

DISCLAIMERDISCLAIMEREven though these Food Establishment Guidelines and the accompanying Tools provide comprehensive information for the Food Industry in preparation for, and/or involvement in, foodborne disease outbreak investigations, these documents are not intended to replace pre-existingcompany guidelines or local, state, or federal regulations or procedures. Industry should consider using the Guidelines and Tools WR FRPSDUH H[LVWLQJ SURFHGXUHV ¿OO LQ JDSV DQG XSGDWH VLWH VSHFL¿F SURFHGXUHV FUHDWH SURFHGXUHV ZKHUH WKH\ GR QRW H[LVW DQG WUDLQ VWDII 3

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSCIFOR supported the establishment of the CIFOR Industry Guidelines Workgroup to developfoodborne illness response guidelines to help industry in day-to-day operations and duringinvestigations of foodborne illness outbreaks.7KH &,)25 )RRGERUQH ,OOQHVV 5HVSRQVH *XLGHOLQHV IRU 2ZQHUV 2SHUDWRUV DQG 0DQDJHUV RI )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQWV LV WKH UHVXOW RI FRXQWOHVV KRXUV RI ZRUN E\ WKH &,)25 ,QGXVWU\ *XLGHOLQHV Workgroup, CIFOR Council representatives, and others. The CIFOR Industry Guidelines:RUNJURXS ZDV PDGH XS RI IRRG LQGXVWU\ UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV FRQVXOWLQJ FRPSDQLHV JRYHUQPHQW agencies, and CIFOR Council representatives (members).This document represents CIFOR’s strong commitment to assist the food industry in its effortsto take an active and educated role in the response and investigation of foodborne illnessRXWEUHDNV &,)25 H[SUHVVHV LWV GHHS JUDWLWXGH WR HYHU\RQH ZKR VXSSRUWHG WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI these guidelines.'HYHORSPHQW RI WKLV GRFXPHQW ZDV VXSSRUWHG E\ )' DQG &RRSHUDWLYH JUHHPHQW 8 0 DQG 8 0 IURP &'& 3ULQWLQJ ZDV VXSSRUWHG E\ WKH &'& Foundation. The contents of the document are solely the responsibility of the authors and doQRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHSUHVHQW WKH RI¿FLDO YLHZV RI )' &'& RU WKH &'& )RXQGDWLRQ 4

Guidelines for Owners, Operators and Managers of Food EstablishmentsCIFOR Industry Guidelines WorkgroupApril Bogard, Environmental Health6XSHUYLVRU 0LQQHVRWD 'HSDUWPHQW RI HDOWKMary Cartagena &RQVXPHU 6DIHW\ 2I¿FHU 8 6 )RRG DQG 'UXJ GPLQLVWUDWLRQFrank Ferko, Director, Distribution Food6DIHW\ 4XDOLW\ VVXUDQFH 8 6 )RRGVHUYLFHTom Foegle 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW )RRG 6DIHW\ 4XDOLW\ VVXUDQFH :LQGVRU )RRGVLisa Hainstock, Food Safety Specialist,0LFKLJDQ 'HSDUWPHQW RI JULFXOWXUH DQG Rural Development; (CIFOR representative for VVRFLDWLRQ RI )RRG DQG 'UXJ 2I¿FLDOVJill Hollingsworth 6HQLRU 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW )RRG 6DIHW\ 3URJUDPV )RRG 0DUNHWLQJ InstituteDaryl Kellenberger, Director of Food Safety 8 6 2SHUDWLRQV 0F'RQDOG¶V &RUSRUDWLRQKirsten Larson, Senior Specialist, Food6DIHW\ 3URJUDP VVRFLDWLRQ RI 3XEOLF HDOWK LaboratoriesChristopher T. Melchert 6HQLRU 0DQDJHU )RRG 6DIHW\ 4XDOLW\ VVXUDQFH 1DWLRQDO 5HVWDXUDQW VVRFLDWLRQTomeji Miller HDOWK 0DQDJHU &LW\ RI 3ODQR Health Department, TexasPaulo Mohyla 0F'RQDOG¶V 8 6 6XSSO\ &KDLQ 4XDOLW\ 6\VWHPV 0DQDJHU 0F'RQDOG¶V CorporationGeorge Nakamura 3UHVLGHQW &(2 Nakamura Leasing, California, (CIFORrepresentative for National Environmental HDOWK VVRFLDWLRQKaren Neil 0HGLFDO (SLGHPLRORJLVW 'LYLVLRQ of Foodborne, Waterborne and EnvironmentalDiseases; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and3UHYHQWLRQDavid C. Nicholas, Epidemiologist/(QYLURQPHQWDO HDOWK 6SHFLDOLVW 1HWZRUN ( 6 1HW &RRUGLQDWRU 1HZ RUN 6WDWH Department of HealthRichard Parker 4XDOLW\ VVXUDQFH 6FLHQWL¿F IIDLUV ( % *URFHU\Danny Ripley )RRG ,QVSHFWRU ,, 0HWUR 3XEOLF HDOWK 'HSDUWPHQW 1DVKYLOOH 'DYLGVRQ County, TennesseeMary Sandford 0DQDJHU )RRG 6DIHW\ 5HJXODWRU\ &RPSOLDQFH %XUJHU .LQJ CorporationBecky Stevens-Grobbelaar, Director, Food6DIHW\ DQG 5HJXODWRU\ IIDLUV XP %UDQGV Inc.5ACKNOWLEDGMENTSCatherine Adams Hutt, RdR SolutionsConsulting; (representing National Restaurant VVRFLDWLRQ

cIFOR FOODBORNE ILLNESS RESPONSECIFOR Council RepresentativesACKNOWLEDGMENTSChair: Timothy Jones, StateEpidemiologist, Tennessee Department ofHealth; CSTEChair: Joseph Russell HDOWK 2I¿FHU Flathead City-County Health Department,0RQWDQD 1 && 2Robyn Atkinson-Dunn, Director, Utah8QL¿HG 6WDWH /DERUDWRULHV 3XEOLF HDOWK 3 /Rob Blake, Chief, Environmental Health6HUYLFHV %UDQFK &'&David Boxrud 0ROHFXODU (SLGHPLRORJ\ 6XSHUYLVRU 0LQQHVRWD 'HSDUWPHQW RI HDOWK 3 /Steve Ingham GPLQLVWUDWRU 'LYLVLRQ of Food Safety, Wisconsin Department of JULFXOWXUH 7UDGH DQG &RQVXPHU 3URWHFWLRQ 1 6' Ernest Julian &KLHI 2I¿FH RI )RRG 3URWHFWLRQ 5KRGH ,VODQG 'HSDUWPHQW RI HDOWK )'2Heidi Kassenborg, Division Director, DairyDQG )RRG ,QVSHFWLRQ 'LYLVLRQ 0LQQHVRWD 'HSDUWPHQW RI JULFXOWXUH 1 6' Bill Keene 6HQLRU (SLGHPLRORJLVW FXWH DQG &RPPXQLFDEOH 'LVHDVH 3URJUDP 2UHJRQ 3XEOLF HDOWK 'LYLVLRQ &67(Mel Knight 3DVW 3UHVLGHQW 1( Louisa Castrodale 6WDWH 3XEOLF HDOWK Susan Lance )' OLDLVRQ WR &'& 2I¿FH RI 9HWHULQDULDQ ODVND 'HSDUWPHQW RI HDOWK DQG )RRGV DQG 9HWHULQDU\ 0HGLFLQH )' 6RFLDO 6HUYLFHV 1 63 9Bela Matyas HDOWK 2I¿FHU 6RODQR &RXQW\ John Dunn, Deputy State Epidemiologist,&DOLIRUQLD 1 && 27HQQHVVHH 'HSDUWPHQW RI HDOWK 1 63 9George Nakamura 3UHVLGHQW &(2 Kathy Fowler 'LUHFWRU .HQWXFN\ 'LYLVLRQ RI 1DNDPXUD /HDVLQJ &DOLIRUQLD 1( 3XEOLF HDOWK 3URWHFWLRQ DQG 6DIHW\ 67 2Carol Selman 3XEOLF HDOWK GYLVRU Lisa Hainstock, Food Safety Specialist,National Center for Environmental Health;0LFKLJDQ 'HSDUWPHQW RI JULFXOWXUH )'2CDCRoberta Hammond, CORE Response0DQDJHU 2I¿FH RI )RRGV DQG 9HWHULQDU\ 0HGLFLQH )' Scott Holmes 0DQDJHU (QYLURQPHQWDO Health Division, Lincoln Lancaster County HDOWK 'HSDUWPHQW 1HEUDVND 1 && 2Kristin Holt 86' )6,6 /LDLVRQ WR &'& )RRG 6DIHW\ DQG ,QVSHFWLRQ 6HUYLFH 86' Donald Sharp, Deputy Director, Food Safety2I¿FH &'&Kirk Smith, Supervisor, Foodborne,Vectorborne, and Zoonotic Diseases Unit,0LQQHVRWD 'HSDUWPHQW RI HDOWK &67(Regina Tan 'LUHFWRU SSOLHG (SLGHPLRORJ\ 6WDII 2I¿FH RI 3XEOLF HDOWK 6FLHQFH )RRG 6DIHW\ DQG ,QVSHFWLRQ 6HUYLFH 86' Ian Williams, Chief, Outbreak Response and3UHYHQWLRQ %UDQFK &'&6

Guidelines for Owners, Operators and Managers of Food EstablishmentsJim Blumenstock &KLHI 3URJUDP 2I¿FHU 3XEOLF HDOWK 3UDFWLFH 67 2Jennifer Li, Director, Environmental Health;1 && 2Jeffrey Engel, Executive Director; CSTELarry Marcum 0DQDJLQJ 'LUHFWRU 1( Rebecca Johnson 3URJUDP QDO\VW 1 && 2Dhara Patel VVRFLDWH 5HVHDUFK QDO\VW CSTEAbraham Kulungara, Director,(QYLURQPHQWDO HDOWK 67 2Lauren Rosenberg 'LUHFWRU RI 0DUNHWLQJ and Communications; CSTEKirsten Larson, Senior Specialist, Food6DIHW\ 3URJUDP 3 /Sharon Shea 'LUHFWRU )RRG 6DIHW\ 3URJUDP 3 / Contributors and ReviewersMarion Aller, FWLQJ 'HSXW\ &RPPLVVLRQHU )ORULGD 'HSDUWPHQW RI JULFXOWXUH DQG &RQVXPHU 6HUYLFHV 1 6' John Besser, Deputy Chief, Enteric Diseases/DERUDWRU\ %UDQFK &'&Joseph Corby ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU )'2Patrick J. McConnon, Executive Director;CSTERandy Robertson, Director, Complianceand Investigations Division, Food Safety and,QVSHFWLRQ 6HUYLFH 86' Peter Gerner-Smidt, Chief, Enteric Diseases/DERUDWRU\ %UDQFK &'&Doug Saunders, Deputy Director, DivisionRI QLPDO DQG )RRG ,QGXVWU\ 6HUYLFHV 9LUJLQLD 'HSDUWPHQW RI JULFXOWXUH DQG &RQVXPHU 6HUYLFHV 1 6' John J. Guzewich, 6HQLRU GYLVRU IRU Environmental Health, Center for Food SafetyDQG SSOLHG 1XWULWLRQ DQG 6FLHQFH )' David Sweat, Foodborne DiseaseEpidemiologist, North Carolina Division of3XEOLF HDOWK 67 2Robert Hicks 'LUHFWRU 2I¿FH RI Environmental Health Services, Virginia'HSDUWPHQW RI HDOWK 67 2Robert Tauxe, Deputy Director, Division ofFoodborne, Waterborne, and EnvironmentalDiseases; CDC7ACKNOWLEDGMENTSCIFOR Association Staff

TABLE OF CONTENTS',6&/ ,0(5 . &.12:/('*0(176 . % &.*5281' . .INTRODUCTION . . 10-11287%5( . ,19(67,* 7,21 35(3 5(&200(1' 7,216 . 12-20)22' (67 %/,6 0(17 6(/) 66(660(17 . 21-220(', . 6725( &/2685( 1' 5(23(1,1* . &21752/ 0( 685(6 . )/2: ', *5 0 *8,'(/,1(6 1' 722/6 . 267(506 1' '(),1,7,216 . TOOLS . Tool 1Tool 27RRO 7RRO % 7RRO 7RRO Tool 67RRO 7RRO %Tool 7CTool 7DTool 7ETool 7FTool 7G7RRO 7RRO Tool 10Tool 11Tool 127RRO 7RRO 8Illness Complaint Tracking Log FormCustomer Foodborne Illness Complaint Form0HQX ,QJUHGLHQW /LVWLQJ )RUP ([DPSOH 0HQX ,QJUHGLHQW /LVWLQJ (PSOR\HH &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 0HHWLQJEmployee List Form(PSOR\HH HDOWK VVHVVPHQW )RUPEmployee Illness Decision Guide([DPSOH 2I (PSOR\HH ,OOQHVV 'HFLVLRQ 4XLFN *XLGH IRU 3HUVRQ ,Q &KDUJH)RU 1RQ 63 (VWDEOLVKPHQWV3RVWHU My Story Could Change Your Life3RVWHU Do I Feel Well Today?3RVWHU I Should Have Stayed Home3RVWHU Would You Want These People in Your Kitchen?3RVWHU Don’t Let What Happened to Me Happen to You3URGXFW 6DPSOLQJ 3URFHGXUHSample Chain Of Custody Form'LVWULEXWRU QG 6XSSOLHU ,QIRUPDWLRQ )RUPSample Food Establishment Food Safety Checklist Form)RRG )ORZ &KDUW )RUPExample Employee Workstation SchematicSample Re-Opening Self Inspection Checklist Form

BACKGROUND,Q WKH &RXQFLO WR ,PSURYH )RRGERUQH 2XWEUHDN 5HVSRQVH &,)25 GHYHORSHG Guidelinesfor Foodborne Disease Outbreak Response to aid government agencies responsible forpreventing and managing foodborne disease by establishing a foundation for outbreak responseand encouraging a standardized foodborne disease investigation process across all governmentagencies.There is no standard approach utilized by public health/regulatory authorities for foodbornedisease outbreak response. No one set of steps is appropriate for all outbreaks. The responseYDULHV ZLWK WKH RXWEUHDN DQG VXUURXQGLQJ FLUFXPVWDQFHV H J HWLRORJLF DJHQW QXPEHU RI FDVHV and likely source of exposure).The CIFOR Industry Guidelines RXWOLQHV FODUL¿HV DQG H[SODLQV WKH UHFRPPHQGHG UROH RI RZQHUV operators, and managers of food establishments in a foodborne illness outbreak investigation.The CIFOR Industry Guidelines ZDV GHYHORSHG E\ IRRG LQGXVWU\ OHDGHUV DQG ORFDO VWDWH DQG IHGHUDO UHJXODWRU\ DQG QRQ UHJXODWRU\ SXEOLF KHDOWK DJHQFLHV ZLWK H[SHUWLVH LQ HSLGHPLRORJ\ environmental health, laboratory science, communications, and food industry operations andLV DQ H[DPSOH RI ZKDW FDQ EH DFKLHYHG WR SURPRWH IRRG VDIHW\ ZKHQ SXEOLF KHDOWK DQG LQGXVWU\ ZRUN LQ SDUWQHUVKLS *Council to Improve Foodborne Outbreak Response (CIFOR). Guidelines for Foodborne Disease OutbreakResponse. Atlanta: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 2009.9

INTRODUCTION TO FOOD ESTABLISHMENTRESPONSE GUIDELINESCIFOR recognizes the critical role the food industry plays in the prevention of foodbornedisease and the invaluable support they can provide during the foodborne disease investigation process. The Foodborne Illness Response Guidelines for Owners, Operatorsand Managers of Food Establishments was developed as voluntary guidance for own-ers/operators/managers of Food Establishments (“Industry”) to help outline, clarify, and explain Industry’s recommended role in a foodborne illness outbreak investigation. It provides a step-by-step approach that Industry can take, including preparation, detection, investigation, control, and follow-up.The Guidelines also describes key information to assist Industry in understanding what to expect whenfirst notified of potential illnesses and provides Tools to help guide Industry through the process.10

Guidelines for Owners, Operators and Managers of Food EstablishmentsEven though these Guidelines and Toolsprovide comprehensive information for Industry in preparation for and/or involvementin foodborne disease outbreak investigations,these documents are not intended to replacepre-existing company guidelines or local,state, or federal regulations or procedures. Industry should consider using these GuidelinesWR FRPSDUH H[LVWLQJ SURFHGXUHV ¿OO LQ JDSV DQG XSGDWH VLWH VSHFL¿F SURFHGXUHV FUHDWHSURFHGXUHV ZKHUH WKH\ GR QRW H[LVW DQG WUDLQ staff.While foodborne outbreaks represent uniqueevents and government response may vary,CIFOR intends these Guidelines to serve asa foundation for Industry involvement in thefoodborne outbreak investigation processDQG WR SURYLGH D EHWWHU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI KRZ efforts to implement recommended safe foodhandling practices on a day-to-day basis caninform and support a foodborne outbreakinvestigation.INTRODUCTION%\ XVLQJ WKHVH Guidelines and included Tools,Industry can take an active and educated rolein the outbreak response and investigation,reducing the impact to the public and theirEXVLQHVV IXOO\ FRRUGLQDWHG LQYHVWLJDWLRQ can then move more quickly and accurately,yielding dependable results that are in theLQWHUHVW RI SXEOLF KHDOWK ZKLOH OLPLWLQJ LPSDFW to Industry.,Q VXPPDU\ WKH EHVW ZD\ \RX FDQ SUHSDUH IRU an effective response in a foodborne outbreakLV WR IROORZ EDVLF IRRG VDIHW\ UXOHV DQG UHJXODtions on a day-to-day basis.1RWH 7KH WHUP ³)RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW 2ZQHU 2SHUDWRU 0DQDJHU PD\ EH XVHG LQWHUFKDQJHDEO\ ZLWK WKH WHUP³,QGXVWU\ WKURXJKRXW WKLV GRFXPHQW DQG WRROV WR GHVFULEH WKH SHUVRQ RU HQWLW\ ZKR RZQV DQG RU RSHUDWHV WKH food establishment.11

OUTBREAK INVESTIGATIONPREPARATION – RECOMMENDATIONSFOR FOOD ESTABLISHMENTSIn the interest of public health, food safety should be a Food Establishment owner/operator/manager’s top priority. It is also good business! By understanding and implementing recommended safe foodhandling practices on a day-to-day basis, Food Establishment owner/operator/managers can not onlyreduce opportunities for contamination, survival and or growth of foodborne pathogens and preventillness, they can strengthen their ability to respond effectively should foodborne illness or an outbreak occur.7KH 8 6 )RRG DQG 'UXJ GPLQLVWUDWLRQ )' KDV SXEOLVKHG D PRGHO )RRG &RGH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ HYHU\ WZR \HDUV IURP through 2001; and since that time, a revisedYHUVLRQ HYHU\ \HDUV 7KLV PRGHO UHSUHVHQWV )' ¶V EHVW DGYLFH IRU D XQLIRUP V\VWHP RI regulation to ensure that food at retail is safeand properly protected and presented. TheFood Code is available for adoption by government agencies as the legal basis for their foodinspection program and assists regulatoryjurisdictions in initiating and maintaining effective programs for prevention of foodborneillness. While the recommendations in theseIndustry Guidelines is based, in part, on Food&RGH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV VSHFL¿FDOO\ WKRVH IRXQG LQ &KDSWHU DQG LWV DQQH[ RQ 3XEOLF 12Health Reasons, it is important for users toXQGHUVWDQG WKDW Local and/or State regulatory and/orpublic health requirements may vary;Government agencies leading a foodborne outbreak investigation may differfrom the agency engaged on a daily basis,and;'HSHQGLQJ RQ VSHFL¿F RXWEUHDN HYHQWV these Industry recommendations may bePRGL¿HG E\ WKH JRYHUQPHQW DJHQF\ OHDGing the outbreak investigation.

Here are suggested steps to prepare for a posVLEOH RXWEUHDN LQYHVWLJDWLRQ DYH D OLVW RI NH\ FRQWDFW QDPHV DQG phone numbers (including after-hoursnumbers) available for reference. ConsiderOLVWLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ 2I¿FH6SHFL¿F 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK ,QVSHFtor(s))RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW 2ZQHUFood Establishment Operator/0DQDJHU V&RUSRUDWH 2I¿FH LI DSSOLFDEOH4XDOLW\ VVXUDQFH 4 RWOLQH LIapplicable) OO (PSOR\HHVDistributors and Suppliers, includingthose used only occasionally WWRUQH\ RU /HJDO 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH% *HW WR NQRZ WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ LQVSHFWRU DQG EXLOG D JRRG ZRUNLQJ relationship ahead of time. Trying to do soGXULQJ D FULVLV LV GLI¿FXOW C. Identify the media spokesperson forthe Food Establishment before any emerJHQFLHV RFFXU &RQVXOW ZLWK WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ 3XEOLF 5HODWLRQV UHSresentative and/or Legal Counsel beforereleasing any media statements regardingthe outbreak.' 5HPHPEHU QR RQH NQRZV WKH RSHUDWLRQ EHWWHU WKDQ WKH RZQHU RSHUDWRU PDQDJHU &RRSHUDWH ZLWK 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULWLHV DQG EH ZLOOLQJ WR RIIHU information to them about the operations,food safety systems/tools, etc. that mighthelp them to identify the possible source ofillness.( %H SUHSDUHG WR SURYLGH FRQWDFW LQIRUmation for customers, especially for largegroup reservations, special events, or orderscatered outside the facility. Loyalty cardsmay be a source of contact information;KRZHYHU HQVXUH FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK ORFDO SULYDF\ ODZV DQG FRPSDQ\ SROLF\ ) ,I &RQ¿GHQWLDO RU 3URSULHWDU\ LQIRUPDtion is requested, be sure to tell this to the5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ DQG QRWLI\ WKH Food Establishment’s legal counsel.* 7KH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ LV SUHYHQWHG E\ ODZ IURP JLYLQJ RXW WKH QDPHV of ill customers and other identifying inforPDWLRQ 7KH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ ZLOO FODULI\ ZKDW LQIRUPDWLRQ WKH\ FDQ UHOHDVH VSHFL¿F WR DQ LOO HPSOR\HH RU FXVWRPer. They may be able to provide informationon numbers of people reporting illness andother information that does not identifyindividuals. 7KH )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW RZQHU RSHUDtor/manager must share all needed records,VXFK DV SXUFKDVLQJ LQYRLFHV ZRUN VFKHGules, etc. Certain records, such as customercredit card receipts, may or may not beable to be provided based on various local/VWDWH ODZV RU SULYDF\ SROLFLHV RI FUHGLW FDUG FRPSDQLHV &KHFN ZLWK WKH FRUSRUDWH RI¿FH RZQHU PDQDJHPHQW SHUVRQ WR FRRUGLQDWH WKH GDWD WUDQVIHU ZKLOH HQVXULQJ SULYDF\ ODZV RU SROLFLHV DUH IROORZHG , 7KH )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW RZQHU RSHUator/manager must retain records/recordNHHSLQJ LQFOXGLQJ 5HFRUGV RI HPSOR\HH ZRUN VFKHGXOHV (PSOR\HH ZRUN GXWLHV3XUFKDVH LQYRLFHV IRU DOO IRRGV UHceived;13RECOMMENDATIONSGuidelines for Owners, Operators and Managers of Food Establishments

cIFOR FOODBORNE ILLNESS RESPONSERECOMMENDATIONS Records of all foods picked up locallyby the Food Establishment (purchasedDW ZKROHVDOH IRRG HVWDEOLVKPHQWV JURcery stores and produce markets, etc., ifapplicable).Should illness occur, it is in a Food EstablishPHQW RZQHU RSHUDWRU PDQDJHU¶V EHVW LQWHUHVW WR ZRUN ZLWK WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ WR GHWHUPLQH ZKDW KDSSHQHG DQG ZKDW DFWLRQV may be needed to prevent future illness. TheRZQHU RSHUDWRU PDQDJHU VKRXOG IXOO\ FRRSHUDWH ZLWK WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ obtain all information needed for the investigation, and respond quickly. Failure to doVR PD\ UHVXOW LQ DGGLWLRQDO LOOQHVVHV DV ZHOO as a loss of reputation impacting sales, futureEXVLQHVV DQG JURZWK HOW TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE A POSSIBLE OUTBREAK Have customers complained of any illnessfrom consuming the food from yourFood Establishment? (To record multipleLOOQHVVHV UHIHU WR SSHQGL[ 722/ ,//1(66 &203/ ,17 75 &.,1* /2* )250 7R UHFRUG VSHFL¿F LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ LQGLYLGXDOV UHIHU WR SSHQGL[ 722/ &86720(5 )22'%251( ,//1(66 &203/ ,17 )250 Were multiple illnesses reported to theFood Establishment by the Regulatory/ HDOWK XWKRULW\" DV WKH )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW RZQHU operator/manager (or the Food(VWDEOLVKPHQW¶V FRUSRUDWH RI¿FH EHHQ QRWL¿HG RI LOOQHVV LQ LWV HPSOR\HHV RU customers that may be part of a largerRXWEUHDN DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK D IRRG SURGXFW RU ingredient?127( ,I DQ RXWEUHDN LV VXVSHFWHG VKDUH DQ\ LQIRUPDWLRQ FROOHFWHG IURP FXVWRPHUV ZLWK WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ ,I WKHUH DUH QR DGGLWLRQDO illness reports, consult the Regulatory/Health XWKRULW\ EHIRUH FRQWLQXLQJ ZLWK DQ\ IXUWKHU VWHSV LQ these guidelines.MENU / FOOD SERVED7KH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ PD\ QHHG WR JDWKHU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ VSHFL¿F IRRGV eaten by customers to potentially identifycommon foods or ingredients that might beDVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH VXVSHFWHG LOOQHVVHV %H SUHSDUHG WR VXSSO\ LW LI DVNHG 14 FRS\ RI WKH PHQX RU IRRG VHUYHG IRU the time period requested and meals/IRRGV LGHQWL¿HG Information about garnishes, sauces,side dishes and variations on basicmenu items. UHFLSH RU OLVW RI LQJUHGLHQWV IRU HDFK menu item in question —(Refer to SSHQGL[ 722/6 DQG % 0(18 ,1*5(',(17 /,67,1* )250 1' (; 03/( 0(18 ,1*5(',(17 /,67,1* )250 If possible, determine the total number of meals and transactions (dinein, delivery, or carry-out) served orsold during the time period in question and provide this to the RegulatoU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\

Guidelines for Owners, Operators and Managers of Food EstablishmentsLARGE ORDERS, SPECIAL EVENT ORDERS,CATERING OR DELIVERYRECOMMENDATIONSIf the Food Establishment participates in catering, large group reservations/special eventorders, or delivery, be prepared to provide any available contact information and meals served.EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATIONSIf there is a suspected outbreak involving theFood Establishment, it is important to comPXQLFDWH HDUO\ DQG UHJXODUO\ ZLWK HPSOR\HHV to inform them of the situation, control rumors and clarify expectations. W D PLQLPXP LW LV VXJJHVWHG WKH IROORZLQJ PLJKW EH VKDUHG ZLWK HPSOR\HHV *HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW WKH RXWbreak including the organism or chemicalFDXVLQJ LOOQHVV LI NQRZQ % 3UHYHQWLYH PHDVXUHV HPSOR\HHV FDQ take to protect themselves or others fromEHFRPLQJ LOO %H VSHFL¿F WR WKH LOOQHVV LQ TXHVWLRQ LI NQRZQ C. The expectation that all employees provide all relevant information requested byWKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ LQFOXGLQJ their health status.( 3RVVLEOH FROOHFWLRQ RI FOLQLFDO VSHFLmens, e.g. stool or blood if requested by the5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ F. The expectation of the employee toKDYH D SRVLWLYH LQWHUDFWLRQ ZLWK WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ ZKHQ WKH\ YLVLW WKH Food Establishment.* 3RWHQWLDO IRU UHFRPPHQGHG WUHDWPHQW of the employee by the Regulatory/Health XWKRULW\ LI H[SRVHG WR FHUWDLQ GLVHDVHV RU chemicals. UHYLHZ RI WKH )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW¶V sick leave policy. It is suggested that emSOR\HHV ZKR EHFRPH LOO ZLWK FHUWDLQ V\PSWRPV PXVW QRWLI\ WKH 3HUVRQ LQ &KDUJH DQG OHDYH ZRUN LPPHGLDWHO\ 5HIHU WR SSHQGL[ 722/ (03/2 (( &20081,& 7,216 0((7,1*' 6SHFL¿F JXLGDQFH RQ UHVSRQGLQJ WR questions by the public and/or the media,e.g. all question should be directed to management or a designated media spokesperson.15

cIFOR FOODBORNE ILLNESS RESPONSERECOMMENDATIONSEMPLOYEE WORK HISTORYSince outbreaks sometimes involve employeesZKR PD\ KDYH LQIHFWHG RWKHUV ZHUH YLFWLPV RI WKH RXWEUHDN RU ZKRVH DFWLRQV PD\ KDYH led to the outbreak, the Regulatory/Health XWKRULW\ PD\ DVN IRU LQIRUPDWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ WKHLU GXWLHV LOOQHVV KLVWRU\ DQG ZRUN VFKHGXOHV %H SUHSDUHG WR SURYLGH WKLV LQIRUPDWLRQ WR WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ LI DVNHG (PSOR\HH VFKHGXOHV GXWLHV DQG ZRUN KDELWV PD\ DVVLVW WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ LQ GHWHUPLQLQJ ZKHWKHU WKH )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW LV FRQQHFWHG WR WKH LOOQHVVHV DQG LI VR ZKDW WKH FDXVDWLYH IDFWRU V PD\ EH DQG ZKDW FRQtrol measures are necessary.3URYLGH D OLVW RI FXUUHQW DQG IRUPHU HPSOR\HHV ZLWKLQ WKH WLPH SHULRG LQ TXHVWLRQ ZLWK FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ 5HIHU WR SSHQGL[ 722/ (03/2 (( /,67 )250 7KH OLVW VKRXOG LQFOXGH ([ HPSOR\HHV ZKR ZRUNHG DW WKH restaurant/Food Establishment.% (PSOR\HHV WUDQVIHUUHG LQ RU RXW RI WKH Food Establishment (identify Food Establishment transfer locations, dates, andtasks performed).EMPLOYEE ASSESSMENTS7KH )' )RRG &RGH UHFRPPHQGV WKDW WKH )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW¶V RZQHU RSHUDWRU PDQager require employees to report certaininformation regarding their health or activities as they may relate to diseases that can betransmitted through food. Information provided by employees should include symptomssuch as vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, etc.; dateZKHQ V\PSWRPV VWDUWHG DQ\ GLDJQRVLV IURP a health care provider of illness that could beIRRG UHODWHG VXFK DV QRURYLUXV KHSDWLWLV Shigella spp., etc. If this information is collected by industry on a routine basis for thepurposes of excluding and restricting employHHV IURP ZRUN WKLV ZRXOG SURYLGH WKH RZQHU operator a good model of employee healthPDQDJHPHQW SUDFWLFHV WKDW ZLOO KHOS HQVXUH better response during a foodborne outbreakevent.16'XULQJ D VXVSHFWHG RU FRQ¿UPHG IRRGERUQH illness outbreak, it is important to commuQLFDWH ZLWK HPSOR\HHV WR DVVHVV WKHLU KHDOWK provide information to help in protectingthem from illness, and to assist the RegulatoU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ ZLWK WKHLU LQYHVWLJDWLRQ 7KH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ ZLOO XVXDOO\ DVN WR FRQGXFW HPSOR\HH LQWHUYLHZV RXWVLGH WKH SUHVHQFH RI D )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW RZQHU operator/manager. The Food EstablishmentRZQHU RSHUDWRU PDQDJHU RU FRUSRUDWH UHSUHVHQWDWLYH PD\ DOVR ZLVK WR FRQGXFW LQGLYLGXDO DVVHVVPHQWV ZLWK DOO HPSOR\HHV DIWHU WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ FRQGXFWV WKHLU RZQ as these can provide valuable information onWKH IROORZLQJ

Recent or current employee illness(es)or exposures that could trigger employeeWHVWLQJ UHVWULFWLRQ RI ZRUN GXWLHV DQG RU H[FOXVLRQ IURP ZRUN 3RWHQWLDO H[SRVXUH WR FRPPXQLFDEOH illness(es) that could require medicalIROORZ XS H J KHDOWKFDUH YLVLWV YDFFLQDWLRQ HWF 5HIHU WR SSHQGL[ 722/ (03/2 (( ( /7 66(660(17 )250 These recommendations are intended for dayto-day operation and management of a FoodEstablishment. While this can be used as general guidance in a foodborne outbreak event,FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ WR JHW RXWEUHDN VSHFL¿F HPSOR\HH health guidance is recommended.If employees are ill, the Food EstablishmentRZQHU RSHUDWRU PDQDJHU PD\ QHHG WR UHVWULFW WKHLU DFWLYLWLHV RU H[FOXGH WKHP IURP ZRUNLQJ If the Food Establishment does not alreadyKDYH D SROLF\ LQ SODFH FRQVXOW ZLWK WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ IRU LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ ZRUNHU UHVWULFWLRQV RU H[FOXVLRQV 7R DVVLVW LQ GHFLVLRQ PDNLQJ ZKHQ RWKHU JXLGDQFH LV QRW DYDLODEOH RQ ZKDW DFWLRQV WR EH WDNHQ LI HPSOR\HHV DUH ZHUH LOO DQG UHWXUQ WR ZRUN JXLGDQFH UHIHU WR SSHQGL[ 722/ (03/2 (( ,//1(66 DECISION GUIDE. This tool is based onWKH )RRG &RGH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV and may differ from local/state regulationsLQ WKH DUHD ZKHUH WKH )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW is located.,I D )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW RZQHU RSHUDWRU PDQDJHU KDV NQRZOHGJH RI WKH JXLGDQFH RU UHJXODWLRQV IRU ZRUNHU H[FOXVLRQ UHstriction in their jurisdiction, they mayZLVK WR FUHDWH D TXLFN SROLF\ UHIHUHQFH IRU WKHPVHOYHV 5HIHU WR SSHQGL[ 722/ % (; 03/( 2) (03/2 (( ,//1(66 '(&,6,21 48,&. *8,'( )25 3(5621 ,1 & 5*( IRU (VWDEOLVKPHQWV QRW serving highly susceptible populations, forD VDPSOH .HHS LQ PLQG WKDW WKLV LV DQ H[DPSOH RQO\ DQG GRHV QRW UHSODFH ZKDW PD\ EH UHTXLUHG E\ ORFDO RU VWDWH ODZ LQ your area. 3URYLGH WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ D OLVW RI DOO HPSOR\HHV DQG VSHFLI\ ZKLFK HPployees have indicated they have reportedEHLQJ LOO 6(( 722/ 3URYLGH WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ D copy of the employee health policies. OVR XVHIXO EHIRUH GXULQJ RU DIWHU DQ LQYHVWLJDWLRQ DUH WKH IROORZLQJ )' SRVWHUVTOOL 7cMy Story Could Change Your LifeTOOL 7dDo I Feel Well Today?TOOL 7eI Should Have Stayed HomeTOOL 7fWould You Want These People in Your Kitchen?TOOL 7gDon’t Let What Happened to Me Happen to You127( 7KHVH DQG PRUH SRVWHUV PD\ EH IRXQG DWZZZ IGD JRY IRRGHPSOR\HHWUDLQLQJ17RECOMMENDATIONSGuidelines for Owners, Operators and Managers of Food Establishments

cIFOR FOODBORNE ILLNESS RESPONSERECOMMENDATIONSCONSUMER AND EMPLOYEE PRIVACYIt is important to protect the privacy andhealth information of both employees andconsumers; recognize that Regulatory/Health XWKRULWLHV DUH W\SLFDOO\ ERXQG E\ SULYDF\ ODZV WR GR WKLV &RQVXOW ZLWK WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ DQG WKH )RRG (VWDEOLVK-ment’s legal counsel regarding local, stateDQG RU IHGHUDO ODZV UHJDUGLQJ HPSOR\HH and consumer privacy and the protectionsrequired in safeguarding individual healthinformation.EMPLOYEE SPECIMEN TESTING ORQJ ZLWK LQWHUYLHZV FOLQLFDO VSHFLPHQV DV LQGLFDWHG E\ WKH 5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ may be required from the employee by the5HJXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ IRU WHVWLQJ WR assess employee health and provide the RegXODWRU\ HDOWK XWKRULW\ DQG RU WKH )RRG (VWDEOLVKPHQW RZQHU RSHUDWRU PDQDJHU ZLWK valuable information regarding the investigaWLRQ (PSOR\HH WHVW UHVXOWV PD\ GR WKH IROORZLQJ 3URYLGH LQIRUPDWLRQ WR KHOS GHWHUPLQH LI WKH HPSOR\HH PD\ EH DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH outbreak; 'HWHUPLQH ZKHWKHU HPSOR\HH UHVWULFWLRQV or exclusions should be put in place; 'HWHUPL

disease outbreak response. No one set of steps is appropriate for all outbreaks. The response YDULHV ZLWK WKH RXWEUHDN DQG VXUURXQGLQJ FLUFXPVWDQFHV H J HWLRORJLF DJHQW QXPEHU RI FDVHV and likely source of exposure). The CIFOR Industry Guidelines RXWOLQHV FODUL¿HV DQG H[SODLQV WKH UHFRPPHQGHG UROH RI RZQHUV