The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens.ppt


Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I willplace the world at your feet. Be easy with me, and I will destroy you. What am I?HABIT

Habit 1: React Habit 2: Begin with No End in Mind Habit 3: Put First Things Last Habit 4: Think WinWin‐LoseLose Habit 5: Seek First to Talk, ThenPretend to Listen Habit 6: Don’t Cooperate Habit 7: Wear Yourself Out

Signs of a PoorPersonal Bank AccountSigns of a HealthyPersonal Bank AccountGiving in to Peer PressureYou Stand Up For YourselfFeeling Depressed or Like You Don’t Measure UpYou Resist Peer PressureYou Worryy About What Others Think of YouYou See Life as a Positive ExperiencepYou Act Arrogant or Bully Others to Hide YourInsecurityYou Have Goals.Y AYouAre JJealousloff Others,OthEEspeciallyi ll WhWhen ThThey AAreSuccessfulYou Are Happy When Others are Successful.

Reactive ChoicesProactive Choices Tell the person off. Start a fight with the person. Threaten the person. Spread more rumors. Chat about the person on MSN. Go into a depression and feel sorrsorryfor yourself. Forgive the person. Calmly share how you feel with theperson whenh no one elsel isiaround. Ignore it and give the person ayhas weaksecond chance. Everyonemoments.

Focus on the Positive Act, Don’t React Think Before You Speak You CanCan’tt Control Others, You Can Only ControlYourself Push the Pause Button Focus on Solutions and Options, Not Problemsand Barriers

Control Your Own Destiny of SomeoneElse Will The Begin – With – The – End – In – Mind ‐Experiment What does that picture look like? What do you feel like inside? WhatWh are you most proudd of?f?

Set Short Term and Longg Term GoalsWhat can you do in the next 10 minutes?What can yyou do today?yWhat can you do this week?What can you do this month?What can yyou do this semester?What can you do during Middle School?What can you do during High School?

Are You a Win – Lose Person?Are You a Lose – Win Person?Are You a Lose – Lose Person?

PoorPositive Listen with your Eyes and Heart Stand in the other person’sshoes Practice MirroringSpace‐Case ListeningPretend ListeningSelective ListeningWord ListeningSelf‐Centered Listening (Judging,Advising or Probing)

Take Care of Number One Body Brain Heart Soul Helping others is often the best way to helpyourself

H bit 1:Habit1 BeB ProactivePtiHabit 2: Beging With the End in MindHabit 3: Put First Things FirstHabit 4: Think Win‐WinHabit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be UnderstoodHabit 6: SynergizeHabit 7: Sharpen the Saw!

You Are Happy When Others are Successful. Reactive Choices ProactiveChoices Tell the person off. Start a fight with the person. Forgive the person. Calmly share how you feel with the . Microso