Brought To You By The Art Of Approaching


Brought To You By The Art Of Approaching

WARNING:What you hold in your hands is just a snapshot of about a year and a halfof extensive research and testing.Up till now, this information has been closely held and only available to afew select people.I strongly suggest that you print this special report out right now, and readit immediately.There’s a very big idea inside this missive and many people have gottensome incredible success with women once they grasped the concepts youare about to receive right here for FREE.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com2

The Biggest Lie About The “Pick-UpWorld” That No One Wants To AdmitRight now, you might be wondering who I am and why you should bother reading whatwill most likely be a jumble of mindless ramblings.Well, let me introduce myself: My name is Joseph Matthews.I’ve been a student of the art and science of seduction since 1998, and have since gone onto some fame in the world of online seduction experts. I have had articles of minefeatured in such publications as and Cliff’s List Seduction Newsletter. For awhile, I hosted the most popular seduction blog on the internet – one that was evenfeatured in the New York Times best selling book “The Game.” I’ve guest instructed atvarious in-field workshops put on by some of the leaders in that industry, and have evenspoken at various events around the country. I’ve also been interviewed in DavidDeAngelo’s Interviews With Dating Gurus series.In addition to all that, I’m the author of one of the best selling and highly praised booksof dating and seduction online – The Art Of Approaching. And due to my authorship ofthis course, I’m widely renowned as THE primary expert in how to meet women.And though I’ve learned from some of the greatest seduction and pick-up experts in theworld, and have enjoyed some great success in my love life with women I never dreamedI could get, I have something I want to share with you And that is I am just like you.Despite all the fanfare, I’m just a guy who wants to get laid, and have a great girl in hislife.And at one point in my life, I simply didn’t know how to do that!(Seriously, I’d have had better luck constructing a rocket ship to fly me to Mars thangetting a girl to date me!)Those of you reading this who have read The Art Of Approaching will know the story ofhow I started out learning dating and seduction.For those of you who haven’t, I’ll make it short: I was a fat, lonely loser who had no cluehow to gain the affections of a woman.I was always stuck being “just friends” with the girls I liked. Most of the girls I hung outwith already had boyfriends. I’d freeze up around women, not knowing what to say andtoo shy to approach them. And when I was able to interact with them, I’d falter andthings would quickly fall apart.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com3

It was frustrating, to say the least.So when I first started to learn all the wonderful tactics of the seduction and dating world,I was in heaven. For the first time in my life, I was able to walk up to women and talk tothem without fear.I was even able to engage them and get them interested in me!I could go out on a lot of dates – more than I ever had before.It was a wonderful time in my life when I was first discovering how to use and applythese types of techniques. And as I think back upon those times as I write this, Iremember them fondly.But let me share with you the one thing most people in the “seduction business” don’twant to admit, and it’s something every student of the art of dating out there must learn,one way or another.And it’s not a pleasant thing to learn, but if you have any hope of becoming better withwomen, you MUST know it.That is: Everything You Are Learning Doesn’t Work!And that is the biggest lie perpetuated by the seduction community that no one wants totalk about – that these tactics and techniques you’ve been learning simply DO NOTWORK.(I would like to take a moment here to say to all of you reading this to continue on. Youmay be thinking “If this stuff doesn’t work, why should I waste any more of my timewith it?” Well, the reason is because I’m going to show you how to MAKE it work! Sokeep reading )Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com4

My Shocking ConfessionLet me share a rather personal story with you. It’s one that’s difficult to share because itwas so fraught with emotion, but without it, I wouldn’t have “turned the corner” into realsuccess with dating and seduction methods.A few years back, there was a time I like to lovingly refer to as “The Dark Time.”This was a period where I had completely withdrawn from the seduction community. Icut off all contact with the friends and teachers I had, and my fans (Yes, I do have fans )wondered what had happened to me.The Dark Time lasted a couple of months before I came back to the community with arenewed appreciation and different understanding.This is when I started to revise my book, and began to focus my attention on things otherthan techniques, patterns, and routines.For the first time ever, I am going to share with you what lead to this At the time before I withdrew from the community, I was quickly getting burned out. Iwas going out 5-6 nights a week to meet women. I’d get all “clubbed up,” and go outfrom roughly 9 pm to 2 am. Most of the time, I’d go out alone. (Did I mention this wasall with a job where I had to wake up at five in the morning and work until three in theafternoon? Needless to say, my boss was not pleased with me at this time!)I spent almost all my time reading about new tips and tactics, and memorizing routineafter routine. I was a fountain of useless pickup knowledge.What made this so difficult for me was that I was going out, night after night, and I wasable to meet and talk to women just fine, but for the life of me, I couldn’t seem to “closethe deal.”This constant sense of failure and frustration gripped me. I was wondering if I was doingsomething wrong. But then, there came an incident where I discovered that some goodfriends of mine, guys I was learning from and who I looked up to as “dating gurus”revealed themselves to be frauds.These were the guys who were teaching me. They were guys I looked up to andrespected. I considered them friends and confidants. But in the end, they were evenmore hopeless than I was, and were just looking to take advantage of others for thebenefit of a quick buck.I felt betrayed. I felt like everything I had learned and devoted myself to was worthless,that I had wasted all this time, effort, and energy, and I was no closer to getting what Iwanted than when I started.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com5

So I decided to quit. To leave all the teachings I had learned from these people behindand get my head clear. I had become a “seduction cultist,” and I realized it wasn’thealthy, and it wasn’t getting me any results.Looking back on it, this was the best thing I could have done.Once I had distanced myself from all the negativity I had come to associate with theseduction community, and I was able to clear my head from all the varied and jumbledteachings out there, I was able to look at things from a new perspective.That’s When The Real Success StartedAfter ridding myself of all the bad training I had endured (some of which is still beingtaught and propagated to this very day), I began to focus on a different aspect ofseduction.The INTERNAL aspect.I came to realize that attraction was based on mindset – not only of others, but of yourselfas well.If you did not have the proper mindset, nothing you could do would get a womanattracted to you.Understand something – Other seduction gurus have it all WRONG. There is nothingyou can do to make someone feel attracted to you.This is why techniques, on their own, do not work!Despite what some hypnosis-based seducers would have you believe, it is impossible toMAKE people feel attraction for you. Everyone has a will of their own, so the verynotion that you’re able to force someone to feel a certain way is bogus.If you try and “generate attraction” or “create attraction” in a woman, you will fail everytime.The reason for this is because you simply don’t know what other people find attractive,and no matter how many mind games you play with them, there are too many variables toconsider.In short: If you focus on that which you can’t control (ie: other people), you will onlybe met with frustration and failure.This was the secret I came to realize once I had performed my introspection during theDark Time.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com6

I realized my focus was always on the woman – I was trying to “trick” her into feelingcertain things, or “make” her react a certain way to me.That’s what most seduction experts try to teach you.But when I stepped back, and began focusing on the only thing I could control – myself –then I started to have some real success.Forget About “Inner Game.” It’s AllAbout Self-Mastery!There has always been an emphasis on “Inner Game” in the seduction community. Tothe casual student (and even some gurus), Inner Game means being confident, “alpha,”not caring what other people think.For a while, I bought into the whole “inner game fallacy,” where the only thing thatmattered was state control. If you could control your emotions, you could attract a girl.But like so much else in the seduction community, that was B.S. as well. Everyone is atdifferent phases of Inner Game, so what worked for one person didn’t work for another.Because of this, you couldn’t really “teach” Inner Game to anyone. If you tried, you’djust be trying to mold their identity to your own. This is why you’d see so many peopleout in the field imitating their favorite “guru.” Because they were trying to copy hisInner Game.It’s no wonder so many guys fail to achieve the success they want.What I learned is that in order to achieve true success with women in the REALWORLD, you have to set techniques aside at first, and focus only on what you cancontrol: Your own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.Those three things are what make up your own personal Inner Game. They are also whyit is impossible to TEACH Inner Game. Because everyone has different ways ofthinking, different feelings, and a different set of beliefs.The only way to have any true success in life is to gain control over these three facets ofourselves, which is why I started to shift my focus to Self-Mastery, instead of InnerGame.With Self-Mastery, you gain understanding of who you are, and why you think, feel, andbelieve the way you do. You understand your own fears and limitations, just as well asyou understand your strengths and desires.But most of all, you learn to gain control over yourself.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com7

That is all Self-Mastery is. Control over what you think, feel, and believe.And after years of discovering my own path to Self-Mastery, and discovering the successwhich lies therein, I have finally developed a way of teaching this method. One that’seffective, easy to learn and understand, but most of all – works for everyone, no matterwhat they think, feel, or believe.It is a completely individualized system of seduction that works based on who YOU are.Not who someone else is.And for this reason, it breeds true success in those who use it.The Trifecta: The Building Blocks Of SelfMasteryA pyramid is said to be the most stable structure in the whole universe. I see my systemas a pyramid, because it is a stable force that has proven itself time and time again. Thereare three things that make up the foundation of this solid structure.I call these three things the Trifecta.They are: KnowledgeExperienceConfidenceIf you were to imagine a triangle, where each one of these concepts made up a side, thisis what it would look like:Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com8

This is the foundation of true self mastery, upon which the greatest seductions occur.Remember how we talked about what you think, feel, and believe makes up your innergame? Well, the Trifecta allows you to gain control over those three aspects of yourpersonality.Knowledge influences what you think. When you are knowledgeable, you are able tocontrol your thoughts. You may think a girl won’t be attracted to you because you feelyou are ugly. But you may KNOW that girls place an emphasis on personality as well, soyou’re willing to try and seduce her.That is how knowledge influences us. If we know something is possible, we are able topursue it.Confidence influences how you feel. You can feel scared, nervous, upset, helpless, orany number of other emotions. But confidence allows you to make an important shift tofeeling happy, fun, excited, content, brave, and comfortable.There are really only two types of emotions: Good and Bad. Confidence is the systemwe use to shift from bad emotions to good emotions. When we feel good, we are able totake any action we choose to.Finally, Experience influences what you believe. Beliefs are shaped from pastexperiences. If we were rejected by women a lot when we were younger, we have thebelief that women are hard to pick up and attract. If we were successful when we wereyounger, we have the belief that women are easy to get.Positive experiences re-enforce positive beliefs, and help break old beliefs. Just like oncea world record is broken, anyone is able to break it -- the same is true here. If you’re ableto achieve something that goes counter to your beliefs, suddenly, your beliefs change toreflect your experiences.True Seduction Occurs Within TheConfines Of Self-MasteryOnce you begin using the Trifecta to work towards Self-Mastery, you will begin to seethe Method for seduction I have discovered. It is a fairly straight forward path, and it’sone that all forms of male/female interaction can fit into.The first step is the building blocks of all others. In that respect, it is the most importantstep of the seduction system I have created, so it is no small wonder I spend so much timeworking on The Art Of Approaching.The first step is: Approaching Women.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com9

If you don’t know how to meet women, everything else is superficial. After all, if youcan’t meet a woman, how can you sleep with her? How can you have a relationship withher?Answer: You Can’t!That is why the first step is also the most crucial. Everything that comes afterwardsdepends entirely on how effective you are at meeting women.That is why I feel The Art Of Approaching is such an important guide to have. It is theonly manual I know of that teaches you how to meet women in depth, using real, honestto-god techniques which have been proven to work time and time again.If you don’t have the Art Of Approaching just yet, you really need to get your own copyright now. It teaches you the essentials which you will need to follow the steps that comelater.Click Here To Check Out The Art Of Approaching Right Now!The next step in the Method is Rapport/Connection.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com10

Many people are confused about what rapport really is. But it’s actually quite a simpleconcept.Rapport is the process through which emotional connections are established between twopeople.If you don’t have rapport with someone, there is no relationship. You have rapport witheveryone you care about in your life – your friends, your family, your lovers – everyone.You cannot have a relationship without rapport.To successfully seduce a woman, you must have some level of rapport with her. Thestronger the rapport, the stronger the connection. The stronger the connection betweenyou two, the easier it will be to get her into bed.Next to knowing how to meet a woman, this is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT skilla man can have – the ability to create and nurture strong connections with a woman. Noother skill will get you laid more frequently than knowing how to use Rapport.Every failure you’ve ever experienced with a woman had to do with either a LACK ofrapport, or a breaking of rapport.When you’re able to establish connections with women, they feel comfortable aroundyou. They like you. They want to be with you. So the more rapport you can create, themore natural it is to feel attracted to you.That is the nature of being a “Natural.” That’s someone who can easily create rapportwith women.The next step in the Method is Dating.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com11

What I mean here by Dating isn’t what you might think. I’m not talking about going outto dinner and a movie here.What I mean by Dating is the process of deepening rapport. When you boil it to it’score, that’s all that Dating is. It’s a process by which a man and a woman spend timetogether to “get to know one another.”After you’ve met a girl and established a connection, the deeper you can make thatconnection, the more open she is to seeing you as a possible mate.Dating can take a long time, or it can be very quick. If there is a strong Rapport present,you can deepen that connection very rapidly.This is where One Night Stands are born.If you can deepen rapport over drinks after meeting a girl, you get the same results as youwould taking a girl out a few times to deepen rapport.Just because we use the word “Dating,” people think it means “spending lots of timetogether.”That just isn’t the case.Dating lasts as long as it takes to strengthen your connection with the girl enough to startintroducing sexual aspects into the relationship.This is where the REAL magic starts to happen.It also brings us to our next step The fourth step in our Method is Seduction.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com12

This is where we begin to move the interaction from connection to attraction.This is also where 90% of men SCREW UP!And it’s not for the reason you might think. It’s because Seduction, just like Dating, isactually an extension of step 2 – RAPPORT.We defined Dating as a deepening of Rapport, which bucks the trend most guysconventionally have of what dating is. Well, Seduction is in the same boat. Seduction isabout introducing feelings of sexual arousal into Rapport.For those of you who don’t know anything about Rapport, let me share this tidbit ofinformation with you Rapport is a two-way street. If you are in Rapport with someone, you are in a state of“sameness.” This means what you feel, they feel, and vice versa. Rapport is brokenwhen one person stops feeling the same way as the other person.This is important to know, because the natural inclination of someone who’s in Rapportis to STAY in rapport. This plays an important factor in the seduction phase, because ifyou’ve established a deep rapport with the woman, and you begin to experience feelingsof sexual arousal then SHE will begin to experience feelings of sexual arousal as well!That is the very nature of Rapport.Remember how earlier I told you that most seduction techniques fail because you’retrying to do something TO the girl – a person you have no control over?Well, this method of seduction works because you’re not doing anything to the girl!You’re actually doing something to yourself – someone you have COMPLETE controlover!Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com13

And because you are in rapport, the girl you’re with chooses to follow your lead!It’s beautiful in its simplicity.This is also the phase where you can ramp up the physical interaction. Things liketouching, groping, kissing, petting, and heavy petting come into play – all escalating tothe final phase of the Method.That of Sex.Sex is the final step in our method of seduction. This has to do with the actual act of sex,and the creation of intimacy.From here, the connections you’ve created can be leveraged into a relationship, if youdesire.So as you can see, within the Trifecta of Self-Mastery, there is a five step process ofseduction that is very simple to follow IF you know the steps.For those of you who’ve read The Art Of Approaching, step one may be easy enough foryou. But the other four steps may seem a bit daunting.But here’s a little secret Once you learn how to perform Step 2, all the other steps become EASY!That is because Dating, Seduction, and Sex are all various extensions of Rapport. Themore knowledge, confidence, and experience you gain with Rapport, the easier itbecomes to move through steps three, four, and five of the process.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com14

Announcing The Most Powerful, MostEffective Rapport Building TechniquesEver Developed SPECIFICALLY ForSeduction Make no mistake about it – if you do not know how to generate powerful rapport with awoman, getting her to date you or sleep with you is going to take a great deal of LUCK.I have spent the last 365 Days – pretty much all of 2006 – pioneering these deadlyeffective Rapport Building methods, and have compiled them into a home study coursedesigned to teach you, in a simple, straight-forward fashion, how to use Rapport tosupercharge your love life.No other course out there goes as in-depth into the Rapport process and its importance inseduction as this course does. And the best part is, you don’t need to be a NeuroLinguistic Guru to do it!If you have the ability to speak, and to understand a few simple concepts, you can easilyuse these tactics to not only start the process of Self-Mastery, but to start getting resultswith the women you desire RIGHT NOW.I call this course Renegade Rapport. And I’m going to give you a special sneak peek ofwhat you’re going to learn from it.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com15

Here’s How I’m Putting The “Renegade”In Rapport The reason I call this course Renegade Rapport instead of something else like “The GetLaid Now Plan” is very simple It’s because it flies in the face of every established school of seduction out there – andworks better than any of them!Understand – you don’t need to be “cocky and funny” to get chicks when you use thesemethods.You don’t need to peacock out and head to the nearest club.You don’t need to memorize huge scripts of hypnotic patterns or routines.You don’t need to play complicated mind games to “trick” women into sleeping withyou.You don’t need to “AMOG” the competition.You don’t need to do ANY of this stuff – and it still works! (And better than if you didall the stuff I just listed above)These Renegade Techniques work from the inside of you, to affect those around you.Once you learn to control yourself, and start your path to Self-Mastery, most of what youhave to do will come naturally.These Rapport skills will work in any situation, with any woman. And I’ll bet youdollars to donuts that you’ll start seeing amazing results once you start applying them.How do I know this? How can I say, in no uncertain terms, that these techniques arebetter than anything you’ve ever experienced before?Simple Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com16

Because I Have Used These TechniquesTo Attract Women I Have No “Business”Ever Attracting At All!Look, I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the “Greatest Seducer To Ever Live.” I’m just anordinary guy with simple ambitions. I want to have beautiful women in my life, andenjoy them in every way possible.I have tried every single method of seduction there is out there, and trust me when I say –They are all about changing yourself to fit someone else’s idea of what a seducershould be!That stuff just doesn’t work. You are who you are, and if you try to be someone else toget women, you will fail miserably! (And even if you succeed, its short lived, becausethey’re not really attracted to you, they’re attracted to the character you play!)Once I started playing around with these Renegade Techniques, my success started toREALLY skyrocket. I already had an easy time meeting women, because I had masteredthat aspect of the Process.But when I started applying these techniques, even I was amazed at how effective theywere.Case in point I was out one night at a bar in Hollywood called Barney’s Beanery. This is a great spotfor meeting women, and it was perfect for me to practice in.One night, I spotted an incredibly hot blonde girl out on the patio. This is the type of girlwho makes me weak in the knees! Seriously, she was so hot, most guys in the bar weretoo afraid to talk to her!Not only that, she was there with another guy, and a skinny brunette.Just for fun, instead of doing my normal approach, I decided to practice my rapport skills.So I did a technique I like to call the “Jedi Mind Trick.” This is a process by which youget nonverbal rapport with a girl before you even TALK to her.I wasn’t sure if I was performing this technique properly or not (I learned it from a veryskilled NLP practitioner), but low and behold, the girl started to look my way. I smiled ather, she smiled back, and I took that opportunity to approach the group.(And because I had already gained non-verbal rapport, the approach was easy andnatural.)Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com17

I did your standard group theory approach, saying “Hi” to everyone, befriending the guy(he must have been a male model of some type. He was WAY better looking than me). Iquickly got a read on the group and was able to isolate the blonde.Once we were away from her friends, I began to use my rapport techniques to establishmore connections and strengthen them.When this happened, time literally seemed to fly by!We were talking about everything, and it seemed like we had a great deal in common.She was a few years older than me, but we were both Virgos, born literally one day apart(I’m September 3rd, she was September 4th). We talked about TV shows, about LosAngeles, about her sick mother she was caring for, about her stunted career as an actress,and various other things.As the bar started to close down, I asked if she wanted to join me at my place for a drink,since I didn’t live too far away. I offered to invite her friends as well, but the guy shewas with had disappeared with her other friend, and as luck would have it, she had drivenherself.Because we had such strong rapport, she felt comfortable enough coming over to myplace alone.When we got to my apartment, we both sat on my couch and talked some more. I tookthis opportunity to start more rapport techniques to move into seduction. After about anhour, she asked for a “tour” of the place.So I started showing her around, and of course, the tour ended in the bedroom. We endedup laying on the bed watching a rerun of Conan O’Brian I had on my TIVO, whensuddenly she started getting naked.We huddled under the covers and before long, it was on.The whole thing was easy and natural, from the first meet, all the way into the bedroom.And this girl was a beautiful, blonde, LA actress! For those of you who don’t know whatI look like, imagine a younger version of Tony Soprano with a shaved head, and you’llget the idea. By all rights, the male-model dude she was at the bar with should haveended up going home with her! But it was me.When I asked her about why she decided to take the plunge with me later on, she told me“You are just really cool. I totally felt comfortable with you. You made me feel good.”And that, my friends, is where the real power of Renegade Rapport comes in. It makesthe Seduction Process a NATURAL progression, rather than a forced interaction trying tofit into some type of “mold.”Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com18

Here’s What You’ll Learn From RenegadeRapport The Renegade Rapport Method is the second step in the Self-Mastery System, after TheArt Of Approaching. In it, you will learn: The 4 rules of rapport. Once you understand these simple rules, the entire methodbecomes easy! No super-complicated process to memorize!How you can quickly and easily initiate rapport – even before you startTALKING to the girl!How to establish rapport FAST, to minimize your risk of rejection.How to know if you really have rapport or not, so you’re never wondering whatyour next move should be.How to get rapport with any woman you want.Exactly what to talk about with women to build rapport, so you’re never left withawkward lulls in conversation.How to seamlessly transition into rapport once you’ve approached a woman.How to keep rapport going throughout the encounter, so that you don’t lose her ata critical moment!How to create rapport seamlessly, so you never “get caught” matching andmirroring a woman.How to create rapport without asking a lot of boring “interview type” questions.Instead, you’ll know how to create rapport naturally, and discuss honest-to-godinteresting subjects.How to create intense rapport – even if you’re “shy.”Why it’s just as easy to gain rapport with super-hot women, as it is with “average”women!Why you should never break rapport with a woman you like, and how to keep thatfrom happening.How your environment affects rapport building, and how you can control yourenvironment for maximum effect.How you can keep rapport going with a woman you’ve been with for a long time,so the passion is kept alive.How to use rapport to know what kind of a girl you’re interacting with (this skillalone can save you from major heartache and headache!)How to use rapport to virtually ELIMINATE flaking.How to control yourself to not come off as “needy” or “phony” when talking to awoman.The secrets of using rapport to actually CHANGE a girl’s emotional state so shefeels exactly what you want her to feel!Why you can’t have attraction without rapport, and the biggest mistakes guysmake when trying to generate attraction with women.A step-by-step method of moving the interaction towards seduction once you’rein rapport.Copyright Bizlancer, Inc. - Web: www.renegaderapport.com19

The secrets to non-verbal rapport, and how you can gain rapport with womenb

I’ve been a student of the art and science of seduction since 1998, and have since gone on to some fame in the world of online seduction experts. I have had articles of mine featured in such publications as and Cliff’s List Seduction Newsletter. For a while, I hosted the most popular s