Comparing QuickBooks With SAP Business One ERP


BUSINESS SOLUTIONSCOMPARING QUICKBOOKSWITH SAP BUSINESS ONE ERPBy Pe te r Kowa l kewww.NBS -US .com Navig a to r Busi n e ss So l uti o n s 8 01- 642- 01 2 3

CO MPAR ING QUIC K BO O KS WITH SA P BU SI N ES S O N E E R PB y Peter KowalkeFo r s m a l l to m e d iu m -size d busin esses, th ere’s often th e que s t i o n o fw h e t h e r Q u i ckBooks is e n ou g h or a f irm n eeds a m ore robust enterp ri s eres ou rce p l a n n in g solu t ion (E RP).Ea ch s ol u t i o n se r ve s a d if fe re nt purpose, al th ough th ere’s overlap. S o l et ’sl o o k a t b o t h , a n d se e wh e re ea ch makes sense. For comparison, we’l l us eth e S AP Bu s in e ss On e E R P system sin ce it is on e of th e m ost p o p ul aro pt i o n s fo r SMBs a n d u se d by roughly 60,000 small to m edium - s i zedb u s i n e s s e s a c ross m ore t ha n 15 0 different countries.H E R E’ S THE C HEATSHEET FO R WH AT ’ S TO CO M E:Q U IC KB OOKSS AP B US I NE S S O NEAcco un t in g s o ftwareEn d- to - en d busin essMea nt for bas ic b ookke e p in gsof twa reS uit a b le fo r s mall b u s in e s sM ea nt for runnin g avo lum ebusin essG e n e ra l a ccou n tin g s o lu tionSca la ble to a ny tra nsa c t i onBEST FOR:SM ALL BUSINESSESSTARTING O UTwww.NBS - US .com volum eIn dustr y-specif ic solut i onsBE ST FO R :BU SI N ES SESG R OWT HNavig ator Busi n e ss S o l uti o n s PL A N N I N G8 01- 6 42- 0123FO R01

CO MPAR ING QUIC K BO O KS WITH SA P BU SI N ES S O N E E R PB y Peter KowalkeH E A D TO HEA D:QUICKBOOKS VS. SAP BUSINESS ONEWHEN COMPARING QUICKBOOKS WITH SAP BUSINESS ONE, LET’S START WITH THEINTENDED PURPOSE OF EACH SOFTWARE SOLUTION.QuickBooks is an all-in-one accounting solution for SMBs. With QuickBooks Enterprise thereis add-on functionality such as limited inventory management, customer reporting andsales functionality, among other features. But nobody chooses QuickBooks for these otherelements—bookkeeping is the core offering, and QuickBooks does it well as the leadingSMB accounting solution. When a business chooses QuickBooks, it is purchasing thesolution primarily because it needs accounting software.SAP Business One comes with robust accounting functionality, and is a limited version ofthe same accounting software used by large enterprises such as Coca-Cola and BritishPetroleum. But businesses don’t choose SAP Business One on the basis of accounting: Theychoose it as the software that runs their businessend-to-end. While QuickBooks bolts on functionalitythat extends the software beyond accounting, SAPBusiness One is built around a total businesssolution.For SAP Business One, accounting is an importantcomponent of operations but not the only one. Thesoftware also handles operations, supplyareasassuchsaleschainandmarketing. SAP Business One is a complete,integrated package meant to power the entirebusiness now and as it grows.www.NBS - US .com Navig ator Busi n e ss S o l uti o n s 8 01- 6 42- 012302

CO MPAR ING QUIC K BO O KS WITH SA P BU SI N ES S O N E E R PFLEXIBILI TYB y Peter KowalkeFOR BA SIC ACCOUNT I N G , Q UI C K BO O KS I S A M A R K E T L E A D E R FO R AREA SO N: IT HA S A L L T H AT A BUSI N ES S N E E DS FO R BO O KK E E PI NGWHEN FIRST START I N G O UT. I F A BU SI N ES S H A S TYPI CALACCOUNTING NEED S , Q U I C K BO O KS DO ES T H E JO B WE L L .If a business has more complex accounting needs or requires anon-standard elements such as multi-currency support, customizedreports, inventory valuation methods or integration with third-partysoftware for specific industry functions, however, QuickBooks performsless well and often requires workarounds.On the other hand, SAP Business One is extremely flexible out of the box.As a complete business solution that’s descendant from the softwarepowering most Fortune 500 companies, SAP Business One is builtaround custom configuration and meeting business-specific needs. Itcan be configured to work with almost any business process or specialuse case, and there’s a path for integration with almost every majorwww.NBS - US .comthird-party solution because the software is meant to power the wholebusiness, not just handle accounting.WHERE INTEGR AT I O N DO ES N ’ T EXI ST O UT O F T HE B OX,CUSTOMINT EG R AT I O N SCA NBEDEVE LO PE DAN DTHIRD -PA RTY S O LUT I O N S EXI ST SUC H A S N AVI G ATO R’ SICONNECT. Navig ator Busi n e ss S o l uti o n s 8 01- 6 42- 012303

CO MPAR ING QUIC KB O O KS WITH SA P BU SI N ES S O N E E R PSCAL ABILI TYB y Peter KowalkeQ UIC K BO O KS IS BU I LT FO R SM A L L BUSI N ES S . S O WH E NTRA NSACTION VOLU M E S A R E LOW A N D T H E R E A R E LE SS T H AN 3 0USERS INTERACTIN G WI T H T H E SYST E M , N O PR O BLE M .As a business grows, however, performance suffers because QuickBooks isnot built for larger or fast-growing businesses. A one-man business or asmall company can use QuickBooks and get what they need. Businesseswith a faster growth trajectory might need more, however.SAP Business One also is built for small business, but as a total businesssolution it is built to handle larger transaction and user volumes; itaccommodates 5 users up to 500, and is used by mid-sized businesseswith high transaction volumes as well. When a company grows beyondSAP Business One, it also can graduate seamlessly to SAP’s ERP offeringsfor large enterprise customers.www.NBS - US .comShoe manufacturer, Rothy’s, started with QuickBooks but then movedto SAP when sales volume started to grow.“ We ha d bu y- i n f ro m th e fo un de rs a n d th e l ea de rs h ip ve r yearly abou t n e e di n g to i nve st i n a stro n g fo un da ti on in t h einf rastr u c tu re to sup p o r t th e c usto m e r exp e ri e n ce an dg row th,” says U l i o n R i e b e , h ea d o f f i n a n ce fo r R o thy ’s .“I think of ERP a s a se co n d- g e n e ra ti o n a cco un ti n g sys te m ,”h e says. “It i s sui te d to e co m m e rce b ra n ds, di re c t b ran d s ,an d provides a l l th e m ul ti - l a n g ua g e , m ul ti - c urre n cy s t u f f.”Read more about how Rothy’s set its strong backend operationsfoundation here. [Rothy’s Case Study] Navig ator Busi n e ss So l uti o n s 8 01- 642- 012304

CO MPAR ING QUIC KB O O KS WITH SA P BU SI N ES S O N E E R PB USI NESS- SPEC I F I CF U NCT I ONAL I TYB y Peter KowalkeA S A GENERA L-PUR PO S E ACCO UN T I N G S O LUT I O N , Q U I C K B O O KSMA K ES SENSE . A WI DE R A N G E O F BU SI N ES SES R E LY O N T HESOF TWA RE ,A NDITISBU I LTWI T HG E N ER A L- PU RP O S EACCO UNTING FUNCT I O N A L I TY. BUSI N ES SES T H AT A R E BOT H S M AL LA ND BA SIC WITH ACCO UN T I N G A R E S E T.For businesses that rely on industry-specific software or have unique needssuch as FDA-mandated validation requirements, however, QuickBooks isnot enough.SAP Business One, on the other hand, offers more than 600 prepackagedindustry solutions that are configured for specific industry needs.Businesses with industry-specific business processes will find that SAPBusiness One is a far better fit.www.NBS - US .com Navig ator Busi n e ss So l uti o n s 8 01- 642- 012305

CO MPAR ING QUIC K BO O KS WITH S A P BUSI N ES S O N E E R PWHERE EACH EXC E LSB y Peter KowalkeS O THE CO MPA RISO N BETWEEN Q UI C K BO O KS A N D E RP RE AL LYC ENTERS ON WHET H ER T H E BUSI N ES S I S CO M PLEX O R S I M PL E ,A ND IF IT PL A NS TO G R OW.For small businesses with simple processes or those just starting out,QuickBooks makes a good entry point for accounting software. But as abusiness grows, it requires a more robust accounting solution that is moreintegrated with the rest of the business. When that moment arrives, it istime for ERP. Planning ahead for that moment will save you time,resources and investment.www.NBS - US .com Navig ator Busi n e ss So l uti o n s 8 01- 642- 012306

QuickBooks is an all-in-one accounting solution for SMBs. With QuickBooks Enterprise there is add-on functionality such as limited inventory management, customer reporting and sales functionality, among other features. But nobody chooses QuickBooks for these other elements—bookkeeping is the core offering, and QuickBooks does it well as the leading SMB accounting solution. When a business .