Iron Condor Strategy Guide Pdf Book 1


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Iron condor strategy guide pdf book 1 download

Use Iron Condor Options to Earn Consistent Returns Every Month with Surprisingly Modest Risk“Benklifa has devised an elegant strategy to reduce risks while creating consistent profits. (Note: the book includes downloadable examples you can use yourself.)* The 3 ways the world’s top Iron Condor traders manage risk, including detailed examplesso you can trade “like the big boys.”* How to save yourself thousands of dollars when entering live trades (this information is closely guarded by many trading “gurus”).* Which option broker is the best for trading Iron Condors. Benklifa holds an MBA from Texas A&M, as well as a Diplôme (Masters in Management) from École Supérieure deCommerce in France, and a BA in Philosophy from the University of Texas. --This text refers to an alternate kindle edition edition. (Note: the book includes downloadable examples you can use yourself.) * The 3 ways the world’s top Iron Condor traders manage risk, including detailed examples so you can trade “like the big boys.” * How to saveyourself thousands of dollars when entering live trades (this information is closely guarded by many trading “gurus”). Unlike most trading books, this one was written by someone who has devoted years of effort to perfecting and trading the strategies illustrated in this book. He formerly served as a Financial Advisor for UBS and as an M&A Analystfor several large pharmaceutical companies. (Make this mistake and you can kiss your profits goodbye.) --This text refers to an alternate kindle edition edition. And financial lives are destroyed by those who don’t.This book will catapult you into that first category. Benklifa combines his lucid explanation of the iron condor with guidelines of the tradingdiscipline needed to make it successful. In the book you’ll discover: * 6 little-known techniques for adjusting trades that go bad (most experienced traders don’t even know these) * How to create a trading journal and trading log, and why it’s CRUCIAL that you do. Benklifa personally manages millions of dollars in condor options trades each month.You Don’t!The Iron Condor strategy for trading options CAN be the most profitable options-trading strategy there is, earning you 10% per month returns on a regular, consistent basis. Benklifa shows how to handle rising and falling volatility, changing bid-ask spreads, distorted call parity, and more. This book will give you that deep and usable levelof knowledge about one of today’s most well-proven strategies:option condors. Without all the fluff and B.S. that you don’t need. It’s all here—trade timing, entry and exit rules, volatility effects, selection criteria, adjustments for sharp rallies and declines, and risk management, just to name a few. The book provides a rock solid foundation for theunderstanding and application of core trading concepts.”—Frank Fahey, in the pits for 20 years at the CBOERight now, real traders are achieving consistent returns every month, through trades that strictly limit market risk. You’ll learn how to earn attractive profits from condor options in sideways markets, rising markets, falling markets, everymarket!Creating your “zone of profits”Planning and controlling the source and timing of your profitsUnderstanding the underlying dynamics of condor tradesUncovering the crucial details that increase profits and reduce market riskWhen to get in–and when to get outMastering patience while avoiding greedAdapting your trade for diverse marketenvironmentsEarning consistent profits no matter how the market moves --This text refers to an alternate kindle edition edition. (We include a sample trading plan to get you started.) * Why weekly options are not as amazing as they sound (and are, in fact, often a HUGE mistake). * How to avoid being caught with your pants down on settlement day.Michael Hanania Benklifa manages millions of dollars worth of condor trades every month for private investors through his firm, Othello Consulting. Get Mark Richards’s Software Architecture Patterns ebook to better understand how to design components—and how they should interact. Risk and reward are given their due. Get it now Think YouKnow The Iron Condor Strategy? His strategic approach to options trading should be a part of every trader’s approach, especially in volatile markets.”—Michael C. Think You Know The Iron Condor Strategy? You’ll learn how to handle real-life market dynamics that can dramatically impact results, including rising and falling volatility, changing bidask spreads, and distorted call parity. No abstractions or oversimplifications here! Instead, you’ll find detailed, step-by-step instructions examples based on real market dynamics.insights into the critical nuances that will dramatically impact your trading results. Fortunes are amassed by experienced options traders who know how to use thisstrategy THE RIGHT WAY. And financial lives are destroyed by those who don’t. He does a superb job of reducing the equation to the lowest common denominators—time, price, and implied volatility. The emphasis is upon profit optimization, not profit maximization. Get full access to Profiting with Iron Condor Options: Strategies from the Frontlinefor Trading in Up or Down Markets and 60K other titles, with free 10-day trial of O'Reilly. The margin for error is slim. Benklifa avoids this pitfall by focusing on one strategy, the iron condor. Michael Hanania Benklifa is one of them. His insights into the iron condor strategy stem from years of trading this approach with big money in various marketenvironments. In this book, he shares his secret: iron condor options. You Don’t! The Iron Condor strategy for trading options CAN be the most profitable options-trading strategy there is, earning you 10% per month returns on a regular, consistent basis. Or it can be a way to lose your shirt. (You will come to LOVE huge volatility moves after readingthis!) * How to eliminate the risk of early assignment. This book will catapult you into that first category. The Bullsh*t Free Guide to Iron Condors is a TRUE no-nonsense guide to the Iron Condor strategy, written by an experienced trader who lives (or dies) by working it every day. Thomsett, author, Options Trading for the ConservativeInvestor“Michael Benklifa is the real deal. It’s designed as a real-life, step-by-step guide for experienced options traders who want to use this strategy the RIGHT WAY -- which means the CONSISTENTLY PROFITABLE way. What determines whether you get rich or go broke can often be a tiny detail here, a missed opportunity there. His experiencewill benefit both beginning and advanced options traders wanting to enhance their knowledge of perhaps the best strategy in options trading.”—Steve Lentz, DiscoverOptions“Very few books explore a trading strategy in the kind of detail that Benklifa has applied to condors. Trading condors without reading this book is like going to war without agun.”—Jeff Augen, author, Trading Options at Expiration“Too many options books lose clarity in an attempt to explain every strategy for every market condition. Now, drawing on his unsurpassed experience, he shows exactly how to run these trades and earn these returns. Benklifa--who manages 10 million in condor trades each month--shows youexactly how to run these trades and earn these returns, delivering all the details you need to master every nuance of this remarkable strategy.Benklifa shares option condors examples using market realities, not oversimplified abstractions. Market experts use option condors to consistently earn monthly returns while trading conservatively and stayingin the market as little as possible. Heck, it’s non-existent. (Make this mistake and you can kiss your profits goodbye.) Think You Know The Iron Condor Strategy? * How to incorporate volatility into your trading. You’ll learn how to profit in the sideways markets where condor options are most widely used--and also in extreme-trending markets thatoffer their own surprising opportunities.Traders who focus on a specific type of trade have a history of outperforming stock pickers and directional investors. There's also live online events, interactive content, certification prep materials, and more. (This is one of the most important decisions you’ll make, so choose wisely.) * How to set up a tradingplan that actually works. The objectives are simple: make 2%-4% a month staying in the market as little as possible. * Which option broker is the best for trading Iron Condors. That simple fact has driven Benklifa to dissect the complex dynamics of the condor trade into enough detail to fill an entire volume. In a straightforward approach, HananiaBenklifa provides readers the practical knowledge needed to trade options conservatively in Profiting with Iron Condor Options: Strategies from the Frontline for Trading in Up or Down Markets. It’s yours, free.

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Use Iron Condor Options to Earn Consistent Returns Every Month with Surprisingly Modest Risk"Benklifa has devised an elegant strategy to reduce risks while creating consistent profits. (Note: the book includes downloadable examples you can use yourself.)* The 3 ways the world's top Iron Condor traders manage risk, including detailed examples