Worship Resources For Church Musicians - Ctsfw


Worship Resourcesfor Church Musicians2019

Table of ContentsIntroduction .3Psalm AntiphonsPsalm 16 .4Psalm 29 .5Psalm 32 .6Psalm 34 .7Psalm 67 .8Psalm 72 .9Psalm 86 .10Psalm 89 .11Psalm 102 .12Psalm 107 .13Psalm 119 .14Psalm 124 .15Psalm 126 .16Psalm 138 .17Psalm 145 .18Psalm 148 .19Alleluia and Verse SettingsAlleluia – I (LSB 951); Verse for Advent 2 .20Alleluia – I (LSB 951); Verse for Advent 1 with alternate tone .21Alleluia – II (LSB 952) .22Choral Hymn StanzasAll Christians Who Have Been Baptized (LSB 596) .24Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest (LSB 499) .25God Loved the World So That He Gave (LSB 571) .26O Christ, Our True and Only Light (LSB 839) .27O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair (LSB 413) .28 2019 Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort WayneUsed with permission as described within.

IntroductionEnclosed in this small booklet are a few examples of psalm antiphons and other worship resourcesthat have been used in Kramer Chapel on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary, FortWayne. Permission is granted to use these resources in congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and beyond.These resources can be sung by a variety of forces—choirs small or large, and even individualvoices—and do not require extensive musical training. Everything here can be found on theSeminary’s website (https://www.ctsfw.edu/resources/worship), including the PDF files for the threepsalm antiphons that can be sung by the congregation. We encourage you to visit the site regularlyas we continue to add resources.The examples of psalm antiphons are self-explanatory. The antiphon is sung by choir or cantorbefore and after the psalm, at a minimum, using the suggested psalm tone from Lutheran ServiceBook for the psalm verses. Suggestions are also provided in some cases for singing the antiphon atone or more points within the psalm. In each case, following the repetition of the antiphon, it is thechoir or cantor who continues with the next verse of the psalm. Note that in several cases thecongregation can participate in singing the antiphon. PDF files for these psalms are available on theworship resource webpage.Lutheran Service Book has provided several different options for singing the Alleluia and Verse inthe Divine Service (just prior to the Gospel reading) that allows one to sing the “proper” Verses thatare appointed for each Sunday of the year. Three ways of doing this are noted here.1. A simple method using the alleluia refrain in Setting Three (LSB 190) and Setting Four (LSB 205)is explained in the LSB Accompaniment to the Liturgy volume used by church organists on pp.187–201. Please note that permission is given to reproduce those pages for use by choir or cantor.2. LSB 951 provides a simple Alleluia from the Taizé community. See pp. 20–21 in this resource fortwo examples of how to utilize this refrain. The first follows the procedure outlined in LSB ofsinging the entire Verse on one pitch. The second provides a double tone that works wellespecially for longer Verses that can be divided into four sections.3. LSB 952 is sometimes referred to as the Celtic Alleluia. No provision is provided in LSB forsinging the proper Verse with this refrain. However, on p. 22 of this resource (with theaccompaniment on p. 23) a simple formula is provided with the Verses for the Baptism of OurLord, the Transfiguration of Our Lord, and the Day of Pentecost. As one can see from theseexamples, the melodic formula for the Verse can be altered to fit many texts, though it must bedone with care. This formula does not work, however, for extremely short Verses.Please note that one can find the texts for all of the Verses for both the three- and one-yearlectionaries at the back of the liturgy accompaniment volume (pp. 187–201).We have included several examples of simple hymn settings that can be sung in alternation with thecongregation. These settings could also be used for other hymns that use the same tune, thoughobviously one would have to write in the text from that hymn.Finally, we invite you to join the seminary community by visiting us sometime. And when you can’t,you can still experience the rich worship life in Kramer Chapel by watching our services online athttps://www.ctsfw.edu/daily-chapel/.

4Psalm 16 antiphonKevin Hildebrandantiphon v. 11b&b œIn&b œ?&b bœYourœpres - enceœœ œœœthereisfullœœ œœœœœœhandareplea& b œ œœœ?b rightœœœ œ-suresœœœœœœœœœnessofjoy;atyourœ œœœœ œœœ œ œœfor - evœœ --erœ .-œmore. . .Use with LSB Tone B.The antiphon is sung before v. 1, after v. 4, after v. 8, and after the Gloria Patri. Kevin HildebrandThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.4

5Psalm 29 antiphonKevin Hildebrandantiphon v. 3##œnœverthe œ nœ w nœœ .œThevoiceoftheLordisoœ nœ œ . œ? ## œ w w &&#### œ&wa## œ& ? # # œœ-Œters;œŒŒœnœ.œJ œ œ œtheGodofœnœ. jœ œ œ glo-ryœœ -œ thun - ders.œœ œ . Use with LSB Tone A.The antiphon is sung before v. 1, after v. 6, and after the Gloria Patri. Kevin HildebrandThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.5

6Psalm 32 antiphonMatthew Machemerantiphon v. 1Inst. in Bb&&bb œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œBles -sed is the one,Bles - sed is theb œ œ œ œ&bPianoœ œœœœ nœœ œ œ œ? b œJ J œ J œj œbJœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ j œ œJœœ œœœœœJœœœœœœ œ œ œ œ œœœœ œ œ œ œœ ”b&b œ œ œ œ œœœœ œ œ œ œœ ”&one,b& b œœœBles - sed is the oneœœœœœœœœœn œœœwhose trans - gres-sion is for - giv - en.œœ œ œ œ? b œœœ œ œb œn œ œœœœœœ œ œœœœ œ œwwœ œœœUse with LSB tone G.The antiphon is sung by the soloist or choir and then is repeated by the congregation before v. 1.The congregation sings the antiphon after v. 6 and after the Gloria Patri. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.

7Psalm 34 antiphonKevin Hildebrandantiphon v. 8b&bb œ œ œ ? b b bLordœ œis Œ œ œ œ œ œOh, taste and seeŒb&bbb&bb w œ œ ẇ œ œ œ œgood!Bless - edis theb& b b œ œ w œ œ œœ œœ? bb b n wwthat theŒ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œwmanwho takesref - ugeinhim! œ œœ œ œœ wwwwUse with LSB tone D or J.The antiphon is sung by the soloist or choir and then is repeated by the congregation before v. 1.The congregation sings the antiphon each time it occurs and after the Gloria Patri. Kevin HildebrandThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.7

8for the Adult Choir of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, IndianaPsalm 67 antiphonantiphon v. 7SAMatthew MachemerGodTB œ shallbless œœ& b ? b & b œœallœ?b œœ œusœœœœœœœœœœ œtheendsoftheœœœœœœœœŒlet Œ wwearthfearhim! wwœœœœœUse with LSB Tone B.The antiphon may be sung by a soloist or choir before v. 1, after v. 4, and after the Gloria Patri. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.

9for the saints of Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Baltimore, MarylandPsalm 72 antiphonMatthew Machemerantiphon v. 18&SAœœœœœ . .œœœœœœœœBless - edbetheLord,theGodofIsœœœœœœœœœœœœ?# œTB&##œ œœœœel,whoaœœœœ ?# - .œ lonedoeswon œ -drous œœœ-raœwwthings.wwUse with LSB Tone E.The antiphon may be sung by a soloist or SATB choir before v. 1, after v. 6, and after the Gloria Patri. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.9-

10Psalm 86Matthew Machemerantiphon v. 3&Piano##œœBegra-œœ . cioustome,Oœœœœ . #& # œœœœ? ## œœœœ#& # œLord,#& # Œœœœ œœœœœœœ œœœœœœœœœ .fortoyouIcryalltheday.œœœœœœœœœœœœœ .œ œ œœœœœœ œ? ## œ œ œ œœ œœœœ Use with LSB Tone F. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.10

11Psalm 89 antiphonMatthew Machemerantiphon v. 13&##œ œ œ œjœ œ.You have a might - y&##œœ œ œ œœ.? # # œœ .œ.œ.arm;jœ œœ .œ.œ.œ œ œnœ.œ œ œ .strong is yourhand,high your righthand.œ œ œnœ.nœn œ .œ œ œœ. .n œœ .œ.nœ.œ.œ. .Use with LSB Tone A. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.11

12Psalm 102 antiphonantiphon v. 13Matthew Machemer&b œYou&bPianowillœœœœœœœœJœœœœ& b œœœœœtofa-œ œj# œœ œœœ .œ .vor her; theœ.œ œ œ.œœœœœœœ œisonZi - on;itœœœjœœœœœ .œ.œœœ.œœœœ œ œ œap - poinœpi - tyœœœœ œ œjœœand havejœ œ œ œ œ œ œtimeb œœa - riseœ?bœœ&b œ?œœ-ted timeœœ . œ œ œœœœ.œœœœœœœ œœ œœtheœ œœ œjœ .hascome.jœœ œ. .œœ œ œ.œœœ .œœœ.Use with LSB Tone B. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.12

13Psalm 107 antiphonMatthew Machemerantiphon v. 1&Œ& Œstead& œ ? -bœjœ œ œbœto theLord,forhe œœbœ œœ œœOhgivethanksœœ .œ? . .& œ bœœ.jœ œ .œ œfastloveenœœ œœ .b œduresforœœb b œœœ .œ-œœœœ.jœ œisgood,for hisœœjœœ . œ œœœœ . .-ev .-er.b œ. b b b . .œ . .Use with LSB Tone C. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.13

14Psalm 119 antiphonMatthew Machemerantiphon v. 64 & & œœ . œ œ œœ .œ.œ.? œ.œ œ œjœ&œstead - fast& œœ .? œ.œjœ#œJœ.œœœ œ œœJœœ .‰love;œœ .œ.œ. # œœ .œ.œ œ #œœ œ œœThe earth, OLord,œœ . œœœ .œœ.œœ.œ.œ œ œ œ.jœ œ œ œisfullof yourjœ œœ . œ œœ.œœ .œ.œ œœœœœ.teachmeyourstaœœœœ .œœœJœœ .œœ .œ.œ œ œœœ .œ.-œ.tutes!œœ .œJœ.œ.Use with LSB tone C. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.14

15for the attendees of Christ Academy, Summer 2015Psalm 124 antiphonMatthew Machemerantiphon v. 8b &b nstrument in C 1 &œ œ œ&b Œœœœwho made& b œœœœ? b œœœœœœŒ‰ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœOur help isjjœœbœ œ œ&œ”JJœ œ œ? ”JJb&bŒ ”jœœ œ œ œj œ œJ œJœ œ œ œ” œ œJhea - ven of the LORD, œ œœ bœœ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œœœœ œ œ œ œœœjœ œœ œjœ œj œand earth,who madehea - venand earth.jj œœ œœœœœœœin the nameœ œ œ œœ œ œ œœ œœœ œ œœœœœ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœ œ œ œ‰ œJœ œ#œ jœœ œJœ œ jœ œ œ œ œJœœ wœwwwwUse with LSB Tone H or K.The antiphon is sung by the soloist or choir and then is repeated by the congregation before v. 1.The congregation sings the antiphon after the Gloria Patri. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.

16Psalm 126 antiphonantiphon v. 3&Kevin Hildebrand#?#&&œ œ œ œœœ œœ œ œ w . w wœœœœ œ(end of psalm tone before refrain)œ. œœ jœ#œœœ œwTheLordhasdonegreatthingsforœœœ œœ œœ œ#?# œœ w w œ œœœusandwe œœœ wœœ œ œ œ œ œareœ . . .wglad.œwwœ œwwwœ Use with LSB Tone E.The antiphon is sung by the soloist or choir and then is repeated by the congregation before v. 1.The congregation sings the antiphon after v. 2, v. 4, and after the Gloria Patri. Kevin HildebrandThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary with permission to use, reprint, and distribute.16œ

17Psalm 138 antiphonKevin Hildebrandantiphon v. 8bFluteœœ&b œ &bYour&bsteadœ .œ œ œfastlove,OLord,my œœœœ œœ œœœ-& b œœ œœ? b œœ œ . œœœœœ œœœœ .duresforandev&b œGod,en--ev - er& b œœ œœœœ? b œœ # œœ œœœœœœ . . .œœœœœ -er. Use with LSB Tone A. Kevin HildebrandThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary to permission to use, reprint, and distribute.17

18Psalm 145 antiphonMatthew Machemerantiphon v. 8DescantMelody&bŒ”Œœ.&b œœJœgraœœ.TheLordœ-TheLordis&b œœœ.œjœ œœœœœ?œœœœœœœœœ œœœb œ&b œ œ mer - ci - ful,&b œan& b œœ? b -œcious œœœœ œœ œœœsteadœwa - bound - �gerandaœœœ œ-boundœ -- fastœ- fastœgra - cious andandœ œœJlove.wlove.Use with LSB Tone B. Matthew MachemerThis music is provided by Concordia Theological Seminary to permission to us

especially for longer Verses that can be divided into four sections. 3. LSB. 952 is sometimes referred to as the Celtic Alleluia. No provision is provided in . LSB. for singing the proper Verse with this refrain. However, on p. 22 of this resource (with the accompaniment on p. 23) a simple formula is provided with the Verses for the Baptism of Our Lord, the Transfiguration of Our Lord, and the .