SAP Template Management For Initial Roll Out


SAP TemplateManagement forInitial Roll Out

SAP Template ManagementCopyright 2011 by SAP AG.Neither this document nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, ortranslated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP Active Global Support.All rights reserved. SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP BusinessByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logosare trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries.Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, CrystalDecisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentionedherein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business ObjectsS.A. in the United States and in other countries. Business Objects is an SAP company.All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specificationsmay vary.These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG andits affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation orwarranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to thematerials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in theexpress warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein shouldbe construed as constituting an additional warranty. 2011 SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee. 16D-69190 WalldorfTitle: SAP Template ManagementVersion: 2.0Date: 27.03.2011Page 2 of 73

SAP Template ManagementIndexCopyright .21Summary .52General Explanation .532.1What is a Project and What is a Solution.52.2Template Project .62.3Implementation Project.62.4Maintenance project .72.5Upgrade Project .72.6Projects and Solutions Dependencies .82.7System Landscape for Template Management and Roll Out .8Building templates . 113.1Template preparation .123.1.1Business Process design .123.1.2Roll Out content.163.1.3Definition of content changeability (global attributes) .163.1.4Document Management .173.1.5Template as an information provider . 193.1.6Interface Scenarios in Template . 203.1.7Template Testing.203.2Template Roll Out Procedure .203.2.1Implementation of predefined content .213.2.2Methodology for Roll Out (Roadmap).213.2.3Document Management .223.2.4Template maintenance during Roll Out.223.2.5Roll Out Testing.233.2.6Training Management .233.3Go Live and Maintenance .233.3.14Roll In into Template . 24Change Request integration into Template and Roll Out . 25 2011 SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee. 16D-69190 WalldorfTitle: SAP Template ManagementVersion: 2.0Date: 27.03.2011Page 3 of 73

SAP Template Management4.1.1Method .254.1.2Change Types .264.1.3Phase change (Task list) . 264.1.4Business Process integration for document management . 265Organizational aspects for template roll out in SAP Solution Manager .286Authorizations . 2976.1Projects .296.2Document Management .29Setup/Configuration and procedures .317.1General Configuration .317.1.1Definition of System Landscape – SMSY .317.1.2Project Standards. 367.1.3Definition of Document Types .367.1.4Definition of Status Schema .387.1.5Adjustments on Blueprint Document . 417.1.6Structure/Object attributes. 437.1.7Customer attributes for documents . 457.1.8Creation of reference folder.487.2Template Project creation .507.3Roll Out .567.3.1System Landscape.587.3.2Roll Out procedure .607.3.3Template Maintenance during Roll Out.627.3.4Testing.647.3.5Learning Map . 667.3.6Roll In into Template . 697.3.7Go Live .717.3.8Post Go Live Maintenance .73 2011 SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee. 16D-69190 WalldorfTitle: SAP Template ManagementVersion: 2.0Date: 27.03.2011Page 4 of 73

SAP Template Management1 SummaryThe SAP Solution Manager is positioned as an Application Management Platform for SAPcentric solutions.The major focus of SAP Solution Manager is the solution operation and optimizationincluding the collaborative infrastructure between the customer and SAP Backoffice. Thisincludes remote supportability as well as collaborative scenarios between the customeroperation and the SAP Service organization.Apart from solution operation, the SAP Solution Manager also provides an infrastructure forall over application management from requirement/change request management throughdesign, build, test, deploy and operation/optimization with a major focus on change control.Depending on the scope of the SAP Solution Manager processes being implemented anddepending on the structure of the company, the SAP Solution Manager might be an easysetup or an implementation project itself.The following content describes the Application Lifecycle Management possibilities in SAPSolution Manager on an initial template roll out example with references to test, changerequest capabilities and business process monitoring involvement at the end ofimplementation processes.2 General Explanation2.1What is a Project and What is a SolutionAs shown on the picture below, the Project or Solution is just the view of the businessprocess information. All projects in SAP Solution Manager provide information how businessprocesses are going to be used in the future not only with respect to business process redesign but also for new business process implementation.Figure 2-1 Project and SolutionThe Solution, on the other hand, contains information how business processes are currentlyused in a productive environment. 2011 SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee. 16D-69190 WalldorfTitle: SAP Template ManagementVersion: 2.0Date: 27.03.2011Page 5 of 73

SAP Template Management2.2 Template ProjectThis project type can be used to create and distribute a template. A template defines yourproject structure, or parts of it, with its assigned objects (documentation, test cases, IMGactivities, development and training material), available to other projects in form of atemplate.You can lock templates, completely or partially, against changes when they are used in otherprojects. In case several SAP Solution Manager systems are used, templates can betransported from one central system (where the structures and assignments are defined) toothers.Additionally, the Template Project offers the possibility to translate the project structure(business scenarios, processes and business process steps). It is also possible to translatethe content of the documents within KW functionality where they are stored.Template Projects are especially suited to SAP Partner Solutions or Global Roll Outs.Typical Use Case in ALM:1. Definition and documentation of global business processes and their preparation for rollouts. The preparation of the global processes can comprise business process flow,transaction assignments, descriptions, documents, configuration and developmentassignments as well as pre-definitions of test cases and training material. The morecontent prepared in the template the easier the roll out from a documentationperspective.2. As business process library connected to a modelling tool to manage changes andredesigns of business processes. Except the business process flow changes all otherassignments like documents, IMG objects, test cases or similar will be done in SAPSolution Manager This use case can be combined with the roll out use case.2.3 Implementation ProjectThis project type can be used to implement business processes in an SAP landscape.Therefore, a project structure from the business processes has to be created. You can eithercreate a new project structure, or base it on any one of the following:o one or more templateso existing project(s)o scenarios and configuration structures delivered by SAP (Business ProcessRepository)o an existing production solution landscape for long-term changes onproductively-used business scenarios 2011 SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee. 16D-69190 WalldorfTitle: SAP Template ManagementVersion: 2.0Date: 27.03.2011Page 6 of 73

SAP Template Management.Typical Use Case in ALM:Implementation project can be used for two typical use cases:1. Implementation of new business processes where the scope definition can be made basedon:a. Pre-defined business processes from a template project. Pre-defined businessprocesses can be changed accordingly to global attributes defined in the template.b. Normal implementation without template pre-definitions (manual business processcreation and documentation). Here, the business processes can be created andchanged independently during the implementation.2. Long term changes on productively used business processes stored in a Solution. Thosebusiness processes can be redesigned in this project (without system upgrade) andafterwards all deltas are hand over to the

Template Projects are especially suited to SAP Partner Solutions or Global Roll Outs. transaction assignments, descriptions, documents, configuration and development 2.3 Implementation Project This project type can be used to implement business processes in an SAP landscape. Therefore, a project structure from the business processes has to be created. You can either create a new project .