ReSet The Yeast Connection - Dr Carolyn Dean LIVE


ReSet The Yeast ConnectionCarolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com0

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionRESET THE YEAST CONNECTIONCAROLYN DEAN MD, NDDisclaimerThe contents of this book are included for educational purposes and to provide helpful information on thesubjects discussed. This book is not intended to be used, and should not be used, to diagnose or treat anymedical condition. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, consult your health care provider. Youare responsible for your own choices, actions, and results regarding any health concerns that may requiremedical supervision. The authors and publisher are not liable for any damages or negative consequencesfrom any action, application, treatment, or preparation to any person reading or individually pursuing theinformation in this book.Ver 3Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com1

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction . 10Preview Of Yeast ReSet Protocol . 15Yeast Causes Everything. 16The Incidence Of Yeast Overgrowth Syndrome . 18Can We Adapt To Antibiotics? . 23The Seven Questions . 252,000 Cases Of Candidiasis . 27Underweight and YOS . 29SECTION ONE: ALL ABOUT YEAST . 30CHAPTER ONE: The Personal Side Of Yeast . 30Gwen’s Story . 30The Downward Spiral . 38Charlotte’s Story . 41Cathy’s Story . 42Larissa’s Story . 43Sarah’s Story . 45Diane’s Story . 45Casey’s Story . 46Wendy’s Story . 46Sadie’s Story . 47Frances’ Story . 47Sylvia’s Story . 47CHAPTER TWO: Candida And It’s Toxic Friends . 48What Is Candida? . 48Causes Of Candida. 50Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com2

ReSet The Yeast Connection1. Antibiotics . 512. Alcohol . 533. Steroid Hormones . 544. Mercury Contamination . 545. Birth Control Pills . 556. Immunosuppressant Drugs . 557. Pregnancy . 558. Diets High In Sugar, Carbs, Yeast & Moldy Foods . 569. Exposure To Molds From Untreated Water Damage . 5610. Exposure To Chlorine. 56Intestinal Bacteria . 57Making Bread And Making Yeast . 58CHAPTER THREE: Show Me The Evidence . 60Why Doesn’t My Doctor Know About Yeast . 60Candida Is Not Just Vaginitis . 65When The Gut Gives Up . 65Small Intestine Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO). 66Testing SIBO . 68SIBO Diets . 68The Function Of A Healthy Gut Lining (edited from IBS for Dummies) . 68Leaky Gut: An Open Door To Our Tissues . 69Consequences Of A Leaky Gut . 70Blasting The Biofilm . 72Overuse Of Antibiotics . 73Yeast Triggers Allergies . 75Yeast And Inflammation . 75A Closer Look At Yeast Toxins . 76Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com3

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionGliotoxin . 78Alcohol . 79Acetaldehyde . 79Zymosan . 81Hormonal Dysfunction And Autoimmune Disease . 81Thyroid, Adrenals And Yeast . 82Thyroid Disruptors . 85Supporting The Thyroid Against Yeast . 85Adrenal Fatigue . 86Yeast & Weight Gain . 87MTHFR Gene Variation . 89What’s New About Yeast . 91New Yeast Connections . 91CHAPTER FOUR: Making The Diagnosis . 93Diagnosing Candida. 94Yeast Symptoms . 94General Symptoms. 95Skin Conditions . 96Ear, Nose, Eye and Throat Symptoms . 97Gastrointestinal Symptoms . 98Genitourinary Symptoms . 99Heart Symptoms . 99Musculoskeletal Symptoms .100Hormonal Imbalance .100Immune Deficiency and Autoimmune Disease .101Central Nervous System .101Mental/Emotional Symptoms .102Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com4

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionThe Seven Questions . 102Fungus Related Disease Questionnaire-7 (FRDQ-7) .103Denying The Spit Test .104Yeast Lab Tests .1051. Candida Antibodies.1062. Stool Testing for Candida DNA by PCR .1063. Urinary Arabinitol Test .1074. β-Glucan Assay .1075. Candida Cultures .1076. Fungal Blood Culture .1077. Live Cell Analysis.108CANDIDA QUESTIONAIRE . 111SECTION TWO: YEAST BALANCE PROGRAM . 118CHAPTER FIVE: The Yeast ReSet Diet . 118Cicily’s Story .119Blame The Yeast .120Food Cravings . 122You Are What You Eat .123Eating For Health.124If You Feed It, It Will Grow .124Step One: Organizing . 125Step Two: Calculate Your Questionnaire Score & Start Journaling . 127Food Journal . 129Step Three: Add Yeast-Free Foods . 130Step Four: Yeast Free Diet . 130Why The Staggered Start To The Program? .132Yeast Die-Off .132Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com5

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionThe Transition Diet . 134The Yeast Eating Plan. 135What To Avoid .135What To Eat.136Food Portions .145Blood Sugar Control .146Foods That Feed Candida .147Where Sugars Hide .147The 97 Kinds Of Sugar . 148Foods That Contain Sugar.150Explaining The Foods To Avoid .151Giving Up Gluten .153Step Five: Reintroducing Foods – The Experiment . 154Food Elimination & Challenge . 155CHAPTER SIX: Yeast ReSet Protocol . 158Yeast ReSet Protocol . 159Combining Total Body ReSet & Yeast ReSet . 161Total Body ReSet – The Groundwork . 1621. Water Intake Guidelines .1632. ReAline .1633. ReStructure .1654. RnA ReSet Drops .1665. ReMag .1676. ReMyte .168Yeast ReSet Protocol . 170Yeast ReSet Detox. 170Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com6

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionAntifungal Foods, Herbs, & Teas . 170The Slow Approach to Yeast Detox . 1711. Bentonite Clay .1752. Psyllium Seed Powder .1773. Flora ReVive Probiotics .1794. Yeast Antifungals .182Yeast Detoxes The Liver . 184Enzymes & Hydrochloric Acid . 185Hydrochloric Acid (HCL).186Anti-Fungal Drugs .187Treating SIBO . 190What About Parasites? . 192What About Lyme? . 195CHAPTER SEVEN: Living A Yeast Free Life . 200Avoid Chemical Exposure . 200Movement. 203Balance Your Emotions . 203Emotional Vitamins .205Health Care Practitioner. 209Susan’s Story .210SECTION THREE: Treating Children, Women and Men . 213CHAPTER EIGHT: Children With Yeast . 213Born With Yeast . 213Childhood Symptoms Associated With YOS .214The S.A.D. Children’s Diet . 216Julie’s Story .217Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com7

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionConditions Associated with YOS .222Why Kids Get Yeast .222Fine-Tuning Specific Yeast Symptoms . 223Oral Thrush.223Diaper Rash .224Your Child’s Behavior And Yeast .224Here’s Janice’s Story .225Don’t Mix Antibiotics And Sugary Treats .225Know Your Antibiotics .226Infant Tips .226CHAPTER NINE: Women With Yeast . 230Vaginitis .231Alicia’s Story .231Vaginitis First Aid .233Is Yeast Vaginitis Contagious? .234Vaginitis Symptoms And Signs.234Vaginitis YOS .234Typical Topical Treatments For Yeast Infection .234Vaginal Suppositories .235Vaginal Douching.236Vaginal Health Tips .238Skin Fold Rashes .238Anita’s Story.239CHAPTER TEN: Men With Yeast. 243Bruce’s Story .244Yeast For Men .246Specific Yeast Symptoms In Men . 246Prostatitis And Yeast .246Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com8

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionThe Mayo Clinic Prostatitis Symptoms: .247Jock Itch .249Penile Rash .250Athlete’s Foot .250SECTION FOUR: Yeast ReSet Diet . 259CHAPTER ELEVEN: Menu & Yeast ReSet Recipes . 259Upon Rising .259Breakfast .259Lunch .259Dinner .259Snacks .260Drinks .260Kids Menu .260Five Minute Foods . 265Appetizers & Snacks . 268Salads . 271Salad Dressings & Sauces . 273Soups/Stews . 276Side Dishes . 280Lunch Or Dinner . 285Alternative Nut Milks. 293Smoothies Using Nut Milks . 295APPENDIX A: Total Body ReSet Protocol . 303REFERENCES . 319THE DOCTOR OF THE FUTURE . 321Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com9

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionINTRODUCTIONI’ve been studying health since my teens, and over the past five decades I’vedeveloped a very wide overview and perspective on our current health care crisis.Speaking with thousands of patients, clients, and callers on my radio show, I’veidentified two clear causes of most health problems. They are Mineral Deficiencyand Yeast Overgrowth Syndrome (YOS) – and most people suffer from both.Candidiasis, Candida Related Complex, Candida Hypersensitivity, and YeastAllergies are all names for what I call Yeast Overgrowth Syndrome, which I willshorten to YOS throughout the book. It’s a condition where yeast has overgrownand outgrown its natural environment in the large intestine and has invaded thesmall intestine. It is a health threat that remains untreated, mistreated, and if it’sever recognized, it is undertreated. I call the protocol that goes with this bookYeast ReSet because a certain amount of yeast is natural to our body and wehave to hit the ReSet button to achieve the right balance.A syndrome is a group of symptoms that consistently occur together, or acondition characterized by a set of associated symptoms. Doctors don't likesyndromes – there are too many variables. They want one major symptom sothey can make a disease diagnosis and treat with a disease-specific drug. YOS,with its dozens of symptoms, gets a deer-in-the-headlights look from mostdoctors who ignore it or just call it a fad.Medicine has been calling YOS a fad for over 40 years and I’m tired of thisoversight, since the definition of a fad is an intense and widely shared enthusiasmfor something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object'squalities. I think YOS has outlived its “fad” status and should be treated with therespect it deserves.Do we really need another yeast book? Absolutely, because every patient,client and customer I’ve had over the past few years has had some level of YOSand most didn’t know it despite thoroughly researching their condition. It seemsCarolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com10

ReSet The Yeast Connectionthat even alternative practitioners are ignoring YOS in favor of genetic testing,hormone evaluation, and microbiome investigation. I say that the environmentcreated by yeast growing out of bounds and producing 178 different toxins is thereason our genes are being triggered to misbehave and our hormones are out ofwhack and our bacterial microbiome is out of balance.Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com11

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionYEAST MANAGEMENTYeast treatment can be long and drawn out but with the introduction ofYeast Management using Flora ReVive and Pico Silver, the timing can bereduced and allow you to “live with yeast” instead of always being at war.Here’s the plan:1. Start your Yeast Management with a yeast-free diet.2. Add Flora ReVive, with the antifungal, S. boulardii, which may cause dieoff. So, as with all new products, start slowly and take one a day. If youget die off, open the capsule and take ½ per day and increase when youno longer have die off.3. Add bentonite clay to neutralize toxins. 1 tsp – 1 TBSP with 6 oz of wateronce or twice a day, 1 hour away from food or supplements. Read moreabout bentonite clay on Page 175.4. Also take 1 tsp of Pico Silver twice a day. Pico Silver is an antifungal andit also mops up debris from yeast die off so it can help neutralize thesereactions.5. If after a month you still have a high score on your Yeast Questionnaire,then you go to Yeast ReSet, which uses a bentonite, psyllium seed drinkand rotates antifungal herbs along with Pico Silver and Flora ReVive.Note: S. boulardii beyond managing yeast helps treat IBS and othergastrointestinal symptoms including chronic diarrhea. Many of ourcustomers do complain about various levels of diarrhea that may worsenas the body goes into detox mode. So, Flora ReVive with S. boulardii isthe perfect solution.Carolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com12

ReSet The Yeast ConnectionMY YEAST STORYI grew up with a huge box freezer in the basement stocked with ice cream. Iremember that most nights I did my homework accompanied by a staggeringamount of ice cream and a can of syrupy peaches or pears. There were also thechronic sore throats and ear infections – tonsils out when I was around 6-years oldand ice cream after the operation to keep the swelling down!I first learned about YOS in my naturopathic training, which began in1979. I could immediately spot my own relationship to yeast. A few years later,I read Dr. Truss’ book, The Missing Diagnosis, and Dr. Crook’s book, The YeastConnection. Early in my practice, a patient of mine, bedridden by YOS,demonstrated the insidious nature of this condition when left untreated.I became very involved with diagnosing and treating YOS in my practice.The Candida Foundation of Canada operated on the third floor of my officebuilding in Toronto. At the Foundation, I gave monthly lectures to the public onCandidiasis and related topics. Because of my work with Candida, I was invitedon a TV Ontario show called Speaking Out with host Harry Brown. On November20, 1986, I was a guest with Dr. William Crook, one of my medical heroes. Duringthat 90-minute program, an astounding 86,000 calls were tabulated. This morethan anything convinced me of the epidemic of YOS and the desperation ofpeople to find a solution.After Dr. Crook passed away in 2002, his daughter, Elizabeth Crook,invited me to become the medical advisor to the Woman’s Health Connection andthe website, and to finish the work on his last book, TheYeast Connection and Women’s Health. The website is stillonline as a source of information, but it is not an active site.During my association with Elizabeth Crook, we encouraged RandomHouse to allow us to publish an updated edition of the 1986 Yeast ConnectionCarolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com13

ReSet The Yeast Connectionbecause the book is very much out of date, with Dr. Crook even recommendingthe artificial sweetener aspartame!I thank Dr. Crook for his pioneering work on yeast and offer the most upto-date approach to yeast with ReSet The Yeast Connection, which contains amuch more complete and effective treatment approach, of which I’m sure Dr.Crook would approve!Human MicrobiomeThe human microbiome is the collective genomes (genetic material) of themicrobes (composed of bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa, and viruses) thatlive inside and on the human body. The human microbiome outnumbers the cellsof the human body – there are about 10 times as many microbial cells as humancells.This book will bring you back to the basics and help you change yourlifestyle to ReSet Your Yeast. I will also unveil a “magic elixir” that’s beenoverlooked in the treatment of YOS. I won’t make you wait until the end of thebook to tell you, either. It’s my ReMag, liquid magnesium. Although I didn’t setout to create this 100% absorbed, non-laxative magnesium to treat yeast, I wasthrilled to find that it is an integral part of an effective yeast protocol. You canread my free eBook about ReMag. It’s called ReMag: Invisible Minerals Part I.With input from my patients, clients, and customers, I realized that peoplewith magnesium deficiency find it’s next to impossible to lower their yeast levels.Here’s what happens: toxic acetaldehyde produced by yeast addles your brainand magnesium is required in order to detoxify it. Unfortunately, brain fog canovercome your resolve to avoid carbs and you end up feeding your yeast. Also,without sufficient magnesium, acetaldehyde and a host of other yeast toxins keepyour immune system all fired up causing collateral damage to many tissues inCarolyn Dean MD NDwww.RnAReSet.com14

ReSet The Yeast Connectionthe body. Eventually your weakened immune system is no longer able to controlyour YOS and you develop more symptoms that doctors continue to misdiagnose.My multiple mineral, ReMyte, also has a place in the Yeast ReSet Protocol.In later chapters of this book and ReMyte & ReCalcia: Invisible Minerals Part IIyou will find out more about yeast toxins cross reacting with endocrine glands,especially the thyroid. ReMyte is a multiple mineral, and 9 of its 12 mineralssupport effective production of thyroid hormones. The minerals in ReMyte alsosupport optimum function of the immune system, adrenal glands, prostate, andbrain.ReSet The Yeast Connection will introduce you to an anti-yeast lifestylebeginning with a yeast-free diet. Another of my products is ReStructure, a mealreplacement/protein powder tha

1. Start your Yeast Management with a yeast-free diet. 2. Add Flora ReVive, with the antifungal, S. boulardii, which may cause die off. So, as with all new products, start slowly and take one a d