Henry W. Bloch School Of Management ç ¹Y 6Ù Ñ þ


Henry W. Bloch School of Management ૧ քહਖ਼࠶ ბᇾெࡔ ໋ ٷ ბĊਾුຯ "Transforming Talent for Kansas City and Beyond"Đ ዸཽ ݣ Ċᆐီஏਜ਼ఔྪႅđ

Kansas City, MO ໋ ዝਾුຯ Kansas City, Missouri state (MO) is the sister city ofXi'an, China.ࠛᔚ᧗ࢷ ܂ ᖼளۢ֗ᬏ᜵ᄵ᜵߷ ௧ ۢݸݾ ǍKansas City, MO is the 29th largest metropolitan areain the U.S. with about 2.1million people living in 18counties on the border of Missouri and Kansas states,mid-west of the U.S.Kansas City has more fountains than any other city inthe world, except for Rome. More than 200 fountainsflow here. The city is located where the Kansas andMissouri rivers meet and in early days many peoplearrived in Kansas City by steamboat to begin theiroverland journeys west. The city is also famous for itsjazz music which has been a staple of the KC musicscene since the 1920s as well as the barbecue culture.It is reported that KC has more barbecue restaurantsper capita than any other city in the nation.ࠛ ᔚ ᧗ ࢷ ܂ ᖼ ள ۢ ͯ ̆ Ꮏ ڎ ᜵ ᦊἻ گ ᗀ ̆ࠛ ᔚ ᧗ ࢷ ֗ ܂ ᖼ ள ࢷ ᄊ ႍἻ С ద 18 ԞἻ̄ᄈʷӡʺ̡ Ἳ௧Ꮏ ڎ ኄ̄ӡ ܸۢ ǍᄱඋˇႍХ̵ۢ Ἳ ܂ ᖼளۢԻᑟ௧ᬔᎭᯱܱۢવద إ తܳᄊۢ Ǎᡔ 200 ऐ إ ืፃ̆ Ǎ ܂ ᖼள্ۢ ࠛښܫݞ ᔚ᧗ෲ ἻொరἻ ̡ܳ گ ᗢුᓕખ ܂ ᖼளἻႀ न ̵̓ݽ ᄊ᜵ᦊनԧ Ǎᒭʽˇጢ̄ӡࣲ̽̿ Ἳྗ ܣ ʷᄰ௧ ܂ ᖼளᮃ ᄊʷܸྲᓤǍᄰ ̭ܹἻᤈऐۢ ྗڂ ֗ ܣ དྷཐ ӑᏫ Ր̆ˇἻదઑ᥋᛫ ἻᄱඋᎿ ڎ Х̵ۢ Ἳ ܂ ᖼள̡ۢ ک વదఞܳᄊདྷཐᯀԊǍThe Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, located in KansasCity, MO, has the third largest Chinese art collection inthe U.S. گ ᗀ ܂ښ ᖼளۢᄊ Nelson Atkinson Ӱྭᯞᜂଆ ЛᎿኄʼͯવదతܳ ڎ ᓨషֶஆᘩᄊӰྭᯞǍAlso home to the KC animal health corridor, theGreater KC area is the national leader in the animalhealth and nutrition industry. ܂ ᖼளүྭӼၷ گ ᗀ̆ ܂ ᖼளۢἻ ښ үྭӼၷ֗۲ᐲ̗ˊவ Ἳܸ ܂ ᖼள ڡ ӝ ښ ЛᎿՐѵҒᔷǍKC was named among the "top 12 cities in the worldto watch for innovation" by Fast Company magazine,keeping company with Beijing, Abu Dubai, Calgary,Moscow, Seattle, and Barcelona to name a few. It wasalso ranked the second best city in the U.S. for youngentrepreneurs by Under30CEO.com.ᜂ Fast Company* ాঃក ښ ѹழவ þЛˇႍతЦ ᠶভᄊ 12 ऐۢ ʷÿἻХ̵४ ᮊក͉ᄊۢ దἻӒ̛Ἳᤔ Ἳӵ࠷ҫ᧗ἻᖆளሙἻ᜵ᬶ ܋ ֗ڏ Ꭽᥧ Ǎ ܂ ᖼள ښ ǒOver 30CEOǓాঃកᤥᄊЛᎿతᤠՌ᭟ࣲѹˊᏨۢ ଆՐ ѵኄʼͯǍA UNIVERSE of KNOWLEDGE in a CITY of OPPORTUNITYЍ໘అਦ֗ ᥅ᄊۢ 01

About Kansas City, MO࠲ᇀ ໋ ዝਾුຯ ဇჯ SeattleእेߣChicago౨ሀNew York ฺ ܙ Washington ໋ ዝਾුຯ Lbotbt!Djuz-!NP৹ূ San Francisco ໋ ዝਾුຯ ఁටFamous People in Kansas City, MO Edgar Snow, the famous American journalist known for his books and articlesabout the Chinese Communist revolution, was born in Kansas City in 1905.He is best known for Red Star Over China (1937) an account of the Chinesecommunist movement from its founding until the late 1930s. ۠ॴҫ ளឳἷ1905 ࣲѣၷ̆ ܂ ᖼளۢἸ௧ᗃՐᄊᎿ ڎ ᝮᏨἻ ڂ ઑ᥋Ἳ୩и ڎ ֑ᄊ ቦ֗ ዚᏫ ՐἻਫ਼ᗃదǒ᜵ᛡ ᝮǓἻ ᜶̮ፁ̀ ڎ ᄊС̗ ᤂү̰មၷ ʽˇጢʼӡࣲ̽ఴᄊԧ࡙ፃ Ǎ The Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation and the Edgar Snow MemorialReading Room are located at UMKC. The Edgar Snow Symposium is conductedonce every two years by Beijing University, China People to People Associationand UMKC. ۠ॴҫ ளឳጢঐ۳ ֗ጢঐ ࠉ گ ᗀ̆ࠛᔚ᧗ܸߦ - ܂ ᖼளἷእሦþUMKCÿἸಣ ڇ ЯǍ۠ॴҫ ளឳ ᮥᝧ ͘ႀӒ̛ܸߦἻ ̡ڎ ඟԤ ݞ ө֗͘ UMKC ඈːࣲᐏՌˡҩʷ Ǎ Harry S. Truman, U.S. 33rd President, studied for two years toward a lawdegree at the Kansas City Law School (now the University of Missouri-KansasCity School of Law) in the early 1920s. Ꮏ ڎ ኄʼӡʼ͊ ፒొ᱕ ЏၷἻఢ ښ ʽˇጢ 20 ࣲ̽ொర ܂ښ ᖼளขߦᬓἷဘ UMKC ขߦᬓἸߦ ข॥Ǎ Dr. Mark Funkhouser, the former mayor of Kansas City, MO, obtained hisPh.D. from the UMKC Bloch School of Management. ࠛᔚ᧗ࢷ ܂ ᖼளۢҒ Mark Funkhouser Ӱ ښܣ UMKC ҷБኮေߦᬓԩ४Ӱ ͯߦܣ Ǎ Henry W. Bloch is one of the world's greatest entrepreneurs and the cofounder of tax empire H&R Block. ЛုతܸᄊሰҬ ҬНՃ H&R Block НՃᄊᐏՌѹ ̡ݽ ἻЛုతౕѣᄊѹˊᏨ ʷἻ̘Ѿ . ҷБǍ Walter Elias Disney is co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, which laterbecame one of the best-known motion picture producers in the world. Hestudied at the College of Arts and Sciences at UMKC. Өྲ ᤔ ֗ࡉܣ ХЌว͏ ᤔ ࡉܣ ʷՏѹҩ̀ˇႍᗃՐᄊӨྲᤔ ܣ ࡉНՃǍ̵ఢፃ ښ UMKC ᄊᓨషˁሙߦߦᬓߦ Ǎ Esther L. George is president and chief executive officer of the FederalReserve Bank of Kansas City and a member of the Federal Open MarketCommittee, which has authority over U.S. monetary policy. She got herMBA degree from the Henry W. Bloch School of Management, University ofMissouri-Kansas City. Esther L. George ௧Ꮏ ڎ ᐏᥨϲ ܬ ᩐᛡἷ ܂ ᖼளἸᄊ ࣞ֗ CEOἻ Տ Ъ͊Ꮏᐏϲनஊ ނڤ ր͘ᄊ ނ րἻស ނ ր͘ଂኮᎿ ڎ ᄊ ኖǍ ښݝ UMKC ᄊ ҷБኮေߦᬓԩ४ MBA ߦͯǍ02

Welcome tothe University of Missouri-Kansas City ᆓઠ ڟ ெࡔ ໋ ٷ ბ . ਾුຯ The University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) is located in KansasCity, MO. It is the largest urban research public university in Kansas City.UMKC is accredited by the Education Minister of China.Ꮏ ࠛڎ ᔚ᧗ܸߦú ܂ ᖼளۢ ( እሦþUMKCÿ) گ ᗀ̆Ꮏ ࠛڎ ᔚ᧗ࢷ ܂ ᖼளۢǍ ݝ ௧ ܂ ᖼளۢЯతܸᄊНቡᆑቃ ߦܸی ǍUMKC ௧ ڎ ஔᐲᦊᝣԻᄊᎿ ߦܸڎ ǍUMKC is one of four universities within the UM (University of Missouri)system. The others are University of Missouri (MU), University ofMissouri-St. Louis (UMSL), and University of Missouri–Science andTechnology. The University of Missouri is among the Top 61 publiclisted universities and a member of AAU (Association of AmericanUniversities). The University of Missouri has been listed among the elite"Public Ivies".UMKC ௧ UMἷࠛᔚ᧗ܸߦἸʹጇЯᄊ 4 ਫ਼ܸߦ ʷǍԳܱʼਫ਼௧ࠛᔚ᧗ܸߦú ͠ උ̎Ἳࠛᔚ᧗ܸߦú ڙ ள֗ࠛᔚ᧗ေࢺܸߦǍࠛᔚ᧗ܸߦ௧Ꮏ ڎ 61 ਫ਼ᮇ࠹ᆑቃ ߦܸی ʷἷAAU ੇրಣἸἻጉదþНቡ ᘮՐಣÿᄊᎿ ǍThe UMKC is home to 12 schools, including Henry W. Bloch Schoolof Management, College of Arts & Science, Conservatory of Musicand Dance, School of Biological Sciences, School of Computing andEngineering, School of Dentistry, School of Education, School of Law,School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy and Schoolof Graduate Studies.UMKC વద 12 ਫ਼ߦᬓἻѬѿ௧Ἳ ҷБኮေߦᬓἻ ေߦᬓἻᮃ ᓂᢜߦᬓἻၷྭሙߦߦᬓἻᝠካ �ߦᬓǍUMKC enrolls 15,500 students from all 50 states and 62 countriesaround the world.UMKC ̰ЛᎿ 50 ࢷԣЛု 62 ࠒڎ રஆ̀ʷʺ̋Ӣ̋ᄈՐߦၷǍWelcome to University of Missouri - Kansas City!ൔᤁ Ꮏ ࠛڎ ᔚ᧗ܸߦú ܂ ᖼளۢἰUMKC has a strong link to some of the largest enterprises inthe world, which are originally from Kansas City: H&R Block,the largest tax preparation company in the U.S.; HallmarkCards, the world's largest greeting card company; Garmin,world-wide distributor of GPS and innovative technology;and the Kauffman Foundation, the world's largest foundationdevoted to entrepreneurship.03UMKC ֗ਫ਼ ښ ᇫӝТጇࠛѭǍ Х֗ԧູ̆ ܂ ᖼளۢἻ ̭ݠ ԧ࡙ੇᛡˊࢽ݀ᄊ͍ˊ֗ ఞదᅌጋࠛᐏጇἻඋ ݠ Ὁे̭ЛᎿతܸᄊሰҬНՃἻH&R ��ˇႍʽతܸᄊЛုࠀͯጇፒ҄ᤵ ἻΈ డ۳ Ǎ

Aboutthe Henry W. Bloch School of Management࠲ᇀ ૧ քહਖ਼࠶ ბᇾ Bloch is an AACSB accredited business school.ᖍ४Ꮏ ڎ AACSB ᝣ ᄊ ߦ ᬓBloch was founded in 1953.ੇቡ̆ 1953 ࣲBloch was endowed by Henry W. Bloch (co-founder, H&R Block) in 1986, who made his fortune in tax preparation.1986 ࣲ̿ЛᎿతܸሰҬНՃ H&R Block ᄊѹ ̡ݽ Henry W. Bloch ᄊՐߚ֑ՐHenry W. Bloch recently gave a 32 million gift for an innovative, state-of-the-art building to house Bloch School' sentrepreneurship, graduate and executive programs (opening 2013) ̘Ѿ . ҷБЏၷՔ ҷБኮေߦᬓ૬ᡃ̀ʼӢːᄈʺᎿЋၹ̆थ ʷ ࠝదѹਓ֗ᓨషඡ ᄊᆑቃၷஔᐲ֗ᝫ۳ ڡ ǍOur China VisionOur vision is to nurture the next generation of entrepreneurialand innovative leaders for China through scientific managementeducation to serve in the private, public, profit and nonprofitenterprises and to promote U.S. China relations and people-topeople friendship.ᆸඣ ᒦਪᏒஶᤰ ሙߦኮေஔᐲἻ ڎ ᄊሓ̡͍ˊ֗ ऊ ᖹѾ Ἳ۲Щழʷ̽ѹழ ̡ی ੦ἻࣳΨᤉ Ꮏː ڎ Тጇ֗ Ꮏː ̡ڎ ඟᄊԤែǍSpecializationThe Bloch School is one of very few business schools thatintegrates public administration with business administration,and infuses an entrepreneurial mindset within students acrossall business disciplines.ᆸඣ ᄂ ҷБኮေߦᬓ௧࠶ ࠲ ߦ ᬓ֗НСኮေߦᬓՌ̄ ʷᄊߦᬓἻ ښ ሓ̡͍ˊ֗ ऊ ᖹѾ ۲Щѹˊ ی ᮗ ̡੦Ǎ04

The Bloch School is home to more than 60 full and part-time world-class facultyincluding Ph.D.s from Harvard, Cambridge, Yale, Cornell, Virginia and other topUniversities as well as the No. 1 scholar in the world for innovation management. Allfull-time tenured faculty have Ph.D. degrees. ҷБኮေߦᬓવదᡔ 60 ՐЛုᅼՐஔ૿ἻХ ӊ �વదӰ ͯߦܣ Ǎ Bloch is accredited by both AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schoolsof Business) and NASPAA (National Association of Schools of Public Affairs andAdministration) - only 15% of U.S. business schools have this accreditation. ҷБኮေߦᬓᖍ४̀ AACSB ֗ NASPAA ᄊᝣԻǍЛᎿ ߦ ᬓ ̩ద15% ४ ̀ AACSB ᄊᝣԻǍ Both the graduate and undergraduate programs in entrepreneurship in theBloch School's Department of Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation are rankedamong the top 25 in the nation by Princeton Review, making UMKC one of only 11universities in the country to have both programs in this ranking.In addition, because of the department faculty's prolific research, UMKC is ranked No.I in the world for innovation management research in a study appearing in the Journalof Product Innovation Management. ಪ తழᄊ Princeton Review ଆՐἻ ҷБኮေߦᬓѹˊˁѹழ ॷ(IEI) ᄊవሙˁᆰ ܣ ᄊѹˊஔᐲඵюଆՐ ͯک ѵЛᎿҒ 25 ͯǍUMKC ௧ЛᎿ̩దᄊ 11 ਫ਼ᑟ ښ వሙ֗ᆰ ܣ ஔᐲඵюଆՐ ک ᤉКҒ 25 Րᄊܸߦ ʷǍᬔ ܱἻ ڂ IEI ᆰᄊᆑቃੇ౧Ἳಪ Journal of Production InnovationManagement ଆՐἻUMKC ښ ѹழኮေᮗ۫ᄊᆑቃඵюՐѵˇႍኄʷǍ The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IEI) was recognized with twointernational awards from the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers(GCEC), including "Exceptional Activities in Entrepreneurship Across Disciplines" and"Outstanding Contributions to Enterprise Creation".The undergraduate entrepreneurship program was also ranked among the top 26model programs in the nation by Entrepreneuredu.org. The Institute is home to Dr.Michael Song, the No. 1 innovation management scholar in the world. ҷБኮေߦᬓᄊѹˊˁѹழߦᬓἷእሦ "IEI"Ἰᖍ४Лုѹˊ ॷᐏᄪἷGCECἸᮒԧᄊːᮊ ڎ ᬅ ݒ ᮊἻþᡵߦሙѹˊஔᐲ͖ሒ ݒ ÿ֗þ͍ˊᤵࡃౕѣ᠈ ݒ ÿǍᜂ Entrepreneuredu.org កᤥ ЛᎿత͖ሒᄊ 26 ѹˊҧᰴ ஔᐲᇨᔵᮊᄬ ʷǍᏫ ἻIEI વదˇႍኄʷᄊѹழኮေߦᏨ Michael Song Ӱ ܣ ǍPoints of Prides ் ڦ ঐӍ05

Nurturing thenext generationof entrepreneurialleadershipಢᄢ ظ ᄽ႙ଶ ڞ ට The Henr y W. Bloch School of Management is one of thefew business schools to combine both business and publicadministration. It is designed to nurture students in for profit/privatecompanies, government or nonprofit organizations by fostering anentrepreneurial mindset regardless of academic discipline. Whetherstudying accounting, finance or management, we want our studentsto be not only entrepreneurial, but we want them to process otherfundamental aspects of a global leader.We think this talent comes in a "T" shape. You may be majoring inaccounting, finance or management vertically, but horizontally you canbe an entrepreneurial leader in your field by learning an internationalperspective and vision, team spirit and creative thinking.Products and services of today are no longer constrained to a singlecountry. They move from headquarters to their global corporateStudent Services at the Bloch School ݚ ಏయ ಯኧᏔኧညॲᇗ ێ ၀The Student Services Office is a one-stop office for Bloch Schoolstudents to help our students succeed and graduate. Staff in StudentServices advise on course scheduling, provide counseling to graduateand undergraduate students, and help students find other resourcesbased on their needs.Student Services handles all graduate admissions to the Bloch School.Additionally, staff help in all other areas of student mentoring andadvisement.ߦၷ ҬҩНࠉ௧ Ք ҷБኮေߦᬓߦၷᄊʷባर ҬҩНࠉἻन࡙ʷጇѵࢺͻἻ ࣟښ Ұߦၷ߹ੇߦˊᮋѾඌˊǍសҩНࠉՏ Х̵֧វἻӊ ࡃˊ֗ࠄ ֧វǍߦၷ ҬҩНࠉ ܫ ေ ҷБኮေߦᬓਫ਼దᄊᆑቃၷैԩࢺͻǍ ܱἻសҩНࠉࠫߦၷᤉᛡЛவͯᄊૉ e Bloch Career Launcher ݚ ಏయ ጓॲᇗᒦቦThe Bloch School's Career Launcher is available to every full- orpart-time student in the Bloch School. Students will be able to getsubsidiaries or companies, or to small/medium sized businessesacross the world, working together to create innovative productsand services. A young talent must have the ability to play in thiscompetitive society, work in a diversified team and possess the spiritof innovation.Team work is very important, and in the world of 21st centuryenterprise, a corporation will pay close attention to your ability to beentrepreneurial and innovative as well as work well in diverse teams. ҷБኮေߦᬓ௧࠶ ࠲ ߦ ᬓ֗ኮေߦᬓՌᏫ ʷᄊߦᬓἻ ښ ᤰ ۲Щ ᒭˀՏ ˊᑀఀᄊߦၷ̓ᄊѹழন፥Ἳ ͍ˊnj ऊ֗ ᖹѾ ۲Щѹˊ ی ᮗ ̡੦Ǎˀ ௧͘ᝠnj ᚸᤇ௧ኮေ ˊἻੈ̓ మߦၷˀ̩ЦదѹˊድᇸἻՏ ᤇ᜶Ц ੇܬ Лုӑᑀఀʾᮗ Ꮸᄊ۳వጉ Ǎੈ̓ሖ ÿTÿ ̡ی ੦ፇ ᄊေঐǍ̰ ۇ ᄰᄊᝈएἻߦၷԻ̿ ᅌ͘ᝠnj ᚸ֗ኮေ ˊவՔጫງԧ࡙Ἳඵࣱʽѷᤰ ᝫጷ ڎ ᬅ ᝈ֗ ᧙nj ڄ ድᇸ̿ԣѹᤵভন፥Ꮻੇ ѹˊ ی ᮗ ᏨǍ̭ܹᄊၷ̗֗ Ҭ ፃˀгࡍᬍ ښ ౽ʷ ࠒڎ Ἳ߲̓ ښ ᦊ֗Лုᔵ ڊ ЯᄊѬஃ njՌͻ͗ͧ Ἳᤰ ڄ ՌͻСՏѹᤵѹழভᄊֶ̗֗ ҬǍ ڂ ᎪፏᄊТጇἻቤ̂ ڡ ӝ௧ ൣ ܒ Ἳ ద ڎ ႍவ ᄊഐঐǍ ڄ өͻ ᧘᜶Ἳʷ � ڄ ᄊᑟҧǍᤈ᧗ᄊܳЋӑ ڄ ˀ̩̩௧ ˊᅼគᄊܳЋἻ ௧ ӑᄊܳЋǍ21 ˇጢᄊ͍ˊ ښ રᐐ̡੦ᄊ ϋྲѿฌਓἻˀኮͿ௧ߦ͘ᝠᄊnj �ᇸ̿ԣܳЋӑᄊፃᰎǍ ڂ ဘ ښ ᄊቤ̂௧ʷመဗုভᄊቤ̂Ἳᤈ̏ᦐ ᧘᜶Ἳᭊ᜶ ˊ Ϳښ ᄊ۳ᆩʽୄथඋᣗࣹᄊܳவ ᄊጉ Ǎ తՑἻ ڎ ᬅНՃ ښ રᐐ̡੦ᄊ ϋἻॢ᧘ ʷགἻ ښ ਓ ʽἻᤈ ̡੦ ᤈ НՃԝϢ̃Ἳᑟˀᑟԧ ͻၹἻੋˀኮ ͻࢺ᧗דښ Ἳࢺͻᦐ௧Лုӑᄊե᧚Ǎinformation related to career planning and job search needs. Thisincludes the Bloch School's ROADMAP for career planning, seminars,networking events, job postings, internships, helpful job search weblinks, and more. ҷБኮေߦᬓᄊࡃˊ Ҭ ॷ Քਫ਼ద ҷБኮေߦᬓᄊߦၷǍߦၷԻ̿ᤰ ស ॷᖍ४దТᐌˊᝠѳ֗ࢺͻᭊරᄊηৌǍХ ӊ ̀ ҷБኮေߦᬓ ߦၷଢΙᄊᐌˊᝠѳἻ ڳ Ἳ̡ᬅ̔ืำүἻࢺͻ ͘Ἳࠄ ͘ἻࠄၹරᐌᎪባ ηৌǍUMKC Career Services CenterUMKC ጓॲᇗᒦቦUMKC's Career Services Center provides resources for both jobseekers and employers. Students can find resources such as careerfair information, internships, resume building and job placement. Theyalso offer Roo Career Network (RCN), an employment databasethat offers local and national job listings.UMKC ࡃˊ Ҭ ॷՏ �४దТરᐐ͘Ἳࠄ ͘Ἳእԋ҄ͻԣХ̵வ ᄊ᧘᜶ηৌǍស ॷՔරᐌᏨ֗રᐐவВᠠଢΙЛᎿࢺͻ ͯ ःǍស ॷ ښ ҷБኮေߦᬓ దҩ̃ ܫ ǍՏ ἻUMKC ࡃˊ Ҭ ॷ UMKC ಣԤଢΙՊመ ҬἻөҰξஈእԋἻᐌˊកͥἻ ̡ᐌˊ֧វ̿ԣ ត۲ᝫ ǍService Centers ޜ ခዐ႐06

Bloch School begins a strategic initiative with China by signing Memorandums ofUnderstanding with select Chinese universities (2010) ݚ ಏయ ಯኧᏔᎧၫჅᒦਪ ቅ ೫ ᔫ۸ᆄഺLj൳߲೫ᔓሶᒦਪ ᎌᐵ ፀፃ ጙ ݛ ăUndergraduate ప୴ᎹExecutive Master of BusinessAdministrationᰴጟࢺ ኮေᆰ ិܣ ሮBachelor of Business AdministrationMaster of Public Administrationࢺ ኮေߦ ិͯߦܣ ሮ(emphasis areas: health servicesemphasis areas: enterpriseadministration, nonprofit management,management, entrepreneurship,urban administration)finance, marketingНСኮေᆰ ិܣ ሮ᧘གᮗ۫Ὁ͍ˊኮေἻѹˊἻ ᚸἻ ڤ ᖹᩙExecutive Master of PublicAdministrationBachelor of Science in AccountingᰴጟНСኮေᆰ ិܣ ሮ͘ᝠߦ ិͯߦܣ ሮGraduateႂိ୴ᎹMaster of Business Administration(emphasis areas:entrepreneurship, finance, internationalbusiness, leading and managing people,management, management informationsystems, marketing, supply chain andoperations management)ࢺ ኮေᆰ ិܣ ሮDoctoral݇ိ୴ᎹI.Ph.D. (Interdisciplinary Ph.D.) in PublicAffairs and AdministrationНС̃Ҭ֗ኮေӰ ܣ ἷᡵߦሙӰ ܣ ἸិሮPh.D. in Entrepreneurship andInnovationѹˊˁѹழӰ ិܣ ሮMaster of Science in Accounting͘ᝠߦᆰ ិܣ ሮMaster of Entrepreneurial Real Estateѹˊ ̗ڡ ᆰ ិܣ ሮMaster of Science in Finance ᚸᆰ ិܣ ሮMaster of Global Entrepreneurshipand Innovation (coming in 2013)Лုѹˊˁѹழᆰ ិܣ ሮEducationბ ঞᇣRequirement forEstimated cost:ॅ ৰ ހ ǖundergraduate course: ప )5 ฤᒜ * ྜྷ ኧገཇǖႂឰᠠὉ50 Ꮏ వሙࣱ ߦک ᠠὉ22,000 Ꮏ ᰴ ඌˊǍੇ ߦѬ གὉ2.75Ὂᬶন IELTSὉ6.0 / ੬ሉ 550Ἳἷ79-80Ἰ ᆰ ߦکࣱܣ ᠠὉ28,000 Ꮏ ၷำᠠὉ800 Ꮏ ἷඈథἸἷХʷἸฌὉ ͥᝠ௧ ښ ద ߦݒ ᄊৱцʾἻិሮ ʷࣲBasic admissionrequirement for master’scourse:ႂိల߈ ྜྷ ኧገཇ!ǖ1. ԪᝣԻᄊవሙߦͯԣߦԋ2. GMAT 500 ੋ GRE3. ੬ሉ 550Ἳἷ79-80Ἰੋᬶন 6.04. వሙ ߦѬ གὉ3.05. GRE GPA ੇ Ὁ፬ՌᏦ᧚ἷMPAᤠၹἸ(200* GPA) GRE 1550ฌὉඈࣲરၷ 2 07Scholarship: ኧ ǖChancellor's Non-resident Award (CNR)ಣ ߦݒ -- వ ߦڡ ၷἷእሦþCNRÿἸThe CNR scholarship is a financialwaiver award for undergraduate andgraduate international students. Itcovers the difference between residentand non-resident educational feesfor attending UMKC, estimated atapproximately 8,870 per academicyear for undergraduate and 8,510 forgraduate students.More Information about this scholarship:http://www.umkc.edu/isao/cnr �ᄊᆰ ߦܣ Ǎߦ ర ἻԻ̿ Ꮏ ڎ ᚸ / ͘ᝠ͍ˊࠄ Ǎ ߦूܙ ၷࠄᬅऄၹᑟҧǍଢΙಣ ߦݒ - వ ߦڡ ၷ ( እሦ þCNRÿ) CNR ߦݒ ௧ ࠫ ڎ ᬅߦၷᄊ ߦݒ Ǎᖍ ݒ Ꮸ ښ ஃ̷ UMKC ߦᠠ ἻԻ̚Ԫవ ߦڡ ၷॠ᥅ǍఞܳТ̆ ߦݒ ᄊηৌឰಊᄺὉhttp://www.umkc.edu/isao/cnr faq.htm#2ଢ Ι ሓ ̡ ߦ ݒ .htm

Residential Lifeዿ໔ิऄUMKC has three new state-of-the art residence halls on campus.UMKC વదʼ ܫ ᰴඵࣱᄊߦၷಣ ࠗڇ ᒼt Oak Street Hallt Herman Johnson Hallt Oak Place ApartmentsOr, students can choose to rent a house or apartment off campus or stay in a nearby home.Տ ߦၷ Ի̿ಪ ᒭ ᭊරᤥહ ښ ಣܱም ੋКͱे ࠒ̡ڡ ǍWhat Students Sayბิߌჾ ިప - Xu ChaokeMBA - ಯႂိዮᏐ - Yang YuanMSA - ્ଐኧႂိþI chose the Bloch School at UMKC because it has worldclass faculty and great facilities, and Kansas City is the heart ofAmerica. People here are very nice, and life in the Midwestis very affordable compared to the more expensive Eastand West Coasts. Kansas City has anexcellent arts scene, with top museumsand many festivals and gallery openingsevery month. For me, it was definitelyone of the most suitable cities in whichto live and study.ÿੈᤥહ UMKC ҷБኮေߦᬓ௧ ڂ ݝ વదˇႍʷืᄊஔ૿ ڄ ֗Պᮊ߹ؓᄊ ஷǍᏫ ܂ ᖼளۢ ܫ ̆Ꮏ ڎ ᄊ ॷἻᤈ᧗ᄊ̡̓ ԤؓǍՏ Ἳᄱࠫ̆ ᄊˌ๒ ֗᜵๒ ἻᎿ ڎ ᜵ᦊᄊၷำᔉᠠ ՌေǍ ܂ ᖼளۢ௧ ᜵ᦊᄊᓨష ᦐἻવదʷืᄊӰྭᯞἻඈ థᦐదॢܳᓬெ࡙֗ न࣫Ǎ߲ᄊᆸ௧ЛˇႍతᤠՌࡐͱ֗ߦ ᄊۢ ʷǍþMost people think that coming toa completely strange environmentand studying in a graduate schoolin a foreign country could be verydifficult. Well, not for me! Sincecoming to UMKC, everybody Imet here has been so kind andhelpful. They never got tiredof explaining how to solve anydifficulties I ran into. The faculty,staff and other students here allcome with different kinds of experience and are alwayshappy to share their interesting anecdotes with you. Withthe amazing fall seasonal scenery, I enjoy studying on thisbeautiful campus.ÿੈ UMKC ፃː థ̀Ǎܸܳ ̡͘ᝀ४Ἳ ښ ʷ ߹Лᬋၷᄊဗ ܒ Ἳၹ֗̿ҒˀՏឦᝓἻᤉᛡᆰ ܣ ᄊߦ ͘ద̏ ڈ ᬲǍ̆ੈᏫᝓἻ߹Л దǍᤈ᧗ᄊ̡ᦐ Ԥؓࣳ ̆Ұ̡Ἳ ॢਝਓ֗ͿѬ̵̓̚ˀՏᄊ̡ၷፃԋ֗݉ ᣋ̃ǍेͿ ិښ ۶ʽ᥅ ڈ ᬲᄊ ϋἻ̵̓͘ᏭॷᄊፌͿᝍ᧖֗ૉ ǍᤇదἻᤈ᧗ሗܹᄊఀᓤࠄ ܺښ ᓥ̀Ἳ ښ ᤈನᎿˠᄊಣ ߦ᧗ڇ ᝨੈਖ ̚ԪǍᑌᨍ - Zhao MiMBA - ಯႂိþThe Bloch School is different in that it offers handson learning opportunities. In my marketing class, we learned to do marketing researchby going to local wine stores to collect pricing information on different brands. In myentrepreneurship class, we teamed up with students from the law school and engineering school to turn abusiness idea into a business plan, and then present it to venture capitalists for possible funding. Classes likethese are very practical, and prepare students for real world issues. As for the Bloch School professors, theyare knowledgeable and experienced. They facilitate open classroom discussions, address students concerns,and always want to bring out the best in their students.ÿ ҷБኮေߦᬓᄊˀՏ ߲̆ښܫ ଢῚॢܳࠄ ߦ ͘Ǎ ڤ ښ ᖹᩙិሮ Ἳੈ̓ᤰ ԝे ڡ ηৌἻߦ ̀ ݠ ᤉᛡ ូڤ ᆑǍ ښ ѹˊߦិሮ Ἳੈ̓֗ขߦᬓԣࢺሮߦᬓᄊߦၷʷᡑጸ Ἳᤉᛡ ˊ নἻ҄ͻ ˊ ᝠѳ ᚸᠫ ඌˊՑᄊဘࠄˇႍǍ ҷБኮေߦᬓᄊஔ૿̓ᅼគຎӰἻፃᰎ ࠝǍ ិښ ۶ʽἻ̵̓ᤰ नஊरᝧ Ǎੈ̰ ҷБኮေߦᬓᄊஔᐲ ᖍᄞᓢܳǍ08

Cooperation with Organizations andUniversities in ChinaᏴᒦਪ ᔫ૦৩ਜ਼ࡍኧBloch School of Management China ݚ ಏయ ಯኧᏔᒦਪ ࠀူێ Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education ᔚᄵஔᐲԊXiamen University Tan Kah Kee College᯿Ԙ ܸߦ ي उߦᬓҩ̃ ܫ ἷԘ Ἰ ڧڡ ὉԘ ܸߦ ࢷಣӝ ي उߦᬓἻፃኮܸഎ A ऐ#637Xiamen UniversityԘ ܸߦJimei UniversityᬷᎿܸߦShandong University of Finance and Economicsࡣˌ᠉ፃܸߦJiangsu University ᔚܸߦEast Asia International Beijingˌ̎ ڎ ᬅӒ̛East Asia International Beijing᯿ ڎ̎ˌڎ ᬅӒ̛ҩ̃ ܫ ڧڡ ὉӒ̛ య ӝయ Ӓ ण ˌ᧗ႁ 3 ՂJiangsu Provincial Department of Education᯿ ڎ ᔚᄵஔᐲԊҩ̃ ܫ ڧڡ Ὁ ᔚᄵӯ̛ Ӓ̛᜵ 15 ՂJimei University, School of Business Administration (Year2012, Xiamen City)᯿ᬷᎿܸߦࢺ ኮေߦᬓҩ̃ ܫ - Ԙ ᬷᎿӝ2012 ࣲUMKC also has MOU agreements with NanjingUniversity and Xi'an Jiaotong University.UMKC ˁӯ̛ܸߦ֗᜵߷̔ᤰܸߦኤᎸ̀Ռͻ ܬ ैǍCooperation with Organizations and Universities in Chinaሞዐࡔ ڦ ፕऐࠓ ٷ ბ09

Current Cooperation Programs with Various Chinese Universities ༄Ꭷᒦਪ ࡍኧ ᔫሲ ᐏՌᆑቃἻԧ࡙ࣳึᥐԻԩ४ߦ ͯߦܣ ᄊஔᐲᮊᄬ֗ / ੋᆑቃၷ ᄊஔᐲᮊᄬDevelopment and delivery of educational programs in the bachelor and/or graduate levels. Mainly: M.S.A. (Master of Science in AccountingἸ ͘ᝠߦᆰ ܣ ἷӊ Ꮏ ڎ CPA Ꮶតૉ ិሮἸ M.S.F. (Master of Science in Finance) ᚸᆰ ܣ ἷӊ Ꮏ ڎ CFA Ꮶតૉ ិሮἸ M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration) ࢺ ኮေᆰ ܣ A.S.A.P. (America Study Abroad Program) ߦၷᆁర๒ܱѹழˁ ӑ̔ื۲ᝫᮊᄬ Master of Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation (coming 2013) Лုѹˊᆰ ិܣ ሮἷழἸ CEO Entrepreneurship & Innovation Study Mission to U.S.A. ଊጊᎿ ˊ͍࠵ ڎ ԧ࡙ˁѹழᄊ ᥅ᆁᝫិሮ2010 ฤ UMKC Ꭷ Ⴁဏ୴Ꮉᄦ ᔫ ࡍێ ኧቅ ޠ ኵ ۂ 10

!!!!Contact us :! ဣ ் ; Џၷ angw@umkc.edu ᡏ

The University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) is located in Kansas City, MO. It is the largest urban research public university in Kansas City. UMKC is accredited by the Education Minister of China. a C Ì 8 æ Í UMKC ç 2 c ; ¿ 8 æ Í