THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOOR - Moorish Registry – Moors .


THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOORThe True Ontological History of Your PeoplebyJonathan BeyFor far to long, we as a people, have consistently continued to not only validated theintentional erroneous misdescriptions placed upon us by others who WE ALLOW toact as the designated authorities defining Who We Are. We have not onlypermitted them to stand as our sanctioned higher authority to PROCLAIM WHATOUR ANCESTRY IS; we vehemently support and even defend their right to place uponus what ever titles (Indian, Negro, Colored, Latino, Hispanic, Black and/or AfricanAmerican) they sochoose. Thisimpotent behavioris not merely illadvised; thiso b s e s s i v eabandonment ofour cultural selfpreservation hasbeen “THE”major negativedeterminants of the self-imposed social marginalization and horndions infirmities we findourselves embroiled within to this very today as history continues repeating itself.Why do we continue to enthusiastically support longrecognized inaccuracies and outrageously inappropriatelabel designations such as calling Aboriginal IndigenousAmericans “INDIAN” and/or African-American even when nowwe know better ?Andfurther, do so to such agreat degree ofwelcomed acceptancethat we not only ferventlyadvance ludicrouslyillegitimate Eurocentrichistorical inaccuracies; we readily promote and very oftenactually defend (as truth) the false assertions of thesetransparent agendas, not only academically in our schools,but even more voluntarily in our own sacred institutions

THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOORThe True Ontological History of Your PeoplebyJonathan Beyworship/“BLACK” Churches?Why do we soreadily aid and abet the inevitable confusion of ourchildren by not insisting upon a change of schoolcurriculums from those which uses our hard earned(tax) dollars printing erroneous course study booksand paying our children’s teachers to further suchmyths as Christopher Columbus DISCOVERINGanything?! If you stop to think about it, doesn’t itcome acrossto you as even a little bit oddly suspicious, not tomention transparently convenient that the nameChristopher Columbus literally translatesto “Christianity Colonizing”?[Click here to accessmore detailed information regarding the truth about Christopher Columbus]What common sense, sound logic or insidiouslyself-destructive design compels us to simplycontinue the historical status quo of handing overour innocent children’s pliable minds to groupwho’s agendas have (historically proven withempirical evidence) never favored our wellbeing?Why continue allowing others to stand as the Self-appointed Architects of OURHistory; when in fact, TRUTH HAS ALWAYS DIFFERED SO DRASTICALLYFROM SO MANY FABRICATED EUROCENTRIC CLIMS?Why do we, withsuch UNYIELDING CONSISTENCY, continue so enthusiastically to force ourchildren to habitually engrain such toxic falsities asthough the Eurocentric fanciful distortions and oftenflat out lies were even ever true at any point withinreality?Why wouldn’t our children be aimlesslyconfused while angry chasing the smoke and mirrorsof failed Civil-rights bestowals of days gone by;

THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOORThe True Ontological History of Your PeoplebyJonathan Beytheir focus should unquestionably be onenforcing their INALIENABLE ANDUNALIENABLE GOD GIVEN HUMANRIGHTS as is protected Under ALLInternational Law as delineated within theU.S. Ratified Charter guaranteeing globallyThe Rights of Indigenous People WHICH INFACT IS “Constitutionally” THE INDISPUTABLE LAW OF THE LAND!These deeply intrenched “Institutionalized” rewritingsof history which most simply take for granted as truth;such as Pulitzer’s 1833 Prize Winning Teachers Guide“THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA AN OUT-GROWTHOF THE CONQUEST OF THE MOORS” introducingthe myth of Christopher Columbus discoveringAmerica, is a clear example of a Corrosive GLOBAL CosmologicalFramework of mentally manipulative Eurocentric belief systems designed tofoster manufactured false pride, while securelyanchoring DUPLICITOUS CORNERSTONES of whatthe average individual SHOULD accept as simplecommon sense facts which everyone should know.Anyone of sound mind that is. It would not at all beodd to fine the question “WHODISCOVERED AMERICA?” asbeing a question on a MentalCompetency Test in which any answerother than Christopher Columbus wouldbe counted as a sign of mental instability.Following thislogic, a sign of a healthy mind would be to believe thefictions caricature Columbus also discovered

THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOORThe True Ontological History of Your PeoplebyJonathan BeyAppropriately, Public Schools should only teach TRUTH, an example of whichwould be that the term INDIAN only applies to the people of INDIA, not theIndigenous and/or Aboriginal Natives of this American Continent. And this factshould in turn most certainly be IMMEDIATELY followed by a FULL truthfulexplanation of who WE, Native Indigenous and Aboriginal American really are.What is the fear stoping these truth from being told?This is why such slogans as Say It Loud I’m Black And I’m Proud, BLACK PRIDEIS BLACK POWER and Black Live Matter will remain feckless. The reason forthis is metaphysical, physiological and of course LEGAL as has been wellunderstood since the time of Henry Campbell Black, SigmundFreud and his lesser known yet far more influential nephewEdward Bernays. Understand the possible Bush Familyblood ties to the self-proclaimed Beast mayalso aid one in understanding the New WorldOrder’s psychological links and actual blood tiesto the sinister underbelly as to why certain evilshave proven spiritually profitable for some.Astudy of Henry Campbell Black’s work, unquestionably the world’smost widely respected Legal Dictionary will aid one in arriving at a

THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOORThe True Ontological History of Your PeoplebyJonathan Beyunderstanding of (not only the legal reason) why identifying one’s self as a“BLACK” person IN FACT LEGALLY places yourself into a Social Category andactual legal classification and status known as “Civilliter Mortuus” whichLEGALLY, LAWFULLY and LITERALLY means “DEAD IN THE EYS OFTHE LAW” ! Another startling FACT which may seem even more bizarre to theaverage individual is The Legal Definition of ”White Person” is: [Referencing Page 1769 ofBlack Law’s Dictionary 4th Ed.] “NOT EUROPIAN” NOR OF INDO EUROPIAN ANCESTRY. Itgoes on further to identify the term White Person not only as being us, theindigenous and aboriginal Native American Moors who currently in this countryare most commonly referred to as “BLACK and/or AfricanAmerican”; close inspection of the worlds most reparable LegalDictionary provides a newfound appreciation of how the term“White Person” is in fact merely a USURPED STATUSIdentifier manifested as result of the Naturalization Act of 1790.Studying World Renown Legal References such as theaforementioned Blacks Law Dictionary, BOUVIER'S LAWDICTIONARY and other well respected scholarly works willhelp one to easily discover the true irony in the well known adage:“If you want to hide something from BLACK FOLK, put it a Book”The truth in such idioms become even more apparent when we come tounderstand such realities as the fact that the term MINORITY has nothingto do with numbers, but in legal terms refers to us as a people not beingresponse-able enough to handle our affairs beyond that of a Minor/Child.That’s one reason the National Nightly Network News recently proclaimed:“According to the most recent National Census’ PopulationAssessments, Minorities are now America’s New Majority.” If it werethe number or quantity of individuals they were referring to apposed to theQUALITY and STUSUS comprising our social construct, it would not havebeen such an oxymoronically transparent truth defining

THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOORThe True Ontological History of Your PeoplebyJonathan BeyThe study of words, their common denotative utilities as well asEtymological Origins which often reveal their true and less well knownconnotative legal definitions have always struck me as fascinating.EtymologicallyInterestinglyenough, stemming from the Latintermmare , a n d a G o t h i c“Romanization” of the Proto-Italicexpression *mari, from the ProtoIndo-European *móri, a legitimateextrapolation of valid linguisticcomparisons can be found withinthe Romanian termmare ,meaning:BRAVE CROW TRIBESMAN1873Greatand/orMighty: AGrate and / or Mighty People [With the termCane having a long standing Etymologicalassociation with “That Which Is Standing UpRight and/or Straight” e.g. a Walking Cane and/or A Stock of Sugar Cane etc., naturallyreferences that which is up-right, like Man(Biblical-anthropomorphically Cain from which derives the GeographicalCannanlan regions or Canada: Land of the Canaanites); linguists havealso shown how A-Mare-Can is also an extremely reasonable etymologicalextrapolative of the phase: A Great and or Mighty Man / A-meri-can/American. But you and/or any other individual is of course welcome

THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOORThe True Ontological History of Your PeoplebyJonathan Beycontinue believing in or clinging on to the story and/or believe that thenaming of our land came from an Italian European (Not Moorish) Navigatornamed Amerigo Vespucci at a time that even our most modern up-to-datehistory books still inform us that the Europeans (at that time in history) stillbelieved the world was flat. Many even believed (until provided MoorishScience during the Renaissance) that our earth was perched upon the backof a mystical turtle at a time that The Phoenicians / Moorish Seafaringnavigators were operating thriving trade routs to every corner of the globe.You can probably imagine thelook I received from myeliminatory school teacher when Iobserved out loud: “Hume! Theseguys look like the same person tome.”What do you think ?CLICK HERE TO LEARN THES H O C K I N G Y E T T RU E S E C R E TREGARDING THE MYTH OFCHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS YOUWO U L D C E RTA I N LY N E V E R B ETAUGHT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.Today the term INDIAN is Officially used as a term of Determination and Designation bythe U.S. Federal Government without there even being any clear, concise nor definitedefinition for the term when referencing the clarification of Tribal Eligibility; but for thesake of communication purposes only, is used here as in its most widely acceptednomenclature. The term “NATIVE” from the middle English word “natif” (Phonetic: NayTeeF) meaning: “belonging to a particular place by birth”. It is a misconception thatthe term Native American referred exclusively to the so called American Indian. Just asit’s true that anyone born in Washington, D.C. is by all rights a Native Washingtonian,the truth is, anyone born in America or The Americas is a Native American, but notAboriginal nor Indigenous; which refers LEGALLY to the original inhabitants occupying aland prior to the European invasion.And I use the term occupying here becauseownership of land was in fact a European construct.originally (in the spiritual sense) our provider, not property.MoorishDirectory.comWhereas for us Earth was

THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOORThe True Ontological History of Your PeoplebyJonathan BeyIn the 4th century, a Manchurian (Chinese) missionary under the SHANGDynasty named HOSHAN or pronounced HUE-SHIN (Hsu-Shen) traveledto the Americas in search of his people, the Imperial “EastYi” (Dark Manchurian or Chines). Originally when the EastYi arrived in this particular area of Asha (Major), they firstencountered our ancient forbears the OLMEC (meaningThe Rubber People fortheir importing of the Rubber Tree Only Indigenous to Africa) As East Yi interfaced, they subsequentlyinterbred, birthing the Aboriginal whom inherited the lower kingdoms of the land which they named MuXian (Moo-Shawn) which is a combination of the Olmeccan- Ashuric -Aramaicword “Mu” which means “ONE”/Singular/and/or Land along with the Manchurianword “Xian” (Pronounced Phonetically: Shawn) named after theNoble Missionary of The East Hsu-Shen. This (Mu-Xian) over timemetamorphosed through various dynamics to “Mixian” which in turnbecame “Mexian” (Pronounced Phonetically: Mex-Shawn) and Mexshawn-o to what we now pronounce “Mexico”. The tribes inhabitingthese lower lands were quite diverse. Many of which may be further explored by visiting theIndigenous Nican Tlaca Movement’s Home Page.One of the major tributaries oflighter toned or more recessive lineage which re-mixed at a point with the more dominate IndigenousOlmec became what many refer to as the HOPI. The Hopi were taught the religion or were spirituallyRe-Legioned to and with the mystic and ancient scientific teachings of their distant Dogon forbears;effectively and astronomical reconnecting the Hopi to their pre-Egyptian kinsmen of 3200 BC and theirtraditional Missed-Stories of the Stars regarding their Mother Light Sirius andinvisible (to the human eye) companion (Sirius B)

THE NATIVE AMERICAN MOORThe True Ontological History of Your PeoplebyJonathan BeySeveral Hundreds of years later (a much longer period of time than is the existence ofthe so called United States), the Hindu East (erroneously called) Indians migrated to theregion breading into being the Mongoloid [adjective: ˈmäNG ɡəˌloid: of or relating to thebroad division of humankind including the indigenous peoples of eastern Asia, Southeast Asia,and the Arctic region of North America]. Majestic Noblemen: The Peoples now known as theInuit and Eskimo who migrated far north to Cannanland and Alaska: of old also came The Aztec,Inca, Toltec, Mixtec and Mayan also known archaeologically as the Five Barbarian Nations(linguistically derived from or related to Barbers)The Barbary Coast, or Berber Coast, was theterm used by Europeans from the 16th until the 19th century to refer to much of the collectiveland of the BERBER people. Today, the term “Grater Maghreb” or simply

OF THE CONQUEST OF THE MOORS” introducing the myth of Christopher Columbus discovering America, is a clear example of a Corrosive GLOBAL Cosmological Framework of mentally manipulative Eurocentric belief systems designed to foster manufactured false pride, while securely anchoring DUPLICITOUS CORNERSTONES of what