Established 1967www.lucannewsletter.ieSub. 80cthSunday 10 January 2021SPIRITUALITYIt is interesting that in a nation which has removed itself from a rigid uncaring andhierarchical Christianity, that recently a so-called comedic sketch seriously insulted deeplyheld beliefs and the religion of so many of its citizens. There seem to be no countries in therest of Europe that would attempt to defend that attack under the interesting excuse that“comedy can be harsh”, indeed in secular societies in Northern Europe this would beintolerable and would have caused a stir in our much criticised nearest neighbour.There is no doubt that a resetting of the norm in Irelandrequired that Christian churches needed more openness,inclusion and a more caring attitude, but that does notmean that some kind of revenge may be taken by anexclusionist abuse. One wrong does not excuse another;this attack, and that is what is was, was very like ananti-Semitic tract from the 1930s or an Isis view of theYazidis where they excuse abuse, torture and indeedslavery. Setting belief systems up for ridicule is akin topersonal abuse and exclusion where minority groups orreligions are pointed to for targeting and separation.It is often asked why those of us who are doubters continue to support or attend ChristianServices. We do so because we are searching, we feel part of the great Civilisations ofEurope and love the spirituality inherent in the great prayer houses be they giganticcathedrals or small country churches of whatever denomination or religions. We hear thebasic message of Christ, or indeed Mohammed or the Jewish prophets, where supportingour neighbours is the basic faith tenet. Recognising past wrongs we strive to improve ourmoral codes. If when all is over our hopes are proved wrong we can at least feel that wetried to lead a rightful and balanced life, knowing we won’t be perfect. In a real moderndemocracy we should be free to do that without being ridiculed or laughed at - what dothese so called comedians have to offer us but mean spiritedness?Tony Feeney
Lucan Citizens Information Centrewww.citizensinformation.ieCOVID-19 19 has changed theservice we offer to the public. Ourdrop-in service is not currentlyavailable, but we are taking phone calls,answering emails, and providing a call backservice.Call us on 0761 07 5090, leave a message withyour name and number and an InformationOfficer will return your call within 2 workingdays.Or you can email your query to us and someone will reply.Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) 076107 4000 operates on Monday to Friday 9 am to 8pm.MABSThe Money Advice and Budgeting Service is theState’s money advice service, guiding peoplethrough dealing with problem debt for overtwenty years. MABS Clondalkin phone 0761 072270 or email clondalkin@mabs.ieCovid 19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP)tax and PRSITax: The COVID-19 Pandemic UnemploymentPayment is liable to income tax and USC at theend of the year. However, the amount of tax youare liable to pay depends on your overall incomeduring the year. You will not pay tax, if your taxliability is less than your tax credits andallowances.In January 2021, your Preliminary End of YearStatement will be available from Revenue. Thestatement will show your income tax and USC for2020. It will tell you whether you have underpaidor overpaid your tax for 2020. If you haveunderpaid your tax, you can:Arrange to fully or partially repay the tax dueusing myAccount orRevenue can collect the underpayment byreducing your tax credits over a period of 4 years,starting in January 2022You will not have to pay interest on anyunderpayment.PRSI: You will be deemed to have paid PRSIcontributions at the same class that you werepaying immediately before you were laid offwhile you are getting the payment. This will helpyou to qualify for other social welfare paymentssuch as Jobseeker’s Benefit, Maternity andAdoptive Benefit.More information is available on welfare/covid19 and social welfare.htmlTaxation of Social Welfare payments: Allincome in Ireland is generally subject to taxation.Your social welfare payment may or may not bedeemed taxable but, even if your social welfarepayment is taxable, you may not actually have topay tax on it. If you are getting a social welfarepayment you get an Employee Tax Credit(formerly known as a PAYE tax credit) inaddition to your normal tax credits. This means, ifa social welfare payment is your only source ofincome you may not pay tax because your taxliability does not exceed your tax credits. TheEmployee Tax Credit is given to the personclaiming the social welfare payment and not tothe adult dependant, even if the Increase for aQualified Adult is paid directly to the dependant.Universal Social Charge and social insurance(PRSI) are not payable on social welfarepayments. (PRSI is payable on income from someemployment schemes such as CommunityEmployment.)Social welfare payment and another incomeIf you have a social welfare payment and anothersource of income, you may have to pay tax. Inthis case, your taxable social welfare payment andyour other income are added together. You aretaxed on the total amount. There is no mechanismfor taxing social welfare payments at source(before it is paid to you). Your non-social welfareincome determines how tax due is paid. Socialwelfare payments are taxed by reducing your taxcredits and rate band.Don’t let Covid restrictions prevent thatNew Year’s Resolution.Combat those publicspeaking fears.Come join LucanToastmasters forOur club meeting is onThursday 21stJanuary21st January is our annual OPEN MEETINGAll Welcome from 7:45pm on ZoomLearn how to communicate effectively online in asupportive and fun environment.Email foryour exclusive zoom invitation
Thank YouTo all my friendsI wish to thank all my FRIENDS here in Lucan.I am overwhelmed by the joy and happinesswhich you shared and gave me on my 90thbirthday.PLEASE NOTE:We are NOT operating from the NewsletterOffice at the moment, but leave your ads,queries or notices in the letter box at St. Mary’sParish Centre, before 10pm on Wednesdaynight, and we’ll collect and look after them.Alternately email any of the herinelucannewsletter@gmail.comNote: For the next 3 weeks, we will publishonline only.Please log on to www.lucannewsletter.iefor weekly issue.White Cat FoundHas anyone lost aWhite Cat?This very tame catappeared around theSuperValu area, and alsoon the dangerous roadopposite the Church.Ring: 087-2036313For me it was a marvellous privilege that Fr.Philip and Fr. Tom honoured us all by offeringthe Holy Mass to celebrate my 90 years with youall.With God’s help I hope that I can continue toserve for as long as God wills in the future.May God bless you all,Don Mac DonaldChristmas Tree RecyclingSouth Dublin County Council has madearrangements for you to leaveyour Christmas Tree at any ofthe following locations:Beech Park open spaceSarsfield Park open spaceHaydens Lane car park inGriffeen Valley ParkFoxborough open space.From Saturday 2 January to Monday 11January 2021. This service is free and is fordomestic household trees only.St. Thomas’ JNS EskerAdmissions 2021Palmerstown Camera ClubThe Club invites all adults to ourfriendly, educational andentertaining club meetings onWednesday nights. We normallymeet in the Palmerstown ParishCentre but due to Covid-19restrictions we currently use Zoom to run ourmeetings so it will be easy for you to attend.Our club members range from Learners toAdvanced and there is opportunity for everyoneto participate. To visit, free of charge, for one ortwo meetings, and to see how you can benefitcontact for moreinformation and for the Zoom link.See you on Wednesday nights.The enrolment process for JuniorInfants for the school year September2021/2022 is now open.The closing date is 29/1/2021.The application form can be downloadedon our website at www.stthomasjns.comFor further information please contact 016282691 or email
Parish NotesSt. Patrick’sEsker/Dodsboro/AdamstownSt Mary’s, ng Level 5 Masses will be livestreamed onwww.lucanparish.comSunday Masses:Vigil Saturday: 6.30pm, Sunday: 11amWeekday Masses:10am Monday to SaturdayBaptism Faith FriendsWe are sending a messageto all families who had ababy christened in St.Mary's in 2020.Happy New Year to you all.This Sunday is the feast of the Baptism of theLord. Traditionally we would have invited thebabies and families of children christened in theprevious 12 months to attend the 12:15pm Massfor a special blessing on this day.Unfortunately this is not possible this year.However the priests of the parish have agreedto include these children in a special way at the11am Mass live streamed from St Mary'sthis Sunday January 10th on lucanparish.comPrivate Prayer:The Church will be open daily for private prayeron weekdays from 10.30am to 6pm (funeralspermitting) and on Sundays from 12 noon to6pm.Please enter by the Main Porch Door and exit bythe side door (near the Nun’s Chapel).Pleaseensure social distancing when visiting the churchand use hand sanitizers provided when enter ingand leaving.Praying with Scripture:Praying with scripture hasresumed on zoom. If interestedplease contact Cheryl Murphy at086 8343754 to register.Deepest Sympathy to the wife, familyand friends of Ben Dardis, Beech Parkand to the family and friends ofDave Errity, Beech Park.May they rest in peace.All Masses are now streamed live on the ParishUtube channel during Level 5Sunday Masses:Vigil Saturday 7pm,9am 10.30am Family Mass and 12 noon.Weekday Masses:Monday to Friday at 10am.Private Prayer: Church is open for privateprayer, weekdays 10 am to 12 noon. Accessthrough pastoral door at far side of the Church.View the following on www.stpatrickslucan.ieMass Readings for the weekMorning Prayer – LaudsEvening Prayer – VespersTake five at 10 - Reflections–Weekdays: 10amTaizé – Watch and PrayDivine Mercy, Lucan Southwww.lucansouthparish.netAll Masses will be livestreamed only onwww.lucansouthparish.netSunday Mass: Sunday 10:30amWeekday Masses:Monday to Friday 9:15amSaturday 10am.Daily Readings on website:Under our Welcome menu you will find links forthe Daily Mass Reading which updates everyday as well as Sunday Mass Reading for thefollowing Sunday’s Mass. It is a great way to beable to read along during Mass if you so wish ortake time to reflect on the passages during theweek and see what message they have for you.One quick note is that if it is a Sunday and youwant to see the Gospel for today then click on theDaily Mass Reading link as the Sunday listingwill be for the following week.Private Prayer:While the Church is not open to parishioners forMass, the Faustina Chapel is open for privateprayer from 10am to 12 noon Monday toFriday.Please remember to sanitise your hands when youenter and wear a face covering if you would liketo visit the Church so it can remain a safe spacefor everyone.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL –CHRISTMAS APPEALWe would like to express our deep gratitude to allwho contributed so generously to our Christmasappeal. This year, because of Covid restrictions,the actual collection at Masses was down byabout 50%. However, so many people contributedthrough the parish website, by dropping donationsinto the sacristy, into the Parish office, or in thedoors of members, that the total far exceeded ourexpectations. Thank you to each and every one ofyou. Through your generosity, many localfamilies enjoyed a better Christmas.This year’s giving tree donations were also for St.Vincent de Paul. Thanks to Lucan Justice andPeace group who organise this every year. Thisraised a superb sum of 1,855.94.Thanks to Fr. Philip, Fr. Tom and our wonderfulsacristan, Mary, for all their help and courtesy.Thanks to the newsletter staff for their continuouscoverage.Special thanks to many of our local schools—principals, staff, parents and students, who runfundraisers for us.Again our thanks to you all.We wish God’s blessing on you all in 2021.St. Mary’s Conference, Lucan.NAGARHOPE CHRISTMAS THANKSOn behalf of Fachtna “Doc” Clandillon andNagarhope, we wish to sincerely thank the Parishof St. Mary’s.Firstly, thanks to Deirdre in the Parish Office andher staff, who sold our Christmas cards, and alsofor her courtesy throughout the year. Thanks to allwho bought the cards. The proceeds go directly toNagarhope, helping to educate children in Nepal.Thanks to all who made individual donations andto those who support us all year round throughour sponsorship programme.The Covid situation in Nepal is much the same ashere, which has slowed things down in NagarhopeBasic School, but hopefully 2021 will be a betteryear there too.Medjugorje MassMonday 11th January 2021Celebrant Fr. Pius Feruna .St. Mary’s LucanRosary at 6pmHoly Mass at 6.30pm.On line only on ormarian pilgrimages facebookMarian Pilgrimages PrayerMeeting at 7.30pmMedjugorje Mass ThanksI would like to thank Fr Philip Curran and Fr TomKennedy for the use of St Mary’s church Lucanfor the Medjugorje Masses.I would also like to thank our sacristans MaryDouglas and Don Mc Donald.I would like to thank our visiting priestsFr Michael Skno Temgo, Fr Aloysius Zurbo,Fr Philip Bradley, Fr Pius Faruna, Fr Joe Coyne,Fr Tomy George, Fr Joe Hao who has returned toChina.I would like to thank our readers Carmel AnnGoggins, Jacinta McGeever, Ann McMullen,Maryia Martin, Pauline Cribben, Phil Colgan,Marian Regan, Mary Corry Sr Geraldine,Margaret Murphy.Also, Thanks to the people who brought up thegifts: Arlene and Dan Gallagher, Paddy and AnnMaloney, Harry and Angela Gibbons, LarryO’Shaughnessy, Maire Baxter, Gerry O’Reilly,Mary Burke, Rita Davis, Kitty Daly.Thanks to our Alter services Austin and AlexinAlso Thanks to Cathleen and Donal for putting upthe slides at Our Mass and also sending emails,Web text by 1000’sMay God bless you all throughout 2021.Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.Thanks to live streaming our Mass Fr PhilipCurran, Marian Pilgrimages Mary Murphy,Fergus Glynn.Niamh and Séamus ClandillonPat Colgan
Anniversaries6CARROLL (KITTY)1st Anniversary – 5th JanuaryLate of Esker Lawns.Always in our heartsForever in our thoughts.Loved, remembered, dearly missed everyDay by your children and extended familyKINNANE (RITA)nd2 AnniversaryAlways loved and remembered by herhusband Joe and familyMass offered on St. Mary’s Parish webcam onSaturday 9th January.McNAMARA (DENIS – DJ)4th year in HeavenAlways remembered and missed every day by hiswife Phyllis, daughters Patricia, Orla and Mary,sons-in-law, and grandchildren.Justice for Joe Marathon 2020The marathon took place because we couldn'thave the annual Sale Of Work. It was for our 2projects Mary's Meals and Training andProviding Teachers to Educate Poor Girls In India(under the guidance of the Presentation Srs)The sum realized is in excess of 14,000Anne Byrne, secretary of the Group, had thebright idea that different people should walk andget sponsorship. We've had walks and walkers allover Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow and in Galway.and more. Sponsors came from several sourcesincluding big donations to a total of 4,800 whichwill gain further tax benefit of about 2,000 forthe charities.Many thanks to all the walkers, the sponsors. Alsospecial recognition of Pamela and Matt who keptour donations safe and lodged them in the bankfor us.Wonderful to think that a small group in Dublin15 can successfully fundraise to provide severaltrained teachers with all the long term advantagesfor some of the poorest women in the world. Alsoimagine feeding and educating 500 children for ayear!! Gratitude to God and to all involved.Fr Joe Coyne.The flower fairies did a wonderful job again inSt. Mary’s for the Christmas Season.God bless their hands.COVID-19 Support Line for Older PeopleALONE manage a national support line andadditional supports for older people who haveconcerns or are facing difficulties relating to theoutbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).Professional staff are available to answer queriesand give advice and reassurance where necessary.The support line is open seven days a week,8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.
Happy New YearTo all our Readers, in Lucanand all over the world. Wecertainly hope that 2021 willeventually see us in a betterplace.We had a flutter of snow on New Year’s Eve –got the kids excited, but thankfully disappeared asquick as it came. Funny how things like snow arenot so fun-filled the older you get!And then Did you spot all the Santas on Motorbikesriding around Lucan just before Christmas?Remember the local project to donate gifts fornursing homes? The gifts were delivered fromLucan Garda Station to the various homes in thearea by the same Santas! Well done to all – gaveus all a lift to see such a parade of Santas!An interesting one .SD20A/0142 23-Dec-2020PermissionAdditional InformationApplicant:Frances DowlingLocation:Hillhouse, Lucan Road, Lucan.Proposed Development: Demolition of anexisting house, Hillhouse, Lucan Roadand ancillary outbuildings and theconstruction of one 4 storey buildingaccommodating 20 apartments comprisedof 5 one bedroom apartments and 15 twobedroom apartments. Vehicular access tothe proposed development will be viaLucan Road and Lucan Heights with 13car parking spaces and 12 bicycle parkingspaces and ancillary services including adetached water storage tank and bin storehousing all on a site of 0.1925ha.Big thanks once again to all who send usthe funny and quirky bits. They give us alla lift!Thanks also for the many photos – we’llpublish as space permits.See amid the Winter snow .The outdoor crib at St. Mary’s was in a verypicturesque setting on Thursday morning last.A Perfect 10It was a brilliant startto Christmas week,with the men reaching6-in-a-row, and theladies getting their 4in-a-row.Up the Dubs!Congratulations to the Corcoran family inWeston Crescent, who were awarded 2nd place inEnergia’s Most Christmassy House competion.They succeeded in winning 4,000 for theirTemple Street Children’s Hospital fund.Can’t wait to see this year’s display!Not a footprint in sight at Lucan BNS!
A Dhroimeann Donn DílisA dhroimeann donn dilis a shíoda na mbó, cangabhann tú san oiche is cá mbionn tú sa ló?is mentioned is historical literature such asthe above title and another from 920ADcalled Bó Bithbliacht Meic Lonan.This is the first line of an old Irish poem thetitle of which has been floating around inmemory since my school days in St MarysBNS when it was just the original building offive class rooms and a pre-fab in the rearyard.I never knew the words or even what the titletranslated as. That is until in recent yearswhen I chanced upon an article in one of thedaily newspapers. It was about an old countryestate in the foothills of the Dublinmountains close to Stepaside village, calledFernhill Park and Gardens; an estate similarto our own St Catherines Park/LucanDemesne. Indeed it is not all that long agothat both Lucan and Stepaside were ruralcountry villages.It is a light hardy breed of cow suited to ourweather conditions and capable of survivingon marginal land that is not suited to heavierEuropean cattle. This also makes it wellsuited to conservation grazing. This cow untilquite recently was on the verge of extinctionbut due to the dedication of a small group ofbreeders it has beensaved.To date there areabout 300 individualsin existence mainlyin the Munster area.In early 2020 afterexamination ofhistorical records itwas officiallyrecognized as anindigenous Irishbreed of cow.Wouldn't they lookwell alongside thehighlands in StCatherines!by Sean GeratyHowever the main feature of the article wasabout the conservation grazing project beingimplemented in Fernhill to maintain andprotect the biodiversity of its old meadowsby using Droimeann cattle. The title of thepoem suddenly came to the fore, it was inreference to a breed of cow. Not an ordinarycow, for this is an old native Irish breed thatJust a thought .Never in a million years could Ihave imagined I would go up to abank clerk with a mask, and ask formoney!
Christmastime in Lucan 2020Some Lucan scenes of the festive season. Perhaps the ‘crock of gold’ was in the old churchruin! Despite, the awful times we live in, we are so lucky to have all this on our doorstep.Many thanks to those who sent in the photos!
Seriously!Some hardy soulstested the watersof the Liffey onSunday morninglast when we had avery hard frost.But something was missing The outdoor crib at St.Mary’s proved a greatattraction for little people.The crib in St. Patrick’sChurch
New Year Wishes 1913The greetings were sent to Miss AnnieHughes, Weir View, Lucan, one hundred andeight years ago this year – in 1913!A postcard, the message on the back reads:"Wishing you all the 'complaints' of theseason.Birdie" . And postage was a halfpenny stamp withan image of George V.I don't know who 'Birdie' was, but sheapparently had a great sense of humour withher 'complaints' instead of 'compliments' ofthe season.Annie Hughes was aged about 32 in 1913,and in the 1911 census is described as a'Wool Darner in a Cloths Factory' – HillsMill.She lived at House No. 4, Weir View withher widowed mother Sarah who could notread or write, along with her older marriedsister, Maggie Watson who was also a WoolDarner, and her 12-year-old son William.Best New Year WishesMay this bright season for you hold,A round of mirth and happy cheer,And joys too great to e'er be toldMake yours indeed a glad New Year.Also in the household was Annie's cousin, 19year-old niece, Maggie Dolan, a WoolWeaver, who along with a second grandchild,Norah Hall brought the total to 6 people onthe night of the 1911 census.Maggie Watson's husband is not mentionedat that address in 1911, though her status is'married'.Many locals will rememberMaggie Dolan as an elderlylady in Weir View, and it wasMaggie who kept this cardsafe, and passed it on toanother great Lucanian,Triona Walsh (Byrne), whoshares it with us more than100 years later!
Political NotesCllr. Shane Moynihan – Fianna FáilEmail: smoynihan@cllrsndsdublincoco.iePh: 087 7840898. @shanemoynihan Instagram:cllrshanemoynihanAthbhliain faoi mhaise: Happy New Year to allthe Newsletter volunteers and readers! I pray that2021 will soon be a time full of the hope we areall yearning for, notwithstanding the serioussituation in which we find ourselves at themoment. The latest restrictions are challengingfor us all. Is ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann nadaoine.Christmas Tree Recycling: South DublinCounty Council has made arrangements forleaving your Christmas Tree for recycling atlocations in Lucan until Monday 11 January 2021.This service is free and is for domestic householdtrees only. One tree per household/ vehicle will beaccepted. Locations in Lucan include the BeechPark open space, the Sarsfield Park open space,the Hayden’s Lane car park in Griffeen ValleyPark, the Foxborough open space and the openspace in Foxdene.Cllr. Derren Ó Brádaigh – Sinn FéinEmail: dobradaigh@cllrs.sdublincoco.iePh: 087-2136345Footpath Upgrade – Newcastle: Followingrecent representation by the local Sinn Féinconstituency office, the council have undertakento construct a significant section of missingpavement on the Newcastle Road – this waspreviously an entrance to the old Somerton landsand where the new development is now located.Lucan Transport Survey: During 2020 SinnFéin carried out a comprehensive transport surveyof a significant section of West Lucan – initiallythis was a door to door survey, however once theCovid19 pandemic struck, this was thencompleted as a postal survey. The results fromthis public consultation are completed with thereport now being compiled. If you would like acopy, please do not hesitate to contact me.Christmas Trees Recycling: There are 20locations provided for Christmas tree recyclingfor free in January (see SDCC Website fordetails).Hoping 2021 will be a happy, safe and brighternew year for everyone!Gino Kenny TD- People Before ProfitPhone: 01-6183816. Email: gino.kenny@oir.ieI would like to take this opportunity to wish allthe readers of the Lucan Newsletter a happy year.2020 was certainly a year that many of us willremember. It continues to bring the best from thepeople in this most difficult of times. With therollout of the vaccine programme over the comingmonths this will be great comfort to those that aremedically vulnerable or frontline health workers.The Dáil is reconvening on Wednesday 13thJanuary and as health spokesperson for PeopleBefore Profit I’ll be making it my priority tohighlight the vaccine program and the issue ofmental health in relation to the pandemic.Paul Gogarty – Independent“Not just at election time” Tel: 087-2752489Email: info@paulgogarty.comHillhouse apartment’s application: Additionalinformation submitted for SD20A/0142 on23rd December. Allowing for Christmas the twoweek deadline for additional comments or newsubmissions is this Thursday 14th January.Antisocial behaviour in village: I’ve tabled amotion asking for the Council to put in measuresto prevent people using parts of an olderresidential area in the village as a place to takedrugs and intimidate people. The Gardaí havebeen following the matter up but SDCC has a roleto play here also.Gofers service still available: With lockdownupon us again our Gofers volunteer service is stillup and running so if anyone needs anythingcollected or delivered from shops, post office etc.,please get in touch with me directly.Overhanging shrubbery on Lucan-NewlandsRoad pathway: Have requested this be cut backfrom garage to Esker Lawns.Lucan LibraryI’m Fine! An Online Interactive Talk byAuthor and Motivational Speaker, EndaO’Doherty. Wednesday 13th January, 7:00pm –8:00pm. Enda brings us on a journey from hisyouth and alcohol-soaked adulthood, through thebirth of Enda 2.0 – sober and with a passion forhelping others – to his new life as an enduranceathlete and inspirational motivational speaker.Enda is driven by fierce energy and passion, toinspire people to achieve the best they can in asporting, business, professional or educationalfield. His passion comes from energisingaudiences with stories of his physical and mentalchallenges that set him out on a journey of selfdiscovery. Please note: A valid email address isrequired to register for this event as the Zoomlinks to this event will be emailed to the suppliedaddress by the facilitator. Only one ticket isrequired per device. Booking viahttp://lucanlibrarydublin.eventbrite.com05
A Very Happy New Year to all members andsupporters, and despite the current pandemicsituation, we know it will pass and everythingwill return to normal at some point.The GAA have issued thefollowing statement: Giventhe current exceptional rise ininfection rates of Covid-19and the increased risk ofcommunity transmission, the GAA has taken thedecision that there will be no collective trainingpermitted for inter-county teams for at least theremainder of the month of January. In addition,Club and County gyms must stay closed untilfurther notice. As previously advised, and underthe current Government Regulations in bothjurisdictions, neither training nor games arepermitted at club level currently.Accordingly: All areas of the club and clubgrounds are closed and off limits to everyone,except for those involved in essentialmaintenance. Remember the HSE is askingeveryone in Ireland to stay at home, and toeffectively act like they have COVID-19. Thisis in response to the very high rates of positivetests seen over recent days, and the widespreadincrease in infections in our communitiesnationwide.Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club have applied forplanning permission to construct a new HurlingWall facility in the area behind pitch 1 at thescoreboard end. We expect a decision by 23February 2021.The Club are seeking volunteers from our clubmembership that have specific skills to provideadvice and assistance, in particular those withknowledge and training in VideoRecording/Editing, Statistical SportsAnalysis, Public Relations. This may be ofinterest and benefit to those on relevantundergraduate programs.Please apply in confidence to:pro.lucansarsfields.dublin@gaa.ieThe latest edition of the GAA Club Newslettercan be found here: club-newsletter-december-2020/.The winter Edition of the LGFA Magazine, Peil,can be found winter-2020The winter edition of the Camogie Associationmagazine, On The Ball, can be found On-the-Ball-Winter2020.pdfLucan Healthy Club in association with ourmain Club Partner, Supervalu Lucan, are offeringa volunteer led shopping delivery service to assistthe elderly and the most vulnerable within ourcommunity. This service will be live this week. Ifyou can help or need more details please with your name,mobile number and team.How it Works:Text SuperValu (0858760119) to request avolunteer member from Lucan Sarsfields to phonethem and take their grocery order by 10am thenext day. (Customers should text between 9amand 3pm Monday to Friday only).Lucan Healthy Clubs will phone a volunteerwith the contact details for the elderly/vulnerablecustomer.Our volunteer (aged between 18 and 59) willcontact them by phone and take their groceryorder.Our volunteer will do their shopping as per theorder and will receive priority access toSuperValu and a special checkout service will beset up.Payment will be taken over the phone bySuperValu staff via card (or a special casharrangement)Our volunteer will deliver to the customer’sfront door (no contact) in cardboard boxesprovided by the store.We are conscious at the mom
Haydens Lane car park in Griffeen Valley Park Foxborough open space. White Cat? From Saturday 2 January to Monday 11 January 2021. This service is free and is for domestic household trees only. Admissions 2021 The enrolment process for Junior Infants for the school year September 2021/2022 is now open. The closing date is 29/1/2021.