
A N O T E F R O M PA S T O R T O MWelcome to 2012! A new year is full of new opportunities.Several of you have spoken with me about the challenge of coalescing your localchurch leadership around the vision and mission of the church. The never-endingjob of spiritual leaders is the task of aligning believers with the task of reachingpeople who are away from God. One of the Iowa Ministry Network’s priorities is tohelp you in that process.Our 2012 Network Tour will present a useful opportunity for local pastors andboards. The Acts 2 Journey is a process offered by the Healthy Church Network tohelp local church leaders to examine the church’s spiritual health, and to develop aplan to actually become a healthier church in their specific community. The Acts 2Journey is a 12- to 15-month process that is yielding encouraging results in severalAssemblies of God districts across the country. The process involves the pastor andthe leadership team of the local church. We will share more details on the Networktour (February 13 – March 1).The Red Culture Leadership Conference will convene on January 27-28, 2012. I’mencouraging children, youth, college and young adult leaders from all IMN churchesto participate in this great conference. You’ll learn more about student ministry andyourself through the labs and special services. Heath Adamson and his team haveoutdone themselves with this conference! Whether you work with children, studentsor college age adults, you will benefit from the Red Culture Leadership Conference.I look forward to seeing you at these upcoming 2012 events!Finally, be sure to save the date for the e 2 Conference, September 28-29. Our e 2theme is “Merge” and we have moved to Friday and Saturday in order to facilitate theattendance of your entire ministry team. We’ll offer special group prices to help getthe whole crew to e 2!Blessings!Tom JacobsIMN Superintendent10525 Buena Vista Court Urbandale, IA 50322P (515)276.5493 F (515)276.9619w w w.imnag.org

RedCulture KidsOne of the best moments weshare together is the DreamConference. There is nothinglike worshipping alongside children and making memories thatwill last a lifetime. This year,the Dream Conference will takeplace at the Ramada Tropics Resort in Des Moines with speakerJay Risner.Part of this weekend will be labsessions for your group. Fun Artswill be a focus and our desire isto do what we can to equip yourstudents to come alongside youin leadership and serve theirchurch community.For more information aboutDream, scan the QR code to theleft, or visit www.imnag.org.RedCultureLeadership fuels innovation and drives progress. Scripturedefines leadership. Leadership evolves yet remains constant. It beckons excellence. It requires us to embrace ourcontext and ask the right questions.From all over Iowa, pastors and leaders involved with children, students, young adults and on the university campuswill converge on Berean Assembly of God on January 27 &28. Registration is 30 for individuals and 150 for groupsif postmarked by January 9th.Pastors are encouraged to bring anyone who serves thenext generation. This year’s conference will feature numerous labs for specialization. We will begin registration at6:30 on January 27 with the conference beginning at 7:30PM. Everything will conclude on Saturday at 3:00 PM afterlunch (included in your registration cost).For more information about the Leadership Conference,scan the QR Code to the left, or visit www.imnag.org.

My people will again live under myshade. They will flourish like grainand blossom like grapevines.(Hosea 14:7 NLT)IMN AdultsThe 2012 Women’s Conferencewill feature speaker Dr. Beth Grant,missionary to India and founder ofProject Rescue (which will be our2012 missions project).We will also have workshop speaker Judy Anderson (Rural Compassion) and worship leader DianneSingelton.Register by March 14th to get the 40 early bird rate!For more information about theWomen’s Conference, scan theQR code to the right, or visit www.imnag.orgIMN LeadersD o yo u d e s i re to l ea d a “ h ea l th i er ex p res si on o f t h e k in gdo m o f G o d ” i n 2012? Ween co u rag e e ac h o f o u r Pa sto rs a n d loc alc h urch l e ad e rs hi p tea ms to ch eck o ut t heAc t s 2 J o u r n e y w i th th e Hea l thy Churc hNe t wo r k d u r i n g o u r D i scover y We ekendM a rch 1 6 - 1 7 , 2 0 1 2.The Ac t s 2 J o u r n ey i s a n o ppo r tu n it y forPa sto rs an d t h e ir l ea dersh i p tea ms to wor ktog e t h e r to ex ami n e th ei r l o ca l ch u rch andto d i s cove r G o d ’s di rec ti o n to develop incon n e c t i n g, grow i n g, ser v i n g, go i n g andwo r sh i p p in g. D eta i l s a bo u t th e Ac t s 2J o ur n e y wi l l b e presented du r i n g o ur Netwo r k To u r, Fe b ru a r y 13 th ro u gh M a rch 1.Th e Net wo r k To ur p rovi d es an opportun i t y fo r pas to r s, bo ard s, s pouse s andlead er s h i p teams to co me to ge the r anden joy an even i n g c as t i n g v i s i o n toge the ran d h ear i n g fro m I M N lead er ship. S aveth e d ate fo r t h e event i n yo ur se c tion!

S un d ay1JANUARYMo n d ay2Tu e sd ayIMN OfficeClosed3Wednes day4Thurs day5Friday6S at u rd ay7------------- Week of Prayer -------------JBQChi Alpha Salt Conference891011ISOM121314Pee WeeQuiz15161718192021TBQ222324252627RedCulture LeadershipConferencePresbyter Meeting29302831ACMRDeadlinePrayer can greatly change the lives of those in your church, communit y, and even the wor ld. I t is our mostprofound tool to make change happen. The Assemblies of G od has set aside a week ( Januar y 1-7) for fo cused prayer.To maximize your church’s Week of Prayer power ful, undated pr int and online resources are available to you,which you can obtain at w w w.gospelpublishinghouse.com. Together, with prayer, we can make a difference in thewor ld!FEBRUARYS und ayMo n d ayTu e sd ayWednes day1Thurs day2Friday3S at u rd ay4JBQISOM561213789141516Section 4To u r1920212722Section 3To u r28Section 7To u r111718Section 1To u rSection 2To u r2610Section 6To u r23TBQ2425RedCulture KidsDream Conference

S un d ayMARCHM o n d ayTu e sd ayWednes dayThurs day1Friday23Section 5To u r45678S at u rd ayISOM910StateTBQ11121314151617StateJBQDiscover y Weekend181920212223252627282930Presbyter MeetingS un d ay12Tu e sd ay3Wednes day4Thurs day5Friday6PalmSunday8S at u rd ay7GoodFriday91011121314One:One Fine ArtsConferenceEasterSunday1531F l o u r i s h W o m e n ’sConference(Des Moines First)APRILM o n d ay24(Des Moines Berean)161718192021One:One Fine ArtsConference(Sioux City Morningside)222324Iowa District Councilw i t h D r. J i m B r a d fo rd25(Des Moines First)29262728S p o r t s m a n ’s C a m p(Sunstream RetreatCenter)30Th e 2012 Sp o r ts m an’sCamp will b e Apr il 2 7-2 8at t h e Sun st ream R etreatCenter. Fo r mo re info rmat io n , co nt ac t Jer r y at(515)465-4940.The Iowa S c ho o l o f M inis t r y ( I S O M) p ro v ides a great o ppo r tu nit y fo r co nt i n ui n gedu c atio n fo r pas to r s an d l ay l e a d e r s.Fo r m o re info r m atio n o n up co m i n g I S O Mc l as s es, s po u s e and gro u p rate d i s co unt sv is it w w w. im nag. o rg /IS OM .

I M N FA M I LY N E W SPastor Larr y Madsen of SiouxCity died unexpec tedly Saturday, November 12, 2011. Pastor Larr y ser ved in a variety ofpastoral and lay ministr y rolesand founded Faith ChristianBible College, a correspondence Bible school. PastorLarr y is sur vived by his wife,Joyce, two daughters, a sonand seven grandchildren.Levi Walker Kost was born onOc tober 21, 2011, to Troy andJennifer Kost (LeClaire). Leviwas 9 lbs. 5 oz. and 2 1/2 weeksearly. Af ter staying in the NICUfor 5 days, Levi is home andgetting bigger ever y day.Samuel James Snow wasborn on November 15, 2011to James and Deanna Snow(Des Moines Heritage). Samuel was 10 lbs. 4 oz., 23” andjoins siblings Kris, Sara, Zeke,Aly via, Hosanna and Colt.Congratulations to Troy andJen!Congratulations to the Snowfamily!If you have some IMN Family News, please e -mail the details and a pic ture to ak nepper@imnag.org.rememberHardcopy ACMR for ms are mailed to all churches (except Parent Affiliated Church es, as their parent churches will repor t the data) onD ecember 30, 2011. ACMRs are due postmar ked or submitted byJanuar y 31, 2012. I f you prefer to repor t online, the system will beavailable from w w w.ag.org soon.S av e t h e d at e f o r y o u rEn t i r e Lea d ers h i p T ea mSeptember 27-28, 2012

Bible College, a correspon-dence Bible school. Pastor Larry is survived by his wife, Joyce, two daughters, a son and seven grandchildren. Hardcopy ACMR forms are mailed to all churches (except Parent Af-filiated Churches, as their parent churches will report the data) on December 30, 2011