AQA GCSE French Vocabulary Booklet


Name : AQA GCSE French Vocabulary BookletThis is the complete list of vocabulary that you need to be able to recognise and understand for success inGCSE Reading and Listening at the end of Year 11.You need to be able to produce ie (spell and pronounce) a smaller range of vocabulary for success in GCSESpeaking and Writing. Of course, the more you know, the higher your grades.HOWEVER . to be GCSE ready, it’s not just what you know, it’s what you know how to do. The techniquesbelow are essential, as you can’t memorise this whole book. It’s impossible!!!!Vocabulary learning skills:TECHNIQUE SWAG BAG1. To try and reduce the number you need to learn, try to use all the tricks you can e.g.a. “ha ha it sounds like” – Laine wool a sheep called Len. (If it makes you laugh it is morelikely to work. Our brains are funny like that!)b. “ooh it reminds me of” – pantalon a bit like pantaloons those funny old fashionedtrousers in your history books.2. At home, do it little and often - lots of breaks because it is boring!3. No background noise/music. (Music is good for concentration for most other HW but bad formemorisation HW – it just is. Sorry!)4. Learn the meanings first.Cover up the EnglishTest yourself: Look – cover – say (the English) – checkTest yourself again: Look – cover – say – check (just ones you got wrong)When you have 100% correct, move on5. Now learn the spellings.Cover up the FrenchTest yourself: Look – cover – write (the French) – checkLook – cover – write – check (just the ones you got wrong)When you have 100% correct, have a biscuit!1

Writing and Speaking skills:TECHNIQUE SWAG BAG1.Substitution. Write/say what you know how to say NOT what you want to say.e.g. The question says ‘where did you go last year on holiday?’Oh dear – you went to Greece. Ah ha! but you know how to say Espagne.2.Recycling. Learn the useful structures that you can re-use in lots of topics.e.g. on doit infinitive we must. Can be used for: e.g.holidays – we must visit the Eiffel Tower.School – we must wear uniformWork – we must arrive on timeRestaurants – we must try a desertFamily – we must not argue with our familyHealthy living – we must eat vegetablese.g. j’aimerais infinitive I would like Can be used for: e.g.holidays – I would like to visit NYSchool – I would like to study BiologyWork – I would like to be a doctorRestaurants – I would like to eat snailsFamily – I would like to visit my grandmaHealthy living – I would like to eat more fruitReading and Listening skills:TECHNIQUE SWAG BAG1.Cognates/near cognates. This is easy. If it looks like a word in English, it probably is. E.g. rapide, timide, hôpital,commencer.Watch out for a few ‘false friends’ e.g. user worn-out, sensible sensitive2.Context. Look around the word. E.g. je suis resté dans un hôtel de 5 étoiles. What could étoiles mean ? It’s abouthotels. It says a 5 . Hotel.Of course, it must mean star. A 5 star hotel. Obvious really3.Words within a word. If you see a long word, look in it for clues to find a word you already know. E.g. parapluie pluie rain, para pluie for rain umbrella4.Grammar rules. Use grammar rules you know to work out meaning (also see pg 102 -green kerboodle text book)E.g. é in French is the same as .ed in English joué playede.g. ment in French is ly in English so rapidement quicklye.g. .eur in French is a person. chanteur singing person singer/ joueur playing person playerListening specific skills:1.Know your sound/spelling links. French is easier than English because it actually follows its rules. E.g.e [UH]eu [UH]é / ée [AY]qu [K]è / ei / ê [AIR]oi [WA]er / ez /et/ es /ès /est / [AY]o / eau / au [OH]ai / ais / ait / aix / aient [AY]in / ain / im [ANG]ille [EE] (usually)gn [NY]2.Listen for gist. Sometimes you don’t have to know exactly what is happening to get the right answer. Justgenerally what it is about. E.g. its about friendship3.Listen for key info. e.g. you can ignore all the bits you don’t understand. You might just be listening out for atime, a day of the week or a price.2

Unit 1 : Me, My Family and Friends prénom lenom lené(e) le.s’appeleravoir.ansfirst namenameborn on be calledto be.years old beau-père lebelle-mère lacopain le/copine lademi-frère ledemi-sœur lafemme lafille lafils legrand-mère lagrand-père legrands-parents les (m)mari lepartenaire le/lapetit ami lepetite amie lapetite-fille lapetit-fils letante lavoisin lestep-fatherstep-motherfriend, bour barbe lacheveux les (m)lunettes les (f)yeux les (m)beardhairglasseseyes ght brownlightdarkbrownhazelpurplepinkginger tcurlylongmedium lengthstraight3 mincede taille ettyuglyskinny, thinslim, thinmedium heightold rapports les (m)se marieramour l’ (m)célibataireensemblese faire des amismortnaissance laséparédirese disputers’entendre (avec)fâchéinjustepartagerrencontrer(se) sentirvouloirrelationshipsto get married, marrylovesingletogetherto make friendsdeadbirthseparatedto say, tellto argueto get on (with)angryunfairto shareto meetto feelto wish, want

Unit 1 : Me, My Family and Friends beaucoup/plus/le plusbien/mieux/le mieuxbon/meilleur/le meilleurmal/plus mal/le plusmal mauvais/pire/le pire peu/moins/le moinslots/more/the rst plus/moins plus que/moins quemore/lessmore than/less thanbad/worse/worstfew, little/less/the least letravailleur/travailleusetristeuniquesens de l’humour lekindchatty/talkativestupid, sillyselfishgenerouskind, nicehappynaughtylazyannoyingsportykind, niceshyquiet, calmhard-workingsadonlysense of humour forum lejeu leen lignemot de passe leréseau social lesite internet/web letexto leargent l’ (m)risque lesécurité ladangereuxchat roomgameonlinepasswordsocial networkwebsitetextmoneyrisksafetydangerousUnit 2: Technology in Everyday Life cherchercliquerenvoyerfaire des achatsmettremettre en lignepasser du tempsrecevoirrester en contactsurfer sur Internettapertchatertéléchargerto look forto clickto sendto shopto putto uploadto spend timeto receiveto stay in contactto surf the internetto typeto talk onlineto download clavier leécran l’ (m)imprimante l’ (f)souris latouche laordinateur l’ (m)ordinateur portable l’ (m)ordinateur tablette l’ (m)portable lelecteur DVD lelecteur MP3 tmobile (phone)DVD playerMP3 player avantage l’ (m) désavantage le inconvénient l’ (m4advantagedisadvantagedisadvantage, drawback

Unit 3a: Free-Time Activites (Leisure) TV/film passe-temps letemps libre lebasket lecheval leéquitation l’ (f)escalade l’ (f)jardinage lenatation lapatinage à glace leplanche à voile lapromenade laskate leski (nautique) lesports d’hiver les (m)voile lavolley le VTT vélo tout terrain le Hobbyfree timebasketballhorsehorse ridingrock climbinggardeningswimmingice skatingwindsurfingwalkskateboarding(water) skiingwinter sportssailingvolleyballactualités les (f)dessin animé lefeuilleton lefilm de guerre lefilm policier lejeu télévisé lepublicité lasérie latélé réalité la voirNewscartoonsoap operawar filmdetective filmgame showadvertsseriesreality televisionto seeNegatives mountain bike5ne.jamaisne pasne.personnene.plusne quene rienni nipas encorenevernotnobody, no-oneno more, no longeronly, nothing butnothingneither .nornot yet

Unit 3b: Free Time Activities (Food and Eating out) la cartenourriture laalimentation l’ (f)agneau l’ (m)beurre lebœuf lebonbon lecanard lecerise lachampignon lechocolat lechou lechou-fleur lecitron leconfiture lacrêpe lacrudités les (f)dinde laescargot l’ (m)fraise laframboise lafruits de mer les (m)glace laharicots verts les (m)jambon lelégumes les (m)œuf l’ (m)oignon l’ (m)pâtes les (f)pêche lapetits pois les (m)poire lapoisson lepoivre lepomme lapomme de terre lapotage lepoulet leraisins les (m)riz lesaucisse lasaumon lesel lesteak haché lesucre lethon letruite laviande layaourt le hocolatecabbagecauliflowerlemonjampancakeraw chopped vegetablesturkeysnailstrawberryraspberryseafoodice creamgreen esalmonsaltburgersugartunatroutmeatyoghurtboisson labière laeau (minérale) l’ (f)lait le assiette l’ (f) tasse la thé leplate/dishcuptea startermain meal/dishtipwaiter, waitresshors d’œuvre le (m)plat principal lepourboire leserveur le/serveuse repas le petit déjeuner ledéjeuner le dîner lemealbreakfastlunchevening meal to buyto drinkto chooseto orderto startto costto oûter matières grasses les sucréfatssugary dizaine une douzaine une nombre deabout 10dozennumber of to weighbox, tin, canbottlehalfpiecenumberpacketlots offull of, lots ofslicepeserboîte labouteille lamoitié lamorceau lenombre lepaquet lepas mal deplein detranche laStudents are expected toknow the cardinalnumbers 0 – 1,000 and theword for 1,000,000(million le).6drinkbeer(mineral) watermilkThey are also expected toknow the ordinal numbersfirst-tenth(premier/première–dixième).

Unit 3c – Shops/ Fashion and Shopping (not in text book) boucherie laboulangerie labijouterie lacharcuterie lalibrairie lamarché lepâtisserie labutcher’s shopbakeryjeweller’s shopdelicatessenbookshopmarketcake shop bijou lecaisse laparfum levitrine lajewel, jewellerytillperfumeshop window carte bancaire laportefeuille leporte-monnaie leprix leréduitsoldes les (m)vendeur le/vendeuse lbank cardwalletpursepricereducedsaleshop assistant étroitlargemoyen/moyennetropnarrowwidemedium, averagetoo (much) cuir le laine la soie la g costumetrousersjumperdressjacket pointure la taille lasize (for shoes)size (for clothes) to spend (money)to saveto try onto deliverto selldépenseréconomiseressayerlivrervendre TVA taxe sur la valeurajoutée laVAT (Value Added Tax) Carré Rondsquareround 7mode lavêtements les (m)baskets les (f)blouson leceinture lachapeau lechaussette lachaussure lachemise lacravate lagilet lejupe lamanteau lemaillot de bain lepantalon lepull lerobe laveste laWeights andmeasuresassezbasdemi leencore dehautsuffisammentenough, quitelowhalfmorehighsufficiently

Unit 4: Customs and Festivals à bientôtà demainà tout à l’heureallôamitiésau secoursbien sûrbienvenuebon anniversairebon appétitbon voyagebonne annéebonne chancebonne idéebonne nuitbonnes vacancesbonsoird’accordde riendésolé (e)excusez-moifélicitationsjoyeux Noëlmeilleurs voeuxpardonquel dommagesalutsantés’il te/vous plaîtsee you soonsee you tomorrowsee you soon/laterhello (on phone)best wisheshelpof course, certainlywelcomehappy birthdayenjoy your mealhave a good triphappy new yeargood luckgood ideagood nighthave a good holidaygood eveningokdon't mention itsorryexcuse mecongratulationsMerry Christmasbest wishesexcuse mewhat a pityhicheersplease cadeau leéglise l’ (f)fête lafeux d’artifice les (m)Presentchurchfestival, celebration, partyfireworks fête des mères lafête des rois lafête du travail laJour de l’An lePâquespoisson d’avrilSaint-Sylvestre laSaint Valentin laToussaint laveille de Noël laMother's DayTwelfth Night/EpiphanyMay DayNew Year’s DayEasterApril Fools' Day, April Fool!New Year’s EveSt. Valentine’s DayAll Saints' DayChristmas Eve fêterto celebrate religieux/religieusereligious juif/juive musulman mosquée laJewishMuslimMosqueUnit 5: Home, Town, Neighbourhood and Region bureau lecave lacuisine larez-de-chaussée lesalle à manger lasalle de bains lasalle de séjour lasalon lesous-sol lepièce lachezétage l’ (m)meubles les (m)mur leescalier l’ (m)fenêtre laarmoire l’ (f) office, studycellarkitchen/cookingground floordining roombathroomloungeliving room, loungebasementroomat the house offloor, storeyfurniturewallstaircasewindowwardrobe8argent l' (m)béton lebois lefer leor l' (m)verre lesilverconcretewoodirongoldglass

Unit 5: Home, Town, Neighbourhood and Region ville laaéroport l’ (m)bibliothèque lacentre commercial lecentre sportif lecommerces les (m)commissariat legare lagare routière lagrand magasin lehôtel de ville l’ (m)mairie lamusée leparc leparc d’attractions lepatinoire lapiscine laplace laposte lastade lestation-service latabac leusine l’ (f)Townairportlibraryshopping centresports centreshopspolice stationrailway stationbus stationdepartment storetown halltown hallmuseumparktheme parkice rinkswimming poolsquarepost officestadiumservice stationnewsagent’sfactory bord de la mer lecampagne la(à la) montagne laquartier lebanlieue lacentre-ville leseasidecountryside(in the) mountain(s)quarter, areasuburbtown centre bâtiment leferme laimmeuble l’ (m)maison ck of flatshouse (detached/semidetached/terraced) de chaque côtéde l’autre côtéicilàlà-basnulle partparpartoutquelque partloin desitué (e)tout prèsfrom each sidefrom the other sideherethereover therenowherebyeverywheresomewherefar fromsituatedvery near 9animébon n, tidydirty en bas en hautdown(stairs)up(stairs) est l' (m)nord leouest l' (m)sud leeastnorthwestsouth déménagerse trouvervivrelavernettoyerrangerto move houseto be situatedto liveto washto cleanto tidy

Unit 6: Social Issues (Health) alcool l’ (m)drogue lase droguerfumerhabitude l’ (f)odeur l’ (f)tabac lealcoholdrugto take drugsto smokehabitsmelltobacco chanteressayers’intéresser àpayerprendrecourirdébuterto singto tryto be interested into pay (for)to taketo runto begin en bonne formeen bonne santésanté laéquilibrémalsainsainfitin good healthhealthbalancedunhealthyhealthy chanteur le/chanteusechanson lafana de (le)vedette laclub des jeunes lesingersonga fan offilm staryouth club malademaladie lamédecin lemédicament levomirill, sickillnessdoctormedicineto be sick bonheur lehappiness to go to bedto washto get washedto liftto get upto wake upse coucherlaver(se) laverlever(se) lever(se) réveillerUnit 6: Social Issues (voluntary work) travail bénévole leassociation caritative l’devenirégalité l’ (f)voluntary workcharityto becomeequality10 faible grasweakfatty to be wellto be betterto stopto combatto relaxto sleepto avoidto look afterto relaxto go outaller bienaller mieux(s’) arrêterCombattrese détendredormirÉviterGarderse relaxersortir eau potable l’ (f)drinking water to be on a diettiredfitnessstrongobesitysleepfaire un régimefatiguéforme lafortobésité l’ (f)sommeil le

Unit 7: Global Issues (poverty, homelessness) chômage le pauvreté la sans-abri leUnemploymentpovertyhomeless person chômage le pauvreté la sans-abri leUnemploymentpovertyhomeless person HLM habitation àloyer modéré l’ (f) SAMU service d’aidemédicale d’urgence leSDF sans domicile fixecouncil/social housingaccommodationemergency medicalserviceshomeless personUnit 7: L’environnement (Key treéteindrefaire du utiliser(nature) arbre l’ (m) champ le colline la espace vert l’ (m) fleur la île l’ (f) lac le route la rivière la sable le to helpto switch onto growto destroyto have toto disappearto switch offto recycleto wasteto throw (away)to protectto reduceto saveto killto usetreefieldhillgreen areaflowerislandlakeroad, wayriversand 11besoin le (îte la (en carton)bruit lecentre de recyclage lechauffage central lechoix lechose lacirculation ladouche laen dangerdéchets les (m)environnement l’ (m)gens les (m)habitant l’ (m)inondation l’ (f)ordures les (f)pétrole lepiste cyclable lapolluépoubelle laréchauffement de laTerre lerobinet lesac en plastique letransport en communvie lazone piétonne laneed(cardboard) boxnoiserecycling centrecentral heatingchoicethingtrafficshowerin shoilcycle lanepolluteddustbinglobal warmingtapplastic bagpublic transportlifepedestrian zone

Unit 8 : Travel and Tourism (Weather)printemps leété l' (m)automne l' (m)hiver l' (m)springsummerautumnwinter averse l' (f)brillerbrouillard lebrume lachaleur laciel leclimat lecouvertdouxéclair l' (m)éclaircie l' (f)ensoleilléfaire beaufaire mauvaisgelerglace lahumidemétéo lamouilléneigernuage lenuageuxombre l' (m)orage l' (m)orageuxpleuvoirpluie lasec/sèchetempête latemps letonnerre letrempervent leshowerto ght spellsunnyto be fine (weather)to be bad (weather)to freezeicehumid, wetweather forecastwetto snowcloudcloudyshade, shadowstormstormyto rainraindrystormweatherthunderto soakwind 12(Countries)monde leAfrique l’ (f)/africainAlgérie l’ (f)/algérienAllemagne l’/allemandAngleterre l’ (f)/anglaisBelgique la/belgeChine la/chinoisEcosse l’ (f)/écossaisEspagne l’ (f)/espagnolEtats-Unis les (m)Grande-Bretagnela/britanniqueMaroc le/marocainPays de Galles /galloisSuisse la/suisseTunisie la/tunisien Alpes les (f)DouvresLondresManche laMéditerranée la (Accommodation)Logement lelogerséjour lepropriétaire le/laauberge de jeunesse l’colonie de vacances laéchange l’ (m)faire du campingascenseur l’ (m)bain lechambre de famille ladortoir leclé lalit lesac de couchage levalise lavue de mer lacomplet/complètelibre USAGreat and/SwissTunisia/TunisianAlpsDoverLondonEnglish ChannelMediterraneanAccommodationto stay, lodgestay, visitowneryouth hostelholiday/summer campexchangeto go campingliftBathfamily roomdormitorykeybedsleeping bagsuitcasesea viewfullfree, vacant,unoccupiedto breakto book, reserveto stayto come back

Unit 8 : Travel and Tourism (part 2) (Equipment)vacances les (f)tourisme lecarte lacarte postale lacrème solaire lalunettes de soleil lespièce d’identité laplan de ville lerendez-vous lerenseignements lesspectacle levisite la (guidée)(Transport)auto l’ (f)autobus l’ (m)avion l’ (m)bateau lecar lemoto lavoiture laSNCF (sociéténationale des cheminsde fer français la)TGV (train à grandevitesse le)autoroute l’ (f)départ leessence l’ (f)(se) garerhoraire l’ (m)lentementlocation de voitures laconduireretour leretournervol levolervoyager(Directions)à droiteà gauchetout droittoutes directionstournersuivre holidaystourismmappostcardsun creamsunglassesmeans of identificationtown planmeetinginformationshow(guided) visit(Tourist venue)accueil l’ (m)agence de voyagesarrivée l’ (f)entrée l' (f)fermergratuitinterditoccupé sortie la vide billet lewelcometravel agencyarrivalentry, entranceto closefree (of charge)forbidden, not allowedtaken, occupied,engagedopento openin a hurry, rushed/squeezedexitemptyticket à l’étrangerétranger l’ (m)aventure l’ (f)bagages les (m)plage laloisir leen plein airrandonnée e time (activity)in the open airwalk, hike (Key verbs)s’asseoirattendre(se) baignerBronzerchercherDescendreDurerexpliquerfaire la connaissance(s’) habituer àlouermarchermonternagerpartirlaisserse presenterse promenerremercierto sit downto wait (for)to bathe, swimto sunbatheto look forto stayto lastto explainto get to knowto get used toto hire, rentto walkto go up/ascendto swimto leaveto leaveto introduce oneselfto go for a walkto thank ouvert ouvrir pressécarbusplaneboatcoachmotor bikecarNational Rail Servicehigh-speed trainmotorwaydeparturepetrolto parktimetableslowlycar rentalto drivereturnto returnflightto flyto travelon/to the righton/to the leftstraight aheadall directionsto turnto follow13

Unit 9/10/11 : My studies, Life at school and College, Education Post-16 chimie ladessin leEPS l’ (f)français leinformatique (l’) (f)langue laphysique lareligion lachemistryartPE (physical education)FrenchIT (information technology)languagephysicsreligious studies instituteur l’ (m)institutrice l’ (f)professeur ledirecteur ledirectrice laélève l’ (m/f)étudiant l’ (m)primary school teacher (m)primary school teacher (f)teacherheadmasterheadmistresspupilstudent collège le école l’ (f)(primaire/secondaire)secondary school(primary/secondary)school to learnto understandto askto discussto give outto pay attentionto readto forgetto sit an examto thinkto allow, permitto wear, carryto repeatto succeedto pass an examto knowto find apprendrecomprendredemanderdiscuterdistribuerfaire attentionlireoublierpasser un ir un examensavoirtrouveravoir raisonavoir tortcorrigererreur l' (f)faute lafaux/fausseil (me) fautjusteobligatoireparfaitsûrse trompervraito be rightto be wrongto correcterror, mistakefault, mistakefalseyou (I) mustcorrectcompulsoryperfectcertain, sureto make a mistaketrue14 diplôme ledevoirs les (m)emploi du temps l’études les (f)examen l’ (m)matière lacours leleçon lapause larécré(ation) larentrée latrimestre bjectlessonlessonbreak, pausebreakreturn to schoolterm calculette ladifficulté ladroit leen secondelecture lamaquillage lenote lapression larègle larèglement leréponse larésultat lescolairetableau lecalculatordifficultyrightin year 11readingmake upmarkpressureruleschool rulesreplyresultschool (adj)board salle de classe la terrain de sport leclassroomsports ground CDI centre dedocumentation etd’information le CES collèged’enseignementsecondaire le EPS éducationphysique et sportiveresource centresecondary schoolPE (physical education)

Unit 11 12 : Education Post-16 Jobs, Career Choices and Ambitions agent de police l’ (m)boucher leboulanger lecoiffeur lefacteur lefermier leinfirmier l’ (m)informaticien l’ingénieur l’ (m)maçon lemécanicien leplombier lepolicier levétérinaire leperdreposerpouvoirquittertravaillerannée sabbatiquel'apprenti(e) l' (m/f)avoir envie deavoir l’intention (de)bac(calauréat) leen premièreen terminaleétudierlaisser tomberliberté lalycée le prêt projet le IT workerengineerbuildermechanicplumberpolicemanvet to loseto put downto be ableto leaveto workgap yearapprenticeto want toto intend (to)A-level(s)in year 12in year 13to studyto dropfreedomsixth form college,grammar schoolreadyplan15à temps partielavenir l’ (m)boulot lecandidat lecompter (sur)employé(e) l'employeur l'espérergagneridée l’ (f)journal lelivre la (sterling)mettre de l’argent decôtépatron le; patronne lapetit job lerêve o count (on)employeeemployerto hopeto earn, winideanewspaperpound (sterling)to save moneybosspart-time jobdreamto dreamto receivevaried

Conjunctions and Connectives à cause deà ed’un côté/de l’autrecôté donc ensuite évidemmentbecause ofapart fromso, thereforeso, therefore, thenalsobecausehoweverthat is to say, ieas, likeon the one hand/on theother handso, thereforenextobviously maismême sioupar contrepar exemplependant quepourtantpuispuisquequandsans doute siy comprisbuteven iforon the other handfor examplewhilehoweverthenseeing that, sincewhenundoubtedly, withoutdoubt, probablyifincludingàau lieu lonversto, atinstead ofagainstof, fromsince, forin, within (time)up to, untildespite, in spite ofamongstfor, in order towithoutaccording totowardsPrepositions à côté deà traversau bord deau bout de au-dessous de au-dessus de au fond de au milieu deautour dederrièredevanten dehors deen face deentreprès desoussur next toacross, throughat the side/edge ofat the end of (ie length,rather than time)beneath, belowabove,overat the back of, at thebottom ofin the middle ofaroundbehindin front ofoutside (of)oppositebetweennearunderon16

Opinions ttecomme ci comme çacompliquécontentdésagréabledrôleembêtanten chenouveaunulparfaitpassionnantpeine awfulpleasantfunnyboringannoyingdear, annoyingin generaldelightedboringastonished, ellouscuteuglynewrubbishperfectexcitingthe botherperhapspracticalridiculousfunnywell behavedsensationaluseful sser àmarre (en loirto believeto wantto hateto sayto hopeto be interested in(to be) fed upto thinkto preferto promiseto seemto put up withto wish, want à mon avis (moi) non plusin my opinionnor me neither, nor do I bien entendu bien sûrof courseof course ça suffitthat dependsit gets on my nervesit makes me laughI like itit’s all the same to meit means nothing tome/I don't fancy that/Idon't feel like itthat’s enough absolument certainement vraimentabsolutelycertainlyreally, trulyça dépendça m’énerveça me fait rireça me plaîtça m’est égalça ne me dit rien

Time Expressions passé �cemmentpastformerly, in the pastbeforethe day before yesterdaylastyesterdayrecently à l’aveniraprès-demainbientôtdemainlendemain leprochainin the futurethe day after tomorrowsoontomorrowthe next daynext maintenantd’habitudeen ce nowusuallyat the momentnormallysometimessometimesrarelyoften matin le après-midi soir lemorningafternoonevening an l' (m)année l' (f)jour lejournée lanuit lamois lesemaine lasiècle leyearyeardaydaynightmonthweekcentury à l’heurede bonne heureen avanceen retardtardtôtenfinon timeearlyin advancelateLateearlyat last, finally18 à la foisaprèsaujourd’huid’aborden attendant en train de (faire.)en même tempsencore une foisenvironil y alongtempspendantplus tardpresqueseulementsoudainsuivantsur le point de (être)toujourstout à couptout de suiteviteat the same timeaftertodayat first, firstlywhilst waiting (for),meanwhile(to be) doingat the same timeonce more, againabout, approximatelyagofor a long timeduringlateralmost, nearlyonlysuddenlyfollowing(to be) about toalways, stillsuddenly, all of a suddenimmediatelyquickly de temps en temps tous les joursfrom time to timeevery day déjà de nouveaualreadyagain début le fin lastartend

Asking and Understanding Questions combien ? comment ? est-ce que ? où ?pourquoi ?quand ?que ?quel/quelle ?qu’est-ce que ?qu’est-ce qui ?qu’est-ce que c’est ?qui ?quoi ? à quelle heure ?ça s’écrit comment ?c’est combien ?c’est quelle date ?c’est quel jour ?de quelle couleur ?d’où ?pour combien detemps que veut dire. ? quelle heure est-il ?how much, how many?how?expression put before averb to make sentenceinto a questionwhere?why?when?what?which?what?what?what is it?who?what?at what time?how is that written?how much is it?what is the date?what day is it?what colour?from where?for how long?what does. mean?what time is it?The following is a guide to the sort of rubrics and instructions which will be used in the Writingexam. The list is indicative, not exclusive. Décrivez - Describe. Ecrivez -Write. Ecrivez environ 40 mots en français.-Write approximately 40 words in French. Ecrivez environ 90 mots en français. Répondez à chaque-Write approximately 90 words in French. Writeaspect de la question.something about each bullet point. Ecrivez environ 150 mots en français. Répondez aux deux-aspects de la question.Write approximately 150 words in French. Writesomething about both bullet points. Ecrivez quatre phrases en français sur la photo.-Write four sentences in French about the photo. Mentionnez -Mention.19

The following is a guide to the sort of rubrics and instructions which will be used in Section B of the Listeningand Reading exams. The list is indicative, not exclusive. Attention ! Vous pouvez utiliser la même lettre plus d'une-fois.NB You can use the same letter more thanonce.- C’est quelle personne ? Ecrivez le nom de la bonnepersonne.Which person is it? Write the name of the correctperson. C’est qui ? Ecrivez le nom de la bonne personne.-Who is it? Write the name of the correct person. Choisissez (deux) phrases qui sont vraies.-Choose (two) correct sentences. Choisissez la réponse correcte/la bonne réponse.-Choose the correct answer. Complétez en français.-Complete in French. Complétez la grille.-Complete the grid. Complétez le texte suivant avec les mots de la liste ci--Complete the following text wit

holidays – we must visit the Eiffel Tower. School – we must wear uniform Work – we must arrive on time Restaurants – we must try a desert Family – we must not argue with our family Healthy living – we must eat vegetables e.g. j’a