Saint John Paul IIDivine Mercy Devotion &Novena Prayers for HealingPage Size: 9” x 7.25” Finish Size: 4.5” x 7.25” Litho: 4C (CMYK)/ 4C (CMYK)Fold---
2Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSAINT JOHN PAUL II,THE GREAT MERCY POPEWhen Pope JohnPaul II canonizedSister Maria FaustinaKowalska, a Polishnun to whomChrist appearedemphasizing themessage of His DivineMercy, he entrusted the whole worldto God’s Divine Mercy. On that sameday he established the Sunday afterEaster as “Divine Mercy Sunday” andhe stated, “This is the happiest day ofmy life.”As our Holy Father, Saint John Paul IIoften wrote and spoke about the needfor all people to turn to the mercy ofGod as the answer to the overwhelmingproblems of our times. He died on April2, 2005, which, that year, was the Vigilof the Feast of The Divine Mercy.Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healing3THE CHAPLET OFDIVINE MERCYThe Chaplet of Divine Mercyis prayed either on the beads of aregular Rosary or on a special DivineMercy Chaplet. If possible, it is mostappropriate to pray it at three o’clockin the afternoon, which Christ revealedto Sister Faustina as the “Hour of GreatMercy” for the whole world.When Christ appeared to Sister Faustina,He said to her: “I desire to grantunimaginable graces to those soulswho trust in My mercy. Encouragesouls to pray the chaplet I havegiven to you. It pleases Me to granteverything they ask of Me by prayingthe Chaplet. When hardened sinnerspray it, I will fill their souls with peace,and the hour of their death will be ahappy one. . . . I delight particularlyin a soul which has placed its trust inMy goodness.”Diary of Sister Faustina, 1541
2Saint John Paul IISaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healing3THE CHAPLET OFDIVINE MERCYThe Chaplet of Divine Mercyis prayed either on the beads of aregular Rosary or on a special DivineMercy Chaplet. If possible, it is mostappropriate to pray it at three o’clockin the afternoon, which Christ revealedto Sister Faustina as the “Hour of GreatMercy” for the whole world.When Christ appeared to Sister Faustina,He said to her: “I desire to grantunimaginable graces to those soulswho trust in My mercy. Encouragesouls to pray the chaplet I havegiven to you. It pleases Me to granteverything they ask of Me by prayingthe Chaplet. When hardened sinnerspray it, I will fill their souls with peace,and the hour of their death will be ahappy one. . . . I delight particularlyin a soul which has placed its trust inMy goodness.”Diary of Sister Faustina, 1541
4Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingHOW TO PRAY THECHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCYOptional Opening Prayers:You expired, Jesus, but the sourceof life gushed forth for souls, andthe ocean of mercy opened up forthe whole world. O Fount of Life,unfathomable Divine Mercy,envelop the whole world andempty Yourself upon us.(Repeat three times) O Blood andWater, which gushed forth fromthe Heart of Jesus as a fountainof Mercy for us, I trust in You!Our Father, Hail Mary and theApostles CreedFor each of the five decades –On each “Our Father” bead of theRosary, pray:Eternal Father, I offer You the Bodyand Blood, Soul and Divinity ofYour Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord,Jesus Christ, in atonement for ourSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healing5sins and those of the whole world.On each of theten “Hail Mary”beads, pray:For the sake of Hissorrowful Passion,have mercy on usand on the wholeworld.Concluding Prayer – Repeat three times:Holy God, Holy Mighty One, HolyImmortal One, have mercy on usand on the whole world.Optional Closing Prayer:Eternal God, in whom mercy isendless and the treasury ofcompassion inexhaustible, lookkindly upon us and increase Yourmercy in us, that in difficultmoments we might not despair norbecome despondent, but with greatconfidence submit ourselves toYour holy will, which is Love andMercy itself. Amen.
4Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingHOW TO PRAY THECHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCYOptional Opening Prayers:You expired, Jesus, but the sourceof life gushed forth for souls, andthe ocean of mercy opened up forthe whole world. O Fount of Life,unfathomable Divine Mercy,envelop the whole world andempty Yourself upon us.(Repeat three times) O Blood andWater, which gushed forth fromthe Heart of Jesus as a fountainof Mercy for us, I trust in You!Our Father, Hail Mary and theApostles CreedFor each of the five decades –On each “Our Father” bead of theRosary, pray:Eternal Father, I offer You the Bodyand Blood, Soul and Divinity ofYour Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord,Jesus Christ, in atonement for ourSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healing5sins and those of the whole world.On each of theten “Hail Mary”beads, pray:For the sake of Hissorrowful Passion,have mercy on usand on the wholeworld.Concluding Prayer – Repeat three times:Holy God, Holy Mighty One, HolyImmortal One, have mercy on usand on the whole world.Optional Closing Prayer:Eternal God, in whom mercy isendless and the treasury ofcompassion inexhaustible, lookkindly upon us and increase Yourmercy in us, that in difficultmoments we might not despair norbecome despondent, but with greatconfidence submit ourselves toYour holy will, which is Love andMercy itself. Amen.
6Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingA PRAYER FORDIVINE MERCYO greatly merciful God, You who areinfinite goodness, today all humanitycries out from the depths of ourmisery to Your mercy, to Yourcompassion, O God.Gracious God, do not reject theprayers of this earth’s exiles!O Lord, You are goodness beyond ourunderstanding and You know well ourpain and suffering. Because by ourown power we cannot ascend to You,we implore You, bless us in abundancewith Your grace, and increase Yourmercy in us, so that we may faithfullydo Your holy will throughout our lifeand at death’s hour.Let the greatness of Your mercyshield us from the powers of oursalvation’s enemies, that we may withconfidence, as Your humble children,await Your final coming – that dayknown to You alone. And we expectto obtain everything promised us byJesus in spite of all our weaknessand misery.For Jesus is our Hope, and throughHis merciful Heart, as through anopen gate, may we pass to eternallife with You in Heaven. Amen.Adapted from the Diary ofSister Faustina, 15707
6Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingA PRAYERFORDIVINE MECYO greatly merciful God, You who areinfinite goodness, today all humanitycries out from the depths f ourmisery to Your mercy, to Yourcpassion, O GodGracious God, do not reject theprayers of this earth’s exiles!O Lord, You are goodness beyond ourunderstanding and You know well ourpain and suffering. Because by ourown power we cannot ascend to You,we implore You, bless us inabundance with Your grace, andincrease Your mercy in us, so that wemay faithfully do Your holy willthroughout our life and at death’shour.Let the greatness of Your mercyshield us from the powers of oursalvation’s enemies, that we maywith confidence, as Your humblechildren, await Your final coming –that dayknown to You alone. And we expectto obtain everything promised us byJesus in spite of all our weaknessand misery.For Jesus is our Hope, and throughHis merciful Heart, as through anopen gate, may we pass to eternallife with You in Heaven. Amen.Adapted from the Diary ofSister Faustina, 15707
8 St. Anthony Prayers & DevotionsSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healing9HEALING NOVENA FORTHE INTERCESSION OFSAINT JOHN PAUL IIOpening Prayer each day:Merciful God, I pray with thanks andgratitude for the great spiritual giftof Saint John Paul II’s apostolic lifeand mission. Through his heavenlyintercession, please grant thefollowing petition(s) . . .Here state your request(s).Grant also that I may grow in lovefor You and proclaim boldly thelove of Jesus Christ to all people.Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.“Through prayerwe come to sharemore deeply in God’s lifeand in His love.”Saint John Paul II
8 St. Anthony Prayers & DevotionsSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healing9HEALING NOVENA FORTHE INTERCESSION OFSAINT JOHN PAUL IIOpening Prayer each day:Merciful God, I pray with thanks andgratitude for the great spiritual giftof Saint John Paul II’s apostolic lifeand mission. Through his heavenlyintercession, please grant thefollowing petition(s) . . .Here state your request(s).Grant also that I may grow in lovefor You and proclaim boldly thelove of Jesus Christ to all people.Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.“Through prayerwe come to sharemore deeply in God’s lifeand in His love.”Saint John Paul II
10Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERfor Healing(DAY 1)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“The future starts today, nottomorrow.” As I start these ninedays of prayer with you, I thank youfor reminding me that with God’shelp, I can begin again, but I needto start now, not at some distantpoint in the future. Your words areencouraging and inspiring to me.Please be with me as I progressthrough these nine days of prayerwith you.Dear Lord, You are the greatestHealer. You gave Saint JohnPaul II to the entire world to showus how much You love us. WithYour mighty power and through hisintercession, we seek healing, notjust of our physical body but ourSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healingemotional, mental, social andspiritual health as well. In keepingwith Your greatest commandment,we will love You with all our heart,with all our mind, with all our souland with all our strength. We willalso love our neighbor as we loveourselves. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“Only God lovesus perfectly,with an everlastinglove. In prayer, weopen our hearts andour minds to thisGod of love.”Saint John Paul II11
10Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERfor Healing(DAY 1)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“The future starts today, nottomorrow.” As I start these ninedays of prayer with you, I thank youfor reminding me that with God’shelp, I can begin again, but I needto start now, not at some distantpoint in the future. Your words areencouraging and inspiring to me.Please be with me as I progressthrough these nine days of prayerwith you.Dear Lord, You are the greatestHealer. You gave Saint JohnPaul II to the entire world to showus how much You love us. WithYour mighty power and through hisintercession, we seek healing, notjust of our physical body but ourSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healingemotional, mental, social andspiritual health as well. In keepingwith Your greatest commandment,we will love You with all our heart,with all our mind, with all our souland with all our strength. We willalso love our neighbor as we loveourselves. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“Only God lovesus perfectly,with an everlastinglove. In prayer, weopen our hearts andour minds to thisGod of love.”Saint John Paul II11
1213Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERwhatever is true, honorable, just,pure, lovely and gracious in Youreyes, so that Your peace may abidein our hearts always. Amen.for Healing(DAY 2)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“I plead with you, never, ever giveup on hope. Never doubt, nevertire, and never become discouraged.Be not afraid.” With your help, I willnot give up hope. I will be trusting,confident, persistent and unafraidin prayer.God, our Father, grant us the peacewe seek when confronted withdifferent obstacles each day. Guideus so we won’t falter in our steps.May peace always reign in ourhearts even if there is fear that wemight fall flat on our face.We will not be anxious, but will havefaith that is unwavering like that ofSaint John Paul II. We will doConclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“What really mattersin life is that weare loved by Christ,and that welove Him in return.In comparison to thelove of Jesus, everythingelse is secondary.And without the loveof Jesus, everythingelse is useless.”Saint John Paul II
1213Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERwhatever is true, honorable, just,pure, lovely and gracious in Youreyes, so that Your peace may abidein our hearts always. Amen.for Healing(DAY 2)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“I plead with you, never, ever giveup on hope. Never doubt, nevertire, and never become discouraged.Be not afraid.” With your help, I willnot give up hope. I will be trusting,confident, persistent and unafraidin prayer.God, our Father, grant us the peacewe seek when confronted withdifferent obstacles each day. Guideus so we won’t falter in our steps.May peace always reign in ourhearts even if there is fear that wemight fall flat on our face.We will not be anxious, but will havefaith that is unwavering like that ofSaint John Paul II. We will doConclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“What really mattersin life is that weare loved by Christ,and that welove Him in return.In comparison to thelove of Jesus, everythingelse is secondary.And without the loveof Jesus, everythingelse is useless.”Saint John Paul II
1415Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERJohn Paul II, our healing is near athand. We are joyful in our ways andour speech for we know that Youwill always comfort us as a mothercomforts her children.for Healing(DAY 3)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“Have no fear of moving into theunknown. Simply step outfearlessly knowing that I am withyou and therefore no harm canbefall you. All is very, very well.Do this in complete faith andconfidence.”What more can I say, but thank youfor your confidence in me. Helpme to have complete faith in God.Stand with me at all times as myintercessor and spiritual guideuntil I attain the great treasureof Heaven.Dear Jesus, Son of the living God,we rejoice because we believe thatthrough the intercession of SaintWe thank you for the joy You’vegiven us when You were born intoour world, because You becameone of us in all things but sin. Youendured tremendous suffering forour sake, so that we will be savedfrom our sins. Turn our mourninginto rejoicing because of Yourresurrection from the dead. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“Only in Christ do we findreal love, and thefullness of life. And so Iinvite you to look to Christ.”Saint John Paul II
1415Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERJohn Paul II, our healing is near athand. We are joyful in our ways andour speech for we know that Youwill always comfort us as a mothercomforts her children.for Healing(DAY 3)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“Have no fear of moving into theunknown. Simply step outfearlessly knowing that I am withyou and therefore no harm canbefall you. All is very, very well.Do this in complete faith andconfidence.”What more can I say, but thank youfor your confidence in me. Helpme to have complete faith in God.Stand with me at all times as myintercessor and spiritual guideuntil I attain the great treasureof Heaven.Dear Jesus, Son of the living God,we rejoice because we believe thatthrough the intercession of SaintWe thank you for the joy You’vegiven us when You were born intoour world, because You becameone of us in all things but sin. Youendured tremendous suffering forour sake, so that we will be savedfrom our sins. Turn our mourninginto rejoicing because of Yourresurrection from the dead. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“Only in Christ do we findreal love, and thefullness of life. And so Iinvite you to look to Christ.”Saint John Paul II
1617Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERDuring his lifetime, Saint John Paulwas a living testimony of how muchGod loves us through his patiencein dealing with every religious orpolitical leader around the world, aswell as with the severe sicknessesthat afflicted him. We believe thatas long as love reigns in our heartseach day, we will be healed, for“Love is patient and kind.” Amen.for Healing(DAY 4)Dear Saint John Paul, just likeSt. Paul the Apostle who describedhis journey as a race, you tell methat life with Jesus is a wonderfuladventure. Life is not a sprint forme, but rather a winding marathonwith its curves and its ups anddowns. Help me by being with meat all times as I struggle in this racetoward the fullness of life in Christ.God the Holy Spirit,grant us wisdomand knowledge as wewait patiently for thehealing You promised.May our families beblessed with patiencein helping us cope withillness and other problems.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“It is Jesus youseek when youdream of happiness.He is waiting for youwhen nothing elseyou find satisfies you.”Saint John Paul II
1617Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERDuring his lifetime, Saint John Paulwas a living testimony of how muchGod loves us through his patiencein dealing with every religious orpolitical leader around the world, aswell as with the severe sicknessesthat afflicted him. We believe thatas long as love reigns in our heartseach day, we will be healed, for“Love is patient and kind.” Amen.for Healing(DAY 4)Dear Saint John Paul, just likeSt. Paul the Apostle who describedhis journey as a race, you tell methat life with Jesus is a wonderfuladventure. Life is not a sprint forme, but rather a winding marathonwith its curves and its ups anddowns. Help me by being with meat all times as I struggle in this racetoward the fullness of life in Christ.God the Holy Spirit,grant us wisdomand knowledge as wewait patiently for thehealing You promised.May our families beblessed with patiencein helping us cope withillness and other problems.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“It is Jesus youseek when youdream of happiness.He is waiting for youwhen nothing elseyou find satisfies you.”Saint John Paul II
1819Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERSaint John Paul II manifestedincredible love, kindness andforgiveness to the man who tried toassassinate him. We believe thatwe will be healed if we forgive thosewho have wronged us, and if weextend a helping hand to our leastsisters and brothers living indistress, poverty and need. Amen.for Healing(DAY 5)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“Do not abandon yourselves todespair. We are the Easter peopleand Hallelujah is our song.”Help me to be joyful in thiswonderful adventure of life. Helpme always to have true Christian joyin my heart, mind and spirit. Helpme always to be faithful to the Willof God in my life.Through God’s loving grace andkindness, we have been blessedwith the great kindness shownby the people who take care ofus, like our family, friends,relatives, caregivers, physicians,rehabilitation specialists,nutritionists and spiritual advisers.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“Rememberthat you arenever alone.Christ is with youon your journeyevery day of your lives!”Saint John Paul II
1819Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERSaint John Paul II manifestedincredible love, kindness andforgiveness to the man who tried toassassinate him. We believe thatwe will be healed if we forgive thosewho have wronged us, and if weextend a helping hand to our leastsisters and brothers living indistress, poverty and need. Amen.for Healing(DAY 5)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“Do not abandon yourselves todespair. We are the Easter peopleand Hallelujah is our song.”Help me to be joyful in thiswonderful adventure of life. Helpme always to have true Christian joyin my heart, mind and spirit. Helpme always to be faithful to the Willof God in my life.Through God’s loving grace andkindness, we have been blessedwith the great kindness shownby the people who take care ofus, like our family, friends,relatives, caregivers, physicians,rehabilitation specialists,nutritionists and spiritual advisers.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“Rememberthat you arenever alone.Christ is with youon your journeyevery day of your lives!”Saint John Paul II
20Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERfor Healing(DAY 6)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“Love your families. Teach themthe dignity of life. Teach them theways of harmony and peace. Teachthem the value of faith and prayerand goodness! Help transform theworld around you by giving the bestof yourselves in the service ofothers and your country.”Just as Christ taught us, youpreached and live the Golden Rule:“Do unto others as you would havethem do to you.” How simple it isto hear this, but how incrediblydifficult, at times, to do this. Bewith me, and help me see God inmy neighbor and in all those I finddifficult to love or accept.Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingDear Lord, throughout my lifetime,I have been taught to be a goodperson and to be a blessing toothers. To be good is not justto follow the rules, but more so,to follow You and obey Yourcommandments. May I bringharmony and peace to others,and spread Your good newsto my family, my friends, mycommunity and my country.Saint John Paul II made Yourgoodness known throughoutthe world by welcoming andembracing everyone who soughtYour presence, regardless of age,gender or creed. Through Yourgoodness and mercy, we willreceive the healing we seekthrough the intercession ofSaint John Paul II. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.21
20Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERfor Healing(DAY 6)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“Love your families. Teach themthe dignity of life. Teach them theways of harmony and peace. Teachthem the value of faith and prayerand goodness! Help transform theworld around you by giving the bestof yourselves in the service ofothers and your country.”Just as Christ taught us, youpreached and live the Golden Rule:“Do unto others as you would havethem do to you.” How simple it isto hear this, but how incrediblydifficult, at times, to do this. Bewith me, and help me see God inmy neighbor and in all those I finddifficult to love or accept.Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingDear Lord, throughout my lifetime,I have been taught to be a goodperson and to be a blessing toothers. To be good is not justto follow the rules, but more so,to follow You and obey Yourcommandments. May I bringharmony and peace to others,and spread Your good newsto my family, my friends, mycommunity and my country.Saint John Paul II made Yourgoodness known throughoutthe world by welcoming andembracing everyone who soughtYour presence, regardless of age,gender or creed. Through Yourgoodness and mercy, we willreceive the healing we seekthrough the intercession ofSaint John Paul II. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.21
22Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERfor Healing(DAY 7)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“The goal and target of our life isHe, the Christ who awaits us – eachone singly and all together – to leadus across the boundaries of time tothe eternal embrace of the God wholoves us.”Help me, dear Saint John Paul, toremember that life with God is thehighest and greatest of all goals.In every moment of my life, help meto be focused on my relationshipwith Christ, so that when my earthlyjourney ends, my eternal life withJesus will begin.God the Father, in humility we offerour lives to You in the service ofothers. May we be like Saint JohnSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingPaul II in proclaimingour faith and trustin You, so we will beblessed and canfulfill our Christianvocation. It isthrough ourweakness andillness that Youhave touched ourlives, and we nowseek Your goodnessand mercy to be healed. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“To believe in Jesus is toaccept what He says,even when it runscontrary to whatothers are saying.”Saint John Paul II23
22Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERfor Healing(DAY 7)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“The goal and target of our life isHe, the Christ who awaits us – eachone singly and all together – to leadus across the boundaries of time tothe eternal embrace of the God wholoves us.”Help me, dear Saint John Paul, toremember that life with God is thehighest and greatest of all goals.In every moment of my life, help meto be focused on my relationshipwith Christ, so that when my earthlyjourney ends, my eternal life withJesus will begin.God the Father, in humility we offerour lives to You in the service ofothers. May we be like Saint JohnSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingPaul II in proclaimingour faith and trustin You, so we will beblessed and canfulfill our Christianvocation. It isthrough ourweakness andillness that Youhave touched ourlives, and we nowseek Your goodnessand mercy to be healed. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“To believe in Jesus is toaccept what He says,even when it runscontrary to whatothers are saying.”Saint John Paul II23
24Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERfor Healing(DAY 8)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“People are made for happiness.Rightly, then, you thirst forhappiness. Christ has the answerto this desire of yours. But Heasks you to trust Him.True joy is a victory, somethingwhich cannot be obtained withouta long and difficult struggle.Christ holds the secret of thisvictory. . . In order to sing God’spraises we must re-learn thelanguage of humility and trust, thelanguage of moral integrity and ofsincere commitment to all that istruly good in the sight of the Lord.”Once again, in simple words, youteach us that nothing is moreimportant than life with Christ.Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healing25Lord, Jesus Christ, grant me thegift of a humble heart so that Ican respond to Your call to take upthe Cross and follow You each dayas Your disciple. I will strive topreserve the unity in my householdthrough my actions of peace andunderstanding. Through theintercession of Saint John Paul II,please grant me the gift of healingthat I earnestly implore. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“If you really wishto follow Christ,if you want yourlove for Him to growand last, then you mustbe faithful to prayer.”Saint John Paul II
24Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERfor Healing(DAY 8)Dear Saint John Paul, you preached:“People are made for happiness.Rightly, then, you thirst forhappiness. Christ has the answerto this desire of yours. But Heasks you to trust Him.True joy is a victory, somethingwhich cannot be obtained withouta long and difficult struggle.Christ holds the secret of thisvictory. . . In order to sing God’spraises we must re-learn thelanguage of humility and trust, thelanguage of moral integrity and ofsincere commitment to all that istruly good in the sight of the Lord.”Once again, in simple words, youteach us that nothing is moreimportant than life with Christ.Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for Healing25Lord, Jesus Christ, grant me thegift of a humble heart so that Ican respond to Your call to take upthe Cross and follow You each dayas Your disciple. I will strive topreserve the unity in my householdthrough my actions of peace andunderstanding. Through theintercession of Saint John Paul II,please grant me the gift of healingthat I earnestly implore. Amen.Conclude with the Our Father,Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers.“If you really wishto follow Christ,if you want yourlove for Him to growand last, then you mustbe faithful to prayer.”Saint John Paul II
2627Saint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingSaint John Paul II Divine Mercy Devotion & Novena Prayers for HealingNOVENA PRAYERand are lost. I claim healing for myfamily. I claim financial blessings soI can be a blessing to others. Grantme the patience to confidently acceptYour answer to my prayers, whetherit be yes, no or wait. All I ask I placebefore You in Jesus’ name. Amen.for Healing(DAY 9)Dear Saint John Paul, the surest,straightest road to Christ is throughHis Holy Mother. When I am lost andconfused in life, lead me to placemyself before Our Blessed Mother,asking her to rescue me to faithfullylive the spiritual path that leads to herDivine Son. Teach me to have in myheart the same great love you had forour Blessed Mother.Dear Lord, You are the GreatestHealer. Everything I have comes fromYou: my life, my health, my family,my friends, my possessions and allth
sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Concluding Prayer – Repeat three times: Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy . Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Optional Closing Prayer: Eternal God, in whom mercy is . endless and the treasury of compas