Development GuideLet’s get startedChandler, AZ
Cambria Hotels, an upscale hotel brand fromChoice Hotels , is now open across top markets andquickly expanding coast-to-coast. Each Cambriaproperty is designed to offer guests an experiencethat’s approachable yet sophisticated, with just theright amount of indulgence to treat themselveswithout the guilt.And for you? The Cambria brand opens upopportunity to grow your portfolio in key marketswithin the proven structure of an upscale brand. EachCambria hotel creates a unique sense of place withinour design framework—optimized for operationalexcellence, financial performance and guest appeal.1Nashville, TN
Our Design PhilosophyOur Casually Tailored design philosophy unifiesthe on-property experience across locations,with a focus on core elements of the guests’journey that are critical for the modern businesstraveler. Sensible yet sophisticated, practicalyet polished—the design philosophy blendsa juxtaposition of finer, luxurious details with asense of simplicity that creates an ease andopenness in each space.Within this framework, each location isencouraged to create a unique sense of placewithin their local community, bringing in designelements that are specific to the destination anddelivering an experience that the guest can’tfind anywhere else.2Dallas, TX
ArrivalA memorable first impression has always beenat the brand’s forefront, whether the hotel isnew construction or an existing building takingon new identity.As guests arrive, they first encounter thebuilding’s dynamic exterior, which is contextuallycomposed and purposefully designed.Philadelphia, PA3Asheville, NC
Check-in ExperienceAs guests approach the front desk, their eyesare drawn to the feature lighting fixture hangingfrom the ceiling, which speaks to the hotel’sdistinct location and creates an engaging firstimpression. The desk itself stands independentof the wall and is accessible from both sides.New Orleans, LA4New York, NY
Lobby and Public SpaceWith one glance, guests can visually make plansto utilize the public space. The lobby shouldfeature multiple seating options with naturalmaterials, textures and pops of color that drawguests into the space.Los Angeles, LA5Mt. Pleasant, SC
Bar and RestaurantThe brand’s bar-forward approach invitesguests to hang out and stay awhile. The menufeatures a few things done well, plus craftbeer and cocktails. And, through an exclusiverelationship with M Culinary, we’ll help youdesign your kitchen and create a locally curatedmenu that can help maximize profitability.6Pittsburgh, PAChicago, IL
Guest RoomWith a design tailored to the local market, theguest room experience feels like an upgrade.The platform bed, with integrated lighting andpower, can help make efficient use of spacewhile giving the active, yet design-conscious,business traveler the essentials they expect intheir room.Nashville, TN7Phoenix,Dallas, AZTX
Guest BathroomThe immersive spa-like bath allows gueststo take a moment for themselves during theirbustling schedule. They can also personalizethe experience by connecting to a Bluetoothlighted mirror.Chicago, IL8Chandler, AZ
Meeting ExperienceFlexible conference spaces enable groups toconvene for business meetings or othersocial gatherings.Our intimate boardrooms provide smallgroups with a professional yet design-forwardspace to give presentations or collaboratewith colleagues.Chicago, IL9Washington, D.C.
Required AmenitiesTo meet the expectations of the modernbusiness traveler, each Cambria property mustalso include the following amenities: Fitness center Marketplace Printing service stationSouthlake, TX10Westfield, IN
Architectural DetailsThese design details can be yourstarting point—though your uniquevision and creativity should shinethrough. Our Design & Constructionteam will work directly with yourarchitectural and design professionalsto create a sense of space andplace specific to your site, includingnew construction, adaptive reuseand conversion projects.11Omaha, NE
Lobby Concept13
Program SpacesCAMBRIA AREA REQUIREMENTSProgram Space (SF)Key Count100-149150-174175-225Lobby / F B3,600 to 4,2004,200 to 5,9104,900 to 8,100Meeting Room1,200 to 1,6501,650 to 2,1002,100 to 2,700Fitness Center700 to 900900 to 1,0501,050 to 1,350Guest Rooms31,000 to 50,25046,500 to 58,62054,250 to 75,350BOH/Circulation18,000 to 24,75024,750 to 31,50031,500 to 40,500Total GSF*54,400 to 81,75078,000 to 99,18093,800 to 128,000*Average 520 to 570 GSF/Key14
Chicago, ILCAMBRIADEVELOPMENT.COMThis advertisement is not an offering. For New York: an offering can only be made by a prospectus filed first with the Department of Lawin the State of New York. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law. For Minnesota: Cambria Hotels #F-4986.A copy of the Franchise Disclosure Document may be obtained through contacting Choice Hotels International, Inc. at 1 Choice HotelsCircle, Suite 400 Rockville, MD 20850 or at Development@ChoiceHotels.com. 2019-0026/01/19
Cambria hotel creates a unique sense of place within our design framework—optimized for operational excellence, financial performance and guest appeal. . A copy of the Franchise Disclosure Document may be obtained through contacting Choice Hotels International, Inc. at 1 Choice Hotels Circle, Suite 400 Rockville, MD 20850 or at Development .