Practical Approaches To Behaviour Management In The Classroom


Practical approaches tobehaviour management inthe classroomA handbook for classroom teachers inprimary schoolsInformationInformation document no: 117/2012Date of issue: July 2012

Practical approaches to behaviourmanagement in the classroomAudienceHeadteachers and classroom teachers in primary schools.OverviewThis handbook is a resource to enhance the practice of teachers atprimary level, primarily for newly qualified teachers (NQTs). Thishandbook focuses on general behaviour management methods anddoes not specifically cover issues relating to special educationalneeds (SEN).ActionrequiredNone – for information only.FurtherinformationEnquiries about this handbook should be directed to:Pupil Wellbeing TeamDepartment for Education and SkillsWelsh GovernmentCathays ParkCardiffCF10 3NQTel: 029 2082 1556Fax: 029 2080 1051e-mail: itional copies can be obtained from the contact details listedabove. This document can also be accessed from the WelshGovernment’s website at sBehaving and Attending: Action Plan Responding to theNational Behaviour and Attendance Review (2009)Inclusion and Pupil Support National Assembly for WalesCircular No: 47/2006 (2006)Safe and effective intervention – use of reasonable force andsearching for weapons (2010)Digital ISBN: 978 0 7504 7411 5 Crown copyright 2012WG14682

ContentsIntroductionHow to use this handbook33Understanding behaviour4Effective classroom managementEffective classroom managementPositive relationshipsThe classroomWhole-school approachesWell-evaluated behaviour management programmes7711131717Getting to know your childrenThe teacher and the childKnowing your childrenInappropriate behaviourThe Foundation Phase2121232528Dealing with specific classroom difficulties – practicalsolutions32The Antecedent-Behaviour-Consequence (ABC) chart32Preventing disruptive behaviours34Responding to challenging behaviours35Using reasonable force36Behaviour management strategies40Re-engaging individual children – some practical ideasMonitoring and evaluating behavioural progressMore formal actionThe use of nurture groups52525760Using sanctions effectively – practical ideasWhole-school sanctionsTeaching social skills656567The link between bullying and children‘s behaviourAssessment and intervention7272The link between children‘s non-attendance andbehaviourEvidence from research7878Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom1

Playground behaviour – practical ideasPlaytimeBuddy schemes848485Games – some practical suggestionsWhole-class gamesDeveloping behavioural skills898990Tips for teachers – practical adviceYou as the teacherRemain in control929296Annex: Example of a school‘s behaviour policy –Coed Eva Primary, Cwmbran100Bibliography105Further reading106

IntroductionPromoting effective learning and teaching is paramount to the WelshGovernment‘s agenda. Key to achieving effective learning andteaching is ensuring that class teachers have the necessary skills toapproach their teaching in ways that reduce the likelihood of childrenmisbehaving. Teachers also need to be equipped with effective skillsand responses for those instances where difficult behaviour does occur.Where teachers have good preventative and responsive skills thelikelihood of difficulties emerging or developing into incidents will bemarkedly reduced.This handbook is intended as a resource to enhance the practiceof teachers at primary level, primarily for newly qualified teachers(NQTs), although others may also find something of interest in it.The handbook focuses on general behaviour management methodsand does not specifically cover issues relating to special educationalneeds (SEN).How to use this handbookTeachers may use the materials in different ways, depending on theirrole and their needs: as an interesting read to confirm their confidence in their ownskills at managing behaviour in the classroom as a resource pack that provides ideas and approaches foraddressing particular issues or difficulties as a resource for coaching or mentoring NQTs as a resource to help support other staff.This handbook focuses on the classroom level only.Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom3

Understanding behaviourUnderstanding the root cause of the child‘s behaviour is essential,as without this it is unlikely that any behaviour strategy will besustainable. There are five basic models in understanding childbehaviour.These include: biological behavioural cognitive systemic psychodynamic.BiologicalChildren have a tendency to interact with the environmental influencesaround them and this interaction informs their behaviour. Researchevidence has come from studies around twins separated at birth andearly infancy. This goes to show that both nature and nurture areinvolved in our development, although when dealing with behaviourattention needs to be paid to creating a positive environment andexperiences to promote good behaviour.BehaviouralBehaviour can be modified through ‘conditioning‘. This is achievedby another event following an action. There are two types of‘conditioning‘.Classical conditioning – a behaviour is connected with a certainstimulus, for example a child feels happy and excited on a Fridayafternoon as this is the time the whole class has ‘Fun Friday‘.Operant conditioning – a behaviour is connected and repeated byrewarding the positive behaviour and issuing sanctions for the negativebehaviour.CognitiveThe cognitive approach helps the child judge and reason effectivelyand have a perception of their surroundings. This means that the wayin which we behave is influenced by our thinking.4Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom

The cortex is the conscious, rational-thinking part of the brain anddetermines the child‘s response to certain situations. Research hasshown that if an infant is constantly being subjected to negativesituations, for example experiencing domestic violence and/or neglect,then the connections that form the cortex to help deal with situationsin a rational way are limited. In situations such as this the child is leftto rely on the limbic system which is the body‘s alarm system. So whena child is faced with a mild situation, for example the person sittingnext to them takes their pencil without asking, instead of therational-thinking cortex being engaged the limbic system is triggereddisplaying the flight/fight reaction.SystemicThe systemic approach looks at targeting the individual‘s behaviourwithin the system. These systems can include: their family their friends their school their classmates their community their outside school clubs, e.g. Scouts.The quality of these systems is a great influence on the child‘sbehaviour. For example, a child living in a family where domesticviolence takes place will naturally struggle within another system, The behaviour the child experiences at home, for exampleshouting, violence and/or aggressiveness, will not work in a schoolcontext which can cause problems for the child. In situations such asthis, working with the family to understand the environment in whichthe child lives is paramount in finding solutions to help their behaviour.PsychodynamicThe psychodynamic approach is one used in a clinical setting asit focuses on understanding and intervening by unravelling pastconscious and unconscious experiences in order to help the child dealwith them.Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom5

Tips: Behaviour theory A child will repeat a behaviour if it is being rewarded. A child will be less likely to repeat a behaviour if sanctions areissued. If there is no consistency with rewards and sanctions then it islikely the child will continue to display the unwantedbehaviour. The more attention the teacher gives to a child‘s behaviourthemore likely it is that that behaviour will be repeated.6Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom

Effective classroom managementIn order to create a positive learning culture within a school,effective interventions need to be implemented. We will consider thefollowing interventions: effective classroom management positive relationships the classroom.The ‘Tips for teachers – practical advice‘ section (pages 92–99) alsosets out some practical tips for teachers to help them with theirpersonal effectiveness.Effective classroom managementEffective behaviour management is based on the teacher‘s ability tosuccessfully create a well-managed, structured classroomenvironment so that learning can occur. Teaching a number ofchildren with different needs, behaviours and attention spans can bechallenging. However, when a positive learning culture is created, thechildren will learn better because they will know what is expectedof them.Well-managed classrooms: begin the year with a set of rules and routines which areunderstood by all children have agreed rewards and positive reinforcements have set sanctions for misbehaviour have a selection of options for dealing with disciplinary problems make use of their physical space have well-planned lessons encourage respect and develop positive relationships.Tips: Behaviour theory A child will repeat a behaviour if it is being rewarded. A child will be less likely to repeat a behaviour if sanctions areissued. If there is no consistency with rewards and sanctions then itis likely the child will continue to display the unwantedbehaviour. The more attention the teacher gives to a child‘s behaviourthemore likely it is that that behaviour will berepeated.Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom7

RulesRules create clear expectations for the children and need to definewhat is acceptable behaviour. These must be reinforced on a regularbasis and placed in a visible place on the classroom wall. Include thechildren in developing the rules as this will give them ownership andthey will be more likely to accept their terms and conditions andtherefore comply.Tips: Rules When designing your classroom rules, they should be:– clear– comprehensive– enforceable. Write the rules in a positive way and avoid using ‘don‘ts‘. Forexample, ‘I will walk sensibly around the school‘ rather than‘Don‘t run around the school‘. Children require understandable directions. Hence, the rulesneed to be specific and explainable, e.g. telling children to ‘Begood‘ or ‘Don‘t do that‘ is too vague. Display the class rules and go over them with the children ona regular basis. Check children‘s understanding of the rules. Explain the rationale behind the rules. Be consistent in enforcing the outcomes for breaches of therules when an incident occurs.RoutinesRoutines help to minimise behavioural challenges in the classroomand are key to a well-managed and organised classroom. Childrenenjoy routines that are easy to understand and easy to accomplish,yet flexible enough to alter if circumstances change. Research showsthat most behavioural problems result from a lack of consistentclassroom routines.8Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom

Tips: Routine Display the class routines and go over them with the childrenon a regular basis. Check children‘s understanding of the routines. Explain the rationale behind the routine. Model the routine or procedure for the children. Be consistent. Take time re-enforcing the routines becausewhen they are established at the beginning of the year, theentire rest of the year will be more enjoyable and productivefor both teacher and children.PraisePraise is an effective way to encourage children to engage in thedesired behaviour as it focuses on a child‘s effort rather than onwhat is actually accomplished. When educators give genuine praisethat is specific, spontaneous, and well-deserved, it encouragescontinuous learning and decreases competition among children.Peer praiseEncouraging children to praise each other not only creates a positive,fun classroom environment but also motivates individuals to makepositive choices. Children need to be taught how to praise theirpeers by clapping or cheering when they see a fellow child doingsomething positive.Tips: Effective praise Make sure you define the appropriate behaviour when givingpraise. Praise should be given immediately following the desiredbehaviour. Vary the ways in which you praise. Relate praise to effort. Encourage perseverance and independence.Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom9

Do not give praise continuously and without reason. Be sincere when praising. Never give praise and follow it with immediate criticism.RewardsRewards (or reinforcers), when they follow behaviour, make thatbehaviour more likely to occur again. They form the basis of humanbehaviour and motivation, and can be used effectively to encouragechildren to acquire skills and develop appropriate behaviour. To beeffective rewards need to be something to which the children aspireto and want. Younger children will desire different rewards thanolder children.For rewards to be effective they should be:ImmediateImmediately reward behaviour you wish to increase.ConsistentConsistently reward to help maintain the desiredbehaviour.AchievableEnsure that the rewards are achievable to helpmaintain attention and motivation.FairMake sure all children are fairly rewarded during theschool day.Types of rewards:10SocialPraise and recognition, for example a positive phonecall home.TangibleMaterial rewards, for example the use of tokens.ActivityPhysical rewards, for example extra play or allowingchildren to choose their own reward, e.g. classsoccer, painting faces, etc.Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom

Examples of rewards:TokensRaffle ticketsSpecial dayCertificatesFree timePosition of responsibilityClass celebrationStickerLucky dipPhone call homeExtra playFrequency and level of rewardsThe frequency and level of rewards given to children depends on thelevel of behaviour. If a child is displaying frequent and quite difficult tomanage behaviour, then the frequency and level of reward must be ncy tokenFrequency tokenFrequency tokenRewards andmain rewardRewards andmain rewardRewards andmain rewardToken rewardsand main rewardBehavioural change processPositive relationshipsTeacher–child relationshipThe heart of effective behaviour management is building positiverelationships with children. This allows the teacher to connect to thechildren forming a strong foundation from which behavioural changecan take place.Tips: Building relationships Welcome the children as they enter the classroom. Ensure all children understand what is expected of them. Create a positive environment where each child feels relaxedand accepted. Show an interest in each child‘s family, talents, goals, likes anddislikes. Engage with the children during lunchtime and playtime.Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom11

Treat each child with respect, never embarrass or ridicule. Share all successes with the class. Believe by recognising their strengths that every child has theability to learn and achieve. Involve the children in making decisions regarding rules andactivities within the classroom.Positive approachIt is important to focus on positive rather than the negativestatements when interacting with children, guiding them towardspositive outcomes rather than highlighting their mistakes.Positive talkNegative talk‘Craig, I‘d like you to look at theboard. Thank you‘‘Craig, stop chatting and look atthe board.‘‘Jody, if you know what day ofthe week it is, raise your hand.Good girl.‘‘Jody, I‘ve told you don‘t shoutout.‘‘Peter, remember to walk down ‘Hey, Peter stop running downthe corridor sensibly. Thank you.‘ the corridor.‘Children‘s manners and respectMany children do not have good manners modelled at home. It istherefore important for teachers to model and reinforce manners tohelp develop children‘s social skills. Manners not only make a goodimpression on others but also make us feel good about ourselves.Tips: Manners and respect Always acknowledge and reinforce when a child demonstratesgood manners. Encourage children to treat others with respect by modellingthe desired behaviour. Inform the children of the importance of treating others thesame way they like to be treated. Role play various situations to demonstrate appropriate responses.12Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom

Establish a politeness policy for basic manners (see positivebehaviour hotspot). Teach children the importance of showing respect to others;write thank-you notes.The classroomEffective entry into classIt is important to create a positive well-structured environment rightfrom the start. Self-categorisation theory states that people strive toconform to their representation of the group norm. Hence, based on thistheory, classroom behaviour can be established on the basis of what themajority of the children are doing and how they are behaving.The teacher needs to immediately establish respect in a calm, assertivemanner. Make clear that the classroom has set rules. This needs to bepractised every time the children enter the classroom, i.e. beginning ofschool, after playtime.Tips: Welcoming the children into classWhen greeting the children outside the classroom stand at thedoor and welcome them in. Ask each child to enter one at a time,informing them of the set task.It is highly likely that one or two (or maybe more) children will ‘test‘boundaries, and will not enter the classroom in the desired way, e.g.they may start talking or shouting out, trying to jump the queue, etc.If this happens, very promptly and assertively inform the child ‘You‘renot ready to come into our classroom please wait there until youare ready to come in‘ (direct the child to wait outside the classroomin clear view of the teacher).When all the children have entered the classroom and they areengaged on the set task, praise and reward the desired behaviour.This way the children are more motivated to carry out the task inorder to receive the reward.Return to the child whom you have asked to wait outside theclassroom and ask them if they are ready to come into the classroom.It is highly likely that the child will now be ready and will enter theclassroom in a calm and focused manner. If the child is not ready, thengive them a further few minutes (ensuring they are in clear view of theteacher) then return to them and repeat the process.Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom13

Strategic seatingSeating plans and layouts in classrooms can vary tremendously.According to the British Council, teachers should consider thefollowing when seating children. Can I see children‘s faces? Can they see me? Can everyone see the board (if you‘re planning on using it)? Can the children see one another? Can I move around the room so that I can monitor effectively?Tips: Strategic seating For the teacher to ‘catch‘ both good and difficult behaviourearly, e.g. eyes wandering, facial expressions, etc. The childrenwho have the potential to display unwanted behaviour shouldbe facing the teacher. When a child begins to display inappropriate behaviours,however small, immediately catch the behaviour before itescalates to a level where it becomes too difficult to control.Position of the teacherThe position of the teacher in the classroom is key to establishing apositive learning atmosphere.Tips: Position of the teacher If possible try not to stand or sit with your back to the childrento identify appropriate and inappropriate behavioursimmediately and respond appropriately. When using a board, write on an angle to have a full view ofthe classroom. Establish the whole room as your territory by moving around. Scan the classroom, and ‘sweep‘ it with your eyes over andover to ‘catch‘ appropriate or inappropriate behaviour.14Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom

The lessonGaining the children‘s attention before starting a lesson is essentialin order to create a positive learning environment. Below are somesuggestions on how to gain children‘s attention.Tips: Ready to start the lesson When ready to start the lesson wait until you have thechildren‘s full attention. It is very important not to start tospeak to the class if any of the children are still talking. Explain the task and check the children‘s understanding. If the lesson requires quiet partner talking, one way to ensurethis is happening is to catch a child whispering as soon as theactivity has been set. Stop the class and reward that child forwhispering with a token reward. Whispering starts to becomecontagious and by rewarding certain children throughout thelesson, you‘ll find that the whole class is concentrating on theactivity in a quiet and productive atmosphere.Tips: Gaining their attentionThe rhythm gameLet the class know that when you want their attention you‘ll clapa rhythm and they must copy that beat. When you stop clappingyou want their eyes on you and no talking. The children who complete the task are rewarded with thechosen token reward. Make it challenging for the children by clapping morecomplicated beats. When increasing difficulty levels remember to provide themwith challenges that they are able to complete without feelingfrustrated, otherwise this will have a detrimental effect ontheir behaviour.Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom15

Silence all around game Let the class know that when you want their attention you‘llsay ‘1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1 silence all around has begun‘. The childrenmust then freeze with no talking. The children who freeze the longest complete the task and arerewarded with the chosen token reward. If all children freezefor a set time they are all rewarded. Time the children to see if they can break their best record.If they break the record they can be rewarded with extratoken rewards.Give me fiveLet the class know that when you want their attention you‘llhold up your hand and say ‘Give me five‘. Everyone holds theirhand up and begins to count down from five to one, gettingprogressively quieter until they whisper ‘one‘.Tips: End of lesson At the end of the lesson inform the children that there will bea competition in the form of a table inspection. They willhave, for example, 60 seconds to tidy their work areas and amark out of 10 will be allocated to each table. Inform the class what went well with the lesson and thankthem for their participation. Stand at the door and dismiss the children in small groups toprevent congestion in the corridor. As each child is dismissed either say something positive tothem or give them a smile and goodbye.16Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom

Whole-school approachesIn order to facilitate appropriate behaviour from children, all schoolsshould have in place a behaviour policy document. This policydocument should be shared with parents/carers and governors aswell as all staff and children.Detailed guidance on developing a behaviour policy for schoolsis contained in Section 3 of Inclusion and Pupil Support NationalAssembly for Wales Circular No: 47/2006 (2006).A detailed example of a school behaviour policy is contained inthe Annex.Well-evaluated behaviour management programmesThere are a number of behaviour management programmes forprimary school-aged children that have received positive evaluations,including the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management andDinosaur Curriculum programmes, PATHS (Promoting AlternativeThinking Skills) and SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning.Incredible YearsThe Incredible Years programmes are aimed at children ofFoundation Phase age. The Teacher Classroom Managementprogramme emphasises skills such as the effective use of teacherattention, praise and encouragement, use of incentives for difficultbehaviour problems, proactive teaching strategies, how to manageinappropriate classroom behaviours, the importance of buildingpositive relationships with students, and how to teach empathy,social skills and problem solving in the classroom.The Dinosaur Curriculum emphasises training children in skills suchas emotional literacy, empathy or perspective taking, friendship skills,anger management, interpersonal problem solving, school rules andhow to be successful at school. The treatment version is designed foruse as a treatment programme for small groups of children exhibitingconduct problems. The prevention version is delivered to the entireclassroom by regular teachers, two to three times a week.Multiple randomised control group evaluations of the TeacherClassroom Management programme indicate significant: increases in teacher use of praise and encouragement andreduced use of criticism and harsh disciplinePractical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom17

increases in children‘s positive emotion and cooperation withteachers, positive interactions with peers, school readiness andengagement with school activities reductions in peer aggression in the classroom.Multiple randomised control group evaluations of the DinosaurCurriculum indicate significant: increases in children‘s appropriate cognitive problem-solvingstrategies and more prosocial conflict-management strategieswith peers reductions in conduct problems at home and school.Independent replications in England, Wales, Norway, Canada and theUS confirm these findings.Incredible Years Wales is based at the Centre for Evidence BasedEarly Intervention in the School of Psychology, College of Health andBehavioural Sciences, Nantlle Building, Normal Site, Bangor University,Gwynedd LL57 2PZ ( PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) Curriculum isaimed at Key Stage 2. It is a comprehensive programme for promotingemotional and social competencies and reducing aggression andbehaviour problems while simultaneously enhancing the educationalprocess in the classroom. This innovative curriculum is designed to beused in a multi-year, universal prevention model. Although primarilyfocused on the school and classroom settings, information andactivities are also included for use with parents/carers.PATHS has been field-tested and researched with children inmainstream classroom settings, as well as with a variety of childrenwith additional learning needs. The PATHS Curriculum, taught threetimes per week for a minimum of 20–30 minutes per day, providesteachers with systematic, developmental-based lessons, materials, andinstructions for teaching their students emotional literacy, self-control,social competence, positive peer relations, and interpersonal problemsolving skills. A key objective of promoting these developmental skillsis to prevent or reduce behavioural and emotional problems. PATHSlessons include instruction in: identifying and labelling feelings expressing feelings18Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom

assessing the intensity of feelings managing feelings understanding the difference between feelings and behaviours delaying gratification controlling impulses reducing stress self-talk reading and interpreting social cues understanding the perspectives of others using steps for problem solving and decision making having a positive attitude toward life self-awareness non-verbal communication skills verbal communication skills.Teachers receive training in a two- to three-day workshop and inbiweekly meetings with the curriculum consultant.The PATHS Curriculum has been shown to improve protective factorsand reduce behavioural risk factors. Compared to a control group,evaluations have demonstrated significant improvements for childrenon the programme in the following areas: improved self-control improved understanding and recognition of emotions increased ability to tolerate frustration use of more effective conflict-resolution strategies improved thinking and planning skills decreased anxiety/depressive symptoms (teacher report of specialneeds students) decreased conduct problems (teacher report of special needsstudents)Practical approaches to behaviour management in the classroom19

decreased symptoms of sadness and depression (child report –special needs) decreased report of conduct problems, including aggression(child report).SEALSEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) is an amalgam ofseveral evidence-based approaches. The materials are designed toprovide a whole school approach to promoting social, emotional andbehavioural skills for children. It is used by many primary schools.However, currently it does not have the same level of evaluationoutcomes as Incredible Years or PATHS.KiVa Antibullying ProgrammeThe KiVa Antibullying Programme is a universal intervention for thereduction and prevention of bully/victim problems. The main arenafor the programme is the school, and school staff have the primaryresponsibility for the introduction and implementation ofthe programme.All students within a school participate in most aspects of theprogramme. Additional individual interventions are targeted atstudents who are identified as bullies or victims of bullying.Core components of the program are implemented at the schoollevel, the class level, and the individual level.School-wide components include the administration of ananonymous questionnaire to assess the nature and prevalence ofbullying at each school, a school conference day to discuss bullyingat school and plan interventions, formation of a Bullying PreventionCoordinating Committee to coordinate all aspects of a school‘sprogramme, and increased supervision of students at ‘hot spots‘for bullying.Classroom co

as an interesting read to confirm their confidence in their own skills at managing behaviour in the classroom as a resource pack that provides ideas and approaches for addressing particular issues or difficulties as a resource for coaching or mentoring NQTs as a resource to help support other staff.