5 TO 10 YEARS - Gc.cuny.edu



OWNING YOUR OWN RE STAURANTAfter spending several years working in the field, somechefs become interested in starting their own restaurants.Similar to the functions of Executive Chefs and ExecutiveSous Chef, this step requires cooking professionalsto master both sides of the industry – cooking andmanagement. But there are also some activities, such asraising money, forming a business entity, and navigatinghealth and safety regulations that may be new to eventhe most experienced, senior-level cooking professionals.The City University of New York (CUNY) offers severalprofessional certifications, continuing education courses,and small business development centers to help equipfuture and budding restaurant owners with the businessskills and information they need to succeed. Check outthe back page of this brochure to learn more about theseand other CUNY offerings.For more informationIf you would like to request more career maps,please contact:Curtis Dann-MessierAssistant Director for Continuing EducationThe City University of New York718-254-7708curtis.dann-messier@cuny.edu

brooklyn1118Preparation for Adults ThroughTraining and Higher EducationThis information on this career map was derived from online work histories provided toPayscale, Inc. by individuals who worked in the occupations shown in this career map inthe New York City metropolitan area. PayScale, Inc. and Monster Government Solutionsprovided this information to the NYC Labor Market Information Service. This workforcesolution was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment andTraining Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarilyreflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makesno guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect tosuch information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limitedto, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy,continued availability, or ownership.61CUNY CareerPATH12The CUNY CareerPATH Program is an equal opportunity employer/program and auxiliary aidsand services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.STATENISLANDWh at prog rams at CUNY prepare peop l efor th e jobs on th is career map?SIbronxbrooklynqueensmanhattan1Baruch College2Borough of ManhattanCommunity College3The City College4CUNY School of ProfessionalStudies5GuttmAn community college6Hunter College7LaGuardia Community College8queens college9queensborough communitycollege10York College11Brooklyn College12Kingsborough CommunityCollege13Medgar Evers College14New York City College ofTechnology15Bronx Community College16Hostos Community College17Lehman College18College of Staten IslandBusiness /EntrepreneurshipHospitalityManagementNutrition / FoodSciencesBACHelor’s degreeBusiness /EntrepreneurshipHospitalityManagementFood ServiceManagementDietetics / Food /NutritionAssociate degreeCulinary ArtsCulinary Arts*To learn more about professional cooking,culinary arts and related programsavailable within the CUNY system, pleaseclick on the following school links:Food Safety /ProtectionbusinessDietary ManagerculinaryBusiness /Entrepreneurship*Continuing Education/Non-DegreeKEY* Kingsborough offers several Continuing Education Culinary Arts-related programs including specialty cooking courses; an undergraduate culinary artscertificate that awards 12 credits that can be applied to the Associate Degree program in culinary arts; and Kitchen Ventures, an initiative that helps retail andfood entrepreneur hopefuls to build and grow their own businesses.NOTE: This table is accurate for the 2014-2015 academic year. As CUNY continuously updates its degree and certificateofferings throughout the year, please consult each individual school’s website for the most current listings.

* Kingsborough offers several continuing Education culinary arts-related programs including specialty cooking courses; an undergraduate culinary arts certificate that awards 12 credits that can be applied to the associate degree program in culinary arts; and K