Hiro Madison And Tyler Bullying Comic - Yourtown


When your friend is being bullied Hey Maddy!86I thought hewas myfriend Did you seethe snap Hirojust sent?!LATER THAT NIGHT There’s no wayI can go to schooltomorrow everyone’sgoing to judge me

NEXT DAY AT SCHOOLHi.Thanks! I was worriedabout what you’d think.Hey girl, It’s all G.He’s gonna regretever sending thatWhat he did wasn’t cool.He can’t share pics ofyou like thatMADDY HEADS TO CLASS2Thanks Tyler!I was worried aboutwhat you’d all think

Laterin class LATERIN CLASSYou’rea douche,HiroI can’t believeyou did that toMaddyThink what youdid was bad?Wait till you seewhat’s coming AFTER CLASSHey? Where’smy bag?HIROCheck the bin loser!3

A FEW DAYS LATER Hey Jack!I’m open!I’m free,Cassy!Omar! Omar!Pass it!4Allira?Over here!

YOU SUCK!86Everyone hatesyou.53 New MessagesNobody is going to passyou the ball! HahahahaGO DIE!A COUPLE OF WEEKS LATER Look at him. No onewants to sit with him.Serves him rightDon’t you thinkwe’ve taken thisfar enough?Who knows, I can’teven deal with himright now5

LATER AT HOME n’t you.why do alone?e himjust leavTAP!TAP!PU I OYTRQWEJ K LHGFA S DBideo N MmailVCvZ X@ #space123REPORT6PostREPORT

EditContactsHiroemessagcallvideomailmobileWanted to check you’re ok. These comments It’s not onThanks, Ty. I’m really sorry I shared that picit was a joke but it went too far.I know you’re sorry I think Maddy was reallyhurt tbh – have you talked to her?I’ve tried but it’s hard. I don’t know what to say.She hates me Maybe talking to someone else would help?Your mum & dad? Mr collins?I don’t know it’s embarrassing what I did I’ll just get in trouble & they’ll take my phoneoff meYou made a mistake You could try Kids Helpline?Maybe check out their website. I’ve spoken to thembefore. It was good and they didn’t judge.7


Hey Your lunch looksgood. I’m dreading thisGeography quizYeah, me tooHow are you?A bit better. I saw what you wroteon Insta. Thanks – it helps havingyou on my sideI don’t thinkthere should be‘sides’. It’s notok thateveryone’sbullying you.Did you talk toanyone yet?Yeah, I spoke to Kids Helpline like you said. It helpedme feel a bit less down and gave me some ideasaround how to deal and make it right with Maddy. Ispoke to that new school counsellor too, which wasweird coz I was embarrassed and didn’t want to dob.We are tryna stop the bullying together. It’s startedgetting better9

THE NEXT DAY.I just want to say sorryfor sharing that pic. I wasa real idiotHey Maddy, can I pleasehave a word?Ok ?Yeah, it sucked. I waspretty hurtDo you think we canbe friends again?A COUPLE OF MONTHS LATER.10I hope so. I probsjust need a bitmore time

I’m glad we’re allfriends againMe tooMe threeI know what I didwas stupid Istuffed up! But Idon’t know howmuch more Icould havetaken if youhadn’t stood upfor me, TyAnd I’m reallyglad we could getthrough this11

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mobile ro ts dit message call video mail Wanted to check you’re ok. These comments It’s not on Thanks, Ty. I’m really sorr