NC CMTY COLLEGE #CREDITHOURSCOURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSECan be applied to the following general education category:Courses that are noted as "Not transferrable" have been reviewed and will not transfer to Meredith College.ACAACA-111ACA-12211College Student SuccessCollege Transfer ancial AccountingPrinciples of Financial Accounting IPrinciples of Managerial Accounting IPrinciples of Financial Accounting IIMathematics of FinanceIndividual Income TaxesBusiness Income TaxesFederal Income TaxesNot transferrableACC-220ACC-221Not transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot 222433443NC Business TaxesPayroll AccountingIntro to Acct. SpreadsheetsAccounting Software ApplicationsAcct Spreadsheet ApplAdv Softward ApplHotel and Restaurant AccountingPractices in BookkeepingEthics in AccountingIntermediate Accounting IIntermediate Accounting IICost AccountingNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot C-269333333Advanced Managerial AccountingPractices in AccountingGovernmental and Not-for-Profit Acctg.Adv AccountingInformation Systems and Internal ControlsAudit & Assurance ServicesNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableANTHROPOLOGYANT-2103General AnthropologySOC ELECTIVESocial/Behavioral AANT-2453331323Cultural AnthropologyComparative CulturesPhysical AnthropologyPhys Anthropoloty LabArchaeologyArcheology Field LabWorld PrehistorySOC-260SOC ELECTIVESOC ELECTIVESOC ELECTIVEHIS-250ELECTIVEELECTIVESocial/Behavioral Science OR Cultural ElectiveSocial/Behavioral Science OR Cultural ElectiveSocial/Behavioral ScienceSocial/Behavioral ScienceCultural ElectiveARABICARA-1113Elementary Arabic IARB-101Foreign LanguageARA-112ARA-181ARA-182311Elementary Arabic IIArabic Lab IArabic Lab IIARB-102FOREIGN LANG ELECTIVEFOREIGN LANG ELECTIVEForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageAHR (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)GPCultural ElectiveARC (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)An Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #ARA-211ARA-212CREDITHOURS33ARTCOURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSECan be applied to the following general education category:Intermediate Arabic IIntermediate Arabic IIFOREIGN LANG ELECTIVEFOREIGN LANG ELECTIVEForeign LanguageForeign LanguageAcceptance depends upon where it originatesDept Approval req for 3Introduction to ArtArt AppreciationArt Methods and MaterialsArt History Survey IArt History Survey IISurvey of American ArtNon-Western Art HistoryTwo-Dimensional DesignThree-Dimensional DesignBasic DrawingDrawing IDrawing IIART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART-221ART-222ART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART RT-23532311133333Figure Drawing IBasic PaintingComputer Art IGallery Assistantship IGallery Assistantship IIPortfolio and ResumeWood Design IWood Design IIPrintmaking IPrintmaking IIFigure Drawing IIART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART -245ART-246ART-247ART-248ART-250ART-251ART 252333333333333Painting IPainting IILanscape PaintingPortrait PaintingWatercolorMetals IMetals IIJewelry IJewelry IISurface Design: TextilesWeaving IWeaving IIART-210ART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART 275ART-281333333333333Photography AppreciationPhotography IPhotography IIColor PhotographyDigital Photography IDigital Photography IIVideography IVideography IIComputer Art IILettering DesignIntro to Commercial ArtSculpture IART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART Sculpture IICeramics ICeramics IIART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART Art/Aesthetics OR Cultural ElectiveArt/AestheticsArt/Aesthetics OR Cultural ElectiveArt/Aesthetics OR Cultural ElectiveArt/AestheticsArt/Aesthetics OR Cultural Art/AestheticsArt/AestheticsAn Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #COURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSECan be applied to the following general education 33Ceramics IIICeramics IVStudioMuseum StudyART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART ELECTIVEART 11ASL-212ASL-281ASL-28233113311Elementary ASL IElementary ASL IIASL Lab 1ASL Lab 2Intermediate ASL IIntermediate ASL IIASL Lab 3ASL Lab LECTIVEELECTIVE3131312Descriptive AstronomyDescriptive Astronomy LabGeneral Astronomy IGen Astronomy I LabGeneral Astronomy IIGen. Astronomy II LabObservational AstronomyPHYSICS ELECTIVEPHYSICS ELECTIVEPHY-202PHY-202PHYSICS ELECTIVEPHYSICS ELECTIVEPHYSICS BIO-130BIO-140BIO-140A34344431Intro to Anatomy/Physiology/MicrobiologyPrinciples of BiologyGeneral Biology IGeneral Biology IIIntroductory BotanyIntroductory ZoologyEnvironmental BiologyEnvironmental Biology LabGENERAL ELECTIVEBIO-105/145BIO-110/151BIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIO-211/241BIO-222/242BIO ELECTIVE (BIO 140 & 140A BIO-225)BIO ELECTIVE (BIO 140 & 140A 4444Field Biology MinicourseEcologyRegional Natural HistoryGenetics in Human AffairsNutritionIntroductory life SciencesIntroduction to Human BiologyBasic Anatomy and PhysiologyAnatomy and Physiology IAnatomy and Physiology IIAnatomy and Physiology IAnatomy and Physiology IIBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIO-326/346BIOLOGY 75BIO-176332Microbes in World AffairsGeneral MicrobiologyAdv General MicrobiologyNAELECTIVEBIO ELECTIVEATR (NO COURSES T-152AST-152AAST-251Math, Natural Science or CS electiveMath, Natural Science or CS electiveLaboratory Science OR Math, Natural Science or CS electiveLaboratory Science OR Math, Natural Science or CS electiveLaboratory Science OR Math, Natural Science or CS electiveLaboratory Science OR Math, Natural Science or CS electiveMath, Natural Science or CS electiveAUT (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)BAF (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)Laboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceMat/Sci/CS Elective OR Laboratory Science if taken with BIO-140AMat/Sci/CS Elective OR Laboratory Science if taken with BIO-140140 140A GPLaboratory ScienceScience in Society; Mat/Sci/CS ElectiveHeath and Physical LearningScience in Society; Mat/Sci/CS ElectiveScience in Society; Mat/Sci/CS ElectiveLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceScience in Society; Mat/Sci/CS ElectiveMat/Sci/CS ElectiveMat/Sci/CS ElectiveAn Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.GP10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #COURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSECan be applied to the following general education 43Biological ChemistryBotany IBotany IIField BotanyELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVELaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory 333Local Flora SpringLocal Flora SummerLocal Flora FallWinter Plant IDEntomologyInvertebrate ZoologyVertebrate ZoologyOrnithologyMammalogyWaste ManagementNatural Resource ConservationNatural Resource ConservationBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEMat/Sci/CS ElectiveMat/Sci/CS ElectiveMat/Sci/CS ElectiveMat/Sci/CS ElectiveMat/Sci/CS ElectiveMat/Sci/CS ElectiveMat/Sci/CS BIO-280BIO-28544332434Marine BiologyGeneticsPathophysiologyCardiopulmonary BiologyRadiation BiologyMicrobiologyBiotechnologyResearch and MeasurementBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEBIOLOGY ELECTIVEMat/Sci/CS ElectiveLaboratory ScienceMat/Sci/CS 5BUS-137BUS-139BUS-147BUS-151333333333Intro to BusinessBusiness Law IBusiness Law IIBusiness MathPersonal FinancePrinciples of ManagementEntrepreneurshipBusiness InsurancePeople SkillsCollege ElectiveBUS-340College ElectiveNot transferrableCollege ElectiveCollege ElectiveNot transferrableNot transferrableNot t offered3333323333Human Resources ManagementSelected Topics in Business AdministrationEmployment Law and RegulationsBusiness FinanceBusiness StatisticsSmall Business ManagementTraining and DevelopmentBusiness Applications SeminarBusiness EthicsEntrepreneurship IIRecruitment, Selection, & Personnel PlanningCompensation and BenefitsNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableCollege ElectiveNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableCollege ElectiveNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableBUS-259BUS-26033HRM ApplicationsBusiness CommunicationNot transferrableCollege ElectiveMat/Sci/CS ElectiveLaboratory ScienceBPA(NO COURSES ACCEPTED)BPR (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)No elective credit awardedAn Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #CREDITHOURSCOURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSECan be applied to the following general education 313144444Concepts in ChemistryConcepts in Chemistry LabGen, Org, & BiochemistryGen, Org, & Biochemistry LabIntro to ChemistryIntro to Chemistry LabOrganic and BiochemistrySurvey of Chemistry ISurvey of Chemistry IIGeneral Chemistry IGeneral Chemistry IICHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVELAB SCIENCELAB SCIENCECHE-111, 141CHE-112, 71A4445431Organic Chemistry IOrganic Chemistry IIQuantitive AnalysisAnalytical ChemistryInstrumental AnalysisBiochemical PrinciplesBiochemical Principles LabCHE-221, 241CHE-222, 242CHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVECHEMISTRY ELECTIVELaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceCHINESECHI-111CHI-11233Elementary Chinese IElementary Chinese IIForeign Lang ElectiveForeign Lang ElectiveForeign LanguageForeign LanguageCHI-181CHI-182CHI-211CHI-2121133Chinese Lab IChinese Lab IIIntermediate Chinese IIntermediate Chinese IIForeign Lang ElectiveForeign Lang ElectiveForeign Lang ElectiveForeign Lang ElectiveForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageCOMP INFORMATION 0CIS-152/DBA-110CIS-153/DBA-115321211Intro to ComputersIntro to Programming and LogicSpreadsheetOperating Systems ConceptsDatabase ConceptsDatabase Applications3 HOURS ELECTIVE CREDIT2 HOURS ELECTIVE CREDIT1 HOUR ELECTIVE CREDIT2 HOURS ELECTIVE CREDIT1 HOUR ELECTIVE CREDIT1 HOUR ELECTIVE CREDITCIS-163CIS-25721Programming Interfaces InternetDatabase Programming II2 HOURS ELECTIVE CREDIT2 HOURS ELECTIVE CREDITCriminal JC-141CJC-21233333333Intro to Criminal JusticeCriminologyJuvenile JusticeLaw Enforcement OperationsCriminal LawCourt Procedures and EvidenceCorrectionsEthics and Comm LECTIVEELECTIVEELECTIVECJC-2133Substance AbuseELECTIVECAT (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)CET (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)Math, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceLaboratory ScienceSocial/Behavioral ScienceSocial/Behavioral ScienceSocial/Behavioral ScienceEPCOMPUTER SCIENCEAn Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #COURSE TITLEMEREDITH omputing Fundamentals IIntroduction to Parallel ProgrammingTechnical ProgrammingComputing Fundamentals IINot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot 333333333C ProgrammingC ProgrammingFORTRAN ProgrammingVisual BASIC ProgrammingVisual C ProgrammingVisual COBOL ProgrammingAS/400 CL ProgrammingObject-Oriented ProgrammingVisual RPG ProgrammingJAVA ProgrammingSASC# ProgrammingCS ELECTIVE (100-level)CS ELECTIVE (100-level)CS ELECTIVECS ELECTIVE (100-level)CS ELECTIVE (100-level)CS ELECTIVE (100-level)Not transferrableCS ELECTIVE (100-level)Not transferrableCS ELECTIVE (100-level)CS ELECTIVE (100-level)CS ELECTIVE 229CSC-233CSC-234CSC-236CSC-238CSC-239not offerednot offerednot offered43333333Selected Topics: MFC ProjectSelected Topics: Oracle Performance TuningSeminar in C ProgrammingMachine Implementation of AlgorithmsAdvanced Parallel ProgrammingMPI ProgrammingAdvanced C ProgrammingAdvanced C ProgrammingAdvanced Fortran ProgrammingAdv RPG ProgrammingAdvanced Visual BASIC ProgrammingNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableCS ELECTIVENot transferrableCS ELECTIVE (100-level)CS ELECTIVE (200-level)CS ELECTIVE (200-level)Not transferrableNot transferrableCS ELECTIVE 3333333Adv Visual C ProgrammingAdvanced Visual COBOL ProgrammingCICSAdvanced C/C ProgrammingRealtime ProgrammingAdvanced Assembly LanguageData Structure and AlgorithmsAdvanced Visual RPG ProgrammingAdvanced JAVA ProgrammingAdvanced C# ProgrammingOpenMP ProgrammingJAVA Enterprise ProgramsCS ELECTIVE (200-level)CS ELECTIVE (200-level)Not transferrableCS ELECTIVE (200-level)Not transferrableNot transferrableCS ELECTIVE (200-level)CS ELECTIVE (200-level)CS-212CS ELECTIVE (200-level)Not transferrableCS ELECTIVE 291ACSC-292ACSC-293CSC-296CSC-297CSC-29833333not offerednot offerednot offerednot offerednot offerednot offeredProgramming in Another LanguageHPC AlgorithmsJAVA Message ServiceEmerging Computer Programming TechnologiesProgramming Capstone ProjectSelected Topics in Computer Programming:C Sel Topics in Comp ProgrammingSelected Topics: ORACLE ProjectsSeminar In JAVA ProjectSeminar in Comp Prog Visual C# ProjectSeminar in Computer ProgrammingNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableCS ELECTIVE (200-level)Not transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableNot transferrableCan be applied to the following general education category:Math, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveMath, Natural Science or CS ElectiveCMT (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)COE (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)An Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #CREDITHOURSCOURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSECan be applied to the following general education category:COMMUNICATIONCOM-110COM-11133Introduction to CommunicationVoice and Diction ICOM-100COM ELECTIVEOC M-232COM-233COM-250COM-251COM-25233333333333Intro to Interpersonal CommunicationNon-verbal CommunicationIntro to Intercultural CommunicationIntro to Mass CommunicationSmall Group CommunicationPublic SpeakingElection RhetoricPersuasive SpeakingPublic CommunicationDebate IDebate IICOM-260COM ELECTIVECOM ELECTIVECOM ELECTIVECOM ELECTIVECOM-225COM ELECTIVECOM ELECTIVECOM ELECTIVECOM ELECTIVECOM ELECTIVE3Info Sys Business ConceptsELECTIVEDANCEDAN-1103Dance AppreciationDANCE/FINE ART ELECTIVEArt/Aesthetics OR Cultural DAN-2121112233Tap Dance ITap Dance IIJazz Dance IBallet IModern Dance IDance History IDance History IIDANCE/FINE ART ELECTIVEDANCE/FINE ART ELECTIVEDAN-154DAN-151DAN-153DANCE/FINE ART ELECTIVEDANCE/FINE ART ELECTIVEArt/Aesthetics OR Health and physical learning (activity)Art/Aesthetics OR Health and physical learning (activity)Art/Aesthetics OR Health and physical learning (activity)Art/Aesthetics OR Health and physical learning (activity)Art/Aesthetics OR Health and physical learning (activity)Art/Aesthetics OR Cultural ElectiveArt/Aesthetics OR Cultural ElectiveDRAFTINGDFT-1703Engineering GraphicsELECTIVEDRAMADRA-111DRA-11233Theatre AppreciationLiterature of the TheatreTHE-114THEATRE ELECTIVEArt/AestheticsArt/Aesthetics OR Cultural ElectiveDRA-115DRA-120DRA-122333Theatre CriticismVoice for PerformanceOral InterpretationTHEATRE ELECTIVETHE-150THEATRE Social/Behavioral ScienceOC ThreadOC ThreadOC ThreadCOS (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)CST (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)CTSCTS-115CUL (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)DBA (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)DDF (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)DDE (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)DEN (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)DES (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)An Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #COURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSECan be applied to the following general education 33Readers TheatreStorytellingChildren's TheatreActing ITHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE RA-150DRA-151333333332331Acting IIStage MovementActing for the Camera IActing for the Camera IIStagecraft IStagecraft IICostumingCostume DesignStage Make-upSound TechnologyStage ManagementMechanics and MaintenanceTHE-324THEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHE-245THEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE 24123333333333Box Office and PublicityPlay Production IPlay Production IITeleplay Production ITeleplay Production IITheatre History ITheatre History IIActing IIIActing IVLighting for the TheatreLighting DesignTHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHE-316THE-317THEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE Scene DesignDrafting and ScenographyTheatre ManagementProduction ManagementDirectingPlay Production IIIPlay Production IVTeleplay Production IIITeleplay Production IVTHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHE-425THEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ELECTIVETHEATRE ECO-251ECO-252333Survey of EconomicsPrinciples of MicroeconomicsPrinciples of r ScienceSocial/Behavior ScienceEDUEDU-216EDU-221EDU-145 & EDU-184EDU-146EDU-271 & EDU-280EDU-261 & EDU-262435366Foundations in EducationChildren with ExceptionalitiesChild Development II; Early Child Intro PracticumChild GuidanceEducational Technology; Language & Literacy ExpEarly Childhood Admin I; Early Childhood Admin IIEDU ELECTIVECD stheticsECM (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)Note** If an EDU course is paired with another EDU course, bothcourses must be taken to receive credit for MC equivalent course.If only one course in pairing is taken, elective credit will be awarded.EFL (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)An Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #CREDITHOURSCOURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSECan be applied to the following general education category:ENGINEERINGEGR-150EGR-210EGR-211223Intro to EngineeringIntro to Elect/Com Eng LabIntro to Computer GR-2303431313333Logic System Design IElectric CircuitsNetwork Theory ILogic and Networks Lab INetwork Theory IIInstrumentation & Network LabEngineering StaticsEngineering DynamicsIntro to Solid MechanicsEngineering EMT-BasicHED-200 (2 credits reshman CompositionExpository WritingExpository Writing LabArgument-Based ResearchENG-111ENGLISH 33333333333Literature-Based ResearchProfessional Research & ReportingCreative Writing ICreative Writing IIIntroduction to LiteratureIntroduction to DramaIntroduction to the NovelIntroduction to PoetryIntroduction to Short FictionAmerican Literature IAmerican Literature IIMajor American WritersENG-200ENGLISH ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVEENG-215ENG-216ENGLISH 3333Modern American PoetsSurvey of Film as LiteratureBritish Literature IBritish Literature IIMajor British WritersWestern World Literature IWestern World Literature IIThe Bible as LiteratureWorld Literature IWorld Literature IIThematic World Lit IThematic World Lit IIENGLISH ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVEENG-211ENG-212ENGLISH LIT ELECTIVEENGLISH LIT ELECTIVEENGLISH LIT ELECTIVEENGLISH LIT ELECTIVEENGLISH LIT ELECTIVEENGLISH LIT ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVEENGLISH ELECTIVELiterature requirementENG-271ENG-272ENG-273333Comtemporary LiteratureSouthern LiteratureAfrican-American LiteratureENGLISH LIT ELECTIVEENG-360ENG-330Literature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementELC (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)ELN (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)Literature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementLiterature requirementAn Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.USUSUSGPGP10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #CREDITHOURS33COURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSECan be applied to the following general education category:Literature by WomenScience FictionENGLISH LIT ELECTIVEENGLISH LIT ELECTIVELiterature requirementLiterature mentary French IElementary French IICulture and CivilizationFrancophone LitCulture ImmersionFrench Lab IFrench Lab 2Intermediate French IIntermediate French IIFrench ConversationFRE-101FRE-102FRENCH ELECTIVEFRENCH LIT ELECTIVEFRENCH ELECTIVEFRENCH ELECTIVEFRENCH ELECTIVEFRE-205FRE-206FRE-207Foreign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageFRE-231FRE-281FRE-282311Reading and CompositionFrench Lab 3French Lab 4FRENCH ELECTIVEFRENCH ELECTIVEFRENCH ELECTIVEForeign LanguageForeign roductory GeologyHistorical GeologyPhysical GeologyMarine GeologyGEO-200/240GEO ELECTIVEGEO ELECTIVEGEO ELECTIVEMath, Natural Science or CS Elective OR Laboratory ScienceGEL-2304Environmental GeologyGEO ELECTIVEMath, Natural Science or CS Elective OR Laboratory 1GEO-130GEO-131GEO-13233333344Introduction to GeographyWorld Regional GeographyCultural GeographyEconomic GeographyNorth Carolina GeographyGeneral Physical GeographyPhysical Geography IPhysical Geography IIGEO ELECTIVEGEO-205GEO ELECTIVEGEO ELECTIVEGEO ELECTIVEGEO ELECTIVEGEO ELECTIVEGEO 31Elementary German 1Elementary German 2Culture and CivilizationCultural ImmersionGerman Lab 1German Lab 2Intermediate German 1Intermediate German 2German ConversationReading and CompositionGerman Lab 3GER-101GER-102GERMAN ELECTIVEGERMAN ELECTIVEGERMAN ELECTIVEGERMAN ELECTIVEGER-205GER-206GERMAN ELECTIVEGERMAN ELECTIVEGERMAN ELECTIVEForeign LanguageForeign LanguageGER-2821German Lab 4GERMAN ELECTIVEForeign LanguageENG-274ENG-275ENV (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)FST (NO COURSES ACCEPTED)Math, Natural Science or CS Elective OR Laboratory ScienceMath, Natural Science or CS Elective OR Laboratory ScienceSocial/Behavioral ScienceSocial/Behavioral ScienceSocial/Behavioral ScienceGPSocial/Behavioral ScienceForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageForeign LanguageGEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMSAn Off-Campus Credit form must be submitted for all transfer courses prior to the start of the course(s). Courses taken for General Education requirements that are not listed must be approved by the Director of General Education.10/6/2020
NC CMTY COLLEGE #CREDITHOURS3COURSE TITLEMEREDITH COURSEIntroduction to GISELECTIVE3Typography IART ElectiveArts/Aesthetics323Personal Health/WellnessFirst Aid & CPRCommunity HealthHED-100 1 ELECTIVE CREDITHED-200HEALTH ELECTIVEHealth and Physical LearningHealth and Physical LearningHealth and Physical HIS-117HIS-121HIS-122HIS-124HIS-1313333333333World Civilization IWorld Civilization IIComparative World HistoryIntro to Global HistoryCurrent World ProblemsHistory of ReligionWestern Civilization IWestern Civilization IIWestern Cultural HistoryAmerican History IHISTORY ELECTIVEHIS-103HISTORY ELECTIVEHISTORY ELECTIVEHISTORY ELECTIVEHISTORY ELECTIVEHISTORY ELECTIVEHIS-102HISTORY 33333333333American History IIGeneology & Local HistoryThe Second World WarHispanic CivilizationRussian Cultural HistoryLa
ART-130 2 Basic Drawing ART ELECTIVE Art/Aesthetics . BIO-161 3 Introduction to Human Biology ELECTIVE Science in Society; Mat/Sci/CS Elective BIO-163 5 Basic Anatomy and Physiology ELECTIVE BIO-165 4 Anatomy and Physiology I BIO-322/342 Laboratory Science