HighlightsDEC 2020
WHAT’S NEWCAROLS WITH COMPASSION 2nd Dec at 7:30pm, repeats 6th Dec at8pm and 11th Dec at 6pm.Join a stellar line up for a traditionalChristmas carol service with acontemporary twist, featuring stunningmusical performances, heart-warming carolsinging, and Bible readings from aroundthe world.MERCY SHIPS CAROLS AT HOME 16th Dec at 7:30pm, repeats 18th Dec at6pm and 20th Dec at 8pm.Mercy Ships host an evening of joy, worship andcelebration at this very special carol service.Hear stories from the crew of the Africa Mercywho bring hope and healing to those who needit most.THE COMING KING Wed at 7pm, repeats Thu at 9am andSun at 2:30pm.Discover the transforming power of Jesus inthis special Christmas teaching series. DanWatson, Amy Orr-Ewing, Cathy Madavan,and David Peterson dig deep into Scriptureto share the life-changing hope of theComing King.ADVENT DEVOTIONALS 2020 Daily at 10amBe encouraged by daily messages of hopeas we celebrate this Advent. Some of yourfavourite TBN UK pastors will share shortdevotionals, journeying through Scripturetogether to discover all that Jesus hasprovided for us through His birth, life, death,and glorious resurrection!WHAT’S NEWpage 2
A MESSAGE FROM RICHARD FLEMINGDear TBN UK FamilyI started this year on our weeklyPartner Time programme by lookingat God’s vision, His destiny, Hisplans, and His purposes for our lives,communicated in Ephesians 2:10. Asthe year developed and we facedthe challenges of the coronavirus,this same verse became an exampleof God’s providential care for us,His divine foresight, His divineprecaution, and His divine provision.God has been with us all along – Heis not fazed by Covid-19.Opportunity is aboundingeverywhere. The Christian communityis rising up in prayer, ministers aresending out messages of hope,and people are coming to Christiantelevision because they are sick ofthe fear being propagated every fiveminutes on many other channels.There’s a growing understandingthat God has ordained this time andseason for TBN UK to be multipliedand lifted up in the midst of thisglobal pandemic. Partners, yourdonations are a significant part ofthat for which we honour you. Wegive praise and thanks to God foreach one of you, for your financialpartnership, and for your prayers forTBN UK. We give praise and thanksto God for the significant reductionin our airtime costs in 2020 throughchanging Freeview providers, forresourcing over eight million minutesof our online live stream watchedso far, and for propelling TBN UKinto a higher level of programming–connecting us with more UKministries and sponsors.It’s amazing to me how the HolySpirit knits us together in the visionand purpose He has ordained forthe proclamation of the good newsregarding salvation and discipleshipon terrestrial and satellite TV to theUnited Kingdom.From all of us here at TBN UK, wewish you and your loved ones a veryhappy Christmas,Richard and the TBN UK Team65582watch.tbnuk.tv
The Coming KingThis Christmas may be looking very different for people this year. However, wehave a wonderful hope as Christians that there is one God, Jesus, Who remains thesame yesterday, today, and forever.Christmas simply would not exist as we know it without Jesus. He came to theearth over two thousand years ago in all humility, wrapped in swathing bands andlaid in a manger, to grow, mature, and become the most influential human beingwho ever walked this planet.But Jesus is not just a great man and a profound teacher. He is the Son of God,born to free us from sin and make us children of God, our Father in heaven. AfterHis death on the cross, Jesus broke the chains of sin and death, rose victoriousfrom the grave, and ascended to the right hand of God the Father.It is foretold in biblical prophecies that He will come back to earth on the clouds,to call up together all who believe in Him. So, you see, we certainly do havesomething to celebrate this Christmas season — whatever our circumstances.T - Thank you Lord, for Christmas timeH - Heaven celebrates, bells chimeE - Emmanuel, God with usC - Candles for the Light of the WorldO - Offering a lamb, shepherds unfurledM - Magi travelled night and dayI - In a manger, King in the hayN - Not a prophecy was ever missedG - Glowing bright that star night kissedK - Know we can lay down our strifeI - In Jesus’ death and resurrection, we find lifeN - Neighbours far and wide must hearG - Get ready, Jesus’ return is nearFor more TBN UK blogs visit:blog.tbnuk.org
BehindTheScenesIt’s December already! As always,we’ve been having plenty of fun inthe London Studios, this time for ourChristmas specials. Let’s take a lookat the challenges our intervieweestook on.Watch these TBN UK Christmasprogrammes each Thu at 7:30pm,repeating Fri at 2:30pm and Sat at 10pm!Faith Child takes on agingerbread house challenge.C h e c k out h ow D ani e l a nd Ta nya C h a nd di d w i thth e i r g i ng e r bre a d h ous e . I t l ook s pre tty g ood!Celia Apeagyei begins herfestive decorating.To m S m i t h a n d M i k e P i l a v a c h i t a k e o n t h e p l a y d o u g hnativity challenge, along with members of the TBN UK team!page 5BEHIND THE SCENES
You Can Pray WithConfidence and Authority!Many people have questions about prayer: Is it myChristian duty? Are God’s answers to my prayersbased on my humility and sincerity? Is answeredprayer a sovereign decision of God or do I havethe ability to influence Him? In A Better Wayto Pray, Pastor Andrew Wommack shares someimportant truths about prayer, and shows how youcan come boldly to God and expect answers to allyou are asking.RECEIVE YOUR COPY WITH OUR THANKSFOR YOUR PARTNERSHIP THIS MONTH.TESTIMONIESThe music and worship are amazing. I believethe Lord speaks to our hearts through music andsong. You are meeting the needs of everyone,whether young or old, in all the teaching, variety ofprogrammes and worship. I love the surprises thatI find when I can switch on and so look forward towhat you will have on leading up to Christmas.— Sally, TBN UK viewer
During thisChristmas seasonthank you foryour prayerand financialpartnership.For many individuals and families, TBN UK is the only connection they’llhave to the One whose birth we celebrate this Yuletide season. Yourcommitment to this broadcast outreach is the reason we can providelife-giving programming to untold millions of hearts and homes during thisseason and throughout the year. Thank you for standing with TBN UK.You can contact us at: ONLINEPHONEMAILTEXTtbnuk.org0208 208 5680226 Church Road,TBNUK to 70004 toinfo@tbnuk.org(Donations)Willesden, London,make a 5 gift,0208 208 5688NW10 9NRTBNUK 10 to(Prayer)70004to make a 10 gift
NE 44 (0) 208 208 5680ADDRESSTBN London Studios226 Church Road, WillesdenLondon, NW10 9NRUnited Kingdom 2020 Trinity Broadcasting Network. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of TBN.
For many individuals and families, TBN UK is the only connection they’ll have to the One whose birth we celebrate this Yuletide season. Your commitment to this broadcast outreach is the reason we can provide life-giving programming to untold millions of hearts and homes during this season