OREGON SCHOOL PERSONNEL LICENSESApplication Submission Guidance: First License RequirementsContentsIntroduction . 2Oregon Personnel Services License Types and Terms of License. 2About These Requirements . 3School Counselor Licenses . 4Preliminary School Counselor . 4Professional School Counselor . 5Restricted School Counselor . 6Reciprocal School Counselor . 7Emergency School Counselor . 8School Psychologist Licenses . 9Preliminary School Psychologist . 9Professional School Psychologist. 10Reciprocal School Psychologist . 11School Social Worker Licenses . 12Preliminary School Social Worker . 12Professional School Social Worker . 13Reciprocal School Social Worker . 14Restricted School Social Worker . 15Emergency School Social Worker . 16Other Personnel Licenses . 17Limited Student Services. 17Emergency School Nurse . 18Professional School Nurse. 191Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
IntroductionOregon Personnel Services License Types and Terms of LicenseThe Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission offers a variety of license designed to honorpreparation level and background of diverse educators, as well as provide for the workforce needs ofOregon’s school districts. Provided here is a high-level overview of the available licenses. If you are newto licensure in Oregon, read each purpose statement carefully to determine which license best suitsyour background and preparation.License TypePreliminary SchoolCounselorProfessional SchoolCounselorRestricted SchoolCounselorEmergency SchoolCounselorReciprocal SchoolCounselorPreliminary SchoolPsychologistProfessional SchoolPsychologistReciprocal SchoolPsychologistPreliminary School SocialWorkerProfessional School SocialWorkerPurposeThe Preliminary School Counselor License is issued to educators whohave completed a school counselor preparation program and hold amaster’s degree. It is valid for any school counselor position in aprekindergarten to grade 12 school.The Professional School Counselor License is issued to school counselorswho possess advanced school counseling preparation and experience.The Restricted School Counselor License is issued to qualified individualswho have a bachelor’s degree and have either completed at least half ofan approved School Counselor program, an advanced degree in acounseling related field, or worked three full academic years as a ChildDevelopment Specialist.The Emergency School Counselor License is issued to individuals whohave demonstrated adequate qualifications to receive a schoolcounselor license on an emergency basis. The Emergency SchoolCounselor License is designed for short-term licensure only and may notcontinue once the emergency situation has been remedied.The Reciprocal School Counselor License is issued to qualified applicantswho have held an out-of-state school counselor license or who havecompleted an out-of-state program in school counseling. The applicantmust hold a master’s degree or higher.The Preliminary School Psychologist License is issued to educators whohave completed a school psychology program and hold a master’sdegree. It is valid for prekindergarten to grade 12 in any schoolpsychologist position. It is also valid for substitute counseling andteaching in any level or specialtyThe Professional School Psychologist License is issued to schoolpsychologists who possess advanced school psychologist preparationand experience.The Reciprocal School Psychologist License is issued to qualifiedapplicants who have held an out-of-state school psychologist license orwho have completed an out-of-state program in school psychology.The Preliminary School Social Worker License is issued to educators whohave completed a school social worker preparation program and hold amaster’s degree in social work. It is valid for any school social workerposition in grades prekindergarten to grade 12.The Professional School Social Worker License is issued to school socialworkers who possess advanced social worker preparation andexperience.2Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.Term of License3 years5 years1 year; may bereissued 2 times.Varies1 year3 year5 years18 months3 years5 years
License TypeRestricted School SocialWorkerEmergency School SocialWorkerReciprocal School SocialWorkerLimited Student ServiceEmergency School NurseProfessional School NursePurposeThe Restricted School Social Worker License is issued to qualifiedindividuals who meet the requirements to be assigned to school socialworker assignments with restrictions.The Emergency School Social Worker License is issued to individuals whohave demonstrated adequate qualifications to receive a school socialworker license on an emergency basis. The Emergency School SocialWorker License is designed for short-term licensure only and may notcontinue once the emergency situation has been remediedThe Reciprocal School Social Worker License is issued to qualifiedapplicants who have held an out-of-state school social worker license orwho have completed an out-of-state program in school social work. Theapplicant must hold a master’s degree or higher.The Limited Student Service License is issued to qualified individualsworking in positions related to student services that do not require aschool counselor or school psychologist license.The Emergency School Nurse is issued to qualified individuals that hold aregistered nurse license from the Oregon State Board of Nursing.The Professional School Nurse Certificate is issued to qualifiedindividuals who hold a registered nurse license from the Oregon StateBoard of Nursing and who have completed additional education relatedcoursework. The certificate is valid to conduct and coordinate the healthservice programs of a school.Term of License1 year; may bereissued up to 2timesVaries18 months3 years1 year5 yearsAbout These RequirementsRequirements outlined in this guidance are intended to guide applicants on what must accompany anapplication and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. TSPC may already have some of thesedocuments on file. There is no need to resubmit items already on file.Fingerprinting: Fingerprints are generally required for first-time Oregon licensees only. If you holdanother Oregon license, or were fingerprinted for TSPC purposes within three (3) years of submittingyour application for an Administrator license, you are not required to complete this process.Transcripts: TSPC only needs transcripts not already on file or for academic work completed since yourlast application to TSPC. Check your eLicensing file Documents tab or email TSPC to find out if additional transcripts are required.3Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
School Counselor LicensesPreliminary School CounselorRequirementDocuments NeededApplication and FeeFingerprints/backgroundclearanceVerification of aOfficial Transcriptsmaster's or higherdegree [*must be incounseling, education,or related behavioralsciences]Verification of schoolcounselor programcompletion: Oregonprogram completersVerification of schoolcounselor programcompletion: Out-ofState programcompleters1. Official TranscriptsAND2. ProgramCompletion Report(PCR)1. Official TranscriptsAND2. Copy of your outof-state license.How to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of an application andfeeTranscripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Must bereceived in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialTranscripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Must bereceived in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialPCR: Contact your college to have them submit the formelectronically.Transcripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Must bereceived in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialOut-of-state License-Choose ONE: Uploaded to Documents section in eLicensing account Email scanned copy to Mail paper copies to: TSPC 250 Division St NE, Salem,OR 97301.4Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
Professional School CounselorNOTE: If you are applying to move to your first Professional School Counselor License from thePreliminary School Counselor License, you will also need to meet any renewal or reinstatementrequirements for that license in addition to the requirements here.RequirementDocuments NeededApplication and FeeFingerprints/backgroundclearanceVerification of aOfficial Transcriptsmaster's or higherdegree [must be in thebehavioral sciences ortheir derivativetherapeuticprofessions].Verification of advancedcompetencies.Verification of schoolcounseling experienceMinimum Experience:Five years of schoolcounseling experienceat least half-time ormore on any nonprovisional licenseappropriate for theassignmentHow to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of an applicationand feeChoose ONE: Electronic, received directlyfrom the college. Paper transcripts: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR97301. Must be received in a sealed universityenvelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator into theireLicensing account or not received in a sealeduniversity envelope cannot be accepted as officialOfficial transcriptsChoose ONE:verifying doctorate Electronic transcripts:,degree in educational,received directly from the college.vocational, or clinical Paper transcripts: 250 Division St NE, Salem, ORcounseling; or in clinical97301. Must be received in a sealed universityor counseling psychology.envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator into theireLicensing account or not received in a sealeduniversity envelope cannot be accepted as officialPEER formContact your employing Oregon School District to havethem complete this form. Oregon school districtsshould upload the PEER directly to your account. Outof-state school districts may fax or email the form tothe address at the top of the form.5Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
Restricted School CounselorRequires employer sponsorship.RequirementDocumentsNeededApplication and er submittedfrom your Oregonemployerrequesting thelicense.Verification ofOfficial Transcriptsbachelor’s degree orhigherVerification of ONE ofthe following: Enrollment in aschool counselorprogram andcompletion of 50%of the program OR Three academicyears as a full-timecertified ChildDevelopmentSpecialist (CDS) OR A master’s degree ina counseling-relatedfield.Official TranscriptsORCopy of CDScertificationHow to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of an applicationand feeContact your employing Oregon school district to havethem submit the letter to our office.Choose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Must bereceived in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialOfficial Transcripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Must bereceived in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialCDS Certification-Choose ONE: Uploaded to Documents section in eLicensingaccount Email scanned copy to Mail paper copies to: TSPC 250 Division St NE, Salem,OR 973016Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
Reciprocal School CounselorRequirementDocuments NeededApplication and FeeFingerprints/backgroundclearanceVerification of master’sOfficial Transcriptsdegree in counseling,education, or relatedbehavioral sciences,Verification ofcompletion of schoolcounselor programOfficial TranscriptsOut-of-state licenseA copy of an active andvalid non-provisionalschool counselor licensefrom another state orNASDTEC jurisdiction.How to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of anapplication and feeChoose ONE: Electronic:,received directly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301.Must be received in a sealed universityenvelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator ornot received in a sealed university envelopecannot be accepted as officialChoose ONE: Electronic:,received directly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301.Must be received in a sealed universityenvelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator ornot received in a sealed university envelopecannot be accepted as officialChoose ONE: Uploaded to Documents section ineLicensing account Email scanned copy Mail paper copies to: TSPC 250 Division StNE, Salem, OR 973017Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
Emergency School CounselorRequires employer sponsorship.NOTE: All Emergency License requests are reviewed by the Director of Licensure and/or ExecutiveDirector.RequirementDocuments NeededApplication and er submittedfrom your Oregonemployerrequesting thelicense.Verification of-Official Transcriptsqualifications for theorschool counselor-Resumeposition.-Specificdocumentation asrequested byDirector ofLicensure orExecutive Directorupon review of theapplication.How to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of anapplication and feeContact your employing Oregon school district tohave them submit the letter to our office.Official Transcripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:,received directly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301.Must be received in a sealed universityenvelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialResume or other evidence-Choose ONE: Uploaded to Documents section in eLicensingaccount -Email scanned copy -Mail paper copies to: TSPC 250 Division St NE,Salem, OR 973018Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
School Psychologist LicensesPreliminary School PsychologistRequirementDocuments NeededApplication and FeeFingerprints/backgroundclearanceVerification of Master’sOfficial Transcriptsdegree *[must be inbehavioral science orrelated field].Verification of programin school psychology:Oregon programcompletersVerification of programin school psychology:Out-of-State programcompleters1. Official Transcripts;AND2. Program CompletionReport (PCR)1. Official TranscriptsAND2. Copy of your out-ofstate license.How to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of anapplication and feeChoose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Mustbe received in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialOfficial Transcripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Mustbe received in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialPCR: Contact your college to have them submit theform electronically.Official Transcripts-Choose ONE:Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Mustbe received in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as official Out-of-state License-Choose ONE:Uploaded to Documents section in eLicensingaccount Email scanned copy to Mail paper copies to: TSPC 250 Division St NE,Salem, OR 97301 9Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
Professional School PsychologistNOTE: If you are applying to move to your first Professional School Psychologist License from thePreliminary School Psychologist License, you will also need to meet any renewal or reinstatementrequirements for that license in addition to the requirements here.RequirementDocuments NeededApplication and FeeFingerprints/backgroundclearanceVerification of aOfficial Transcriptsmaster's or higherdegree in the behavioralsciences or related fieldVerification of advancedcompetenciesOfficial transcriptsverifying a doctoratedegree in educationalclinical, counselingpsychologyORCopy of currentcertificate awarded bythe NationalAssociation of SchoolPsychologistsVerification of schoolpsychologist experienceMinimum Experience:Five years of schoolpsychology experienceat least half-time ormore on any nonprovisional licenseappropriate for theassignment.PEER formHow to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of anapplication and feeChoose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Mustbe received in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialOfficial Transcripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Mustbe received in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialCurrent NASP Certificate-Choose ONE: Uploaded to Documents section in eLicensingaccount Email scanned copy to Mail paper copies to: TSPC 250 Division St NE,Salem, OR 97301Contact your employing Oregon School District tohave them complete this form. Oregon schooldistricts should upload the PEER directly to youraccount. Out-of-state school districts may fax oremail the form to the address at the top of the form.10Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
Reciprocal School PsychologistRequirementDocumentsNeededApplication and FeeFingerprints/backgroundclearanceVerification of master’sOfficial Transcriptsdegree or educationspecialist degreeVerification of schoolOfficial Transcriptspsychologist preparationprogramOut-of-state licenseA copy of an activeand valid nonprovisional schoolpsychologistlicense fromanother state orNASDTECjurisdiction.How to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of an applicationand feeChoose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Must bereceived in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialChoose ONE: Electronic:, receiveddirectly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301. Must bereceived in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialChoose ONE Uploaded to Documents section in eLicensingaccount Email scanned copy to Mail paper copies to: TSPC 250 Division St NE, Salem,OR 9730111Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
School Social Worker LicensesPreliminary School Social WorkerRequirementDocuments NeededApplication and FeeFingerprints/backgroundclearanceVerification of aOfficial transcripts for allmaster's or higherdegrees conferreddegree in social work.Verification of schoolsocial work graduateprogram: Oregonprogram completers1. Official transcripts;ANDVerification of schoolsocial work graduateprogram: Out of StateProgram Completers.2. Program CompletionReport (PCR)1. Official TranscriptsAND2. Copy of your out-ofstate license.How to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of anapplication and feeChoose ONE: Electronic:,received directly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301.Must be received in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialTranscripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:,received directly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301.Must be received in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialPCR: Contact your college to have them submit theform electronically.Transcripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:,received directly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301.Must be received in a sealed university envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator or notreceived in a sealed university envelope cannot beaccepted as officialOut-of-state License-Choose ONE: Uploaded to Documents section in eLicensingaccount Email scanned copy to Mail paper copies to: TSPC 250 Division St NE,Salem, OR 97301.12Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
Professional School Social WorkerNOTE: If you are applying to move to your first Professional School Social Worker License from thePreliminary School Social Worker License, you will also need to meet any renewal or reinstatementrequirements for that license in addition to the requirements here.RequirementApplication and FeeFingerprints/backgroundclearanceVerification of a master's orhigher degree in the socialworkDocuments NeededVerification of school socialworker experience.PEER formMinimum Experience: Fiveyears of school socialworker experience at leasthalf-time or more on anynon-provisional educatorlicense appropriate for thesocial worker assignment.Verification of advancedcompetenciesOfficial TranscriptsOfficial transcriptsverifying a doctoratedegree in social workORHow to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of anapplication and feeChoose ONE: Electronic:,received directly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR97301. Must be received in a sealeduniversity envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educatoror not received in a sealed universityenvelope cannot be accepted as officialContact your employing Oregon SchoolDistrict to have them complete this form. Thisform must be submitted electronicallydirectly from the school district or received ina sealed school district envelope.Official Transcripts-Choose ONE: Electronic:,received directly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR97301. Must be received in a sealeduniversity envelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educatoror not received in a sealed universityenvelope cannot be accepted as officialCopy of certificateawarded by the NationalAssociation of SocialNASW Certificate-Choose ONEWorkers Uploaded to Documents section ineLicensing account Email scanned copy Mail paper copies to: TSPC 250 DivisionSt NE, Salem, OR 9730113Disclaimer: Requirements outlined in this guidance are intended to assist applicants on whatmust accompany an application and fee for an Oregon School Administrator License. Theydo not supersede or nullify the requirements of Oregon Administrative Rule, Division 584.
Reciprocal School Social WorkerRequirementDocumentsNeededApplication and FeeFingerprints/backgroundclearanceVerification of master’sOfficial TranscriptsdegreeVerification of schoolsocial workerpreparation programOfficial TranscriptsOut-of-state licenseA copy of an activeand valid nonprovisional schoolsocial workerlicense fromanother state orNASDTECjurisdiction.How to SubmitSubmit through eLicensingInstructions emailed upon submission of anapplication and feeChoose ONE: Electronic:,received directly from the college. Paper: 250 Division St NE, Salem, OR 97301.Must be received in a sealed universityenvelope.NOTE: Transcripts uploaded by the educator ornot received in
The Preliminary School Counselor License is issued to educators who have completed a school counselor preparation program and hold a master's degree. It is valid for any school counselor position in a prekindergarten to grade 12 school. 3 years Professional School Counselor The Professional School Counselor License is issued to school counselors