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Cisa review manual 2016 pdf free file download full

What is ci module. Full meaning of cisa. Types of computer audit. What is cam module.Note: A CISA candidate should understand the purpose of and differences between preventive, detective and corrective controls and be able to recognize examples of each. CASE tools provide a uniform approach to system development, facilitate storage and retrieval of documents, and reduce the manual effort in developing and presenting systemdesign information. Measure the overall performance of operational and information systems processing activities related to maintaining the business entity. Incident response—The response of an enterprise to a disaster or other significant event that may significantly affect the enterprise, its people, or its ability to function productively. These aretested on a discrete selection of data that is carefully selected to include all cases. In this environment, IS will perform tests with a set of fictitious data whereas client representatives use extracts of production data to cover the most possible scenarios as well as some fictitious data for scenarios that would not be tested by the production data. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)—Used by networked computers (clients) to obtain IP addresses and other parameters, such as the default gateway, subnet mask and IP addresses of domain name systems (DNSs) from a DHCP server. Verify the arrangements for transporting backup media to ensure that they meet the appropriatesecurity requirements. Quality control (QC)—The observation techniques and activities used to fulfill requirements for quality. Termination practices should address voluntary and involuntary (e.g., immediate) terminations. Have you taken security measures for remote access? Each of these techniques is described in detail in the followingsections. The technology chosen must be adequate to the business needs. Tracking information in a change management system includes: – History of all work order activity (date of work order, programmer assigned, changes made and date closed) – History of logons and logoffs by programmers – History of program deletions – Adequacy of SoD andQA activities Identify and test existing controls to determine the adequacy of production library security to ensure the integrity of the production resources. The day’s invoices begin with 12001 and end with 15045. The OS and owner should be included along with the data provided. If the email transmission is secured with use of a symmetric key onthe receiver’s end, the user needs to know the single secret key to decrypt the message. What control should be implemented to prevent an attack on the internal network being initiated though an Internet VPN connection? Penetration testing—A live test of the effectiveness of security defenses through mimicking the actions of real life attackersPerformance driver—A measure that is considered the “driver” of a lag indicator. Draft Functional Requirements With the first physical architecture design in hand, the first (draft) of functional requirements is composed. When both continuous monitoring and auditing take place, continuous assurance can be established. All major enhancementsbeyond the initial requirements document should be reviewed to ensure that they meet the strategic needs of the organization and are cost-effective. Objectives should be SMART (see section 3.1.9, Project Objectives) so that general requirements will be expressed in a scorecard form, which allows objective evidence to be collected in order tomeasure the business value of an application and to prioritize requirements. Perform database reorganization to reduce unused disk space and verify defined data relationships. In addition, they are not affected by EMI and present a significantly lower risk of security problems, such as wiretaps. A key element to this approach is that backups rotatedoffsite should not be returned for reuse until their replacement has been sent offsite. If data are not stored locally, then a lost or stolen device will not be an issue. Functional project specifications should be executed by users and systems analysts, and not by the auditor. Source documents—The forms used to record data that have been captured. Themain objective of implementing FIM is to make access easier for users. These often center on substantiating the existence of internal controls to minimize business risk. Establish uniform logon and logging procedures throughout the network. This essentially outsources many of the maintenance and security management issues associated withmaintaining email servers and shifts expenditures from capital investments to operational expenditures. Look for key words such as “best,” “most,” and “first” and key terms that may indicate what domain or concept is being tested. Audit reports usually have the following structure and content: An introduction to the report, including a statement ofaudit objectives, limitations to the audit and scope, the period of audit coverage, and a general statement on the nature and extent of audit procedures conducted and processes examined during the audit, followed by a statement on the IS audit methodology and guidelines Audit findings included in separate sections and often grouped in sections bymateriality and/or intended recipient An IS auditor’s overall conclusion and opinion on the adequacy of controls and procedures examined during the audit, and the actual potential risk identified as a consequence of detected deficiencies An IS auditor’s reservations or qualifications with respect to the audit – This may state that the controls orprocedures examined were found to be adequate or inadequate. PART A: PLANNING 1.0 INTRODUCTION Audits are conducted for a variety of reasons. Security Controls Related to USBs The following controls can be used to help reduce risk associated with the use of USB devices: Encryption—An ideal encryption strategy allows data to be storedon the USB drive but renders the data useless without the required encryption key, such as a strong password or biometric data. A budget allows for forecasting, monitoring and analyzing financial information. Telecommunications capabilities to consider include telephone voice circuits, WANs (connections to distributed data centers), LANs (workgroup PC connections), and third-party EDI providers. However, some variations of the ASCII code set allow 8 bits. These criteria will often be based on KPIs that indicate whether a control is functioning correctly. Ideally, the BCP/DRP should be supported by a formal executive policy that states the organization’s overall target for recovery andempowers those people involved in developing, testing and maintaining the plans. Heuristic filter—A method often employed by antispam software to filter spam using criteria established in a centralized rule database. This problem is then added to the known error database (KEDB). Communication processor—A computer embedded in acommunications system that generally performs basic tasks of classifying network traffic and enforcing network policy functions. System access restricted to business hours only restricts when unauthorized access can occur and would not prevent such access at other times. This would be the case of data owner-defined sharing of informationresources, where the data owner may select who will be enabled to access his/her resource and the security level of this access. DoS attacks may be directed to the mail server, denying or hindering valid users from using the mail server. Theft C. IS Audit Standards, Guidelines and Codes of Ethics 2. Again, candidates should not assume that readingthese manuals and answering review questions will fully prepare them for the examination. A DBMS provides the facility to create and maintain a well-organized database. Data Leak Prevention Data leak prevention (DLP) is suite of technologies and associated processes that locate, monitor and protect sensitive information from unauthorizeddisclosure. – Testing can be started before all programs are complete. Terminals or client workstations in a network can be configured with a unique form of identification such as serial number or computer name that is authenticated by the system. In a closed network, an email has to travel through a series of networks before it reaches the recipient. Authentication and nonrepudiation—The parties to an electronic transaction should be in a known and trusted business relationship, which requires that they prove their respective identities before executing the transaction to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks (i.e., preventing the seller from being an impostor). Measure the overall performanceof operational and IT processing activities related to maintaining the business entity. These schedules should be flexible enough to allow for proper cross-training and emergency staffing requirements. Data file conversion, if necessary, has occurred accurately and completely as evidenced by review and approval by user management. Data martlayer—Data marts represent subsets of information from the core DW selected and organized to meet the needs of a particular business unit or business line. The network layer creates a virtual circuit between the transport layer on the local device and the transport layer on the remote device. Optical scanner—An input device that reads charactersand images that are printed or painted on a paper form into the computer Outsourcing—A formal agreement with a third party to perform IS or other business functions for an enterprise P Packet—Data unit that is routed from source to destination in a packet-switched network. Although it is important that the data set be complete, the primaryconcern is that test data should be sanitized to prevent sensitive data from leaking to unauthorized persons. These levels should be used for guidance on the proper procedures for handling information resources. Control Identification and Design Part B: Information System Implementation 1. Preference—Who gets preference if there are common orregional disasters? IS Auditor’s Role in Software Acquisition An IS auditor should be involved in the software acquisition process to determine whether an adequate level of security controls has been considered prior to any agreement being reached. In addition, users are the front line for the detection of threats that may not be detectable byautomated means (e.g., fraudulent activity and social engineering). May be managed by the organizations or a third party May reside on-premise or off-premise Public Made available to the general public or Same as community cloud, plus: cloud a large industry group Data may be stored in unknown Owned by an organization sellinglocations and may not be easily cloud services retrievable. Analysis and Design After reviewing the existing architecture, the analysis and design of the actual physical architecture has to be undertaken, adhering to good practices and meeting business requirements. Job Scheduling and Production Process Automation 4. Chain of custody refers todocumenting, in detail, how evidence is handled and maintained, including its ownership, transfer and modification. Note: The CISA candidate should know what critical provisions need to be included within insurance policies to safeguard the organization 4.16 DISASTER RECOVERY PLANS Disaster recovery planning, in support of businessoperations/provisioning IT service, is an element of an internal control system established to manage availability and restore critical processes/IT services in the event of interruption. Chain of custody—A legal principle regarding the validity and integrity of evidence. Brouters—Devices that perform the functions of both a bridge and a router. Printersare an example of an output-only device. When the employee logs on for the first time, the system forces a password change to improve confidentiality. Phishing—This is a type of electronic mail (email) attack that attempts to convince a user that the originator is genuine, but with the intention of obtaining information for use in social engineering.ISACA members and certification holders shall: 1. The frequency depends on many factors including the criticality of the information access level, the nature of the organization, the IS architecture and technologies used. A business process is an interrelated set of cross-functional activities or events that result in the delivery of a specific product orservice to a customer. In doing so, the remote access design uses the same network standards and protocols applicable to the systems that they are accessing, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)-based systems and systems network architecture (SNA) systems, for the mainframe where the user uses terminal emulation softwareto connect to a mainframe-based legacy application. Figure 5.23—Risk of a Corporate Social Media Presence Threats and Risk Controls Vulnerabilities Introduction of Data leakage/theft Ensure that antivirus and antiviruses and “Owned” systems (zombies) malware controls are installed on all malware to the System downtime systems andupdated daily. Any changes to applications should be documented properly. Relocation team—This team coordinates the process of moving from the hot site to a new location or to the restored original location. This type of a workbench approach is closely associated with the CASE application development approach. In addition to asset protectionand access control policies, the items presented in figure 5.7 should be considered to address security prior to giving customers access to any of the organization’s assets (depending on the type and extent of access given, not all of them may apply). Data staging and quality layer—This layer is responsible for data copying, transformation into DWformat and quality control. Broad categories of IDSs include the following: Network-based IDSs—They identify attacks within the monitored network and issue a warning to the operator. In such cases, management may decide to catch up on the backlog by directly updating the transactions in the database (back end). The difference between therounding down technique and the salami technique is that, in rounding down, the program rounds off by the smallest money fraction. These techniques can be used independently or in combination to authenticate and identify a user. Develop a testing strategy. Other criteria may include the impact on data or platforms and the degree to which thefunctioning of the organization is adversely impacted. Data Classification 7. Because of the dependency on information systems and related technology, several countries are making efforts to add legal regulations concerning IS audit and assurance. When reviewing the SDLC process, an IS auditor should obtain documentation from the various phasesand attend project team meetings, offering advice to the project team throughout the system development process. The log file level is part of the infrastructure made up by the general support systems, supported by the network and OS level. Investing in costly technology implementation and training is seen as less of an organizational core activitythan is the ability to work effectively across the value chain by integrating the outsourcing of services where appropriate. Most carriers provide facilities for alternate and diverse routing, although the majority of services are transmitted over terrestrial media. Self-assessment Questions and Answers The self-assessment questions at the end of sectionone of each chapter assist in understanding how a CISA question could be presented on the CISA exam and should not be used independently as a source of knowledge. If these devices are being used in situations where an individual’s full attention is required (e.g., driving a car), they could result in an increase in the number of accidents. Tomaintain system and data integrity, it is necessary to correctly and consistently define, enforce and monitor the operating environment and the granted permissions. Examples of topology include ring, star and bus. It is important to remember that adequate backup is a prerequisite to successful recovery. Record—A collection of related informationtreated as a unit. Enterprise Architecture 6. Observing processes and employee performance—The observation of processes is a key audit technique for many types of review. Can be implemented in applications for internal usage only or in ebusiness applications (in this case, there could be another tier represented by the web server) All of theprogram logic is separated from the rest of the code (via application servers) Designs that contain more than two tiers are referred to as multitiered or n-tiered. Many organizations use a risk of occurrence to determine a reasonable cost of being prepared. Implementation can also reduce possible or intrinsic audit inefficiencies such as delays,planning time, inefficiencies of the audit process, overhead due to work segmentation, multiple quality or supervisory reviews, or discussions concerning the validity of findings. EDI promotes a more efficient paperless environment. A candidate must receive a score of 450 or higher to pass the exam. An understanding of the rules of evidence isimportant for IS auditors because they may encounter a variety of evidence types. The integration of defined processes and corresponding process management techniques across the enterprise is related to the effectiveness and efficiency of the IS organization. A malicious attacker could intercept the signed document and send it again to therecipient. In this situation, an IS auditor should: A. 4. Review the Document Obtain a copy of the current business continuity policy and strategy. When the two networks are connected and authenticated, they can transfer data. These functions may include the following: Verify information supplied by the subject (personal authentication functions).With appropriate tools, it is sometimes possible to recover destroyed information (erased even by reformatting) from the disk’s surface. DPI goes beyond the basic header information of a packet to read the contents within the packet’s payload (akin to a letter within a postal envelope). The prototype should demonstrate the following features: Thebasic setup of the core security infrastructure Correct functionality of auditing components Basic but functional implementation of security measures as defined Secured transactions Characterization in terms of installation constraints and limits (server size, server current consumption, server weight, server room physical security) Performance Resiliency to include basic fail-over to a trusted operational state Funding and costing model Data and algorithm Related implementation projects that prepare for deployment should also be part of the POC because they will be used in the same way as they are used in the production physical architecture. The logs may indicateinappropriate planning or testing of the system prior to implementation. Data preparation layer—This layer is concerned with the assembly and preparation of data for loading into data marts. The risk of the changes should be studied, and a fallback plan should be developed. In practice, continuous auditing is the precursor to management adoptingcontinuous monitoring as a process on a day-to-day basis. The mark has been applied for or registered in countries throughout the world. LAN Security LANs are computer networks that cover a limited area, such as a home, office or campus. Disclaimer ISACA has designed and created CISA Review Manual 27th Edition primarily as an educationalresource to assist individuals preparing to take the CISA certification exam. 1.6 AUDIT PROJECT MANAGEMENT Several steps are required to perform an audit. Remote access services—Provide remote access capabilities where a computing device appears, as if directly attached to the remote host. People whose job is to schedule batch jobs havethe authority to run most system jobs applications. exists, employees may choose to propagation or unknown data bring in their own unsecured loss in the case of device loss or devices. This includes OS logs and console messages, network management messages, firewall logs and alerts, router management messages, intrusion detection alarms,application and server statistics, and system integrity checks. The IVR system then responds with prerecorded or dynamically generated audio to further direct callers or route the caller to a customer service representative. This is because the user cannot alter or use the computerized file beyond basic viewing or printing. These are normally locatednear exit doors to ensure personnel safety. Because purchases automatically lead to payments, if purchases are properly contracted, partial control over payments exists. Develop control transformations. Asynchronous transmission—Character-at-a-time transmission Attribute sampling—An audit technique used to select items from a population foraudit testing purposes based on selecting all those items that have certain attributes or characteristics (such as all items over a certain size) Audit evidence—The information used to support the audit opinion Audit objective—The specific goal(s) of an audit. Have processing priorities been established for other applications and are the assignedpriorities justified? Bluetooth networks can behave as ad hoc networks, because mobile routers control the changing network topologies of these networks. Some questions that organizations must address related to environmental issues and exposures include the following: Is the power supply to the computer equipment properly controlled toensure that power remains within the manufacturer’s specifications? customer customer retention issues Create notices that provide clear service windows for customer response. A project manager should determine the following: Scope of the project (with agreement from stakeholders on project scope) Various tasks that need to be performedto produce the expected business application system Sequence or order in which these tasks need to be performed Duration or the time window for each task Priority of each task IT and non-IT supporting resources that are available and required to perform these tasks Budget or costing for each of these tasks Source and means of fundingfor labor, services, materials, and plant and equipment resources involved in the project Several different sizing and measurement techniques are used and described in the sections that follow. The only access control is whether someone can log into the host OS. The user's manager, the resource owner or the security officer, as necessary, shouldauthorize the user for access to be granted SoD Lack of SoD All requests passing through the 1AM process should be validated for SoD policy checking. Password management is stronger if a history of previously used passwords is maintained by the system and their reuse prohibited for a period, such as no reuse of the last 12 passwords. 3.1.14 ISAUDITOR’S ROLE IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT To achieve a successful project outcome, the audit function should play an active role, where appropriate, in the life cycle development of a new system or business application. Software acquisition is not a phase in the standard SDLC. Through the special internal code and sensor devices, access canbe restricted based on the individual’s unique access needs. Comprehensive due diligence and management oversight process for outsourcing relationships and other third-party dependencies Security controls: 1. For outbound traffic, the inside router manages private network access to the DMZ network. – Approved programs are run only whenscheduled and, conversely, unauthorized runs do not take place. Logging changes to development libraries would not detect changes to production libraries. Does the system administrator have written authorization to check for weak passwords? Maximize ROI, cost transparency and operational efficiency. Extra expense can also cover the loss ofnet profits caused by computer media damage. In addition, they have the responsibility to identify possible causes of the disaster and their impact on damage and predictable downtime. Partner-to-partner interface occurs when two partners are continuously transferring data back and forth across agreed-upon systems. Operator problem reports—These manual reports are used by operators to log computer operations problems and their resolutions. The device allows for Applications may carry malware Malware propagation, data installation of unsigned that propagates Trojans or leakage or intrusion on enterprise third-party applications. Remote access risk includes the following: Denial ofservice (DoS)—remote users may not be able to gain access to data or applications that are vital for them to carry out their day-to-day business Malicious third parties—these may gain access to critical applications or sensitive data by exploiting weaknesses in communications software and network protocols Misconfigured communicationssoftware—may result in unauthorized access or modification of an organization’s information resources Misconfigured devices on the corporate computing infrastructure Host systems that are not secured appropriately—can be exploited by an intruder gaining access remotely Physical security issues over remote users’ computers Remote accesscontrols include the following: Policy and standards Proper authorizations Identification and authentication mechanisms Encryption tools and techniques such as use of a VPN System and network management 5.4.11 AUDIT LOGGING IN MONITORING SYSTEM ACCESS Most access control software has security features that enable asecurity administrator to automatically log and report all levels of access attempts— successes and failures. The common link among all forms of social media is that the content is supplied and managed by individual users who leverage the tools and platforms provided by social media sites. The principal advantages of standards are to encouragemass production and to allow products from multiple vendors to interoperate. There are two main forms of batch controls: sequence control, which involves consecutively numbering the records in a batch so that the presence of each record can be confirmed, and control total, which is a total of the values in selected fields within the transactions.Encryption generally is used to: Protect data in transit over networks from unauthorized interception and manipulation Protect information stored on computers from unauthorized viewing and manipulation Deter and detect accidental or intentional alterations of data Verify authenticity of a transaction or document In many countries,encryption is subject to governmental laws and regulations. The most common payment instruments to operate with POS are credit and debit cards. Note: Based on the information gathered during the research phase, steps 3 through 6 may be skipped or adapted. WLAN technologies conform to a variety of standards and offer varying levels ofsecurity features. Approval—Mobile-device use should be appropriately authorized and approved in accordance with the organization’s policies and procedures. An IS auditor’s analysis of the efficiency of an application, based on discussions with certain personnel, may not be objective audit evidence. Because the sales data being sent to the thirdparty are aggregate data, no cardholder information should be included. 1-9 A. New IT Users New IT users (employees or third parties) and, in general, all new users who are assigned PCs or other IT resources should sign a document stating the main IT security obligations that they are thereby engaged to know and observe. An IDS triggers a virtualalarm whenever an attacker breaches security of any networked computers. – Impact of the product on processing reliability? Most IT departments use information resources from a wide array of vendors and, therefore, need a defined outsourcing process for effectively managing contractual agreements with these vendors. Another problem withWPANs is the uncontrolled propagation of radio waves; for example, the radio traffic on Bluetooth connections can be passively intercepted and recorded using Bluetooth protocol sniffers, such as Red Fang, Bluesniff and others. Phase 6—Post-implementation Review Following the successful implementation of a new or extensively modified system, itis beneficial to verify the system has been properly designed and developed and that proper controls have been built into the system. Various standards have emerged to assist IT organizations in achieving these results. It is known that aggregate sales data are copied onto other media as-is, without any controls, for external distribution. An IS auditormust be technically competent, having the skills and knowledge necessary to perform audit work. SAs define the security parameters that should be applied between the communicating parties as encryption algorithms, keys, initialization vectors, life span of keys, etc. Auditees such as line managers are responsible for controls in their environment;the managers should also be responsible for monitoring the controls. Therefore, it is recommended that in extranet VPN, e

Cisa review manual 2016 pdf free file download full. What is ci module. Full meaning of cisa. Types of computer audit. What is cam module. Note: A CISA candidate should understand the purpose of and differences between preventive, detective and corrective controls and be able to recognize examples of each. CASE tools provide a uniform approach .