SAP First Guidance– SAP BW 7.4 On SAP HANA - SAP HANA


SAP First GuidanceSAP HANA ApplianceSAP BW 7.4SAP First Guidance – SAP BW 7.4 on SAP HANA SAP HANA View GenerationApplicable Releases:SAP BW 7.4 powered by SAP HANA, or higherThe first guidance guides are not intended to be exhaustive. The purpose of these documents is to deliveradditional information besides SAP Help and Blogs to get a better understanding of the concepts of SAPBW on HANA.For more information or feedback please contact: SAPBWProductManagement@sap.comAuthor: Silvia BratzVersion 1.1February 2015

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Document HistoryDocument VersionDescription1.00First version of this guide1.10Updates version

Typographic ConventionsIconsType StyleDescriptionIconExample TextWords or characters quotedfrom the screen. Theseinclude field names, screentitles, pushbuttons labels,menu names, menu paths,and menu options.Cross-references to otherdocumentationExample textEmphasized words orphrases in body text, graphictitles, and table titlesExample textFile and directory names andtheir paths, messages,names of variables andparameters, source text, andnames of installation,upgrade and database tools.Example textUser entry texts. These arewords or characters that youenter in the system exactlyas they appear in thedocumentation. Exampletext Variable user entry. Anglebrackets indicate that youreplace these words andcharacters with appropriateentries to make entries in thesystem.EXAMPLE TEXTKeys on the keyboard, forexample, F2 or ENTER.DescriptionCautionNote or ImportantExampleRecommendation or Tip

First Guidance SAP BW 7.4 on HANA – HANA View GenerationTable of Contents1.Introduction . 22.BW Model Import versus HANA View Generation . 33.HANA Model Generation Process . . 4Access Rights . 4View Generation . 5Administration . 6Consumption . 7Check . 74.Integrated Scenario with Lumira . 85.Appendix . 165.15.2Online Documentation . 16Further Information and Blogs . 16August 20151

First Guidance SAP BW 7.4 on HANA – HANA View Generation1. IntroductionAn important part of the whole BW-on-HANA story is the option to create scenarios where dataowned and modeled within BW and data owned and modeled within native HANA tools interact.This is what we call mixed scenarios. The interaction can happen in both directions, from HANA toBW and vice-versa, and there are options to physically move the data or to virtually expose the data.The focus of this document is the exposure of BW data natively in HANA as HANA views that pointdirectly to the data and tables managed by BW. This enables HANA-native consumption of BW data.The goal is to provide a clean interface between the BW-managed schema and an area that ismanaged outside BW, e.g. by other tools or by a project team taking over management andsemantics that are built on top. The interface intends to make it very clear where BW's services endand where manual or 3rd party enhancements start. In that way, it gives room and provides freedomfor arbitrary designs and scenarios which goes along with the respective responsibility for thoseenhancements. It is clear that the generated HANA views are limited and cannot expose allsemantics defined and available in BW. However, they provide a well-defined and fantasticopportunity for arbitrary and externally managed scenarios. In general the generation of HANAviews in BW on BW data has been introduced as interface for stand-alone data marts. This meansthat HANA views are released (generated) for dedicated scenarios only, which have to be selectedexplicitly. It is not possible to handle the impact of changes in case views for all kinds of objects in aBW system would be generated and even further consumers (e.g. Calculation Views on top of theseAnalytic views) would use these.Supported BW objects are (see also sap help):- SAP HANA-optimized InfoCubes- (classic and advanced) DataStore objects- InfoObjects- Queries as InfoProviders- BEx Queries (with BW 7.4 SP08)- New CompositeProviders (created with the ABAP in Eclipse Modeler) and localCompositeProviders in the BW Workspace.SPOs, MultiProviders and Open ODS Views have to be consumed via the new CompositeProvider,i.e. a corresponding calculation view can be generated.Not all BW object properties can be added to the generated SAP HANA view. The followingproperties e.g. are not supported (see also online documentation [constraints]):Navigation attributes of InfoObjects, which do not have “standard” as their master dataaccess type, are not supported. If the navigation attribute is also authorization-relevant, it isnot possible to generate an SAP HANA view.Texts for InfoObjects, which do not have standard as their master data access type, are notvisible.SAP Note 2073820 describes in detail how to determine the text fields in the solutionsection.Non-cumulative numbers are only supported in the SAP HANA view for queries (key figureswith exception aggregation LAST [closing balance]).Key figures, for which the aggregation is set to “No Aggregation”, are not supported.Compounding is not supported: There is no attribute in the SAP HANA view, whichrepresents the chained value of an InfoObject with compounding.Date conversion and alpha conversion are not supported.BW hierarchies are not available in an SAP HANA view.Key figures of data type date or time are not supported with aggregation SUM.Characteristics with property “attribute only” are not supported.For more information on data from near-line storage, see SAP Note 2032797.Non-cumulative range key figures are not available in an SAP HANA view.The technical key figure 1ROWCOUNT is only supported for DataStore object (advanced),CompositeProvider and BW queries, which are based on a DataStore object (advanced) oron a CompositeProvider.August 20152

First Guidance SAP BW 7.4 on HANA – HANA View Generation2. BW Model Import versus HANA View GenerationSince HANA SP05 and BW7.3 SP8, it is possible

SAP does not w arrant the accura cy or com pletene ss of the information, text, graphi cs, link s, or other items contai ned withi n this material. This docume nt is provided wi thout a warranty of any ki nd, either express or implied, incl uding but not limi ted to the im plied w arranti es of merc hanta bility, fitness for a par ticul ar purpose, or non-infringeme nt. SAP shall have no .