Wanderer Awakening: (online Book) The Life Story Of David .


Wanderer Awakening: (online book)The Life Story of David WilcockFrom the book:In the boundless depths of the Creation, I have found my home, a place to serve the One and come to agreater understanding of myself. From this watery planet at the far rim of the galaxy, I heard the criesof millions and millions of entities, living in fear and trepidation that they might never be free. I knewexactly what their cries meant, and could feel their pain as if it were my own. On their astral level, orwhat they might call "subconscious," they were quite well aware of the pressing crisis of theirdisconnection with their Source, the Light and Love of the One Infinite Creator. Yet on the consciouslevel, that of the waking Ego of their three-dimensional minds, they had forgotten. Indeed, there was somuch for them to remember, so much that they were not seeing. At that moment, hearing those criesand feeling their pain, I vowed to take immediate action. Could I simply allow this to go on? To seethese beings suffering, without them even knowing consciously what they were suffering from?Read the story where the two and a half hour musical came from!PrologueIntroductory Essay on the Wilcock / Cayce / Ra Connection and the "Mission"- Updated 10/22/00 - Reformatted 7/16/08 Edgar Cayce [1877-1945] is perhaps the most well known psychic of the 20th century. His work isessentially unparalleled in psychic literature, since he specialized in highly accurate "medicalreadings" where people could be accurately diagnosed and treated at a distance, using a host ofalternative remedies and methods, many of which were never before seen.The entranced, sleeping Cayce needed nothing more than a name and address to perform thisservice. All indications have been that as far as medical readings are concerned, Cayce had a 99percent accuracy rating.Cayce was a strict Fundamentalist Christian, and this psychic ability essentially revealed itselfwhen he lost his voice for a period of several months. After having almost lost all hope of recovery,his body began speaking while he was asleep, and gave his family the exact steps necessary to regainhis speech.

For the first 20 years, all of Cayce's readings were essentially medically based. After this time, theybegan to reveal much more metaphysical information concerning past lives, astrology and theexistence of Atlantis, among many others.The Cayce readings are frequently indicated as being very difficult to read. Their sentencestructures were often quite excessively long and convoluted, using archaic language similar to thatof the King James Version of the Bible.For this reason, most available books on the market are about Cayce's readings, rather than justbeing direct transcripts of his readings. One can spend a great deal of time studying these readings,knowing that they are proven to be highly accurate, and be unable to fully understand themwithout intensive concentration and focused thought.It has long been known in the Cayce circles that the readings issued a prophecy surrounding thereturn of himself and his associates in 1998. Many people naturally assumed that this meant that hewould either be born as a baby in 1998, or return as an Ascended being. Here is the actual textfrom reading 294-151, when this return was discussed:Is it not fitting, then, that these must return? as this priest maydevelop himself to be in that position, to be in the capacity of aLIBERATOR of the world in its relationships to individuals inthose periods to come; for he must enter again at that period, or in1998.[294-151] - 7 / 29 / 32, 11:00 a.m.The context of this reading discusses Cayce's past incarnation as the priest Ra-Ta, who was said tohave a pivotal role in coordinating the preservation of Atlantean records, through his collaborationwith the construction of the Great Pyramid and the Hall of Records.He also helped the Atlantean survivors integrate themselves into the Egyptian lands. Cayce wasobviously quite surprised and happy to find out that he could claim this pivotal, important pastincarnation as one of his own.Those who thought that Cayce would spontaneously return as an Ascended, angelic being in 1998obviously were proven wrong by the simple passage of time. Although it does say that "the priestwill return in 1998," it also says that he "may develop himself" into this role.In other words, the portion of him that was the priest in a past life could be seen to fully return tohis waking consciousness in 1998. Also important for everyone to remember is that the reading saysthat he may become A Liberator. It does not say that he will be THE Liberator.

Please understand that this is NOT a Messianic prophecy. Cayce's return is one of a great team of"Liberators" who will be present on the Earth during this period of time. Many others on theplanet might also be termed "Liberators" by these higher forces, even if they are consciouslyunaware of that fact.It is important to remember that if we examine the "rules" of reincarnation as outlined in theCayce Readings, it can be clearly demonstrated that Cayce would need another lifetime to work onhis own personal difficulties.In other words, there were many areas where Cayce had residual "karma" that he would need towork out in a future life. These areas included five key points:DIET AND EMOTIONS: Cayce never stopped smoking, drinkingcoffee, "enjoying his Kentucky bourbon," eating poorly andindulging in fear and worry throughout his life, despite ongoingadmonitions from his readings to do so. Complete dietetic regimenswere given, which he ignored, as well as suggestions to avoidworrying, which he was largely unable to do.DREAMS AND CONSCIOUS CHANNELING: Cayce wasinstructed by his readings to remember his dreams every day anduse them for guidance. He was never able to keep this up, althoughhe did keep a journal of them in spurts through the late 1920's.He was also told that it would be preferable for him to learn tochannel consciously instead of unconsciously. He never was able todo this, although he did show remarkable psychic gifts whileawake.FORGIVING MORTON: Cayce never really forgave, rectified ortalked out the icy breakup that occurred between himself and hischief financial backer, Morton Blumenthal, who had more readingsthan any other person on file.Cayce died from the physical without having spoken to Morton foralmost 15 years, and Morton wrote a book partly intended toexpose Cayce et al.'s abuse of his financial donations to the work.LOSS OF HOSPITAL: Similarly, after losing the hospital thatBlumenthal helped to fund, Cayce thought himself a complete

failure and never fully regained his self-esteem. This created adefinite psychic blockage that still existed upon his death.SELF-MARTYRDOM: Most importantly: Cayce was unable to"stand up for himself" enough to refuse readings to anyone afterhis popularity soared from the publication of the book "There Is ARiver." As a result, he literally martyred himself for his work. Atthe end he was doing eight readings a day, six days a week, and hequickly burned out and died as a result of this.Cayce's readings explained how karma from past lives needed to be worked out in future lives.They also said that they had not revealed the full extent of his past lives to him, only those that weremost important for him to know.Coincidentally or not, almost every past life that the readings told Cayce about was of the malegender. No female lives were given, as perhaps this would have made him even more uncomfortableabout reincarnation.Cayce was already dealing in his own life with karma from previous lives as well as he could, andaccording to his readings, he did quite well. As Ra-Ta, he had been almost destroyed by hisiniquities with women, having been banished from Egypt for several years.As the king Ujhltd, (pronounced YOOLT,) Cayce was betrayed and murdered by those he thoughthe trusted.As the Greek man named Xenon who lived during the Hector/Achilles period, Cayce committedsuicide out of fear, after realizing that the Trojan Horse had penetrated the city gates with a hugeinvasion force inside of it.As the Englishman John Bainbridge, (who actually reincarnated under the same name twice,) hewas a gambling, womanizing alcoholic who enjoyed his misdeeds so much that he came back as avery similar person to do it all over again.Cayce did certainly make excessive progress in his own life at clearing out the karma from thesepast circumstances, especially in his efforts to clear the effects of his suicide as Xenon.However, given the nature of what karma is and how it functions, we can see from the abovechecklist that Cayce certainly needed to come back again for one more lifetime to refine andcomplete his process of self-integration. He left the Earth with unfinished business that would needto be completed before the end of the Piscean Age that we are now within.

We also know from the study of Cayce's readings and other sources that successive futureincarnations should have at least five key points of similarity:ASTROLOGY: Astrology is vitally important in terms of thespiritual "configuration" of an entity. Therefore, we should seeremarkable astrological similarities between successiveincarnations.FACIAL APPEARANCE: The facial appearance is another vital"stamp" of an entity's own identity that transcends the space of onesimple lifetime. The entity's innate personal vibrations determinethe precise arrangement of the DNA molecule. Therefore, weshould expect that successive incarnations have very obvious facialsimilarities.KARMIC TRAITS AND LESSONS: The entity will invariablyhave the same traits, both "good" and "bad," and therefore bedrawn back into learning the same karmic lessons, repeating themagain and again until they are mastered.KARMIC PLACES: The entity might well be drawn back into thesame places that it had lived in the past. Such was the case betweenBainbridge and Cayce both ending up in the Virginia area.KARMIC PEOPLE: The entity will invariably be drawn back intoassociations with the same people that it had known in the past,reincarnating with them again in the future. Consciously, the entitywould have no idea that this is what happened. Amazingly, thereare hundreds of cases of this "group reincarnation" that emerge inthe Cayce Readings, especially from the Ra-Ta and Ujhltd period.So, what we have here is five basic stipulations for reincarnation. Obviously, there are many othersas well, but these are some of the most important criteria.At this point, we enter the story of David Wilcock. He had no idea, consciously speaking, that hemight be connected to Edgar Cayce in any way until after he had been doing his own "psychicreadings" for an entire year.David has also demonstrated repetitive accuracy in his readings and prophecies, including twoexamples of prophetic sentences that were phrased in foreign languages that David had notconsciously studied.

The connections between the two are quite extensive, and are the subject of this entire book,Wanderer Awakening. In this chapter, we will focus on the five main points of similarity that wehave just touched upon above.ASTROLOGY:SAME YEAR OF THE CHINESE ZODIAC: David was bornexactly 96 years after Cayce, which makes both of them fall underthe Year of the Ox in the Chinese zodiac. (1973-1877 96, and 96 /8 12.) Since there are 12 signs in the Zodiac, this is a one out of 12chance.BIRTHDAYS FIVE DAYS APART: David was born on March 8;only five days away from Cayce's birthday on March 13. (Both arePisces.) This is a one out of 73 chance (365 / 5 73.)NEARLY IDENTICAL MOON POSITIONS: David's exact time ofbirth, 11:16 p.m. in Schenectady, New York, puts the Moon in apractically identical position to Cayce's Moon, at 28 minutes of onedegree, or roughly one half degree.This alone is a 1 in 720 chance (360 deg. x 2,) and then you mustfactor that against the likelihood of them being born within fivedays of each other, and in the same year of the zodiac (365 / 5 73;720 x 73 52,560; 52,560 x 12 630,720.) This makes both Davidand Cayce an Ox / Pisces with a Moon in Taurus, which is a one in630,720 chance.VERY SIMILAR INNER PLANET POSITIONS: Remarkably, allthe inner planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) arepositioned so closely to each other in the two charts that theiraverage variance is only 7 degrees 43 minutes out of the potential360 degrees. (It's less than 3 degrees average variance if youexclude Mercury.) This is quite unbelievable and adds tremendousstrength to the case. The "hologram" of Cayce's Ego personalitywas completely preserved.

OUTER PLANETS ALL 'ASPECTED': The remaining large outerplanets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are all in very tightaspects to each other in their corresponding positions on the twocharts (Jupiter 30 degrees, Uranus 60 degrees, Saturn 90 degrees,Neptune 150 degrees.) The average deviation from being exactamong these aspects is only 2 degrees 18 minutes! This shows thatalthough the two entities are closely related, they have verydifferent missions on the planet.EXACT PLUTO OPPOSITION: Cayce's Pluto turns out to be indirect opposition, 180 degrees apart, from the point where the sunrises in David's chart, known as the Ascendant. The difference isonly 1 degree, 22 minutes, again a very strong connection.DAVID'S PLUTO SQUARES CAYCE'S JUPITER PERFECTLY:Also, David's Pluto is 1 degree, 23 minutes away from beingprecisely 90 degrees offset from Cayce's Jupiter. [Notice that bothvariances in these Pluto aspects are only one minute of a degreedifferent from each other - 1' 22" and 1' 23".] This does indicatesome friction between the two incarnations, as astrologers considerthese aspects harsh.VERTICES IN OPPOSITION: Lastly, the vertices or "balancingpoints" between the two charts are in a very tight 180-degreeopposition.And so, we have to conclude that from a sheer astrological perspective, combined with what weunderstand from the Cayce Readings about reincarnation, the probability of all these connectionsbeing merely happenstance or coincidence is almost impossible.Contrary arguments can be made, but facts are facts. David can prove the date, place and time ofhis birth with his birth certificate, and the rest is self-evident to anyone who looks at the astrology.FACIAL APPEARANCE:Numerous laypersons as well as several experienced portrait artists have verified that the facialsimilarities between David and Cayce are astounding.

The only main differences are that Cayce's jaw is more recessive than David's, and Cayce's lips andearlobes are slightly larger than David's.The most stunning similarity of all is in the similarities within the shapes of the lips, cheekbones,hairline and nose, the remarkably similar appearance of the eyes and the literally identical bonestructure of the brow above the eyelids. (Maturity and weight changed Edgar's appearance as timeprogressed.)These similarities are strong enough that several people directly associated with the Cayce workand his younger pictures "nearly fell over backwards" (an exact quote) the first time that they sawDavid's face. One even volunteered that David "looked exactly the same as Edgar Cayce" before heever even knew anything about David, or that there was any possible connection.KARMIC TRAITS AND LESSONS:Quite without his conscious awareness of a reason, David was inclined towards being a psychicfrom a very young age. He had a spontaneous out-of-body experience at age 5 and read his firstadult book on ESP at age 7.He also conducted successful telepathic experiments with his friends at age 7. He began reading theTarot cards at age 13, had his first consciously-induced lucid dreaming experiences at age 16 andgot his first channeled psychic messages at age 23, the same year that Cayce lost his voice and begandoing his own readings.Both are almost blindly driven to serve God, other people and the planet. (See "Karmic Similaritiesbetween Cayce and David" further down in this article for an assessment of their shared karmiclessons.)KARMIC PLACES:David would end up being very strongly asked by his readings to move to Virginia Beach before hewas consciously aware of the Cayce connection. This move was prophesied in the readings almostfrom the very first day, and David was only just beginning to suspect a possible connection when hearrived in Virginia Beach.David's readings predicted the exact name of the street (Great Neck) he would be living on back inJuly of that year, and the move wasn't made until October. They also gave him the German phrase"Scarstahldig" in July, which turned out to mean "A group of German steel helmets." (David hasnever studied German.)

Amazingly, the tenant living with the woman David moved in with in Virginia Beach was a collectorof German steel helmets! Furthermore, he had not even been living there when the reading wasdone in July!KARMIC PEOPLE:David gradually became aware that some of his closest friends and associates were thereincarnations of others in the Cayce circle. Each case is a story all its own, with compelling karmicconnections as well as similarly astounding facial correspondences. More research is necessary touncover any possible astrological connections. Here is a partial list:Morton Blumenthal: David's very good friend Chris, who he hasknown since he was a college freshman. Chris is highly intellectualand drawn to New York City, just like Morton was. Very similarfaces, hairstyles and mentalities.David's readings dramatically indicated this connection through atime-encoded prophecy that was made before David knew about hispast life as Cayce. Although we have an amazing comparison photoChris doesn't want it released at this time.Edwin Blumenthal, Morton's Brother: David's best friend Jude,who he has known since he was a freshman in high school. As is tobe expected, there are significant facial similarities between thetwo.Many of the fantastic potentials that the Cayce Readings ascribedto Edwin can be seen in Jude, through his creative work withphotography, art, music and poetry. Jude is perhaps the singlemost important figure in the early stages of David's awakening.David Kahn, Edgar's Best Friend: David's "other best friend" Eric,who he has known since his junior year in college and lived with fortwo years, during the time when the readings got started.Notably similar faces, and identical facial expressions while beingphotographed. Both are highly intelligent, compassionate, stableand business-minded people. Eric was of invaluable assistance onall levels when David began doing readings and currently does notwant a comparison photo to be posted.

Dr. Wesley Harrington Ketchum, the man who broke Cayce's storyto the medical world: David's brother. The facial similarity is quiteremarkable.Antagonism between Cayce and Ketchum could account for earlysibling rivalries, which have now been ameliorated. Cayce stoppedworking with Ketchum when he learned that Ketchum was usinghis readings for profit.Leslie "The Squire" Cayce, Edgar's father: David's father. Again,the behavioral / karmic connections and facial similarities areextraordinary. The rather rough edge that the Squire possessedwas completely visible in David's father throughout David'sadolescent years, and later the same degree of intense love wouldalso be quite visible.Furthermore, David's father's favorite clothing store has alwaysbeen "The Squire Shop." He does not know or understand any ofthese connections consciously.Undoubtedly there are still other connections not yet discovered. But so far, these discoveriesconform perfectly well with the idea in the Cayce Readings that the same groups of people willcontinue to reincarnate together in successive lifetimes.SIMILARITIES BETWEEN CAYCE'S KARMA AND DAVID'S:DIET AND EMOTIONS:David adopted a strict vegetarian / Vegan diet well before he ever started doing readings, andthrough his readings he has refined it more and more, on an ongoing basis. (Obviously, he does notsmoke, drink coffee or alcohol or eat pork, which were the causes of Cayce's ongoing healthproblems.)David has also had numerous dramatic lessons in learning to renounce fear and worry and trustingthat his needs will be met. Both Cayce and David have struggled with ongoing financial hardship.David has largely cured himself of the problem of his worries and fears interfering with him in anyway, which is certainly no small feat.DREAMS AND CONSCIOUS CHANNELING:

David has recorded almost every dream, every single morning since 1992 with only one majorbreach in 1994. Since November 1996, each of these dreams have been recorded on audiotape andlater transcribed onto the computer for archive and analysis purposes.Including the psychic readings and extensive personal journals, this means that almost all ofDavid's spiritual growth, development and multidimensional experiences are extremely welldocumented for future study.Throughout this entire period of time, David has striven to follow the guidance of his dreams to thebest of his ability -- something Cayce had tried to practice, but did not persevere with.David started off from the beginning of his psychic career as a conscious channeler. Furtherrefinements over time have led David to achieve higher and higher levels of trance quality withoutgoing unconscious in the process.FORGIVING MORTON:Although David's friend Chris still doesn't believe that this is who he was and is essentially notmetaphysically inclined, there is strong evidence connecting him directly with Morton in David'sreadings, long before David ever had any idea of his connections with Cayce.This came through when David was specifically asking about Chris and the readings said "Plug inthe early New York Stock Exchange." All of Morton's money was made on the Stock Market.David and Chris have been through an ongoing series of ups and downs, but regardless of thedifficulties they have remained very close friends throughout the entire time, hence clearing pastkarma.Chris has remarkable facial, intellectual and behavioral similarities to Morton. Also, Chris hadcome to live with David right after David moved into a house that was a mere two blocks away fromthe former Cayce Hospital, now the ARE.David and Chris had perhaps the worst fight of their entire friendship directly before David was togo over and see the Cayce Hospital for the very first time! At this point David still did not realizethe Chris / Morton connection, though he was aware of his connection to Cayce.What makes this so interesting was that Morton had funded the Cayce Hospital and later collapsedit in the aftermath of the Stock Market crash of 1929 -- and the two were never able to speak toeach other again in that life. Cayce felt ruined by this.LOSS OF HOSPITAL:

David would relive this karma over and over again in the physical. It came through in four mainfashions:Loss of Living Situations: Like a recurring nightmare, David wouldend up being asked to move out by almost everyone he lived withonce he got to Virginia Beach, despite his cleanliness and politeness-- essentially since they did not understand him or somehow feltovershadowed or threatened by his abilities. (The other personinvolved themselves way too much in David's business, forcing himto break away.)This pattern also occurred with two college roommates. Cayce hadsimilar problems with having to move in his own life as well. Davidnow has his own private apartment!Loss of Jobs: Until David made a commitment to actually dopersonal readings for a living, he either grew weary and disgustedwith every job that he had and quit, or got spontaneously fired,often for no apparent reason.The jobs that he actually enjoyed also seemed to dissolvemysteriously, and the readings explained that this was their owndoing, to relieve the karma associated with the hospital as well asinexorably steering David towards self-employment in service toothers.Loss of Romantic Interests: David also seemed to have a cyclewhere every potential female relationship that he tried to becomeinvolved in would quickly sour.This led David to wonder how such a pattern could possibly occurover and over again, since he treats people with nothing butcomplete love and respect, and is not unattractive. Now he knowsthat this is related to the Ra-Ta and John Bainbridge karma, inpart.Loss of Book Contract: David invested a lot of personal self-esteemand pride in the fact that he had recently sold his book"Convergence" to a publisher, and looked forward to the 5000advance.

The timing of the loss of this contract forced him to do anemergency fund-raiser in only three days in order to pay his renton time. By this point he was already largely impervious topersonal loss, and it did not have a large effect.'Official' Dismissal: David would also endure an overt dismissalfrom certain factions of the ARE, the organization founded byCayce. Although his complete one-year absence from them wasessentially self-imposed, it was an ongoing source of frustration.This certainly could be a karmic parallel to the banishment of RaTa from Egypt.So, with all of these "hard knocks," we can see that David has had to "reinvent the wheel," goingthrough remarkably similar losses all over again. The point of all of these lessons appears to bedesigned to make David completely self-sufficient. The "Achilles Heel" of Edgar Cayce was that hedepended on the financial resources of others in order to achieve his own personal successes. Davidhas now worked strongly to become self-reliant in all areas, financial and otherwise.SELF-MARTYRDOM:David has had ongoing, multiple lessons extending through to the immediate present about the needto stand up for himself and not allow others to take advantage of him.He has had to learn through often very intense and harsh experiences that he must maintain hisboundaries and free time, or else he will not be able to finish his work within the necessarytimelines.David also has had to be diligent in taking breaks from his work with his book and article writings,personal readings for others, seminars, dream / reading transcriptions and Internet research, whichhas often been 16 hours a day, six or seven days a week since he became self-employed in July 1998.He has to discipline himself to break away from the computer to do other things such as exerciseand recreation. While dedication to the work is good, he needs time to live his life.David is obviously too young to "die of burnout," but it is still something he must be aware of. Thisselfless dedication to the work is an obvious reason for his romantic failures as well!

So, all these lists bring us back to the central point. Even on this surface level that we are lookingout, there are undoubtedly some major connections between Cayce and David that fit remarkablywell into the category of a "reincarnation."Furthermore, in David's in-progress book Wanderer Awakening we get an in-depth account of thenumerous "hints" that David's readings were giving for the whole first year, all of which emanatedfrom a deep level of trance and were not understandable or decipherable at the time.If David had really had any inkling that something like this might have been true, he may havesuspected it earlier and gotten the idea of what his readings were trying to tell him. However, thiswas not the case.DISCLAIMERAt this point we would like to insert one additional "disclaimer" which came to us through areading after "sleeping on" this article.I, David, do not wish to self-aggrandize or make myself out to be something great through writingall of this. In fact, I dislike the spotlight and the controversy, and that is why I haven't yet writtenup this article until now, after knowing about this for a year and seven months already.I just want there to be a document that states the truth as I see it - both the strong points and theweak points. We are all One in this creation and no entity is any more or less valuable than anyother.If I were trying to tell everyone that I was some spiritual super-hero, then I obviously would nothave included the information about my losses, relationship problems and the like.I do not feel that I will single-handedly "save the world" or do anything grandiose. I am simply oneof a great team of Lightworkers, both incarnate and discarnate, all of whom wish to be of service toothers. That's it.And now, back to the article.NO MORE MEDICAL READINGSThe most common question that anyone asks David about the "Cayce Connection" is this: "Whydon't you do medical readings like Cayce did?" David's readings have repeatedly addressed thispoint over time.

Essentially, David came to the planet with a very different mission than Edgar. It was not hisresponsibility or desire to simply come through as a carbon-copy of the person he had been before.Now that this lifetime would see the year 2000 at age 27, it was much more important to focus onthe pivotal event of the entire 75,000-year history of human life on Earth; namely, the end of theSolar Cycle that was referred to repeatedly in Cayce's readings.Much of David's scientific work, cataloged in Convergence, is a direct repetition and reassimilationof the knowledge that was available to Ra-Ta. This knowledge included:The fact that civilization moves in 25,000-year cycles;The fact that the universe is organized into an octave ofdimensions;The fact that these octaves have a light, sound and geometriccounterpart;That this geometry shows up on Earth as the Global Grid;That this Grid energy can be harnessed through building crystalstructures;That the Great Pyramid was the optimal energy-focusing design;That humanity would be "harvested" at the end of the cycle;That higher-dimensional beings would assist this transition.Cayce's readings did their part to set the stage for the metaphysical knowledge that needed to be inplace on Earth in order for us to be better prepared for Ascension, both consciously andsubconsci

Wanderer Awakening: (online book) The Life Story of David Wilcock From the book: In the boundless depths of the Creation, I have found my home, a place to serve the One and come to a g