Marijuana Addiction - Choose Help


MarijuanaAddictionWhat You Should KnowAbout Treatment, Usageand Effects of Marijuana1. is Marijuana?How addictive is Marijuana?What are the real risks of Marijuana?Is Marijuana medicine?Am I addicted to Marijuana?What are the symptoms of Marijuana detox?How can I get through detox on my own?If I can’t do it on my own, what are someMarijuana treatment options?Please visit for more information aboutMarijuanaIssue2008Within this book westrive to answer thequestions we areasked everyday aboutthe use and abuse ofMarijuana

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueT ABLE O F C ONTENTSWHAT IS MARIJUANA? 5THE MYTH OF NON-ADDICTIVE MARIJUANA 11THE RISKS OF MARIJUANA 16MEDICAL MARIJUANA 32ARE YOU ADDICTED TO MARIJUANA? 40MARIJUANA DETOX 47MARIJUANA TREATMENT OPTIONS 56Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 2

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueI NTRODUCTIONMarijuana today is not what it was even ten years ago, and as the drug has gotten stronger, increasingnumbers are having real problems with addiction and with some of the health and cognitive deficitsassociated with heavy drug use.Marijuana addiction is very real, and with a pretty serious syndrome of detox symptoms experiencedafter quitting, it can be tough to break free from a Marijuana habit that's dragging you down.It doesn’t help either that a lot of people still don’t take Marijuana seriously, still don’t consider itaddictive or harmful, and that even those people who really struggle to quit feel as though they don’thave a legitimate medical concern. Far too many people continue with Marijuana for too long notknowing how to stop, not knowing where to turn for help, and ignoring the evidence that tells them thatthey can't do it on their own.This book is for two groups of people. It’s for heavy Marijuana smokers that have had enough and wantto stop, and it's for concerned parents, legitimately worried for their experimenting teens.Marijuana when taken in moderation has little risks to health or quality of life, and we have no desire toscaremonger, mislead or participate in the propagation of half-truth and myth about the use of thedrug. Marijuana when smoked heavily, daily and in great quantities becomes a very harmful drug, and inaddition to the risks of addiction, there are legitimate threats to health, mental performance and overallquality of life. We do want to inform of these legitimate and worrisome consequences of a heavyMarijuana habit.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 3

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueWithin this book we strive to answer a lot of the questions we at get everyday aboutthe use and abuse of Marijuana.QUESTIONS LIKE: WHAT IS MARIJUANA, AND HOW IS IT SMOKED?HOW ADDICTIVE IS MARIJUANA?AM I ADDICTED TO MARIJUANA?WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF MARIJUANA DETOX?HOW CAN I GET THROUGH DETOX ON MY OWN ?IF I CAN’T DO IT ON MY OWN, WHAT ARE SOME MARIJUANA TREATMENTOPTIONS?WHAT ARE THE REAL RISKS OF MARIJUANA?HOW CAN I KEEP MY TEEN FROM SMOKING MARIJUANA?HOW CAN I SPOT TEEN MARIJUANA USE?HOW CAN I GET MY TEEN TO STOP USING MARIJUANA?SHOULD I BE DRUG TESTING AT HOME?IS MARIJUANA MEDICINE?Marijuana addiction is very serious, we hope that you find what you need within and once betterinformed, act positively towards change. Life is better without Marijuana!WISHING YOU SUCCESS,JOHN LEEC H O O S E H E L P . C O M , 2008Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 4

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueCHAPTER 1WHAT IS MARIJUANA?Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 5

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueA M ARIJUANA O VERVIEWMarijuana is the common name for the psychoactive genetic variation of thecannabis sativa plant. Used for over a thousand years in central Asia, it has beensmoked for over a century in America, gaining wide usage during the counterculture1960's, and ever since then has been the most widely used illicit drug in America.The strength of marijuana has increased greatly through advances in geneticmanipulation and growing conditions (hydroponics), and today's marijuana can beas much as 15 times stronger than the marijuana of the 1960's and 70's. Thisdramatic increase in potency has nullified much of our understanding of the effectsof the drug, and any research done on the intoxication and damages of marijuanaprior to about a decade ago do not accurately reflect the realities of today'smarijuana.The main active ingredient in marijuana is Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),which binds to the CB1 receptors of our cannibanoid systems in the brain andthroughout the body. It is the THC in marijuana that gets you high, and it is the THCcontent in marijuana that has been steadily increasing over the past decades.Although THC is the primary intoxicating active substance within marijuana, thereare an additional 400 active or semi-active substances present in varying degrees indifferent strains of marijuana. Of these 400 active substances, few have beenclinically explored, and although they do certainly exert some psychotropicinfluence, researchers do not fully understand what this influence may be.Marijuana smokers will realize that variations in the expression of these differentmolecules cause the highs from different types of marijuana to be quite different.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 6

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueThese 400 active molecules also seem important for the drugs efficacy as amedication, and although scientists have synthesized THC in a pill form, the absenceof this comprehensive mix of other chemicals seems to decrease the usefulness ofthis synthesized medication. Medical marijuana remains a controversial topic, evenwithin the medical community, and although a great many public health groupshave called for its usage, the AMA and the FDA most notably oppose its approval.WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU SMOKE MARIJUANA?After smoking marijuana, the THC and other active chemicals are absorbed throughthe lungs and passed quickly into the bloodstream; and within about a minute theeffects of the THC start to be felt. The intensity of the high will continue to increasefor about 20 minutes, before plateauing and gradually leveling off over about 2hours.When you smoke marijuana, the THC absorbed into the bloodstream passes into thebrain and attaches itself to marijuana receptors in the endo cannibanoid system, asystem found throughout many higher order parts of the brain. Once thesereceptors in the brain are stimulated by THC, the user begins to experience changesin sensory perception, in time perception, in concentration and cognitive abilities, incoordination, and in appetite. The endo cannibanoid system is linked to thepleasure system of the brain, and when activated it causes a dopaminergic reaction,allowing for pleasurable and relaxed sensations in addition to these other sensoryalterations. For the vast majority of users, marijuana provokes a relaxed andenjoyable high that lasts for a couple of hours, and leaves little obvious harm in itswake.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 7

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueWhen marijuana is taken in very large doses, it can cause hallucinogenic reactions.Some users will also experience negative reactions to the drug, such as anxiety,paranoia and panic, and a full 30% of users who eventually give up the drug reportthat they do so as a result of these experienced negative sensations.HOW IS IT SMOKED?There are different forms of marijuana. Most commonly dried marijuana buds aresmoked (the leaves and stalks have a low THC content). Marijuana may also besmoked in a cigarette-like joint, a pipe or a water pipe (bong). Ingenious andalternative ways to smoke the substance also exist, and show a determination andcreativity that parents only wish teens would reserve for their education!Marijuana may also be eaten, most commonly as baked into cookies or brownies.Marijuana is not water soluble, so it is generally combined with high fat ingredientsto ensure absorption. It can also be dissolved into alcohol. Eating marijuana is a lesseffective way to deliver the drug.Increasingly processed forms of marijuana are hash and hash oil. Hash is a resinoussticky brown cake formed by compressing together resin from the sticky freshplants. Hash can have a much higher THC content than marijuana. Even more potentis hash oil (extracted and processed THC containing oil from the plant) which canhave a THC content of as much as 50%. Hash and hash oil are smoked in joints, withhot knives and in pipes and bongs, and once again, hash smokers do exhibit greatcreativity in ways to smoke the drug.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 8

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueRISKS OF OVERDOSE?As far as acute reactions go, marijuana is one of the safest possible drugs. There canbe a loss of coordination and as such driving or operating any form of machinerywhile high on marijuana does carry some risk; but direct risks from the smoked drugto the body are very low in the short term. There has never been a reported case ofsomeone dying from an overdose of marijuana.Marijuana can cause an unpleasant reaction if smoked to excess, and great anxiety,paranoia, hallucinations, nausea and vomiting are all very possible when smoking ingreat quantities, and especially by inexperienced users.Marijuana can in rare case cause a temporary break from reality, called a "marijuanapsychosis". During a marijuana psychosis, people often hear voices instructing them,have great paranoia that others are planning to do them harm or kill them and mayalso feel as though they are dying. An episode of marijuana psychosis is not oftenharmful in isolation, and virtually all people who experience this unpleasantcondition do make a full recovery after the effects of the drug wear off.Unfortunately, anyone who experiences a marijuana psychosis has been shown tohave a 50% or greater chance of developing schizophrenia later in life.LONG-TERM RISKSUnfortunately, although marijuana is relatively safe for short-term usage and acuteintoxication, with long-term heavy use marijuana does carry some risks; risks ofcancer, cognitive declines and memory problems, risks of developmental delays andPlease visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 9

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 Issueimpairments in teens and an increased propensity towards psychiatric conditions.These risks will be covered in greater depth later in the text.Additionally, marijuana remains illegal in all states of the nation, even for medicalpurposes, and in some states people may be facing jail time for simple possession ofthe drug.Marijuana advocates argue that alcohol, a legal substance, causes far greatersocietal and health problems than does marijuana, and although they may becorrect, this does not logically imply that marijuana is good for you or a good idea,and before anyone does start experimenting with marijuana, they should learn thereal risks of marijuana consumption.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 10

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueCHAPTER 2THE MYTH OF NON-ADDICTIVEMARIJUANAPlease visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 11

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueYou can get addicted to Marijuana; about 1 in 10 who try the drug do end upMarijuana dependant.A lot of people mistakenly believe that Marijuana is not addictive, reflecting viewsformed in decades past when Marijuana was a lot less strong than it is today. Anaverage joint in the 1970's contained about 10 mgs of THC, and an average jointsmoked today has about 150 mgs. With a potency increase of 1500%, it's notsurprising that a lot of people find that with heavy use, they are no longer able tostop even when they want to.There remains some lingering doubt about the true nature of Marijuana addiction.Scientists now know that Marijuana does induce a psychological addiction withheavy use. You get accustomed to the effects of the drug and eventually come toneed these effects for normal functioning, but whether or not Marijuana isphysically addictive is not yet conclusively known.PSYCHOLOGICAL ADDICTIONUsers do come to need the drug to function normally, and once psychologicallyaddicted, they will start to feel symptoms of withdrawal within a day of their lastjoint. You get accustomed to the anxiolitics properties of the drug, and when youcan’t have it, start to feel very anxious. Many people also come to use Marijuana asa coping tool for the stresses of life, and find that with time they rely on and needMarijuana to deal with everyday and normal trials of existence.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 12

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueMarijuana smokers do develop a heavy tolerance to the drug, and a chronic user willconsume as much as 10 times the quantity of Marijuana in a session as aninexperienced user. The greater the quantity of the drug smoked the greater therisks of addiction, and with heavy use and time, Marijuana users may findthemselves psychologically dependant on the drug, and will need to endure asignificant period of withdrawal pains when they attempt to quit.PHYSICAL ADDICTIONFar less certain is the case for physical addiction. The pains of Marijuana withdrawalare physical in nature, and fundamentally, whether or not the addiction occursthrough physical changes in the brain matters little to the addict going throughdetox.Scientists have identified some long-term neurological changes to the dopaminesystems of the brain as a consequence of heavy Marijuana use, but whether or notthis qualifies as physical dependence is still open to interpretation.THE HARMS OF HEAVY MARIJUANA USEYou can get addicted, you do develop a tolerance to the effects of Marijuana, andonce addicted, you will experience a significant period of withdrawal and detoxsymptoms when you try to quit. Although occasional smoking does not reallypresent with serious health risks, heavy daily use does impact on your health, yourability to think remember and concentrate, and your overall quality of life.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 13

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueWith Marijuana addiction, most heavy users report a significant and negativeinfluence of the habit on areas of their lives that include job performance and careeradvancement, social happiness, general mental abilities and quality of life. HeavyMarijuana usage is also associated with increased rates of mental illness, loweredcognitive performances on a variety of measures, and risks from carcinogenic smoketo the lungs, heart and oral cavity.Heavy Marijuana smokers also report a lowered ambition and self initiative toachieve worthwhile goals in life, and frequent Marijuana smokers also report havinggiven up activities they once found enjoyable due to their Marijuana-slowedlifestyle.MARIJUANA WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMSOnce addicted, when you try to quit you will experience irritability, aggression,headaches, shakiness, lethargy, loss of appetite, insomnia and anxiety, and allcoupled with intense cravings for the drug. The symptoms of withdrawal are severeenough that many people cannot get off Marijuana on their own, and do requireprofessional help and intervention to beat their addiction. 15% of admissions todrug treatment centers in America are for Marijuana addicts seeking change.Today's Marijuana is different, and with such a dramatic rise in potency it’s not at allsurprising that we are also witnessing an exponential rise in the numbers ofMarijuana users who find themselves addicted, and who find that they needtreatment assistance to get off this drug.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 14

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueTHE HARMFUL MYTH OF NON-ADDICTIVE MARIJUANAAnyone who says that Marijuana is not addictive has obviously never spent ananxiety wracked sleepless night, battling incredible cravings to use. Marijuana isn'tmeth, but the detox is real, and it's tough enough to keep a lot of people using for alot longer than they'd like to.The public perception of Marijuana as a harmless and non-addictive drug is not onlyinaccurate and poorly reflective of the realities of today's strong Marijuana, it is alsoquite harmful. Marijuana addicts are made to feel as though they don't have alegitimate and treatment-worthy condition, and as a result too many people trulyneeding of therapeutic assistance suffer and smoke alone and in silence, notpartaking in the therapies that could make such a big positive difference.Marijuana is addictive, it won’t addict all, but when 10% of those people whoexperiment with the drug develop a dependency to it, we are still talking aboutmany hundreds of thousands of Americans. We need to take this problem a littlemore seriously, legitimatize public perceptions of Marijuana addiction treatment,and intervene in those cases where treatment is surely required.Marijuana addicts can and do get better, but sometimes they need a little helpalong the way.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 15

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueCHAPTER 3THE RISKS OF MARIJUANAPlease visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 16

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueWith long term heavy use, what starts as a relatively harmless way to get high begins to have somelasting and detrimental impacts. Marijuana when taken in quantity and over a long period starts toimpact on health, quality of life, career or academic success, and significantly on mental performance.Marijuana may not kill you, and if smoked in real moderation is not a particularly harmful substance, butonce use becomes addiction, and once you start smoking daily or more, you will start to experiencesome declines.When Marijuana use starts to do real lasting harms, when it starts to lower your potential and lessensyour quality of life, it's time to reevaluate whether Marijuana is giving as much as it's taking.Learn about the real risks of heavy Marijuana usage, and decide for yourself whether your habit is reallyworth it all.C OGNITIVE D ECLINESAnyone who smokes Marijuana in quantity will know that their habit doesnegatively affect their mental performance. While using heavily, you just aren’tquite as sharp as you would be otherwise. Clinical studies replicate what's known bysmokers and they have demonstrated quite clearly a number of the cognitivedeficits caused by heavy Marijuana usage.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 17

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueMarijuana smokers in general aren't as likely to finish high school and also performmore poorly in college. Even on the job, reports by heavy smokers indicate that aMarijuana habit has real harmful implications for job performance and upwardscareer mobility. You just can’t remember, concentrate and express yourself as wellunder a semi-permanent fog of Marijuana.Clinical studies have shown that for about 24 hours after smoking a joint, Marijuanasmokers experience noticeable cognitive declines; declines in memory performance,declines in an ability to shift focus and attention between subjects as readily,declines in verbal, mathematical and reasoning performances and declines inconcentration.This means of course that if you have a daily Marijuana habit, you are operatingunder a permanent state of lessened cognitive functioning, and you're just not quiteas smart as you would otherwise be. Even when you abstain for a few days,Marijuana seems to exert a lingering influence on performance, and after three daysof abstinence, heavy smokers tested far more poorly on a number of tests ofcognitive performance than did non-smokers.Thankfully, these declines seem to be almost completely temporary and with amonth or more of abstinence, clinical studies show that Marijuana smokers willonce again perform equally well on measures of cognitive performance. You are notlikely doing any long-term damage structurally, and the good news is that you canrecover completely; but for all those months and years that you use heavily, youdon’t learn as well, don’t consolidate information as well, and can’t expect toadvance as well. You are wasting years of opportunities to a habit that's supposedto be fun and relatively harmless, but it seems is anything but.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 18

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueC ANCERS AND O THER H EALTH R ISKSCANCERSMarijuana smoke is carcinogenic, and contains 50% to 100% more tar andcarcinogens than tobacco smoke. Additionally, as Marijuana smokers tend to smokemore deeply into the lungs and hold the smoke in the lungs for longer, ever greaterpercentages of these harmful toxins are absorbed into the body.With heavy Marijuana smoking you are at risk for many of the same cancers astobacco smokers are, and these cancers include lung cancer, oral cavity caner andesophagus cancer amongst others. Respiratory problems such as emphysema canalso be triggered by a heavy Marijuana habit. Young and otherwise healthy heavyMarijuana smokers have also been shown more susceptible to respiratory infectionand bronchitis like conditions.HEART ATTACKMarijuana smoking has also been linked to heart attacks in sometimes very youngsmokers. These smokers were likely predisposed to have cardiac problems, but sincefew of us are aware of our heart health, the threat of an early heat attack affects usall. Marijuana smoking can cause tachycardia (accelerated heart rate), it decreasesthe red blood cells' ability to carry oxygen and increases the strain on the heartPlease visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 19

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 Issuemuscle. These factors combine together to create an increased risk for heart attacksand stroke while high.IMMUNE SYSTEMJust as Marijuana relaxes you and mellows you out, it seems to do have the samegeneral effect on the white blood cells of the immune system. Clinical tests usingTHC on animal model immune systems have shown a substantial decline in whiteblood cell aggressiveness and effectiveness. If you smoke Marijuana heavily, you aremore likely at risk for opportunistic infections. Marijuana may be quite dangerousfor those people with already weakened immune systems, and although Marijuanahas shown great efficacy in helping AIDS patients regain their appetites and inarresting AIDS wasting, there is a concern that the effects on the immune systemmay nullify the benefits of medical Marijuana for AIDS patients.COUGH AND PHLEGMMuch like cigarette smoke, Marijuana smoke does induce a sometimes chroniccough. It increases phlegm production and it can cause an irritation of the throat,leading to a frequently experienced sore throat.Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 20

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueT HE R ISKS OF P SYCHIATRIC I LLNESSSmoking Marijuana, especially as a teen, increases your risks of experiencingpsychiatric illnesses later in life, and the younger a teen starts smoking, the greaterthe risks of eventual psychiatric illness.There is a legitimate and casual link between smoking Marijuana and increasedrates of psychosis and schizophrenia later in life, and a number of different andindependent clinical studies have come to these same conclusions.If you smoke as a teenager, you are between 2 and 3 times more likely toexperience clinical psychosis disorders later in life, and the younger you startsmoking, the greater your chance of developing a schizophrenic like disorder.Secondly, those people who experience a Marijuana induced psychotic reaction, (atemporary break with reality while high after smoking Marijuana) have about a 50%chance of developing full blown schizophrenia within the following three years.A CAUSAL LINK TO SCHIZOPHRENIAResearchers have concluded that use is casually linked to the development ofschizophrenia, but it is not a sole cause, and it exists as a component cause amongstmany different other factors. Still, after methodologies which examining the data onPlease visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation, orcall the 24-hours rehab hotline 1-877-830-7020 for private residential treatment, now! Copyright 2007 - 2008, – All rights reserved.Page 21

Marijuana AddictionWhat You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana2008 IssueMarijuana use and schizophrenia, they have determined that if all Marijuana usecould be eliminated, there would be an 8% reduction in the cases of later in lifeschizophr

Marijuana Addiction What You Should Know About Treatment, Usage and Effects of Marijuana 2008 Issue Please visit for more information about Marijuana addiction rehabilitation