Spanish GCSE Reading Practice - Your Language Learning


SpanishGCSEReading PracticeTheme 1 Unit 1Family, friends, and relationshipsTheme 1 Unit 2Table of contents1.Letter to a cousin2.Life at home3.Book review

Technology in Everyday LifeTheme 1 Unit 3Free time and leisureTheme 1 Unit 4Customs and festivalsTheme 2 Unit 5Local AreaTheme 2 Unit 6Social IssuesTheme 2 Unit 7Global IssuesTheme 2 Unit 8Travel and TourismTheme 3 Units 9 and 10Studies at SchoolTheme 3 Unit 11Education Post-16Theme 3 Unit 12Jobs, Career Choices, and in MadridRosa’s problem pageAnna’s boyfriendRelationship between Pepe and his familyTV documentariesA problem page letterPersonal story in a magazineCarlo’s partyFuture plansGuti’s friendSome Tweets about future relationshipsStudent CouncilCelebrity news in Latin AmericaNati writes about when she was youngerRelationshipsEleonor’s thoughts on marriageNachoA reply to Virginia’s letterAn interview about mobile phones in schoolMadrid’s websiteAn online magazineShopping by mobile phoneClara’s computer skillsNuria helped to organise this Internet dayGuti sends you another e-mailPasswordsAn e-mail from GutiInternet addictionA webpageDownloading from the internetA notice in an internet caféOpinions about mobile phonesLanguage abbreviations used in text messagesWhat is Rosa’s opinion about new technologyA magazine articleOpinions about new technologyiPad in lessonsOnline magazineAdviceMagazine contentGuti’s problemA school in MadridInterview about sportsActivities in BarcelonaExchange to MadridTrip to EnglandPlans for this weekendAnna’s friendCredit crunchGuti puts a notice in a campsite shopSantiago answers questions about his townA music festivalA signpost in a campsiteReplies to health questionnaire filmsOpinions about party’s at homeComments on a social networking siteHow to relaxA mountain bike rideShopping in OtovaloOpinion about last year’s exchangeExchange to Madrid 2Opinion about home and the environmentNuriaLife in OtovaloAnna’s housePepe – a boy from OtovaloA signpost in townTeenagers votedHome and environmentSpaniards describe their townStaying healthyExchange to Madrid 3Anna’s houseDoctor Costa gives advice about drink problemsMonica is worried about smokingJamie’s blog about immigrants and workSanna – a girl from MoroccoCharacters in a TV soap operaSong writersThe Spanish teachers have sent this e-mailA poster about drugsThe town council needs volunteersServices at a hostel for the homelessA new shop in townA report from a children’s charityHealthy breakfastFelipe’s fund-raisinArticle about smokingSome graffitiKeeping fitA drug posterOpinion about smokingHealthy livingA healthy living posterSport and fashionObsessionsVera’s diaryTips for a healthy lifeAna has filled in this questionnaire about healthylivingChildren hospitalMagazine articleEnvironment in school.Water usageJavier’s familyAn environmental pageEnvironmental advice

55156157158159160161162163164165Information in the campsiteRamonAliciaEnvironment week at schoolEnvironmentally friendlyEnvironmental problemsNoticeEndangers speciesViews on the environmentList of articles to take to MadridInterviewAna sends you an e-mailHolidaysCampsite’s reviewsCampsite last yearFutur holidaysReservationCamping in spainSkiing tripTourist brochureA travel reviewFuture plansLast year’s holidaysHoliday adviceA cartoonLife at unischool uniformSchool in MadridLunch timeBullying in schoolSchool magazineSchool in BarcelonaNew schoolSchool rulesPart-time jobBlogBlog about schoolSchool surveySafety at schoolVisit to an English schoolExam preparationSchool rulesNew college coursesSchoolProblems at schoolExchange to BarcelonaFutur plansVoluntary workExtra moneyCareers conventionFuture plansJobsWorld of workLooking for a job

166167168169170171172173174175176Different jobsTeenage financesForeign languagesBenjaminWorking from homeAlicia’s favourite food and drinkCookery bookRamon’s friendSpending habitsInternet reviewFashionQ1. Ana shows you a letter from her cousin, Antonia.(a)(Total 4 marks)Why is Antonia’s wedding in Lorca?(b) Where will the guests eat?AIn the gardenBIn the church hall

CIn the hotelWrite the correct letter in the box.(c)Who is the bus for?APeople who want to drinkBPeople who can’t driveCPeople who are coming from a long wayWrite the correct letter in the box.(d)How could Ana take part in the ceremony?Q2. A letter to a problem page about life at home(Total 2 marks)What two things can Virginia not do at home?1.(1)2.Q3. A book reviewChoose the correct word to complete the sentences.Total 4 marks

tDunusualHexcitedWrite the correct letter in the boxes.(a)The day Roberto disappeared was (b)His dad was (c)His mum was (d)Roberto felt Q4. Exchange in MadridIn your school you read about an exchange to Madrid.(Total 4 marks)Choose the most suitable Spanish family for the English students who want to go on the exchange.Write the correct letter in each box.English studentsExample‘I am scared of animals.’ Carol(a)‘I am nervous about speaking a foreign language.’ David(b)‘I am against smoking.’ Susan(c)‘I am not very sporty.’ Fiona

(d)‘I am vegetarian.’MikeSpanish familiesQ5. Rosa’s problem page(Total 4 marks)

(a)What does Victoria need to be more independent?(b)What Spanish custom does Rosa disagree with in the reply?(c)According to Rosa, what are the possible results of giving Victoria what she wants? Mentiontwo details.1.2.Q6. Ana writes about her boyfriend, Ahmed.(Total 4 marks)

(a)According to Ana’s parents, what is the Internet good for?AGetting to know people from all over the worldBSharing photosCKeeping in touchDSaving moneyWrite the correct letters in the box.(b)Why are Ana’s parents concerned about her relationship with Ahmed?Give two reasons.1.2.Q7. Relationships between Pepe and his family(Total 3 marks)En general me llevo muy bien con mi familia perode vez en cuando hay problemas.A veces mis abuelos critican a mis amigos.Mi padre no siempre respeta mis opiniones.A mi madre le gustaría controlar mi vida.Mis primos y yo no tenemos los mismos intereses.Why does Pepe sometimes not get along with these people in his family?Complete the sentences.ExampleHis grandparents.(a)His dad doesn’t always.(b)His mum would like to.(c)His cousins don’t.criticise his friends.

Q8.TV documentaries(Total 3 marks)What are these TV programmes going to discuss?Aequal opportunitiesBRacismCdomestic violenceDUnemploymentEPovertyWrite the correct letter in each box.(a)Muchos europeos viven en condiciones que no son aceptables en el sigloveintiuno. Trabajan, pero el sueldo es muy bajo. La vida es muy cara y aveces sus hijos pasan hambre. Este programa no es apto para niños.(b)Este documental presenta a tres parejas modernas y preguntamos: ¿existela igualdad o hay todavía mucha injusticia en nuestra sociedad? Una de lasentrevistas es con la jefa de una empresa internacional y con su marido quecuida a los hijos.(c)Un debate sobre los conflictos entre los españoles y los extranjeros queviven aquí y sobre los prejuicios que existen. ¿Por qué es tan difícil ser másabierto y aceptar las costumbres de otra gente?Q9. A problem page letter(Total 3 marks)What problems does Javier have in his relationship with Elena?Mention three things. Give full details.1.2.

3.Q10. Personal story in a magazine(a)(Total 4 marks)What question does the introduction to the story ask about mobile phones?(b)What happened to Isabel’s mobile phone when it fell on the floor?(c)What did David overhear about himself?(d)How did Isabel feel about the incident in the end?AJealousBRelievedCEmbarrassedWrite the correct letter in the box.Q11. Carlos’s party(Total 4 marks)

What do Carlos’s parents think his friends are going to do at his party?Write the correct letter in each box.ADisturb the neighboursBBreak the windowsCTrample all over the gardenDDamage the new tableEStart a fireFDirty the houseGSpoil the carpetsHRaid the fridgeQ12. Future plans(a)(b)(c)(Total 4 marks)

(d)Complete the sentences. Write the correct letter in the boxes.(a)(b)(c)(d)Manuela wants to .Paulina wants to have a .Ignacio wants a .Juan wants to .Alive alone.Bget married.Clive with her parents.Awedding in France.Bcivil ceremony.Cchurch wedding.Awife.Bdog.Cbaby.Aget divorced.Bspend more time with his daughter.Cfind a girlfriend.Q13. You read about Guti's friends on the internet.Example(Total 4 marks)

(a)(b)(c)(d)Identify the people. Write:J(Julie)S(Santiago)J S (Julie Santiago)Example Who is English(a)Who would like to be able to do more sport at school?(b)Who would like more education on the dangers of alcohol?S

(c)Who would like to have children?(d)Who wants a well paid job?Q14. Some “tweets” about future relationships(Total 4 marks)Con 28 años no quiero tener ni novia, ni mujer, ni niños. Prefieroser libre y soltero. El matrimonio no me interesa.CarlosLo ideal es estar casada con un hombre estupendo, ser madre ytener niños a los 28 años. ¿Alguien está interesado?SusanaMe gustaría vivir en mi propio piso, posiblemente con mi novia. Adoroa mis padres, pero es importante ser independiente a los 28 años.RaúlWho says the following?WriteCSR(Carlos)(Susana)(Raúl)Write one letter in each box. You may use a letter more than once.(a)I want to be happily married.(c)I want to be free and(d)I want to havesingle.(b)I want to have my own home.children.Q15. Three students standing for the school council announce their plans.(Total 3 marks)What do the students want to introduce in their school? Write the correct letter in each box.(a)Fernando¿Por qué no sirven desayunos en la cafetería? Todo el mundo sabe que seestudia mejor después de un desayuno sano. Además creo que esas máquinasfeas que venden bebidas azucaradas son innecesarias. También aumentaré elnúmero de portátiles en la biblioteca para que más estudiantes tengan accesoa Internet.AAn Internet café and healthy snack machinesBHealthy breakfasts and more laptops

CA bigger library and drink machines¿Quieres eliminar el racismo? ¿Me ayudarás a aumentar las oportunidadespara las mujeres? Tenemos que evaluar nuestras opiniones sobre elmatrimonio y la religión también. Lo tradicional es el pasado. Yo soy Elena.Yo soy tu futuro.(b)ElenaAEqual opportunities and racial awarenessBMore opportunities for immigrants and the disabledCTraditional values and more religious education(c)JaviQuiero tener un instituto limpio. Necesitamos instalar contenedores paratodo tipo de material que se puede reutilizar. Tiramos demasiado, ¿no? Porotro lado, creo que debemos tener más horas de deporte en los horarios. Esdecir, menos basura y más deporte. Así, mejoramos el medio ambiente ynuestra salud.AHealthy living and energy saving devicesBMore opportunities for exercise and recyclingCMore rubbish bins and more free periods on the timetableQ16. Celebrity news in Latin America(Total 6 marks)Después de 5 años de casados, Carlos Manso y Elena Marugán rompieron, según unode sus amigos. Tomaron la decisión durante sus recientes vacaciones en una casa delujo en Chile, después de discutir sobre su futuro. Parece que Carlos quería tenerniños y Elena, no.Ya no se hablan las dos amigas de toda la vida, Caterina García y Lucía Canales.Desde que Caterina empezó a salir con Juan Márquez, Lucía está muy celosa. Comoconsecuencia, Caterina se ha enfadado con Lucía. ¡Qué complicada es la vida!José Martín y Luisa Sánchez: esta pareja está viviendo el momento más feliz de suvida. Ayer celebraron su boda en México, pero el lugar preciso es un secreto. Corre elrumor que Luisa va a tener un niño, pero ninguno de sus amigos quiere confirmarlo.Borja Arrizabalaga y Carolina Hernández anunciaron ayer el nacimiento de ClaraRaquel. Nació un mes después de que el matrimonio se mudó de casa al pueblo deSan Martín. Así la pequeñita vivirá en el campo cerca de sus abuelos.

Write the correct letter in each box. You may use each letter more than once.Which piece of celebrity news talks about .(a)a couple who have just had a baby?(b)some friends who have fallen out over a boyfriend?(c)a couple who have just split up?(d)a couple who have just got married?(e)a couple who have moved house recently?(f)a celebrity who does not want to have children?Q17. Nati writes about when she was youngerWrite the correct letter in each box.(a)Mi pasatiempo era bailar.What was Nati’s hobby?(b)Los sábados trabajaba en un cine.Where did Nati work on Saturdays?(c)Me casé a los veinte años.How old was Nati when she got married?(Total 3 marks)

Q18. Relationships(Total 4 marks)¿Tienes novio o novia?(a)Me gusta un chicode mi clase, peromis padres dicenque soy demasiadojoven para novios ytengo que respetarsus opiniones.AnaFelipeLas chicas de miinstituto son tontas yno me interesannada, pero salgo conuna chica muyguapa de mi pueblodesde hace tresmeses.¿Cómo te llevas con tus padres?(b)AnaMi madre tiene muchosentido del humor y mipadre me ayudamucho. Somos muyamigos.Mis padres me criticantodo: mi pelo, mis amigos,mi ropa . Tengo másconfianza con mis amigos.Felipe¿Quieres casarte?(c)Quiero tener unaboda tradicional enuna iglesia con unaceremonia religiosa.Será muy romántico.AnaFelipeQuiero casarme y tenerhijos, pero primero quierodedicarme a los estudios.Para mí, el matrimonio esmuy importante.¿Qué vas a hacer a los 65 años?(d)AnaEspero dedicar mi tiempo libre alos nietos. Quiero estar en formapara jugar con ellos y, por eso,me gustaría jubilarme lo máspronto posible.Identify the people.WriteAAnaFFelipeFelipe¡Trabajar! Nunca voy a dejarde trabajar. Necesito lacompañía de la gente. Piensoseguir trabajando porque, sino, estaría demasiado solo.

A FAna Felipe(a)Who is in a relationship?(b)Whose parents are like friends?(c)Who wants to get married?(d)Who plans to retire at the earliest opportunity?19. Eleonor’s thoughts on marriage(Total 4 marks)En febrero mis padres celebraron sus veinticinco años de casados con una fiesta en casa. Magnífico, ¿no? Esto mehizo pensar en el matrimonio.Todos los invitados llevaban muchos años juntos; ningún divorciado, ninguna separación y la única soltera era mi tíaCarolina. Es obvio que la generación de mis padres valora mucho el matrimonio.Los jóvenes de mi generación pensamos que vivir juntos está más de moda y afortunadamente mis padres están deacuerdo con mi decisión de compartir un apartamento con mi novio. En eso son comprensivos.Ahora bien, aunque ellos quieren nietos y mi novio y yo queremos tener familia, estoy totalmente segura que seenfadarían muchísimo si tuviéramos hijos antes de casarnos. Ya veremos.EleonorWhat exactly did Eleonor’s parents celebrate?(a)(b)Why was Carolina the odd one out at the celebration?(c)What decision has Eleonor made that her parents agree with?What would make Eleonor’s parents very angry?(d)Q20. Nacho.(a)Write the correct letter in each box.Por las noches miro el correo electrónico.What does Nacho check at night?(Total 3 marks)

AHis emailBHis alarmCHis diary(b)No voy a tener hijos.What is Nacho not going to do?AGet marriedBHave childrenCGet divorced(c)Estoy preocupado por el medio ambiente.What is Nacho worried about?AThe environmentBUnemploymentCMoneyQ21. You read the reply to Virginia’s letter.(Total 2 marks)Querida Virginia:Tienes que ser más positiva. Piensa en la cantidad de ratos agradables que tú ytus hermanos habéis pasado juntos: vacaciones nadando en el mar, fines desemana paseando por el campo, tardes jugando a las cartas.What happy times should Virginia think about? Complete the boxes.WhenExample(a)(b)HolidaysActivitySwimming in the sea

Q22. An interview about mobile phones in school(a)(Total 3 marks)Which student thinks that phones can lead to bullying in school?(b)Which student thinks that pupils need mobile phones at school?(c)Which student thinks that teachers are not against mobile phones?Q23. You are now in Madrid.(Total 1 mark)You see this ‘pop-up’ while using a Spanish website.What does the message warn against?

Q24. An online magazine(Total 1 mark)What is this online magazine called in English?Write the correct letter in the box.ASpanish FoodBSpanish LifeCSpanish SportQ25. Shopping by mobile phone(a)(Total 5 marks)What can you buy by using your mobile? Write the correct letter in the boxes.(b)According to the advert, what two things make shopping by mobile phone easy?Write the correct letter in the boxes.AYou don’t have to use cash.AYou don’t have to go to town.BYou don’t have to queue.BYou don’t have to pay postage.

Q26. Clara’s computer skills(a)(Total 4 marks)What was the advantage of Clara’s first computer?(b)Why does she prefer her laptop?(c)What does she use the internet for most?(d)What is she going to learn to do?Q27.Nuria helped to organise this Internet Day.(Total 6 marks)

(a)Who taught whom on the Internet Day?(b)What did most people do on the Internet?(c)What was the hardest thing for the learners to do?(d)What exactly was the aim of the Internet Day?(e)According to Nuria, why was the Internet Day a great success?(f)What did Fernando like best about the Internet Day?Q28. Guti sends you another e-mail.(a)(Total 5 marks)What does Guti say about his recent holidays?(b)In the future, how does Guti want to keep in touch withyou?(c)Why is Guti fed up? Give two reasons.1.2.(d)What is Guti looking forward todoing?

Q29. Passwords(Total 4 marks)Las contraseñasHasta hace poco teníamos un número para el carnet de conducir y otro para el pasaporte, pero nuncatuvimos que saberlos de memoria.Hoy día, sin embargo, tengo que recordar la contraseña para acceder a mi cuenta del banco, otra para abrirel correo electrónico y una más para hacer las compras en línea.Para recordar este montón de números, hice una lista en el ordenador con todas mis contraseñas. Lo maloes que no sé dónde escribí la contraseña para abrir el ordenador.Tomás(a)Apart from shopping online, which two other activities does Tomás need a password fornowadays?1.2.(b)How has Tomás tried to remember all of his passwords?(c)Why has this not beensuccessful?30. An e-mail from Guti(a)(Total 3 marks)What does Guti say about his recent holidays?(b)In the future, how does Guti want to keep in touch with you?(c)What is Guti looking forward to doing?

Q31. Internet addiction(Total 5 marks)Marta has done a magazine quiz to find out if she is an internet addict. She has chosen these three answers.Si tus amigos quieren hablar contigo, en lugar de llamarte, se conectan aInternet. ¡Saben que te encuentran allí, seguro!No puedes aguantar una película completa en casa sin mirar si alguien teha dejado un mensaje en tu página web.Sólo en el instituto lees un libro y escribes a mano usando palabras noabreviadas. Siempre buscas información para tus deberes en Internet.(a)Which of the following statements are true? Write the correct letter in each box.AMarta’s friends can never get in touch with her.BMarta spends more time on the computer than the phone.CMarta has to keep checking her messages on the computer.DMarta does not like watching films at home.EMarta only uses the computer for socialising.FOut of school, Marta does not write words in full.The results of Marta’s quizResultadoEl ordenador es casi tu mejor amigo y chateas mil horas en el ciberespacio. Internet es superútil, pero sólo endosis pequeñas.(b)Marta’s results in the quiz show that she uses the internet.Asensibly.Btoo much.Cless than her friends.Write the correct letter in the box.

ResumenDebes dedicarte a otros pasatiempos y estar más con tus compañeros.(c)What does her summary suggest she should do?Mention one thing.Q32. A web page(a)(Total 2 marks)Why might Spanish people go on this web page?(b)Which activity can you do on the page?AMatch up the Spanish and English wordsBPut the words in the correct orderCFill in the missing wordsWrite the correct letter in the box.Q33. You read an interview about downloading from the Internet.(Total 3 marks)

¿Estás a favor de las descargas en Internet?(a)Reportero:¿Cuáles son tus opiniones sobre descargar música y películas de Internet?SelmaLos artistas deberían adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos y la realidad del mundo delas descargas. Deben dejar de quejarse y empezar a estar orgullosos de que sumúsica sea escuchada por tanta gente.PabloTodos estamos hartos de pagar por un disco compacto cuando sólo nosinteresan dos o tres canciones. Las descargas ilegales son en parte el resultadodel precio que hay que pagar por la música.RocíoExisten descargas ilegales de películas porque los precios de las entradas al cineson abusivos. En tiempos de crisis con tanto paro, todo lo que sea gratis esbueno.JuanLas descargas de música y películas causan mucho desempleo entre los artistas.Les quita la oportunidad de ganarse la vida. Si todo el mundo lo haceilegalmente, terminaremos sin canciones ni películas.SimónNo todas las descargas son ilegales. Yo diría que hay que ser responsable ydescargar sólo lo que está permitido.Who thinks that downloading is acceptable as long as it is legal?(b)Who thinks that downloading from the Internet puts people out of work?(c)Who thinks that the artists should stop complaining about downloads?Q34. A notice in an internet café(Total 2 marks)What two pieces of advice does the notice give you? Give full details.1.2.

Q35. Opinions about mobile phones, Who thinks mobile phones are not essential?(Total 3 marks)Write the correct letter in each box.Q36.Language abbreviations used in text messagesA¿Por qué? Por k?BAdiós a2CAl llegar a casa AlcDBesos bbsECorreo electrónico e-mF¿Qué haces? K aces?(Total 3 marks)How would you text the following messages in Spanish? Write the correct letter in each box.ExampleGoodbye(a)What are you doing?(b)Kisses(c)When I get homeB

Q37.What is Rosa’s opinion about new technology?WritePNP N(Total 1 mark)(Positive)(Negative)(Positive Negative)1Yo pienso que no es fácil utilizar losordenadores y los móviles. Siempre meenfado cuando tengo que usarlos.Q38.A magazine article. Write the correct letter in each box.(a)Hugo(Total 3 marks)Tanto la tele como Internet ofrecen grandes posibilidadesde aprender cosas nuevas. Por ejemplo, puedes hacervisitas virtuales a los museos y las galerías de arte graciasa la comunicación digital. A veces es peligroso compartirlos detalles personales en línea porque hay muchofraude. Además hay demasiados anuncios en la tele y enInternet, lo que me molesta mucho.According to Hugo, what are the advantages and disadvantages of new technology?AYou can watch TV on the Internet but at a higher price.BThere are opportunities for cultural education but there istoo much advertising.CYou can make bookings online but there are dangers too.(b)Me encanta conectarme y escuchar el último sonido demis grupos favoritos mientras trabajo en el ordenador encasa. ¡Qué relajante es trabajar en estas condiciones tanagradables! Lo malo es que no tengo dónde guardar losarchivos y a veces la banda ancha es muy lenta.ElenaAccording to Elena, what are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home?ASilent working environment but no storage space.BPleasant environment but lots of interruptions.CRelaxing working environment but problems with theInternet.(c)JaviAl ser humano le gusta la comunicación, pero no haynada mejor que el contacto humano. Los nuevosmedios de comunicación multiplican los contactos conel mundo. Hay gente que no sale de casa porque estácomunicándose con amigos en Internet, pero estasamistades no son verdaderas, en mi opinión.

According to Javi, what are the advantages and disadvantages of social networks?AWider friendship base but lack of personal contact.BMore international friendships but no exchange ofopinions.CMore friends but there is a risk of cyber bullying.Q39.Opinions about new technology(Total 3 marks)Pienso que las nuevas tecnologías forman parte de la vida normal. Las salas de chatson muy populares.Internet es genial, sobre todo porque me permite estar en contacto con mis hermanosy primos que viven en Argentina.Los jóvenes nos divertimos comunicándonos por Internet y con los móviles, pero mepreocupan las salas de chat porque hay muchos peligros allí.Las nuevas tecnologías son estupendas para buscar información y me ayudan muchocon mis estudios. Ahora incluso tengo acceso a Internet con el móvil.Creo que las nuevas tecnologías son muy útiles. En cambio, me molesta ver yescuchar a la gente hablando por móvil todo el rato.(a)Who says mobile phones are annoying?(b)Who says the internet helps families to keep in touch?(c)Who warns you about the risks of using the internet?

Q40.iPads in lessons(Total 4 marks)Do these people think that using iPads make lessons better, worse or the same?WriteB (Better)W (Worse)S (Same)A) No veo las ventajas porque los profesores son lentos en solucionar losproblemas con los iPads. Perdemos tiempo.B)En las clases de francés hacemos vídeos y grabamos conversacionescon el iPad y por eso creo que mi pronunciación y mi acento son másnaturales.(c)En mi opinión, me da igual usar un iPad o usar un cuaderno. Con osin tecnología, me aburro en clase.(d)Los profesores preparan actividades apropiadas para todos losdiferentes niveles de los estudiantes. Con los iPads somos másindependientes y así aprendemos más.Q41. Before logging off from the online magazineExample Antes de cerrar la session visitanuestro blognuestra tiendanuestra biblioteca.What can you visit before logging off? Write the correct letter in each box.ABlogBCalendarCGamesDLibraryEShopExample(Total 2 marks)

Q42. Advice(Total 4 marks)What kind of advice does each journalist write about? Write the correct letter in each box.AWriting to the council for answers to local problemsBHealthy lifestylesCSocialising and managing your moneyDTechnologyEFashionFProblems at school(a)¿Quieres saber qué llevar para ser el más moderno? Tienes que visitar mispáginas. La ropa es mi especialidad.(b)¿Quieres disfrutar del fin de semana? Yo te puedo dar ideas para salir ycontrolar tu paga al mismo tiempo.(c)¿Te molesta el vandalismo en el parque? ¿Quieres escribir al ayuntamientopara buscar soluciones? Yo te ayudaré.(d)¿Necesitas un nuevo ordenador? Debes leer mis opiniones sobre lo buenoy lo malo de los últimos teclados y pantallas.Q43. Magazine contentsWhat information is in the magazine? Complete the boxes.ExampleCríticas y concursosReviews and competitions(a)Música y cineMusic and (b)Viajes y deportes(Total 4 marks)

Travel and (c)Compras y dineroShopping and (d)Trabajo y saludWork and Q44. You read about Guti’s problem.Complete the sentences. Write the correct letter in the boxes.(a)(b)(c)Guti likes Aiceskating.Brollerblading.Cskateboarding.Guti has Awritten to the Town Hall.Breceived a letter from the Town Hall.Ccalled the Town Hall.Guti thinks this hobby is Aexpensive.Bexciting.Cdangerous.(Total 3 marks)

Q45. The staff at a school in Madrid write their blogs.Identify the people. WriteM(Miguel)E(Esther)(Total 4 marks)M E (Miguel Esther)Who.(a)teaches five year olds?(b)likes going to the cinema?(c)has a pet?(d)wants to go back to Scotland?Q46. You read an interview about sport.(Total 3 marks)

(a)Who thinks sport is a good way of socialising?(b)Who thinks sport can cause problems?(c)Who thinks sport is a good way of losing weight?Q47. Activities in Barcelona(Total 3 marks)What are you going to do in Barcelona?Watch TVGo shoppingGo swimmingGo cyclingPlay basketballGo bowlingWrite the correct letters in the boxes.

Q48. In your school you read about an exchange to Madrid.(Total 3 marks)Your exchange partner sends you a text.Which activities does he mention?A day.A in school.D at a castle.B at a bullfight.E at a theme park.C in the park.F at the shop.Write the correct letter in the boxes.Q49. You read a report about a school trip to England.(a)How did the classes in England compare to their classes in Spain?(Total 4 marks)

AEasier than in SpainBThe same as in SpainCHarder than in SpainWrite the correct letter in the box.(b)What did they think of High School Musical?AChildishBEmotionalCFantasticWrite the correct letter in the box.(c)Where was there a problem?AHaworthBHigh School MusicalCYorkWrite the correct letter in the box.(d)Which is the best description of the weather in England over the week?ASunny and cloudyBCloudy and warmCWarm and rainyWrite the correct letter in the box.Q50. Plans for this weekendWhat are these people going to do this weekend?(a)ATurn 16.(Total 3 marks)Write the correct letter in the boxes.

BGo for a meal in a restaurant.CPlan a birthday party.AWatch football on the TV.BGo to a football match.CPlay football with friends.ABuy a new videogame.BPlay on the games console.CRevise for some exams.(b)(c)Q51. Ana’s friends have filled in their profiles on the Internet.(Total 4 marks)


Identify the people.ExampleWriteFRF R(Fátima)(Raúl)(Fátima Raúl)F RWho likes sports?(a)Who does things to help the environment?(b)Who likes winter best?(c)Who would like to live abroad?(d)Who thinks good looks are important?Q52. Opinions on how the credit crunch has affected our leisure activities(Total 4 marks)Choose the correct summary for each paragraph.AI don’t have time to socialise.DI have started to stay in more at theweekend.BI go to places that are free toget into.EI stay in during the week andmy friends come round.CI go to my friend’s house to watch films.FI only go out if someone else pays.(a)Como tengo poco dinero, ahora paso muchotiempo libre en mi casa. Vienen amigos y

Spanish GCSE Reading Practice Table of contents Theme 1 Unit 1 Family, friends, and relationships Theme 1 Unit 2 1. Letter to a cousin 2. Life at home 3. Book review. Technology in Everyday Life Theme 1 Unit 3 5. Free time and leisure Theme