
TOEFL iBT Practice Test 1READINGDir ections: This sectio n meas ur es yo ur ability to unders ta nd academic pass ages inEnglis h.The Reading sectio n is divid ed into separa tely timed par ts.Most q ues tio ns are wor th 1 po int, but the las t q ues tion for ea ch pass age is wor thmore tha n 1 point. The directio ns for the las t q uestio n ind ica te ho w ma ny points yo uma y receive.You will no w begin the Reading sectio n. There are three passa ges in the sectio n. Yousho uld a llo w 20 Minut es to read ea ch pass age a nd a ns wer the questio ns abo ut it.You s ho uld a llo w 60 Minutes to co mplete the entire sectio n.At the end of this Practice Test yo u’ll find expla na tio ns of the a ns wers and infor mationto help yo u determine yo ur s core.NINETEENTH-CENTURY POLITICS IN THE UNITED STATESThe develop ment of the mod ern pres idency in the United Sta tes bega n with AndrewJa cks o n who s wep t to po wer in 1829 at the head of the Demo cratic Par ty and s er veduntil 1837. Dur ing his ad ministra tion he immeas ur ab ly enlarged the po wer of thepresidency. “ The Pres ident is the d irect representa tive of the Amer ica n p eop le,” helectured the Sena te when it opposed him. “He was elected by the peop le, and isrespons ib le to them.” With this d eclaratio n, J a cks o n redefined the character of thepresidentia l office a nd its rela tio ns hip to the peop le.Dur ing J a ckso n’s second ter m, his opponents had grad ua lly come together toform the Whig par ty. Whigs a nd Democra ts held different attitud es to ward thecha nges broug ht about b y the mar ket, banks, a nd co mmer ce. The Demo cra ts tendedto view society a s a continuing conflict between “the p eople”—far mers, p la nters, a ndworkers—a nd a set of greedy ar isto cra ts. This “pap er money ar is to cra cy” of bankersand inves tors ma nip ulated the banking s ys tem for their o wn profit, Democra tscla imed, and sapped the na tio n’s vir tue b y enco uraging speculatio n a nd the d esire forsudd en, unear ned wea lth. The Demo crats wa nted the rewards of the market witho utsacrificing the fea tures of a s imple agraria n rep ublic. They wa nted the wealth that themarket offered witho ut the co mpetitive, cha ng ing society; the co mplex dealing; thedomina nce of urba n centers; and the loss of independence tha t ca me with it.Whigs, o n the o ther ha nd, were more co mfor table with the market. For them,233

TOEFL iBT Practice Test 1commerce a nd eco no mic development wer e agents of civiliza tio n. Nor did the Whigsenvisio n any co nflict in society between farmers a nd workers on the one ha nd a ndbus inesspeo ple a nd ba nkers on the other. Eco no mic gro wth wo uld benefit ever yo neby ra ising na tiona l inco me a nd expanding opportunity. The go ver nment’s responsibility wa s to provide a well-reg ula ted eco no my that g uaranteed opportunity for citizensof ability.Whigs a nd Demo cra ts differed no t o nly in their attitudes to ward the market butalso about ho w active the centra l go ver nment s ho uld be in people’s lives. Despite Andrew J a cks o n’s inclinatio n to be a stro ng Pres ident, Demo crats a s a rule b elieved inlimited government. Government’s role in the eco no my wa s to promote co mpetitionby des troying monopolies 1 and sp ecial privileg es. In keeping with this p hilosop hy oflimited go ver nment, Demo cra ts also rejected the idea that mora l beliefs wer e theproper sphere of go vernment a ctio n. Religio n a nd politics, they believed, should bekept clearly s eparate, a nd they g enerally opposed huma nitaria n leg isla tion.The Whigs, in co ntrast, viewed government po wer pos itively. They believed tha t itsho uld be used to protect individua l rig hts and p ublic liberty, and that it had a specialrole wher e individ ual effor t wa s ineffective. By regulating the eco no my and co mpetitio n, the go ver nment could ens ure equa l opportunity. Indeed , for Whigs the conceptof government promo ting the g eneral welfare went beyond the eco no my. In particular, Whigs in the nor thern sections of the United Sta tes a lso b elieved that g over nmentpower s ho uld be us ed to foster the mora l welfare of the co untr y. They wer e muchmore likely to fa vor social-reform leg isla tio n and aid to educatio n.In so me wa ys the socia l ma keup of the two parties wa s similar. To be competitivein winning vo tes , Whigs a nd Democra ts both had to ha ve sig nifica nt suppo rt a mo ngfar mers , the largest gro up in society, a nd wor kers. Neither par ty co uld win a n electionby ap pealing exclus ively to the rich or the poor. The Whigs , ho wever, enjo yed disproportio nate s treng th a mong the b us iness a nd co mmercial cla ss es. Whigs appea led toplanters who need ed credit to finance their cotton a nd rice trade in the world market,to far mers who were eag er to sell their surp luses , and to wor kers who wis hed to improve themselves . Demo cra ts attracted far mers iso lated fro m the mar ket or unco mfortable with it, wor kers aliena ted fro m the emerg ing indus tr ia l s ys tem, and ris ingentrepreneurs who wa nted to break mo nopolies and open the eco no my to newcomers like thems elves. The Whigs wer e stro ngest in the to wns, cities, a nd those r uralareas that were fully integrated into the mar ket eco no my, wher eas Democra ts dominated ar eas of s emis ubs istence far ming that were more isola ted and la ng uis hing econo mica lly.1. Monopolies—Companies or individuals that exclusi vel y own or control commer cial enterpriseswith no co mpetitors234

Reading#1The develop ment of the mod ern pres idency in the United Sta tes bega n with AndrewJa cks o n who s wep t to po wer in 1829 at the head of the Demo cratic Par ty and s er veduntil 1837. Dur ing his ad ministra tion he immeas ur ab ly enlarged the po wer of thepresidency. “ The Pres ident is the d irect representa tive of the Amer ica n p eop le,” helectured the Sena te when it opposed him. “He was elected by the peop le, and isrespons ib le to them.” With this d eclaratio n, J a cks o n redefined the character of thepresidentia l office a nd its rela tio ns hip to the peop le.Directions: Mark your answer by filling in the oval next to your choice.1.The word immeas urab ly in thepassage is closes t in mea ning tofrequentlygreatlyrapidlyreportedly2.According to paragraph 1, thepresidency of Andrew J a cks o n wasespecia lly s ignifica nt for which ofthe fo llo wing reaso ns?The President gra nted a por tio n ofhis po wer to the Sena teThe President bega n to ad dress theSenate o n a reg ular bas is .It wa s the beginning of the moder npresidency in the United Sta tes.It wa s the first time that the Sena tehad been kno wn to oppose thePresident.# 2Dur ing J a ckso n’s second ter m, his oppo nents ha d grad ua lly come together to for mthe Whig par ty. Whigs a nd Demo cra ts held different a ttitudes to ward the cha ng esbrought about b y the mar ket, ba nks, a nd co mmer ce. The Demo crats tended to viewsociety a s a continuing co nflict between “the peop le”—far mers, p la nters, a nd workers—a nd a set of greedy ar is tocra ts . This “pa per money a r is to cra cy” of bankers a ndinves tors ma nip ula ted the banking s ys tem for their o wn profit, Democra ts cla imed,and sapped the na tio n’s vir tue by enco uraging sp ecula tio n a nd the desire for s udden,unear ned wea lth. The Democra ts wa nted the rewards of the mar ket without sacr ificing the features of a simp le agrar ia n rep ub lic. They wa nted the wea lth that the marketoffered witho ut the co mpetitive, chang ing so ciety; the co mp lex dealing; the domina nce of urba n centers; a nd the loss of indep endence that ca me with it.3.The author mentio ns ba nkers a nd investors in the passag e a s an exa mple ofwhich of the follo wing?The Democra tic Pa rty’s ma in so urce of s uppor tThe peop le tha t Democra ts cla imed were unfa irly beco ming richThe people mos t interested in a retur n to a s imple agrar ia n rep ublicOne of the groups in favor of Andr ew Ja cks o n’s presidencyGO ON TO THE NEXT PA G E g235

TOEFL iBT Practice Test 1#3Whigs, o n the other ha nd , wer e more co mfor tab le with the market. For them, commerce and eco no mic develop ment were agents of civilizatio n. Nor did the Whigs envisio n a ny co nflict in so ciety between far mers a nd wor ker s on the o ne hand andbus inesspeo ple a nd ba nkers on the other. Eco no mic gro wth wo uld benefit ever yo neby ra ising na tiona l inco me a nd expanding opportunity. The go ver nment’s responsibility wa s to provide a well-reg ula ted eco no my that g uaranteed opportunity for citizensof ability.4.According to paragraph 3, Whigs believed that commerce and economic development would ha ve which of the follo wing effects o n society?They wo uldThey wo uldThey wo uldThey wo uld5.promote the adva ncement of so ciety a s a who us e d isagreements between Whigs a nd Demo crats.s upp ly new positions for Whig Pa rty members .prevent conflict between far mers and wor kers.According to paragraph 3, which of the fo llo wing d escrib es the Whig Par ty’s viewof the role of go ver nment?To regulate the co ntinuing conflict between far mers a nd b us inesspeop leTo restrict the cha nges broug ht about b y the marketTo mainta in a n eco no my that allo we d a ll capable citizens to benefitTo reduce the emp hasis on economic develop ment#4Whigs a nd Demo cra ts differed no t o nly in their attitud es to ward the mar ket b ut als oabout ho w a ctive the central go vernment sho uld be in people’s lives . Despite Andr ewJackso n’s inclina tio n to be a strong President, Demo cra ts a s a rule believed in limitedgover nment. Go ver nment’s role in the eco no my wa s to promote co mpetition by destroying mo nopolies 1 and special privileges. In keeping with this p hilosop hy of limitedgover nment, Democra ts als o rejected the id ea that mora l beliefs were the propersphere of go vernment action. Religio n and politics, they believed, s ho uld be keptclear ly separa te, a nd they genera lly opposed huma nitar ia n leg isla tio n.6.The word inclina tio n in the passa ge is closes t in mea ning toargumenttendencyexa mp lewar ning7.According to paragraph 4, a Democra t wo uld be most likely to suppor t government actio n in which of the follo wing areas?Creating a s tate religio nSuppo r ting huma nitarian leg isla tio nDestro ying mo nopo liesRecommend ing par ticular mora l beliefs1. Monopolies—Companies or individuals that exclusi vel y own or control commer cial enterpriseswith no co mpetitors236

Reading#5The Whigs, in co ntras t, viewed gover nment po wer positively. They believed tha t itsho uld be used to protect individua l rig hts and p ublic liberty, and that it had a specialrole wher e individ ual effor t wa s ineffective. By regulating the eco no my and co mpetitio n, the go ver nment could ens ure equa l opportunity. Indeed , for Whigs the conceptof government promo ting the g eneral welfare went beyond the eco no my. In particular, Whigs in the nor thern sections of the United Sta tes a lso b elieved that g over nmentpower s ho uld be us ed to foster the mora l welfare of the co untr y. They wer e muchmore likely to fa vor social-reform leg isla tio n and aid to educatio n.8.The word co ncep t in the passage is closes t in meaning topowerrealitydifficultyidea9.Which of the follo wing ca n be inferred fro m paragrap h 5 about variatio ns inpolitical beliefs within the Whig Pa rty?They were focused on iss ues of p ub lic liberty.They caused so me members to leave the Whig party.They were unimpo rta nt to most Whigs.They reflected regio nal interests .GO ON TO THE NEXT PA G E g237

TOEFL iBT Practice Test 1#6In s o me wa ys the so cia l makeup of the two par ties wa s similar. To be competitive inwinning votes, Whigs a nd Demo crats bo th ha d to ha ve sig nifica nt suppo rt a mo ngfar mers , the largest gro up in society, a nd wor kers. Neither par ty co uld win a n electionby ap pealing exclus ively to the rich or the poor. The Whigs , ho wever, enjo yed disproportio nate s treng th a mong the b us iness a nd co mmercial cla ss es. Whigs appea led toplanters who need ed credit to finance their cotton a nd rice trade in the world market,to far mers who were eag er to sell their surp luses , and to wor kers who wis hed to improve themselves . Demo cra ts attracted far mers iso lated fro m the mar ket or unco mfortable with it, wor kers aliena ted fro m the emerg ing indus tr ia l s ys tem, and ris ingentrepreneurs who wa nted to break mo nopolies a nd open the economy to newco mers like thems elves. The Whigs were s tr o nges t in the to wns, cities, a nd thos e r ura lareas that were fully integrated into the mar ket eco no my, whereas Democra ts do minated areas of semisubsis tence farming that were more isolated a nd lang uishing eco no mica lly.10. According to paragraph 6, the Democra ts were suppor ted b y a ll of the fo llo winggroups E X CE PTwor kers unhapp y with the new ind ustr ial s ys templanters involved in inter na tio nal traderising entrepreneursindivid uals seeking to open the eco no my to newco mers11. Which of the sentences b elo w best expresses the essential informa tio n in thehig hlig hted sentence in the passa ge? Incorrect cho ices cha nge the mea ning inimpor tant wa ys or leave o ut essentia l infor matio n.Whigs were able to attract suppor t o nly in the wealthiest par ts of the eco no mybeca use Democra ts domina ted in o ther areas.Whig and Demo cratic areas of influence were natura lly sp lit b etween urban andrura l areas, resp ectively.The s emis ubs istence far ming areas do minated b y Democra ts beca me increasingly isola ted by the Whigs ’ control of the market eco no my.The Demo crats ’ po wer wa s greatest in poorer areas while the Whigs werestronges t in those ar eas where the market wa s already fully operating.238

Reading#2Dur ing J a ckso n’s second ter m, his

TOEFL iBT Practice Test 1 # 3 merce Whigs, on the other hand, were more comfortable with the market. For them, com-and economic development were agents of civilization. Nor did the Whigs en- vision any conflict in society between farmers and workers on the one hand and businesspeople and bankers on the other. Economic growth would benefit everyone by raising national income and expanding .