Mupc Estate Administration Procedural Guide Second Edition


Administrative Office of the Probate and Family CourtMUPC ESTATEADMINISTRATIONPROCEDURAL GUIDESECOND EDITIONA Guide to Estate Administration Practices &Procedures in the Probate and Family Court1

MUPC ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURAL GUIDE – SECOND EDITIONMUPC Estate Administration Procedural Guide –Second EditionA Guide to Estate Administration Practices & Proceduresin the Probate and Family CourtContentThe Administrative Office of the Probate and Family Court is pleased to provide an electronic version ofthis Probate and Family Court publication for use by judges and staff.The contents of this publication are intended to provide general guidance to court staff. This Guide isfor education and informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice. Readersshould keep in mind that laws and procedures may change. Readers are encouraged to refer to theProbate and Family Court MUPC Hub, including future editions of The Decoder, for any periodic updates.Online AccessThis is a pdf file that requires Adobe Acrobat. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader on yourcomputer, please click here to download the latest version of this free software.Once you open this publication, you can access a specific item without scrolling page by page throughthe entire section by clicking on its “Bookmark” on the left. If a bookmark has a sign next to it, click onthe sign to show subsections. You can also search the entire document for a specific word or phraseby clicking on “Edit” in the toolbar and then on “Find”. To access a specific section of the guide withinthe document, click on the highlighted link to that section. To return to the original place in thedocument, right click the mouse and select “Previous View”. To access a form or website within thedocument, click on the highlighted link.Trial Court users should feel free to download this entire publication, or any piece of it, to a flash drive,PC or laptop; burn it to a CD; or print any portion of it (but should endeavor to save paper and ink byprinting only those portions that are strictly necessary).MUPC Estate Administration Procedure Guide@2016 by Hon. Elaine M. Moriarty, Hon. R. Anthony Nesi, Hon. Lisa A. Roberts, Thomas P. Jalkut,Christopher G. Mehne, Evelyn J. Patsos. All rights reserved.June 20162

MUPC ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURAL GUIDE – SECOND EDITIONThe second edition of the MUPC Estate Administration Procedural Guide is the result of the hard work ofdedicated Probate and Family Court judges, staff, and practitioners. During the course of this work, theMUPC Procedures Committee devoted countless hours in reviewing the first edition and suggestingrecommendations for improvement. These recommendations were analyzed, vetted, and oftenanalyzed again to ensure consistent application.I am grateful for the dedication of those involved and their determination to produce an updatedmanual that will benefit the staff and judges of the Probate and Family Court, estate practitioners andmembers of the public. Thank you.Angela M. Ordoñez, Chief JusticeProbate and Family Court DepartmentWritten and Edited by:Hon. Elaine M. Moriarty, Associate Justice, Norfolk DivisionHon. Anthony R. Nesi, Associate Justice, Bristol DivisionHon. Lisa A. Roberts, Associate Justice, Plymouth DivisionThomas P. Jalkut, Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP, BostonChristopher G. Mehne, Bowditch & Dewey, LLP, WorcesterEvelyn J. Patsos Esq., Administrative Office, Probate & Family Court, Boston3

MUPC ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURAL GUIDE – SECOND EDITIONContents1 . 13GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 131.1General Terms and Abbreviations . 131.2 Time Limits for Filing Actions . 131.2.1Statutory References - MUPC at §§: 3-108 .131.2.2General Rule .141.2.3General Exceptions .141.2.4Fraud Exception .161.2.5Subsequent Petition Exceptions .161.3 Identifying Heirs at Law. 171.3.1Statutory References- MUPC at §§: .171.3.2Heirs at Law under the MUPC . Certain Pre-Deceased Relatives; Half Blood Relatives; Marital Status; Adopted Children .191.3.3Heirs at Law prior to the MUPC .191.3.4Degrees of Kinship .201.3.5Examples .211.4 Identifying Devisees . 231.4.1Anti-Lapse; Deceased Devisee; Class Gifts .231.4.2Examples .231.5 Priority of Appointment . 241.5.1Statutory References- MUPC at §§: .241.5.2Priority Determination (Priority Ladder) .241.5.3Priority of the Domiciliary PR .251.5.4Disqualification from Serving .251.5.5Minor, Incapacitated Person or Protected Person with Highest Priority .251.5.6Options for the Person(s) with Highest Priority . Nomination when One Person has Priority . Nomination when More than One Person has Priority . Exceptions with a Will .271.5.7Failure of Person(s) with Highest Priority to Act.281.5.8Examples .281.6 Venue . 301.6.1Statutory References- MUPC at §§ .301.6.2First Proceeding .301.6.3Examples .311.6.4Subsequent Proceedings.311.6.5Multiple Proceedings; Transfer .311.7 Bonds (MPC 801) . 321.7.1Statutory References- MUPC at §§: .321.8 Demand for Sureties (MPC 360) . 331.8.1Statutory References- MUPC at §: .341.8.2Demands Made Prior to the Appointment of a PR .341.8.3Demands Made After the Appointment of a PR .344

MUPC ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURAL GUIDE – SECOND EDITION1.9 Petition to Modify Bond (MPC 295). 351.9.1Statutory Reference- MUPC at §: .351.9.2Modifying the Obligation of a Pre-MUPC Bond .351.9.3All Other Petitions to Modify the Bonds .361.10 Guardians Ad Litem (GAL) and Actual/Parental/Virtual Representation . 361.10.1 Statutory References- MUPC at §§: .371.10.2 Actual, Parental, and Virtual Representation .371.11 MUPC Magistrates . 381.11.1 Magistrate’s Role in Informal Proceedings .381.11.2 Magistrate’s Role in Formal Proceedings .391.12 Letters of Authority . 391.12.1 How to Issue Initial Letters of Authority .401.12.2 Supervised PRs .401.12.3 Other Restrictions on the Powers of a PR .411.12.4 How to Re-Certify Letters .411.13 Determination of Testacy . 411.13.1 Statutory References- MUPC at §§: .411.13.2 A Change of Testacy after an Informal Proceeding .421.13.3 A Change of Testacy after a Formal Proceeding .421.13.4 Effect of Change of Testacy on a Previously Appointed PR .421.13.5 Examples .431.14 Execution of a Will . 441.14.1 Who May Witness .441.14.2 Requirements in Informal Proceedings .451.14.3 Requirements in Formal Proceedings .451.14.4 Tangible Personal Property Memorandum .462 . 47VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION . 472.1Statutory References- MUPC at §§: . 472.2Criteria to Qualify for Voluntary Administration of Small Estates . 472.3Venue and Filing Requirements for Voluntary Administration . 472.4Registry Procedure . 482.5 Authority of a VPR . 492.5.1Statutory Powers and Duties of a VPR .502.5.2Effect of Voluntary Administration Statement on Third Parties .502.6Examples . 513 . 53INFORMAL PROCEEDINGS . 533.1Statutory References- MUPC at §§: . 543.2Probate Court Jurisdiction . 545

MUPC ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURAL GUIDE – SECOND EDITION3.3 Filing for Informal Probate and/or Appointment of PR . 543.3.1Submitting Court Pleadings .563.3.2Issuing a Docket Number .573.4 Required Elements of the Informal Petition (MPC 150) . 573.4.1Court Caption .573.5 Section I - General Information . 583.5.1Information about the Decedent .583.5.2Information about the Petitioner(s) .583.5.3Time Limits .593.5.4Venue .593.5.5Notice to the Division of Medical Assistance (“DMA”) .603.6 Section II - Persons Interested in the Estate . 603.6.1Surviving Spouse, Children, Heirs at Law (MPC 162) and Devisees (MPC 163) .603.7Section III - Testacy Status . 623.7.1Intestate (without a will) .623.7.2Testate (with a will) .623.8 Section IV - Appointment of a PR (if requested) . 633.8.1Information about Other PRs.643.8.2Information about the Bond .643.9 Section V - Relief Requested . 653.9.1Verification.653.9.2Appearance by Attorney .653.10 Additional Required Forms . 653.10.1 Death Certificate .653.10.2 Military Affidavit (MPC 470) .663.10.3 Magistrate’s Order (MPC 750) .663.11 Additional “May Need” Forms . 673.11.1 Bond (MPC 801) .673.11.2 Assent and Waiver of Notice (MPC 455).673.11.3 Renunciation/Nomination (MPC 455) .673.11.4 Affidavits .683.11.4.1 Cause of Death Affidavit (MPC 475) .683.11.4.2 Affidavit of Domicile (MPC 485) .683.11.4.3 Affidavit of Conservator .683.12 Proof of Guardianship/Conservatorship . 683.13 Notice Requirements for an Informal Proceeding . 693.13.1 Notice Prior to Filing the Petition .693.13.1.1 Notice of Informal Probate and Return of Service (MPC 550) .693.13.1.2 Persons Entitled to Notice .693.13.1.3 Proof of Service .703.14 Publication Notice after Informal Probate or Appointment . 713.14.1 Informal Probate Publication Notice (MPC 551).713.14.2 Proof of Publication .713.15 Amending a Pleading in an Informal Proceeding . 723.16 Magistrate’s Approval . 723.17 Letters of Authority for Personal Representative (MPC 751) . 746

MUPC ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURAL GUIDE – SECOND EDITION4 . 75FORMAL PROCEEDINGS . 754.1Statutory References- MUPC at §§: . 754.2Probate Court Jurisdiction . 764.3Formal Testacy Proceedings . 764.4Formal Appointment Proceedings . 774.5 Filing for Formal Testacy and/or Appointment of PR . 774.5.1Submitting Court Pleadings .794.5.2Issuing a Docket Number .804.6 Required Elements of the Formal Petition (MPC 160) . 804.6.1Court Caption .804.6.2Section I – General Information .814.6.2.1Information about the Decedent .814.6.2.2Information about the Petitioner(s) .814.6.2.3Time Limits .824.6.2.4Venue.834.6.2.5Notice to the Division of Medical Assistance (“DMA”) .834.7 Section II - Persons Interested in the Estate . 834.7.1Surviving Spouse, Children, Heirs at Law and Devisees .834.8 Section III - Testacy Status . 854.8.1Intestate (without a will) .854.8.2Testate (with a will) .854.9 Section IV - Appointment of a PR (if requested) . 874.9.1Information about Other PRs.884.9.2Information about the Bond .884.9.3Unsupervised/Supervised Administration Request .884.9.4Appointment of a SPR .884.10 Section V – Relief Requested . 884.10.1 Verification .894.10.2 Appearance by Attorney .894.11 Additional Required Forms. 894.11.1 Death Certificate or Proof of Death .894.11.2 Military Affidavit (MPC 470) .904.11.3 Proposed Formal Decree (MPC 755) .904.12 Additional “May Need” Forms . 904.12.1 Bond (MPC 801) .904.12.2 Assent and Waiver of Notice (MPC 455) .904.12.3 Renunciation/Nomination (MPC 455).904.12.4 Affidavits .914.13 Proof of Guardianship/Conservatorship . 914.14 Notice Requirements for a Formal Proceeding . 914.14.1 Citation for Formal Adjudication (MPC 560) .914.14.2 Persons Entitled to Notice .914.14.3 Notice by In-Hand Delivery or Mail .927

MUPC ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURAL GUIDE – SECOND EDITION4. by Publication .92Proof of Notice .934.15 Contesting a Formal Petition . 934.15.1 Filing a Written Notice of Appearance and Objection (MPC 505a) .934.15.2 Filing a Written Affidavit of Objections .944.15.3 Striking a Notice of Appearance and Objection/Written Affidavit of Objections .944.15.4 Establishing a Hearing Date After the Return Date .944.16 Uncontested Cases . 944.17 Letters of Authority of a Personal Representative (MPC 751) . 954.18 E

MUPC ESTATE ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURAL GUIDE - SECOND EDITION 2 MUPC Estate Administration Procedural Guide -Second Edition A Guide to Estate Administration Practices & Procedures