43. Leviticus 22:2 -holysacredsacred44. Leviticus 22:3 -holysacredsacred45. Leviticus 22:4 -holysacredsacred46. Leviticus 22:6 -holysacredsacred47. Leviticus 22:7 -holysacredsacred 24

KJVNIVTNIV48. Leviticus 22:10 -Verseholysacredsacred49. Leviticus 22:10 -holyomitomit50. Leviticus 22:12 -holysacredsacred51. Leviticus 22:14 -holysacredsacred52. Leviticus 22:14 -holyomitomit53. Leviticus 22:15 -holysacredsacred54. Leviticus 22:16 -holysacredsacred55. Leviticus 23:2 -holysacredsacred56. Leviticus 23:3 -holysacredsacred57. Leviticus 23:4 -holysacredsacred58. Leviticus 23:7 -holysacredsacred59. Leviticus 23:8 -holysacredsacred60. Leviticus 23:20 -holysacredsacred61. Leviticus 23:21 -holysacredsacred62. Leviticus 23:24 -holysacredsacred63. Leviticus 23:27 -holysacredsacred64. Leviticus 23:35 -holysacredsacred65. Leviticus 23:36 -holysacredsacred66. Leviticus 23:37 -holysacredsacred67. Leviticus 24:9 -holy placeholy placesanctuary68. Numbers 5:9 -holysacredsacred69. Numbers 6:8 -holyconsecratedconsecrated70. Numbers 15:40 -holyconsecratedconsecrated71. Numbers 28:7 -holy placesanctuarysanctuary72. Numbers 28:18 -holysacredsacred 25

KJVNIVTNIV73. Numbers 28:25 -Verseholysacredsacred74. Numbers 28:26 -holysacredsacred75. Numbers 29:1 -holysacredsacred76. Numbers 29:7 -holysacredsacred77. Numbers 29:12 -holysacredsacred78. Numbers 31:6 -holyomitomit79. Deuteronomy 12:26 - holyconsecratedconsecrated80. Deuteronomy 33:8 - holy oneman you favoredfaithful servant81. 1 Kings 8:4 -sacredsacred82. 1 Chronicles 22:19 - holysacredsacred83. 1 Chronicles 23:28 - holysacredsacred84. 2 Chronicles 5:5 - holysacredsacred85. 2 Chronicles 23:6 - holyconsecratedconsecrated86. 2 Chronicles 29:5 - holy placesanctuarysanctuary87. 2 Chronicles 29:7 - holy placesanctuarysanctuary88. 2 Chronicles 31:14 - most holyconsecratedconsecrated89. 2 Chronicles 35:3 - holyconsecratedconsecrated90. 2 Chronicles 35:3 - holysacredsacred91. Ezra 2:63 -holysacredsacred92. Ezra 8:28 -holyomitomit93. Ezra 8:28 -holyconsecratedconsecrated94. Ezra 9:8 -holy placesanctuarysanctuary95. Nehemiah 7:65 -holysacredsacred96. Nehemiah 12:47 - holy thingsomitomit97. Psalm 16:10 -Holy Onefaithful oneholyHoly One 26

KJVNIVTNIV98. Psalm 20:6 -Verseholy heaven

Verse KJV NIV TNIV 1. Genesis 8:21 - the Lord omit omit 2. Genesis 16:10 - the angel of the Lord the angel the angel 3. Genesis 18:3 - My Lord my lord my lord 4. Genesis 19:13 - the Lord he he 5. Genesis 39:23 - the Lord omit omit 6. Exodus 6:29 - the Lord spake unto Moses he said to him he said to him .