HealthChoice Preventive Services Effective 04-01-2022 - Oklahoma


HealthChoice Preventive Care ServicesEffective Apr. 1, 2022Released Apr. 18, 2022Preventive services are provided for overall health maintenance - such as routine health/wellness exams and tests,vaccinations, well-baby care and well-child care. Health screenings and wellness exams can discover problems youmay not know you have. The earlier problems are found, the greater the opportunity for treatment.The Department of Health and Human Services Affordable Care Act has defined preventive services, to be coveredwith no cost-share, as described in the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force A and B recommendations, the AdvisoryCommittee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and certainguidelines for infants, children, adolescents and women supported by the Health Resources and Services Admin(HRSA) Guidelines including the American Academy of Pediatrics Bright Futures periodicity guidelines.Certain services can be done for preventive or diagnostic reasons. When a service is performed for the purpose ofpreventive screening and is appropriately reported, it will be considered under the HealthChoice preventive careservices benefit. Diagnostic services are considered under the HealthChoice standard plan benefits.Preventive services are those performed on a person who has not had the preventive screening done before and doesnot have symptoms or other studies suggesting abnormalities, has had screening done within the recommendedinterval with the findings considered normal, or has had diagnostic services results that were normal after which thephysician recommendation is for future preventive screening studies using the preventive services intervals.Diagnostic services are services that are performed on a person who had a previous preventive or diagnostic studywhich identified an abnormality that requires additional diagnostic studies, or a recommendation was made for arepeat of the same studies within shortened time intervals from the recommended preventive screening timeintervals, or who had a symptom(s) that required further diagnosis, or does not fall within the applicable populationfor a recommendation or guideline.HealthChoice covers qualifying preventive care services at 100% of allowable amounts when rendered by aparticipating network provider. Qualifying coverage may be determined by age, gender or other factors. There couldbe certain codes not payable in all circumstances due to other polices or guidelines, including coverage limitations orexclusions, and/or certification may be required for coverage. If you receive services during a preventive care visitother than for qualifying preventive care, you may have to pay for those services.For more details or questions on qualifying preventive care services and coverage please contact customer care at800-323-4314 and a member advocate will be happy to assist you.Table of Contents:Preventive Services . . Pg. 2Bright Futures . . Pg. 21Vaccines (Immunizations) .Pg. 24Women’s Preventive Health . . Pg. 32Revision Information. Pg. 391

Preventive ServicesCertain codes may not be payable in all circumstances due to other policies or guidelines; certification may be required.Preventive BenefitService:Code(s):A date in this column is when thelisted rating was released, not whenthe benefit is effective.Abdominal Aortic AneurysmScreeningUSPSTF Rating (December 2019): BThe USPSTF recommends 1-timescreening for abdominal aorticaneurysm (AAA) with ultrasonographyin men aged 65-75 years who haveever smoked.Bacteriuria ScreeningUSPSTF Rating (September 2019): AThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor asymptomatic bacteriuria usingurine culture in pregnant persons.Chlamydia Infection ScreeningUSPSTF Rating (September 2021): BThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor chlamydia in all sexually activewomen 24 years or younger and inwomen 25 years or older who are atincreased risk for infection.Notes:* This recommendation applies to allsexually active adolescents and adultwomen, including pregnant women.* Bright Futures recommendssexually transmitted infectionscreening be conducted if riskassessment is positive between ages11-21 years.Gonorrhea ScreeningUSPSTF Rating (September 2021): BThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor gonorrhea in all sexually activewomen 24 years or younger and inwomen 25 years or older who are atincreased risk for infection.Note: Bright Futures recommendssexually transmitted infectionscreening be conducted if riskassessment is positive between ages11-21 years.2Certain codes may not be payable in allcircumstances due to other policies or guidelines;certification may be required.Procedure Code(s):Ultrasound Screening Study for Abdominal AorticAneurysm:76706Diagnosis Code(s):F17.210, F17.211, F17.213, F17.218, F17.219,Z87.891Procedure Code(s):81007, 87086, 87088Instructions:Age 65 through 75 (ends on 76thbirthday).Requires at least one of thediagnosis codes listed in this rowRequires a Pregnancy DiagnosisCode.Diagnosis Code(s):Pregnancy Diagnosis CodesProcedure Code(s):Chlamydia Infection Screening:86631, 86632, 87110, 87270, 87320, 87490,87491, 87492, 87801, 87810Blood Draw:36415, 36416Blood draw codes only apply to lab codes 86631or 86632Diagnosis Code(s):Pregnancy: Pregnancy Diagnosis Code ORScreening:Adult: Z00.00, Z00.01Child: Z00.121, Z00.129Other: Z11.3, Z11.4, Z11.8, Z11.9, Z20.2, Z20.6,Z72.51, Z72.52, Z72.53Procedure Code(s):87590, 87591, 87592, 87801, 87850Diagnosis Code(s):Pregnancy:Pregnancy Diagnosis CodesORScreening:Adult: Z00.00, Z00.01Child: Z00.121, Z00.129Other: Z11.3, Z11.4, Z11.9, Z20.2, Z20.6,Z72.51, Z72.52, Z72.53Chlamydia Infection Screening:Requires a Pregnancy DiagnosisCode OR one of the Screeningdiagnosis codes listed in thisrow.Blood Draw:Required to be billed with 86631or 86632 AND- One of the Screening diagnosiscodes listed in this rowOR- With a Pregnancy DiagnosisCode.Requires either a PregnancyDiagnosis Code OR one of theScreening diagnosis codes listedin this row.

Hepatitis B Virus InfectionScreeningPregnant Women:USPSTF Rating (July 2019): AThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection inpregnant women at their first prenatalvisit.Persons at High Risk:USPSTF Rating (December 2020): BThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection inpersons at high risk for infection.Hepatitis C Virus InfectionScreeningUSPSTF Rating (March 2020): BThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor hepatitis C virus infection in adultsaged 18-79 years.Bright Futures (March 2021):Bright Futures recommendsscreening all individuals ages 18 to79 years at least once for hepatitis Cvirus infection (HCV).HIV (Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus) Screening for Adolescentsand AdultsUSPSTF Rating (June 2019): AThe USPSTF recommends thatclinicians screen for HIV infection in:* Adolescents and adults ages 15-65years. Younger adolescents and olderadults who are at increased riskshould also be screened.* All pregnant persons, includingthose who present in labor or atdelivery whose HIV status isunknown.Note: Bright Futures recommendsHIV screening lab work be conductedonce between ages 15– 18 years.Also recommended anytime betweenages 11–14 years, and 19–21 yearswhen a risk assessment is positive.3Procedure Code(s):Hepatitis B Virus Infection Screening:87340, 87341, G0499Blood Draw:36415, 36416Diagnosis Code(s):Pregnancy:Pregnancy Diagnosis CodesORScreening:Z00.00, Z00.01, Z11.3, Z11.4, Z11.59, Z20.2,Z20.6, Z57.8, Z72.51, Z75.52, Z72.53Procedure Code(s):Hepatitis C Virus Infection Screening:86803, 86804, G0472Blood Draw:36415, 36416Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forthe preventive benefit to apply.Procedure Code(s):HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Screening:86689, 86701, 86702, 86703, 87389, 87390,87391, 87806, G0432, G0433, G0435, G0475,S3645Blood Draw:36415, 36416Diagnosis Code(s):Pregnancy: Pregnancy Diagnosis CodesORScreening:Adult: Z00.00, Z00.01Child: Z00.121, Z00.129,Other: Z11.3, Z11.4, Z11.59, Z11.9, Z20.2,Z20.6, Z22.6, Z22.8, Z22.9, Z72.51, Z72.52,Z72.53Refer also to the Expanded Women’s PreventiveHealth section.Hepatitis B Virus InfectionScreening:Requires a Pregnancy DiagnosisCode or one of the Screeningdiagnosis codes listed in thisrow.Blood Draw:Requires one of the listedHepatitis B Virus InfectionScreening procedure codeslisted in this row AND- A Pregnancy Diagnosis CodeOR- One of the Screening diagnosiscodes listed in this row.Hepatitis C Virus InfectionScreening: Does not havediagnosis code requirements forthe preventive benefit to apply.Blood Draw: Requires one of theHepatitis C Virus InfectionScreening procedure codeslisted in this row.No age limits.HIV – Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus – Screening:Requires a Pregnancy DiagnosisCode OR one of the Screeningdiagnosis codes listed in thisrow.Blood Draw:Requires both of the following:- One of the listed HIV Screeningprocedure codes listed in thisrow AND- One of the Screening diagnosiscodes listed in this rowOR a Pregnancy Diagnosis Code

RH Incompatibility ScreeningUSPSTF Rating (Feb. 2004): ARh (D) blood typing and antibodytesting for all pregnant women duringtheir first visit for pregnancy-relatedcare.USPSTF Rating (Feb. 2004): BRepeated Rh (D) antibody testing forall unsensitized Rh (D)-negativewomen at 24-28 weeks' gestation,unless the biological father is knownto be Rh (D)-negative.Syphilis ScreeningNon-Pregnant Adults andAdolescents at Increased Risk:USPSTF Rating (June 2016): AThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor syphilis infection in persons whoare at increased risk for infection(asymptomatic, non-pregnant adultsand adolescents who are at increasedrisk for syphilis infection).Pregnant Women:USPSTF Rating (Sept. 2018): AThe USPSTF recommends earlyscreening for syphilis infection in allpregnant women.Procedure Code(s):RH Incompatibility Screening:86850, 86901RH Incompatibility Screening:Requires a Pregnancy DiagnosisCode.Blood Draw:36415, 36416Blood Draw:Required to be billed with 86901AND with a Pregnancy DiagnosisCode.Diagnosis Code(s):Pregnancy Diagnosis CodesProcedure Code(s):Syphilis Screening:86592, 86593Blood Draw:36415, 36416Diagnosis Code(s):Pregnancy:Pregnancy Diagnosis CodesORScreening:Adult: Z00.00, Z00.01Child: Z00.121, Z00.129Other: Z11.2, Z11.3, Z11.4, Z11.9, Z20.2, Z20.6,Z72.51, Z72.52, Z72.53Syphilis Screening:Requires a Pregnancy DiagnosisCode OR one of the Screeningdiagnosis code listed in this row.Blood Draw:Requires both of the following:One of the listed SyphilisScreening procedure codeslisted in this row ANDOne of the Screening diagnosiscodes listed in this row OR aPregnancy Diagnosis Code.Note: Bright Futures recommendssexually transmitted infectionscreening be conducted if riskassessment is positive between ages11-21 years.Genetic Counseling and Evaluationfor BRCA Testing; and BRCA LabScreeningUSPSTF Rating (Aug. 2019): BThe USPSTF recommends thatprimary care clinicians assess womenwith a personal or family history ofbreast, ovarian, tubal, or peritonealcancer or who have an ancestryassociated with breast cancersusceptibility 1 and 2 (BRCA1/2)gene mutations with an appropriate4Genetic Counseling and EvaluationProcedure Code(s):Medical Genetics and Genetic CounselingServices:96040, S0265Evaluation and Management (Office Visits):99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212,99213, 99214, 99215, 99385, 99386, 99387,99395, 99396, 99397, 99417, G0463Diagnosis Code(s):Z15.01, Z15.02, Z80.3, Z80.41, Z85.3, Z85.43Genetic Counseling andEvaluationMay require genetic counselingbefore BRCA Lab Screening.Requires one of the GeneticCounseling and Evaluationdiagnosis codes listed in this rowin the primary position.

brief familial risk assessment tool.Women with a positive result on therisk assessment tool should receivegenetic counseling and, if indicatedafter counseling, genetic testing.Procedure Code(s):BRCA Lab Screening81162, 81163, 81164, 81165, 81166, 81167,81212, 81215, 81216, 81217Blood Draw:36415, 36416Diagnosis Code(s):Family History or Personal History of breastcancer and/or ovarian cancer:Z15.01, Z15.02, Z80.3, Z80.41, Z85.3, Z85.43Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 DiabetesScreeningUSPSTF Rating (August 2021): BThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor prediabetes and type 2 diabetes inadults aged 35 to 70 years who haveoverweight or obesity. Cliniciansshould offer or refer patients withprediabetes to effective preventiveinterventions.Refer also to the BehavioralCounseling section in Primary Care toPromote a Healthful Diet and PhysicalActivity for Cardiovascular DiseasePrevention in Adults withCardiovascular Risk Factors forintensive behavioral counselinginterventions.For additional diabetes screeningbenefits, refer also to the ExpandedWomen’s Preventive Health sectionfor Screening for GestationalDiabetes Mellitus and Screening forDiabetes Mellitus After Pregnancy.For additional coverage on diabetesprevention program preventivebenefits refer to the DiabetesPrevention Program section.Procedure Code(s):Diabetes Screening:82947, 82948, 82950, 82951, 82952, 83036Blood Draw:36415, 36416Diagnosis Code(s):Required Diagnosis Codes (requires at leastone):Z00.00, Z00.01, Z13.1AND One of the following additional diagnosiscodes as follows: (requires at least one):Overweight: E66.3, Z68.25, Z68.26, Z68.27,Z68.28, Z68.29Obesity : E66.01, E66.09, E66.1, E66.8, E66.9,Z68.41, Z68.42, Z68.43, Z68.44, Z68.45Body Mass Index 30.0 – 39.9:Z68.30, Z68.31, Z68.32, Z68.33, Z68.34, Z68.35,Z68.36, Z68.37, Z68.38, Z68.39Body Mass Index 40.0 and Over:Z68.41, Z68.42, Z68.43, Z68.44, Z68.45Pre-Diabetes Preventive InterventionsProcedure Code(s):Medical Nutrition Therapy or Counseling:97802, 97803, 97804, G0270, G0271, S9470Preventive Medicine Individual Counseling:99401, 99402, 99403, 99404Behavioral Counseling or Therapy:0403T, G0447, G0473Diagnosis Code(s):R73.03 (prediabetes)5Limited to one test per member,per lifetime.BRCA Lab Screening:Certification requirements applyto BRCA lab screening.Blood Draw:Requires one of the BRCA LabScreening procedure codeslisted in this row AND one of theBRCA Lab Screening diagnosiscodes listed in this row.Limited to age 35-70 years (endson 71st birthday).Diabetes Screening:Requires one of the RequiredDiagnosis Codes listed in thisrow AND one of the listedAdditional Diagnosis Codes inthis row.Blood Draw:Requires ALL of the following:- One of the listed DiabetesScreening procedure codeslisted in this row AND- One of the listed RequiredDiagnosis Codes AND- One of the listed AdditionalDiagnosis Codes.Preventive Benefit Does NotApply:If a Diabetes Diagnosis Code ispresent in any position, thepreventive benefit does notapply; refer to the DiabetesDiagnosis Code List.Pre-Diabetes PreventiveInterventionsLimited to age 35-70 years (endson 71st birthday).Requires diagnosis code R73.03.

Gestational Diabetes MellitusScreeningUSPSTF Rating (Aug. 2021) B:The USPSTF recommends screeningfor gestational diabetes mellitus inasymptomatic pregnant persons at 24weeks of gestation or after.Refer to the expanded Women’s PreventiveHealth section for Screening for GestationalDiabetes Mellitus codes.Note: This benefit appliesregardless of the gestationalweek.For additional diabetes screeningbenefits, also see the DiabetesScreening row. Also see theExpanded Women’s PreventiveHealth section for Screening forGestational Diabetes Mellitus andScreening for Diabetes Mellitus AfterPregnancy.Screening MammographyUSPSTF Rating (2002): BThe USPSTF recommends screeningmammography, with or withoutclinical breast examination (CBE),every 1-2 years for women aged 40and older.Refer to the expanded Women’sPreventive Health section forScreening for GestationalDiabetes Mellitus preventivebenefit instructions.Procedure Code(s):77061, 77062, 77063, 77067Revenue Code:0403No age limits.Note: This benefit only applies toscreening mammography.Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forthe preventive benefit to apply.,Refer also to the Breast CancerScreening for Average-Risk Womenrecommendation in the ExpandedWomen’s Preventive Health section.Cervical Cancer ScreeningUSPSTF Rating (Aug. 2018): AThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor cervical cancer every 3 years withcervical cytology alone in womenaged 21 to 29 years.For women aged 30 to 65 years, theUSPSTF recommends: Screening every 3 years withcervical cytology alone, Every 5 years with high-risk humanpapillomavirus (hrHPV) testing alone,or Every 5 years with hrHPV testing incombination with cytology (cotesting).Bright Futures, March 2014:Adolescents should no longer beroutinely screened for cervicaldysplasia until age 21Procedure Code(s):Human Papillomavirus DNA Testing (HPV):0500T, 87624, 87625, G0476Diagnosis Code(s):Z00.00, Z00.01, Z01.411, Z01.419, Z11.51,Z12.4Limited to age 30 years and up.Cervical Cytology (Pap Test)Cervical Cytology (Pap Test)Code Group 1 Procedure Code(s):G0101, G0123, G0124, G0141, G0143, G0144,G0145, G0147, G0148, Q0091, P3000, P3001Code Group 1:Limited to age 21-65 years (endson 66th birthday).Does not have diagnosis coderequirements for preventivebenefits to apply.Code Group 1 Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forpreventive benefits to apply.Cervical Cytology (Pap Test)Cervical Cytology (Pap Test)Code Group 2 Procedure Code(s):88141, 88142, 88143, 88147, 88148, 88150,88152, 88153, 88155, 88164, 88165, 88166,88167, 88174, 88175Code Group 2:Limited to age 21-65 years (endson 66th birthday).Requires one of the Code Group2 diagnosis codes listed in thisrow.Code Group 2 Diagnosis Code(s):Z00.00, Z00.01, Z01.411, Z01.419, Z12.46Human Papillomavirus DNATesting (HPV):Requires one of the diagnosiscodes listed in this row.

Cholesterol Screening (LipidDisorders Screening)USPSTF Rating (Nov. 2016): BStatin Use for the Primary Preventionof Cardiovascular Disease in AdultsThe USPSTF recommends thatadults without a history ofcardiovascular disease (CVD) (i.e.,symptomatic coronary artery diseaseor ischemic stroke) use a low- tomoderate-dose statin for theprevention of CVD events andmortality when all of the followingcriteria are met:1. They are aged 40 to 75 years;2. They have 1 or more CVD riskfactors (i.e., dyslipidemia, diabetes,hypertension, or smoking); and3. They have a calculated 10-yearrisk of a cardiovascular event of 10%or greater.Procedure Code(s):Cholesterol Screening:80061, 82465, 83718, 83719, 83721, 83722,84478Blood Draw:36415, 36416Diagnosis Code(s):Z00.00, Z00.01, Z13.220USPSTF Rating (May 2021): AThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor colorectal cancer in all adults aged50 to 75 years.Fecal Occult Blood Resting (FOBT), FecalImmunochemical Test (FIT), Fecal DNA,Sigmoidoscopy, or ColonoscopyBlood Draw:Ages 40-75 years (ends on 76thbirthday): Requires one of thelisted Cholesterol Screeningprocedure codes AND one of theDiagnosis Codes listed in thisrow.Age Limits for ColorectalCancer Screenings:Ages 45 to 75 years (ends on76th birthday).Sigmoidoscopy, Colonoscopyand Fecal DNA preventivebenefits are limited to one everythree calendar years.USPSTF Rating (May 2021): BThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor colorectal cancer in adults aged45 to 49 years.Code Group 1:Sigmoidoscopy: G0104, G0106Colonoscopy: G0105, G0120, G0121, G0122FOBT and FIT: G0328Colonoscopy Pre-Op Consultation: S0285Code Group 1 Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forpreventive benefits to apply.7Requires one of the diagnosiscodes listed in this row.Preventive Benefit Does NotApply:For all ages above, if any of thefollowing lipid disordersdiagnosis codes are present inany position, the preventivebenefit does not apply:E71.30, E75.5, E78.00, E78.01,E78.2, E78.3, E78.41, E78.49,E78.5, E78.79, E78.81, E78.89,E88.2, E88.89Identification of dyslipidemia andcalculation of 10-year CVD event riskrequires universal lipids screening inadults aged 40 to 75 years.Notes: For statin medications benefits, referto the pharmacy plan administrator. For recommendations for children,refer to Dyslipidemia Screening(Bright Futures).Colorectal Cancer ScreeningCholesterol Screening:Age 40-75 years (ends on 76thbirthday).FOB/FIT preventive benefit islimited to one test per calendaryear.Code Group 1:Does not have diagnosis coderequirements for preventivebenefits to apply.

Code Group 2:Sigmoidoscopy: 45330, 45331, 45333, 45338,45346Colonoscopy: 44388, 44389, 44392, 44394,45378, 45380, 45381, 45384, 45385, 45388FOBT and FIT: 82270, 82274Code Group 2 Diagnosis Code(s):Z00.00, Z00.01, Z12.10, Z12.11, Z12.12, Z80.0,Z83.71, Z83.79Code Group 3:Pathology:88304, 88305Code Group 4:Anesthesia:00812, 99152, 99153, 99156, 99157, G0500Code Group 2:Requires one of the diagnosiscodes listed for this group ORone of the procedure codes fromCode Group 1, regardless ofdiagnosis.Code Group 3 (Pathology)AND Code Group 4(Anesthesia):Requires one of the diagnosiscodes listed for this group ANDone of the procedure codes fromCode Group 1 or Code Group 2.Code Group 3 & 4 Diagnosis Code(s):Z00.00, Z00.01, Z12.10, Z12.11, Z12.12, Z80.0,Z83.71, Z83.79Code Group 3 and 4:Note: Preventive whenperformed for a colorectal cancerscreening. Preventive benefitsonly apply when the surgeon’sclaim is preventive.Code Group 5:Pre-op/Consultation:99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212,99213, 99214, 99215, 99241, 99242, 99243,99244, 99245, 99417Code Group 5:Requires one of the Code Group5 diagnosis codes.Diagnosis Code Group 5:Z12.10, Z12.11, Z12.12. Z80.0, Z83.71, Z83.79Code Group 6:Fecal DNA:81528Code Group 6 Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forpreventive benefits to apply.8Code Group 6 (Fecal DNA):Does not have diagnosis coderequirements for preventivebenefits to apply.

Wellness Examinations(well baby, well child, well adult)USPSTF Rating: NoneHealthChoice supports AAP andAAFP age and frequency guidelines,as well as recommendations of BrightFutures.HRSA Requirements:The Wellness Examinations codesinclude the following HRSArequirements for Women: Breastfeeding support andcounseling Contraceptive methods counselingand follow-up care Domestic violence screening Annual HIV counseling Sexually transmitted infectionscounseling Well-woman visits Screening for urinary incontinenceProcedure Code(s):Preventive medicine services (evaluation andmanagement):99381, 99382, 99383, 99384, 99385, 99386,99387, 99391, 99392, 99393, 99394, 99395,99396, 99397Medicare wellness exams:G0402, G0438, G0439STIs behavioral counseling:G0445Annual gynecological exams:S0610, S0612, S0613Preventive medicine, individual counseling:99401, 99402, 99403, 99404Preventive medicine, group counseling:99411, 99412Does not have diagnosis coderequirements for the preventivebenefit to apply.Limited to two annual wellnessexams per calendar year forages 18 and older.For ages 17 and younger,wellness visit frequency isdetermined in accordance withBright Futures recommendations.STI Behavioral Counseling:G0445 is limited to twice percalendar year.LDCT: G0296 is limited to age 50to 80 years (ends on 81stbirthday) and is limited to onceper calendar year.Newborn Care (evaluation and management):99461Counseling Visit (to discuss the need for LungCancer Screening (LDCT) using Low Dose CTScan):G0296Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forthe preventive benefit to apply.Vaccines (Immunizations)USPSTF Rating: NoneAn Immunization that does not fallunder one of the exclusions in theCertificate of Coverage is consideredcovered after the following conditionsare satisfied:1. FDA approval;2. Explicit ACIP recommendationsfor routine use published in theMorbidity & Mortality Weekly Report(MMWR) of the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC).Implementation will typically occurwithin 60 days after publication in theMMWR.9Refer also to the Expanded Women’s PreventiveHealth section.Refer to the Preventive Vaccines(Immunizations) section.Refer to the Preventive Vaccines(Immunizations) section

Newborn ScreeningsAll newbornsUSPSTF Rating (March 2008): AHypothyroidism Screening: Screeningfor congenital hypothyroidism innewborns.USPSTF Rating (March 2008): APhenylketonuria Screening:Screening for phenylketonuria (PKU)in newborns.USPSTF Rating (Sept. 2007): ASickle Cell Screening: Screening forsickle cell disease in newborns.Note: For Bright Futures hearingscreening, refer to the HearingScreening/Tests (Bright Futures).Metabolic Screening Panel(Newborns)Procedure Code(s):Hypothyroidism Screening:84437, 84443Blood Draw:36415, 36416Phenylketonuria Screening:84030, S3620Blood Draws:36415, 36416Sickle Cell Screening:83020, 83021, 83030, 83033, 83051, S3850Blood Draws:36415, 36416USPSTF Rating (June 2018): BWomen 65 and older: The USPSTFrecommends screening forosteoporosis with bone measurementtesting to prevent osteoporoticfractures in women 65 years andolder.USPSTF Rating (June 2018): BPostmenopausal women youngerthan 65 years at increased risk ofosteoporosis: The USPSTFrecommends screening forosteoporosis with bone measurementtesting to prevent osteoporoticfractures in postmenopausal womenyounger than 65 years who are atincreased risk of osteoporosis, asdetermined by a formal clinical riskassessment tool.10Blood Draw:Age 0-90 days, requires one ofthe listed HypothyroidismScreening, PhenylketonuriaScreening, or Sickle CellScreening procedure codes.Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forthe preventive benefit to apply.Procedure Code(s):Metabolic Screening Panel:82017, 82136, 82261, 82775, 83020, 83498,83516, 84030, 84437, 84443, S3620Metabolic Screening Panel:Age 0-90 days. Does not havediagnosis code requirements forthe preventive benefit to apply.Blood Draw:36415, 36416Blood Draw:Age 0-90 days. Requires one ofthe listed Metabolic ScreeningPanel procedure codes listed inthis row.Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forthe preventive benefit to apply.Osteoporosis ScreeningNewborn Screenings:Does not have diagnosis coderequirements for the preventivebenefit to apply.Procedure Code(s):76977, 77080, 77081, G0130Diagnosis Code(s):Z00.00, Z00.01, Z13.820, Z82.62Requires one of the diagnosiscodes listed in this row.

Screening and BehavioralCounseling Interventions inPrimary Care to Reduce UnhealthyAlcohol Use in AdultsUSPSTF Rating (Nov. 2018): BThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor unhealthy alcohol use in primarycare settings in adults 18 years orolder, including pregnant women, andproviding persons engaged in risky orhazardous drinking with briefbehavioral counseling interventions toreduce unhealthy alcohol use.Procedure Code(s):Alcohol or Drug Use Screening:99408, 99409, H0049Annual Alcohol Screening:G0442Brief Counseling for Alcohol:G0443Limited to age 18 and older.Limited to two screenings percalendar year.Does not have diagnosis coderequirements for preventivebenefits to apply.Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forpreventive benefit to apply.Bright Futures (April 2017):Bright Futures recommends alcoholor drug use assessments from age11-21 years.Also see rows: Unhealthy Drug UseScreening (Adults); and Tobacco,Alcohol, or Drug Use Assessment(Bright Futures).High Blood Pressure in Adults –Screening:Blood Pressure Measurement in a ClinicalSetting:USPSTF Rating (April 2021): AThe USPSTF recommends screeningfor hypertension in adults 18 years orolder with office blood pressuremeasurement.N/AThe USPSTF recommends obtainingmeasurements outside of the clinicalsetting for diagnostic confirmationbefore starting treatment.Breast Cancer: Medications forRisk ReductionUSPSTF Rating (Sept. 2019): BThe USPSTF recommends thatclinicians offer to prescribe riskreducing medications, such astamoxifen, raloxifene, or aromataseinhibitors, to women who are atincreased risk for breast cancer andat low risk for adverse medicationeffects.11Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement(Outside of a Clinical Setting):Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement:93784, 93786, 93788, 93790Diagnosis Code(s):Abnormal Blood-Pressure Reading WithoutDiagnosis of Hypertension:R03.0N/ABlood Pressure Measurementin a Clinical Setting:This service is included in apreventive care wellnessexamination.Ambulatory Blood PressureMeasurement (Outside of aClinical Setting):Age 18 years and up. Requiresthe diagnosis code listed in thisrow.This service is included in apreventive care wellnessexamination or focused E&Mvisit. Refer to pharmacy benefitsfor additional coverage.

Prostate Cancer Screening: MenUSPSTF Rating for Men 55 - 69 (May2018): CUSPSTF Rating for Men 70 an Over(May 2018): DThe USPSTF For men aged 55 to 69years, the decision to undergoperiodic prostate-specific antigen(PSA)–based screening for prostatecancer should be an individual one.Before deciding whether to bescreened, men should have anopportunity to discuss the potentialbenefits and harms of screening withtheir clinician and to incorporate theirvalues and preferences in thedecision. Screening offers a smallpotential benefit of reducing thechance of death from prostate cancerin some men. However, many menwill experience potential harms ofscreening, including false-positiveresults that require additional testingand possible prostate biopsy; overdiagnosis and overtreatment; andtreatment complications, such asincontinence and erectile dysfunction.In determining whether this service isappropriate in individual cases,patients and clinicians shouldconsider the balance of benefits andharms on the basis of family history,race/ethnicity, comorbid medicalconditions, patient values about thebenefits and harms of screening andtreatment-specific outcomes, andother health needs. Clinicians shouldnot screen men who do not express apreference for screening.Procedure Code(s):84152, 84153, 84154, G0102, G0103Limited to males age 40 andover.Diagnosis Code(s):Does not have diagnosis code requirements forpreventive benefit to apply.Limit of one per calendar year.Metabolic Screening P

HealthChoice covers qualifying preventive care services at 100% of allowable amounts when rendered by a participating network provider. Qualifying coverage may be determined by age, gender or other factors. There could be certain codes not payable in all circumstances due to other polices or guidelines, including coverage limitations or