Submission Informa On -


New Record1 of f.cgi?page /programadm.New Program Planning ToolSubmission Informa onThe Degree Type will factor into the level and the submissions that must occur for HED and HLC. Community College Types: Applied Associate Degree, Associate Degree, Cer ficate, Concentra on Main Campus Undergrad Types: Bachelor’s Degree, Concentra on, Minor Main Campus Graduate Types: Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Cer ficate, Concentra on, MinorDegree TypeMaster's DegreeThe Degree Title dropdown has all exis ng degree tles in Banner, if you do not see the one you are lookingfor you will select "Other" then in the New Degree Title box you will type out the official tle of the degree(as you would want it to appear on a students record, transcript, and/or diploma).Degree TitleAcademic LevelThe Catalog Title will be what is displayed in the catalog page. The standard format is Major(Concentra on) ‐ Degree Title. (I.e., Mathema cs (Secondary Educa on) ‐ Bachelor of Science. Note: Ifthere is no concentra on you would just list the Major ‐ Degree.Catalog TitleCollegeCampusMain CampusDepartmentSelect epartment.Effec ve Catalog2022‐23Program FormatEveningFace to FaceOnlineOtherWeekendCIP CodeFind.Normal or typicallength of me forstudents tocomplete theprogram (in years)Curriculum Informa onProgram LearningOutcomesList of academicLearning OutcomesOutcome1Be prepared to have all program learning outcomes to be added individuallyin the system with the dynamic table, one per rowDepartment/Unitdepartments/units4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

New Record2 of 10and or ins tu onsinvolved in thedelivery of seleaf.cgi?page /programadm.Department/UnitThe Course Requirements, need to be in the standard format for the catalog because this piece of the formwill be imported directly onto the catalog page. See the Student Records Website for a guide. The totalnumber of credits at the bo om of the course list will be the "official" total for the degree. Please makesure it adds up correctly.Course RequirementsUse the Grad Template to plan your curriculum in the appropriate format to then replicated in the PIM system with the "Course List"table functions. *Note: the graduate template is more flexible that the Undergraduate onesThe Road Map, need to be in the standard format for the catalog because this piece of the form will beimported directly onto the catalog page. See the Student Records Website for a guide. All courses and thetotal number of credits at the bo om of the roadmap should match the Course Requirements list.Road MapUse the Roadmap template to plan your curriculum in the appropriate format to then replicate in the PIMsystem with the "Plan of Study Grid" table functions.The admission requirements are needed if the program has a specialized admission process that exceedsthe campus requirements for either the Undergraduate or Graduate admission standards. For graduate programs, the Graduate School asks for the following informa on (Provide a summary ofthe documents and specific informa on each student will need to provide to be considered for the4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

New Record3 of f.cgi?page /programadm.program): Descrip on, Statement of Purpose/Le er of Interest; Specialty Le er of Interest; Resume;Wri ng Sample; GRE; GMAT; Special Ques ons (if yes, what ques ons need to be answered); Le ers ofRecommenda on (how many are required); NMSU Faculty Representa ve (if yes, how many); ForeignLanguage; WES Evalua on; Special License or Verifica ons (what license/verifica on)AdmissionRequirementsDoes this program lead to licensure, yes or no?YesNoDepartment and Faculty Involvement in the ProgramFaculty Members Employed to Teach in the ProgramExis ng PersonnelWill need to have the following information available to add to the dynamic table in PIM for all faculty: Existing Personnel, FTE, Course Load and courses they willteach in the proposed program, courses taught in other programs currently offered, description of academic qualifications, prior instructional responsibility andother experiences relevant to assigned courses.Documenta on ofdepartment facultysupportBe prepared to provide a memowith all faculty signatures ormeeting minutes as documentationthat all faculty in the departmentsupport the new program.Uploaded Files:Files To Be Uploaded:4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

New Record4 of f.cgi?page /programadm.NM Higher Educa on DepartmentIs there a cer ficate embedded in the degree program? If so, list cer ficates and courses required?Does the master's level degree ar culate to a doctoral program, yes or no?YesNoDescribe your ins tu on's plan for periodic evalua on of program effec veness. Include criteria that will be used to determine effec veness.500 words remainingThe proposed program must meet one or more specified needs within the state or region. Clear and convincing evidence must be provided ofthe reality and extent of such need.500 words remainingHELP TEXT ‐ Evidence of need might include results of employer surveys, current labor market analyses and porjec ons, or long‐term need projec ons prepared by arelevant professional organiza on. Although academic and research interests of ins tu onal faculty may be met through implementa on of the proposed curriculum,such interests by themselves are unlikely to persuade the NMHED and/or State Board of Finance of need for the program. [field 'The proposed program must meet oneor more specified needs within the state or region. Clear and convincing evidence must be provided of the reality and extent of such need.' (associate need state)]If the program fills a regional workforce need, describe collabora on between your ins tu on and regional employers in the programdevelopment.If similar programs are offered at other public higher educa on ins tu ons in New Mexico, provide a ra onale for offering an addi onalprogram.4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

New Record5 of f.cgi?page /programadm.List any nearby non‐New Mexico ins tu ons of higher learning where the program is being planned or offered, par cularly WICHE memberins tu ons.Enrollment and Gradua on Projec onsStudent TypeYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5New StudentsCon nuing StudentsGraduatesAnnual Reten onRate Target (%)Target 100%Gradua on Rate (%)Target Job PlacementRate (%)Describe the faculty resources that are needed to ini ate the program. Will any addi onal faculty be needed?500 words remainingDescibe the library and other academic support resources that are needed to ini ate the program. What, if any, addi onal resources will beneeded?500 words remainingDescribe the physical facili es of the ins tu on that will be used for the first five years of the program. Will addi onal space or modifica ons ofexis ng space be required within the first five years of program opera on.4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

New Record6 of f.cgi?page /programadm.Describe the ins tu on's equipment and technological resources needed for the first five years of the program? What, if any, addi onalequipment will be needed?Describe any other opera ng resources needed to ini ate the program.Are there exis ng external facili es that will be used? Have agreements been established to ensure use of the those facilitates?500 words remainingProvide a clear analysis of the projected cost of the proposedprogram and the sources of funding that will support it for the firstfive years that the program will be offered. Include a discussion howany of the needed resources discussed in your a achment. Thisshould be completed in collabora on with your ins tu on's financialoffice.Le ers of SupportUploaded Files:Files To Be Uploaded:Uploaded Files:Files To Be Uploaded:For some changes/new programs, an HLC site visit or substan al change request for be required that candelay the HLC approval meline. Please remember that all new programs cannot be adver sed, built inbanner/the catalog or have students enrolled un l HLC approval is received.Accredita onIs the program seeking specialized accredita on?YesNoIs specialized accredita on required for licensure or prac ce in the program?YesNoHas the program already obtained the appropriate specialized accredita on? If so,a ach a copy of the le er from the agency gran ng accredita on?YesNo4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

New Record7 of f.cgi?page /programadm.AgencyAccredita onUploaded Files:Files To Be Uploaded:If approval is a mul ‐stage process, the program should contact the ins tu on's HLC Accredita on LiaisonOffice to discuss the meline before submi ng this applica on form.If the program has not yet obtained accredita on but has begun the process of seeking or plans to seek specialized accredita on, specify thename of the agency and provide the me‐line for comple ng the process.If the program does not plan to seek specialized accredita on, provide a ra onal for not‐seeking accredita on here. (if there is not a specializedaccredi ng organiza on for this program, indicate so as your ra onale).If the program includes any of the following, explain how it will ensure that student work and levels of knowledge competencies achieved willbe comparable to those achieved through tradi onal formats: (Award credit for prior learning; use of compressed me frames; use of on‐linedeliver; inclusion of accelerated formats; or other approaches to learning.)Will the program be part of a contractual or consor al arrangement (yes/no, explain)?If the program is planning any involvement by external organiza ons (other than from accredited higher educa on ins tu ons) in the keyopera ons as iden fied below, provide the informa on as requested.Type of InvolvementName of External Organiza onPercent of InvolvementCourse placement and advising of studentsDesign and oversight of curriculumDirect instruc on and oversightOther support for delivery of instruc onRecruitment and admissions of studentsBriefly describe the planning process for determining the need for this new program, including the role of faculty in the planning and approvalprocess.Describe the process for assessing and improving student learning in the proposed program.4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

New Record8 of f.cgi?page /programadm.Describe the process for assessing and improving student persistence and comple on, in the new program.If any of the ins tu on's accredita on rela onship (including other regional, specialized, or na onal accredi ng agencies) are currently under orrecommended for a nega ve status or ac on (e.g., withdrawal, proba on, sanc on, warning, show‐cause, etc.)If the ins tu on is undergoing or facing substan al monitoring, special review or financial restric ons from the U.S. Department of Educa on orother federal or state government agencies.If the ins tu on's senior leadership or board membership has experienced substan al resigna ons or removals in the past year.If the ins tu on is experiencing financial difficulty through condi ons, such as, a currently declared state of exigency, a deficit of 10% or more, adefault or failure to make payroll during the past year, or consecu ve deficits in the two most recent years.Ins tu on Specific Informa on AreaPrimary target audience for the program (e.g., full‐ me, part‐ me, tradi onal college age, working adults, transfer students, military personnel,or par cular ethnic group)How does the proposed program align with the department, college and university mission?Discuss how admissions criteria and strategies will recruit a diverse student body?4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

New Record9 of f.cgi?page /programadm.What controls are in place to ensure that the informa on presented to all cons tuencies in adver sing, brochures, and other communica onswill be accurate?Student Records Office UploadsHLC wants CIP Code informa on that is currently being offered atboth the ins tu onal and degree level for 4‐digit and 2‐digit CIPcodes for all new programs. This informa on will be provided by theUniversity Student Records office and added to the form during theHED submissions workflow step.Program CodesNM Council ofGraduate DeansSRO UploadUploaded Files:Files To Be Uploaded:Program CodeUploaded Files:Files To Be Uploaded:NM HED/Board ofFinanceUploaded Files:Files To Be Uploaded:HLCUploaded Files:Files To Be Uploaded:CIP CodeA achmentUploaded Files:Files To Be Uploaded:4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

New Record10 of f.cgi?page /programadm.ITEMS THAT WILL ALSO BE NEEDED AND ARE IN THE PROCESS OF BEING ADDED TO THE PIM SYSTEM:Justification for New Program:Gray Associate Scorecard UploadBe prepared to upload this document, reach out to the Associate Dean of your college for this data.4/30/2021, 2:28 PM

Submission Informa on The Degree Type will factor into the level and the submissions that must occur for HED and HLC. Community College Types: Applied Associate Degree, Associate Degree, Cer ficate, Concentra on Main Campus Undergrad Types: Bachelor’s Degree, Concentra on, Minor Main Campus Graduate Types: Master’s