The Day Jesus Cried - Sabbathschoolpersonalministries


sonL es4The Day Jesus CriedJohn 11; The Desire of Ages, pp. 524-536Has someone you loved died? Have you lost afriend or a pet?One day Jesus visited some friends who sharedbad news with Him. What do you think He did then?Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived inBethany, not far from Jerusalem. Thesetwo sisters and their brother were close friendsof Jesus. He often stayed with them when Hewas in Bethany. Theyknew His power,so when Lazarusbecame sick, Maryand Martha sentword to Jesus.But Jesus didnot hurry. He stayedwhere He was fortwo more days.Then He started forBethany. By thetime He got there,Lazarus had beendead for four days.Jesus knewLazarus woulddie. He plannedto raise Lazarusfrom the dead.This would provethat He, Jesus, wasthe Son of God.But Lazarus’ poorsisters didn’t know about Jesus’ plan. All theyknew was that Lazarus had been sick. And theyhad sent for Jesus, and He hadn’t come. When1818Martha heard that Jesus was nearing the village,she went out to meet Him. “If You had beenhere, my brother wouldn’t have died,” she said.But there was still a glimmer of hope in her. “Iknow that even now God will give You whateverYou ask,” she added.“I am the resurrection and the life,” saidJesus. “Whoever lives and believes in Me willnever die. Do you believe this?”“Yes,” said Martha. “I believe that You arethe Christ, the Son of God.” She had new hope inher heart, and she ran and got her sister.“The Teacher is here,” she told Mary. “He isasking for you.”

The MessageGod wants me tocare about others.Memory Verse“Carry each other’sburdens”Mary jumped up and hurried outside thevillage to meet Jesus. When she saw Him, shefell at His feet and cried the same thing Marthahad. “Lord, if You had been here, my brotherwould not have died.”Jesus looked at His two friends who wereheartbroken and crying. His own tender heartwas moved, and Jesus cried too. He sharedMary and Martha’s loss. He felt the sorrow theywere feeling, and He cried with them.We should treat others asJesus did and feel what they arefeeling. Just as Jesus shared Hisfriends’ loss, we are to share oneanother’s joys and sorrows.But Jesus was not only crying because He felt sorry forMary and Martha. He was notcrying because Lazarus haddied, because He knew that hewas going to raise him from thedead soon. Some people thoughtthat’s why Jesus was crying, sothey said, “See how he lovedhim!” But Jesus was cryingbecause of them! Many ofthem would not accept Him asSavior and would eventuallydie without forgiveness of theirsins and the hope of eternal life.It makes Jesus sad when peopledo not choose to trust Him.We should show our carefor others as Jesus did. Weshould tell others how muchJesus loves them and wants togive them the best life. 6:2).people will choose Jesus, and others won’t. Weshould be sad for those who will die withoutchoosing God’s way.1919

S U N D A YS A B B A T HD O Go with your family to a cemeteryor other quiet place outdoors. Readyour lesson story together. Makebelieve that you are near Lazarus’burial place. Imagine that you werethere when Jesus called Lazarus outof the tomb.R E A DDuring family worship, read together John 11:1–44,each family member reading one verse at a time.D O Together, think of people you know who are sad.Choose one and plan how your family can show caring to themthis week. Pray for them today.R E A D Read your memoryS I N G Sing together “Make Me a Servant” (He Is OurSong, no. 126).verse to your family.D O Teach the memory verse to your family.M O N D A YD O Begin an experiment with your family (tobe finished later this week). Put a very ripepiece of fruit in a dark place and leave it therefor four days. On Friday, look at it again.R E A D How long was Lazarus in the grave?Read John 11:17 to find out.D O On a big piece of paper, write your mem-ory verse inside a circle. Make it look like thestone that covered Lazarus’ tomb. Then reador say the memory verse to an adult. Pray forthose who have lost loved ones recently.T U E S D A YD O During family worship, draw a sad or cryingface. Read John 11:35. Talk about the verse withyour family. If Jesus can cry when He is sad, whatdoes this teach you about crying today? Is it allright for grown-ups to cry too? Do you thinkJesus has ever cried for you?D O Say your memory verse together, thenthank Jesus for caring for you.W E D N E S D A YD O With your family, talk about what you can do toRaisingLazarus fromthe dead showed that nothingis stronger than Jesus—not that you really care about each other. Write or drawyour loving action on a card, and make a commitment to dothis before Sabbath. Read together Galatians 6:10. Is thisverse good for families too?D O Read the memory verse in a different way byinserting the names of the members of your family whereit says “each other.” Tell how you will carry someone’sburden

T H U R S D A YR E A D Discuss with your family: What canJesus’ example teach us about carrying otherpeople’s burdens? Read together Matthew 11:28;Psalm 68:19. In your own words, tell what thesetexts mean.D O Name ways you could have lightenedMartha and Mary’s burden had you been there.F R I D A YDOAt the beginning of family worship, look atyour piece of fruit from Monday. What does thefruit look like? Can it be restored? Read John 11:25together. Who alone has the power to restore life?D O Now read together Romans 15:5. Practicewhose burden or troubles you would like to helpcarry.saying words of encouragement as you role playthe following situations: a good friend moves away;a pet dies; being sick; bad grades at school; goodgrades at school; friend gets something new.D O Sing together “Love Is in Your Hand”D O Report on the caring projects started dur-D O Tell your memory verse to someone(He Is Our Song, no. 134). Then pray for Sunday’s family worship. Then pray for eachperson involved.2121

each family member reading one verse at a time. D O Together, think of people you know who are sad. Choose one and plan how your family can show caring to them this week. Pray for them today. S I N G Sing together “Make Me a Servant” ( He Is Our Song, no. 126). D O Teach the memory verse to your family