
PR AI S E FO R F.U. MO N E Y“Thought-provoking! Entertaining! Mind-blowing! His ‘Tony Robbins meets Dr. Phil’ styleis bold, brash, but right on target if you want to know what it really takes to retire young andretire rich. Dan, you are the man!”- Shane GoldbergC EO O F P H O T O S H O P ZO O . C O M“Dan Lok is, without a doubt, one of the most ingenious and innovative marketers I’ve evercome across. and one of the few people whose advice I trust. Listen to what he has to say.THIS guy will help you make a Quantum Leap in your business.”- Danie l S . Pe ña , S r.FO U N D E R A N D C H A I R M A N O F T H E G U T H R I E G R O U PM R . P E Ñ A T U R N E D 8 2 0 I N T O A 4 0 0 M I L L I O N M A R K E T-VA L U E D E N E R GY C O M PA N YIN JUST 8 YEARS!“Dan Lok has an extraordinary way of capturing people’s attention through the writtenword. Dan knows writing and he knows marketing. Most importantly, he is a man who cando exactly what he says he can do, do it exactly when he says he will - and do it with absoluteintegrity and honesty. If you want to Make It BIG in business, Dan Lok is your man. He hasmy highest recommendation.”- Fr a n k M c K i n n e y5 -T I M E I N T E R N AT I O N A L B E S T- S E L L E RT H E W O R L D ’ S P R E M I E R C R E AT O R O F O C E A N F R O N TM U LT I - M I L L I O N D O L L A R E S TAT E H O M E S“Dan Lok tells you critical marketing facts that would take years to learn in the real world.He pulls no punches as he shows you clearly how to seriously increase your profits whilesidestepping the many mistakes made by ordinary marketers.”- J ay C o n r a d L e v i n s o nT H E FAT H E R O F G U E R I L L A M A R K E T I N GAUTHOR OF THE “G U ERRILL A MARKE TING” BOOK S ERIE S“The whole idea of F.U. Money will be a powerful paradigm shift for most people. Dan isblunt, outspoken and brutally honest. You’ ll learn more practical ideas on how to make more,work less and enjoy life in this book than in any other single source. This book is a must-read.”- D av e D e b e a uP R E S I D E N T O F R E S U LT S E N T E R P R I S E S I N C .P U B L I S H E R O F “ FA S T T R AC K I N N E R C I R C L E ” & “ B . C . P R O F I T ”

F.U. MONEYMake As Much MoneyAs You Damn Well WantAnd Live Your LifeAs You Damn Well Please!

TAB LE O F CO NTENT SIntroduction6PA R T 1THE F.U. MONEY LIFESTYLE18Chapter 1What the Hell is F.U. Money?19Chapter 2How to Live Like a Hollywood Movie StarEven If You’re Not Famous31PA R T 2THE F.U. MONEY MYTHS: 8 MYTHS THATARE KEEPING YOU FROM MAKING YOURF.U. MONEY47Chapter 3F.U. Money Myth #1:Money Can’t Buy Happiness48Chapter 4F.U. Money Myth #2:Rich People are Assholes56Chapter 5F.U. Money Myth #3:You Can Afford to Wait66Chapter 6F.U. Money Myth #4:You Have to be Lucky72Chapter 7F.U. Money Myth #5:You Have to be a Cheapskate79Chapter 8F.U. Money Myth #6:You Have to Get Rich Slow91Chapter 9F.U. Money Myth #7:You Have to Work Hard to Make Money102Chapter 10F.U. Money Myth #8:You Have to be Perfectly Ready110PA R T 3THE F.U. MONEY MINDSET122Chapter 11Why F.U. Money is Not for the Touchy-Feely123Chapter 12If Your Life Stinks, It’s Your Own Damn Fault133

TAB LE O F CO NTENT SPA R T 3THE F.U. MONEY MINDSET (CONTINUED)122Chapter 13You Can’t Have the GloryIf You Don’t Have the Guts140Chapter 14Why Conventional Wisdom isAlmost Always Wrong148Chapter 15The Most Important Thing You Can Do Today toStart Yourself on the Pathto F.U. Money156Chapter 16You Can Make Money or Excuses, Not Both167Chapter 17The Power of Setting D.I.G.176Chapter 18What You Can Learn from Soup Nazi AboutDealing with Clients and Doing Business onYour Own Terms181Chapter 19The Simple System That Helps You Master YourTime and Take Charge of Your Life194Chapter 20The Amazingly Simple Technique That BoostsYour Daily Productivity203PA R T 4THE F.U. MONEY BUSINESS211Chapter 21The Number One Reason Why People Don’tMake Their F.U. Money212Chapter 22The Money Secret Shared by Bill Gates, RichardBranson, and Warren Buffet218Chapter 23The 9 Characteristics of an Ideal Business223Chapter 24How Ordinary People MakeExtraordinary Income Online244Chapter 25How I Went from Rags to Riches on the Internet252Chapter 26The 7 Golden Keys to Internet Riches267E P I LO G U ESO WHAT THE HELL DO I DO NOW?280


F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONYou have never read a book like mine.I am going to make some assumptions here. You are holding thisbook in your hands because you know where you want to be financially,but you’re not there yet.You’re sick and tired of your job, you’re frustrated with your financialsituation, or you don’t have enough cash flowing into your business foryou to retire and/or make you rich.One thing I am sure is that you’re reading this book because youwant MORE.MORE money. MORE stuff . MORE satisfaction. MORE time MORE happiness. MORE sex. MORE fun. MORE love. MOREpleasure. MORE of SOMETHING!.and that’s fucking awesome.Life is all about wanting more and making more. That’s the realityof things, and there’s not a damn thing wrong with it. So I’m working onthe assumption that you want more and you don’t feel guilty about it.If you do feel guilty about it, realize your guilt is part of the problem.It’s a big reason that you don’t have more. GET OVER IT.If you go to the business section of bookstores and libraries, theshelves are packed with all kinds of business and success books—endless rows of personal development and self-help books. Most ofthese books are a complete waste of your time and money.The first set of books is the touchy-feely, new age, prosperity-typestuff in the self-help section. The thing is, if you were to actually meetand get to know these so-called “prosperity gurus” in person, you7

F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONwould find out they have no money—they’re poor. They don’t have apot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.So how the hell can they teach you about prosperity when theyhave no prosperity themselves? Oh, you might say, “Dan, they’re richspiritually.” Yeah, right. That’s nothing but a lame ass excuse for theprosperity gurus to justify their lack of wealth.To me, true prosperity means being rich in ALL areas of your life.This includes your home, love life, family, health, friends, fun, and yes,money. Lots of money.The second set of books is the motivational psycho-babble.These looney-toons tell you that if you recite daily affirmations thinkpositively enough. if you meditate and visualize. lock yourself in aroom with purple candles and some hippy-smelling incense thatsomehow money will fall into your lap.These motivational gurus tell you if you feel good about yourself,you’ll make money. I say if you make a ton of money, then you’ll feelpretty damn good about yourself.The third set of books is the business books written by authors whohave no real world business experience whatsoever. I particularly can’tstand these posers.These are the business school professors and “paper gurus” whopose as business experts yet have never even started a business intheir entire miserable lives.While their theories might sound good, they’re of no help at allbecause the authors have never been in the trenches. They don’t knowwhat it’s like to miss a payroll. They don’t know what it’s like to sell8

F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONtheir car, mortgage their house, and live on rice and beans to keep theirbusiness alive.Yet here they are doing “research” and feeding you all this nonsensical data and making it all so complicated that in the end you’re soconfused that you never implement a damn thing.Then you have the fourth group of books that attempt to walkyou through the step-by-step mechanics of starting, growing, and,ultimately, selling a business.Stuff like raising capital, marketing, selling, management,leadership, those types of books. Some are great, some are not sogood, and some are downright dangerous. But NONE of these bookswill tell you how to prepare your mind and adjust your perspective formaking your F.U. Money.Lastly, you have the financial books—work hard, save money, livebelow your means, invest in mutual funds, let compound interest workits magic, and then ONE DAY you’ll be able to retire in comfort (not evenrich) if you’re lucky.Of course, that is if you have the self-discipline to put away themoney, not blow everything you make at the end of every month, andget a high return on your investments for a LOOOONG period of time.I don’t know about you, but I think the idea of working your entirelife, as hard as you can, usually at a job you hate, so you can retire andenjoy life, is ludicrous.Why wait until you’re old and gray to retire? Why wait until retirementto start enjoying your life? Why not do it now?By the way, do you know who most of these financial experts and9

F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONauthors work for? The mutual fund companies! Why do you think thesemutual fund companies advertise their retirement plans like crazy?Cause they have your best interest at heart, or cause they make anobscene fortune in fees?I think you already know the answer.TH E O N LY KI N DS O F BOO KS TH ATAR E WO RTH YO U R TI M EThere are a group of books written by people who have achieveda high level of success in business, such as the autobiographies ofRichard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc. I love thosebooks. You learn from the successes and failures of people who havebeen there, done that. Those are the books you should read.WHY TH E H E LL S H O U LD YO U E VE NLI S TE N TO M E ?I came to North America years ago with no money, no connections,and not a word of the English language on my lips. In fact, I still speakwith a thick accent. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Istarted from scratch and made lots and lots of mistakes. I’ve beenscrewed over by many people.I’ve worked for minimum wage in a supermarket as a grocerybagger. I’ve been up and down multiple times, at one point 150,000 indebt, and, yet, I made it all back. I became a self-made multi-millionaireNOT because I inherited it when my rich uncle died or somebody gave10

F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONit to me, but because I made it from scratch, with my sweat and tears.through the cutthroat world of business.I can retire today if I want to. If I want to hop on a plane tomorrowand go spend a month at a resort in the Caribbean, I can do it—and Ihave done it.I am free to do what I want, when I want, where I want, withwhomever I want for as long as I want without having to worry aboutmoney. And, yes, I can say fuck you to anyone I don’t like, anywhere,without consequence because I’ve made my F.U. Money.11


F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONWA R N I N G : PLE A S E D O N OT R E AD TH I SBOO K I F YO U ’ R E E A S I LY O FFE N DE D BYS TRO N G I D E A S O R L AN G UAG EIn case you didn’t notice, the language in this book is not politicallycorrect. Th is book is definitely not for the easily-offended or the faintof heart.In other words, I didn’t take the time to edit out all the “shits,”“fucks,” and other offensive terms. I write the way I talk. No bullshit, nofluff, and no sugar coating. And I think the bad language adds a bit ofspice to some of these messages and makes them easier to read.I know the title of “F.U. Money” alone willoffend a lot of people. However, I believe I’mLO K I S M # 1only as effective to the degree that I am willingto off end. It’s better to be hated than ignored.During my business career, I’ve always hadcritics and people who don’t like me.So before we dive in, I want to make threeSugarcoating ismeant for cereal.things perfectly clear:1. I didn’t invent the ideas or strategies. I simply spell them outin a book. Nothing in this book is original. Anything I’ve been able toaccomplish today has been a direct result of what others have taughtme, supported me through, and even challenged me to do.I think originality is highly overrated. You can always tell thepioneers because they’re the ones laying in the sand with arrows in13

F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONtheir backs! In fact, most of my fortunes are made by altering existingideas, not creating something new.2. You won’t find ALL the answers in this book. You’ll find someof the answers, but not all of them.The purpose of this book is NOT to teach you everything thereis to know about making your F.U. Money. My goal is to expand yourhorizons, shift your paradigm, and open your mind to a whole newworld of opportunity. As Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. said, “Man’s mindstretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.”This book is also not a magic pill or silver bullet for the people whoare simply wishing and dreaming that money will suddenly “manifest”itself into their lives.If you believe in that shit, then you shouldn’t be reading this bookanyway. Th is book is for serious people who are dedicated to buildinga business that can give them freedom and prosperity beyond theirwildest dreams. But in order to do so, work is involved.3. I am not asking you to agree with me. In fact, it is perfectlyokay to disagree with me—I couldn’t care less. There are many waysto be right. What I’m going to share with you are the ways that haveproven to be right for me. That doesn’t make them right or wrong—itjust makes it my experience. And that’s the only place I can come from—my experience.Take my suggestions cafeteria-style if you want. Take one or twoideas and try them out. If they work for you, great—keep them. If theydon’t work for you, kick them to the curb. No hard feelings whatsoever.14

F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONTH E S U R E-FI R E WAY TO FAI LU R EI don’t know the sure-fire way to success. But I sure as hell knowthe sure-fire way to failure, and that is to try to please everybody.I got rich and happy by not giving a damn what people think. I don’ttry to please everybody at this point in my life because I’ve made myF.U. Money.So FUCK the critics! Those who can’t do, criticize. It’s easier to sitback and criticize the people who are actually doing something. Here’smy message to the critics: “If you’re so damn smart, why aren’t yourich?”If you have no critics, you likely have no success. Anyone in theworld who is making an impact WILL be criticized—period.I guarantee that when you start going after your dream and workingtowards your F.U. Money, you will encounter criticism. So you might aswell develop an alligator skin and get used to it.The key is not to internalize it. Don’t take it personally. Critics arelosers—so who cares?Just because you exist in the world, somebody somewhere willbe offended. Those people are NOT going to give you money or haveanything to do with you anyway. So who gives a shit what they think?15

F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONWH AT I S TH I S BO O K R E ALLY ABO U T ?So what is this book really about? Th is book is about making you alot of money, about making you believe in yourself like you never havebefore, about forcing you to take massive action to do whatever thehell it takes to make your F.U. Money.Th is is not some touchy-feely, happy-slappy, feel-good book.As you can already see, I am not here for you to like me. If you want afriend, buy a dog.I am here to show you how to think differently. I am here to changethe way you think about business and about making a lot of money. Iam here to make you grow. I am here to challenge you. I am here to giveyou a dose of reality.There’s just no other way. My job is not to make you like me; my jobis to get you off your butt to do something.And I don’t care if I have to slap, kick, punch, or drag you to the finishline, that’s what I’m prepared to do. I WILL make you feel uncomfortable.I WILL make you feel uneasy. I WILL be in your face.I am here to tell you what you don’t want to hear, but need to hear.You might be put-off by my brutal honesty but you just have to realizethat it’s “tough love.”16

F.U. MONEYINTRODUCTIONOne last thing: as you go through this book, ask yourself twoquestions: How does this apply to me? How do I take direct action?To get the maximum value and results from this book, use the“F.U.M.A.—F.U. Money Assignments” throughout different chapters towrite down your notes/answers as you go.Don’t just read this book, use this book. Grab a pen and a highlighter,feel free to write on it, tear it apart, make a mess of it, whatever youwant to do—just as long as you use the damn thing!Are you ready? Very good. Let’s get started.17



F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?F.U. Money is the “enough is enough” number—when you get to apoint when you don’t have to take shit from anybody, when you makeenough money that you’re able to say fuck you to anyone, anywhere(including your boss) without consequence.F.U. Money means different things for different people. It’s ametaphor for freedom—freedom from financial worries that richpeople experience. freedom from stress and debt. freedom froma daily office routine. When you have F.U. Money, you have complete,total freedom to live your life the way you want to live it, doing thethings you’ve always wanted to do.F.U. Money gives you the freedom to choose when and how oftenyou spend quality time with family and friends. It means you can buythings without looking at the price tag. You can contribute money forwhatever good cause that’s close to your heart. If you want to handsome poor person on the street one hundred dollars, you can do sowithout any money worries.When you have F.U. Money, you can buy the vacation home in themountain or at the beach. You can improve your house and decorate it.You can drive the dream car you’ve always wanted to own. You can buythe house you’ve always wanted to live in.No more sleepless nights worrying about money. When you makeyour F.U. Money, you never again have to worry about the future of yourfamily. You can provide your kids or grandkids anything they want.No alarm clock assaulting you in the morning. You can wake upwhenever you want and do whatever you want. You can just put “do20

F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?Here’s me with Louise Uwacu. She’s the host of a national TV show. Now that I’m a well-knownsocial media influencer and business celebrity, I get interviewed like this quite often.nothing” on the to-do-list. You can go skiing, golfing, hiking, surfing,biking—whatever you feel like.F.U. Money means you can travel the world, learn new languages,and meet interesting people. If you want to hop on a plane tomorrowand spend a month at a resort in Hawaii, you can do it. And when youtravel, you can fly first class instead of coach.Or if you’re like me, once you’ve made your F.U. Money, you candedicate your life to helping other people make their F.U. Money as well.You can mentor others and find ways to make a positive difference.You can choose your work based on what you like to do and what reallycontributes to other people’s lives, not on how much it pays.21

F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?F.U. Money allows you to hire a housekeeper and get rid ofhousework so you can focus your talents where you can be productiveand live your passions. You can hire a personal chef if you don’t like tocook. You can write the book you’ve always wanted to write. You canproduce the music you’ve always wanted to produce.Bottom line is, life is pretty fucking awesome when you have yourF.U. Money!For some people, it might be millions and millions of dollars, but forothers it might not be anywhere near that much. However you defineit, it’s about having so damn much money that you don’t need anymore. where you could easily and gratefully give it away and still haveplenty left over.It’s about living your life on your ownterms, according to your possibilities, not yourLO K I S M # 2limitations.Now why is F.U. Money important? Well,put it this way—if you don’t make your F.U.Money, you’re permanently a slave.It’s not a question of how much moneyyou make. It goes beyond that. F.U. Money isF.U. Money is thepoint of trueliberation.the point of true liberation.Because if you don’t know your F.U. Money amount, you could bemaking a million dollars a year yet still be stuck in a behavioral patternas if you have no wealth.22

F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?WH E N I S E N O U G H , E N O U G H?“Money is a mirror. An examination of your money and the way youuse money is a way of understanding yourself in the same way that amirror provides a way of seeing yourself.”-Michael PhillipsAt the very beginning of my career, I became obsessed with money,since I made the decision early on that I was going to become rich. Ipursued money like nothing else mattered. As a result I sacrificedbalance in my family life and fell into a very common trap.When I first started and didn’t have a lot of money, my goal wassomething like this: “If I could just make 50,000 a year, wow! Thatwould be awesome!”And then when I hit 50,000 I would think to myself and even pray,“You know, just let me double that. If I could make 100,000 a year, Iwouldn’t ask for more.”And when I got to 100,000 I would say to myself, “Well you know,I could get to 200,000. then 500,000 then 1,000,000. then 2,000,000. then 4,000,000.” It’s never enough. It’s interesting tosee how quickly we adapt our spending habits to our increased income.The trap was this: thinking that although what I had was good, itwas never quite enough.That’s the danger of pursuing money. The process itself becomeaddictive—and if you’re not careful you will get fixated on the money.23

F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?the numbers. the dollar signs. The more you have, the more you thinkyou need.If you put a group of millionaires in a roomand ask them, “How many of you need moreLO K I S M # 3money?” every single hand will go up.Even if you ask the same question withbillionaires, everybody’s hand would go up.They might say, “Well, even though I haveenough money, I’m pursuing more becauseI’m just keeping score.” Well, that’s an excuse—in fact, it’s the same excuse I used to make.But when does it end? When is enough reallyenough? Who would ever want the words “IIf you treat moneylike a drug,you’re likely tobecomean addict.wish I had worked more” engraved on theirtombstone?By knowing your F.U. Money amount and understanding YOURtarget and YOUR ideal lifestyle, you will be able to avoid this mistake.You will be able to accomplish what you want to accomplish andachieve the ultimate freedom.That’s what this book is about: to make as much money as youdamn well want, then live YOUR life—not anybody else’s version ofyour life—as you damn well please. F.U. Money is truly the point of trueliberation. F.U. Money is also a state of mind, a way of thinking, a belief.And most importantly, it’s a way of living. It’s when you get to the pointthat you are truly free.24

F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?LO K I S M # 4Most people rarely do what they reallywant to do. That’s why people go work in jobsevery day that they hate. That’s why they stayMost people don’tdo what theyreally want to do.They do whatsomeone elsewants them to do.with spouses they don’t love anymore. That’swhy they go to places they don’t want to go.A LI FE O F R EG R E T AN DD I SAPP O I NTM E NTJust think of how your life will be if youDON’T have F.U. Money. You’ll say to yourselfwhen you’re ready to leave Planet Earth, “Iwish I could have. I wish I would have.”Instead, why not just say what William Hung said on American Idol:“I already gave my best and I have no regrets at all.”Think about it. Why not enjoy life NOW?When you have money pressures, you think about money all thetime. You think, “How do I pay the bills?” and “How do I pay for mykid’s education?”When you don’t have enough money, you’re forced to say NOto opportunities with friends when they say, “Let’s go on vacationtogether!” You say NO cause you can’t afford it or you have to work.You’ll say NO to charities because you don’t have enough to give.When I was broke, I wanted to give to the Children’s Hospitalbecause they saved my cousin’s life. I was very grateful for the workthat they had done, and I wanted to give them money—but I couldn’t,25

F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?because at the time I couldn’t afford it. I couldn’t even pay my own bills.I was struggling to just put food on the table.You see, a lot of people say they want tohelp other people, but the truth is, they DON’Treally want to help. How the hell can you helpothers if you don’t help yourself first?It’s the old airplane/oxygen metaphor:you must first put on your own oxygen maskbefore helping others put theirs on. You haveto save yourself first before you save theworld. If you really want to help other people,make your F.U. Money. Then you can helpwhomever you want. The best way to help thepoor is not to become one of them.LO K I S M #5Money is like sex.You’ll think ofnothing else if youdon’t have it–yetyou’re free to thinkof other things ifyou do have it.When you’re constantly thinking about money, you are consumedby it. You focus on surviving—just paying the bills. A starving personcan’t think of anything beyond the gnawing in his belly. It’s tough to begenerous when you’re broke. It’s tough to think about other people’sneeds when your utilities are about to be turned off.Some people say to me, “Dan you’re so addicted. so obsessedwith making money. All you care about is money.”Yes and no.I DO think money is extremely important. But what I care about isn’tmoney—what I really care about is freedom.26

F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?Money gives you freedom to make choices. I am very clear aboutwhat I want and what I don’t want in life. And what I want is the freedomto buy whatever I want, eat whatever I want, and go wherever I want.And freedom costs money.With F.U. Money, I am talking about living life to the fullest—abouthaving it all. If you don’t know your F.U. Money amount, you’re flyingthrough life blindly. You’re working day in and day out, thinking,“Wouldn’t it be nice if I had a different life?” yet never bothering to put aplan together to actually achieve the life that you want. And before youknow it, life is over.LO K I S M #6F.U. Money isabout livingyour life on yourown terms–according to yourpossibilities, notyour limitations.M A KE YO U R F.U. M O N E Y A SS O O N A S POS S I B LEI’m not suggesting for one second thatyou spend the rest of your life in the pursuitof F.U. Money. In fact, I’m saying the opposite.I’m saying get this money thing out of the wayNOW so that you can live the life you truly wantto live—so you’re not forced to put your life onhold because you’re always thinking that you“don’t have the money.”Make your F.U. Money as fast as possible by discovering whathigh-income skill you were born to do:https://www.highincomeskills.com/discover27

F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?I used to think that when I made my F.U. Money I would startpursuing my dreams, and one of the dreams was to learn how to fly aplane. For years, I wanted to do that, and I would say to myself, “WhenI have my F.U. Money, I’ll learn to fly.”But then I thought, “Why the hell wait?”Why not do it NOW? Why not do what I love NOW? So I immediatelysigned up for some flying lessons and got my private pilot’s license.And you know what? It’s absolutely wonderful!28

F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 1 : W H AT T H E H E L L I S F. U . M O N E Y ?What I found is that doing so didn’t negatively affect my pursuitof F.U. Money at all. If anything, it had the opposite effect. It got methere faster because I was recharged and revitalized like never before.Spending the money on flying lessons (even though I didn’t have alot of money at the time) allowed me to experience the thrill of doingsomething I always wanted to do. It turned out to be the catalystI needed to “kick me into high gear” pursuing my F.U. money. Once Ihad tasted the freedom of living the F.U. Money lifestyle, I becameunstoppable.29

F.U.M.A.F. U . M O N E Y A S S I G N M E N T S CHAPTER 11. What does F.U. Money mean to you?2. What does your life look like once you have your F.U.Money? (Please be as specific as possible.)3.How does it feel when you’ve made your F.U. Money?(for example: peace of mind, stress-free, joy, etc.)30


F.U. MONEYC H A P T E R 2 : H O W T O L I V E L I K E A H O L LY W O O D M O V I E S TA RE V E N I F YO U ’ R E N O T FA M O U SImagine living like a Hollywood movie star.What house would you live in? What car would you drive (or wouldyou have a chauffer drive you)? Where would you take your nextholiday?What are your wildest dreams?Think about it.You see, we don’t actually want more money—what we want isthe freedom that money can buy.In this chapter, I’m going to talk about how you can live like arockstar even if you’re not famous. Hell, you can do with it without evenbeing a millionaire. The trick is to know the difference between what’ssupposed to bring you pleasure and what actually brings you pleasure.It’s about what you really want, not the ideas the media has soldyou on what you should want.Let me give you a quick example. A friend of mine who is a verysuccessful entrepreneur owns eight sports cars: two Ferraris, oneAston Martin, two Porsches, one Mercedes, a Dodge Viper. and amotor-cycle to boot.So, of course, he had to build a garage just to fit all his toys. Thething is, he’s so busy that most of his “toys” have less than 3,000 mileson them. I’m not kidding. It’s ridiculous.To make matters worse, all he can talk about is the

You Have to be a Cheapskate 79 Chapter 8 F.U. Money Myth #6: You Have to Get Rich Slow 91 Chapter 10 F.U. Money Myth #8: You Have to be Perfectly Ready 110 Chapter 9 F.U. Money Myth #7: You Have to Work Hard to Make Money 102 Chapter 1 What the Hell is F.U. Money? 19 Chapter 2 How to Live