Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set


CREDITSAdventure: Stan!, Ben PetrisorCartography: Stan!Ruiebook: Jeremy CrawfordEditing: Christopher Perkins, Chris Sims, Michele Carter, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Kim Mohan, Phifip Athans, Kate WelchD&D Lead Designers: Jeremy Crawford, Mike MearlsFifth Edition O&D Design Team: Christopher Perkins, James Wyatt, Rodney Thompson, Robert J, Schwalb, Peter Lee, Steve Towns he nd, Bruce ft- CordellAdditional Contributors: Greg Biisland, Matt Sernett, Chris Dupuis, Tom LaPille, Richard Baker, Miranda Horner, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Steve Winter, Nina HessBased on the original Dungeons & Dragons- game created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, with Brian Bin me, Rob Kuntz, James Ward, and Don KayeDUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand. Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's Guide, all other Wizards of the Coastproduct names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. Ail characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards ofthe Coast, This material is protected under the copyright raws of the United States of America, Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibitedwithout the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast. 2013 Wizards of Ihe Coast LLC.

NffTTK TO M ELF (AS PUM EOM MASTER)should he Me to finish this story in one nijhi (Maybe a IonaWeekend ifpustin realty jets cauaht up in the roleplayina), hutdoni rush it. As Ionaas everyone 7s havitj fun, let it take as Iona asnecessary. Its all about the fun.describe each scene Tell theM what their characters see or hear orfed at the start7 thenjust let theMjo. They say What the charactersdo, and l idI theM What happens. But dont take control of theircharacters. I control everything dse—the Monsters, the nonplayercharacters (WPds, like dir Tristan), even the environueni (liketraps)—and the dice reveal hoW thinas turn out/All creatures Written With an underline can he found in the Monsterssection of the rulehook./Pont Worry too Much aboutjettina the rules riaht or beina perfectas a PM, (thats short for Punjeon Master). T/ust relafi, let thifjshappen naturally, and enjoy playina thejomcif thinas aet confusina-especially in cojvbat—do what seeus "fair and Move on.Likethe rulehook says, My job as PM, is to Make sure everyone hasaaood ti/ve andthat thestoryMovesalona sMoothly.

THE W Oie TOR The characters have been suMMoned by Sir Tristan, the ruler of a smlldoMain in, a lonely stretch of Mountains. A terrible Monster called athessalhydra has been, attacking his realu. It is a strange and dreadfulcreature With eight heads surrounding a Urge circular Mouth r'tMMedWith jagged teeth- Its MaW drifs With acid, and its tail ends in a fair ofsharf fincers. Tristan asks the characters to get rid of this Menace.The thessalhydra Was last seengoing into caverns belonging to anunfriendly tribe of troglodytes. The characters Must enter the cavernsand deal With the stinky trogs. Following the thessalhydra’s trail leadstheM into a cursed labyrinth, Where they Meet the Lost (Ought. fe Willhelf theM escafe only if they frove themselves Worthy by solving hisriddles.The Way to escafe froM the labyrinth is through a fortal into astrange, dark, farallel dlMcnsion called the Ufside LPoWn There thecharacters Meet the Proud Princess, a foWerful adventurer Who hasher oWn yuest and Wants nothing to do With the characters. She shoWstheM the Way out of the Ufside LPoWn and into the thessalhydra 5 lair.if the characters can beat the thessalhydra and bring its heads back toSir Tristan, they have successfully finished this adventure.

m l HC Wm fR TRISTANStart the adventure in Sir Tristans throne rooM. The characters hive.Met Tristan before, (je sponsored theMokan earlier adventure amproved kbvself to be a bind ruler to kis people and a good friend to thecharacters. Tkeij can trust htMSir Tristan saus that lateltj a Monster called a thessalhijdra appearsout of nowhere and attacks local farMs, villages, and even. TristaK scastle All his soldiers together could barehj nght it off After eachattack, the thessalhijdra disappears into the Woods and leaves no trail.TristaK cant send his guards after the Monster. They Must protectthe castle (and iheg knoW thetj re not strong enough to beatthe Monster), fe asks the characters to hunt doWn and kill thethessalhijdra, theK return With its heads. (TristaK Wants theM stuffedand Mounted over his throne)This scene is all about conversation The characters are talking directkto Sir Tristan, but there are others here too—roual advisors, guardsWho fought the Monster, and suck Thetj treat the characters Well—theu re the heroes Sir Tristan turns to in hisHmcof need. Sfwe theMconfidence to take bold action (so/vetiMes Will needs to be reMindedthat he s plaiting a character, not just hiMself),

giftsSir Tristan offers tkeM huge reWards to go ok this dangerous Mission,Begin by offering too gold pieces each and let ikeu negotiate if tketjWant More, if thegroupgets too greedy. Sir Tristan reMinds theuthat they 7re old friends,Once the deal is struck, Sir Tristan Might have a surprise for thegroup, if the characters negotiated a fair deal and respected theirfriendship With Sir Tristan, he Willgive iheM somc Aggie eyuipMent thatWill be useful in this adventure, if they Weregreedy or acted like theydidn’t care about their friendship With Sir Tristan, he Wontgive theManything e Ktra.ffe starts With tWo bags of holding, so that they can easily carry thethessalhydras severed heads. Then, for each character, he providesa ring ofprotection and a potion of healing. Finally, he has tWoWeapons—a Wand of Magic Missiles and thisgreatsWord:Winter’s Tark Bite This greatsWord is Made of an unknoWn blackMetal, In Most cases, it Works as a igreatsWord, But When usedagainst a thessalhydra, it Works as a 3 greatsWord, While in theUpside ToWn, it Works as a 4greatsWord,

RmOKS OM TME ROfcPAs the characters search for the thessalhydra, they Meet other peoplealong the Way. dfwe theM a feW short roleplaying encounters.SoMe HVCs have useful info, and others are just distractions.But Make sure the scenes are fun, or thegroup Might ignore theM(especially Lucas—hell Want to be all business). A Merchant offers theM one apple each, tfe says that local applestasted better before the thessalhydra arrived. That s Why he 7ssure the Monster s lair is in the apple orchards to the north A traveling priest says that often lesser Monsters Worship biggerones. There are troglodytes in a nearby set of caverns. TheyMight knoW soMething about the thessalhydra. A Woodcutter Warns theM that soMe of the caves around here arecursed C Once you enter, youget lost in the twisting tunnels andnever escapeT)An elderly farjver doesnt believe there is a thessalhydra. ffethinks it’s just a big oWlbear that is raiding settleMents for itssupper. cc{ aint never seen no thessalhydra, but oWlbears Wegotplenty of around herel77When the players startgetting bored With roleplaying encounters, it stiiMCfor theM to find the troglodyte caves, if they 7ve Wandered offfollowing false leads, just have theM luckily stuMble upon the right cave.

TR04Lo:pifrE cavernsffave one character group’s choice) Make a J?d iz ability checksIntelligence (Mature) if they ’re searching for the troglodyte caves,WisdoM (Survival) if they’re searching for the thessalhydra’s tracks,or another skill that Matches their actions.if the check succeeds, they have arrived at the troglodyte caves. Usethe Map to describe What the characters see. Let theu pick in whatorder they explore the caves. When they reach a nwvbered area, seethat area’s description on one of the following pages. t rsed Ubijri 4

if the skill check fails, they still arrive at the caves, but unluckily do soat the somc tijve as a returning hunting party of troglodytes. TheyMust defeat the hunting party before they can. enter the caves.foea i: Cave Entrance A 2 bludgeoning daMage ThosesuccessfulWho succeed take half as Muchis Intelligence(iinvestigation) or WisdoMdaMageThe hall becoMes'Survival: check reveals that thecaves Mouth has recently been,visited by about 25 troglodytes,fata 4: Treasure Koom. This isthe thessalhydra, and an oWlbear.where the troglodytes keep theirfeW valuable iteus. There areArea 2t Ewpiu Cave Nothing of200gp in coins andgeMS, plusinterest here The floor becoMesartWork and other valuables Worthtoo rocky to follow/ footprints200gp More The secret dooranyMorethat connects to area t needs asuccessful iPd is ability checkfata 3: Trapped t{all The caveto detect, usingor open, usingis eMpty, but the hall to area4 is trapped, Which reguires asuccessfulTemerity.10 ability checkto detect, usingArea 5: Commok Cfawber. This(investigation), or disarM, usingis Where Most of the troglodytesiPycterity. if triggered, the roofsleep. Ten troglodytes are here,collapses. Anyone in the hallbut they are terrified and try toMust Make a T& 10 Te derityrun aWay into area C as soon assave Those Who fail take zd&they see the characters.

Atea 6: NoWe Chamber.Area fc 6(wvri. Post. fightThis isWhere the five troglodyte leaderstroglodyteguards are stationed heresleep. The head trog is a fair andif the characters enter or make toonoble ruler (like a troy version ofmud noise in an adjoining room ir Tristan}, ifed rather talk than(for gcample, have a fght orfight (unlike most trogs, he speaksargument), theguards attack.Co/men}- But if thegroup angershim, all the trogs attack and fght toArea0Wlbear. One oWlbear is herethe death, if thegroup politely asksand sleeping. Characters way attemptabout the thessalhydra, hell say thatiPqxterity (Stealth) cheeks againstit comes in from the Woods, passesits passive Perception (13). failurethrough the caves, and enters themeans it Wakes up and attacks.Cursed Labyrinth It never travelsArea 10: Water Pool. A natural springthe opposite Way.feeds a to-foot-deep pool of dear,Area7: false Treasure ’Room.Thisfresh Water. In the poo! lives agiantroom is like area 4, but everything frog. Which leaps out and attacks theis broken and Worthless. One vasefirst character to touch the trapped requiring a successful3?C 10 Intelligence (investigation)Area it: i kriHd. This is where thecheck to detect and a successfultroglodytes come to Worship theirjOd \o jOyderity check to disarmdark god Laogzed There s an altarif triggered, the hall to area 3and a statue ofan ugly, frog-likecollapses. Anyone in the hall mustcreature. On the altar are pieces ofmake a LPC to Texterity save. Thoserotten meat and so gp Worth of coinswho fail take zdc 2 bludgeoningand smallgems.damage. Those Who succeed take halfas much damage. The hall becomesimpassable.

Vi CURSE.P LARKRtmHIt seeMS like a oaram! Maze With tWisiina, iurnina hallways thatintersect, but there is no solution to this Maze Its path is coMplete/yrandoM, and if you turnaround to retrace your steps, you find thatthe path has changed behind you.Kak om Prttk- Use the first feW hallways as sioWn on the Map (tapedinto the book a feW paces aaoj, but When the characters Move offthe Map, use the table beloW to fiaure out What they find ne t ifthe characters turn around, the Maze reMains the saMe until they aoaround a corner or open a door. FroM that point on, the labyrinthMakes a neW randoM path.dzo"Result\ zidio Map syuares straight, then dead end3-5 id&Mapsyuares straight, then reroll6-2idy- Map syuares straight, then turn leftf-utdbj- Map syuares straight, then turn riyht12-14 special encounter (described on the nyct pace)15-16 idj- Map syuares straight, then T intersectioni/-i2 id6 Map syuares straight, then a four-Way intersection\ jKeroli\ but also add a door20Keroli, but also add a secret door

SVCdM- EMCOUMTPRSWhilegoing through the CursedV\i Tray. The hallWay has a fitLabyrinth, the characters Will havetray soMeWhere along its lengthsomc interesting encountersfoilCharacters Must Make a successfulon, the following table ft f yougetTC12. Intelligence (investigation)the somc result twice, reroll orcheck to detect the tray, and achoose an, encounter).successful IPC iz Te cterity checkto safely Move yast it. Those Whoot /EncounterjVaMaged Wallsfail the Te/cterity check fall in, andTreasureout of the yit is easy to do.take id& bludgeoning daMage Ci'iMbing3Pit Tray4TroglodytesTroglodytes, four troglodytes,5SkeletonsMeMbers of the tribe froM the The Lost Knightcaverns who ran, into the labyrinth toescaye the thessalkydra, have been,IPaanagel Walls. The nqcb hallWaytrayyed here for tWo Weeks.the characters enter shoWs signs ofThey ’re Mad With hunger anddaMage, like a yoWerful beast hasijwediately attack.raMyaged through here Thegrouycan, easily tell that this daMage WasSkeletons. Light skeletons, thedone by the thessalkydra.undead reMains of adventurers, comcshaMbling doWn the hallWay to attackTreasure They find the reMainsthe characters.of an. ancient adventurer Who diedtrying to escaye the labyrinth.Tke Lost fOujkt. f ee detailsThe body has treasure Worthon. the neft yogi3 Ji20 gold yieces.

the lostThe characters encounter the LostThe first riddle is siMpte. Alt theyKnight—a Mysterious figure dressedhave to do is catch kiM. f{e runsin, a full suit of aruor who isaround the corner and calls back’.trapped in the Cursed Labyrinth“At Wj keels udw nip in- tkis gme WeThe knight is at the far end ofpUu. J&ut cursed is tke Maze, anda long kallWay ( o feet froM thelost am I. S o Wko’s (dosing vM.omTgroup). f{e satjs he knoWs theirguest is to slatf agreat Monster.Ok, wko’s to sovf Tke front is tkebade, tfello is goodbye.”ffe ’ll kelp tkeM if they solve his tWoriddles.if the characters chose kiM, use tke KandoM Path table togenerate tke haiiWays (reroll results of t and z). Every tijve theyround a corner, they see kiM escape at ike other end of the hallThe solution is to stop chasing tke Lost Knight, turn around,andgo back the Way they comc. Once thegroupgoes back onerooM, they autoMaiically find the Knight’s second riddleSecond Kiddle. The characters see the Lost Knight standing ina doorWay at the far side ofa Urge rooM. U[jou solved My firstriddle,n he says. aHoW can you find the Missing piece to finishMy collection:ife points to three shelves above the doorWay. Then he stepsthrough the door, which closes and Magically locks behind kiM(cannot be picked or broken doWn).

The first iWo shelves each have tWoThe basket oflaundry.smoII statues, am the third one hasThese are the characters froM theonly one statue.nursery rhyMe “Tina a ona of77Skeif r statues. A Man. Mi a a baa of coins.dues:Skeif z Statues. A Womok with a(. Its based on.a nursery rhyMe.croWn. and ajarz. There are ufour-and-tWenty ” keJf 3Statue. A common. Womokstatues of abiack birds. ”Wearing ok apron, and an. eMpty space3. Tell theM the nam of the nurseryfor a second statuerhyMe and let theM look up the Words.In. the rooM is a large table coveredTkewith Juana smli statues,solves both of the Lost Knightscake, a pie, a spinning wheel, a basketriddles, he congratulates theM on. beingoflaundry, a plate with a steak, aso clever.toy soldier, a sWord, and twenty-foursculptures of croWs.The knight explains that the CursedLabyrinth is not in. our World, It isJo solve the riddle, the charactersbuilt in. a deMipiane, The thessalhydraMust put the right statue froM thehas found a Way to push through it totable in. the eMpty space on. shelf3-a place called the Upside ToWn, Theif they put a Wrong sculpture on. theLost Knight shoWs ike characters hoWshelf everyone in. the rooM takes idgthat is done, but Warns that this is aThey Must try again,if they put the riaht statue there, thedoor passage—they ?/ have to find adifferent Way hoMe.

KTHE KP lPE vmMThe Upsideis a hind ofalternate dimension.—ok echo of theMateria! Plane (Where We all live). Thai weans in sojve Ways it s verysiwilar to our World, but in others it s coMpletely different.The Upside IPoWn is a cold, dark place. It s always yujht there, and theair is alWays cold (Tike just before a snoW stom). fjou never feel Warnin the Upside IPoWn Also, characters jet no natural healijj While in theUpside tPoWn no Matter hoW lonj you rest, you dont rejain any hitpoints, and you cant spend fit iPice Mojica!healinj still Works.In places where our World and the Upside tPoWn touch each other, theUpside IPoWn looks like our World—the sajve buildinjs, trees, and otherstructures—but they re alWays broken and ruined. These are the placesWhere you can cross between planes, if you knoW hoW.In places Where the Worlds dont touch, the Upside 3?oWn looks like ahaunted forest.

WltfTgR’ iP/tRfc 3 fTE IM TffEjpOWKThe sWord that the characters Might have received froM tr Tristan, Winters ark Bite, is Made ofMetal MinedfroM the Upside ToWn, so itjets even, stronaer When. it7sused here While in. the UpsideiPoWn, Winters J?ark Biteacts like a 4jreatsWorL

UPSIDEEHCOUtiTEKSThis part of the adventure is Mostly supposed to he scary, notdangerous. Whex the characters first arrive ht the Upside iPoWn, Makeit ht the Middle of the Woods fax area that doesxi touch our World),describe hoW lonely, dark, and desolate it is, With a cold Wind hloWifgalt the Hmc.Let the characters explore a little describe sections where the UpsideLPoWx touches our World ix places that thegroup has already visited,so they cax see scary, haunted versions, ffave there he strange hoWlingnoises ox the Wind, and Make it feel like soMething is stalking theM,lurking just out of sight ix the darkness.They find tracks Made hy the tkessalhydra, hut also tracks Madehy other Monsters. But the tracks are iMpossihle to follow. The trackscomc andgo. oMetiMes they loop hack ox theMselves. None of itMakes any sense.Whex its tiMe to Move the story forWard, introduce the Proud Princess.

TtfE VKOm VmCBSSWith a blast of lightning and thunder, the Proud Princess appearsok ahillnear the characters. d he is strong and proud, a Warrior princess, who looksat the characters and instantly knoWs that they pose no danger to her. (Hostats for her. She s not so/ueone they should fight if they insisttheycokoktrying,hit her only With a critical hit, and eveK thcK she shrugs off Whateverdajuage they do. tfer attacks always hit theM and deal zd 6 slashingdaMage.)The Proud Princess has a yuest of her oWn, though she Will not talkabout the details. She Warns the characters to stay out of her Way, fortheir oWk safety. Sijuply to keep theM aWay, she tells theM hoW to find thethessalhudra.The thessalhydra uses the Upside JToWkas a Way to returK to its lair Withoutbeing tracked. The lair is a cave Wherethe Material Plane and the Upside IPoWktouch. A special plantgroWs there—aplant whose foWers blooM ik both Worlds.These floWers can. be used to crossbetween Worlds if you perforM a certaiKritual. A key coMponeni of this ritualis blood froM a Monstrosity fa type ofcreature). The thessalhydra isa Monstrosity, so it caK use its oWkblood to opeK agateWay.

The 'Prom Princess cm. point tkew to ike cavern. Wiiere ike floWers groW,butif ike characters Want io open. a. gateWay, they7!! also need, ike blood ofa Monstrosity. Luckily, ske knoWs of one that kas been stalking around ikeUpside LPoWn lately: a demaoraonfe ke iells tkew that ike dewogorgon is attracted io ike swell of blood.The easiest Way to get iis attention, is io spill blood ok ikeground.But since there are so feW creatures in ike Upside TOoWn, ike only source isike characters tkewselves. Using a WeapoK carefully, a charactercok doMinordaMaae (cutting their palw) causing i kp of dawage and spilling a swell mountof blood if ikegroup spills a total of3 hp Worth of blood, the dewogorgonWill arrive id& Minutes later, leaping {row the darkness and attacking thegroup.if the characters dont Want io spill their oWn blood, they can stalk ikedewogorgon, but this is very difficult. One character should try a TOO isWtsdow (Survival) check for thegroup, if this is successful, they have foundike dewogorgon if it fails, thegroup way try again (With the sawe characteror a different one waking the check), if thegroup fails three tiwes, thedewogorgon has found tkew and attacks, but the characters are surprised(see chapter 2 of the rulebook for hoW surprise Works).

IPEMP60K60MA deMojorjon is a Monstrosity thesize and. shape ofaft adult huMon, butits Mouth dlls its face and opens like ablooMina floWer. One currently lives ift the Upside iPoWn,and no one know's Where it caMe froM oriaina/ly. Itsincredibly stronj and can. heat itself froM daMaje ittakes (even here ift the Upside IPoWn). Like a shark,a deMojorjon is draWft to the scent of blood,andjoes into a frenzy When, blood is near.The Proud Princess says that they need a feWounces of blood{tomthe creature to open.ajateWay (nilinj an. eMpty potion, vial Willdo nicely, but let the characters solve theprobleM). tf the deMojorjon is killed, they can.jet the blood easily.3ut lettheM try other Ways if they dont Want to fjht to the death-For example, they can.jet blood offa sWord blade ijmediately after itstrikes and daMajes the creature (they Must do this four ti/ves to jeteno ujh blood).U 1N6 ZPEMP O-RflOM SLOOPAfter the characters havejotten enouah deimjorjon blood, they can.take it to the cavern. With the floWers. if they pour the blood on. one ofthe floWers, it bursts open, violently (anyone standinj ne t to the floWerMust succeed on atz tPe terity save or be knocked prone), creatinja cross-planarjate teppinj throuah leads to area t of the lair of thethessalhydra.

LATR 0FT4EWhent ike characters step out of an oversized fewer {tike the oneiketj stepped. Mo in ike Upside tPoWn), ikeij are back in ike MaterialPlane—hoMe Ut fact, then are prettu close io ir Tristans castle{ikeij can see the toWers above the tree line). Prints in the dirt wakeit clear tkat the tkessalktjdra has ccMe this Way often, and the trackslead into a nearby cave.

AXCA i. Entrance to the cave ome of the cross-planar fjoWers groWalow the rocks herefata 2. This cave is thick With Webs froM floor to ceiling. Threegiantspiders live here if the characters dont bother them, they Wontbother the characters.fata 3. There’s a 20-fooi-Wide pit. It takes a successful tPO 12strength (Athletics) check to jump across. Failing a juMp Without asafety rope tied to you Means you fait aWay into darkness and take3dio bludgeoning damage The pit is 30 feet deep.Nearby is a hidden passage (marked as an UT ”on the map). It takes a successful JOC 12 Wisdom.erception) check to notice it. Once found, it canbe used freely.hex 4. A tribe of ten troglodytes live hereWhen the thessalhydra moved in, the trogsbegan to Worship it as agod. NoW theyprotect it While it sleeps, if the charactershave already killed the thessalhydra, the trogbegin to Worship them, as their neWgods.

Area 5. At the back of this cave is ok area that appears Wet, like a mlpatch or a shallow pullle, am occasionally ripples or bubbles. It s actuallyokochre jelly, if ike characters dojti bother it, it Wont bother tkeM.Area ( . This is Where the trojlolytes jo to leave offeringsin Worship of the tkessalkylra. The Walls are coverel With swall niches,each of which contains an. offering. ( ee uConclusion.7 beloW.jArea 7. This cavern, is where the tkessalkylra lurks. It is here anlsleeping,if thecharacters can. sneak upokit, they can take thecreature by surprise (see chapter z of the rulebook for koW surprise Works'!.-r-II?.

cowcivsmsuccessthis adveniure When they chop off ike creature s heads and brina ikeMback to Sir Tristan, he Will Welcome tkeM as con juerina heroes, shoWertkeM With treasure, andjrant each one a booK fas Iona as it is Within*his poWer to do so). Additionally, in* area & of the thessalhydra s lairthey Will find coins, je/us, and artWork Worth i,ooojold pieces, plusone juajic itcm of your (the lPunjeoK Master’s) choice froM appendi/( AfroM the rulebook-



Further AdventuresPerhaps the best reward of ail is that the characters each gain a level. Use theinformation on the back of the character sheets to make them 4th level. They will thenbe ready to seek more adventure and rewards in future games of Dungeons & Dragons! NETFLIXOFFICIAL MERCHANDISEWWW, NETFLIX. COMAND/OR TM* & 2018 HASBRO, PAWTUCKET, R1 02861 -1059 USA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, TM & DENOTE US. TRADEMARKS. ITEM # E3702CONSUMER CONTACT:USA AND CANADA: HASBRO GAMES, CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPT, RO, BOX 200, PAWTUCKET, Rl 0286M059 USA.TEL. 800-255-5516,AUSTRALIA CONSUMER SERVICE: AUCONSUMERCARE@ARHASBRO.COMNEW ZEALAND CONSUMER SERVICE: NZCONSUMERCARE@HASBRO.COMNETFLIXOFFICIAL MERCHANDISE

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doMain in, a lonely stretch ofMountains. A terrible Monster called a thessalhydra has been, attacking his realu. It is a strange and dreadful creature With eight heads surrounding a Urge circular Mouth r'tMMed With jagged