WycliffeBible - World English Bible


iiWycliffe BibleThis is the Pentateuch and Gospels from The HolyBible, containing the Old and New Testaments,with the apocryphal books, in the earliest Englishversion made from the latin Vulgate by JohnWycliffe and his followers. c.1395Public DomainLanguage: Middle English (English)Dialect: MiddleTranslation by: John Wycliffe2016-11-08PDF generated using Haiola and XeLaTeX on 21 Sep 2022 from source files dated 13Jul 202281c8916c-67e1-5353-b5b2-f6e727921c9e

ContentsMatthewMark . .Luke . .John . . .1. 53. 86. 142

Matthew 1:11Matthew 1:2214The GospelAccording toMatthew1 Thebook of the generacioun of Jhesu Crist, thesone of Dauid, the soneof Abraham. 2 Abrahambigat Isaac. Isaac bigatJacob. Jacob bigat Judasand hise britheren. 3 Judasbigat Fares and Zaram, ofTamar.Fares bigat Esrom. 4 Esrom bigat Aram.Aram bigat Amynadab.Amynadab bigat Naason.NaasonbigatSalmon.5 Salmon bigat Booz, ofRaab. Booz bigat Obeth,of Ruth.Obeth bigatJesse. Jesse bigat Dauidthe king. 6 Dauid the kingbigat Salamon, of hir thatwas Vries wijf. 7 Salomonbigat Roboam.Roboambigat Abias. 8 Abias bigatAsa. Asa bigat Josaphath.Josaphath bigat Joram.Joram bigat 9 Osias. Osiasbigat Joathan.Joathanbigat Achaz. Achaz bigatEzechie. 10 Ezechie bigatManasses.Manasses11 Amonbigat Amon.bigat Josias. Josias bigatJeconyas and his britheren,in to the transmygraciounof Babiloyne. 12 And aftirthe transmygracioun ofBabiloyne, Jeconyas bigatSalatiel.Salatiel bigat13 ZorobabelZorobabel.bigat Abyut. Abyut bigatEliachym. Eliachym bigatAsor.Asor bigatSadoc. Sadoc bigat Achym.15 Achym bigat Elyut. Elyutbigat Eleasar.Eleasarbigat Mathan. 16 Mathanbigat Jacob. Jacob bigatJoseph, the hosebonde ofMarye, of whom Jhesuswas borun, that is clepid17 And so alleChrist.generaciouns fro Abrahamto Dauid ben fourtenegeneracions, and fro Dauidto the transmygraciounof Babiloyne ben fourtenegeneraciouns,and frothe transmygracioun ofBabiloyne to Crist benfourtenegeneraciouns.18 But the generacioun ofCrist was thus. WhanneMarie, the modir of Jhesu,was spousid to Joseph,bifore thei camen togidere,she was foundun hauyngeof the Hooli Goost in the19 And Joseph,wombe.hir hosebonde, for he wasriytful, and wolde notpuplische hir, he woldepriueli haue left hir. 20 Butwhile he thouyte thesthingis, lo!the aungelof the Lord apperide insleep to hym, and seide,Joseph, the sone of Dauid,nyle thou drede to takeMarie, thi wijf; for thatthing that is borun in hir isof the Hooli Goost. 21 Andshe shal bere a sone, andthou shalt clepe his nameJhesus; for he schal makehis puple saaf fro hersynnes. 22 For al this thingwas don, that it schuldebe fulfillid, that was seidof the Lord bi a prophete,

Matthew 1:23223seiynge, Lo!a virgynshal haue in wombe, andshe schal bere a sone,and thei schulen clepe hisname Emanuel, that is toseie, God with vs. 24 AndJoseph roos fro sleepe,and dide as the aungel ofthe Lord comaundide hym,and took Marie, his wijf;25 and he knew her not, tilshe hadde borun her firstebigete sone, and clepidehis name Jhesus.12Therfor whanne Jhesuswas borun in Bethleem ofJuda, in the daies of kingEroude, lo! astromyenescamen fro the eest toJerusalem, 2 and seiden,Where is he, that is borunking of Jewis?for wehan seyn his sterre in theeest, and we comen toworschipe him. 3 But kingEroude herde, and wastrublid, and al Jerusalem4 And hewith hym.gaderide to gidre alle theprynces of prestis, andscribis of the puple, andenqueride of hem, whereCrist shulde be borun.5 And thei seiden to hym,In Bethleem of Juda; forso it is writun bi a profete,6 And thou, Bethleem, thelond of Juda, art not theleest among the pryncesof Juda; for of thee a duykschal go out, that schalgouerne my puple of Israel.7 Thanne Eroude clepidepryueli the astromyens,and lernyde bisili of hemthe tyme of the sterre thatMatthew 2:15apperide to hem. 8 And hesente hem in to Bethleem,and seide, Go ye, and axeye bisili of the child, andwhanne yee han foundun,telle ye it to me, that Yalso come, and worschipehym. 9 And whanne theihadden herd the kyng, theiwenten forth.And lo!the sterre, that thei siyenin the eest, wente biforehem, til it cam, and stoodaboue, where the childwas. 10 And thei siyen thesterre, and ioyeden with aful greet ioye. 11 And theientriden in to the hous,and founden the childwith Marie, his modir;and thei felden doun,and worschipiden him.And whanne thei haddenopenyd her tresouris, theioffryden to hym yiftis,gold, encense, and myrre.12 And whanne thei haddentake an aunswere in sleep,that thei schulden notturne ayen to Eroude, theiturneden ayen bi anothirweie in to her cuntrey.13 And whanne thei werengoon, lo! the aungel of theLord apperide to Josephin sleep, and seide, Risevp, and take the child andhis modir, and fle in toEgipt, and be thou there,til that I seie to thee; forit is to come, that Eroudeseke the child, to destriehym. 14 And Joseph roos,and took the child andhis modir bi nyyt, andwente in to Egipt, 15 andhe was there to the deethof Eroude; that it schuldebe fulfillid, that was seid

Matthew 2:16of the Lord bi the profete,seiynge, Fro Egipt Y haueclepid my sone. 16 ThanneEroude seynge that hewas disseyued of the astromyens, was ful wrooth;and he sente, and slowealle the children, thatweren in Bethleem, andin alle the coostis therof,fro two yeer age and withinne, aftir the tyme thathe had enquerid of theastromyens. 17 Thanne itwas fulfillid, that was seidbi Jeremye, the profete,18 seiynge,A vois washerd an hiy, wepynge andmoche weilyng, Rachel biwepynge hir sones, and shewolde not be coumfortid,for thei ben noyt. 19 Butwhanne Eroude was deed,loo!the aungel of theLord apperide to Joseph insleep in Egipt, 20 and seide,Ryse vp, and take the childand his modir, and go into the lond of Israel; forthei that souyten the lijfof the chijld ben deed.21 Joseph roos, and tookthe child and his modir,and cam in to the loond ofIsrael. 22 And he herde thatArchilaus regnede in Judeefor Eroude, his fadir, anddredde to go thidir. And hewas warned in sleep, andwente in to the parties ofGalilee; 23 and cam, anddwelte in a citee, that ysclepid Nazareth, that itshulde be fulfillid, that wasseid bi profetis, For he shalbe clepid a Nazarey.3Matthew 3:1131In tho daies JoonBaptist cam, and prechidein the desert of Judee, 2 andseide, Do ye penaunce, forthe kyngdom of heuenesshal neiye. 3 For this ishe, of whom it is seidbi Ysaie, the prophete,seyinge, A vois of a crierin desert, Make ye redithe weies of the Lord;make ye riyt the pathis ofhym. 4 And this Joon haddeclothing of camels heeris,and a girdil of skynneaboute hise leendis; andhis mete was honysoukis,and hony of the wode.5 Thanne Jerusalem wenteout to hym, and al Judee,and al the cuntre abouteJordan; 6 and thei werenwaischun of hym in Jordan, and knowlechiden hersynnes. 7 But he siy manyeof the Farysees and ofSaduceis comynge to hisbaptym, and seide to hem,Generaciouns of eddris,who shewide to you to flefro the wraththe that isto come? 8 Therfor do yeworthi fruyte of penaunce,9 and nyle ye seie with ynneyou, We han Abraham tofadir; for Y seie to you, thatGod is myyti to reise vp ofthese stoones the sones ofAbraham. 10 And now theax is put to the roote of thetree; therfore euery treethat makith not good fruyt,shal be kit doun, and shalbe cast in to the fier. 11 Ywaische you in water, in topenaunce; but he that shalcome after me is strongere

Matthew 3:124than Y, whos schoon Y amnot worthi to bere; he shalbaptise you in the HooliGoost and fier. 12 Whoswynewing cloth is in hishoond, and he shal fulliclense his corn flore, andshal gadere his whete in tohis berne; but the chaffehe shal brenne with fierthat mai not be quenchid.13 Thanne Jhesus cam froGalilee in to Jordan toJoon, to be baptised ofhym. 14 And Joon forbedehim, and seide, Y oweto be baptisid of thee,and thou comest to me?15 But Jhesus answeride,and seide to hym, Suffrenowe, for thus it fallith tovs to fulfille al riytfulnesse.16 Thanne Joon suffridehym. And whanne Jhesuswas baptisid, anoon hewente up fro the watir;and lo!heuenes werenopenyd to hym, and hesaie the Spirit of Godcomynge doun as a dowue,and comynge on hym; andloo! 17 a vois fro heuenes,seiynge, This is my louydsone, in which Y haueplesid to me.14Thanne Jhesus was ledof a spirit in to desert, tobe temptid of the feend.2 And whanne he haddefastid fourti daies andfourti nyytis,aftirward3 And thehe hungride.tempter cam nyy, andseide to hym, If thou artGoddis sone, seie that thesstoones be maad looues.4 Which answeride, andMatthew 4:15seide to hym, It is writun,Not oonli in breed luyethman, but in ech word thatcometh of Goddis mouth.5 Thanne the feend tookhym in to the hooli citee,and settide hym on thepynacle of the temple,6 and seide to hym, If thouart Goddis sone, sendethee adoun; for it is writun,That to hise aungels hecomaundide of thee, andthei schulen take thee inhondis, lest perauenturethou hirte thi foot at astoon. 7 Eftsoone Jhesusseide to hym, It is writun,Thou shalt not tempte thiLord God. 8 Eftsoone thefeend took hym in to a fulhiy hil, and schewide tohym alle the rewmes ofthe world, and the ioye ofhem; 9 and seide to hym,Alle these Y schal yyue tothee, if thou falle doun andworschipe me. 10 ThanneJhesus seide to hym, Goo,Sathanas; for it is writun,Thou schalt worschipe thiLord God, and to hymaloone thou shalt serue.11 Thanne the feend laftehym; and lo!aungelscamen nyy, and serueden12 But whanneto hym.Jhesus hadde herd thatJoon was takun, he wentein to Galilee. 13 And helefte the citee of Nazareth,and cam, and dwelte in thecitee of Cafarnaum, bisidethe see, in the coostis ofZabulon and Neptalym,14 that it shulde be fulfillid,that was seid by Ysaie, theprofete, seiynge, 15 Thelond of Sabulon and the

Matthew 4:16lond of Neptalym, the weieof the see ouer Jordan,of Galilee of hethen men,16 the puple that walkidein derknessis saye greetliyt, and while men sattenin the cuntre of shadeweof deth, liyt aroos to hem.17 Fro that tyme Jhesusbigan to preche, and seie,Do ye penaunce, for thekyngdom of heuenes schalcome niy. 18 And Jhesuswalkide bisidis the seeof Galilee, and saye tweibritheren, Symount, that isclepid Petre, and Andrewe,his brothir, castynge nettisin to the see; for thei werenfischeris. 19 And he seideto hem, Come ye aftir me,and Y shal make you tobe maad fisscheris of men.20 And anoon thei leftenthe nettis, and suedenhym. 21 And he yede forthfro that place, and saietweyne othere britheren,James of Zebede, and Joon,his brother, in a schipwith Zebede, her fadir,amendynge her nettis, andhe clepide hem. 22 Andanoon thei leften thenettis and the fadir, andsueden hym. 23 And Jhesusyede aboute al Galilee,techynge in the synagogisof hem, and prechynge thegospel of the kyngdom, andheelynge euery languorand eche sekenesse among24 And histhe puple.fame wente in to al Sirie;and thei brouyten to hymalle that weren at maleese, and that weren takewith dyuerse languores5Matthew 5:12and turmentis, and hemthat hadden feendis, andlunatike men, and menin palesy, and he heelidehem. 25 And ther suedenhym myche puple of Galile,and of Decapoli, and ofJerusalem, and of Judee,and of biyende Jordan.15And Jhesus, seyngethe puple, wente vp into an hil; and whannehe was set, hise discipliscamen to hym. 2 And heopenyde his mouth, andtauyte hem, and seide,3 Blessed ben pore men inspirit, for the kyngdom ofheuenes is herne. 4 Blessidben mylde men, for theischulen welde the erthe.5 Blessid ben thei thatmornen, for thei schulenbe coumfortid. 6 Blessidben thei that hungren andthristen riytwisnesse, forthei schulen be fulfillid.7 Blessidben mercifulmen, for thei schulengete merci. 8 Blessid benthei that ben of cleneherte, for thei schulen seGod. 9 Blessid ben pesiblemen, for thei schulen beclepid Goddis children.10 Blessid ben thei thatsuffren persecusioun forriytfulnesse, for the kingdam of heuenes is herne.11 Ye schulen be blessid,whanne men schulen curseyou, and schulen pursueyou, and shulen seie alyuel ayens you liynge, forme. 12 Ioie ye, and be yeglad, for youre meede isplenteuouse in heuenes;

Matthew 5:13for so thei han pursued also profetis that werenbifor you. 13 Ye ben saltof the erthe; that if the saltvanysche awey, whereynneschal it be saltid? To nothing it is worth ouere, nobut that it be cast out, andbe defoulid of men. 14 Yeben liyt of the world; acitee set on an hil may notbe hid; 15 ne me teendithnot a lanterne, and puttithit vndur a busschel, but ona candilstike, that it yyueliyt to alle that ben in thehous. 16 So schyne youreliyt befor men, that thei seyoure goode werkis, andglorifie youre fadir thatis in heuenes. 17 Nil yedeme, that Y cam to vndothe lawe, or the profetis; Ycam not to vndo the lawe,but to fulfille. 18 ForsotheY seie to you, til heueneand erthe passe, o lettir oro titel shal not passe frothe lawe, til alle thingis19 Therfor hebe doon.that brekith oon of theseleeste maundementis, andtechith thus men, schalbe clepid the leste in therewme of heuenes; buthe that doith, and techith,schal be clepid greet inthe kyngdom of heuenes.20 And Y seie to you, thatbut your riytfulnesse bemore plenteuouse than ofscribis and of Farisees, yeschulen not entre into thekyngdom of heuenes. 21 Yehan herd that it was seid toelde men, Thou schalt notslee; and he that sleeth,schal be gilti to doom.22 But Y seie to you, that6Matthew 5:31ech man that is wrooth tohis brothir, schal be giltito doom; and he that seithto his brother, Fy! schalbe gilti to the counseil; buthe that seith, Fool, schalbe gilti to the fier of helle.23 Therfor if thou offristthi yifte at the auter, andther thou bithenkist, thatthi brothir hath sum whatayens thee, 24 leeue therethi yifte bifor the auter, andgo first to be recounselidto thi brothir, and thannethou schalt come, andschalt offre thi yifte. 25 Bethou consentynge to thinaduersarie soone, whilethou art in the weie withhym, lest perauenture thinaduersarie take thee tothe domesman, and thedomesman take thee to themynystre, and thou be sentin to prisoun. 26 Treuli Yseie to thee, thou shalt notgo out fro thennus, til thouyelde the last ferthing.27 Ye han herd that it wasseid to elde men, Thouschalt do no letcherie.28 But Y seie to you, thateuery man that seeth awomman for to coueite hir,hath now do letcherie bihir in his herte. 29 That ifthi riyt iye sclaundre thee,pulle hym out, and castefro thee; for it spedithto thee, that oon of thimembris perische, thanthat al thi bodi go in to30 And if thi riythelle.hond sclaundre thee, kittehym aweye, and caste frothee; for it spedith to theethat oon of thi membrisperische, than that al thibodi go in to helle. 31 And

Matthew 5:32it hath be seyd, Who euereleeueth his wijf, yyue heto hir a libel of forsakyng.32 But Y seie to you, thateuery man that leeuethhis wijf, outtakun causeof fornycacioun, makithhir to do letcherie, andhe that weddith the forsakun wijf, doith auowtrye.33 Eftsoone ye han herd,that it was seid to eldemen, Thou schalt notforswere, but thou schaltyelde thin othis to the Lord.34 But Y seie to you, that yeswere not for ony thing;nethir bi heuene, for it isthe trone of God; 35 netherbi the erthe, for it is thestole of his feet; nether biJerusalem, for it is the citeeof a greet kyng; netherthou shalt not swere bithin heed, 36 for thou maistnot make oon heere white,ne blacke; 37 but be youreword, Yhe, yhe; Nay, nay;and that that is more thanthese, is of yuel. 38 Ye hanherd that it hath be seid,Iye for iye, and tothe for39 But Y seie totothe.you, that ye ayenstondenot an yuel man; but ifony smyte thee in the riytcheke, schewe to him alsothe tothir; 40 and to hymthat wole stryue with theein doom, and take awey thicoote, leeue thou to himalso thi mantil; 41 and whoeuer constreyneth thee athousynde pacis, go thouwith hym othir tweyne.42 Yyue thou to hym thataxith of thee, and turnenot awey fro hym that woleborewe of thee. 43 Ye han7Matthew 6:5herd that it was seid, Thoushalt loue thi neiybore, andhate thin enemye. 44 But Yseie to you, loue ye youreenemyes, do ye wel to hemthat hatiden you, and preyeye for hem that pursuen,and sclaundren you; 45 thatye be the sones of yourfadir that is in heuenes,that makith his sunne torise vpon goode and yuelemen, and reyneth on iustmen and vniuste. 46 Forif ye louen hem that louenyou, what mede schulen yehan? whether pupplicansdoon not this? 47 And ifye greten youre britherenoonli, what schulen ye domore? ne doon not hethenemen this? 48 Therfore beye parfit, as youre heuenlifadir is parfit.16Takith hede, that yedo not youre riytwisnessebifor men, to be seynof hem, ellis ye schulenhaue no meede at yourefadir that is in heuenes.2 Therfore whanne thoudoist almes, nyle thoutrumpe tofore thee, asypocritis doon in synagogisand stretis, that thei beworschipid of men; sotheliY seie to you, they hanresseyuedhermeede.3 But whanne thou doistalmes, knowe not thi lefthond what thi riyt honddoith, that thin almes bein hidils, 4 and thi fadirthat seeth in hiddils, schalquyte thee. 5 And whanneye preyen, ye schulennot be as ipocritis, that

Matthew 6:6louen to preye stondyngein synagogis and cornerisof stretis, to be seyn ofmen; treuli Y seie to you,thei han resseyued hermeede. 6 But whanne thouschalt preye, entre in tothi couche, and whannethe dore is schet, preyethi fadir in hidils, and thifadir that seeth in hidils,schal yelde to thee. 7 Butin preiyng nyle yee spekemyche, as hethene mendoon, for thei gessen thatthei ben herd in her mychespeche. 8 Therfor nyle yebe maad lich to hem, foryour fadir woot what isnede to you, bifore thatye axen hym. 9 And thusye schulen preye, Ourefadir that art in heuenes,halewid be thi name; 10 thikyngdoom come to; bethi wille don in ertheas in heuene; 11 yyue tovs this dai oure breedouer othir substaunce;12 and foryyue to vs ouredettis, as we foryyuen tooure dettouris; and ledevs not in to temptacioun,13 but delyuere vs fro yuel.14 Amen. For if ye foryyuento men her synnes, youreheuenli fadir schal foryyueto you youre trespassis.15 Sotheli if ye foryyuen notto men, nether youre fadirschal foryyue to you youresynnes. 16 But whanne yefasten, nyle ye be maadas ypocritis sorewful, forthei defacen hem silf,to seme fastyng to men;treuli Y seie to you, theyhan resseyued her meede.8Matthew 6:2617But whanne thou fastist,anoynte thin heed, andwaische thi face, 18 thatthou be not seen fastyngeto men, but to thi fadir thatis in hidlis, and thi fadirthat seeth in priuey, shalyelde to thee. 19 Nile yetresoure to you tresourisin erthe, where rusteandmouytedestrieth,and where theues deluenout and stelen; 20 butgadere to you tresourisin heuene, where netherruste ne mouyte distrieth,and where theues deluennot out, ne stelen. 21 Forwhere thi tresoure is, therealso thin herte is. 22 Thelanterne of thi bodi isthin iye; if thin iye besymple, al thi bodi shal beliytful; 23 but if thin iye beweiward, al thi bodi shal bederk. If thanne the liyt thatis in thee be derknessis,how grete schulen thilkderknessis be? 24 No manmay serue tweyn lordis, forethir he schal hate thetoon, and loue the tother;ethir he shal susteyne thetoon, and dispise the tothir.Ye moun not serue God andrichessis. 25 Therfor I seieto you, that ye be not bisi toyoure lijf, what ye schulenete; nether to youre bodi,with what ye schulen beclothid.Whether lijf isnot more than meete, andthe bodie more than cloth?26 Biholde ye the foulis ofthe eire, for thei sowennot, nethir repen, nethirgaderen in to bernes; andyoure fadir of heuenefedith hem. Whether yeben not more worthi than

Matthew 6:27927thei?But who of youthenkynge mai putte to his28 Andstature o cubit?of clothing what ben yebisye?Biholde ye thelilies of the feeld, how theiwexen. Thei trauelen not,nether spynnen; 29 and Yseie to you, Salomon in alhis glorie was not keueredas oon of these. 30 Andif God clothith thus thehei of the feeld, that today is, and to morewe iscast in to an ouen, houmyche more you of litelfeith? 31 Therfor nyle yebe bisi, seiynge, Whatschulen we ete? or, Whatschulen we drinke?or,With what thing schulen32 Forwe be keuered?hethene men seken allethese thingis; and yourefadir woot, that ye hannede to alle these thingis.33 Therfor seke ye first thekyngdom of God, and hisriytfulnesse, and alle thesethingis shulen be cast toyou. 34 Therfor nyle ye bebisy in to the morew, forthe morew shal be bisi to hym silf; for it suffisith tothe dai his owen malice.17Nile ye deme, thatye be not demed; for inwhat doom ye demen, 2 yeschulen be demed, and inwhat mesure ye meten, itschal be meten ayen toyou. 3 But what seest thoua litil mote in the iye ofthi brother, and seest nota beem in thin owne iye?4 Or hou seist thou to thibrothir, Brothir, suffre IMatthew 7:14schal do out a mote fro thiniye, and lo! a beem is inthin owne iye? 5 Ipocrite, do thou out first the beemof thin iye, and thanne thouschalt se to do out the moteof the iye of thi brothir.6 Nile ye yyue hooli thingto houndis, nethir casteye youre margaritis biforeswyne, lest perauenturethei defoulen hem with herfeet, and the houndis beturned, and al to-tere you.7 Axe ye, and it schal beyouun to you; seke ye, andye schulen fynde; knockeye, and it schal be openyd8 For ech thatto you.axith, takith; and he thatsekith, fyndith; and it schalbe openyd to hym, thatknockith. 9 What man ofyou is, that if his soneaxe hym breed, whethirhe wole take hym a stoon?10 Or if he axe fische,whether he wole take hym11 Therfor ifan edder?ye, whanne ye ben yuelemen, kunnen yyue goodyiftis to youre sones, houmyche more youre fadirthat is in heuenes schalyyue good thingis to menthat axen hym? 12 Therforalle thingis, what euerethingis ye wolen that mendo to you, do ye to hem,for this is the lawe and13 Entrethe prophetis.ye bi the streyt yate; forthe yate that ledith toperdicioun is large, andthe weie is broode, andthere ben many that entren14 Hou streit isbi it.the yate, and narwy the

Matthew 7:15weye, that ledith to lijf, andther ben fewe that fyndenit. 15 Be ye war of falsprophetis, that comen toyou in clothingis of scheep,but withynneforth theiben as wolues of raueyn;16 of her fruytis ye schulenknowe hem. Whether mengaderen grapis of thornes,or figus of breris? 17 Soeuery good tre makithgood fruytis; but an yueltre makith yuel fruytis.18 A good tre may notmake yuel fruytis, nethiran yuel tre make goodfruytis. 19 Euery tre thatmakith not good fruyt,schal be kyt doun, andschal be cast in to the fier.20 Therfor of her fruytisye schulen knowe hem.21 Not ech man that seithto me, Lord, Lord, schalentre in to the kyngdomof heuenes; but he thatdoith the wille of my fadirthat is in heuenes, he schalentre in to the kyngdoom ofheuenes. 22 Many schulenseie to me in that dai,Lord, Lord, whether wehan not prophesied in thiname, and han caste outfeendis in thi name, andhan doon many vertues inthi name? 23 And thanneY schal knouleche to hem,That Y knewe you neuere;departe awei fro me, yethat worchen wickidnesse.24 Therfor ech man thatherith these my wordis,and doith hem, schal bemaad lijk to a wise man,that hath bildid his hous ona stoon. 25 And reyn feldedoun, and flodis camen,10Matthew 8:6and wyndis blewen, andrusschiden in to that hous;and it felde not doun, for itwas foundun on a stoon.26 And euery man thatherith these my wordis,and doith hem not, islijk to a fool, that hathbildid his hous on grauel.27 And reyn cam doun, andfloodis camen, and wyndisblewen, and thei hurlidenayen that hous; and it feldedoun, and the fallyng dountherof was greet. 28 And itwas doon, whanne Jhesushadde endid these wordis,the puple wondride on histechyng; 29 for he tauytehem, as he that haddepower, and not as thescribis of hem, and theFarisees.18But whanne Jhesus wascome doun fro the hil,mych puple suede hym.2 And loo!a leprouseman cam, and worschipidehym, and seide, Lord, ifthou wolt, thou maist makeme clene. 3 And Jhesushelde forth the hoond, andtouchide hym, and seide,Y wole, be thou maadcleene.And anoon thelepre of him was clensid.4 And Jhesus seide to hym,Se, seie thou to no man;but go, shewe thee to theprestis, and offre the yiftthat Moyses comaundide,in witnessyng to hem.5 And whanne he haddeentrid in to Cafarnaum, the centurien neiyede tohim, and preiede him, 6 andseide, Lord, my childe

Matthew 8:711lijth in the hous sijk onthe palesie, and is yuelturmentid. 7 And Jhesusseide to him, Y schal come,and schal heele him. 8 Andthe centurien answeride,and seide to hym, Lord, Yam not worthi, that thouentre vndur my roof; butoonli seie thou bi word, andmy childe shal be heelid.9 For whi Y am a manordeyned vndur power,and haue knyytis vndir me;and Y seie to this, Go, andhe goith; and to another,Come, and he cometh; andto my seruaunt, Do this,and he doith it. 10 AndJhesus herde these thingis,and wondride, and seideto men that sueden him,Treuli Y seie to you, Yfoond not so greet feith inIsrael. 11 And Y seie to you,that many schulen comefro the eest and the west,and schulen reste withAbraham and Ysaac andJacob in the kyngdom ofheuenes; 12 but the sonesof the rewme schulenbe cast out in to vtmerderknessis; there schal bewepyng, and grynting ofteeth. 13 And Jhesus seideto the centurioun, Go, andas thou hast bileuyd, be itdoon to thee. And the childwas heelid fro that hour.14 And whanne Jhesus wascomun in to the hous ofSymount Petre, he say hiswyues modir liggynge, andshakun with feueris. 15 Andhe touchide hir hoond,and the feuer lefte hir;and she roos, and seruede16 And whanne ithem.was euen, thei brouytenMatthew 8:27to hym manye that haddendeuelis, and he castideout spiritis bi word, andheelide alle that werenyuel at ese; 17 that it werefulfillid, that was seid byYsaie, the profete, seiynge,He took oure infirmytees,and bar oure siknessis.18 And Jhesus say mychepuple aboute him, andbade hise disciplis go ouerthe watir. 19 And a scribeneiyede, and seide to hym,Maistir, Y shal sue thee,whidir euer thou schaltgo. 20 And Jhesus seideto hym, Foxis han dennes,and briddis of heuene hannestis, but mannus sonehath not where he schalreste his heed. 21 Anothirof his disciplis seide tohim, Lord, suffre me to gofirst, and birie my fader.22 But Jhesus seide to hym,Sue thou me, and letedeed men birie her deedemen. 23 And whanne hewas goon vp in to a litilschip, his disciplis suedenhym. 24 And loo! a greetstiring was maad in thesee, so that the schipwas hilid with wawes; but25 And hisehe slepte.disciplis camen to hym,and reysiden hym, andseiden, Lord, saue vs; weperischen. 26 And Jhesusseide to hem, What ben yeof litil feith agaste? Thannehe roos, and comaundideto the wyndis and the see,and a greet pesibilnesse27 And menwas maad.wondriden, and seiden,What maner man is he this,for the wyndis and the see

Matthew 8:281228obeischen to him?Andwhanne Jhesus was comunouer the watir in to thecuntre of men of Gerasa,twey men metten hym, thathadden deuelis, and camenout of graues, ful woode, sothat noo man myyte go bithat weie. 29 And lo! theicrieden, and seiden, Whatto vs and to thee, Jhesu,the sone of God? artthou comun hidir biforethe tyme to turmente vs?30 And not fer fro hem wasa flocke of many swyne31 And thelesewynge.deuelis preyeden hym, andseiden, If thou castist outvs fro hennes, sende vsin to the droue of swyne.32 And he seide to hem, Goye. And thei yeden out, andwenten in to the swyne;and loo! in a greet bire althe droue wente heedlyngin to the see, and theiweren deed in the watris.33 And the hirdis fleddenawey, and camen in to thecitee, and telden alle thesethingis, and of hem thathadden the feendis. 34 Andlo! al the citee wente outayens Jhesu; and whannethei hadden seyn hym, theipreieden, that he woldepasse fro her coostis.19And Jhesus wente vp into a boot, and passide ouerthe watir, and cam in tohis citee. 2 And lo! theibrouyten to hym a man sikein palesie, liggynge in abed. And Jhesus saw thefeith of hem, and seide tothe man sike in palesye,Sone, haue thou trist; thiMatthew 9:13synnes ben foryouun tothee. 3 And lo! summe ofthe scribis seiden withynnehem silf, This blasfemeth.4 And whanne Jhesus haddeseyn her thouytis, he seide,Wherto thenken ye yuelethingis in youre hertis?5 What is liytere to seye,Thi synnes ben foryouun tothee, ethir to seie, Risethou, and walke? 6 Butthat ye wite that mannussone hath power to foryyuesynnes in erthe, thanne heseide to the sijk man inpalesie, Rise vp; take thibed, and go in to thin hous.7 And he roos, and wente8 Andin to his hous.the puple seynge dredde,and glorifiede God, thatyaf suche power to men.9 And whanne Jhesus passide fro thennus, he saya man, Matheu bi name,sittynge in a tolbothe. Andhe seide to hym, Sue thoume. 10 And he roos, andfolewide hym. And it wasdon, the while he sat atthe mete in the hous, lo!many pupplicans and synful men camen, and saten at the mete with Jhesuand hise disciplis. 11 AndFarisees sien, and seidento hise disciplis, Whi etithyoure maister with pupplicans and synful men?12 And Jhesus herde, andseide, A leche is not nedeful to men that faren wel,but to men that ben yuel atese. 13 But go ye, and lernewhat it is, Y wole merci,and not sacrifice; for I cam,not to clepe riytful men,

Matthew 9:141314but synful men.Thannethe disciplis of Joon camen to hym, and seiden,Whi we and Farisees fasten ofte, but thi disciplis15 And Jhefasten not?sus seide to hem, Whetherthe sones of the spousemoun morne, as long asthe spouse is with hem?But daies schulen come,whanne the spouse schalbe takun a wei fro hem, andthanne thei schulen faste.16 And no man putteth aclout of buystous clothe into an elde clothing; for itdoith awey the fulnesse ofthe cloth, and a wers breking is maad. 17 Nethir menputten newe wyne in toelde botelis, ellis the botelsben to-broke, and distried,and the wyn sched out. Butmen putten newe wyne into newe botels, and botheben kept. 18 Whiles thatJhesus spak thes thingis tohem, lo! a prince cam,and worschipide hym, andseide, Lord, my douyteris now deed; but comethou, and putte thin hondon hir, and she schal lyue.19 And Jhesus roos, and hise disciplis, and suedenhym. 20 And lo! a womman, that hadde the blodiflux twelue yere, neiyedebihynde, and touchide thehem of his cloth. 21 Forsche seide with ynne hirself, Yif Y touche

1The book of the generacioun of Jhesu Crist, the sone of Dauid, the sone of Abraham.2Abraham bigat Isaac. IsaacbigatJacob. Jacobbigat Judasandhisebritheren.3Judasbigat Fares and Zaram, of Tamar. Fares bigat Esrom.4Esrom bigat Aram. Aram bigat Amynadab. Amynadab bigatNaason. NaasonbigatSalmon.